Insect games for the preparatory group. A project for older children on the topic: Insects

Didactic game "What an insect"

Target: to form the concept of "insect" in children. Recognize and name insect representatives.

Didactic material: Cutaway pictures of insects.

Methodology: Children must assemble a picture at speed, name an insect. If someone is at a loss, you can use riddles:

She is nicer than all the bugs

Her back is red.

And there are circles on it

Black dots. (Ladybug)

She has 4 wings,

The body is thin, big eyes,

They call her ... (Dragonfly)

Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers.

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is dear to all people,

And her name is ... (Bee)

I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk.

If I'm spinning in the air

I’ll have enough of it. (Bug)

We will spread our wings

The pattern is beautiful on them.

We're spinning, fluttering -

What a lot of space! (Butterfly)

Didactic game "The fourth extra"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of insects.

Didactic material: No.

Methodology: The teacher names four words, the children must name an extra word.

Option number 1:

1.hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;

2. wagtail, spider, starling, bee;

3. butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

4. grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, may beetle;

5. bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

6. grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;

7. cockroach, fly, bee, beetle;

8. dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

9. frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;

10. dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

Option number 2:

The teacher reads the words, and the children should think about which of them are suitable for the ant (bumblebee ... bee ... cockroach).

Dictionary: anthill, green, fluttering, honey, hardworking, red back, belt, beehive, furry, ringing, river, chirping, cobweb, “flying flower”, honeycomb, buzzing, “jumping champion”, big eyes, striped, nectar, pollen , Caterpillar.

Didactic game "Butterflies"

Target: Reveal children's knowledge about insects, butterflies. To form the ability to visually correlate proportions in the structure of butterflies, shape and color with the existing reality in the world of butterflies.

Didactic material: Various flowers are depicted on the field of the didactic game, among them are pictures with swirling butterflies (of different sizes, proportions, structure)

Methodology: children should choose butterflies that do not exist in nature, tell why the child thinks so.

Didactic game "Fold the insect"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge of insects. Learn to describe by the most typical signs.

Didactic material: Pictures depicting different insects (each in duplicate).

Methodology: one copy of the pictures is whole, and the second is cut into 4 parts. Children look at whole pictures, then put their mosaics on it. The resulting insects describe externally what sounds it makes and how it moves.

Didactic game "Quiet - Loud"

Target: To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about the actions and sounds of insects.

Didactic material: Ball.

Methodology: The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge about the appearance, actions and sounds of insects. After that, the children line up in a circle and quickly answer the question. Those who cannot remember skips their turn.

"Who's Quiet"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

Who is Loud? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

How you can successfully use the familiar images of bees, ladybirds, ants and other insects when creating homemade games, visual aids, layouts, is described and shown in useful publications in this section. Didactic, developing games; original accessories for outdoor games; homemade constructors; mock-ups depicting insects in their natural habitat. And also: speech games, comparative stories about insects, speech therapy aids, in which characters from the "small world" appear in one way or another.

Insects at the service of child development

Contained in sections:

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All sections | Insects. Games, tutorials, layouts

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8 cells

Generalizing lesson-game on the topic "Class insects"

The purpose of the lesson: to generalize and systematize the knowledge of students on the topic: "class insects."

Lesson Objectives:

    develop cognitive interest through game elements,

    contribute to the formation of skills in working in a group,

    to systematize the knowledge of students about the main orders of insects.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge (lesson-game).

Equipment: plaques with team numbers, computer presentation (2), multimedia projector, task cards.

Preliminary preparation: the class is divided into 3 teams, tokens for the game are being prepared, children are preparing messages on the topics: “rare and endangered species of insects” and “ Interesting Facts about insects ”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Viewpresentation.

Guys, please tell me what unites the animals that you just saw on the slides? (children's answers: they belong to the class of insects, a little general characteristics class of insects).

Today we will conduct a generalizing lesson on the topic of "insects", we will consolidate the knowledge gained on this topic in the form of a game. To do this, you divided into 3 teams (hand out signs to teams: 1, 2 and 3 teams), for correct answers you will receive tokens, we will summarize the game at the end of the lesson.

