Passage of the quest "From Under the Ground" (Dragonborn). Dragonborn walkthrough - Skyrim side quests walkthrough excavation

So, in the last video of the fifth chapter of the passage, I helped the paladin Dans in Arkjet, and the level of the Persian was 23rd. Now level 36. What happened during this time?

  1. Exercise " Expansion - Starlight restaurant»
    It's simple - built a small settlement in the Starlight location. Preston Garvey is delighted and continues to give directions. I don't understand - who is the general here?
  2. Exercise " Kitty Kitty Kitty»
    For the life of me, I don't know where this cat came from. I think the quest was activated after killing Red Tourette in the federal food warehouse (see chapter V). I gave the animal to the girl Erin in Vault 81.
  3. Exercise " old guns»
    Returned to the Castle and spoke to veteran Minuteman Ronnie Shaw. Granny led her through the catacombs to the entrance to the Arsenal. The hardest part is the security robot Sergeant. But! A little trick. I have a special perk in the intelligence line, with which you can hack and deactivate / destroy robots. While the robot was “starting up”, I quickly ran up to it, hacked it and launched the self-destruct program (if you choose deactivation, then Ronnie Shaw will be dumb and will not open the next door). Total profit: experience points, access to the arsenal of the Castle (there really are a lot of weapons), the ability to build artillery in settlements, and even an achievement.
  4. Exercise " The last flight of the Constitution»
    This is a fairly long quest in which you had to side with the Scavengers (they want to rob the ship) or the side of the crazy robots (they want to go sailing). Obviously, in this case scavengers = evil. In addition, as a reward, they promise to share the swag from the ship. And I didn’t notice anything particularly valuable for myself in the hold. In a pinch, it would be easier to steal. By the way, he took the spare part for the ship from the scavengers without a fight. He told them that he agreed to throw the robots, for which the gullible scavengers gave the part away just like that. Total: cut-scene (didn't expect the ship to crash into a skyscraper) + a unique cannon that shoots cannonballs.
  5. Exercise " Abernathy Farm. wild ghouls»
    Suddenly. I already cleared the supermarket from ghouls, but for Abernathy I had to do it again. Respawning enemies (and items too) in some locations is frustrating.
  6. Exercise " valentines day»
    And here it is out of the ordinary. I was going to carry out the mission "Road to Freedom" (search for the Underground faction) and then came to the Park Street station. Here the puzzle must be solved - like go further along the path of freedom. Of course there is no marker. Ahead is a pond with a Swan (a giant super mutant), on the right is the entrance to the station. The swan specifically interfered, I had to get rid of it (a hidden shot followed by plasma mines and grenades). It's still not clear what's next. Went down to the subway. There are gangsta ghouls. I’m not sure that I’m on the “path to freedom”, but still I’m slowly starting to chop dudes with machine guns. And suddenly a familiar gate. Vault 114! It was unexpected. The second surprise - in the Overseer's room I found Nick Valentine (kidnapped by gangsters). The third surprise - he is a synth! Gee. Total: experience points, little things, costumes for the inhabitants of shelter 114 and a bunch of boxes of brand new Abraxo.
    There was a question. How does a synth live and work in a city where synths are hated and feared?
  7. Exercise " Nordhagen Beach kidnapping»
    This is a Minuteman assignment. The Commonwealth is in danger, the settlement of Nordhagen Beach needs help. On the spot, it turned out that the raiders stole his wife from her husband and demanded a ransom of 400 caps. Where do these poor fellows get that kind of money? All they have is a small garden where only a pumpkin grows, two mattresses, a small table and two bottles of vodka on it. Lord Raiders, what did you think? Okay, man, I'm going to save your wife while you water the pumpkin. Total: the gang of robbers was eliminated, the woman was saved, you can use the workshop in Nordhagen Beach. I put them a turret and a radio. In the evenings they will drink vodka to music in safety.
  8. Exercise " beer bubbling»
    The Protectron was converted into a drinking buddy robot (found in the basement of some bar with raiders). You can keep it or give it to a certain Rufus at the Rexford Hotel. Chose the second option. Received experience points and money. You can also talk to the Drinking Buddy in Rexford if you wish.
  9. Exercise " Excavations»
    Another long quest. The whole thing takes place in the settlement "Good Neighbor". Ghoul Bobby proposes to rob the Diamond City vault. Okay, let's try. First, I freed our accomplice Mel from prison (convinced the guard), then a hike through the sewers (many swamps, including the legendary king of swamps, as well as ghouls in stock) and finally we are in place. There are two main bugs that everyone has. First, Mal's robot doesn't fly up to the last wall. Try to talk to Mel and re-send the robot to the wall. Second: the three of us are standing over the place for undermining, but nothing happens. You need to look at Bobby while she is talking to Mel, and then the dialogue will appear.
    Okay, we've been at this for a long time. Explode. Yes, stop. This is not a Diamond City vault, but a warehouse of Hancock, the mayor of Goodneighbor. Bobby what's up? Fahrenheit (Hancock's bodyguard) with a menacingly large minigun advises to turn around, as a reward we will stay alive. Here you can convince Bobby to turn back, leave her or help her cope with Fahrenheit. I went for the third option and killed the guards. Total: a unique minigun Ashbringer from a Fahrenheit corpse, 250 caps, experience points and an angry Hancock.
  10. Exercise " House of memories»
    Light experience points. In Good Neighborhood, I visited Irma's House of Remembrance. Climbed into the capsule, had a dream. Made.
  11. Exercise " Revelation»
    A plot quest in which the story of the protagonist continues. Rescued from captivity, Synth detective Valentine suggested who might be involved in the murder of his wife and the kidnapping of Sean. This is the mercenary Kellogg. Surprisingly, his house is right there in Diamond City, although I had never noticed it before (behind the school). We open the lock and .. no one. The button under the table opens the secret room. Here I inspect the mercenary's favorite cigars and send the dog on the trail.
    Quite a long way and here we are. Kellogg is hiding in a place called Fort Hagen (east side of the map). The old fort is guarded by synths, plus the most modern turrets and energy traps are installed everywhere. I won’t say that it was easy, but it’s even easier to deal with synths now than with swamps. Synths are much more vulnerable, they don't run after you like crazy, they don't kill you in one or two hits.
    But Kellogg was completely disappointed. I went to his room, where he is hiding with two synths. It is clear that the battle is unavoidable. After a short conversation (he is allegedly a puppet and does not decide anything. Hired by the Institute to kidnap Sean), Kellogg goes into invisibility. I was so scared that I shot myself with everything that was, ate steaks from the claw of death, the uterus of swamps, bit the ribs of the yao-gai and washed it down with some water. As a result, the synths could not damage me at all, and Kellogg was able to remove a quarter of my health at most, but at the same time I recovered very quickly. The mercenary had no chance, he was beaten to death with a hammer.
  12. Exercise " Shadow of Steel»
    I leave the fort, and here is an epic picture. A giant airship flies by, accompanied by rotorcraft. At first I thought that it was the Institute that sent a whole army of synths with aviation to my soul, but no. This is the Brotherhood of Steel. They came to force peace. My task: to talk with the paladin Dans, then we sit down in the rotorcraft and fly through the destroyed Boston to the Prydwen (the airship of the Brotherhood of Steel). Everything is very well done, just a whole movie.
  13. Exercise " Business trip»
    I study Pridwen, I talk with the main persons of the Brotherhood. And for this they also give experience points. All this is certainly great, but on the other hand it is somewhat strange. Why am I so important to the brotherhood that Elder Maxson himself wants to speak to me right away? Well, yes, of course, I am the general of the Minutemen and I hold almost all the northern territories. I open the door of the mayor of Diamond City with my foot. Their stores, their supply lines. In short, a serious bigwig. Only all this is not mentioned in conversations.
  14. Exercise " Without mercy»
    Elder Maxson gives the first instruction: to clear Fort Strong from super mutants (by the way, I already cleared it, and on the way to the fort I found the X-01 power armor almost completely assembled). The second run turned out to be quite simple. First, shoot all super mutants from the air on a rotorcraft, and paladin Dans will help to clean up the premises of the base.
And a few screenshots with armor at the moment. Although legendary enemies are very common, really good items are extremely rare.

The Fallout 4 quest "Digging" begins in Goodneighbor. This is a small settlement in the center of Boston, on the streets of which you can meet a population of different categories: bandits, ghouls, vagrants, drug addicts and criminals. Therefore, visiting this place is quite dangerous. Nevertheless, there is a lot of work here, even if almost all of it is of a criminal nature.

Meeting with Bobby

So, for example, if you move to the end of a narrow alley behind the weapon shop of the sociopathic robot KL-E-0, you can meet the house of Noseless Bobby, an entrepreneur and an old acquaintance of Mayor Hancock.

Bobby will talk about a cache located directly under Diamond City. She could have done it herself, but her workers stopped digging as soon as they met the swamps that live there everywhere. To start the Fallout 4 Excavation quest, you need to offer her your help.

In return, Bobby will offer 50 caps in advance, and with a high level of charm, you can get twice as much plus additional information. In any case, she will open the door, and then take the hero to a place where you will have to kill several swamps. Only there will still be no one to dig, so a specialist in this field will be needed. And Bobby knows who he could be.

Meeting with Mel

Mel is a local roboticist and the creator of a unique "robo-eye" nicknamed "Sonya". Just what you need in order to get to the vault in the Fallout 4 "Dig" mission. The problem is Mel is in jail for trying to reprogram a bartender in Diamond City to give out free beer. Bobby will offer to meet at the local market to discuss the details of the operation.

