On free bread: a guide to the Free regime. New Year of the Mammoth in Hearthstone

The tavern is about to face a life-changing change! We are proud to announce the introduction of different game formats to Hearthstone! We hope they will appeal to both beginners and veterans. Thanks to standard format Hearthstone will remain exciting and accessible for years to come, while in freestyle everything you already know about the game and what you love about it will be preserved.

new standard
The Standard format will allow players to fight in Play Mode using only the latest Hearthstone cards. You can create decks in this format only from the basic and classic sets of cards (you will always have them), as well as from those that appeared in the game in the current and previous calendar years. For the duel, we will select opponents for you who have decks built according to the same standard format.

The standard format will allow Hearthstone to sparkle with new colors.

  • It will make the metagame more dynamic and balanced.
  • The set limit will make each card more meaningful!
  • Developers will have more freedom when creating new maps.
  • It will be easier for beginners to join the game as they won't have to collect a lot of cards.

The standard format is only for friendly duels, ranked play and normal mode, but not for Arena, Single Player, and Adventure.

Free - will!
Wild is just a new name for the version of the game you're used to and where anything can happen. While in the standard format, the emphasis is on newly released cards and striving to balance the latest game process, the free format allows you to have fun from the heart in the conditions already familiar to you. Of course, over time and as new cards are added, it will become more and more unpredictable!

The gameplay itself in this format will not undergo any changes: you, as always, will be able to complete tasks, earn gold, fight for a rating, win card backs, strive for the Legend rank and build wild decks from your entire collection of cards. If you choose to use a Wild deck in a Rated or regular game, then your opponent will also be a player with a free format deck.

Forward to the legend!
With the introduction of the standard format, you will be able to choose which of the two formats to participate in ranked games. In each you will have a different rank, and therefore you may well get the "Legend" in both wild and standard formats. However, you will receive a reward at the end of the season for reaching the highest rank in one of the modes. So choose which one you like best!

Time for a change
The upcoming introduction of formats to the game is a great opportunity to weigh and evaluate what Hearthstone is at this stage. While we're usually quite reticent about changing cards to improve balance (and will continue to do so in the future), next year is a great opportunity for us to re-evaluate a number of core and classic cards (including class cards) and add to them description of a number of long-awaited amendments.

We'll share more information about which cards will be changed and why closer to Standard's release.

More deck space!
Yes, you finally have more deck space! We have prepared a small gift that you will receive shortly before the introduction of the standard format into the game: if you unlock all nine heroes, then your collection will be replenished with nine additional deck slots, which means you will have eighteen of them in total!

Release the Kraken!
Standard is coming to Hearthstone this spring! When that big day arrives, you'll be able to build standard decks from the following sets:

  • Base
  • Classical
  • Black Mountain
  • big tournament
  • League of Explorers
  • New addition (spring 2016)

Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins & Gnomes Packs will not be able to use in standard format. Every year after the release of the first expansion, card sets released before the previous year will be excluded from the standard format.

The standard format will have an annual cycle. The symbol of each new year in Hearthstone will be one of zodiac constellations shining in the night sky of Azeroth. The appearance of a new constellation above the horizon heralds the beginning of the year and is accompanied by noisy fun and jubilation wherever Hearthstone is played!

The first standard year will be named the year of the Kraken so get ready for a sea of ​​events!

For free bread
This year will see the removal of adventures and expansion packs that are not in the standard format, namely Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins and Gnomes. If you still need cards from these sets (for Wild or Collection), you can craft them with Arcane Dust - even adventure cards that weren't possible before. Speaking of adventures, if you purchased at least the first wing from an adventure before it went out of rotation, you can still buy the rest of the wings and complete the walkthrough.

Not long left!
We've done a great job with the Standard format, and we're excited to see it transform Hearthstone, bring the gameplay to life, and add-ons play a bigger role. In addition, this innovation will not be slow to affect the competitive element of the game, because it is in the standard format that the Hearthstone Championship Tour will be held! All in all, we believe that the standard format will be the quintessence of all that Hearthstone has to offer.

