Themes of role-playing games by age. Album of outdoor games in different age groups of kindergarten

Oksana Vasyanina
Outdoor games for the ecological education of senior preschoolers

Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten" Romashka "village Molodezhny" Vasyanina O. P.

The educational value of outdoor folk games is enormous. KD Ushinsky wrote that education, created by the people themselves and based on popular principles, has that educational power that is not found in the best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people. KD Ushinsky also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work out this rich source, organize them and create an excellent and powerful educational tool out of them.

The source of outdoor games with rules is folk games, which are characterized by brightness of design, content, simplicity and amusement.

Games are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their ability to perform certain movements, to comply with the game rules.

is determined by the movements that are part of it - running, jumping, etc. and includes a plot (theme, idea, rules and motor actions.

comes from the experience of humanity, passed down from generation to generation.

The plot of the game

determines the goal of the players' actions, the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor) or is created specially, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a confrontation scheme with various interactions of players (for example, in modern sports games Oh). The plot of the game not only revives the holistic actions of the players, but also gives individual techniques and elements of tactics purposefulness, makes the game exciting.

Rules of outdoor folk games

Rules are mandatory requirements for the participants in the game. They determine the location and movement of players, clarify the nature of behavior, the rights and obligations of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, methods and conditions for taking into account its results. At the same time, the manifestation of creative activity, and the initiative of the players within the framework of the rules of the game, are not excluded.

The Russian people have always been very tender, anxious about nature, glorified and cherished it. These games not only foster love and a good attitude towards the world around them, but also have a cognitive value: children get acquainted with the surrounding nature.

In the pedagogical process of environmental upbringing and education, you can actively use outdoor folk games. Folk games with natural history content can be included in direct educational activities and other forms of environmental education and training (for example, used in the process of working on an ecological path, during environmental holidays, leisure activities, quizzes, competitions, etc.).

Outdoor games of a natural nature are often associated with imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life, some reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature. During the game, children consolidate knowledge about living and inanimate nature; are emotionally uplifted, which contributes to fostering in them a benevolent attitude towards nature and the development of interest in it.

Russian folk outdoor game "Grandfather Mazai"

Rules: choose "grandfather Mazai", the rest agree on which movements will be shown:

Hello, Grandpa Mazai!

Get out of the box.

Where have we been, we will not tell

And what we did - we will show.

Children depict actions (fishing, mowing, picking berries, washing). If he guesses right, the children scatter, "Mazai" catches them. Whoever caught - that "Mazai".

Objectives: to develop plasticity of the body, a sense of humor.

Russian folk outdoor games "Running along the trunk"

Rules: the players gather at the fallen tree trunk (gymnastic bench, climb on it, move back and forth from one edge to the other.

They gradually increase their speed and switch from a step to a run, while speaking in a recitative:

White birch,

Black Rose,

Fragrant lily of the valley,

Dandelion fluffy

Blue bell


The one who loses balance and slides off the trunk is the one from the game. Whoever lasts longer is the winner.

Objectives: to develop agility, balance, competitive passion.

Russian folk outdoor game "Cabbage"

Rules: in the middle put hats, scarves, scarves, belts (this is "cabbage"). The "owner" is selected, he depicts what he says:

I'm sitting on a pebble

I am amusing pegs with small pegs,

I am amusing pegs with small pegs,

The vegetable garden is in town.

So that the cabbage is not stolen,

They didn't run into the garden

Wolf and birds

Beaver and martens,

Zainka eared,

Fat-headed bear.

Children are trying to run into the garden, grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whom the “owner” touches with his hand is not involved in the game. The player who took the most "cabbage" is the winner.

Russian folk outdoor game "Zarya-zarynitsa"

Rules: Children squat in a circle. "Zarya-zarynitsa" follows them, hiding "keys" - a handkerchief with a knot tied behind its back. All together they say:


Red maiden,

I walked across the sky

I dropped the keys.

I saw a month

The sun has skimmed!

The driver discreetly puts a handkerchief behind someone. (Children should not look back.) The one to whom they put the keys runs after the driver. The caught driver sits down in his place, and the child whose handkerchief becomes "dawn".

Tatar folk outdoor game "Earth, water, fire, air"

Rules: the players gather in a circle, in the middle -

leading. He throws the ball to someone, uttering one of four words (earth, water, fire, air).

If the presenter says "ground", then the one who caught the ball must quickly name an animal; if "water" - name the fish; "Air" is a bird; "Fire" - wave your hands. Everybody turns around. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game.

Tasks: develop the ability to understand nature, experience positive emotions from communicating with nature.

Tatar folk round dance game "Tatar wattle"

Rules: choose the leader by counting, the rest, holding hands, pass under the clasped hands, gradually "braiding" the fence. At the same time they sing:

Hang, you hang,

My cabbage!

Hang, you hang,

My pitchfork!

How can I, cabbage,

do not curl,

As me, species,

do not curl up.