Noseless believes that it will be easy to pull out a partner. To do this, you need to go into the room, and if you have enough charisma, you can bribe the guard. Another option is to activate the broken Protectron by hacking its terminal. The robot will start attacking the guards and give Mel time to free. Now it remains to recruit him. Although this won't be a problem.

Sonya, go!

Robot "Sonya" is capable of destroying almost any obstacles with a powerful impulse. In this case, these are the walls at the excavation site. The main thing is to point out to her the most fragile of them. So, everything goes smoothly: "Sonya" paves the way, the hero with Bobby clears the territory and hacks simple terminals, and Mel, apparently, must monitor the technical condition of his device. Fallout 4's Excavation mission is in full swing.

Mel eventually begins to suspect that Bobby is hiding something. He's pretty sure they're not under Diamond City. But Bobby insists on his own - they are where they should be, under the vault. And to penetrate it, it remains only to destroy the ceiling. "Sonya" creates the last impulse, and it fills up with debris. Climb up and go into the vault.

Hard choice

Once upon a time, Noseless Bobby had a close relationship with the mayor of Goodneighbor. Therefore, she knew very well about his hiding place. This is where she came to. Bobby will say that there is no difference and that there is also something to profit from here. And indeed it is. The only problem is a woman named Fahrenheit. She also resides in Goodneighbor and is Hancock's first second in command and bodyguard.

The mercenary is dressed in metal armor, and in her hands she holds the minigun "Incinerator" - a multi-barreled heavy machine gun of the 5th caliber, causing, in addition to huge ballistic damage, 15 points of fire damage. All in all, a real killing machine. In addition, two flamethrowers in protective suits cover her.

This is the most difficult place in the Fallout 4 mission "Digging", the passage of which will force the hero to take one side or another. The good news is that Fahrenheit can be dealt with by betraying Bobby and leaving the vault the same way. Otherwise, you will have to enter into a tough fight, which is likely to be unequal.

And again the choice

True, the victory over Fahrenheit in the mission of the game Fallout 4 "Excavations" will not go unnoticed. The mayor will still find out about what happened, even praise for the excellent operation, but demand retribution. All you need to do is kill Bobby and pay a small compensation with caps.

Bobby, of course, is not a strong opponent, but if you don’t touch her, he will allow you to take all your things. The mayor, on the other hand, can lie that Bobby is finished, and he will believe, he won’t even take the caps. He will say that he is tired of power and will ask for a partner. For a hero who is used to solving problems with tough methods, he will become the most understanding companion.

Fallout 4 mods

It is worth noting that the mission is quite difficult. Therefore, to simplify the passage of the game, you can use some mods. For example, the Disarm mod in VATS mode adds a new target - a weapon hand. Now, when shooting there, there is a chance to knock out the weapon from the enemy. True, he can immediately rearm. If, of course, there will be something.

You can also add a set to the game that includes about two dozen grenades and various types. By downloading useful add-ons for the Fallout 4 game (mods), you can not only simplify its passage, but also make it more interesting and beautiful.

Where to get the quest - Kolbjorn Barrow, talk to Ralis and sponsor him with 1000 Septims.
Condition - it is advisable to take it immediately upon arrival to Solstheim and go to complete other quests looking into the cities. Well, at least sometimes...
Reward: Ahzidal's Armor, Thread and Filigree Black Book, Ahzidal's Mask, Ralis' Companion.

If you are only interested in finding Azidal's things, go to the bottom of the article.
Let's start with the main thing: how to find this mound Kolbjorn? Exit Solstheim to the south and look to the left. See the rise in the rocks? Here we go. Climb up and talk to the Dunmer. He talks about his difficult fate as a black archaeologist. He invites you to become a partner in the excavation of Kolbjorn Mound and asks for 1000 gold to hire miners from Raven Rock. We give him money and go about our business ...
After a short time, the messenger will give you a message from Ralis (the messenger will be able to find you in Skyrim, the main thing is to visit the settlements). He asks you to arrive quickly, as there are difficulties. We rush there at a trot and find out that the miners raised the draugrs and now they themselves fell asleep in eternal sleep. We proceed to the tomb and kill the draugr. Let's go back to Ralis and give him another 2000 (you need to hire new miners!). Again we are engaged in all sorts of garbage, such as shooting dragons, visiting Hermaeus Mora and saving everyone and everything.
Again we are caught by a messenger and again Ralis has some kind of misfortune... We come and again bring the Light of Meridia to these walking corpses. This time it is necessary not only to kill them, but also to learn about the fate of the miners. Although what is the fate ... Their corpses must be found. Nothing complicated, go along the markers, kill the draugrs and pull the chains - the handles. We tell Ralis about this and give him another 3000 septims.
We are waiting for the messenger... All the same draugrs, we deal with them and give Ralis another 5,000 Septims to hire guards.
We receive the last letter from Ralis and go to the mound. This Dunmer is not there, but there are his diaries. You can read all of them, but we only need volume 23. Ralis is clearly out of his mind and we'll have to find him. The devil knows what to expect from these psychos...

In the hall with scaffolding, we learn the cry "Cyclone". We go along the already beaten path and after the iron door with the stairs we turn left. As soon as you enter the room, the door will close behind you, so do not count on companions much. There are a couple of draugrs in the room and columns with images of animals. The combination Eagle-Eagle opens the door closed behind us and the grate on the floor, and Kit-Kit will open the gate to the pedestal with Ahzidal's armor.
We get down, we interrupt the draugrs and on the right we see a door with columns. We put the Snake-Snake combination, pull the chain and take away the Vision Helm of Ahzidal (opposite the door to the helmet there are deposits of stalhrim).
We go further, open the door and see how Ralis is trying to awaken Azidal. Surprisingly, this idiot succeeded...

Ahzidal uses the fire spells of the School of Destruction and does not hesitate to cast amulets, so knocking him down is not an easy task.

We kill Azidal, take away the mask from him and speak with the awakened Ralis. You can leave him alive and then you will have an extra companion, or you can bang him.

As a matter of fact, this is already the end of the quest, but not the end of adventures in this tomb!
In the hall where you "communicated" with Ahzidal, you can find a passage in one of the sarcophagi. Go there, along the way there will be two chests and the Black Book "Thread and Filigree". Upon returning from Apocrypha, simply find the lever, and the passage to the main hall will open for you.
Now, as promised, the search for Azidal's things. I'm embarrassed to say, but I didn't manage to get the ring of Ahzidal's secrets... From the room with Ahzidal's armor, just go forward until you exit into the hall with the plates on the floor. The door will be on the left.

Let's talk about the rest in more detail:

Where can I find Ahzidal's Water Walking Boots?
Bridge in the hall with the Wall of Words, standing right on the bridge.

Where can I find Ahzidal's armor?
In a room with a grate on the floor, on the columns, set the Kit-Kit combination and pull the lever.

Where can I find Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy?

Pass the bridge in the hall with the Wall of Words and immediately to the right until you hit the wall. On the right below there will be a handle that will open the passage to the ring

Where can I find Ahzidal's helmet?
The crypt in front of the hall where you fought Ahzidal. Snake-Snake Column Combination

If someone has not been in the game yet, or has not followed the news, then you probably do not know that the world is much larger than the game world, respectively, additional tasks, interesting locations, secrets, etc. - a lot more!

Naturally, not all tasks can be completed easily and quickly. Some require you to show "ingenuity", and some skill with weapons. That is why in a couple there are problems with the passage. Sometimes there are bugs, sometimes you meet too strong an opponent, and sometimes you don’t know what to do and where to go at all!

Our walkthrough of the additional tasks of the game is based on personal experience, so we will try to tell you about all the available rewards, about every secret and nuance of the task. Therefore, with us you will find the most detailed walkthrough of the game, which not only will not let you down, but will help you complete the game 100%!

Passage of tasks of the Wasteland

Express delivery

The task is taken in a settlement called "Bunker Hill" from a certain Edward (it is also possible that the task is taken in other places where Edward also finds you). Edward is a sentient ghoul and it is he who will offer you this job. Of course, you are not familiar with this strange ghoul, but for that he has already heard quite a lot about you. Since he is only looking for strong guys, the task will not be easy and you may have to fight with someone. By the way, the reward can be demanded even before he offers the job itself, and says what the job is (you show some kind of professionalism, supposedly don’t care what business, the main thing is money). And you can claim a reward only if you have pumped eloquence. In any case, Edward will say that you will work for him, but nevertheless, for a start, his Boss, Jack Cabot, must look at you and evaluate you. In the end, Edward gives you a tip on where to go to get this job. The Cabot House is located in the Beacon Hill area. After talking with Edward, you will receive the main task and a subtask to it: the main task is , the subtask is .

When you get to the indicated house, go to the intercom and activate it. When you have a frame with the answer, choose the replica: "Jack Cabot." After that, you can go inside. Inside you will meet Edward again, and he will tell you to follow him - follow his orders. Soon you get acquainted with Jack himself, who is either a scientist or a historian - it is not clear. In any case, soon in the process of talking with him, you get a subtask: . Although all the dialogue with Jack is a little strange - this is also part of the task. So, to the north of the city, Jack has a complex and somewhere along the way to it, a very important cargo disappeared, which you have to find. The best place to start your search is near the psychiatric hospital called Parsons. Edward claims that this is their building, so you don't have to be intimidated by this place. They think that their courier is completely attacked, because when he left the hospital, the guards heard some shots, but it is not yet known exactly what happened. By the way, in the hospital, talk to Maria - the head of the security of the psychiatric hospital. Your new subtask: . Go to a mental hospital.