Insects are amazing creatures. To some they seem beautiful, to others scary, but everyone, without exception, is interested in these little neighbors of ours. But are they really that small? There are giant insects. The largest beetle in the world is the African goliath, its body length reaches 11 cm, and it weighs up to 100g. The South American Hercules beetle reaches a length of 19 cm, however, most of this length falls on its horn (2 slide).

Insects are the most numerous class of the animal kingdom. The most numerous orders of the class of insects: beetles - 250 thousand species, butterflies - 140 thousand species, Hymenoptera - 80 thousand species (3 slide).

Let's start our game.

First task : (4-5 slide)you need to distribute insects into orders. (2 tokens for 2 correct units, 1 - for 1 correct 0 - for 0) (check to start with 1 gr).

1 gr.

    The filly, cricket, bear, grasshopper are orthoptera.

    Horsefly, gadfly, mosquito, bloodsucker are dipterans.

2 gr.

    Swimmer, goliath, scarab, ladybug - beetles (beetles).

    Bee, sawfly, rider, bumblebee are hymenoptera.

3 gr.

    Dwarf beetle, water strider, smoothie, harmful turtle - bugs (hemiptera).

    Lemongrass, admiral, apollo, silkworm - butterflies (lepidoptera).

Next task (6 slide) you need to guess the insect (from 1 hint guessed - 3 tokens, from 2 - 2, from 3 - 1 token, one attempt is given, did not guess or make a mistake, the move goes to another team) (check start with 2 gr).

1 gr.

    It feeds on blood, piercing-sucking mouth apparatus.

    Wingless insect.

    Jumps 50 cm in length and 30 cm up. (Flea)

2 gr.

    Mostly nocturnal animals.

    They love moisture and warmth.

    May damage paper, book bindings, leather goods. (Cockroaches).

3 gr.

    They have 2 pairs of wings.

    Eggs are laid in water.

    Adults do not feed. (Mayflies).

Now we will check your homework (7 slide) interesting facts about insects, representatives come out, read out 5-7 facts (max 3 tokens).

For the next competition, I need 1 representative from each team: they pull out one question - they answer, they receive a token, if they themselves cannot answer, then first their team, and then the rivals)

    What is the name of a special organ for capturing prey in dragonfly larvae? (mask).

    Which insect has an ovipositor longer than the body? (rider)

    How many grams of nectar can a bee bring in one goiter? (0.06gr.)

For our next competition, you first have to compose the name of the insect, then determine which of the 3 representatives superfluous and why? (8-9 slide) (max 2 points, if they made up and determined who is superfluous and why - 2 points, only made up - 1 point). (Start checking with 3gr).

1 gr.

    Sadness, wumraye, apernzi. Bee, ant - hymenoptera, turnip-butterfly.

2 gr.

    Amkor, olkp, ahmu. Mosquito, bug - mouth ap. piercing-sucking, fly - licking.

    Neopdak, srtkeoas, aarktan. Mayfly, dragonfly - 2 pairs of wings, cockroach - no wings.

3 gr.

    Lachpe, roshlekpdya, krsteoaz. The bee, the silkworm are domesticated, the dragonfly is not domesticated.

    Pseeln, dovo, ruvyema. Horsefly, gadfly - Diptera, Hymenoptera ant.

There are a large number of signs in nature, including about insects, I now offer you make up a sign and explain it.

(10 slide) (random words to collect - swing 2 tokens) (start checking with 1 gram).

    A spider weaves a web - for dry weather.

    Ants hide in an anthill - to bad weather.

    A lot of midges - prepare a basket.

Despite the fact that insects are the most numerous class in the animal kingdom, among them there are a large number of the rarest species that may soon disappear completely from the face of the Earth. I would like you to tell us about some of them now. This was your home. task (max 3 tokens).

And at the end of our lesson, I would like you to answer my questions: (11 slide)

    what is the significance of insects in nature and in human life? (positive and negative roles)

    if there were no insects, would life on Earth be possible?