Evening on cabbage

Evening on Vilovaya

Frequent heavy rain.

It is repeated several times, the main thing is not to unhook your hands. Tasks: to foster a respectful attitude towards native nature, interest in Tatar games.

Chuvash folk outdoor game "Sun" or "Month"

Rules: the line is drawn. Children choose two drivers, who secretly from the others agree, which of them will be the "sun" and who will be the "month." "Whose are you?" - the presenters ask the players, the children answer quietly so that the others do not hear. The drivers stand in front of each other on both sides of the line and hold hands. Behind them, putting their hands on the belt in front of the one standing in front, the children from their team line up. They help the "sun" and "month", which are trying to pull each other over the line.

Bashkir folk outdoor game "Swallows and hawks"

Rules: players are divided into two teams, stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In the water row - "hawks", in the other - "swallows". Choose a leader. He walks and says the beginning of the words (LA- or Y-, does not pronounce the ending. Then the group, whose name (beginning) is pronounced, scatters in different directions, another group catches up with them. The caught are considered captives of the catch.

The team with more players by the end of the game wins.

Objectives: to continue to develop interest in native nature, in Bashkir games.

Yakut folk outdoor game "Hawk and ducks"

Rules: two circles are laid out with cords - two "lakes". By counting, they choose the "hawk", the rest - "wild ducks" - teals, dives and pintails. Teals and dives swim in one lake, pintail in another. Then the ducks change places, flying from one lake to another. At this time, the hawk, which is on the "land" (between the two "lakes", catches ducks. The caught ones drop out of the game. You cannot catch in the "lake".

Buryat folk outdoor game "Camel and baby camel"

Rules: "camel" and "baby camel" are selected. Children stand in a circle and join hands. "Camel" catches a camel, and he dodges, running in a circle or around a circle. Children help the baby camel. If he is in a circle, they do not let the “camel” go there, if the “camel” manages to get into the circle, the “camel” is urgently released from there.

Kabardian folk outdoor game "Geese"

Rules: "Shepherd" and "Fox" are selected. The rest of the children are "geese". The shepherd says:

I graze geese in the forest.

I will save the geese from the fox.

Geese, geese!


It's true?

Yes Yes Yes!

Who can hear you?


After the last word, “fox” begins to catch “geese”, and “shepherd” tries to prevent them (if the shepherd manages to grab the goose by the wing before the fox, the goose is saved). The game ends when the fox has caught all the geese.

Natalia Dippel
Role-playing games by age


The creative team of our kindergarten makes a variety of reminders for teachers. One of them is Plot role-playing games in accordance with age.

The line of pluses separates those games that remain from the previous group, and under this line, those games that are added for this age and are new plots.

Younger groups - household, labor

Senior groups - household, labor, economic, social, modernization of games

1 younger group -

Chauffeur ( "Bus")

Daughters - mothers



Jr age:

1. Influence development plot

Teach game actions:


Coming up with an uncomplicated plot

2 younger group:

Chauffeur ( "Bus")

Daughters - mothers


"Zoo"- cf. gr.

"Sailors"- cf. gr.


Jr age:

1. Influence development plot

Teach game actions:

Imitate labor and household actions

Interconnect 2-3 consecutive actions, build uncomplicated plot

Coming up with an uncomplicated plot using the knowledge gained in the classroom and in the process of observation.

2. Teach to choose and take on a certain role. Call her with words

3. Encourage independent selection of toys, use substitutes for toys in games.

4. To teach to organize independent joint games for 2-3 people. To form friendly relations.

Middle group

Chauffeur ( "Bus")

Daughters - mothers








Average age:

1. Encourage yourself to invent plots, based on the knowledge gained from various sources:

Display not only actions, but also the simplest relationships of adults.

To use simple material of works in games, see the help of a teacher

Diversify game actions that reflect the work and everyday activities of adults.

2. Encourage independent distribution of roles, obey the established rules

3. Encourage independent production of attributes, use substitutes

4. Encourage the independent unification of children of 3-4 people. (by sympathy) To teach to obey the interests of comrades, to yield, to help each other.

Senior group

Chauffeur ( "Bus")

Daughters - mothers









Gas station



Marine border guards


Senior preschool age:

game plot

6. Independently unite 5-6 people into the game. by sympathy. Encourage different playing groups, seek independent resolution of conflicts in the game with each other.

Preparatory group

Chauffeur ( "Bus")

Daughters - mothers








Gas station



Marine border guards



Border guards

agricultural labor (farm)



Tourist agency

Veterinary clinic


Senior preschool age:

1. Learn to invent independently game plot, to display social and political events, relations of adults.

2. Teach to independently dramatize fairy tales, introduce them into role-playing games.

3. Learn to build a game plan, determine ways to implement the plan, play for a long time.

4. To learn to distribute roles without conflict, to obey the rules, to increase the number of players.

5. To independently select and produce attributes, select substitutes, encourage the use of imaginary objects.

6. Independently unite 5-6 people into the game. by sympathy. Encourage different playing groups, seek independent resolution of conflicts in the game with each other

Outdoor games are of great importance in a child's life, as they are an irreplaceable means for a child to gain knowledge and ideas about the world around him. They also affect the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, moral and volitional qualities. Outdoor games for children strengthen physical health, teach life situations, help the child to get the correct development.

Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor games for a younger preschooler

Junior children preschool age the game tends to imitate whatever they see. In the outdoor games of children, as a rule, it is not communication with peers that is manifested, but a reflection of the life that adults or animals live. Children at this age happily fly like sparrows, jump like bunnies, flap their wings like butterflies. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age have a plot character.

  • Outdoor game "Mice dance in a circle"

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Description: before starting the game, you must select the driver - "cat". The cat chooses a “stove” for itself (it can be a bench or a chair), sits on it and closes its eyes. All other participants join hands and begin to dance around the cat with the words:

The mice are dancing
A cat is dozing on the stove.
Hush the mouse, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat Vaska,
Vaska's cat will wake up -
Will break our round dance! "

While pronouncing the last words, the cat stretches, opens his eyes and starts chasing mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game starts over.

  • The game "Sun and Rain"

Tasks: to teach children to find their place in the game, to navigate in space, to develop the ability to perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Description: Children sit on high chairs in the hall. Chairs are their "home". After the teacher's words: “What good weather, go for a walk!”, The guys get up and start moving in an arbitrary direction. As soon as the teacher says: "It's raining, run home!", The children should run to the chairs and take their place. The teacher says "Cap - Cap - Cap!" The rain gradually dies down and the teacher says: “Go for a walk. The rain is over! "

  • The game "Sparrows and a cat"

Tasks: teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, run, dodge the driver, run away, find their place.

Description: Circles - "nests" are drawn on the ground. Sparrow children sit in their nests on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site is the "cat". As soon as the "cat" slumbers, the "sparrows" fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains. The "cat" wakes up, meows, runs after the sparrows, which must fly to their nests.

First, the role of the "cat" is performed by the educator, then by one of the children.

  • An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"

Another game for children 3-5 years old about sparrows.

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions, start moving or change it at the signal of the leader, find their place.

Description: Children are "sparrows" sitting in their "nests" (on a bench). The teacher portrays a "car". As soon as the teacher says: "The sparrows flew to the path", the children get up from the bench and start running around the playground. At the signal of the teacher: "The car is going, fly the sparrows to their nests!" - the "car" leaves the "garage", and the children must return to the "nests" (sit on the bench). The "car" returns to the "garage".

  • Game "Cat and Mice"

There are many games for kids with cats and mice as participants. Here is one of them.

Objectives: This outdoor game helps children develop the ability to perform movement on a signal. Exercise in different directions while running.

Description: Children - "mice" sit in burrows (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the playground there is a "cat" - a teacher. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, begins to catch mice that run into their burrows and take their places. When all the mice return to their burrows, the cat walks through the hall again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

  • An outdoor game for preschoolers "A bear in the forest"

Tasks: develop the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, exercise children in running, develop attention.

Description: One driver is chosen from among the participants, who will be the "bear". Draw two circles on the playground. The first circle is the bear's den, the second circle is the house for the rest of the game participants. The game begins with the children leaving the house with the words:

The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear does not sleep
And growls at us.

As soon as the children uttered these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and catches the children. The one who did not manage to reach the house and was caught by the "bear" becomes the driver ("bear").

  • Through a brook (outdoor game with jumping)

Tasks: Teach you to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance.

Description: On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from one another. At this distance, pebbles are drawn at a certain distance from each other.

The players stand at the edge - on the bank of the stream, they must cross (jump) it over the pebbles without getting their feet wet. Those who stumbled - wet their feet, go to dry them in the sun - sit on a bench. Then they re-enter the game.

  • Game "Birds and a cat"

Objectives: To teach to follow the rules of the game. React to the signal.

Description: for the game you will need a mask of a cat and birds, a large circle drawn.

Children stand in a circle from the outside. One child stands in the center of the circle (cat), falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds jump into the circle and fly there, pecking grains. The cat wakes up and begins to catch the birds, and they run away around the circle.

  • Game "Snowflakes and Wind"

Objectives: To exercise in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal.

Description: At the signal "Wind!" children - "snowflakes" - run around the playground in different directions, whirl ("the wind swirls snowflakes in the air"). At the signal "No wind!" - squat ("snowflakes fell to the ground").

    Outdoor game "Find yourself a match"

Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal, quickly build up in pairs.

Description: Participants stand along the wall. Each of them gets a checkbox. As soon as the teacher gives a signal, the children scatter around the playground. After the command "Find yourself a mate", participants with flags of the same color are combined into pairs. An odd number of children must participate in the game and at the end of the game one is left without a pair.

All these outdoor games can be successfully used for playing in kindergarten in a group or for a walk. Children of different ages: from toddlers of 3 years old to children of the middle group of 4-5 years old play them with pleasure.

  • Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old

In children 5-6, 6-7 years old, the nature of play activity changes somewhat. Now they are already beginning to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they strive to express their feelings, desires, to carry out their plans. However, imitation and imitation do not disappear and continue to play an important role in the life of an older preschooler. These games can also be played in kindergarten.

  • The game "Bear and bees"

Tasks: exercise in running, follow the rules of the game.

Description: the participants are divided into two teams - "bears" and "bees". Before the start of the game, the "bees" take places in their "hives" (benches, ladders can serve as hives). At the command of the host, the "bees" fly to the meadow for honey, while the "bears" climb into the "hives" and feast on honey. Having heard the signal "Bears!", All the "bees" return to the "hives" and "sting" (salat) the "bears" who did not have time to escape. The next time the stung "bear" does not go out for honey, but remains in the den.

    Burners game

Tasks: exercise in running, respond to a signal, follow the rules of the game.

Description: An odd number of children take part in the game, they become pairs and hold hands. In front of the column is the driver who looks forward. Children repeat the words in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it does not go out
Look at the sky -
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
Once! Two! Three! Run!

As soon as the participants say the word "Run!", Those standing in the last pair in the column let go of their hands and run along the column forward, one on the right side, the other on the left. Their task is to run forward, stand in front of the driver and again join hands. The driver, in turn, must catch someone from this pair before they join hands. If you succeed in catching, then the driver with the caught will form a new pair, and the participant left without a pair will now drive.

  • Outdoor game "Two frosts"

A well-known game for preschoolers with simple rules. Tasks: to develop inhibition in children, the ability to act on a signal, to exercise in running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, indicated by lines. Players are placed on one side of the court. The teacher chooses two people who will become the drivers. They are located in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are two Frosts - Frost Red nose and Frost Blue nose. At the signal of the educator "Start!" both Frosts say the words: “We are two young brothers, two daring frosts. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which of you will dare to set off on a path-path? " All the players answer: "We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost" and run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and Frosts try to freeze them, that is. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who were touched by Frost freeze in place and remain so until the end of the dash. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

  • The game "Sly Fox"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site, thus marking the "Fox House". The teacher asks to close the eyes of the children who are located in a circle. The teacher walks around the educated circle behind the children, touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a "sly fox".

After that, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who is the cunning fox. Then the children ask 3 times: "Sly fox, where are you?" At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked the third time, the sly fox jumps to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I am here!" All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the cunning fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people are caught, the teacher says: "Into the circle!" and the game starts again.

  • Deer Catching Game

Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions, agility.

Description: Two shepherds are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players are deer located inside the outlined circle. The shepherds are in a circle, opposite each other. At the signal from the host, the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer, and they try to dodge the ball. A deer hit by the ball is considered caught and leaves the circle. After several repetitions, he counts the number of deer caught.

    Fishing rod game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: The participants are arranged in a circle. In the center is the driver - the educator. He is holding a string in his hands, at the end of which is tied a small bag of sand. The driver rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself. Children jump in such a way that the rope does not touch their feet. Those participants who are touched by the rope on their legs are eliminated from the game.

  • Game "Hunters and Falcons"

Objectives: Exercise in running.

Description: All participants - falcons are on one side of the hall. There are two hunters in the middle of the hall. As soon as the teacher gives a signal: "Falcons, fly!" participants must run across to the opposite side of the hall. The task of the hunters is to catch (stain) as many falcons as possible before they manage to cross the conditional line. Repeat the game 2-3 times, then change the drivers.

    Spider and flies game

Description: in one of the corners of the hall, a spider web is indicated in a circle, in which there is a driving spider. All the other guys are flies. All flies "fly" around the hall, buzz. At the signal of the host "Spider!" flies freeze. The spider comes out of hiding and carefully examines all the flies. Those who move, he takes into his web. After two to three repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted.

    Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: Two participants face each other, join their hands and raise them higher. After that, both of them say in unison:

“How tired we are of the mice, they gnawed everything, ate everything!
We will put the mousetrap and then we will catch the mice! "

While the participants say these words, the rest of the guys should run under their clasped hands. At the last words, the presenters sharply lower their hands and catch one of the participants. The caught one joins the catchers and now there are three of them. So the mousetrap gradually grows. The last competitor is the winner.

Outdoor games for schoolchildren 7-9, 10-12 years old

Pupils also love to play games during breaks or walks. We have selected games that you can play on walks in the extended session or in physical education classes in grades 1-4. The rules of the game are becoming a little more complicated, but the main tasks of the games are: training dexterity, reaction, quickness, general physical development and the ability to cooperate with the guys.

Many outdoor games are universal: both boys and girls can play them. You can divide children into groups of girls and boys or according to another principle.

    Game "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: to develop attentiveness, thinking, speed and endurance.

