How the sticky piston works in minecraft. How to make a piston in Minecraft - detailed instructions

Using pistons in Minecraft, you can create a wide variety of mechanisms: from strong castle gates to If there was a fantasy, but there will always be a piston in your world. It remains only to find out how to make a piston in Minecraft.

To craft your first piston, you will need 4 cobblestones, 3 wood planks, a redstone, and an iron ingot. It would seem that there are a lot of ingredients for crafting, but most of them you can easily find, even before the moment when you think about how to make a piston.

Cobblestone is easy to obtain by simply smashing rocks with any pickaxe. These gray blocks make up almost 70% of the entire underground part of the world. Next, you should collect the boards. Here, too, everything is simple: you chop down a tree and process the logs into planks at the nearest workbench. If you spawn in the desert, then either generate a new world (which is easier with huge biomes) or go to a more wooded area.

Before making the piston, you have to wander a little in the dungeons. however, it can be found at any depth, and sometimes even in the mountains, so most of the time you will spend in search of the redstone. You should search almost near the lava itself - where diamonds are found. Obtained with a steel pickaxe, 4 pieces per block. Just be careful - there are often lava blocks around the ore. Having broken such a block-plug, you risk falling under a lava flow and losing all accumulated resources.

A diagram that shows how to make a piston can be found on the Minecraft website, like all other crafting recipes. Before making the piston, make sure you have a furnace, a workbench, and enough fuel to melt the iron. This will save you time.

Using the piston, you may have noticed that it only moves the block, but does not put it back in place. To fix the situation, you will need to make a different type. You need to connect a regular piston with a lump of mucus. The latter is obtained by hunting slugs. You can find these green monsters in swamps or in large caves, it all depends on luck. Mark the place where you will kill the first slug - in this place they will appear constantly.

Crafting a sticky piston looks much simpler: put a regular piston in the bottom slot, and add a lump of mucus to the top slot. The position of this pair of blocks in the crafting grid does not matter, only their position relative to each other is important.

The sticky piston not only pushes the adjacent block away, but also pulls it back to its previous position at the signal of the lever, which is convenient for creating a fortress gate. Zombies have a habit of breaking into ordinary doors at night, which is unpleasant. The gates of pistons and stones are perceived by monsters as part of the landscape, and therefore do not draw too much attention to your home. Excess redstone can be used as wires to create remote control of all types of pistons.

Once you have mastered how to make a piston, you can create advanced mechanisms that make life easier on the Minecraft server. Combined with popular modifications, pistons are great for creating labyrinths and automatic locks.

The piston is one of the indispensable elements of the Minecraft game. With its help, players get the opportunity to create different mechanisms to promote their heroes.

How to make a piston in Minecraft - appearance

  • At first, there was no piston launch in the game. One of the players proposed to introduce it into the Minecraft toolkit. He independently developed the first version of the piston and sent it to the developers for consideration. A subsequent update added this tool to the game. After that, all players were able to use the new feature in Minecraft.
  • At first, there were often some problems when activating it. The most common of these is tossing the character up.
  • The developers decided to slightly improve the functionality and fix the flaws. With the release of the 12w27a (1.3.1) update, the piston began to work an order of magnitude better, players did not have such difficulties anymore. Since then, the piston has become one of the most useful and used tools in the Minecraft game.

How to make a piston in Minecraft - the purpose of the combination

  • The "piston" function is needed to create objects in the game such as a car, an elevator, a mechanical door, a trap or a cannon. The appearance of these objects is possible because the piston is able to move the blocks of the game horizontally and vertically. However, the maximum movement is only possible for 12 blocks.
  • This tool affects some objects and individual characters. Thanks to the piston, the movement of obsidian and bedrock is possible in the game.
  • In the game, this technique is not affected by lava and water, and is also capable of destroying torches and pumpkins. Moreover, it is easy to break it with an ordinary blow.
  • Due to the content in some blocks of a certain code, the piston will not be able to influence them. These exceptions include: portal; plate; spawner; box.

How to make a piston in Minecraft

In order not to look for a piston in the game, you can try to create it yourself. There are 2 types of tools for this:

  • conventional piston;
  • sticky piston.

To create a normal move, the player will need the following materials:

  • iron ingot;
  • boards - 3 pcs.;
  • cobblestones - 4 pcs.;
  • red dust.

