Physical culture entertainment "Visiting a squirrel" (for children of the second younger group). Educational portal

Math game with elements of physical education in middle group using health-saving technology

In search of a squirrel

Elena A. Tarasova


1. Continue teaching children to compare objects of different sizes in length, height and width.

2. Continue teaching children to identify spatial relationships.

3. Exercise children in climbing on a gymnastic wall in the same way.

4. Exercise in throwing with a hand from below.

5. Exercise children in the ability to correctly take the starting position when jumping: feet shoulder-width apart, hands down, achieve a soft landing, rolling the foot from toe to heel.

6. Teach children to use concepts in speech: large and small, long and short, right and left, up and down, top, forward and backward.

7. To educate children with willpower, achievement of their goals.

8. To instill in children love for neighbors and for animals.

9. To cultivate a sense of collectivism.

10. Teach to empathize with someone else's grief.


Toy - squirrel, woolen thread, sandbags according to the number of children, 2 ropes, 4 hoops of different sizes, boards of different sizes.

Game progress:

Q: Children, a mushroom has appeared on the table. Who could give it to us? And he is unusual, there is something inside. Yes, there is a letter! Now I will read it to you: “Guys, help me! Baba - Yaga carried me away, beyond the wide rivers, beyond the high mountains. I will not see more freedom. Squirrel."

Children, the squirrel is in trouble, asks us to help her. Will we help the squirrel?

Q: Then we need to hit the road, but how can we go without knowing the route? We can get lost. Whatever happens, we need a map. There she is. It depicts wide rivers, high mountains. So after all we need to go there! Let's go?

D.: Let's go!

V.: The map says that we must turn left and go straight, then we will meet stumps. Go ahead?

D: Olya, where are you turning? (left)

V.: Look at how big the stumps are. (Children jump. I ask children)

V.: We need to jump over every stump. You need to put your legs wider. Petya on a tree stump, how big will you jump? (I ask several children). On the map, we should go to the path leading to the squirrel, but I don't see any path. Do you see?

D.: No! Only the river ahead.

Q: Guys, how wide is our river? Can you step over it like a trickle?

D.: No. The river is wide.

V.: That's right, a very wide river.

Guys, what should we do? How can you get across the river?

Children offer solutions to this problem.

V.: But wait, there are some boards here, we can make a bridge.

And what are the lengths of the boards?

D.: One is long, the other is short.

Q: What board should be thrown across the river in order to cross it, like on a bridge?

D.: We need to throw a long board across the river.

V.: We all raise our hands to the sides, like me. And now we carefully cross the bridge. Let's go further. Further we may face many difficulties, because Baba - Yaga led us on a difficult road.

Before us are high mountains, and beyond the mountains, maybe Baba - Yaga is hiding a squirrel. We must climb up and look for a squirrel there, on the top of the mountain.

We will go three people so that no one can hear us. The first three go straight, then turn left and each one comes to his own rock. You need to go up, look for a squirrel there and go down.

The teacher asks where they go up, where they go down, where they go down from, where they go up from.

V.: Well done guys! This is how all children go.

A phonogram is heard - the croaking of frogs.

V.: Guys, where did we end up?

D.: Into the swamp.

V.: We have to get out. But we no longer have boards. And there are sandbags. Can they help us get across the swamp? How?

D.: If we get them, we can fill the swamp and go through it, as if over bumps.

V.: And if we throw off all the bags in one place. Can we get through?

Q: Right. We need to split into three columns. We take our right hand back and throw the bag into the swamp. Now count how many bags each row has? Now we will do everything with our arms to the sides and go through the swamp, stepping only on the bags. Well done boys! Have we passed wide rivers?

Q: And the high mountains?

V.: And even a swamp!

Then we came to the right place and we need to find a squirrel.

Children go looking for a toy.

Q: Have you found a squirrel? Well done! The squirrel thanks you for your courage, courage and dexterity.

Guys, the squirrel needs to visit his friends in the forest. Let's take her there. We will follow each other along the path.

The phonogram of singing forest birds sounds.

Q: Do you hear? We are approaching the forest. Here is our squirrel at home.

Squirrel invites to play her favorite game "Burners".

Children remember the rules of the game and play.

V.: Guys, they are already waiting for us in kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to the squirrel and head back.

