Winter games for kindergarten. "Magic Snowdrifts"

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Winter"


Activate the children's vocabulary on the topic.
Continue to teach children to identify and name the color of an object.
Develop the ability to compare objects by size.
To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, the numbers "1", "2" and "3", learn to count, correlate the number and quantity.
To teach children to determine the shape of an object, to find the middle of an object. Determine the location of an object in space.
Improve the skills of modeling, manual labor, drawing.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate words and movements.
Develop thinking, observation, fine and general motor skills.


The plot picture "Winter".
Colored silhouette toys, their image on a sheet of paper.
A cloud cut out of cardboard with two snowflakes tied to it.
Mittens of different colors, colored trailers of different colors.
White napkins.
Plastic plates with numbers "1" and "2".
Picture background, white plasticine.
Background pictures depicting trees and a stump in the form of geometric shapes, two silhouette pictures of clouds depicting three and many snowflakes.
Background picture with the image of the track, PVA glue, sand.
Silver wire.
Blank pictures depicting a winter landscape with a tree without snow, glue, cotton wool.
Snow in bowls.
Audio recordings: "That's so cold!".

Lesson progress:

Examination of the painting "Winter"

Guys, look at this picture. What is drawn, tell me.

Reading an excerpt from the poem "White Poems" by S. Mikhalkov

The snow is spinning
Snow falls -
Snow! Snow! Snow!
Happy snow beast and bird
And, of course, a person.

Didactic game "Christmas toys"

In winter, we celebrate the New Year, the most fabulous holiday. Do you love this holiday? On New Year's Eve, we decorated the Christmas tree. And now it's time to remove the toys from the Christmas tree and put them in a box.

(Children superimpose colored silhouette toys on top of their image on a piece of paper).

Breathing exercise "Snow cloud"

Snowflakes fall from a snow cloud. Count how many there are? Now blow on the snowflakes to make them fly.

Didactic game "Everything was covered with snow"

Show a tree that looks like a circle (triangle, oval).

There are two snow clouds in front of you.

(The clouds are cut out by the teacher and distributed to the children in two).

Put on the picture a cloud in which there are few snowflakes. Count how many snowflakes are in this cloud? Three snowflakes. Now put another cloud on the picture, in which there are a lot of snowflakes.
From the snow clouds came snow and covered the whole earth. Cover the trees with snow - suitable geometric shapes in white.

Finger drawing "Snowflakes"

Children leave a fingerprint in the center of each snowflake.

Manual labor "Snow tree"

Be careful, first smear the tree branches with glue, and then tear off pieces of cotton wool and apply to the tree branches.

Research activity "Snow-water"

Now, children, show your hands. Apply them to your cheeks. Which palms are cold or warm? Palms are warm. What's on your plates? Snow. Touch it with your fingers. What snow? Cold. What color is the snow? White. Put some snow on your warm palm. What happens to the snow? He melts. What do you see in your palm? Water. The snow melted on a warm palm and became water.

Dynamic pause "We went for a walk in the yard"

We went for a walk in the yard
One, two, three, four, five,
(Walking in place)

We came to the yard for a walk.
They made a snow woman.
(Imitate the modeling of lumps)

The birds were fed with crumbs,
(Crush bread with all fingers)

We then rode down the hill.
(sit down, get up)

And they rolled in the snow.
(sit on the floor)
Everyone came home in the snow
(dust off)

We ate soup and went to bed.
(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, put your hands under your cheek)

Didactic game "Pick up mittens by color"

You need to wear mittens to play with snow, otherwise our hands will quickly freeze. Choose a pair of your mittens. Now put your mittens in trailers of the same color.

Finger gymnastics "We made a snowball"

One, two, three, four, five,
(bend fingers)

We made snow with you
(Children "sculpt")

Round, strong, very smooth
(They show a circle, squeeze their palms, stroke the other with one palm)

And not at all sweet.
(threaten with finger)

Once - let's throw it up,
(Throw up)

Two - catch

Three - let's drop

And ... break.

Manual labor "Snowballs"

Children roll a snowball from crumpled white napkins.

Didactic exercise "Put a snowball"

How many snowballs did each of you make? One snowball. Now put your one snowball on a plate with the number "1". And how many snowballs do you need to make and put on a plate with the number "2"? Two snowballs.