We hope you share our enthusiasm and look forward to your feedback.

Without a doubt, you have questions, and therefore we bring to your attention the section. If something is still unclear to you, we are always ready to help!

General issues

I have not yet been able to read .So what's going on with Hearthstone?
We're adding formats to Ranked and Casual in Hearthstone. Standard decks will only accept decks made up of cards released in the current and previous calendar years, as well as the Core and Classic sets. Wild is already familiar to all Hearthstone players. It does not imply any restrictions, it can use any cards, including all those that are valid in the standard format.

What is a "format"?
V card games format refers to the rules and restrictions governing the set of cards allowed in a deck.

Why are you adding formats?
With formats, we can achieve some important goals for Hearthstone. The standard format will make the gameplay more dynamic and exciting, give developers a free hand when creating new maps, and also help beginners quickly get used to it. Wild, on the other hand, will give players a stunning and unpredictable experience with all the cards that have ever been released - just like the version of the game you already know.

How often do you plan to update the standard format?
The standard format will be updated every year with the release of the first expansion. At this time, card sets released in the current and previous calendar years will be added to it. The base and classic map sets will be in this format on a permanent basis.

Why basic and classic cards will always be included in the standard format?
These cards serve as the backbone of Hearthstone. They add uniqueness to the game, they're easy to understand for newcomers, and returning players can be sure they'll always find something they're familiar with.

What is the Year of the Kraken?
"Year of the Kraken" is the special name for the first year of the standard format. With the release of the first new expansion next year, a new year will also begin in Hearthstone: the standard format will be updated, and a different mythical creature will become the symbol of the year.

Deck Management

What will happen to my decks when the standard format is introduced?
Decks that consist entirely of only cards allowed in the standard format will become standard decks. Any decks containing Wild cards will automatically be converted to Wild decks. They can be made standard by highlighting the deck name (or hovering over it with the mouse) and selecting the standard format. After that, the game will mark all wild cards in this deck so that they can be replaced.

Will standard cards in my collection be flagged?
Although on each separate map its format is not marked, in your collection there will be tips with which you will know which deck you are compiling - standard or free. You can also use the filter to select only standard cards.

Will the new deck slots only be used for standard decks?
Additional deck slots are suitable for both standard and wild decks. You will be given nine additional places after unlocking all nine heroes.

Create, spray and collect cards

How will the card collecting process work?
Standard adventures and expansions can be purchased with gold or real money. Sets that don't fit the Standard format will no longer be available for purchase in the in-game store, but you can craft any of these cards with Arcane Dust, even ones that weren't previously craftable or disenchantable.

How will the adventure purchase system work?
For adventures that are part of the standard format, everything will remain the same. Adventures that are not included in the standard format will no longer be available for purchase. If you have managed to buy at least one wing of a particular adventure, you can unlock all the others with the help of in-game currency.

Can I still create and spray cards that are not in the standard format?
Yes, you can craft and disenchant these cards - including those that were previously uncraftable or disenchantable - for their normal cost in Arcane Dust. The only exception is base cards, which in principle cannot be crafted or disenchanted.

Are cards from rewarded sets (like Gelbin Meggakrut and Old Murkeye) included in the standard format?
All cards received as a reward, as well as promo cards, can only be used in Wild. Once Standard is released, Captain's Parrot and Old Grimeye will no longer be obtainable by collecting certain Classic cards, but they can be crafted (and disenchanted). The principle of obtaining the cards "Gelbin Meggakrut" and "E.T.C." will remain the same: normal versions of these cards can be crafted (and then disenchanted if needed), while their golden versions can only be obtained through special events, so they can neither be disenchanted nor crafted by yourself.

Note that you can also craft and disenchant cards from standard format adventures. The main thing is that you have already received them!

Game process

How will random effects work in standard format?
Random effects (including summoning random creatures or cards, the dig mechanic, polymorph, or any other similar effect) will summon cards that are allowed in the current format. This means that only cards of the same format can be summoned in a standard format. Any cards can be used in Wild, so these effects will work as usual.