Description: A hunter and a homeless hare are chosen from all the participants. The remaining players are hares, they draw a circle for themselves and stand in it. The hunter is trying to catch up with the fleeing homeless hare.

The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle. At the same time, the participant who stands in this circle must immediately run away, since now he becomes a homeless hare, and the hunter now catches him.

If the hunter caught a hare, then the caught one becomes a hunter.

  • Outdoor game "Feet off the ground"

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver walks around the hall with other guys. As soon as the teacher says: "Catch!", All participants scatter, trying to climb any elevation where you can raise your legs above the ground. You can only burn those with feet on the ground. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

    Game "Empty space"

Tasks: develop reaction speed, agility, attentiveness, help improve running skills.

Description: the participants form a circle, and the driver is located behind the circle. By touching the shoulder of one of the players, he thereby calls him to the competition. After that, the driver and the participant whom he has chosen run along the circle in opposite directions. The one who first takes the empty space left by the selected player remains in the circle. The one left without a place becomes the driver.

  • Outdoor game "Third extra"

Objectives: to develop dexterity, speed, to foster a sense of collectivism.

Description: Participants walk in a circle in pairs holding hands. The distance between pairs is 1.5 - 2 meters. Two drivers, one of whom runs away, the other catches up. The escaping player can stand in front of any pair at any time. In this case, the rear player of the pair he stood in front of becomes the one being caught up. If, nevertheless, the player managed to catch up and beat him down, then the drivers change their roles.

  • Shootout game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attentiveness, speed of reaction.

Description: A game is played on a volleyball court. Having retreated 1.5 meters from the front line into the hall, a line parallel to it is drawn to form something like a corridor. An additional line is also drawn on the other side.

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is placed on its own half of the area from the center line of the lineout. In both teams, a captain must be selected. You cannot enter the opponent's territory. Each player who has the ball tries to hit his opponent with it, without going over the middle line. A greasy player is sent prisoner and stays there until the players of his team throw the ball into his hands. After that, the player returns to the team.

Outdoor games for a walk

Walking with children in kindergarten or on an extended day in elementary school, the teacher needs something to keep the children busy: an excellent solution is to organize outdoor games during a walk. First, the teacher introduces children to various games, and later the children themselves, dividing into groups, will be able to decide which game they want to play. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body and strengthening the immune system. And the time of the walk flies unnoticed.

Before starting the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the state of the playing field: are there any unnecessary objects, fragments and everything that can prevent children from playing and create a traumatic environment - unfortunately, not only on the street, but also on the school or kindergarten site can be found a lot of trash.

  • Train game

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description: Children form a column. The first child in the column is a steam locomotive, the rest of the participants are carriages. After the teacher beeps, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). Slowly at first, then faster, gradually switching to a run, they say "Chu - chu - chu!". “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher gives the beep again, the movement of the train resumes.

  • An outdoor game "Zhmurki"

Tasks: education of dexterity, development of the ability to navigate in space, observation.

Description: Free space is required for the game. A driver is chosen, who is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site. The driver is turned several times around his own axis, after which he must catch any player. Caught becomes a driver.

  • Game "Day and Night"

Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions, to act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One team is "day", the other is "night". A line is drawn or a cord is put in the middle of the hall. At a distance of two steps from the drawn line, teams stand with their backs to each other. At the command of the host, for example, "Day!" the team with the appropriate name starts to catch up. Children from the "night" team must have time to escape beyond the conditional line before their rivals can stain them. The team that has time to tarnish more players from the opposing team wins.

  • Game "Baskets"

Tasks: to exercise in running one after another, to develop speed, quickness of reaction, attentiveness.

Description: Two presenters are selected. One of them will be a fisherman, the other will be a fugitive. All the remaining participants are divided into pairs and join hands, creating something like a basket. The players scatter in different directions, and the leaders are separated, the catcher is trying to catch up with the fugitive. The fugitive must run between pairs. The baskets should not catch the fugitive, but for this he names the names of the participants in the basket to which he runs up.

  • The game "Grab, run away"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: The teacher is in the center of the circle. Throws the ball to the child and says his name. This kid catches the ball and throws it back to the adult. When an adult throws the ball up, all children should run to their "own" place. The adult's task is to try to hit the fleeing children.

In this article, we have given 29 outdoor games with a detailed description of the rules of the games. We hope that this material will help organize the games of children at school during breaks and physical education lessons, for a walk in the preschool educational institution and the GPA.

Compiled by: Oksana Gennadievna Borshch, primary school teacher, deputy director for educational work.


  1. Classification of outdoor games in DU.

  2. Variation and complication of outdoor games.

  3. Game management methodology.

  4. General characteristics of outdoor games for each age group.

  5. Play as a means of securing movement. Selection of games.

  6. Methodology for conducting outdoor games in I younger group DU.

  7. The method of conducting outdoor games in middle group DU.

  8. Methodology for outdoor games in the older group.

  9. Methodology for outdoor games for each age group of children.

Classification of outdoor games in DU.