Sculpting "Snow falls quietly on the trees, on the meadow"

Children stick round pieces of white plasticine on a colored background. Snowflakes are applied on top of the plasticine, children press them to work.

Relay "Carry the snowball" and throwing at the target

Children with a snowball in their hands walk along a bench, path, step over obstacles.
Then the children are invited to hit the target with a snowball (chest, hoop, etc.)

Exercise "Icicle"

Children make an icicle by folding silver wire in half.

Manual labor "Sprinkle sand on a slippery path"

In winter, you need to be very careful, because the street can be slippery ice. This path is very slippery because it is covered with ice. In order not to slip and fall on the ice, it is sprinkled with sand on top. Spread the track with glue and sprinkle sand on top. Now your paths will not be slippery.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "It's so cold"

Children perform movements to the music according to the text of the song.

1. "PASS UNDER THE STAFF" attraction.

Participants of the attraction stand in a column one after another. At some distance, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (any adult characters) hold the staff by the ends. To the cheerful music, the children take turnspass under the staff and return to their places.

For 2 times the staff is lowered lower, it becomes more difficult for the participants to pass.

3 times even lower - participants move on their haunches.

Task- pass under the staff of Santa Claus without hitting him.

  1. « WHO FASTER" a game.

General circle. Two nearby participants are given 1 ball (toy). On a signal, the participants pass the balls to each other in opposite directions. Those participants in the hands of whom the balls meet scatter in different directions, trying to run around the circle as quickly as possible and return to their place.

  1. "BELL" attraction.

2 circles - outer and inner.All participants hold a closed ribbon in their hands, on which there is a bell. At the beginning of the game, the ribbon with the bell is held by the leading participants. On a signal, the participants quickly sort through the tape with their hands, thus moving the bell in a circle. Whose bell runs the whole circle faster and returns to the leader, that team won.

1 team - Santa Claus

2 teams - Snow Maiden.

  1. "GAME WITH THE SNOW MAIDEN" musical outdoor game 2 junior gr.

It is carried out according to the type of "Sun and Rain" by Rauchverger

The Snow Maiden invites the children to play, says that as soon as you hear the bell ring, run to me.

The song of snowflakes performed by the music director sounds, the children dance, spin around.

The Snow Maiden rings the bell - the children run up to her.

The game is repeated.

  1. "Blind Man's Blinds With a Snow Maiden" musical - outdoor game

Snow Maiden blindfold. The leader and children have bells .. To the music, childrenthey easily run from place to place with the leader, they ring the bells at the stop. The Snow Maiden runs to the sound, the children run to another place.

  1. "WHOSE CIRCLE WILL MEET ASAP" musical mobile game

Classic variant. It is held with fairy-tale characters of the holiday, with large Christmas balls or bells.

  1. "SNOW PORRIDGE" relay race

2 teams, opposite each 2pots. Each player has a snowball. The task is to run to the pan, put a snowball, return, pass the baton.


2 teams line up opposite each other. At the end of each team, a bucket of snowballs, at the beginning - empty. On a signal, the participants begin to pass one snowball to each other from hand to hand, trying to fill the empty bucket with snowballs as quickly as possible.

  1. "ICE CREAM" relay race

Held after the dance of Santa Morose and Snow Maiden. Fairy-tale characters are hot, the presenter invites them to cool off by treating themselves to ice cream.

2 teams, 1 snowball in each hand. Opposite each team is a fairy-tale character with a waffle cone (paper bag). On a signal, the participants one by one run to the waffle cone and lower their snowball into it - a ball of ice cream.

10. "Walk on the Ice" relay race

2 teams. Each team is given 2 cardboard ice floes. The task is to go through the ice floes one by one, shifting them to the landmark, not stepping on the floor, running back.


all participants stand in a general circle, one of them has a large snowball (ball, wrap with cling film). Performing a song, the participants pass the lump to each other.

hello hello our snowball

snowy white bun

rolled along the path,

and then stopped.

one two Three

come out to dance!

with the end of the song, whoever has a lump in their hands goes to the center and dances, the rest clap.

Game "Signs of winter"

Listen to a poem by Ivan Zakharovich Surikov. What season is this poem talking about? Justify your answer. List the signs of winter.

White snow, fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short

The sun shines little.

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

Snowfall game

Snow swirls and flies.

(Raise hands up, make flashlights.)