Can I receive rewards in both formats?
You can earn gold, complete quests, level up heroes, and earn victory points towards a golden portrait in both formats without any difference. However, the monthly Ranked Top Rank reward and card back will only be awarded based on the best score among the two modes. Only those cards that can be used in the standard format can be received as a reward for the season and duels in the arena.

Will the standard format be used in the arena?
By default, Arena and other Hearthstone game modes such as Single Player, Adventure, and more are set to Wild. Some events in the Brawl mode can be played in the standard format, but in general it only works in ranked and regular play.

Will the format system be used in brawls?
Each new brawl follows different rules, and therefore some of them will be held in a free format, while others will be in a standard one. In any case, they will remain just as crazy!

Will formats have any effect on my adventure decks?
Adventures are played in the Wild format, so you can create appropriate decks without any restrictions.

How will the matchmaking system work?
By queuing you in a standard format, the system will automatically match opponents with decks of the same type. The Wild queue will include players with both Wild decks and Standard decks, as Wild has the ability to use Standard decks.

Can I play a standard deck in Wild?
Yes! Wild format contains the entire collection, regardless of the release date, including those cards used in the standard format. Therefore, you can queue up in Wild with a standard deck.

Can I play friendly duels in standard format?

Yes! In the case of duels, you will be able to choose the format, and your opponent will be able to choose only the deck that suits him.

How will Ranked play work in Standard and Wild?
With the advent of the format system, your current rating will be "split" into wild and standard. For example, if you are Rank 5, after the changes are made, you will be Rank 5 in both Standard and Wild.

Since the ranking system will be split, you will be able to move forward in the leaderboard and aim for the legend in everyone from formats separately. At the end of the season, the reward will be given based on the highest rank among the two formats, but not for both. Regardless of the format in which you received the reward, it will only contain standard cards.

Please also note that in normal play, the matchmaking rating will be the same for both formats.

Which rank will my Battle.net friends see?
Your friends on Battle.net will automatically be shown the best rank at the current moment. It can be both standard and free format.

Will you announce the top 100 players of the season for both formats?
For now, we plan to only release the Top 100 players in the Standard format.

Can I earn Hearthstone Championship Tour points in ranked play in both formats?
No. Earning Hearthstone Championship Tour points in 2016 will only be possible in Standard Ranked Play.

So will all official Blizzard esports events be standard?

Yes. The official format for the Hearthstone Championship Tour and Hearthstone World Championship in 2016 will be standard.


Can I use different shirts and special heroes in any format?
Yes, all shirts and heroes you collect can be used in both formats.

Will it be possible to disenchant at full cost those base and classic cards that you upgrade for the Year of the Kraken?
Basemaps are not disenchantable and cannot be crafted under any circumstances. The classic cards we're redesigning, however, will be disenchantable at their full cost for a limited time.

Will the introduction of formats increase the matchmaking time?
We do not think that the introduction of the format system will significantly increase matchmaking time.

Will I still be able to participate in those adventures that will not be available for purchase?
You can only go through the adventures that you already have. If you have purchased at least one wing of an adventure removed from the store, then you will be able to open all the others, but only for in-game gold, and not for real money.

I'm new and don't have access to Wild in Play Mode. What can I do to unlock this format for normal or ranked mode?
To access a Wild format and create a corresponding deck, you only need to create one card that is not included in the standard format. If you already have similar cards, Wild will open automatically.

Are there any plans to return to the standard format of the old sets?
We currently have no plans to bring back old Wild card sets to Standard.

Tell us about the new addition for 2016.

It is very, very cool. We think you will definitely like it. We'll be talking about it very soon™.

The authors of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft decided to divide the gameplay into two formats: standard and free. With the introduction of the standard version, the company will solve the problem of "unfair" games between newcomers and long-livers of the World of Warcraft. In the free passage, all the Hearthstone "chips" beloved by the players will remain.


What changes have the developers prepared? In the standard life mode, gamers will only be able to fight with the help of relatively new maps. The decks are made up of Classic, Basic, and sets that have appeared over the course of this and last year. To fight you will find an opponent with a deck similar to yours. That is, there will not be big differences and superiority in strength.

