Game management methodology. General characteristics of outdoor games for each age group

0 to 3 months

In the first months of life, the baby's sense organs are actively developing: touch, sight, hearing. The best helpers in this will be the well-known rattles, toys-pendants and spinning mobiles.

Having been born, the toddler is not able to coordinate his movements and hold something in his hands. Therefore, for now, he will only consider objects around him, react to sounds. Vision in newborns is arranged in such a way that they clearly distinguish only saturated, contrasting colors, and therefore it is better to choose bright toys for the little ones. It is desirable that they combine 2-3 colors. Even the black and white version, oddly enough, will appeal to the kid. But the little things in pastel colors, which many adults like to decorate the children's room, most likely, until they interest a new family member.

By the third month of life, the grasping reflex is already actively developing in the toddler. He reaches for toys, takes them in handles, feels them. During this period, you need to pay attention not only to the color and size of the toys, but also to the material from which they are made. Don't limit the toddler experience to just the cold, smooth plastic that most toys for toddlers are made of. Let the baby's arsenal have mobiles and rattles made of fabric of various textures, soft and pleasant to the touch. They can move the baby over the arms, legs, back and tummy, saying what he feels at the same time: "The toy is soft, warm, fluffy." Don't give your baby big and heavy rattles. He will not be able to hold them in his hands and will quickly lose interest in them. After all, the most important thing that a baby needs from a toy is freedom of action: it can be taken, crumpled, gnawed, thrown, and all this, until the new action is fully mastered.

There are also soft clamshell books, panels with contrasting drawings. They can be hung to the sides of the crib, on the wall in front of the crumbs, and later given to him in the pens.

4 to 6 months

By the age of four months, children begin to independently turn on a side, by five - on their stomach, by six - from the stomach to their back. To arouse the kid's interest in these movements, you can use toys - all the same rattles, Velcro, balls, cubes. Only those with whom the baby can play on his own when he successfully gets to them and takes them in hand.

At four months, the baby is already excellent at keeping track of objects. He reacts to adults, to what is happening around him. These or those actions cause certain emotions in the crumbs. Therefore, the older the baby becomes, the more important it is for him to participate in the game. You can show him various objects, toys, naming colors, simple geometric shapes and even numbers from 1 to 3. All the same soft panels and books, cubes with multi-colored edges and figures with Velcro will help him.

At this age, the toddler is a real explorer. A variety of tactile sensations contribute to active development. He probes, sucks, bites with the first teeth everything that comes across "on the way." It is important to give the baby the opportunity to get acquainted with a variety of surfaces: smooth, rough, warm, cold, dry, wet, by speaking his feelings. Surely the little one will like rattles in the form of soft toys with rustling, squeaking and ringing "parts of the body", all kinds of glowing and emitting sounds from pressing a button, panels and figures. By manipulating such a toy, coordination and fine motor skills of the baby are developing at the same time. In addition, he is well aware that he achieves such wonderful effects by his own actions.

Of course, teeth require special attention at the end of the first six months of life. All kinds of rings, teethers and whistles in stores are countless. They are plastic, silicone and even fabric. Who likes what more. The main thing is that these products have a corresponding certificate. However, a variety of household items, even the edge of a blanket, can act as a teether. At this point, parents should not lose their vigilance - to monitor the "edibility" of things that have got into the teeth of the child.

During this period, hearing is actively developing in toddlers. Kids learn to find its source, to distinguish sounds. Imagine, connect a variety of "sound-producing" objects to the game.

7 to 9 months

Well, you are already sitting, crawling with might and main and learning to take the first steps. The time has come to hide the household items prohibited for playing higher: during this period, along with fine motor skills, a large one develops: the toddler simply needs to be beaten, grabbed, thrown. In general, manipulate on an especially large scale.

For this, balls, soft toys, which can be sent into space flight with impunity, used as a trampoline and even beaten, are the best suited for this. By the way, plush friends are needed not only for girls. Boys also really need warmth and tenderness - feelings, without which no representative of the stronger sex can grow up to be a real man.

Take toys to the bathroom too: from banal waterfowl to massage rubber balls with pimples and "thorns". Kill two birds with one stone - and play, and massage the baby. Even soft bath toys that do not absorb water are now on sale.

Children at this age are very fond of investing something somewhere, and then pulling it back out. For these purposes, you can adapt any box and a bunch of accumulated small toys, or you can buy, for example, a bright pelican made of fabric: you put colorful balls in its open beak, and they perfectly fall into the transparent oilcloth belly of the miracle bird. Such a toy can be hung in a crib or playpen, and the baby will find many more uses for it, besides folding balls.