The wind is blowing, the snow is flying up.

(Lean forward and straighten up.)

Snow flies from a gray cloud

We are on our feet and on our hands.

(Shake hands.)

And the snowdrifts keep growing

Here and there, there and here.

So that the legs do not freeze,

We will run along the path.

(We jump in place.)

We will shake off the snow from ourselves

(We show how we shake ourselves off.)

Let's start playing snowballs.

(We show how we throw snowballs.)

Game "Winter Words"

The participants in the game take turns pronouncing words related to winter. For example: snow, snowflake, snowfall, ice, icicle, hoarfrost, blizzard, etc. The one who says the last word will win.

The game "Snow dance"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

All snowflakes made friends

They swirled in a round dance.

They lead a round dance to the right,

And then vice versa.

(Let's go right, then left.)

Snowflakes are spinning

Light fluff.

(Everyone spins by himself.)

The round dance began.

Soon holiday - New year!

(Hold hands, walk in a circle.)

The game "Dance of the Snowflakes"

The teacher invites the children to imagine how snowflakes are spinning and dancing in the air. Music sounds (turn on “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky). Children, performing smooth, slow movements, invent and show the dance of snowflakes. The teacher determines whose dance is better and announces the winners.

Night riddles

black cow

The whole world has overcome. (Night.)

Walks at night

And sleeps during the day. (Moon, month.)

Shines, but does not heat. (Moon, month.)

Bagel, bagel -

Golden horns!

Hiding behind a cloud

Played a little. (Month.)

was growing up

Growing up.

Was horny -

Became round. (The moon became the moon.)

Game "Day - night"

The teacher discusses with the children: it is light during the day, animals and people are doing different things; it is dark at night, everyone is resting, sleeping. After that, the teacher invites the children to play. When he says: “Day”, the children do something - in the role of some animal (beast, bird) or person (you can drive a car, cook soup, clean up, etc.). When he says: "Night", everyone should freeze (sleep). The game ends, and the children explain what they did during the day, who they portrayed.

The day comes

The sun rises,

And it becomes light.

Everyone works, plays,

And everyone is full of worries.

And then the night comes.

So, it's time to sleep.

Everyone goes to rest

Everyone fell asleep until morning.

Game "Winter exercise"

We listen to verses and perform various movements

Very cold in winter

(We hug ourselves.)

But I don't want to go home.

(We shake our heads.)

They reached for the icicle,

(Raise hands and stretch up.)

Slipped, swayed

(We swing left and right.)

And run a little

On snowdrifts, on paths.

(We run in place, raising our legs high.)

Game "Find words"

The teacher tells the children that he will start talking about something, and they must guess what's next and continue, pronounce the right word (that is, finish the sentence).

In winter, it falls from the sky ... (snow).

In winter, the river was covered with ... (ice).

In winter, they grew on the roof ... (icicles).

In winter, he sleeps in a den ... (bear).

In winter, there are no ... (leaves) on the trees.

In winter, birds need to be made ... (feeder).

Game "Bunny"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

Bunny jumped and jumped.

(We jump in place.)

He tore the bark from the aspen.

(We show.)

The wolf wandered through the snowdrifts,

(Let's go to the place.)

Didn't find anyone.

(We shake our heads.)

The bunny immediately trembled,

And then he ran away.

(We run in place.)

He quickly rolled down the hill

Lurked behind a hillock.

(We squat.)

Game "What do animals eat?"

The teacher throws the ball to the player and says the name of the animal. The player catches the ball and says that the named animal eats in winter, and then throws the ball to the caregiver. For example:

Squirrel. (Mushrooms, nuts.)

Hare. (The bark of trees.)

Elk. (Branches, tree bark.)

Jay. (Acorns.)

Woodpecker. (Pine seeds.)

Bullfinch. (Berries, seeds.)

prickly riddles

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

What tree is growing?

Everything is in needles all year round. (Spruce.)

I have longer needles

Than the tree.

Very straight I grow

In height. (Pine.)

Needles lay, lay

And they ran under the bush. (Hedgehog.)

The game "How similar?"

We listen to questions and try to answer them.