The new format is designed to create a more fair and balanced gameplay - veterans and beginners will play approximately the same cards. Due to the set limit, the value of each available card will increase. The developers themselves hope that the planned standard will somewhat “untie” their hands when creating new instances and images. The newly created Standard Hearthstone format will be available in Ranked Play, Friendly Adventures and is a good place to learn the rules.


The free version of the passage is just the old format, but with a new name. This is all the same unpredictability, prankism and freedom of action for which players love Hearthstone so much: . There will no longer be an emphasis on balance and balance in fights - anything can happen. Free play will allow you to have a killer time in the arena, single player and adventure mode. Over time, the player will have more and more cards, which will make the format even more unpredictable and "non-linear".

Spring updates practically do not affect the free passage. Players can continue to rank, build decks, complete quests, win gold and card backs. As before, Legend status will be available to players, which will still be difficult to achieve. If you want to go into the regular and rating format of the game, you will also be matched with an opponent with a free deck.


In ranked games, you can participate in one of the formats or both at once. It will be enough for the player to choose the one, the passage of which is easier for him. In each format, the participants will have a separate rank, so you can get the “Legend” both there and there. Naturally, some will not be able to get it anywhere! But in any case, the reward at the end of the season will be one and it will be determined by best results in one of the modes.


The developers of Hearthstone with the introduction of spring changes want to evaluate all the baggage that the game carries. In 2016, a certain number of cards will be re-evaluated, and some amendments will be made to their descriptions. The authors of the game are in no hurry to make changes to the sets for the sake of balance, and honestly admitted that they are not going to do this in the future. But new format forces to reconsider the composition of the classic (including class cards) and basic sets. It seems that the developers have not yet decided which maps will be changed and for what reason. We'll have to wait for the updates!


Players will also receive an unexpected "bun" - when opening all nine pieces of heroes, the gamer will be presented with the same number of new places for decks. That is, now you will have 18 of them. It is convenient, visual, yes, and just beautiful! Perfectionists, rejoice, now everything will lie in its place.


New standard decks will be available in the following decks: Classic, Core, Grand Tournament, Explorers League, Blackrock Mountain, and a new one coming out this spring that has yet to be named. The Goblins & Gnomes and Curse of Naxxramas collections are too old to be usable in the new standard game format. Year after year sets will come and go ㅡ that's life, that's normal!

The standard mode will be “attached” to its own annual cycle. The symbol of the period will be the constellation that has risen above the land of Azeroth. The departure of the old constellation and the appearance of a new one in the sky predict the beginning of the year. The world of Hearthstone will celebrate the holiday with buzz, fun, and the release of new card sets. A new gaming "era" will soon open the year of the Kraken.


The authors will soon remove the outdated adventures "Goblins and Gnomes" and "Curse of Naxxramas" from the Hearthstone store, as they will not be included in the standard mode anyway. But players for collection or free time in the worlds of Warcraft can still have time to collect adventure cards or buy wings that allow them to complete the passage. If you have a part of the item, you can definitely get the rest, don't be discouraged! Gamers are now given the ability to create their desired instances of Arcane Dust, including those that could not be created prior to the release of the update.


Hearthstone is trying to improve, revitalize and diversify the game by introducing a "fair" format for beginners and leaving a free mode for all adventurers. With each outdated set and remote adventure, players' collections will be replenished with rare and hard-to-find cards. As a result, wild decks will include both old and new sets. Spectacular and exciting Hearthstone Championship Tour will be held on the standard.

If something is not clear to you and you are afraid to start, you can always see how pro-gamers operate in the world of Hearthstone. For example, Jason Somerville's streams will help a beginner get comfortable. By the way, you can ask the players your questions, they are happy to chat! In the meantime, listen to the designer's thoughts on the new format:

Hearthstone is getting a lot of great stuff in 2017: new game elements, modes joint game with friends, improvements... and much more!