Once you get to the psychiatric hospital, talk to Maria at the entrance. Tell her that Edward Deegan sent you to her about a missing shipment. Maria will acquaint you with very valuable information. It turns out that she apparently knows who killed Ben (courier). The killers fled to the Parsons oil mill north of the mental hospital. So you get a subtask: . In addition, Maria will tell you that they are probably raiders, only it's strange that they still roam the area. In any case, head to the oil mill. In the backyard of the mental hospital, you will run into mercenaries, so be prepared for a fight.

As soon as you kill all the raiders at the Parsons oil mill and pick up some kind of "Mysterious Serum", you will have a new subtask: . Now you can go back to your employer, because the serum is the package. Upon arrival, you will hear Jack arguing with his mother about his sister. Edward will quietly ask you if you found what you were told. If you have a high level of eloquence, then when it comes to the serum, you can lie and say that they did not find anything or it is no longer there. But keep in mind that if you do not return the serum, you will not receive a bonus, although it is not that big - 50 caps + 100 caps for the task.

Emogene and her lover

The task is taken immediately after the end of the task: "Urgent Delivery". All with the same Edward. And how exactly the previous task is taken, you can see above. In any case, your first subtask for this quest is: . Follow Edward. During the conversation, you will be introduced to Emogene - Jack's sister, although not personally. In general, from time to time a girl runs away from home with another lover, and then Edward instructs someone to return the girl back to the "family nest".

So, according to the assignment: Edward knows where the girl spends most of her time, this place will be the town of Good Neighbor, or rather the Third Rail jazz club, which is located there. So you get the main subtask and the additional one: main - , additional - . In addition, if the girl does not want to go home, then it will not be possible to hit her on the head, so you will have to somehow agree with her, keep this in mind.

Travel to Goodneighbor. Find the "Third Rail" and go inside. In the bar, you need to talk to Magnolia, because only she knows anything about Emogene. If you caught Magnolia singing, then you have to wait. By the way, it will be possible to get information from her only thanks to pumped eloquence and otherwise nothing at all (or watch our walkthrough and find out the location of the girl). There will be three replicas, and the success of each will depend only on eloquence.

In any case, Magnolia will tell you that a preacher always came to their bar. Of course, no one listened to him, but he managed to hook Emogene with something. Magnolia thinks it's all about his looks. At some point, the singer will call a certain Ham whom she will ask where Brother Thomas (the same preacher) went. From Hank, you learn that the preacher lives in "Back Bay", where, in general, he called people for some kind of "salvation". During the conversation, Hank will also give you a leaflet of the Pillars of Community, which was handed out by the preacher in this bar.

The desired location is located northwest of Goodneighbor. By the way, this is near the HalluciGen Corporation. The right place will be the theater "Charles View". Upon arrival, you will stumble upon missionaries, but you should not immediately rush at them, first talk to Brother Thomas. It will not be so easy with this guy, because he will say that Emogene is not well now and therefore she does not accept anyone, but all this is somehow strange, since it all looks more like a captivity. You have a choice as there are two threatening lines: "Intimidate" and "Family Friend". And one replica with a bribe: "Offer 500 caps."

But keep in mind that any replica requires pumped eloquence, but you can also go on the warpath, killing all the missionaries. Choose only for you. If you managed to solve everything peacefully - follow Thomas, if you decided everything by shooting - search the corpse of Thomas and free the girl yourself.

As soon as you enter the room, you will see a gray-haired girl - this is Emogene. It turns out that the serum that the raiders stole slows down aging. The girl started taking it at 32, so this is the secret of the serum and everything connected with it (you can extract this from your employers too, but only if you have eloquence pumped). In any case, upon finding Emogene, the subtask is updated to: . Go back to Edward at the Cabot house. Upon arriving back at the house, you will hear Jack screaming on the radio.

You learn from Jack that Edward is trapped. The old Parsons Psychiatric Hospital (which you have already been to) was attacked by raiders. And this is strange, because earlier the guards not only easily repulsed the attacks of the raiders, but there was no such activity from the enemy yet. In any case, say that you found Emogene and the task will be completed + you will receive caps and experience. In addition, this is how your new task begins: .

The Cabot House Mystery

You get the task after you complete the task:. Upon arriving back at the Cabot home, you learn that the Cabot research base has been attacked. The research base is still the same psychiatric hospital. So you get the task:. Your first subtask: .

By the way, in the process of discussing the task and the problems that arose at that moment, you can convince Jack to talk about the serum. He will tell you that the essence of the serum is that it slows down the aging process. Jack and his family have lived for over 400 years thanks to this vaccine! But this serum also has a side effect. The bottom line is that if the serum is not diluted (and the raiders, apparently, did not), it increases protection and strength, and many times over.

The source of the serum is Jack's father, Lorenzo. And it's all about his blood, which changed when Lorenzo long ago found an unknown artifact in excavations that were carried out in Arabia. While the artifact is with him, he becomes more and more insane. At one fine moment, it was time to lock him up in a cell in a psychiatric hospital. After the conversation, you can go to Parsons.

Advice: Before you go to Parsons Psychiatric Hospital, I recommend that you prepare well. For example, throw off or sell things. Buy a few anti-radians and other medicines. In addition, it is also better to prepare your companion for battle (unless, of course, it is a dog). Difficulties may arise in the future, so it is better to prepare.

Find Jack near the hospital. This will give you a new subtask: . Enter the former mental hospital. Inside, you will soon encounter raiders, and the further path to the office will have to be cleared. On the second floor, you will meet a legendary raider, having shot him, a mutation will begin (health will be restored). But he shouldn't be in trouble. If, nevertheless, they appear, then take a powerful weapon, run up to it and shoot at close range, and preferably in the head (don't forget about the "V.A.T.S." mode).

In the end, you will get to the right office. There you stumble upon an injured Edward, who will tell you that the raiders managed to get inside. In the office, you can learn something else about this whole situation. From Jack, you can learn that Lorenzo not only can live long and has a lot of damage with a lot of protection, but because of the artifact, he can move a distance, so he needs to be stopped. So you get a new subtask: . Follow Jack further. As usual, you can get to the doors only with a fight.

As soon as you get to the new room, continue to follow Jack and destroy all the enemies along the way. There will be a lot of raiders. Soon you will reach the service elevator, where you will go down even lower. When you find yourself in the laboratory, you will stumble upon raiders who want to disable the field in order to free Lorenzo. Jack asks you to stop them as soon as possible. So you get a subtask: .

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that there will be a Lefty inside. This is something like a Boss and he will be extremely dangerous. But first of all, you need to kill ordinary enemies, and here you will need a boffout for a quick sweep, if, of course, you have difficulties. Against Lefty, it is better to take some powerful melee weapon. It can be either some kind of shotgun, or some kind of powerful bat or sword. You can also lure Lefty into the tunnel through which you got to the center, and shoot everyone there, just moving back along the way. Once you kill the raiders, you will have a sub-task: "Kill or free Lorenzo Cabot."

If you release him, then Jack will run home and you will get a subtask: . Lorenzo, returning home, will punish everyone for decades of imprisonment, and after that, he will try to punish you as well.

If you decide to kill him, then you will need to pull a couple of levers in this room. After Lorenzo dies, you have a subtask: . As a reward, you will receive over 500 caps. After talking with Jack, the task will be completed. In addition, Jack will finally say that now he can safely study the artifact, so he asks you to visit him in a week.

restless waters

The task is taken in a place called Greygarden. Find Manager White there and talk to her. During the conversation, she will at some point start a conversation about water. And soon ask you to help her in one matter. They get most of their water from the old station, which is located in Weston (south of Greygarden), but now there is a problem with the water - it is spoiled. White asks you to visit this place and deal with the problems of the refinery. So you get this task and immediately the first subtask:.

Your destination: Weston Water Treatment Plant. By the way, do not rush to go to the treatment plant, because well-armed super mutants are waiting for you there, who will not only have a few hundred lead on you, but also a couple more rocket charges. If you are too weak, poorly armed, or just not very well pumped, then it is better to level up first and only after that go to clear and understand the problem of the treatment plant.

Advice: Keep in mind that super mutants can not only sit still and shoot at you from a secluded corner of the station, but also come running to cripple you in hand-to-hand combat, which is even worse. So stay alert and keep moving!

By the way, you can also try to remove enemies using stealth, but this can only be done if your stealth is well pumped, because otherwise you won’t be able to get close and take the enemies by surprise. And in general, for starters, it’s better to remove the super mutant with a rocket launcher, because, well, it’s very “painful” that he will shoot at you.

As soon as you manage to clear the outer part of the station, carefully inspect and search everything. There are a lot of useful things that will come in handy more than once in the future. In any case, head inside this station.

Inside it is better to sit down immediately (or in advance). Crawl quietly inspect the premises, find enemies and, in the end, get to know this place. Inside you need to find the elevator and go down on it.

First panel

At the lower level, you are immediately met by a turret, which can only be cut down with the help of a terminal on the roof, or by breaking it. Two more turrets are in the room on the ---- right side (above and to the right). In any case, going forward, you get a new subtask: . It turns out that the water has become disgusting because the treatment plant was flooded with waste, so you have to get rid of this waste. Go to the panel on the left and pull the lever ("Pump Control"). Some of the waste after that will be lowered, but that's not all, so go to the next lever.