D.: Goodbye!

Q: Tired? How to get home as soon as possible?

Children express their suggestions.

V.: Oh, who is this looking at us from under the hemp?

D.: The old man is a forest man.

S-L: I am glad that you saved our squirrel and I will give you a magic bump. Stand in a circle, extend your right hand, hold on to the bump. And she will take you straight to kindergarten.

Magic music sounds. Children end up in kindergarten.

Open integrated synopsis

classes in the younger group

"Visiting Belochka".


1. Teach purposeful actions with objects and interaction in society, imitate new actions;

2. Stimulate speech development and the motor side of speech, through development fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Develop active speech;

3. To develop the ability to understand the text and perform appropriate movements according to the model;

4. To develop the stability of auditory attention, to teach the elementary ways of playing musical instruments (rattles);

5. To contribute to the receipt of positive emotions in the process of mastering the basic techniques of modeling, improving visual-motor coordination.

Equipment: squirrel toy, cones, pom-poms, organza cape for the game “Hide and Seek”, rattles, musical accompaniment, baskets, pictures for children and “Collect a nutlet”, Whatman paper with a picture of a basket, brown gouache, carrot stamps.

Educator: Do you like to visit? We will also visit the forest today.

Educator: - What time of year is it?

Children: - Winter.

Educator: - Right. What's on the ground?

Children: - Snow.

Educator: - Is it warm or cold outside?

Children: - It's cold.

Educator: - How should you dress so as not to freeze?

Children: - Warmth.

Educator: - Let's get dressed and go to visit the forest.

Like this, like this, we put on mittens ( clap).

Like this, like this, we put on our boots(stomp).

Like this, like this, we put on our hats ( nod their heads).

Like this, like this, we go for a walk(walking).

Complex game:

Our legs are walking on a flat path,

Like this, like that

Our legs are running along a flat path

Top-top-top, top-top-top

And now, jump-jump, jump-jump, over the stones!

We came!

2. Speech play:

In a clearing behind a bush, I saw someone's house.

The squirrel lives in the house, she calls the guys to her.

Teacher: We came to visit Belochka. What should be done at the meeting? Say hello! Let's say hello to Squirrel. How soft it is, pleasant to the touch !!! Hello, Belochka, I'm Elena Vladimirovna! (children greet the squirrel, say their name "Hello, Squirrel, I am Nastya", etc.).

Look, does the squirrel have eyes? Do you have eyes? Does the squirrel have a nose? Where is your nose? Does the squirrel have ears? Where are your ears? (Etc.) (children show body parts).

The squirrel wants to play, shall we play with her?

3. Logorhythmic game "Squirrel".

“The squirrel walked through the forest,
The squirrel collected cones.
The squirrel is tired.
I dozed off on a tree stump "

(children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Educator: The squirrel has collected so many cones in the basket, look! (accidentally sprinkle bumps on the carpet). Ouch! The bumps are all scattered! How many cones? (Lot). Touch which cones (hard, thorny). Show the cones (large and small). Let's collect them like this: put small cones in a small basket, and large ones in a large one.

Look what I have, these are pom-poms. Do they look like bumps? Feel them, they are soft, cuddly.

4. An outdoor game "Squirrels and cones".

Squirrels were playing naughty on a spruce branch

We started jumping and jumping, throwing cones at the guys!

(children throw soft pom-poms).

5. Finger game "A squirrel is sitting on a cart."

Squirrel, listen to what kind of nursery rhyme we know about you (playing with fingers).

“A squirrel is sitting in a cart,
She sells nuts.
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zainke mustache,
To whom in a scarf,
To whom in the mouth,
Who cares about it ”.

Educator: The squirrel is hungry. How can you feed a squirrel? (children's answers) Let's treat the squirrel with nuts.

6. Didactic game"Halves".

Children collect circles (nuts) from two halves.

Educator: These are the nuts we collected for Squirrel !! They are delicious, healthy! The squirrel is happy !!

Now let's play hide and seek with Squirrel. I will hide you from the squirrel, and you sit quietly so that the squirrel does not find you.

7. An outdoor game "Hide and Seek"

(Children are covered with a transparent cloth).

Educator : I walk, walk, walk. I don’t find children.

Well, where should I go to find the kids.