1. How are spruce (tree) and hedgehog similar? (Spruce has needles, needles. And the hedgehog has needles.)

2. How are spruce and birch similar? (These are trees.)

3. How are larch and birch similar? (These are trees. In autumn they turn yellow.)

4. How are spruce and pine similar? (These are coniferous trees. They remain green in autumn and winter.)

5. How are a cow and a goat similar? (These are domestic animals. They are horned. They give milk.)

Game "Fence"

We listen to verses and perform hand movements.

Here is a high fence

Behind the fence, the snow is deep.

Who is hiding there?

Who doesn't respond?

Maybe a big deer

Hiding there all day?

(We spread our fingers, we put crossed arms above our heads.)

Maybe a spiny hedgehog

Hiding without feeling legs?

(Spread fingers, put palms together.)

There is a dog sitting there

Harmful bitch.

Game "Confusion"

The teacher tells the children that the words are mixed up in the story, and invites them to say it correctly. You can ask the children additionally: “Why?” That is, ask to explain the permutation of words.

It often snows in autumn and rains in winter.

In spring the river is covered with ice, and in winter the ice melts.

The hare is white in summer and gray in winter.

In summer, the hedgehog sleeps, and in winter it runs through the forest.

In summer, the bear sleeps in a den, and in winter it eats raspberries.

Forest riddles

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

The animals walked through the forest.

They led a round dance.

And then rolled in the snow

Whatever they wanted, they boasted.

Who walked through the forest?

Who praised himself in the forest?

Can you guess or not?

Give a quick answer.

I am smarter than everyone in the world.

Even children know this. (A fox.)

I'm afraid of everyone, even the raven.

But I'm a running champion. (Hare.)

Well, I'm faster than everyone.

Jumping from a branch - I gnaw a nut. (Squirrel.)

clumsy, clumsy,

But there is strength in the paws. (Bear.)

Game "Signs of winter"

Children take turns calling the signs of winter (it is snowing, frost appears, icicles hang, a snowstorm sweeps, snowdrifts grow, there are no leaves on the trees, many birds have flown to warm lands, etc.). The one who calls the sign last wins.

Game "Winter in the forest"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The squirrel jumps on the branches

Cones down throws aptly.

(We throw cones.)

The woodpecker flies through the forest.

He does not know fatigue.

(We wave our hands.)

A wolf walks through the snowdrifts.

He clicks and clicks his teeth.

(Let's go to the place.)

Well, the bear sleeps in the den.

He tucked his legs under him.

(We squat.)

The game "Who is more?"

The teacher offers any category of animals. The children take turns calling them. The winner will be the one who names the animal last. The game can be continued. The teacher changes the category. Wild animals: bear, wolf... (fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, badger, raccoon, ermine, elk, deer, lynx, tiger, lion, etc.).

Domestic animals: dog, cat... (cow, goat, ram, sheep, pig, rabbit, goose, duck, etc.).

You can also: forest animals, African animals, animals with horns, etc.).

Game "Signs of winter"

You can announce and hold a small competition: who will give a more accurate and more complete description of winter (who will name more signs).

Listen to a poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. What season is this poem talking about? Justify your answer. List the signs of winter.

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In cold glass

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,

Like chalk, creaky and dry,

And the red cat catches

Funny white flies.

Game "Name the bird"

The children take turns saying the names of the birds. For example: sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, oriole, nightingale, nuthatch, woodpecker, owl, owl, dove, crow, magpie, falcon, eagle, stork, crane, peacock, penguin, ostrich, etc. The winner will be the one who calls the last bird .

The game "True or not?"

The teacher offers the children a game to remember who is stocking up for the winter and talk about it. When the children give answers (“yes” or “no”), you can ask them additionally: “Why?”

We listen to the verses and shake our heads (up and down or to the sides), thus answering “yes” or “no”.

Is it true or not?

Are you ready to give an answer?

We shake our heads.

This is how we answer.

Who dries the mushrooms on the branches?

Who will throw them accurately into the hollow?

Not a game, not a trick.

Stores protein.

Give me a quick answer:

Is it true or not?

Who is running under the tree

Mushroom dragging on needles?

Hear the clatter of fast feet

Makes stocks hedgehog.

Give me a quick answer:

Is it true or not?

Who is walking in the forest

Roaring loudly throughout the forest?

Who's collecting cones there?

Makes stocks bear.

Give me a quick answer:

Is it true or not?

Game "Sparrow"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

sparrow flew

And sat on a maple branch.

(We wave our hands and then we squat.)