And for the development of fingers, you will need large wooden or plastic beads, abacus, toys with buttons, mobiles and pendants made of small figures that can be removed and hung back. Moreover, even at this age, it is better to choose toys made of fabric with different textures, filled with gel balls or some natural material. Their use, by the way, is very similar to the Montessori technique.

At six months, the baby also becomes a "reasonable person." It's time to develop his logical thinking. For this, cubes with geometric holes are suitable, into each of which a certain figure is inserted, wooden panels with cutouts for figures of various shapes and sizes. For joint quiet games, use logic panels, rugs and soft construction sets. With their help, the kid will learn the concepts of color, size, learn the names of geometric shapes, and get acquainted with spatial concepts. Just don't try to test your baby yet. Just name objects or concepts. So he will gradually remember them.

10-12 months

Towards a year, focus on the purposeful development of the baby's thinking. If earlier the little one did not show much interest in nesting dolls and pyramids that you offered him, now it is time to remember the rejected toys. In general, you need to use everything that involves a certain algorithm of actions: a small one is put on a large ring, the smaller one is inserted into a large matryoshka, and the like. The kid will also play with pleasure in the already familiar logical cubes with slots of geometric shapes. Only now you can choose a more complicated toy with more holes and shapes.

The time has come for the first independent walks around the house, albeit not without the help of grasping movements for chairs and a crib. Coordination and movement of the baby in space are actively developing. Buy him a wheelchair toy. She will encourage the little one to move and at the same time serve as additional support.

All kinds of sports "equipment" contribute to physical development in the best possible way: the simplest ring throws, huge pins with a ball, a basketball basket, balls.

Musical toys are still popular among children: a pipe, a drum, a tambourine, a metallophone.

1-3 years

This is a period that requires a variety of toys, since at this time, without exception, all the senses, while developing, require food for themselves. The child trains the coordination of movements in walking, but this is not enough for him. He wants to find something to do with his own hands.

For training fine motor skills, inlay boards designed according to the recommendations of the famous Maria Montessori are best suited. Most toddler liners are equipped with studs to help insert the liner into place, which is not easy to do with undeveloped baby movements. If you need to learn to grasp the inserts with your fingertips, then it is more convenient to take the colored cylinders of Montessori or geometric figures in the Seguin boards with your whole hand, they need to be inserted, and this is a new experience, different movements. Lacing will help the child learn how to coordinate the movements of the hand and eyes: from a simple huge button with 4 holes to complex plot lacing (squirrels or hedgehogs).
Froebel for the age of 1.5 years recommended a cube with holes in all directions. This "second gift" of Fröbel corresponds to voluminous lacing: apple and cheese.

They give work not only to the child's hand, but to spatial thinking. Pyramids and sequence boards are best suited to familiarize yourself with sequencing, over / under. A feature of all the toys listed above is also the fact that they can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also for all kinds of other educational games. So Montessori cylinders and Seguin's figures will serve as excellent building materials. The plastic parts of the pyramid can be thrown and hammered like a ball or a puck, frame inserts can be traced, and laces are great figurines for story games.

Children's hearing also needs material for development.

The monotonous sounds of a rattle are now of little interest, the child begins to be attracted by sharp, unexpectedly loud sounds, especially when the baby himself can become the cause of these sounds. This is the time of whistles and pipes, bells and drums. Many sounds are pleasing to a child's ear and can irritate adults. However, this stage is also inevitable as a growth stage. For development, the child's ear needs sounds of varying strength and quality. In search of harmony, you need to try all the sonic extremes. Nowadays, a huge number of imported toys are produced that independently perform several melodies. Their value is not great, especially since the quality of the music extracted is rather mediocre. To foster musical culture, it is better to put on a good cassette.

3 years - time to acquaint the child with games by the rules. A variety of simple dominoes and lotos are suitable for this purpose. In them, the child learns to follow the sequence, the ability to follow the actions of others and concentrate. Lotto cards are also good for speech therapy purposes. Soft toys are no less important during this period. They calm the child by giving them a sense of security and peace. Early childhood is a period of selfless games with sand and water. This is how the child gets to know the world and a million of its qualities: flowability, heaviness, changeability. For playing with sand, all the accessories have long been known: molds, scoops, buckets - no one has come up with anything new here. As for playing with water (including in the bathroom), original toys have appeared quite recently. These are soft animal figures, rugs and inlay frames. They are rough, they can be wetted, and when wet they stick to the bathroom wall.