Second panel

So, the station is not completely drained yet, so you have to get to the second panel. On the stairs, go to the doors on the left side and kill two swamps along the way. Immediately near the second panel, a swamp will attack you and there will be a turret on top (keep in mind). Once you've dealt with the enemies, pull the lever. Another part of the waste will be lowered, so let's move on.

Third panel

After you drain another part of the room with the second panel, you will have to get to the third panel. Moreover, swamps will again come out of the drained places. Getting to the third point is not difficult, and it will be immediately in your mind, so you can immediately understand where exactly you need to move. After killing a couple of swamps and reaching the lever - pull it.

Fourth panel

When the third descent occurs, I recommend hiding somewhere, because it turns out that there are turrets on the drained walls, and two of them, and they will immediately start firing at you. After destroying the turrets, go into the room ahead (it glows inside). Boggers will pop up unexpectedly along the way, so be prepared for such surprises.

By pulling the fourth lever, you finally get a new subtask: . Now the room is completely drained, so go to the main pump. It's good that the pump is nearby. There, too, you just need to pull the lever. By pulling, you get a new subtask: . By the way, a room will be available nearby, inside of which there will be an elevator, thanks to which you can quickly get out into the fresh air. In general, it's time to go back to White. As a reward, you will receive a bunch of vegetables, fruits and 100 caps.

pull out the cork

You can pick up this quest near a place called Tiket Quarry. On the territory of this place, near the trailers, you can find a normal man (meaning not hostile and not a bastard). So, the name of a bearded man in a hat with earflaps is Sally Mathis and he asks you to help him in one matter. At the first conversation, you can try to ask him for money by clicking on the yellow replica: "Ask for money." In this case, he will tell you that he was going to give you 75 caps for your help, although after he says this, you can choose the line: "More money." But also pay attention to the fact that the replica has slightly changed color - it has darkened. This means that the complexity of the conversation has increased, so here you are already lucky.

In general, the essence of his problem lies in the pump - it does not work. Although the pump at this station is not new for a long time, it should still start. It just seems that the connection is "leaky" somewhere. Sally wants you to patch up this place. So you get the task and the first subtask: main task - , subtask - . But not everything is so simple, because you learn about the difficulties in the task only after the words: “The leak must be under water. Look for air bubbles."

So, firstly, finding bubbles is not a problem. If you stand on some hill near the quarry, you can immediately notice absolutely all the bubbles. Secondly, you have to dive into the water, and this is dangerous because of the radiation.

First valve

First of all, save, but unless, of course, you have a perk that allows you to be in the water without problems (meaning not to receive radiation, or the radiation is reduced). If pumped - there will be no difficulties. Going down into the water will give you a maximum of +4 RAD. And if everything goes well, then you have repaired one of the three pipes (in the water you just need to turn the valve).

Second valve

You can find the second valve opposite the first - in the corner. This time you will go down, you won't have to go so deep. And one more thing - if you are afraid of radiation, or got too much radiation during the first swim - get out on the ground. Heal and dive back (or better go to the key place and just jump into the water).

Third gate

This valve is already opposite the second - just in the corner. The stairs will be your guide. And anyway, if you just look at this radioactive pool, you will undoubtedly be able to notice all the places where there are bubbles.

In any case, in the end, you will be able to patch up those damn pipes. After a cheeky fix, your subtask is updated to: . Go back to the bearded man and report to him about everything. The conversation will be short. You have a new subtask: . Sally asks you to press the button on the pump. The pump is nearby, respectively, the button too. After starting, the subtask changes back to: .

And now, attention! After launching, you will suddenly be attacked by soft-shelled bogs (all because of the noise that the pump makes). The enemies are very serious, so if you are not too well prepared, then I do not recommend pressing the button. In combat, try to shoot monsters in the head, not in the shell. To do this, they need to face you. The same goes for the "V.A.T.S." mode, since shooting at the shell is simply useless, try to shoot at the torso or head. After the battle, you just have to talk with Sally and get your reward for the work done.

Your order is accepted

The task is taken in Trudy's diner (the location is called "Drumlin's Diner"). When you get to this place, at the entrance you will meet the huckster Wolfgang and his girlfriend. After talking with him, it turns out that Trudy owes a lot of money for the drugs that he sold to her son and on which he himself got hooked. Naturally, the guy's mother is not going to give money for this rubbish. There are two options for the development of events: a shootout or negotiations. If you have chosen the path of negotiations, then you will have a subtask: .

During a conversation with Trudy, you can try to scare her, or offer to disperse peacefully. By the way, you can also agree with Trudy. She will ask you to fill up Wolfgang, and will pay 100 caps for this, and as usual you will be able to bargain after passing three levels of difficulty. For each successful trade, you get additional caps to the starting reward for this task.

But you can agree to help Wolfgang by demanding money for work and killing (or demanding money with the help of eloquence) Trudy. If you agree to help Trudy, then you will get two subtasks: i. If you are going to help the hucksters, then in case of failure in terms of negotiations, you will have to kill Trudy and her son. It's up to you to decide. After the massacre, you just have to talk with the one you decided to speak for and receive your reward.

Human factor

The task is taken in a small village called "Alliance". But getting to this town is not so easy. The fact is that it is surrounded by a concrete wall with turrets, and an old man is sitting at the entrance, who is conducting the test. Only after passing the test, you can get inside. The test is very simple and you can pass it without any problems. It is enough to simply choose friendly and peaceful responses without showing any aggression. There are a lot of options and most of them allow you to go inside. Here, for example, one of the options: the first question is “Science”, the second question is “I will process the infected area”, the third question is “I will accompany him to a safe place”, the fourth question is “Football”, the fifth question is “I will give her what anything in exchange for his life”, question six - “I will open the lock”, question seven - “Surgery”, question eight - “I will exchange with him”, question nine - “I will disable the toilet”. After answering all the questions, Swanson lets you into the village. In general, the answers may be different, in most cases it lets you in, so do not be afraid.

As soon as you are inside the town, go forward and soon you will stumble upon a conversation between Honest Dan and one settler. Dan tries to find out from him where some caravan has gone, but he does not say anything to him. After talking to these guys, talk to Honest Dan in person.

So, Dan agreed with a certain Stockton that he would find his missing caravan. But the task turned out to be not so simple, since he found only what was left of him near the border of the city. The last stop of the caravan was precisely in the "Alliance", so he came here to restore the picture of what happened, but so far he has not been successful. That's exactly why he proposes to do this too. He promises to divide the reward in half. During the conversation, you can ask for an advance by choosing the line: "Caps forward." But keep in mind that the replica will be orange, which means that it will be difficult to beg for covers. If you agree, then you, thus, finally take the task:. In addition to the usual subtask, you will also have an additional subtask: the main subtask - , the additional subtask - .

After choosing a task, go to the northeastern part of the "Alliance". It is in that place that what is left of the caravan is located. Upon arrival at the remains of the caravan, you find a pile of corpses. The caravan was indeed attacked near the Alliance. Pay attention to the blue box that will be there. In it a box you will find a certain "Deezer's Lemonade". By finding this thing, you thereby complete an optional subtask: .

So what does this evidence give? And the fact that Deezer's lemonade is issued only in the "Alliance" and people from the caravan had it. Means what? Right! The caravan was in the village and the people in the "Alliance" really did not say something. By the way, do not forget that Dan said that there is probably one survivor from the caravan (this is Amelia Stockton) and he also recommended looking for evidence in the barracks of this village.

You can advance in this matter in two ways: get into the barracks, or “untie the tongue” of Penny. That's just to get into the barracks, you will need to have an average level of lockpicking, and to "untie the tongue" Penny - pumped eloquence. If you don’t have one or the other at this stage of the game, then come back later to this task a little later.

I recommend that everyone immediately try to get into the house. As many as three doors lead to the house: the central door, the door on the right side and the door on the left side. It is best to sneak into the house through the doors on the left side, because no one will notice you there.

As soon as you find yourself in the house, immediately go to the bedside table near the central doors. There you need to take: the key to the Alliance house and the note "Jacob's Password". Between the far beds there will be another bedside table. There, take the note "Reminder of the Alliance". The note looks very strange, but after reading it, you get an additional subtask: .

In any case, since you now have the password of Jacob (the main one in the "Alliance"), you can go to his house and sit down at his computer inconspicuously (do not forget to close the door behind you). On the computer, select the option: "Report about the fisherman (draft)". Well, this passage is very rich in information.

Draft note: “Mr. Huntley canceled trips to the Complex five times because of a fisherman (name unknown) who settled at the Mystic Pines Pond. Mr. Huntley reported that his new "favorite fishing spot" was directly above the entrance to the Complex. The Stockton Retrieval Squad was nearly spotted by outsiders. I recommend".

After reading the draft, you get several new subtasks at once: the first subtask - , the second optional subtask - , the third subtask - . You perform the first subtask on the spot, since the location of the Complex is indicated in the draft. You can read personal files if you wish.

At the exit from the "Alliance" Jacob will meet you and offer 100 caps for keeping silent - it's up to you. In addition, during the dialogue there is an option to "Find a compromise", but the level of eloquence must be high, since the dialogue branch is orange. In any case, you will have to send to the Complex (unless you sold for 100 caps, of course). If you talk to Dan, then he will be waiting for you near the Complex, and he will act as reinforcements in this task. If you do not need help, then you can immediately go to the Complex. In general, just know that this task can be completed peacefully too, if during the conversation with Jacob, you manage to find a compromise, if you didn’t succeed, then go to the Complex, or find Honest Dan and go with him again to the Complex.