He sat on a branch

Looked to the right, to the left.

(We turn right and left.)

I rested, I dreamed.

Chick-chirp, he said to himself. -

Is there a cat nearby?

Where can I find crumbs?

(Shake head and shrug.)

The sparrow flew

Found a lot of crumbs.

He pecked at the crumbs

In the park on the path.

(We tap the index finger on the palm.)

Sparrow dance game

The teacher invites the children to remember and show how sparrows move - how they jump and fly. Music sounds. Children dance: wave their arms, jump, squat. The teacher determines whose dance is better and announces the winners.

Riddles about mustachioed and tailed

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.



Sings songs. (Cat.)

Has a mustache and a long tail.

Lots of hair, short stature.

In the morning he sits on the window.

Guessed? It's a cat).

Sits on the window.

Tail like a cat

And ears - like a cat,

Still, not a cat. (Cat.)

Who is born with a mustache? (Kitty.)

I will not let strangers into the house.

I'm sad without a host. (Dog.)

In the yard - kalach,

And in the hut - a pie. (Dog.)

Lives under a roof.

The tail is a ring.

Runs to the owner

The house is guarded. (Dog.)

Game "Guess the animal"

The teacher (leader) thinks of an animal and describes it. For example, about a cat: “This is a small animal, it is fluffy, with a mustache and claws. It has small ears and a long tail." The one who guessed the animal becomes the driver.

Game "Winter Fun"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

Hey, we can't be bored!

Let's play snowballs!

(We show how we play snowballs.)

One snowball and two snowballs.

Throw far, my friend!

(We throw snowballs.)

Not to freeze in winter

We will jump with you.

(We jump in place.)

We will stomp hard

And clap your hands.

(Stomp and clap.)

Game "Winter clothes"

The teacher names different items of clothing. Children hug themselves as if they are cold if the item belongs to winter clothes (fur coat, sheepskin coat, hat with earflaps, scarf, mittens), or spread their arms to the sides, as if sunbathing if the clothes are intended to be worn in summer (Panama, shorts, sundress, T-shirt ).

Then the teacher asks the children to explain the purpose of winter clothing. Each participant in the game chooses some item of winter clothing (you can also wear shoes) and tells why he is needed in winter. For example: mittens - needed to keep hands from freezing; warm (woolen) socks - needed so that the feet do not freeze; a warm (woolen) scarf - needed so that the throat does not hurt; etc.

Winter outdoor games: more than 20 winter outdoor games for walks with children from toddlers to schoolchildren.

Winter outdoor games

Winter holidays are the time for walks and outdoor games with children on the street. What to play with children in winter? What kind of folk games and relay races can be organized and invented for kids and older children? In this article you will find more than 20 options and ideas for outdoor games with children on the street from the smallest children to schoolchildren.

Game 1 "Snowstorm"

Game options

For toddlers: players stand in pairs (adult and child) facing each other, arms spread apart, holding hands on each other's palms (boat hand position)

For senior preschoolers and schoolchildren: Players (adult and child) stand in pairs side by side, clinging under the elbow.

When children have learned to play the game in pairs with an adult, then they can play in pairs with each other.

How to play

Everyone starts spinning in place, saying the words:

Blizzard, blizzard,
Snow is spreading across the field!
Who is spinning, spinning -
He will swoon!

After these words, the couples continue to spin in place. The task is to spin for a long time and not fall.

The players spin around until they get dizzy.

The game develops the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance, teaches you to listen to the player in pairs.

Game 2 "Santa Claus"

We choose according to the counting rhyme of Santa Claus. Santa Claus stands in a circle drawn in the center of the round dance. He is surrounded by other participants in the game and dance around him to the words:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Overgrown through the oak
Overgrown through the oak
Rolled up a cart of gifts:

Frosts crackling,
snow loose,
The winds are swirling,
Blizzards are friendly,
Cold - let the cold down,
He built a bridge on the river.

After these words, the players scatter, and Santa Claus catches them. If Santa Claus touched the player, then he "froze" him. The "frozen" player goes into the circle and stands there. Other players can help him - "unfreeze" him. How to unfreeze: you need to make a snowball and throw it into the circle to the “frozen” player. He must hit Santa Claus with this snowball. Santa Claus is trying to dodge the snowball.