Lesson summary

(12 slide) the importance of insects in nature and human life.

Didactic game using educational constructors "World of insects"

Author's development of educators of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten combined type No. 1 "Samara
Developed by educators: Chuvaeva Larisa Vladimirovna, Konnova Natalia Alexandrovna, Karpova Larisa Ivanovna.
Target. Strengthen the ability to classify and name insects; develop speaking, memory, attention, creativity, constructive and communication skills.
Equipment: presentation "Insects", designer Robo -Kids; Lego parts, plasticine, colored paper, waste material (cardboard, plastic cups, etc.), glue, scissors, building diagrams.

Children stand in a circle, the presenter calls an insect (for example: a fly), takes a construction kit from the container. The next child names another insect (for example: a mosquito) and takes a piece of the constructor, etc. Whoever does not name an insect comes out. The winner is the participant with the most Lego pieces at the end of the game. At the end of the game, the winner constructs an insect (new) from his parts, comes up with a name for it, connects it with the building from the Robo-Kids constructor, programs the Robo-insect. The rest of the children get acquainted with the presentation "Insects", guess riddles about insects, participate in the collective application "Forest Glade".
Tell me, what kind of insect?

Knows how to climb deftly

She is not a bee, but stings.
She loves honey, jam.
There is a stripe on the abdomen.
Who is she, tell me? (Wasp)

Adults and children know -
He weaves thin webs,
Flies are an enemy, not a friend.
What's his name? (Spider)

Here is a hard worker insect.
I am glad to work all day.
I wear it on my back
Dragging quickly ... (ant)

What a guest with a hungry belly
Does everything ring above our ear?
Doesn't drink nectar from flowers,
Bites us ... (mosquito)

Who flies into every house
Together with the summer draft?
Who hums dully behind the frame?
Annoying ... (fly)

At night he lit in the grass
Your own flashlight.
Like a midnight beacon
Will shine for us ... (firefly)

Buzzs in flowers all day
With honey he hurries to his hive.
I have stored a lot of honey
Myself for the winter ... (bee)

What a wonderful helicopter
Moshkara won't let you sleep?
Only the dew will dry
Flies out ... (dragonfly)

In the meadow in cornflowers
He practiced jumping.
It's a pity the chick had breakfast for them.
Who was it? (Grasshopper)

Six-legged and furry,
The winged motor whirred.
Pollinate blooming hops
Came nimble ... (bumblebee)

In the group, an eco-zone "Lesnaya Polyana" is formed, the winner places the Robo-insect in the eco-zone and demonstrates its flight.
Then the children are invited to play on their own in the ecological zone "Forest Glade", to create Lego-insects, plants, a hive for bees, etc. using educational constructors, colored paper, plasticine, waste material, etc.

Didactic game "Riddles Robo - Lesovichka"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the protection of natural objects ;, to develop oral speech, memory, attention, creativity, constructive and communication skills.
Equipment: construction from Robo –Kids constructor; details of the Lego set, presentation "Forest"
Game progress:
He is not a beast, not a man,
And the whole century lives in the forest.
He is a loyal friend of nature.
Who is he? (Lesovichok)

Today Robo - Lesovichok came to visit us.
Among the forests, bog bumps
There is a house on a tree stump -
Smoke is coming out of the chimney
The bell hangs at the door.
The house is clean and light
Both cozy and warm.
Who welcomes guests there,
Is he serving tea with honey?
Our beloved old man -
The old man is a forest man.
He is both day and night
Protects the native forest,
So that the trees do not break
And the animals were not offended.
He will fill your basket
And mushrooms and cloudberries,
You will be given a drink in the summer heat
Spring water
His cute animals
Play hide and seek with you
The spiders will weave a wreath
The birds will sing a song.
Here is our old man -
The old man is a forest man.