So, if you are going to talk to Honest Dan first, then keep in mind that he is very far away. You can talk to Dan in Baner Hill. At the entrance, tell the woman (if you have not been here yet) that you are a loner.

You can find the entrance to the Alliance Complex in the pipe in the middle. You will have to jump into the water and pick up radiation. In the pipe is the entrance to the Collector - you go there. Inside you have a new subtask: . Dan will be ahead (if you went to him before and told him about everything).

After going a little forward along the pipe, you will stumble upon three people and a turret from above. You can not even try to approach them and talk, because they will immediately attack you after the words: "You shouldn't have come here." Try to choose some convenient position, because the spotlights that are there will interfere very much during the battle.

When the fight is over, do not forget to take the key on one of the corpses. Without a key, you will not be able to open the doors in the Complex. There are a lot of enemies waiting for you inside, so try to be constantly on the alert. In any case, gradually move towards the key point. In narrow rooms, be extremely careful, because there are a couple of turrets in them.

In the end, you will meet with Dr. Roslyn Chambers anyway. If someone else has not understood what is happening at all, then I explain: the Alliance conducted research to detect synthetics and the test that you passed at the entrance in front of the town is the same experiment of the Alliance. So, Dr. Roslyn Chambers claims that Stockton's daughter is a synthetic. In general, to identify synthetics, the “SAFE” test was created, which even now is not able to detect synthetics with 100% probability. Here you have a choice: to give Amelia to torture, or to prevent this.

My choice fell on saving the girl. If you chose the option to rescue Amelia, then you will have a subtask: . In addition, you have to kill the doctor. To free the girl, go to the terminal and open the corresponding chamber (the first one). After opening the camera, a new subtask appears: . After talking with Dan, he gives you money for the work - 300 caps. During the dialogue, you can say “The share should be larger”, but here you have to use your eloquence, so it’s not a fact that you will succeed. At this stage, the task comes to its logical conclusion.

In fact, Roslyn Chambers was more than insane, as her developed test (which was simply taken from the Vaults) did not give normal results. Constant torture and kidnapping did not justify her goal. If the methods were different, or more peaceful, then her experiments could be considered. In addition, even from the messages in the prison terminal, it is clear that not everyone approved of her research methods, but it is up to you to decide exactly how to proceed.

Clear the northern area

The task is taken in Baner Hill from a merchant named Deb. Choose the “Job” option from her and she will offer you to do one difficult task. Deb will tell you about the northern road that goes through a very old army training ground. So, it was there, according to the caravaners, that a horde of wild ghouls settled, which must be removed from the path. Naturally, she will pay for such work. During the conversation, you can select the "Ask for money" option (which is highlighted in yellow). If everything went well, then she will offer 175 caps for work. But you can claim even more caps by selecting the "More Money" option. But just keep in mind that this option is already highlighted in orange and for a positive result, pumped eloquence will be required. In any case, this is how you get the task: .

Silver Cloak

The task is taken after you cross the bridge to that part of the mainland where the city of Diamond City is located. Soon you will have an entry in the upper left corner: "Signal Found: Silver Shroud Radio". When you switch to this radio signal, you will hear a message. So you get a task and a subtask to it: main task - , subtask - .

You can only talk to Kent Conolly in a town called Good Neighbor. But on the way to this place, you have to kill a bunch of different enemies, for example, “packs” of super mutants. In any case, when you find yourself in this place, look for a certain one - this is where Kent sits. A little later it turns out that this is a reasonable ghoul.

After talking with him, it turns out that he wants to create his own superhero who would fight evil, bandits and save people. Of course, he will pay you for the successfully completed work. And if you have pumped eloquence, then you can also bargain for a reward. Since his superhero is based on the Silver Shroud series, you will need to travel to the location where the very first episode was filmed - Hubris Comics. By agreeing to this task, you get a new subtask: .

Advice: Before heading to Hubris Comics, get ready for a lot of hacking. Almost every door will be closed. In addition, there will also be many different caches inside. The building consists of several floors, so be aware.

As soon as you are near Hubris Comics, go inside. There will be wild ghouls inside, and it will not be possible to kill them quietly, because there will be a mechanical monkey nearby that will “burn” you. In the same room on the first floor, find the cash register. There will be a key to the Hubris Comics warehouse. Once you've fully explored the first floor, go up to the second and get ready for the fact that there will also be wild ghouls.

There will be four floors in total and the necessary thing (suit) is at the very top, on a mannequin. In addition, on the fourth floor you have to defeat the "Glowing One" - this is another monster of the Wasteland. Something like a wild ghoul (possibly a mutated wild ghoul). In any case, you have to kill him, and try not to let him pinch you, as it will be very painful. By the way, as soon as you kill him, do not forget to search the corpse (there will be many useful things). And in general, it is better to carefully examine the entire building completely - there are a lot of useful and necessary things. A lot can be missed.

As soon as you get the Silver Shroud costume, a new subtask will appear: . If you have cleared the building and are ready to move on, then return back to your employer. If you still do not remember, then you are in Good Neighborliness.

When you get back to Kent, you can also give him the cannon of the Silver Shroud. If you bring additional "Silver Cloak" items, then you will receive an additional cash reward. In addition, the most interesting begins further. Since Kent cannot become the "Silver Shroud" due to the fact that he is not so strong and brave, he offers you to reincarnate as him. If you agree, you can also demand a reward for this work (for which he will give you a couple of stimulants). By agreeing, you get a new subtask: .

View the Pickman Gallery

The task is taken from Hancock in "Good Neighbor" if you ask him about the job. The fact is that strange rumors reached Hancock about a place called the Pickman Gallery. This territory belongs to the raiders, but they are suspiciously silent and Hancock is not calm from this silence. So he instructs you to go and find out what's the matter. So you get the task:. As usual, you can bargain with him and beg for more money. There are three difficulty levels in total. For each completed level, the amount of reward increases every time by 50 caps. But in order to persuade Hancock to pay more, pumped eloquence is required.

Once you get to the right place, inside you will stumble upon a large group of raiders. Inside, after killing everyone and inspecting each room, you will surely find a corpse, which will have a note called "Message to Jack." Taking this piece of paper, you will receive a subtask: . Once you get back to Goodneighbor, go to Hancock's mansion and talk to him inside. After talking, you get a reward and the task is now considered completed.

Road to Freedom

“Hate the Institute? Follow the Path of Freedom, brother" - this is how this task begins. In a place called "Good Neighborliness", passing by any Vigilante, you will automatically receive this task. Your first and slightly strange subtask: .

Public domain

The task is taken in a town called "Good Neighbor" in a shop of a certain Daisy. She can give you a job cleaning up the Boston library, which was captured by super mutants. Since this place is dear to her as a memory in her childhood, she wants to clear this place of monsters. In addition, you can bargain with her if you have pumped eloquence. As usual, you can demand more and more money. There will be three difficulty levels: yellow (easy), orange (medium) and red (hard). With each success, the amount of the reward increases (the initial reward is 200 caps).

In addition to the main task, Daisy will ask you to bring a book to the same Boston library. The book will be in the library. Your first subtask in this assignment is: .

Clear the warehouses in Goodneighbor

The task is taken in "Good Neighbor" from a robot named Whitechapel Charlie. He will offer you a job for which you need a non-squeamish guy for a very dirty job. Blood on the pavement. Corpses on the ground. Everything is like that. If you are interested, then agree. So, some anonymous client is willing to pay a few hundred caps to have someone removed. It will be necessary to clean up three points, while leaving no witnesses. The problem is that all three key points are located on the territory of the old warehouses, so Charlie cannot use his guys, as it will be too noticeable. So he asks you to take care of this case. The starting reward is 200 caps. As usual, you can claim more caps as a reward. There will be three difficulty levels: yellow (easy), orange (medium) and red (hard). With each successfully spoken phrase, the reward amount increases by 50 caps. In addition, you can try to find out who the customer is. All this depends on your developed eloquence. In any case, this is how you get the task: .

The first thing you will encounter in this task are castles. Getting into the warehouses is not so easy, as they will all be locked, and the locks will be red, which means that the entry is considered illegal. Once you're inside, you'll have a few marks. Also, crouch down first so you won't be seen. Although nothing will stop you from just breaking in and shooting all the gangsters, so here the passage already depends on the style of the game. In any case, you will have to face a pack of gangsters, so keep your gun ready. As soon as you clear your first warehouse, there will be two more left.

With the rest of the warehouses, in principle, everything is the same: you make your way, clean it, leave. The main thing is to make sure that you are not seen during the breaking of doors, otherwise in the Good Neighbor they will be punished for this. As soon as you clear all three warehouses from gangsters, you will have a new subtask: . Returning back to the robot, you will receive money and experience. After that, the task is considered completed.

House of memories

The task is taken in the house of memories from a certain Irma. It turns out that Irma is a seller of memories. During the conversation, she will offer you to plunge back into her memories. Here you have a choice: to bribe, or to convince. But to convince, pumped eloquence is required, keep this in mind.

So, Irma will tell you that it is easiest to work with those memories that are associated with other people, or with recent events in which close people again participated. You can talk about your wife (or husband) or your son (but the memory will be the same anyway). In general, at the end of the conversation, Irma tells you to sit in a chair to plunge into memories. So you get a new task and the first subtask to it: task - , subtask - . Get into the memory capsule on the left side and get ready to plunge into the events of the past.