Game difficulty:

If Santa Claus caught and "frozen" three players, then they are preparing a gift for him - they are making a snowman.

Everyone stands around the snow woman and leads the New Year's round dance.

Game 3 "Talking with snowballs"

We draw a large square with lines - a playground. You can’t run outside the site (if you run, you will become the driver in this game). We prepare in advance all together a lot of snowballs for the drivers.

All players run inside the court, two leaders run outside the court. The task of the presenters is to throw snowballs at the players, trying to hit them. If a player is hit by a snowball, he is out of the game. The game ends when two players remain inside the court. They become leaders in the new game.

Game 4 "Gate"

This is a hill game. Children make "collars" together with adults - from sticks without sharp ends, gymnastic plastic sticks, spruce branches, ski poles, which are stuck into the snow with a sharp end and stand upright. You need to try to drive down the hill (on an ice rink, sled or even ... on a broom!), hitting the gate and not hitting them.

If the player managed to pass through the gate, he receives a chip. At the end, the most dexterous player who got the most chips is congratulated.

Useful idea: Circles cut out of the packaging can serve as chips. For this purpose, you can find milk or juice bags, covered with foil on the inside. You will get "silver chips" and even a big "silver medal" for the most dexterous!

Game 5 "Ice"

Everyone becomes in a circle. In the center of the circle, the driver jumps on one leg and moves an ice floe with it like a bat. With this piece of ice, he tries to get into the foot of one of the guys standing in a circle. All players dodge the ice. If the ice touched someone (touched the soles of his shoes), then he becomes the leader in the game.

Game 6 "Snowball"

This game is a winter competition in strength and dexterity for boys. Everyone is making a huge snowball. Two boys stand opposite each other so that there is someone between them.

The guys take each other's hands and pull each other towards them so that the enemy falls on someone. The task of each player is not to touch the lump with his chest or stomach. If one of the players “lay down on someone”, i.e. touched him with his stomach, chest, then he gives way to another participant in the competition. The winners are awarded silver medals for foil strength and agility.

Game 7- for kids “I will freeze»

Children stand in a round dance and stretch their mittens forward. An adult stands in the center of the circle and tries to touch the hands of the children with his hand. Children should quickly hide their hands behind their backs. If someone was touched by an adult, then he was “frozen”.

Game 8 - for the smallest "Bear"

Take a toy - a bear for a walk. Put the bear on the bench as if the bear is sleeping. Go with the child (with children) to the bear and say:

Once we were walking in the forest
And we met a bear.
He lies under the tree
Stretched out and snoring.
We walked around it
The clubfoot was awakened:
"Come on, Mishenka, get up,
And quickly catch up with us "

An adult picks up a toy bear, and the bear catches up with the kids, who run away from him to the agreed place ("to the house").

Game 9 "Mitten"

The game requires a large number of participants - invite everyone who walks with children near you! If you are going to play in cold weather, then take an extra mitten with you, with which we will play. If the weather is warm and the players can take their mittens off their hands, let them play with their mittens.

Choose two drivers. The first driver stands in the center of the circle, the second driver follows him at a distance. All other participants in the game stand around them in a big round dance, holding hands. Everyone stands in such a way that the first leader is in the circle, and the second is outside the circle.

The first driver must throw a mitten and hit it (“tarnish”) the second driver. The players in the circle prevent him from doing this by raising their hands and beating the mitten back into the circle with them, their task is to protect the second driver.

If the second player is knocked out, then he becomes the center of the circle and becomes the first driver. To find a pair for him - the second driver - the former first driver invites someone of his choice from the circle. He throws his mitten up - whoever catches it will play the role of the second driver. And the game is played again.

If the second player is not knocked out with a mitten, then the first driver continues to play his role.

Game 10 "Two Frosts"

We draw two lines, there should be a large distance between them. Two Frosts are selected. They stand between these lines.

All other players stand along one of the drawn lines facing Frost.

The first Frost says: "I am Red Nose Frost!"

The Second Frost says: "I am Blue Nose Frost!"

Two Frosts together say: “Well, which of you decides to go on a journey - to start a path?”

All the players unanimously answer them in chorus: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost”

Two Frosts command in chorus: "One, two, three - run!"

The task of the players after this team is to run across the field to the next line, running behind it. The task of the Frosts is to tarnish the fleeing players. Those who have been tarnished are “frozen” and must stand still.