  1. By the figurative content:

  • plot (character roles with corresponding motional actions). The plot is divided into figurative ("Bear and bees", "Hares and wolf") and conventional ("Catchers", "Fifteen");

  • plotless (all perform the same movements - "Find yourself a pair", "Whose link will build faster");

  • round dance (games are played to a song or poem);

  • folk;

  • fun games (for the smallest children - "Ladushki");

  • amusement games;

  • finger games.

  1. By complexity:

    • simple non-team games (each participant, observing the rules, fights for himself);

    • more complex transitional to team (sometimes a player can enter into temporary cooperation with other players to achieve a goal);

    • team outdoor games (the players make up separate groups, teams).

  1. By types of movements, mainly included games:

    • walking games;

    • running games;

    • crawling and climbing games;

    • games with throwing and catching the ball;

    • jumping games.

  1. By the age of children, taking into account the division into groups in the educational institution:

      • games of the 1st junior group;

      • games of the 2nd junior group;

      • middle group games;

      • games of the older group.

Variation and complication of outdoor games.

  1. Increase dosage (repetition and total duration of play).

  2. Complicate motor content.

  3. Change the placement of the players on the court.

  4. Change the signal (instead of the verbal one, enter a sound or visual signal)

  5. Play the game in non-standard conditions (running on the sand).

  6. Complicate the rules (enter 2 "traps").

Game management methodology.

  1. Preparing for the game.

  1. The choice of game depends on:

    • tasks assigned to the lesson;

    • age characteristics of preschoolers, their physical fitness;

    • the number of children;

    • conditions for the games;

    • forms of employment (physical education, holiday, walk);

    • venue, weather conditions;

    • availability of inventory, benefits.

  2. Preparation of the place of the game (observing the safety rules, prepare the site).

  3. Preparation of inventory (availability and quantity).

  4. Site markup.

  5. Preliminary analysis of the game.

  1. Organization of the players.

  1. Placement of the players and the place of the leader when explaining the game.

  2. Explanation of the game (brevity, consistency, consistency):

    • title;

    • the role of the players and their location;

    • purpose and rules.

  3. Allocation of drivers:

  • counting room;

  • optional;

  • by appointment of the head;

  • according to the best results;

  • by lot;

  • at the choice of the players;

  • based on the results of previous games.

  1. Distribution into teams:

  • payment;

  • by gender;

  • by color;

  • according to the head;

  • at the choice of the captain;

  • permanent teams;

  • by curly marching.

  1. Selection of the team captain.

  2. Allocation of assistants (from among the freed).

  1. Guiding the game process.

  1. Observation of the course of the game and the behavior of the players (observance of the rules, timeliness of the signal)

  2. Judging (objective, impartial)

  3. Dosage during the game (alternate intense loads with rest, all participants should receive the same loads)

  4. The end of the game (the duration depends on the character, the composition of the students, the conditions of the classes)

  1. Summing up the game.

  1. Determination of the results of the game.

  2. Analysis of the game.

General characteristics of outdoor games for each age group.
Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and bringing up physical qualities.

Fun games are held with children of the first year of life ("Hide and Seek", "Horned Goat", "White-sided Magpie", etc.), which cause sounds, movements, laughter, joy, pleasure in children.

In the second year of life, plotless games are used ("Bring a ball, a toy", "Raise your legs higher", "Pass the ball", etc.). In these games, children perform one movement (walking, throwing) at an individual pace, but gradually they move from individual actions to joint ones.

In the future, more complex movements are included in the games and the number of movements increases.

The number of roles in the games of young children is insignificant (1-2). The main role is played by the educator, and the kids portray the same characters, for example, the teacher is a cat, all children are mice ("Cat to Mouse"). In the games of older children, the number of roles increases (up to 3-4). Here, for example, there is a shepherd, a wolf, geese ("Geese-Swans"), in addition, the roles are distributed among all the children.

The number of rules is gradually increasing, the relationship between children is becoming more complicated. In younger groups, the rules are very simple and promising. Compliance with the rules is reduced to actions on a signal: on one signal, children run out of the house, on the other, they return to their places. Over time, restrictions on actions are introduced: run away in a certain direction; caught to move aside.

In games with elements of competition, first, everyone acts for himself (whoever manages to bring the object before everyone else), then collective responsibility is introduced.

Outdoor games of young children are often accompanied by words - poems, songs, recitative, which reveal the content of the game and its rules; explain what movement and how to perform; serve as signals for start to end; suggest the rhythm and tempo. Games accompanied by text are also given in older groups, and the words are often pronounced in chorus.
Play as a means of securing movement. Selection of games.
To consolidate motor skills in children and develop physical qualities, it is useful to repeat games throughout the year and in a certain sequence.