These materials can be obtained in-game as follows:

  • iron ingot is mined by remelting ore;
  • wood species is required to create boards;
  • cobblestones are mined with a pickaxe from stone blocks;
  • Red dust is mined from blocks of red ore, and they are hidden underground at the level of the location of diamonds.

A sticky piston is created when it is necessary to obtain a mechanism that can return the blocks to their original positions. It allows you to improve the operation of some systems of the game.

To create a sticky piston you need:

  • find the slime that emerges from small cubic slugs that live in caves and mines;
  • attach it to the main mechanism of a conventional piston.

The piston was proposed to be introduced on the minecraft forum. It was suggested by a player under the nickname Hippoplatimus. And later, this person independently created this block and, at his will, was introduced into the game. And not in vain, this block is useful to players and plays a significant role in the game.


It provides pushing blocks in minecraft, with it you can build many different mechanisms in minecraft, which greatly simplify life in the game minecraft. This is a special, unique mechanism that allows the blocks to be pushed in different directions. Horizontal, vertical. If you want more and more mechanized, then crafting it is worth it.

The force of the piston in minecraft is great, it is capable of moving as many as 12 blocks. It has unique properties and is made for the convenience and creativity of using the items that the player uses. Thus, providing a more automated existence in the minecraft world. Everything is subject to either a lever or a button and you do not need to perform unnecessary movements. He can also affect the players or make any movements towards the objects that you want to use.

But pistons in minecraft have one feature - they cannot push some things, blocks. For example, they cannot push obsidian, because it is a bedrock, or tablets, stoves, chests, spawners.

One piston can even push the other, if it is in a compressed state. Some items such as a torch drop when moving or pumpkins for example.


Pistons in minecraft are activated in an interesting way, it can be activated by a redstone signal, or otherwise it is called a redstone. The red stone is not made, it is mined in mines at a depth of 1-20 blocks, it cannot be made.


There are 2 types of pistons in minecraft, which differ in their properties. There is a sticky piston and a regular one.

Conventional piston (video)
How to make a piston in minecraft, many players ask this question. You can craft it using planks, cobblestone, red dust and an iron ingot.... (crafting is shown in the screenshot below) To craft an ordinary piston, you do not need to look for the necessary resources for a long time, because they are often found. Therefore, players who did not have time to get used to the world can afford to craft this piston, because it is not so difficult to make it.

When you do, you can use boards of any breed, which greatly simplifies crafting for the player.

Sticky piston (video). It is not so difficult to make it. It is done like a regular one, it also pushes up to 12 blocks. But he has one feature that is important to players. It has the ability to return the block to the same place in which it stood, that is, it can be deactivated. Which allows you to create even more opportunities to interact with him. It does not have gravity, so sand and gravel can be kept in the air and will not fall down, which allows it to be unique and so useful to the players.

Craft. You can do it with mucus and conventional piston as shown in the screenshot. Crafting a sticky piston is easy and accessible to almost every player. You can also watch the video how to craft a piston.

The piston was proposed to be introduced on the minecraft forum. It was suggested by a player under the nickname Hippoplatimus. And later, this person independently created this block and, at his will, was introduced into the game. And not in vain, this block is useful to players and plays a significant role in the game.


It provides pushing blocks in minecraft, with it you can build many different mechanisms in minecraft, which greatly simplify life in the game minecraft. This is a special, unique mechanism that allows the blocks to be pushed in different directions. Horizontal, vertical. If you want more and more mechanized, then crafting it is worth it.

The force of the piston in minecraft is great, it is capable of moving as many as 12 blocks. It has unique properties and is made for the convenience and creativity of using the items that the player uses. Thus, providing a more automated existence in the minecraft world. Everything is subject to either a lever or a button and you do not need to perform unnecessary movements. He can also affect the players or make any movements towards the objects that you want to use.

But pistons in minecraft have one feature - they cannot push some things, blocks. For example, they cannot push obsidian, because it is a bedrock, or tablets, stoves, chests, spawners.

One piston can even push the other, if it is in a compressed state. Some items such as a torch drop when moving or pumpkins for example.


Pistons in minecraft are activated in an interesting way, it can be activated by a redstone signal, or otherwise it is called a redstone. The red stone is not made, it is mined in mines at a depth of 1-20 blocks, it cannot be made.


There are 2 types of pistons in minecraft, which differ in their properties. There is a sticky piston and a regular one.