On the development of fine motor skills and hands
... Memory games
... Thinking games
... Speech development games
... Games for the development of creative imagination
... Musically Enhanced Games
... Role-playing and directing games
... Active games

3-5 years old

The main occupation of a three-to-five-year-old child is play, and play at this age is life in miniature: children play in the hospital, in the store, at daughters and mothers. No interest in the game - there is no real interest in life, no initiative.

Nowadays, kids have practically no opportunity to learn to play. Often a child has neither older brothers or sisters, nor a company of different ages in the yard - there is no one to learn from. But the ability to play is both the ability to take into account other people's interests, and an attentive attitude to life. Today, parents simply need to help their children play. Just not to lead, but to help, joining the game on an equal footing or simply observing and asking questions during the game. For adults, this is also a good way to learn a lot of interesting things about the child and about yourself.

At this age, interest arises in those who are similar or remotely similar. Hence the need for figurines of all kinds of animals and men. There should be a lot of these figures so that you can play at school, and at the zoo, and in the city.
It is desirable that the animals are familiar to the child not only from books (not a porcupine and a jaguar, but a rooster and a cat), so that they are simple and universal (it is difficult to play with a horse frozen in a run or with a figure of a person depicting a person with a suitcase - such toys impose their own own script, limit the possibilities of the game). The choice of a doll is a responsible business. The doll should be flexible, undressable, and not too flashy. The dolls require dishes, furniture, a car, etc. Many psychologists consider it necessary to have at home and toys that allow expressing various emotional states (anger, resentment, fear). These are noise musical instruments (drums, tambourines, pipes), hammers, balls and pins, pistols and guns, toy soldiers, as well as animals associated with aggressive behavior: wolf, crocodile, dragon.

Characteristic of the period. What games are needed.

Motor games
... on the development of auditory and visual attention
... to develop memory
... on the development of thinking
... on the development of creative imagination
... on the development of speech
... active games
... role-playing and directing games
... Musically Enhanced Games

5-7 years old

This period is to create and create. And the purpose of toys at this time is to create conditions for children's creativity, to indicate the way of its manifestation. A complex and technically sophisticated toy can amaze with the originality of an idea, an expensive one that accurately copies reality, will delight with its Realism, but both are capable of killing any independent creative movement. The best material that gives impetus to children's creativity should be recognized as construction and waste. The first is constructors and bricks, the second is everything that your child and you find suitable (chips and bubbles, boxes and corks). All kinds of mosaics, toys for dramatization games, paints and plasticine serve the same purpose - to support children's creative energy.


  1. Classification of outdoor games in DU.

  2. Variation and complication of outdoor games.

  3. Game management methodology.

  4. General characteristics of outdoor games for each age group.

  5. Play as a means of securing movement. Selection of games.

  6. Methodology for conducting outdoor games in I younger group DU.

  7. The method of conducting outdoor games in middle group DU.

  8. Methodology for outdoor games in the older group.

  9. Methodology for outdoor games for each age group of children.

Classification of outdoor games in DU.

  1. By the figurative content:

  • plot (character roles with corresponding motional actions). The plot is divided into figurative ("Bear and bees", "Hares and wolf") and conventional ("Catchers", "Fifteen");

  • plotless (all perform the same movements - "Find yourself a pair", "Whose link will build faster");

  • round dance (games are played to a song or poem);

  • folk;

  • fun games (for the smallest children - "Ladushki");

  • amusement games;

  • finger games.

  1. By complexity:

    • simple non-team games (each participant, observing the rules, fights for himself);

    • more complex transitional to team (sometimes a player can enter into temporary cooperation with other players to achieve a goal);

    • team outdoor games (the players make up separate groups, teams).

  1. By types of movements, mainly included games:

    • walking games;

    • running games;

    • crawling and climbing games;

    • games with throwing and catching the ball;

    • jumping games.

  1. By the age of children, taking into account the division into groups in the educational institution:

      • games of the 1st junior group;

      • games of the 2nd junior group;

      • middle group games;

      • games of the older group.

Variation and complication of outdoor games.

  1. Increase dosage (repetition and total duration of play).

  2. Complicate motor content.

  3. Change the placement of the players on the court.

  4. Change the signal (instead of the verbal one, enter a sound or visual signal)

  5. Play the game in non-standard conditions (running on the sand).

  6. Complicate the rules (enter 2 "traps").

Game management methodology.

  1. Preparing for the game.

  1. The choice of game depends on:

    • tasks assigned to the lesson;

    • age characteristics of preschoolers, their physical fitness;

    • the number of children;

    • conditions for the games;

    • forms of employment (physical education, holiday, walk);

    • venue, weather conditions;

    • availability of inventory, benefits.