Your most "fresh" memory is soon triggered. You find yourself in the very "Vault 111". Moreover, during those events when your child was stolen and your husband (or wife) was killed. Your new subtask: . There you can see yourself in a cryogenic capsule. It turns out that everything was planned. Either there was a traitor in Vault 111 who specifically allowed people to be kidnapped, or everything was so conceived from the very beginning. But there is no way to find out what these unknown people were talking about. When you return to reality, you will have a new subtask: . Get out of the capsule and talk to the woman. By the way, during the conversation there will be such a dialogue option “[Moral damage]”, for which, if successful (eloquence also plays a role here), you will receive money!

By the way, Irma will also help you with the kidnapping of your son and the murder of your wife (husband). She will lead you to a person who can help you with the kidnapping of your son and the murder of your wife (husband). She will recommend contacting Nick Valentine, a detective who works out of his office in Diamond City. In any case, the task is completed + experience will be transferred to you.


This quest can be taken from Goodneighbor. You will need to go to the alley between the warehouses. There, through the window in the doorway, a certain Bobby will turn to you. He will offer you a job. To start with, he offers you 50 caps, but you can ask for more, up to 200 caps, but on the condition that you have pumped eloquence. You can also demand to tell a little more about the case in which he is trying to involve you. It turns out that he is working on some large project, but that's all for now. In any case, if you agree to this task, you will have the first subtask: .

Diamond City Blues

The task is taken from a certain Paul in the city of Daimon City. You can meet him in the very center of the city. So, it turns out that his wife is walking, so Paul wants to talk to whoever she is walking with, but he doesn’t want to show violence, so he asks you to help intimidate his wife’s lover. So you get the task:. Your subtask: .

When you arrive at the bar, it turns out that Paul is not as friendly as he appeared at first glance, because he is going to shoot Cook. So you'll have to calm him down a bit so he doesn't do something stupid. Keep in mind that if you fail to convince the guy to remove the gun and resolve everything peacefully, then Cook will attack you and you will have to kill him. Also keep in mind that some options will require pumped eloquence, so it’s possible that in some dialogue you won’t be able to solve everything peacefully, you will have to kill Cook again, or reboot.

In addition, if you don't shoot Cook, then he will make an offer, thanks to which you can get some caps. He will tell you about a rich boy who decided that he was a tough gangster. So, very soon this guy will have a cool deal where they will exchange drugs and caps. Cook's plan is simple: you take both money and drugs, killing everyone who is there. If you don't like this guy's offer, then kill him. After killing you will have a subtask: . You can find a note on it. So you get a subtask: .

After reading the note, you still have to go to the deal that Cook suggested going to. Your new subtask: . The deal is scheduled near the "Back Street Ramp" (slightly north of the city). Upon arrival, you run into Trish and Nelson along with a couple of fighters. You can immediately attack them and not waste time talking. After the battle, you will have a subtask: . Talk to the woman.

If you don't shoot Trish right away, you can find out from her the place where the drugs are prepared. It turns out that this is a whole laboratory. The laboratory for the manufacture of drugs is located right in the Commonwealth. But without the help of Trish (as she claims), you will never be able to find this laboratory, much less get inside. If you don't manage to get information using eloquence, then you can find out the location of the laboratory in this passage: the chemical laboratory is located in the southern part of Boston, in a fish factory called "Four Leaf". So you get a subtask: .

The most interesting thing is that the laboratory is guarded by wild ghouls, but Trish gets inside the laboratory without problems, since her team, like her, consists only of ghouls. But that's not all, because there also exists a whole system of traps. And to knock out the traps and open the doors, Trish will need to, because only she knows the password to the entire system. In any case, she can provide you with the same password, only you have to let her go. Although you, having learned the password, can shoot her. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. But no matter how you do it, here's the password for the doors and traps - "Applejack". And by the way, do not forget to search the corpses. At Nelson you can find more than 800 caps, and there are a lot of preparations in the boxes. To find the chemistry lab, you'll have to head to a place called the Quatrefoil Fish Factory, which is located on the southeast side of Diamond City. In general, the path is not close.

The approach to the laboratory will also be difficult due to the fact that you will stumble upon super mutants along the way. In addition, among them there will be a legendary super mutant, a rocket man, and even a couple of traps. Be extremely careful with traps (especially near the right place), otherwise they will simply tear you apart. But inside the desired building, you will literally immediately be attacked by wild ghouls, which were mentioned earlier.

Having gone a little further, or rather having chosen the mark back to the street, it turns out that you need to climb up the building. Behind the building there is a ladder with which you can climb up to the roof. On the roof, you will again have to kill a couple of ghouls, so do not lose your vigilance. Once you manage to get to the terminal, select the function there that opens the doors. Near the terminal (on the left), part of the wall will disappear, thereby opening a passage inside the secret laboratory.

Before you go inside, get ready for the fact that you will be met by laboratory staff, and extremely hostile, so you have to kill everyone. In addition, when you enter the laboratory, the task will be completed, and you will be credited with well-deserved experience, and when you kill all the ghouls, you can safely search the laboratory and take a lot of valuable things with you.

avid fan

The task is taken from Mo in the city of Diamond City. In short, Mo needs to find rare pre-war sports things, so he asks you to find them. As for the lids - you can agree. There are only three levels of difficulty and for each successful transaction you will receive 25 more caps. In any case, taking a job from him, you get a task:. In addition, there are three subtasks: the first - , the second - , the third - .

Bring Fred Allen a canister of HalluciGen

The task is taken in a place called "Good Neighborliness". There you will need to find a certain Fred (you can find him at the Rexford Hotel). He will introduce you to an old building called "HalluciGen" and tell you that there are probably some drugs (drugs) there, but since the shooters (the coolest mercenaries) went there, he will not be able to get the drugs on his own. So he asks you to take care of this case. You can also bargain with him in terms of remuneration. Each successful trade increases the reward amount by 50 caps, but keep in mind that if you fail at least once, you will return to the original reward - 200 caps. Your main task: .

Upon arrival at the right place, near the building you will find a couple of corpses of the same shooters that the employer spoke about. Inside you will be met by already alive and hostile arrows. By the way, pay attention to how sick they became because of the drugs that were made in this place. Keep in mind that in this place there will be a lot of different things that can not only be sold, but also used for other purposes, for example, in home improvement or weapon upgrades. The building itself is quite large. There are a lot of different corridors and rooms in which there will be a lot of crazed shooters, so be prepared to hear crazy screams and stuff.

In the end, you will reach the doors, behind which the desired canister will be located. The door is locked with a terminal, so in order to unlock them, you will need to hack the terminal. In order to hack the terminal, you will need a hacker level of hacking. But don't be alarmed, as there is another way to open the doors. To do this, go to the room next door and find a computer with a light level of hacking there. By hacking a computer, you can reset your current password and get a new one. It is unknown if each player is given their own password when resetting, but in this playthrough the password is "Admin-3".

Once you get the password, go back to the Hacker level terminal and interact with it to open the doors (no need to hack it now). This will open the door for you. And by the way, after going forward, you should not turn to the right side, because there is poisonous gas that will kill you. Go left. Going a little further, you will stumble upon a new computer, which will have to be hacked if you did not get the password. With this computer, you will be able to run a disinfection that will remove poisonous gas from your path.

You are already literally one step away from the right canister for the customer. There are two ways to get inside: break open the doors and go inside, or disinfect and go through the place where the poisonous gas was previously. But, in any case, you will find yourself in the laboratory, where you will stumble upon the shooter-commander. The enemy will be quite resistant, besides, he can activate an electrical mechanism that can shock. It is best to hit him a couple of times and hide, or even better to quickly kill him due to the element of surprise. By the way, don't be scared, but he can also become invisible, so be prepared for this as well.

After the fight, inspect the laboratory carefully. You need to pick up two flasks with gas from the HalluciGen corporation. As soon as you pick them up, you can leave this place and return to Goodneighbor to your customer. Returning back to Fred, tell him that the work is done and give him the gas flasks. For this, you get experience and money, which were agreed upon earlier. Mission completed.

Fade out focus

The task can be taken only after you pull Nick Valentine out of the hands of gangsters and he will offer you to work for himself. In his office you can get acquainted with the case. And as soon as you get acquainted, you will have a new task:. You will also have the first main and additional subtasks: main - , additional - .

Passage of tasks of the Brotherhood of Steel

fire support

You will receive this additional task during the passage of the task: . Since the task is taken randomly, you have to wander around the Corvega car assembly plant for a bit. At some point, you will see an inscription in the upper left corner that you have caught a signal: . Your first subtask in this difficult task will be: . Tune in to the frequency is quite simple - use the Pip-Boy. There, by selecting the appropriate section and the desired frequency, you will receive a new subtask: .

So, you can provide the required assistance in the location "College Square". And keep in mind that upon arrival at this place you will have to face a huge bunch of wild ghouls, so you need to prepare well, or quickly run to the police station, where you can already help protect the building to paladin Dansu and his special forces. In general, you just have to fill up a huge bunch of wild ghouls and do it better in the company of friendly characters, so run to the Cambridge police station. By the way, as soon as you arrive in the vicinity of the Cambridge Police Station, you will immediately receive a new subtask: . As soon as this meat grinder with wild ghouls is over, you will have a new subtask: . Dansom will be a man in a huge power armor.