Conventional piston (video)
How to make a piston in minecraft, many players ask this question. You can craft it using planks, cobblestone, red dust and an iron ingot.... (crafting is shown in the screenshot below) To craft an ordinary piston, you do not need to look for the necessary resources for a long time, because they are often found. Therefore, players who did not have time to get used to the world can afford to craft this piston, because it is not so difficult to make it.

When you do, you can use boards of any breed, which greatly simplifies crafting for the player.

Sticky piston (video). It is not so difficult to make it. It is done like a regular one, it also pushes up to 12 blocks. But he has one feature that is important to players. It has the ability to return the block to the same place in which it stood, that is, it can be deactivated. Which allows you to create even more opportunities to interact with him. It does not have gravity, so sand and gravel can be kept in the air and will not fall down, which allows it to be unique and so useful to the players.

Craft. You can do it with mucus and conventional piston as shown in the screenshot. Crafting a sticky piston is easy and accessible to almost every player. You can also watch the video how to craft a piston.

You cannot talk about a subject without knowing any information about it. Before talking about the action itself, it is necessary to understand what the thing is, and also to reveal its purpose. When everything is clear, you can begin to figure out how to craft a piston in Minecraft, and then use it.

A piston is a special kind of block with which you are given the opportunity to move other objects relative to the place where it is installed. This applies not only to the horizontal, familiar to us, but also to the vertical arrangement, to put it simply, the forces of gravity do not act on it. It is worth noting that he is able to move not only one object or block, but several at once (up to 12 units at a time). If there are entities on the way, they will be moved along with the blocks.

There are pistons in two variations: regular and sticky. With the help of sticky ones during the game, you can easily organize a trap for enemies, or simply push them into the abyss, throwing them aside. However, be aware that both options block fluids. Taking advantage of this, there is an opportunity to surprise your ill-wisher again. Be prudent and careful not to dig a hole for yourself and fall into your own trap. Now it's time to talk about the materials needed to craft.


Let's start with the simplest, most common, and a lot of important resource. In order for you to easily make the piston, you need to get enough planks. This is something without which it will not be possible to do the subject to which this article is devoted. But, since the board in the above game is a mandatory resource, which is necessary, mainly in construction, there should be no problems. For any manipulations with any types of wood, which are the same in their properties, but differ only in color, you get 4 boards for one unit. It is best to use oak planks to create the piston.

You need to try to always have this resource with you, because you can make wooden sticks from it, which are necessary to create various objects in the Minecraft game. After you have more than enough of this material, you can start extracting other resources that make up the piston.

Iron and cobblestone

The second most important item that would help you craft a piston in Minecraft is a stone derivative - cobblestone. It is also a very valuable resource. Surely, it is already clear how to get it: by using a pickaxe on any block of stone. However, sometimes cobblestone can be made with lava and water.

Another resource that will be needed in order to create a piston is iron. It is rarely obtained through nature, i.e. just found in its purest form in a cave, for example. But more often it is mined when working with blocks of iron.

If you only need this resource to create a piston, or you have broken your head over where to get it, the answer is here. You do not need ore, but an iron ingot, and to get it, you will have to work with iron blocks for a short time or kill an iron golem. One such character usually produces 3 to 5 ingots. It is worth noting that this resource can also be obtained by roasting iron ore. With these three necessary components already in place to create a piston, you can start looking for the most difficult-to-find resource.

Red dust

In Minecraft, it is so customary that for almost every system to work, one very important ingredient is needed - red dust. It is an energy resource that ensures the functioning of all game mechanisms. You will need to think carefully and work hard to find this material, since without it you will not be able to carry out any manipulations regarding the piston, and, accordingly, it simply will not act.

What is red dust? This is the kind of material that comes from the interaction of ore and red blocks. This means that working with red ore, it is possible to extract this energy resource. Another option for mining red dust is buying from merchants or communicating with witches.

If we talk about how many resources are needed in quantity before creating a piston in Minecraft, then everything is simple. Due to the difficulty of mining red dust, only one unit is required, as well as iron ingots. Since the boards in the game are not uncommon, you will need 3 of them. And most of all you need cobblestones - as many as 4 units. If you want to try making a sticky piston, you will have to get some more mucus.

Congratulations! Now, with enough knowledge regarding the piston, users can use it at their own discretion. It will be very good if this information will help you in the future to skillfully handle all the resources, systems and mechanisms of the game. We will be happy to rate the article or comment! Thanks for reading, good luck!


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