Plans for the Year of the Mammoth

2017 marks the end of the Year of the Kraken and the start of a new Hearthstone year. year of the mammoth. With the beginning of each new year in Hearthstone, standard format update. Officially year of the mammoth kick off with the release of the first major expansion of 2017, while maps The Grand Tournament and Blackrock Mountain and Explorers League DLCs will go to freeform.

Card Set Rotation Coming Soon!

Last year we introduced two new ways to play Hearthstone: standard and free.

V standard format players can only use basic and classic cards, as well as those that have been added to the game recently. This keeps the game fun and accessible as new card packs are released. The main task standard format- keep the interest in Hearthstone and make it easier for beginners to learn the basics of the game. Thanks to him, you do not need a lot of cards to create an effective deck. standard format also gives developers more freedom in terms of creating new maps.

However, there were times during the Year of the Kraken that some of the classic cards didn't fit well with our concept. When any cards are added to decks too often and considered "must have", it limits the variety of options available to players. Decks become monotonous, potentially interesting ideas for using certain cards fade into the background, and gameplay seems less dynamic. Cards in Hearthstone should be used for their intended purpose, depending on what type of deck the player is trying to build.

Therefore, in order to achieve our goal, we will add a new element to Hearthstone - "Hall of Fame". The Hall of Fame will include cards from the basic and classic sets, removed from the standard format . They can still be used in freeform . The cards we place in the Hall of Fame will also include reward cards..

Below is information about which cards will be in the Hall of Fame during the Year of the Mammoth.

Neutral cards

Developer Comment: The first three of the six cards that will soon be available only in Wild are neutral cards that are found in a large number of decks and do not allow new cards to reach their full potential. This is more true for cards with a cost of 5 units. mana or more, since usually players add only a few of these cards to the deck.

Azure Dragon

Azure Drake is a powerful neutral card that turned out to be too versatile and became one of the most popular cards in the game. We want players to choose from multiple useful minions for the same price, rather than adding Azure Drake automatically to their decks.

Sylvanas Windrunner

Like the Azure Drake, Sylvanas Windrunner is one of the best cards for 6 units mana. In addition, Sylvanas has the most powerful Deathrattle in the game - the Mind Control priest card, for example, costs 10 units. mana. In the future, we are going to add powerful new combos based on effects like Deathrattle to the game, and in combination with Sylvanas, they will be too powerful.

Ragnaros the Firelord

Ragnaros is often used in decks designed for both control and combination of aggression and control. In some cases, when decks are designed for aggressive style game, this card can be seen even at the final stage of the match. This card is for 8 units. mana is very powerful and immediately brings significant benefits, as a result of which it was added to decks without much thought. When evaluating other cards of the same value, players only tried to understand how they were inferior or superior to Ragnaros, without thinking about what is best for this or that type of deck. Dozens of cards worth from seven to nine units. mana was almost not used, since the choice was simple for the players - they took Ragnaros, while in some decks only one expensive card is required.

Overwhelming Power

Overwhelming Power allows you to trade creatures extremely effectively or deal high damage, spending only 1 power. mana. We decided to move this card to Wild, as otherwise players would be able to deal huge damage and use too powerful combinations. Many classic cards are included in Warlock decks that aren't affected as much by new additions. The changes we have prepared will allow us to increase the variety of cards in Warlock decks over time.

ice spear

The frost mage deck has been around for over three years now and is pretty fun to play with. However, we would like to see more diverse decks used by mages with each new expansion. Moving Ice Lance to Wild will increase the variety of decks in Standard, while still being very effective in Wild. Ice Lance also limited the creativity of our designers, as it prevented us from adding powerful spells to the game that deal damage or allow you to create copies of cards. Also, Ice Lance has a lot of damage, and therefore this card is often included in many combos that deal 30 damage. damage per turn.


The stealth mechanic is a very powerful weapon, and it can be very difficult to counter it at times (this is especially noticeable when playing for certain classes). In Hearthstone, for every action there must be a reaction, but disguise with each turn makes it more difficult to deal with the creatures of the rogue. We considered Wilding Auctioneer Goblin, but ended up choosing Disguise as Auctioneer requires a very high level of skill to use successfully. We believe that the proposed change will reduce the effectiveness of Auctioneer Goblin and make games that use this card more intense.