What is this mountain? Yes, she is moving!

(goes up to the children, looks in. Children scatter into chairs).

Educator: Look guys, Squirrel brought us rattles. Rattles are not simple, they are all funny. They rattle, then they are silent, they want to listen to the children.

8. Musical game "Rattle".

(Children perform movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song).

Educator: What musical rattles Squirrel brought us! Did you like them? And I liked it - loud, colorful, beautiful! Maybe we can also make a gift for Squirrel? We will give her the picture “Basket with nuts, she will hang it in her house and admire it !!

9. Visual activity. Drawing "Nuts".

Children draw with carrot stamps. The drawing board depicts a basket, children press stamps to paper, depicting nuts.

Educator: What a beautiful picture we have turned out!

Squirrel enjoyed playing with you so much! Well done boys!

Educator: Tell me who did we visit?

Children: To the squirrel

Educator: - Did you like playing with a squirrel?

Squirrel is so glad that we came to visit her today. She really liked how you played: with cones, and with pom-poms, and hide-and-seek, they collected nuts, danced with rattles, and made a beautiful picture. You are good fellows!

Let's pat ourselves on the head and say: "I am Done!"

Squirrels liked everything.

Surprise moment:

Let's say "Thank you" and "Goodbye" to the squirrel.

Next time we go back to visit the squirrel? Necessarily!!!

Kindergarten for the animals. A game for girls and girls! An addictive game for animal lovers in which you have to spend the whole day looking after the rabbits Lucas and Mia, the monkey Boba, the squirrel Shirley. Helping the teacher and teacher Giraffe, you will entertain these kids, read books to them and teach them to dance, feed and put them to bed, and also walk with them in the fresh air. When caring for crumbs, try not to confuse their belonging. Little ones don't like it. Good luck. Play with your mouse.

Kindergarten for animals

Adventurer: Let's run for nuts. A game for girls and girls! Adventurer: Run After Nuts is an addicting, adventure skill game in which you girls have to help a squirrel in collecting nuts. As it turned out, this is not an easy task. Nuts high in the trees. In order for the squirrel to reach them, you will need to control its jumps with the mouse. Successful hunting.

Adventurer: Run for the nuts

Squirrel nut addiction. A game for girls and girls! Squirrel nut mania is a skill game in which, girls, you and the squirrels will have to collect nuts in an unusual way. Here is such a mania in squirrels! To control the game - Squirrel nut mania - you need a mouse. Launch brave squirrels along a predetermined path. Good luck!

Squirrel nut mania

Adventurer: Brave squirrel. A game for girls and girls! Adventurer: Brave Squirrel is an exciting adventure game for girls for attention, agility and quick wits. Control the game using the arrow keys and the space bar, help the squirrel to collect acorns and remain unharmed at the same time. If you wish, you can choose any complexity option. There are three of them: easy, normal, difficult. You can monitor the status of your ward by the indicator bars located at the top of the game screen. Good luck!

Adventurer: Brave Squirrel

Tragedy of squirrels. A game for girls and girls! In the forest, in the habitat of squirrels, suddenly a terrible mutant appeared from somewhere - a gray squirrel, claiming to foreign lands. All those who are ready to explain to the impudent mutant whose lands are and to arrange a real hell for her here, welcome to the game "The Tragedy of Squirrels". Just ask you not to forget that the mutant runs fast and fights well. Monitor your energy expenditure. If the energy indicator is empty, it will indicate the failure of your mission. Energy decreases with each shot and wound. But it is restored every time it hits the mutant. To control the game, you need the up / down arrow keys, left / right keys and the space bar. Good luck!

Tragedy of squirrels

Nut boom. A game for girls and girls! The squirrel did not worry about food supplies for the winter in time. And now, girls, so that she does not remain hungry, you have to collect nuts and acorns for her. You will do this with the help of directed explosions. Keep in mind that the longer you hold down the left mouse button, the stronger the explosion will be. Good luck! Attention! Before starting the game, do not forget to switch it to Russian.