Dans during the conversation soon admits that he is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel faction and he has a special task from the leadership in this place. The leadership gave the order to conduct reconnaissance in this place, but everything did not go at all as planned. In addition, one fighter was missing and they were running out of supplies. Communication with the command also fails to be established, because the signal is too weak. Soon, Haylin will intervene in your conversation and say that the signal of the radio tower in the police station can be strengthened, but this can only be done using the appropriate equipment. But there is a way out, since the equipment can be obtained from Arkjet Systems (such a mini-factory). It is there that you can get the necessary equipment that will help to make a short-wave signal transmission to the leadership. In general, Dans offers you to help the Brotherhood of Steel. This task came to an end.

Call to arms

You will receive the task only under two conditions. The first condition is to complete the task, thereby responding to help. The second condition - after the battle, you need to agree to Dans' request for help. Since the squad of paladin Dans is now trapped, they need to contact the command, but this can only be done with the help of a radio signal. And since the signal is weak, the command cannot receive it. So you'll have to get equipment to help amplify this shortwave signal. So, your first subtask in this quest: .

Enter inside the police station. Inside, talk to Paladin Danse. Inform Dans that you are ready to go in search of details. So, your new subtask is "Follow Paladin Dance". By the way, do not forget to look around the police station, because there are a lot of useful things that will come in handy during your journey through the Wasteland.

Follow the Brotherhood of Steel soldier. First, keep in mind that the path will not be the closest. Secondly, perhaps you will meet raiders along the way, with whom the battle will begin. You don’t have to worry about Dans, but you should think about yourself. In general, not only raiders can attack, only they can block the road on purpose. As for the rest of the enemies - they just come across as they move towards the goal.

Eventually, you will reach a place called Arkjet Systems. It is here that you will have to find parts that will enhance the radio message in the police station. Right at the entrance, Paladin Dance will stop to give instructions. “We operate quietly and cleanly. No exploits, everything is strictly according to the protocol, ”that is exactly what he will tell you. The protocol is naturally known only to him, so you can simply hammer a "bolt" on him. Your main target inside is the shortwave transmitter. Your subtask remains the same: .

Inside, your subtask will soon be updated to: . Dance will say that someone has already been here, but it's definitely not people and not any other creatures - these are synths. No blood, no shell casings. Your subtask remains the same: . After passing a couple of corridors, you find yourself in a large hall. Your new subtask: . You can open the doors using a computer (terminal) in the same room. After opening the doors, your subtask changes to: .

So, as soon as the doors open, "packs" of synths will immediately run up on you. They are not very friendly, so get ready for battle. After the fight, do not forget to search the remains of the synths and after, immediately move on after Danse. There will be no more synths in the next hall, but there they will already calmly fire at you from above, so it’s better to deal with those who are on top as soon as possible. In any case, after the fight, continue to follow the paladin Dance.

Soon you reach the core of the Arcjet engine. The transmitter you need should be in the control center at the very top of the core, and apparently, the elevators in this place are no longer working. In order for them to work, you will have to go downstairs and somehow turn on the main generator again, which will supply power. Dans offers to inspect the service sector, which is located near the main hall. So you get a subtask: .

So, you can turn on the backup power only with the help of the terminal at the very end. Finding it is not easy, because the path below is linear. As soon as you activate the backup power, you immediately get a new subtask: . In addition, you also have an optional subtask: .

The only thing that is not clear is why this subtask is considered optional, if the synths are constantly advancing and judging by the way they beat Dans, they need to be destroyed as quickly as possible. In any case, press the button in the next room. The engine will start, the synths will be destroyed, and Dance will be saved. Your new subtask: . Go to him and talk to him. Dans will be fine, so call the elevator and go to the control center.

In the premises of the control center, a massacre with synths will begin again. Your new subtask: . Having killed all the synths, you have a new subtask: . You can find this detail on one of the synths, so inspect everything carefully.

After finding the transmitter, your subtask changes to: . In general, the essence of the problem, I think, is clear. It's time to get out of this abode of synths for fresh air. By the way, the exit will be nearby, so you won't have to drag yourself back through the whole building. On the street, your subtask is updated: . So, Paladin Dance will tell you two important things on the street. Firstly, if you give him the transmitter, he will reward you well for the operation. For the work done, he betrays you his personal weapon - the Brotherhood of Steel laser carbine. This is how you get the Righteous Overlord cannon. As for the reward - you get 50 pieces of nuclear batteries. Secondly, he invites you to join the Brotherhood of Steel. In general, it is up to you to make key decisions, but, in any case, the task is completed.

Semper Invicta

Two conditions must be met in order to take this task. The first condition is to complete the task: . The second condition is that at the end of the Call to Arms task, you must agree to Danse's proposal to join the Brotherhood of Steel. And then this task will begin immediately after you complete the task: . In any case, your first subtask in this quest is: .

Shadow of steel

Probably the most incredible side quest related to the Brotherhood of Steel. Moreover, taking the task is not so simple, since you will first have to go through part of the plot task:. And by the way, only when you kill the Kellogg mercenary and leave Fort Hagen. At the exit, you can immediately see one small plane, and raising your head higher - a huge fleet, which will say that this is the "Brotherhood of Steel". I don't think it's a secret why they came here. Their main goal is the "Institute". In any case, your first subtask: . After you listen to the radio message, a new subtask will appear: . Where did they go? They fly to the Cambridge police station, so if you can't wait to stare at this huge flying vessel, go to Duns as soon as possible.

Passage of tasks of the Minutemen

First step

You can take the task only after you complete the story task:. The task is issued by the same Preston. After successfully completing the task, Preston asks you for one favor. So, one settlement asks for help. The inhabitants of this settlement still hope that there are still noble Minutemen in these parts who can help and protect. But since there are not many Minutemen now, more precisely, so far there is only one active Minuteman - Preston. He asks you to help find the rest of the members of this faction. After the conversation, you have the first subtask in this additional task: . In addition, there is one more subtask: . He will help you during the passage of this task.

Go to the indicated point on the map. The settlement of Tenpines Bluff is located far enough away, so most likely you will stumble upon more than one enemy, so get ready. As soon as you approach this ruined settlement, you will have a record: “Discovered: Tunpines Bluff” + you will receive experience for finding this place. Talk to the settlers and immediately it is better to say that you are one of the Minutemen.

So, these settlers have been terrorized by one gang of raiders for several weeks now. They constantly steal supplies and food from them. And if they refuse to pay this tribute to them, they will kill them. And although they know where the lair of this gang is located, they will not have the strength to overcome them. That is why they are asking for help.

During the conversation, your subtask will be updated to: . The desired place will be marked on your map after a conversation with one of the settlers. You can immediately go to the indicated place and kill all the scum. The lair is located in the south and you have to go far enough.

Advice: Before you move on to this plant, keep in mind that this is not some ordinary camp or camp with raiders. There are a lot of them here, so I strongly recommend that you prepare well before traveling there. It's not even about what they will have in their hands and what they will wear - they simply crush with their numbers.

When you get to the plant, you will soon receive a signal: . So you get the task: . But you don't get too distracted from your current task, because there are a lot of raiders here and you need to be careful. During the sweep, grenades and mines will help you a lot. At the beginning of any battle, it is better to sit down somewhere (find a comfortable position) and shoot back. Keep an eye on your ammo, because if it is small, then you will either have to go to melee or look for ammo during the fight.

Advice: As you wander around this car factory, don't lose your vigilance even after you've killed all the raiders outside! You still have to go inside, where not only raiders are waiting for you, but also more turrets. So, when turning the next corner, be careful. You never know when an automated cannon will fire at you!

After you clear the area outside, find a passage inside. Once again, raiders are waiting for you inside. At the very end, you have to kill Jared - the local leader. In addition, keep in mind that Jared will be covered by a couple more raiders and turrets. If you have problems with the turrets, then carefully inspect the room - there is a terminal with which you can disable automatic installations. As soon as you deal with the leader of the bandits, you will receive a new subtask: . And by the way, don't forget to carefully search this factory, because here you can find a whole bunch of useful things!

Either way, head back to Tenpines Bluff and turn in the quest. After telling the villagers that you have completed their task, you get caps and get the opportunity to use the workshop in this small, dilapidated settlement. In addition, your subtask for: . And the settlers you helped solve the problem now agree to join the Minutemen.

When you meet, Preston will tell you that the residents you helped decided to join the Minutemen and that's great. During the dialogue, Garvey will give out a flare gun. With the help of this weapon, in which case you can call for reinforcements, and if there are minutemen somewhere nearby, reinforcements will definitely come to you. In general, as soon as they give you a rocket launcher and caps, your task will be completed + you will receive a well-deserved experience!

Oberland Station: Raiders threaten the settlement

The task is taken from Preston Garvey, but only after you have fulfilled several conditions. First, we completed a side task:. Secondly, if during a conversation with Preston Garvey they agreed to be the Minuteman General (that is, the leader) and took on the responsibility of leading everyone. Since there are no other active Minutemen other than Garvey, you are the only candidate for the position of leader. Your first subtask in this assignment is: .

→ Tip: At this stage of the walkthrough as a partner, you can now take Preston Garvey. If the difficulty level and enemies in general give you problems, then take this minuteman and go!

Upon arrival at the Oberland station, find the settler marked with an icon there and talk to him about the problems. It turns out that the next raiders demand supplies from civilians and threaten to kill them if they are not supplied with supplies. The settlers ask you to help them in this matter. So you get a new subtask: . The desired location will be located near Diamond City (a little north of the city), so hit the road.