Again, Frosts shout to the children: “One, two, three - run!” Everyone runs back. Running players can "unfreeze" their friends by hitting them while running. And the Frosts at this time are trying to "freeze" new players.

So they run until the Frosts freeze most of the children.

If a large group of children (25-30 people) is playing at the same time, then not two, but three or four frosts are selected.

The child must run across the field to the opposite line, even if he is afraid. Since who does not walk around the city, he immediately leaves the game!

Game 11 with sled "In places"

We put the sled in a circle. They should be one less than the number of children playing. Children run around the playground, spinning. At the command of an adult, “In places,” the children quickly run to the sled and must have time to take a place on them as quickly as possible.

Whoever did not have enough space - he becomes the driver in the next game and gives the signal “In places”.

Game 12 "Bell"

Hang a bell on a bright ribbon on a tree branch, on a horizontal bar in the yard. The task of the players is to throw snowballs at the bell in such a way as to hit it and make it ring. If this succeeds, we lay out a stick or a cone for this player on the “counting field”. Then we consider who managed to hit the bell more times.

Game 13 "Fifteen on a sled" (winter Karelian folk game)

Draw a large square on the ground - a playground. Several couples are playing. In each pair, one player carries the other on a sled. A pair of drivers is selected (in it, one player also carries the second player on a sled).

The signal sounds and the game begins. Drivers try to catch up with any of the pairs and tarnish one of the players. Spotting in a pair of drivers is only a player sitting on a sled. He does it with the touch of his hand.

If a pair of drivers managed to knock someone down, then this pair begins to drive in the game, and the game continues.

They play only within the outlined area. If a couple violated this rule and drove outside the site, then it immediately becomes the driver (let the children announce loudly: “We are driving!” And begin to catch up with other players). You can not salt the players of the pair that was just leading.

Game 14 "Who will throw the snowball further"

Children make snowballs. We draw a line along which all players stand. At the command of an adult, “Throw snowballs!”, Children throw snowballs at a distance. For a range guide, we put flags or colored cubes. Whose snowball flew the farthest? To which cube (flag) did he fly? Let's try to roll even further - to the blue die?

Game 15 Snowball Racing

Let's make big snowballs together. Draw a start line. In front of each player is his big snowball. At the signal of the host of the game, the players begin to roll their ball from the start to the finish (at a distance of 3 to 5 meters). The winner is the one who first rolls his lump to the finish line, and the lump remains safe and sound.

Game 16 "Icicles, wind and frost" (winter game of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East)

The game is played by an adult.

Players stand in pairs facing each other, clap their hands and say:

cold icicles,
transparent ice cubes,
They sparkle, they ring
Ding, ding.

One clap is made in one's own hands, the other in the hands of the player in his pair, and so the claps alternate.

The host of the game gives a signal: "Wind!". Children - ice floes scatter in different directions and quietly agree on who will build a large ice floe with whom. At the signal of the host “Frost”, everyone lines up in a circle and join hands (they join hands as agreed).

Ice pieces after the “wind” signal can not only run or spin, but also jump or jump.

Game 17 "Forest Landmarks"

This game can be played in the forest or in the park.

Let's start playing in the field. All players are divided into pairs. Each pair has a number one and a number two. The host of the game - an adult - gives the first numbers some objects (a cone, a stick, a piece of tree bark, a ball, a small rubber toy, etc.). The host leads the first number far to the side (200-300 meters). There they hide their items in hiding places together with the host. And the second numbers remain at this time in the clearing under the supervision of another adult. The first numbers return to the clearing.

In each pair, the first number tells the second number how to get to a conditional place and find a cache in it. You can draw a plan, you can explain in words. As soon as all the pairs are ready, a general signal is given: “One, two, three - look!”, And then the second numbers run to search for hiding places. The second numbers need to run to the agreed place, find a hiding place, take a surprise and return back to the clearing.

Then the game is repeated with a change of roles in each pair.

For the first time it is convenient to play the game in pairs "adult and child", when the children learn to clearly explain the way, they will be able to play in pairs with each other.

Game 18 "Flags on the ice track»

On a compacted snow path, a segment 4-6 m long and 40-50 cm wide is filled with water. Landmarks are placed along the path - colored flags or toys, by which we can show the child how far he drove along the ice path.