Nut boom

The squirrel protects its nuts. A game for girls and girls! The season for picking nuts has arrived. The squirrel did a great job and made a large supply of provisions for the winter. But the trouble is, there were those who wanted to take advantage of other people's labors! Let's help the hardworking animal save its supplies from the robbers. To repulse the barbarian raids, you girls will need weapons and your dexterous actions to use them. Don't let thieves go unpunished. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

The squirrel protects its nuts

The squirrel protects its nuts 2. A game for girls and girls! The season for picking nuts has arrived. The squirrel did a great job and made a large supply of provisions for the winter. But the trouble is, there were those who wanted to take advantage of other people's labors! Let's help the hardworking animal save its supplies from the robbers. To repulse the barbarian raids, you girls will need to help the squirrel correct the flight of its arrows. Good luck!

The squirrel protects its nuts 2

Mystical estate. A game for girls and girls! SpongeBob, while walking with his friends on the outskirts of Bikini Bottom, discovered a strange house. The house breathed with mysticism and antiquity. Bob was immediately opposed to visiting him, but Sandy squirrel nevertheless decided to enter there. As soon as the doors closed behind Sandy, she knew SpongeBob was right. A semi-illuminated room appeared to her gaze, the gloomy walls of which were covered with cobwebs. It seemed that people had not been here for a long time, but everything indicated that she had settled here devilry... Girls, you have to fight the ghosts together with Sandy. It's good that she has a vacuum cleaner with which you can suck in any ghost. Good luck to you! To control the game you need the space bar and arrow keys. Good luck to you!

Mystical manor

Troublemaker. A game for girls and girls! The troublemaker in this game is a little squirrel who has invented a prank for himself: walking on a rope and throwing wet clothes off of it. But the master's cat doesn't like it at all! Girls, help the red-haired naughty girl not to fall into the paws of the cat. To do this, you will need: 1) arrow keys - to move the squirrel and 2) the space bar - to attack the cat with acorns. When helping the squirrel to defend itself from the cat, do not forget that he has only 3 acorns and 3 lives in stock. Good luck!


New Year's adventures of squirrels. A game for girls and girls! New Year's Adventures of Squirrels is a multi-level adventure game for girls for two. On the New Year it is customary to give gifts. Our two cute squirrels also decided to please their friends with delicious hazelnuts. Girls, to help the squirrels collect nuts, first decide which squirrel you will play. To play for a more solid squirrel, use the keys - A D W. To play for a smaller squirrel, use the arrow keys. Each time, you need to collect as many nuts as indicated in the upper part of the playing field. On the way of the squirrels, gifts will come across. To take a gift and move it to the desired place, you need to use the -S key. To put the gift on the snow, you need to press the -S key again. Do not forget that a stronger (full) squirrel can carry a gift, so before giving a gift, allow him to collect magic stars. This will add strength to him. Good luck!

Swan geese.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress: at one end of the site, the line indicates the house in which the geese are located. A shepherd stands on the opposite edge. On the side of the house is the lair in which the wolf is located. The rest of the place is meadow. Children playing the role of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the educator, the rest are geese. The shepherd drives the geese into the meadow, they graze in the meadow, they fly.

Shepherd. Geese, geese!

Geese. (stop and answer in chorus). Ha, ha, ha!

Shepherd. Do you want to eat?

Geese. Yes Yes Yes!

Shepherd. So fly!

Geese. We are not allowed,

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

Shepherd. So fly as you want

Only take care of your wings!

The geese, spreading their wings (stretching their arms out to the sides), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, having run out of the den, tries to catch them (touch with the hand). The caught geese go to the den. After several runs (according to the conditions of the game), the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then a new wolf and shepherd are appointed. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Sly Fox.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress: the players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, is the fox's house. At a signal from the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle behind the children and imperceptibly touches one of the players. The one who is touched by the teacher becomes a cunning fox. The teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully at each other, trying to find out which of them is a cunning fox, whether she will give herself away with something. Those who play in chorus three times (with small intervals) ask (at first quietly, and then louder): "Sly fox, where are you?" At the same time, everyone is looking at each other carefully. As soon as the question: "Sly fox, where are you?" - will be pronounced for the third time, the player, chosen by the cunning fox, quickly runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: "I am here!" All the players scatter around the court, and the fox catches them (touches the hand). The captured fox takes to his house. After the fox catches 2-3 children, the teacher says loudly: "Into the circle!" The players form a circle and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Bears and bees.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress: the hive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side is the meadow. In the side of the den of bears. 12-15 people participate in the game at the same time. The players are divided into two unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in the hive. Bears in a den. At a prearranged signal, the bees fly out of the hive (climb off the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and hum. As soon as the bees fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal "Bears", the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. Bees who did not have time to hide sting (touch with their hand). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game.