When the game is repeated, the tasks themselves vary. For example, if the game "Catch" is played for the first time, the teacher teaches the children to play, explains the content, the rules of the game. When playing the game for the second time, the teacher can use it as a means to develop speed. To do this, he sets the task for the children to run away from the "trap" as quickly as possible. In this case, a large playground is needed so that children, running away from the "trap", can show maximum speed. On the third repetition, a new task may be put forward - to develop predominantly dexterity in children. For this, the game must be played in a limited area. In addition, 2-3 "traps" can be chosen and, in order to dodge them, children will have to be very active.

When choosing games for every day, you need to take into account the time and place in the daily routine. At the same time, one should not forget about either the previous or the subsequent activities of the children.

In the morning (before morning gymnastics), especially in spring and summer, it is recommended to play with physical education aids and toys that encourage children to move (with a ball, with a hoop, ring throw, bilbock, classes). Children come together in small groups and play on their own.

In the intervals between organized classes, especially if they are associated with a fixed posture (drawing, modeling, development of speech and mathematical representations), games of medium and low mobility are useful ("Make a figure", "Do as I do", "Ball school", bilbock ). The purpose of these games is active recreation, so they should be familiar to children.

When choosing games for a daytime walk, the teacher takes into account the previous activities of the children. After quiet activities (drawing, modeling) that require focused attention, games of a more mobile nature are recommended. They need to be accompanied by the whole group at the beginning of the walk. It is desirable that there are two of them: the first game should be with a heavy load ("The Hunter and the Hares"), the second - more calm ("Day and Night").

It is also important to remember that it is advisable to play games of a more mobile nature 25-30 minutes after eating and in no case before eating.

On an evening walk, it is useful to organize such games of high and medium mobility, in which all children participate at the same time. It is recommended to play with children of round-the-clock groups after dinner, games of low mobility, of a calm nature ("Shepherd and herd", "Skok, skok").

It is very important to plan outdoor games for the whole year and for the next week. Approximately 10-15 new games are held during the year. Too many games take a long time to learn and make it difficult to repeat them.

Games of different content and character should be planned for each day of the week. This will ensure the diversified development of children.

In young children, temporary connections are formed slowly, so the same game when learning should be repeated 3-4 times during the week. However, after a while, you need to plan these games again in order to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities with their help.

Methodology for outdoor games in the I junior group of educational institutions.
I. Main elements:

1) choice of game;


3) title;

4) explanation;

5) choice for a role;

6) game guidance;

7) the end of the game.


1) on the complexity of the rules;

2) bell, pipe - sound signal; bring in a bright toy; start a game with 3-5 children;

3) name;

4) gather the children for the game (circle, line), building up for the game at the place where the game starts;

5) the explanation of the game goes in the course of the game itself, characterize all the characters of the game with the intonation of the voice. The teacher is a participant in the game, plays the main role, guides the game;

6) the teacher moves with the children, the children imitate him, without stopping the game. The teacher arranges, moves, helps;

7) encourages children and offers to remove benefits, encourages and offers to play with benefits.

Methodology for outdoor games in the middle group of educational institutions.
I. Main elements:

1) choice of game;

2) collection for the game with the creation of interest;

3) title;

4) explanation;

5) choice for a role;

6) game guidance;

7) the end of the game.


1) on the complexity of the rules;

2) sound signal, thin. a word whose link will gather faster. Agree in advance and start the game at the start of the signal;

7) summarize, give an overall assessment of the game; who broke the rules. Involve children in the analysis.

Methodology for outdoor games in the older group.
I. Main elements:

1) choice of game;

2) collection for the game with the creation of interest;

3) title;

4) explanation;

5) choice for a role;

6) game guidance;

7) the end of the game.


1) on the complexity of the rules;

2) whose link will assemble faster;

4) depends on the novelty of the game if new game- name, explain the rules. The main thing before the game is to tell who should do what, how to move. Secondary - in the intervals between the game, you can clarify the rules by asking questions to the children, if there are complex movements in the game, make a trial move. If the game is familiar, then you just need to name it, briefly recall the rules;

5) rhyme, wish, spinning top (whirligig) as a reward;

6) during the game, the teacher monitors physical activity, compliance with the rules, interaction between children, gives signals to start and end;

7) summarize, give an overall assessment of the game; who broke the rules. Encourage children. Involve children in the analysis. Offer to play with the manuals.

Methodology for outdoor games for each age group of children.
Outdoor games as the main physical activity of preschool children are planned by the teacher at different times of the day in accordance with the regime of each age group.

When distributing games in the calendar plan, the educator provides for all the diversity of the motor content, the necessary repetition and variability, contributing to the improvement of motor skills, takes into account the specific conditions for their implementation.

To use all the opportunities for children's play activities during the day, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established regime, which is based on medical and hygienic requirements and taking into account the age characteristics of children of each group. This means that the time of outdoor games and their duration are closely related to the previous and subsequent activities of children. In addition, the educator, observing the nature of the activity of children, offers them games of various content and degrees of mobility, thereby regulating their physical activity: by strengthening it to some, limiting it to others and providing the necessary rest.