The old man - the forest man decided to find out, do you guys know, that it was no coincidence that the forest brought its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are related to each other. They cannot do without each other. And I have prepared questions for you. But first, we will split into two teams by counting.
Squirrels went out on the meadow,
Bear cubs, badgers.
To the green to the meadow
Come out too, my friend. (Children are divided into teams and take places at two tables)
The presenter invites the teams to go on a virtual journey and take a walk in the forest. (Show presentation or video "Forest"). After watching the presentation, the Presenter demonstrates the "Forest Kingdom" slide, depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, sun, water, etc. And then deletes one of the pictures, and the children (two teams) must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects, if there is no distant object on Earth. (For example: What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants if the birds disappeared? And if the berries disappeared? And if there were no mushrooms? And if the hares left the forest? Etc.) The team that answers correctly first, gets the constructor part.
The team with the most Lego pieces wins. The team of winners exchanges the details of the constructor for fun - kart and programs Robo - Lesovichka.

Didactic game "Magic Robo - train"

Target. To consolidate and systematize children's ideas about animals, birds, insects, amphibians. develop speaking, memory, attention, creativity, constructive and communication skills.
Equipment: two Robo - trains; puzzle cards with the image of animals, birds, insects, amphibians; Lego constructor parts; fan-cards for programming Robo - trains.
The course of the game.
The presenter invites the children to split into two teams. Captains choose cards with riddles (two each about animals, birds, insects, amphibians). The teacher reads riddles to the players.
The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Bigfoot and big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name?

Red-haired hen
I came to the chicken coop
I read all the chickens
And she took it with her.

Gray, scary and toothy
Made a stir.
All the animals fled.
I frightened those animals ...

And does not sing,
And it doesn't fly ...
Why then
Is it a bird?

Ice all around, and these birds
They are not afraid to catch a cold.

He is very proud and boastful,
Because the tail is beautiful.
He admires him himself
And shows us.

Flies all night -
Extracts mice.
And it will become light -
Sleep flies into the hollow.

A cheat lives by the water
And hides so deftly
What are the poor flies, midges
Do not get away from this crumb. (Frog.)

A log floats along the river.
Oh, and it is furious!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will bite off ... (Crocodile)

Who lives in the river sand, walks backwards?
I wear a house on myself,
I hide from enemies in it.

Tell me, what kind of insect?
She's wearing a shirt with black dots
Knows how to climb deftly
According to the leaves of God ... (ladybug)

She is not a bee, but stings.
She loves honey, jam.
There is a stripe on the abdomen.
Who is she, tell me? (Wasp)

Adults and children know -
He weaves thin webs,
Flies are an enemy, not a friend.
What's his name? (Spider)

Team members solve riddles together and construct answers (according to the plan) from a Lego-constructor (they can use plasticineography on the details of the constructor)

The team that is the first to create their Lego-animals, program their Robo - train and correctly deliver them to the ecological corner of the group (animals are delivered first on the Robo - train, then birds, third - insects and last - amphibians), wins this game.
Then the children continue to play on their own in the ecological corner, construct a habitat for Lego animals, using colored paper, plasticine, waste material, etc.

Analysis of the work on this system of environmental education of children: the use of didactic games with the inclusion of educational constructors, allows us to draw conclusions about the positive results of the work done. In cognitive development classes, children became more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions, design, program, communicate with each other. We learned to think logically, reason coherently, compare, generalize, highlight the essential features of objects and objects of nature.

Quiz for children of the preparatory group for school on the topic "Insects"