Directions. After two repetitions, the children switch roles. The teacher makes sure that the children do not jump, but climb down the stairs; if necessary, provide assistance.

Hunters and hares.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress: on one side of the site they outline a place for hunters. On the other side, there are hare houses. There are 2-3 hares in each house. The hunter goes around the site, pretending that he is looking for the tracks of hares, and then returns to his place. At a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. In the words of the educator, "hunter!" hares run into houses, and a child posing as a hunter throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been shot. The hunter takes him to his place. The game is repeated several times, after which another hunter is chosen.

Directions. The hunter may have several balls in his hands. You cannot shoot hares in the houses.

Awakening gymnastics "The cubs woke up"

The cubs all woke up

Stretched well

Turned from side to side

And they all returned to their place.

We got on our bicycles

Our bears are fidgets!

Turned on the tummy

And plunged into some water

We chat with our legs together

After all, you need to grow big!

And now they got up from their beds

They took out the sun with their hand.

The bear in the forest ... (folk)

A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Beyond the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a guide is outlined. On the opposite side of the playground, the children's house is indicated by a line.

The teacher appoints one of the bear playing. The rest of the players are children; they are at home.

The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the las, picking mushrooms, berries, i.e. imitating the appropriate movements (tilting and straightening the body), and at the same time reciting verses in chorus:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms, berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

When the players say the word “growls,” the bear gets up with a growl, and the children run home. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. The bear takes the caught to itself. Children resume picking mushrooms and berries.

After the bear catches two or three players, a new bear is appointed or selected, and the game is repeated.

Hares and wolf

One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children represent hares.

On one side of the site, hares arrange houses for themselves (draw circles). At the beginning of the game, the hares are in their houses; the wolf is at the other end of the site (in the ravine).

The teacher says:

Hares gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop,

To the green, to the meadow,

They pinch the weed, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Isn't there a wolf.

Hares jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They then jump on two legs, then sit down, nibble the grass and look around to see if the wolf is walking. When the teacher utters the last word, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch (touch) them. The hares each run away to their own house. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine.

As soon as the wolf leaves, the teacher repeats the text of the poem, and the game resumes. After 2-3 hares are caught, another wolf is selected.

Fox in the chicken coop

On one side of the site, a chicken coop is outlined (its size depends on the number of players). Chickens are perched (on benches) in the hen house. On the opposite side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a courtyard.

One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest are chickens. At the signal of the educator, the chickens jump from the perch, walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the teacher: "Fox!" - the chickens run away into the chicken coop and roost, and the fox tries to drag the hen, which did not have time to escape, and takes it to its hole. The rest of the chickens jump off their roost again and the game resumes.

The game ends when the fox catches 2-3 chickens.

A bunny is sitting, sitting ... (folk)

A bunny is squatting against the wall. Hunters (10-12 people) are located at the opposite wall. Those participating in the game say:

A bunny is sitting,

Bunny sitting gray

Under the bush, under the bush.

The hunters are riding

They're riding, jumping into the field

In the empty, in the empty.

“You hunters are jumping.

Look at my ponytail:

I'm not yours

I left!"

1-3 lines: the bunny turns its head from side to side and freezes listening.

4-6 lines: hunters gallop in a circle and linger in the place where they are caught by the speech of the bunny.

7-10 lines: One bunny speaks, standing up to its full height and slightly springing its legs at the knees. On the last lines he makes a jump, another jump, and another jump, turning his back to the hunters.

Then the bunny runs away. The hunters catch him by surrounding him with clasped hands.

Fox and bunnies

On one side of the site there is a fox's house - a hole (circle). A fox is chosen, she goes to her house. The players represent hares, their house is located on the opposite side of the hall (beyond the conventional line). At the signal of the teacher, the hares go out onto the lawn, frolic, run and jump in different directions. The teacher says: "The fox is going hunting!" Children quickly run to their house, but if the fox manages to hurt someone, he is considered caught. When the fox catches 2-3 birds with one stone, another fox is selected. The game is repeated with all children.