  2. Preparation of the place of the game (observing the safety rules, prepare the site).

  3. Preparation of inventory (availability and quantity).

  4. Site markup.

  5. Preliminary analysis of the game.

  1. Organization of the players.

  1. Placement of the players and the place of the leader when explaining the game.

  2. Explanation of the game (brevity, consistency, consistency):

    • title;

    • the role of the players and their location;

    • purpose and rules.

  3. Allocation of drivers:

  • counting room;

  • optional;

  • by appointment of the head;

  • according to the best results;

  • by lot;

  • at the choice of the players;

  • based on the results of previous games.

  1. Distribution into teams:

  • payment;

  • by gender;

  • by color;

  • according to the head;

  • at the choice of the captain;

  • permanent teams;

  • by curly marching.

  1. Selection of the team captain.

  2. Allocation of assistants (from among the freed).

  1. Guiding the game process.

  1. Observation of the course of the game and the behavior of the players (observance of the rules, timeliness of the signal)

  2. Judging (objective, impartial)

  3. Dosage during the game (alternate intense loads with rest, all participants should receive the same loads)

  4. The end of the game (the duration depends on the character, the composition of the students, the conditions of the classes)

  1. Summing up the game.

  1. Determination of the results of the game.

  2. Analysis of the game.

General characteristics of outdoor games for each age group.
Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and bringing up physical qualities.

Fun games are held with children of the first year of life ("Hide and Seek", "Horned Goat", "White-sided Magpie", etc.), which cause sounds, movements, laughter, joy, pleasure in children.

In the second year of life, plotless games are used ("Bring a ball, a toy", "Raise your legs higher", "Pass the ball", etc.). In these games, children perform one movement (walking, throwing) at an individual pace, but gradually they move from individual actions to joint ones.

In the future, more complex movements are included in the games and the number of movements increases.

The number of roles in the games of young children is insignificant (1-2). The main role is played by the educator, and the kids portray the same characters, for example, the teacher is a cat, all children are mice ("Cat to Mouse"). In the games of older children, the number of roles increases (up to 3-4). Here, for example, there is a shepherd, a wolf, geese ("Geese-Swans"), in addition, the roles are distributed among all the children.

The number of rules is gradually increasing, the relationship between children is becoming more complicated. In younger groups, the rules are very simple and promising. Compliance with the rules is reduced to actions on a signal: on one signal, children run out of the house, on the other, they return to their places. Over time, restrictions on actions are introduced: run away in a certain direction; caught to move aside.

In games with elements of competition, first, everyone acts for himself (whoever manages to bring the object before everyone else), then collective responsibility is introduced.

Outdoor games of young children are often accompanied by words - poems, songs, recitative, which reveal the content of the game and its rules; explain what movement and how to perform; serve as signals for start to end; suggest the rhythm and tempo. Games accompanied by text are also given in older groups, and the words are often pronounced in chorus.
Play as a means of securing movement. Selection of games.
To consolidate motor skills in children and develop physical qualities, it is useful to repeat games throughout the year and in a certain sequence.

When the game is repeated, the tasks themselves vary. For example, if the game "Catch" is played for the first time, the teacher teaches the children to play, explains the content, the rules of the game. When playing the game for the second time, the teacher can use it as a means to develop speed. To do this, he sets the task for the children to run away from the "trap" as quickly as possible. In this case, a large playground is needed so that children, running away from the "trap", can show maximum speed. On the third repetition, a new task may be put forward - to develop predominantly dexterity in children. For this, the game must be played in a limited area. In addition, 2-3 "traps" can be chosen and, in order to dodge them, children will have to be very active.

When choosing games for every day, you need to take into account the time and place in the daily routine. At the same time, one should not forget about either the previous or the subsequent activities of the children.

In the morning (before morning gymnastics), especially in spring and summer, it is recommended to play with physical education aids and toys that encourage children to move (with a ball, with a hoop, ring throw, bilbock, classes). Children come together in small groups and play on their own.

In the intervals between organized classes, especially if they are associated with a fixed posture (drawing, modeling, development of speech and mathematical representations), games of medium and low mobility are useful ("Make a figure", "Do as I do", "Ball school", bilbock ). The purpose of these games is active recreation, so they should be familiar to children.

When choosing games for a daytime walk, the teacher takes into account the previous activities of the children. After quiet activities (drawing, modeling) that require focused attention, games of a more mobile nature are recommended. They need to be accompanied by the whole group at the beginning of the walk. It is desirable that there are two of them: the first game should be with a heavy load ("The Hunter and the Hares"), the second - more calm ("Day and Night").

It is also important to remember that it is advisable to play games of a more mobile nature 25-30 minutes after eating and in no case before eating.