Children vigorously scatter and slide along the icy path, trying to ride along it as far as possible. Using the landmarks, we note who slid further along the path - for example, “Olya slid to the red flag, and who will try to the green one?” For kids, the version of the game is different: “Vova got into the wolf’s house, came to him along the path. Let's go to the house. Knock knock, who lives here. It's me, the gray wolf. And who are you? And I'm a boy Vova! Let's try to slide along the path to the fox. Who will get to her house?

Similarly, you can play on the slope of the slide by placing multi-colored flags or toys along the slope.

Game 19 "Fifteen with snowballs"

We draw a large square on the ground with lines - this is a playground for which you cannot run. We all make snowballs together. We choose a driver with a counting rhyme.

The driver tries to hit the players with snowballs, who dodge the snowballs and run around the site in different directions. The one who was hit by the driver with a snowball becomes his assistant and helps him stain the players with snowballs. Those players who have not been stained with a snowball the longest win.

Game 20

Draw a big circle. At four points of this circle, make a gate (their width is about 70cm).

Place more cubes between the gates.

You will get an obstacle course of cubes that you need to go around, and gates that you need to drive through.

They play in pairs. In each pair, one child carries the other on a sled, going around the cubes and getting into the gates. The task is not to knock down the cubes and get into the gate. Then the players change places.

Game options:

Idea 1: The same gates can be made from sticks when skiing (gate width -30 cm), The child tries to pass through the gate without hitting them.

Idea 2: You can place the cubes so that you need to snake between them.

Idea 3: You can complicate the task by additionally placing rubber toys between the gates, which are collected “along the way” by the player sitting on the sled.

Game 21 with snowballs "Snipers"

We put several items on the snow shaft (for example, you can use skittles).

At a distance of 3-4 meters from the shaft, we draw a line. Children stand on the line and try to knock down objects on a snow bank. The game ends when all items are knocked down.

Winter games are a lot of different things with sleds, snowballs, skis, skates. You can not only use them as ready-made options, but also invent them yourself! I wish you all an interesting winter holidays!

If you and your children have a favorite winter game on the street, I will be glad if you share it in the comments to this article.

You will find more interesting games for the New Year holidays with children in the articles of the site:

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The article provides examples of winter games that will make a walk in kindergarten interesting and exciting, and will also keep children from freezing! Winter games in kindergarten will help diversify physical education classes on the street, teaching counting, memory training, developing imagination and ingenuity in young preschoolers.


Going for a walk, read the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh, who tracked down an unknown beast, and in the end it turned out that he followed in his own footsteps. Invite the children to become Pathfinders for a while. To begin with, teach preschoolers to leave clear footprints in the snow, then offer to guess which of the children left which footprint.

For children of the nursery group, completely uncomplicated winter games in kindergarten are suitable. For example, leave imprints of cubes of different sizes in the snow and invite the children to arrange the cubes according to the imprints.

On your next walk in kindergarten, teach the children to identify bird tracks. Ask them to dream up and, perhaps, come up with an animal hitherto unknown to science with traces inherent only to it.

This game can also be transferred to kindergarten classes - jointly cut paper stencils in the form of footprints and come up with various tasks: draw footprints through the stencil around the house and so on.


In winter games in kindergarten, you can add counting and a little ... adventurism. Practice with the children to follow the prompts: two steps to the right, three steps to the left, 5 steps to the tree. Once the children have mastered these exercises, offer them a game like "treasure island".

hide and seek

Take various white items from the group and place them on the site. Name the objects that are disguised in the snow and ask the children to find them.

Treasure Island

Before the walk, hide the treasure on the site and prepare a map with a description of the route to the treasure. During the search, invite the children to perform mobile exercises: for example, only after knocking down all the pins, participants are allowed to the next point on the map.

Smart snowflakes

Show your imagination in a seemingly ordinary game: invite the children to help the mouse cross the ravine. To do this, you need to throw snowballs from a certain distance and fill them with a bucket or a hole in the snow. Older children can guess the words that the teacher has thought of. Moreover, each successful hit with a snowball on the target allows you to learn one letter from the hidden word.


Lay a winding path in the snow and invite the children to follow it without stepping beyond it. For the successful passage of the labyrinth, a reward is given.

For older children, you can make a real labyrinth and invite them to find their own way to its center, where preschool children will be waiting for a well-deserved prize.

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