Bunny gray washes

The players stand in a circle - they are bunnies. Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text:

Bunny gray washes,

Apparently going to visit,

I washed my nose

I washed my mouth

I washed my ear

Wipe dry!

All players make movements in accordance with the text, then they jump on two legs to the center. The teacher determines the number of jumps so that the children do not get crowded, do not interfere with each other. "Come to visit!" - says the teacher, and the bunnies return to their house (outside the circle). The game repeats itself.


(round dance game)

Children lead a round dance. In the center sits a child, depicting a hare, and holds on to the "paw". Children say:

And the gray bunny

Sweetheart hurts.

And with a sore paw

He doesn't move.

The guys and I will go

We will find the plantain

We'll attach to the honey,

We will help the bunny.

The presenter points to the child, who must pluck a plantain leaf and attach it to the hare's paw after the words:

Will the zayushka jump

And play with the guys.

"Bunny" gallops to one of the children. The selected child runs out of the circle, the "bunny" catches up with him. Children make "gates", try to fence off the fleeing child from the "bunny".

3-5 years running

Animals gathered at the edge of the forest

(round dance game)

Children lead a round dance:

At the edge of the forest

The little animals gathered.

All forest people

He leads a round dance.

You foxes come out

Dance with us!

In the same way, all the animals that participate in the round dance are selected.

3-5 years running

Near the blue river

(round dance game)

The driver stands in a circle with his eyes closed. Children stand around him and say:

Near the blue river

A forest beast lurked.

You, Vanyusha, try

And find out who he is.

Children represent some kind of beast. The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who the children are showing. The driver chooses a child in his place, who, in his opinion, best managed to portray an animal.

Game "Spiny hedgehog"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, stimulation of speech activity.

Equipment: massage ball.

The course of the game.

Self-massage has a beneficial effect on the body. The simplest techniques are taught in the game. An unusual ball appears on your palm. Together, you examine it closely. It turns out that he looks like a hedgehog. Gently place the ball on the child's palm, roll the "hedgehog" over each finger, starting with the thumb of the leading hand, and linger a little longer on the pad of each finger. Massaging movements should be performed in the direction from the periphery to the center. Accompany the actions with verses:

Give me a hand, my little one,

I will stroke your palm.

Walks-wanders along the paths

A gray hedgehog covered in thorns,

Looking for mushroom berries

For my son and daughter.

Self-massage of the hand develops the muscles of the fingers, reflexively stimulates the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex, helps to normalize the state of the nervous system, providing, along with a calming effect, a general health effect.

"The Fox and the Kolobok"

Children choose "fox" with a counting rhyme
One, two, three, four, five
We choose again
Sly cheat, red-haired thief,
Don't look at us
Better come out into the circle
Hurry, don't yawn
Better catch the ball
Red, blue, blue
Choose anyone yourself.

The fox child chooses the color of the ball to catch. In a complicated version of the game, children use 2, 3 balls (preparatory group, middle and senior group play with 1 ball.
Children standing in a circle pass the ball to each other, a child - a fox follows the ball inside the circle.
Baby fox
The fox walked along the path,
Suddenly he sees other people's legs,
So this is a bun,
He has a rosy side
I'll take it with me
My breakfast will be at home.
The gingerbread man suddenly rolled
I decided to run away from the fox
Wait don't run away
Play with me

Children throw the ball to each other, and the child - the fox tries to catch it, the child from whom the fox intercepts the ball becomes a lavish - a fox. The game is repeated from the beginning.

Game "Hedgehog mushroom picker"

Children sit in a circle on the carpet. The child walks in a circle inside.

Hedgehog - A hedgehog walks without tracks,
He wants to pick mushrooms
Well, we will help him,
We will look for them in the grass.
Addresses in turn to the children sitting in a circle.
What is your name for the fungus (the answer is the children say their name)
Get in the box. (5-7 children get up and follow the hedgehog in a circle)
Squirrel - Here is a squirrel from a branch:
“Hello hedgehog, how are you.
Treat me to my friend
Let me try the fungus "
Hedgehog - Come and choose,
How much you need to count! (Squirrel counts mushrooms - children)
And mushrooms are not mushrooms,
These are our children

(Children run away to their places, the one whom the child will stain - a squirrel, takes the place of a hedgehog or a squirrel, at the discretion of the teacher)

Misha is a rascal. "

What the child learns: to navigate in the immediate environment; understand the meaning of the adverbs "in front, behind"; prepositions "for, under"; to train the processes of internal inhibition - to start moving on a signal.