On an evening walk, it is useful to organize such games of high and medium mobility, in which all children participate at the same time. It is recommended to play with children of round-the-clock groups after dinner, games of low mobility, of a calm nature ("Shepherd and herd", "Skok, skok").

It is very important to plan outdoor games for the whole year and for the next week. Approximately 10-15 new games are held during the year. Too many games take a long time to learn and make it difficult to repeat them.

Games of different content and character should be planned for each day of the week. This will ensure the diversified development of children.

In young children, temporary connections are formed slowly, so the same game when learning should be repeated 3-4 times during the week. However, after a while, you need to plan these games again in order to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities with their help.

Methodology for outdoor games in the I junior group of educational institutions.
I. Main elements:

1) choice of game;


3) title;

4) explanation;

5) choice for a role;

6) game guidance;

7) the end of the game.


1) on the complexity of the rules;

2) bell, pipe - sound signal; bring in a bright toy; start a game with 3-5 children;

3) name;

4) gather the children for the game (circle, line), building up for the game at the place where the game starts;

5) the explanation of the game goes in the course of the game itself, characterize all the characters of the game with the intonation of the voice. The teacher is a participant in the game, plays the main role, guides the game;

6) the teacher moves with the children, the children imitate him, without stopping the game. The teacher arranges, moves, helps;

7) encourages children and offers to remove benefits, encourages and offers to play with benefits.

Methodology for outdoor games in the middle group of educational institutions.
I. Main elements:

1) choice of game;

2) collection for the game with the creation of interest;

3) title;

4) explanation;

5) choice for a role;

6) game guidance;

7) the end of the game.


1) on the complexity of the rules;

2) sound signal, thin. a word whose link will gather faster. Agree in advance and start the game at the start of the signal;

7) summarize, give an overall assessment of the game; who broke the rules. Involve children in the analysis.

Methodology for outdoor games in the older group.
I. Main elements:

1) choice of game;

2) collection for the game with the creation of interest;

3) title;

4) explanation;

5) choice for a role;

6) game guidance;

7) the end of the game.


1) on the complexity of the rules;

2) whose link will assemble faster;

4) depends on the novelty of the game, if the new game is to name, explain the rules. The main thing before the game is to tell who should do what, how to move. Secondary - in the intervals between the game, you can clarify the rules by asking questions to the children, if there are complex movements in the game, make a trial move. If the game is familiar, then you just need to name it, briefly recall the rules;

5) rhyme, wish, spinning top (whirligig) as a reward;

6) during the game, the teacher monitors physical activity, compliance with the rules, interaction between children, gives signals to start and end;

7) summarize, give an overall assessment of the game; who broke the rules. Encourage children. Involve children in the analysis. Offer to play with the manuals.

Methodology for outdoor games for each age group of children.
Outdoor games as the main motor activity of children preschool age planned by the teacher at different times of the day in accordance with the regime of each age group.

When distributing games in the calendar plan, the educator provides for all the diversity of the motor content, the necessary repetition and variability, contributing to the improvement of motor skills, takes into account the specific conditions for their implementation.

To use all the opportunities for children's play activities during the day, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established regime, which is based on medical and hygienic requirements and taking into account the age characteristics of children of each group. This means that the time of outdoor games and their duration are closely related to the previous and subsequent activities of children. In addition, the educator, observing the nature of the activity of children, offers them games of various content and degrees of mobility, thereby regulating their physical activity: by strengthening it to some, limiting it to others and providing the necessary rest.

When drawing up a calendar plan for outdoor games, the season and weather conditions are also taken into account. In cold autumn and winter, on frosty days, clean, fresh air, combined with movement, has a beneficial effect on the child's body, hardens the nervous system, strengthens the body's resistance, and increases cheerfulness. In cold weather, active play alternates with other moderately active activities. The alternation of the nature and pace of motor activity creates an opportunity for children to rest and protects them both from freezing and excessive overheating.

Slides for sledding children are arranged on the site, and conditions for ice skating and hockey are created for older groups.

In the summer, when the whole life of children is transferred to the air and clothes are easier (panties, panama hats, light shoes make up their daily suit), various movements improve the well-being of children, cause them a joyful sense of life.

It is necessary that the sites of all age groups are equipped with large physical equipment in accordance with the instructions of the program and are systematically used by children to improve motor skills in climbing, climbing, climbing, jumping, throwing, exercises in balance, etc. small physical training aids (sticks, hoops, flags, balls, ball ropes, ring throws, short and long skipping ropes, etc.).