When drawing up a calendar plan for outdoor games, the season and weather conditions are also taken into account. In cold autumn and winter, on frosty days, clean, fresh air, combined with movement, has a beneficial effect on the child's body, hardens the nervous system, strengthens the body's resistance, and increases cheerfulness. In cold weather, active play alternates with other moderately active activities. The alternation of the nature and pace of motor activity creates an opportunity for children to rest and protects them both from freezing and excessive overheating.

Slides for sledding children are arranged on the site, and conditions for ice skating and hockey are created for older groups.

In the summer, when the whole life of children is transferred to the air and clothes are easier (panties, panama hats, light shoes make up their daily suit), various movements improve the well-being of children, cause them a joyful sense of life.

It is necessary that the sites of all age groups are equipped with large physical equipment in accordance with the instructions of the program and are systematically used by children to improve motor skills in climbing, climbing, climbing, jumping, throwing, exercises in balance, etc. small physical training aids (sticks, hoops, flags, balls, ball ropes, ring throws, short and long skipping ropes, etc.).

In senior and especially in preparatory groups games with elements of sports games are being learned: volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, small towns. Skittles, cerso, bilboke, diabolo, grandmothers, etc. are provided. All this attracts children to active physical activity, improves skills, and fosters physical qualities.

In the summer, outdoor games with rules that improve motor skills and physical qualities are widely used. In addition to organizing them by the teacher, in the middle and two older groups, the independent creative association of children is encouraged - coming up with versions of games they know and their own plots of games.

Thus, a variety of outdoor games contribute to the all-round development of children, contribute to the improvement of the body, enrich the life of children with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in the environment, independence and creative initiative.

As I already said, I really love to systematize everything, and therefore today I will nourish you with another plan of developing games and activities. I really hope that this outline will help you navigate many of the games with a 1 year old child, which have already been written about earlier. Personally, I am without such specific development programs as without hands, because I really want to meet my daughter's needs, changing almost every month, in knowledge, impressions, discoveries.

This comprehensive program has everything for the comprehensive development of a child 1 year - 1 year 3 months: the development of motor skills, and creativity, and the study of the world around him, and much more.

Sometimes, sitting down to the baby, we think, “So, we ought to do something useful, developing” and start digging into the depths of our memory, remembering what was interesting there they wrote in books and on forums. But while we are thinking, the child is already crawling away from us and, having climbed somewhere, throws up new troubles for us. So the right moment is missed, and we again postpone the "development" until the next time. To avoid such a situation, you just need to have a PLAN on hand! The plan of developmental activities will always be able to quickly tell us how interesting and useful to entertain the baby.

I present to your attention the continuation of our plan of educational games and activities for children. Today the next age is 1 year 3 months - 1.5 years. During this period, the baby still has a huge craving for studying the surrounding objects and their properties, the child is happy to feel, fold, shift, push something, and this should not be denied, but on the contrary, provide as many different opportunities as possible. Along with subject games, one should not forget about creative development, role-playing games, reading books and much more. And in order not to miss anything, you just need a comprehensive program of classes or a synopsis, which you can quickly refer to at the right time.

Recently, I have been receiving more and more questions in my mail about when I will finally publish a plan of educational games for children 2 - 3 years old. I confess, it has been delayed very much. Therefore, despite the fact that not all the materials that I would like to refer to in this article are ready yet, I decided not to postpone any more and publish our training program.

I must say right away that this is not a rigid schedule of classes, this is a kind of guideline that will tell you what to play with your baby when you have a minute to spare. For me, such a plan was a real lifesaver, I am without it, as if I had no hands. I made the program for my daughter when she was 2 years old. I tried to cover in the program all the main areas of the child's development, taking into account the cognitive needs of this period. Everything has been tested in practice, of course

If you have not yet decided what to play with your child and you do not have a specific lesson plan, then you are definitely here. Today I want to replenish the heading "" with a list of educational games that are most relevant at the age from 1.5 years to 1 year 9 months.

What's new at this age? For me, this period with Taisia ​​was remembered by the fact that her daughter became much more picky in terms of her choice of occupations. If earlier she supported almost any venture, as soon as she offered something, now she had very specific preferences of her own, more and more often she had to deal with "I want - I don't want". Naturally, this is a normal stage of development, but as a restless mother, it is not always easy for me to get used to the fact that a child becomes an independent person with his own circle of interests.

It is always very interesting for me to observe how my daughter develops, how her circle of interests changes, her skills and knowledge about the world are improving. Some games recede into the background, being replaced by others, more "advanced". When they ask me what Taisiya played at the age of 1 year 9 months to 2 years old, the first thing that comes to mind is clothespins and scissors. These two classes were definitely our undisputed favorites at this age. It seems that Taisiya was cutting everything that was lying badly. Of course, cutting, at first, rather resembled shredding paper around the perimeter, but the main thing is not the result, but the child's genuine interest! Clothespins were also attached at our house in all possible places, not to mention the favorite drying of doll clothes on a clothesline with clothespins.

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