The settlers said that three raiders came to them. So, outside you have to kill three raiders, but inside there will be many more of them. So be prepared for a variety of difficulties. In addition to the raiders inside, you will also meet turrets, so be careful and try not to be substituted. As soon as this place is cleared of raiders, you will receive a subtask: . Go back to the Oberland station to the settlers and talk to them. As soon as you talk to them, you will be rewarded with caps, and the task will have a new subtask: . After talking with Preston, you get experience for this task, and the task finally comes to an end.

Settlement "Somerville Place": The settlement is threatened by raiders

The task is issued by Preston Garvey, or you personally take it from civilians when you reach the Somerville Place settlement, which is located in the southern part of the map. If the task was taken from Preston, then you will receive a subtask: . In any case, they will ask you to help deal with the raiders. So you get a subtask: . Open the map right away and find the right place. It will be located in the eastern part of the settlement, so you have to somehow get over the swamp.

Expansion - Starlight Restaurant

After you help the inhabitants of Oberland station deal with a group of raiders, report everything to Preston. When you receive a reward, you also receive a new task. Preston will tell you that the scouts found a suitable place to build a settlement, but there was a problem - some bloodthirsty creatures settled in that place. So you will have to clear this place and after clearing, put up a radio beacon to notify all the settlers about clearing this place. So you get the task:. And immediately a subtask to it: .

Cleaning - Greentop Greentop

The task is taken in a place called the Greentop greenhouse. There, after talking with one of the settlers, as usual, you will need to provide assistance. This time, civilians (they are also settlers) will ask you to clear one place from creatures of various kinds. If this is not done, then most likely they will soon visit these people and feast on a little human. But the most offensive thing in this whole story is that the place where these creatures live is ideal for construction. Moreover, civilians will tell you that they know people who would agree to settle in that place, if, of course, the place is cleared of monsters. In the end, this is how you get this task and immediately a subtask to it: the main task is , the subtask is . By the way, the most interesting thing is that this commune is located in the extreme western part of the map. Question: how will the monsters get to the inhabitants? Of course, this is a mystery, but what can you do, go to complete this task.

As soon as you get to the Solar Tides commune, you will surely stumble upon a certain Professor Goodfils, but he will not talk to you, so do not waste your time on him. Go clean up the houses. There you can get either beetles or wild ghouls. In addition, there is a chance that you will meet a legendary ghoul there. After shooting at him a couple of times, he will mutate and a serious fight will begin, in which just try not to get hit. You can pick up some weapon that shows itself well in close combat.

By the way, you can also try to reprogram the assistant robot. The desired terminal is in the center and it will still have to be hacked, but be careful, because if there is something wrong, then the robot will attack you. After you kill the legendary wild ghoul, you will receive a new subtask: . When you report a clear, you get caps + experience for the quest. In addition, the residents of Greentop will tell you that they are ready to join the Minutemen for their help.

Assault on Fort Independence

The task is taken from Preston Garvey. He believes it's time for the Minutemen to reclaim the Castle. This castle is a very old fort. A long time ago, the fort served as the main base for the Minutemen, but those days have passed and now new residents have settled there. With your help, of course, the Minutemen will be able to return this "nest" back. Your first subtask: .

As soon as you talk to Preston about the assault on the Castle, he will inform you that he will be waiting for you near the fortress. So you get a new subtask: . So go to the right place, if you are, of course, ready for battle and well prepared.

Sweatshop: Greenskins

The task is taken in a place called "Sweatshop". It is located in the northern part of the map. Upon arrival, you will stumble upon a very interesting place where intelligent ghouls have settled. Find a certain Wiseman there and talk to him. So, he will tell you about how the mayor of Diamond City did with normal (reasonable) ghouls - he kicked them out. So, Wiseman did not lose his head and justified his own community, in which they learned (in the local pool) to grow herbs, more precisely, smolyanka. But everything would be even better if they laid trade routes, thereby selling the same smolyanka. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lay them for the reason that super mutants have settled nearby and are attacking caravans. Wiseman asks you to deal with these monsters. So you get a subtask: . Open the quest log, select the appropriate quest, open the map and find the right place.

It would seem that there is such a thing? Just think, kill a couple of super mutants and come back, report everything. But, friends, the whole point is that there will be, perhaps (everything depends on the great random) two legendary monsters, among which one is a super mutant and the other is a very strong robot. Not pumped and well-equipped characters will not be able to do anything at all. You may not even try. What is important to know?

First, don't even try to kill two legendary monsters in one fell swoop. It's not just useless, it's dangerous. Plus, it's not even efficient. Not at all. Complete zero. Especially if you are not playing on easy or even on medium difficulty, then this is generally quiet horror.

Secondly, you need to kill ordinary enemies. Everyone and everyone. You can not leave ordinary enemies, because they will interfere. For example, crowd. At a key moment, when you cannot step back, you can be killed purely by accident, or something worse - they will simply kill the whole crowd like a dog.

Thirdly, bring some powerful weapons along with you. For example, with the help of "Fat Man" you can try to kill someone, but it's better not to use this weapon on legendary monsters, because after the mutation they will restore their health and it turns out that you just wasted the projectile. It's just that the element of surprise is on your side - use it.

Once the place is cleared and everything is carefully inspected, go back to Wiseman. He will give you a hundred caps, and in the future you will now be able to use the workshop in Sweatshop. In addition, Wiseman will also tell you that he is ready to join the Minutemen. Because it's better to help each other. So you get a subtask: .

Head back to Sanctuary and look for Preston there. He will be happy with this news, because ordinary people can not stand against the super mutants. In any case, the task is completed, so you will be credited with well-deserved experience.


The task is taken from Sturges. The conversation will be short enough. He will tell you that for a start in this place (your settlement) it would be nice to make normal beds, since people slept just on bare ground for a long time, which is very bad. The task is taken during the passage of the quest:. You will have a subtask: . In any case, this is how you get the subtask: .

Passage of the tasks of the Railwaymen

Passing the tasks of the Institute

Companion missions

Coming to the bow - Strongman

Wandering around Diamond City (or walking towards the city), you will soon be able to pick up a new radio signal: Trinity Tower Radio. By switching your Pip-Boy to this signal, you will receive a message. The message will be a request for help. So you get a new task: "Exit to the bow." And the first subtask to it: . The message will say that one poor fellow was surrounded by super mutants and besieged, so he needs help.

So, you need to get to a place called Trinity Tower. Upon arrival at this place, you will encounter a couple of mutants. Dealing with them is not a problem. As soon as you clear the first floor, rise above and enter the elevator. Press the button and take the elevator up.

Upstairs, you will again have to fight the super mutants. In addition, it is constantly unclear what a certain “Fist” will tell you. There will be much more enemies than on the first floor, so get ready for a fight. And here you will find another elevator that will take you even much higher. Using the second elevator, you will find yourself at the very top of the Trinity Tower, where there will be more super mutants. By the way, right there you will meet the very “Fist” who threatened you all the way with reprisals against you. Keep in mind that he will be dangerous because he will have a minigun in his hands and it is too dangerous to come close to him.

After killing the "Fist", go up to the very top, take the key from the cell from the box and go to the prisoner. It turns out that not only a captive person is sitting in the cell, but also a super mutant. The human's name is Rex, and the super mutant's name is Power Man. But the Strong Man is not like the rest - he is smart and more civilized (and to be honest, he contacted Rex to take over human power, but his own people considered him an idiot, so they locked him in a cage). After talking with the prisoners, you get a subtask: . When you open the camera, you get a new subtask: .

In addition, get ready for the fact that after the release of the prisoners, you will immediately be attacked by more super mutants. To go down, all the previously passed floors will not have to go through again. There will be an elevator nearby, where Rex will already be standing along with the Strongman, so all you have to do is join them and press the button to descend. During the descent, at some point the elevator will stop and you will have to get off to transfer to another elevator, so once again get ready for a fight.

When the elevator stops one more time, don't feel like you have to get out again. Now you just need to kill the mutants that will be in the building. After you kill them, the elevator will continue to go down. When the elevator stops for the third time, it will be the last one, and then you have to go on your own two. The key point will be located nearby, so you won't have to go halfway through the city to find a safe place. As soon as Rex also runs to a new key point, a new subtask appears: . After talking with Rex, the task will be completed and you will receive a well-deserved experience. Rex will leave you, and Strongman will be able to join you as a companion.

Long way ahead - Robert McCready

Recruiting Hancock - Hancock

Plot of the Century - Piper

The task is taken from Piper - a journalist. It meets the main character right next to Diamond City. At the entrance, after talking with her, it turns out that she is not allowed into the city due to the fact that she wrote a lot of interesting things about the local government in her newspaper. When you approach, she will ask you to play along so that you can get inside together. You don't have to do anything, Piper herself will play a little performance. Once you're inside, you'll meet the mayor inside. During the conversation, Piper will say that she has a job for you. So you get a new task and the first subtask to it: task - , subtask - .

Go to a place called "Public Events". Upon arriving at this location, your subtask is updated to: . So, Piper is asking you for an interview in which you would talk about yourself, how you lived in the shelter, and so on. You can answer any way you like.

In general, Piper's personal task is a lot of chatter. There is nothing difficult in this. Even at the entrance to Diamond City, you do not have to make any key decisions - everything is easy and simple. And when you finally give an interview to Piper, she will agree to join you as a companion. After that, the task will be completed + you will be transferred experience for passing.

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