In senior and especially in preparatory groups ah games with elements of sports games are being learned: volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, small towns. Skittles, cerso, bilboke, diabolo, grandmothers, etc. are provided. All this attracts children to active physical activity, improves skills, and fosters physical qualities.

In the summer, outdoor games with rules that improve motor skills and physical qualities are widely used. In addition to organizing them by the teacher, in the middle and two older groups, the independent creative association of children is encouraged - coming up with versions of games they know and their own plots of games.

Thus, a variety of outdoor games contribute to the all-round development of children, contribute to the improvement of the body, enrich the life of children with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in the environment, independence and creative initiative.

The child's play activity begins to develop at an early age. In order for the play of kids to be complete, it is necessary to create a pedagogically expedient external environment for them, to choose the right toys. Children of the second year of life are very mobile. To satisfy their need for movement, it is necessary to have a slide, benches, boxes and other aids on the site. Children should be provided with enough space to run, climb steps, slide down hills, etc., play hide and seek, catch up.

In the games of children over one and a half years old you can see signs of imitation of adults. Taking this into account, the teacher engages them in games with the help of toys, tries to arouse interest with an emotional figurative explanation. In the younger groups, the most often used are story games and simple non-plot games such as "Traps", as well as fun games. Kids are attracted to the game mainly by the process of action: they are interested in running, catching up, throwing, etc. It is important to teach them to act exactly on the signal, to obey the simple rules of the game. The success of the game depends on the teacher. He should interest children, give samples of movements. The teacher performs the leading roles in the game himself or instructs the most active child, sometimes he prepares one of the children of the older groups for this. It is important to remember that the driver only pretends to catch the children: this pedagogical technique is used so that the kids are not frightened and their interest in the game does not disappear.

Children sit on high chairs, and the teacher begins to tell: “Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day, they flew around the garden looking for insects or seeds. They flew up to a puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day a big red car appeared and the BBC began to hum. The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests. Let's play a game like this. You will be little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will represent the car. Sparrows, fly out! And as soon as the car buzzes "BBC", all the sparrows should fly to the nests. "

This explanation takes less than a minute. The teacher plays with the children, performing both the role of a sparrow and the role of a car. Toddlers do not notice such a transformation. They enter the image with pleasure, sometimes complementing it with individual actions: pecking grains and saying "pee-pee", drink some water and squeak pee-pee.

The teacher monitors the figurative performance of actions by the children, reminds them to use the entire playground in the game, fly beautifully, emotionally imitate movements, and act (if possible) on a signal. While playing the game, it is necessary to constantly remind children of the playful image. Various attributes significantly enliven the game: hats with the image of birds, steering wheels of a car, etc. With the subsequent play of the game, children are offered new options: the sparrows return to their nests, climb onto the bench (sit on the wires). By the end of the year, the most active child can be assigned to the role of the car.

For the younger group games with text are recommended. When conducting games such as "Hare", "Train", etc., the teacher expressively reads the text, accompanying it with appropriate movements. These games develop a sense of rhythm in children. Children, listening to the teacher, try to imitate his movements.

By the age of four, children accumulate motor experience, movements become more coordinated. Taking into account this factor, the teacher complicates the conditions of the game: increases the distance for running, throwing, jumping height; selects games that train in agility, courage, endurance. In the middle group, the educator already distributes roles among the children. The role of the facilitator is initially assigned to children who can cope with it. If the child is not able to accurately complete the task, he may lose faith in his capabilities and it will be difficult to involve him in active actions. The teacher notes the success of children in the game, fosters benevolence, honesty, and justice.

In the middle group plot games such as "Cat and Mice", "Kittens and Puppies", "Mousetrap" and others are widely used, non-plot games: "Find yourself a mate", "Whose link will get together sooner?" and etc.

As in the younger group, the teacher, conducting the story game, uses a figurative story. Fabulous playful images encourage the child to combine the real features of the perceived plot in new combinations. The imagination of a child of the fifth year of life is of a recreational nature, therefore, the educator must always direct his development. The role of the figurative plot story is also great here. For example, you can offer children the game "The kids and the wolf."

This explanation of the plot takes no more than one and a half minutes. It reduces the motor activity of children, the motor density of the game. At the same time, the children's enthusiasm for the game makes it possible to solve educational problems in a complex.

In outdoor games for older preschool children more complex movements are used. The children are given the task of instantly reacting to a change in the game situation, showing courage, ingenuity, endurance, ingenuity, and dexterity.

The movements of children 5-6 years old are more coordinated and accurate, therefore, along with plot and non-plot games, games with elements of competition are widely used, which at first it is advisable to introduce as a competition between several children equal in physical strength and level of development of motor and skills. So, in the game "Who will most likely run to the flag?" the task is performed by 2-3 children. As the children master the skills of orientation in space, competitions in links are introduced.