Minachetdinova Gulnaz Mansurovna, senior educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 22" Zhuravlyonok ", Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.
Material description:
The summary of the quiz on the topic "Insects" is intended for educators working with children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) and parents.
This synopsis presents material that helps to identify children's ideas in the form of play tasks and questions on the topic "Insects". The quiz can be conducted in the course of organizing children's leisure activities, or as part of an organized educational activity.
The content of this quiz has been selected with integration in mind educational areas"Speech development", "Cognitive development".
Target: Revealing children's ideas about insects.
Deepen, expand and generalize ideas about insects as living organisms, about their habitat. To clarify and expand knowledge about the features of adaptation to living conditions, methods of reproduction, food.
Develop attention, logical thinking, imagination, memory.
To foster interest in the study of objects of living nature, to foster a consciously careful attitude towards nature.
Vocabulary work: To activate the children's vocabulary with the words: insects, butterflies, beetles, fly, flutter, transform.
Material: cards - tasks with the image of insects, chips.
Quiz progress:
Educator: Guys, today I invite you to guess riddles and answer questions about those who can crawl, fly, jump. Guess who I'm talking about?
Children's answers.
Be careful and try to answer the questions correctly.
Let's start the quiz with riddles. Listen to the riddles and name the answer.
1. Flies, squeaks,
Long legs are dragging,
Chance will not miss:
Will sit down and bite .... (mosquito)
2. Here is a hard worker insect.
I am glad to work all day.
I wear it on my back
Dragging quickly ... (ant)
3.The whole day is buzzing in flowers,
With honey he hurries to his hive.
I have stored a lot of honey
Myself for the winter ... (bee)
4. Tell me, what kind of insect?
She's wearing a shirt with black dots
Knows how to climb deftly
According to the leaves of God ... (ladybug)
5. What a wonderful helicopter
Is it making its flight?
Sat on a piece of paper
I rested a little,
Rustled, hummed
And flew over the river.
(dragonfly, author V. Belov)
2. The picture is a riddle.
Educator: Carefully examine the picture, determine who does not belong to insects, substitute a chip under the image of your chosen living object.

Children's answers.
Correct answers (spider and snail are not insects)
3. Picture - task "Whose house?"
Educator: Prepare for the next assignment. Find the insect dwelling in the picture.

Children's answers.
The correct answer is: a butterfly is a flower, an ant is an anthill, a bee is a hive.
4. Didactic game "Who is superfluous?"
Educator: Look at the pictures, who is superfluous here - name and substitute a chip under the image of this insect.

Educator: Have you determined which of the presented insects is redundant ?: Beetle, bee, grasshopper, butterfly.
Children's answers.
The correct answer is a bee, of all the insects shown in the picture, only the bee has a sting.
Educator: Well done, we did it, correctly noted an insect that is different from the others.
5. Picture - task "In - order".
Educator: Was the butterfly always the way we usually see it? How does it change?
Children's answers.
Educator: To complete this task, you need to arrange in order the numbers corresponding to the order of the stages of the transformation of the butterfly.

Children complete the task by substituting the corresponding numbers in the circles, near the pictures with the depicted stages of the development of the butterfly.
Educator: Let's remember what a long and difficult path of transformation a butterfly goes through. The correct answer is: 1. egg, 2. larva, 3. pupa, 4. adult butterfly.
6. Exercise "What's wrong?"
Educator: Listen to the sentences, tell me if the statements that I will utter are true?
The mosquito lives in an anthill. (Not true, a mosquito does not live in an anthill)
The bee lives in the hive. (That's right, the bee lives in the hive)
The spider collects nectar from flowers. (Not true, the spider does not collect nectar from flowers)
The butterfly lives in the hive. (Not true, a butterfly does not live in a hive)
The ant chirps. (Not true, the ant does not chirp)
A bee weaves a web. (Not true, the bee does not weave a web)
The grasshopper is catching birds. (Not true, the grasshopper does not catch birds)
Ants build anthills (That's right, ants build anthills)
7. Task "Through the pages of fairy tales"
Educator: Let's remember fairy tales in which there are insect characters.
1 who hurried home in Vitaly Bianchi's fairy tale
answer: Ant. Fairy tale "How the Ant was in a hurry home"?
2. What insect saved Mukha-Tsokotukha in the tale of Korney Chukovsky?
answer: mosquito.
3. What insects were hiding under the mushroom in the fairy tale "Under the mushroom" by Vladimir Suteev.
answer: ant, butterfly.
8. Summing up.
Educator: Well done guys, you know a lot about insects, you answered all the questions of the quiz.
You will receive coloring pages with the image of insects - heroes of different fairy tales.
Coloring Pages Insects

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