The course of the game: show the child the bear. Say that the bear is not simple, but a talking one. Hide behind the curtain, and show the bear from behind it. By changing the timbre of your voice to a lower one, tell the rhyme.

I am a cheerful bear
Playful, mischievous.
I like to play hide and seek
I'll hide, look for you!

Invite your child to play hide and seek. Tell the bear to tell you where to look. Hide behind a chair. If the child cannot find, say in a rough voice, "I'm behind the chair." When the child finds you and the bear, praise him and offer to play more, hide in another place and continue the game by analogy


What the child learns: walk with children in a round dance, holding hands, play the role of a bear, train internal inhibition - wait for the end of the round dance in order to perform your dance.

Equipment: medium-sized teddy bear.

The course of the game: show the child the bear. Offer to play with him. Invite one of the children to be a teddy bear - give him a teddy bear and place in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, dance around the child holding the bear. Children perform movements according to the text of the game:

Come out, Mishenka, dance, dance.
Paw, paw, Mishenka, wave, wave.
And we'll go around Mishenka in a round dance,
The song is merry voraciously, voraciously!
We will, we will hit, hit!
There will be, Mishenka will dance, yes, dance!

"Helpanimals find their home "(classification game).

Children arrange bats into two hoops: wild animals into a hoop with a herringbone, domestic animals into a hoop with a house.

The teacher asks why did the children decompose the animals so badly?

Children's answers: because domestic people live at home, next to a person, and wild ones - in the forest, in the steppe, in the mountains.

Educator: Who cares for pets? Who builds their homes? Who feeds them? (Human)... And who does all this for wild animals? (the animals themselves).

Physical education(children in a circle)

"The bunny galloped through the forest,

Bunny was looking for food.

Suddenly the bunny on top

The ears rose like arrows:

A quiet rustle is heard

Someone is sneaking through the forest.

The hare confuses tracks, runs away from trouble.

He jumped to the side, turned

And curled up under a bush. "

Find your cub game(for knowledge of the names of young wild animals).

6 children in hats of a bear cub, a wolf cub, a fox cub, a calf, a hare, a hedgehog sit on the chairs. The other 6 children with the labels of a bear, a she-wolf, a fox, a moose cow, a hare, a hedgehog on their chest should stand behind the appropriate chair and answer the questions:

Who are you? Who is your mom? I am a bear cub, and my mother is a bear, etc.

Guys, what kind of animals are you portraying? - Wild.


In one place, the presenter marks "houses" for "bunnies", for example, draws circles with chalk. Then he chooses one main "hare" from the children. At the signal "Hares in a circle," the children become a circle, and in the middle, in the very center of the impromptu circle, the main "bunny" rises. Then the players, together with the leader, read the following verses, and each word is accompanied by suitable movements.

Little white bunny is sitting
He moves his ears (children begin to move their hands, pressing them to their heads, imitating ears.)
Like this, like this,
He wiggles his ears

Bunny is cold to sit
We need to warm the paws.
Clap, clap, clap, clap, (children clap their hands)
We need to warm the paws.

Bunny is cold to stand
I need to jump the bunny,
Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop, (jump on both legs at once)
The bunny must jump.

Someone scared the bunny.
Bunny jump…. And running. (Children scatter to their "homes".)

The squirrel is not too lazy to exercise

Exercise all day.

Jumping from one branch to the left,

She sat down on the bitch.

Then I jumped to the right,

Spun over the hollow.

Left and right all day

The squirrel is not too lazy to jump.

Little white bunny is sitting

(hands on the belt)

And he looks under the bushes.

Leaned to the right - empty

(tilt to the right)

Leaned to the left - empty.

(tilt to the left)

Where does cabbage grow here?

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap!

We need to warm the paws.

In a clearing in the forest

Bunnies jump in a crowd.

If you meet a fox

Run home!

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Jump-jump - and over the bush!

(rabbit children run away)

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