The winner is the link, the participants of which will cope with the task quickly and correctly.

In the pre-school group, most children are good at basic movements. The teacher pays attention to the quality of movements, makes sure that they are light, beautiful, confident. Children must quickly navigate in space, show endurance, courage, resourcefulness, creatively solve motion problems. It is necessary to set tasks for them to solve independently in games.

So, in the game "Colored Figures" children are divided into links, in each link a link is selected. At the signal of the teacher, children with flags in their hands scatter around the hall. On command: "Into the circle!" - they find their link and form a circle. Then the task becomes more difficult: the children also scatter around the hall, at the command: "Into the circle!" - they are built around the leader and, while the teacher counts to five, they lay out some figure from the flags. This complication of the task requires children to be able to quickly switch from one activity to another - in this case, from active running to performing a collective creative task.

Searching for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children acquire knowledge on their own. The knowledge gained by one's own efforts is assimilated consciously and is more firmly imprinted in the memory. Solving various problems gives rise to faith in one's own strength, arouses joy from independent small discoveries.

With the skillful guidance of the teacher by the outdoor game, the creative activity of children is successfully formed: they come up with versions of games, new plots, more complex game tasks.

Each player must know his task and, in accordance with it, fulfill an imaginary role in the proposed situation. Entering the role forms in children the ability to imagine themselves in the place of another, mentally reincarnate into him; allows you to experience feelings that in everyday life situations may not be available. Since play includes active movements, and movement involves the practical development of the real world, play provides continuous exploration, a constant flow of new information. Thus, outdoor play is a natural form of social self-expression of an individual and creative exploration of the world.

In a number of games, children are required to be able to come up with options for movements, their various combinations (games such as "Make a figure", "Day and night", "Monkey and hunters", etc.). Initially, the teacher plays the leading role in coming up with options for movements. Gradually, he connects children to this. Entering the role, figurative transmission of the nature of movements is facilitated by the children coming up with exercises on a given topic, for example, exercises that imitate the movements of animals, birds, animals (heron, chanterelle, frog), or a task, but come up with and name the exercise, and then complete it (" Fish "," Snowplow ", etc.).

An important role in the development of the creative activity of children is played by involving them in drawing up versions of games, complicating the rules. At first, the leading role in this belongs to the educator, but gradually the children are given more and more independence. So, conducting the game "Two Frosts", the teacher first offers the following option: the one whom the "Frosts" insult remains in place, and the children, running to the opposite side, should not touch the "frozen" ones. Then the teacher complicates the task: while running away from the "Frosts", the children must touch the "frozen" comrades and "warm" them. After that, the teacher invites the children to come up with a version of the game themselves. The most interesting are selected from the proposed options; for example, the children decided that it would be more difficult for the "frosts" to "freeze" the athletes, therefore, during the runs, the children imitate the movements of skiers and skaters.

Using the method of creative assignments, the teacher gradually leads the children to invent outdoor games and organize them independently. For example, Dima E., 6 years old, visited a mountaineering camp with his parents in the summer and, having come to Kindergarten, proposed new game, which he named "Climbers". It is interesting that he began his explanation of the game with a plot story: “On the vast territory of our homeland there are deep rivers and lakes, waterless deserts, wide plains and high mountains. The mountains rest against the sky with their peaks. Grass spreads at the foot of the mountains in summer, snow caps whiten on the peaks at this time, which do not melt even in extreme heat, because it is very cold upstairs. To climb to the top, one has to walk along narrow mountain paths (benches), climb into a cave (arcs placed in a row), jump over cracks in the rock (jump over a rope) and, finally, climb to the top (climb a gymnastic ladder). The first group to conquer the summit will win. "

In this way, an indicator of children's creativity in play is not only the speed of reaction, the ability to enter a role, transferring their understanding of the image, independence in solving motor problems in connection with a change in the playing situation, but also the ability to create combinations of movements, options for games, and the complication of rules. The highest manifestation of creativity is the development of outdoor games by children and the ability to independently organize them.

In the preparatory group for school, along with plot and non-plot games, relay games are held, sport games, games with competition elements.

Children of the preparatory group should know all the ways to choose the leaders, widely use counting rhymes.

It is important to use games not only to improve motor skills, but also to educate all aspects of the child's personality. A well-thought-out method of outdoor games helps to reveal the individual abilities of a child, helps to raise him healthy, vigorous, cheerful, active, able to independently and creatively solve a variety of problems.

Elena Viryukina
"Russian folk outdoor games in groups of different ages in kindergarten."

Prepared: Viryukina Elena Vladimirovna

physical education instructor.

Russian folk outdoor games for children are valuable pedagogically, have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop a certain spiritual attitude, interest in folk art.

Funny outdoor games are our childhood... When did they arise? Who came up with these games? History knows neither the year nor the birthplace of the games, which speaks of their antiquity. It is known that they were passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions, so they have survived to this day.

Boys and girls gathered in the evening, ran tirelessly, played burners, tag, competed in agility, played "Laptu".

In winter games worn a different character: skiing from the mountains was arranged, snowball games, on horseback in a sleigh rode around the village. Especially popular and beloved were such games like"Burners", "Lapta", "Zhmurki", "Towns", ball games.

V vulgar most often the balls were made of rags, and they were stuffed with rags. In the northern provinces, balls were woven from linden bark, birch bark, or willow. Inside, they were empty or filled with sand. Only children from wealthy families played with rubber balls. Outdoor games one of the types of health-saving technologies that preserve and stimulate health, physical qualities and motor skills and abilities. Active processes in the muscles of the child coordinate and stimulate the development of all support systems life activity: cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Affect all psychological processes: thinking, imagination, memory, attention. They educate aesthetics, work skills.

Exists small games, medium, and more mobility... They are held in group, gym, as well as for walks.

The choice of one or the other games depends not only on its content and characteristics, but also on the age, physical condition and level of motor development of its participants.

The younger the children, the simpler the plot and the rules, the duration games are shorter, the degree of load is less, the participation of an adult is more active.

At an older age, the play activity of children becomes more and more diverse, there are manifestations of independence (distribution of roles, compliance with the rules games, children organize games on their own on their own in small group.

Well, and do Russian folk games different (rhymes, collusion, riddles, tunes).

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When many children gather in the house, not every parent knows how to cheer them up. So that you do not get into such situations, we have selected many fun and exciting games that will suit both for small groups of children and large.

Outdoor games fortwo andthree children

Usually, two kids can entertain themselves (they will not be able to easily agree, taking into account the interests of everyone) and they do not need the help of adults. But, nevertheless, there are some cases when the help of moms and dads is simply necessary.

The following active games are perfect for two children:

About, how else can you entertain little fidgets with a ball described in this video:

Threesome children can play such outdoor games as:

  • « gnomes and giants "... The essence of the game is that the presenter takes turns saying the appropriate words and, at this time, the kids need to sit down and become small or stay in a standing position;
  • "dog"... Suitable for older preschool children. Two participants stand opposite each other and begin to throw the ball, the task of the third is to catch it. The participant, through whose fault the ball was missed, takes the place of the driver;
  • "Edible-inedible"... An exciting game familiar to many parents, which is suitable for kids of all ages. It will help to replenish vocabulary, develop erudition, thinking, quick reactions and much more.

Outdoor games for a large number of children

It is much more difficult to entertain a large group of children. After all, all kids are different: someone likes to jump more, someone to run, and some, at all, like only puzzles. What to do in such situations? A compromise is needed. We have selected a number of active games for children that can satisfy all the wishes of little fidgets.

IMPORTANT! Tasks for 3 year old fidgets should not be difficult. Otherwise, children will be bored.

Outdoor games for children of different ages

Finding outdoor games for children of different ages is not easy. Their development in physical, psychological and mental terms is significantly different. The best active games for little fidgets of all ages are:

  • « untangle the thread» . Interesting entertainment in a circle for children. 1 person is selected from the group of children - the leader. The moment he closes his eyes, all the other participants join hands and "get entangled" in a large and complex tangle. The most important rule is not to let go of the hands of other players. Having formed a complex structure, the kids call the leader, who must return them to their original position. If someone lets go of the palm, the game ends;
  • « Ocean is shaking- times, the sea is worried- two...» . 1 participant is selected, who, counting the countdown, starts the game and sets the task (for example, a sea or forest figure). All other children at this moment are moving and having fun, but after the word "freeze", they should freeze in one position, not move and not react to the provocations of the leader. Those who could not resist (moved or laughed) are eliminated. The most "persistent" participant wins. This game contributes to the development of imagination, coordination of movement, self-control;
  • « children's bowling"- an exciting outdoor game. The task of the participants is to knock down all the pins with a special ball. Both a one-year-old baby and older children can cope with such a task. A set for such a game can be bought at any children's store. Its absence can be replaced with a regular medium-sized ball and plastic bottles (half filled with water).

Outdoor games for children of different ages: useful video

Even more ideas on how to entertain a group of young fidgets of different ages, look in the next video.

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