Our plan was to give players a temporary opportunity to disenchant Classic Hall of Fame cards at full cost. But we don't want you to rush to spray all the great cards just because they got into the Hall of Fame, because it could undermine the foundations of Wild, which we also do not forget.

Therefore, we decided: we will give you dust just like that, but let the cards remain!

It will be as follows: we will refund you the full cost for the maximum number of standard Hall of Fame cards that you can use in your deck (assuming that you can have regular and gold versions of cards). That is, if you have at least one Golden Ragnaros, you will receive 3200 Arcane Dust! Your Arcane Dust will be replenished automatically when the Year of the Mammoth begins when you log into the game.

Adventures in additions

Remembering the past, I would like to say that we have learned a lot during the year of the Kraken. One of the areas we're going to be focusing on in the Year of the Mammoth is expanding the ability to create new decks and increasing the variety of decks in Hearthstone. In order to achieve this goal and provide players with a greater experience, we will change the schedule for the release of expansions.

Previously, additions and adventures alternated. At the beginning of the Year of the Kraken, we released a major expansion containing approximately 130 new cards, then added 45 more cards in the middle of the year, and finally, at the end of the year, we released another full-fledged expansion.

At the beginning year of the mammoth we are planning to release an expansion containing approximately 130 new cards. In the middle and at the end of the year we will also release two more expansions, each of which will include approximately 130 cards.

Why change something?

At its core, adventures are colorful and thematically rich stories dedicated to the Hearthstone universe. Imagine that you have the opportunity to learn about the history of each of the card sets in the same way. For example, the story of the Jade Lotus gang can be framed in the form of several skirmishes of gangs of Gadgetzan. This would be an excellent addition to the main storyline"The Evil City of Gadgetzan". It is this idea that we would like to develop in the future. Imagine what would happen if you combined the cool missions from the adventures and the massive card sets from the expansions!

You will be able to expand your collection by purchasing expansion card packs in the same way as before. Additionally, in addition to expansions, we will be releasing free single player themed side missions that will not only provide interesting challenges, but will also expand the story of the game.

We would like to continue to be flexible and optimize the release of new content so that players can enjoy the game as much as possible. The first step in this direction will be the second expansion of 2017, and we plan to gradually develop this idea. Details about the new form of release of materials for the game we will publish later.

Oh, this unpredictable free format!

Wild will be even more fun to play, as cards from The Grand Tournament, Blackrock Mountain, and League of Explorers will now be exclusive to Wild! Players who prefer to play Wild will definitely be happy to know that we plan to further develop it further in 2017.

Sometime after the release of the next expansion, we plan to host a Heroic Brawl using Wild. With a plethora of cards at your disposal, even the most dedicated and experienced players and deck builders will have to work hard.

We also plan to increase the number of official Hearthstone Wild tournaments hosted by third parties and fans of the game with the support of Blizzard. Whether you're playing Hearthstone matches in Wild or Standard, we want all of the different formats and game modes to be truly fun for our community. We hope that we will be able to achieve our goal by supporting tournaments in both formats.

We're thrilled that Hearthstone matches using Wild are growing at such a fast pace. We will try to think of other ways we can support them in the future.

Gather at the Hearthstone Café

For those of you who don't know, Hearthstone Café (aka Fireside Gathering) is a great way to meet other people who are into Hearthstone as much as you are. These events are very important to us, and so during the Year of the Mammoth we are going to expand the support program for Hearthstone Café and add new features to the game that are designed specifically for use in these types of formats. We'll be posting fresh details on Hearthstone Café and Fireside Gatherings shortly before the release of the first major expansion of the year. You still have time to become a tavern owner!

Let's celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Mammoth together!

But that's not all we wanted to tell you about the Year of the Mammoth! For the release of the new expansion, we have prepared a lot of interesting things, including daily login rewards. Promotion time is limited! You can get Arcane Dust, Gold, and Card Packs from the expansion. In addition, a number of surprises await you in the weeks leading up to the expansion's release. .

Guardian Reward

Login rewards aren't everything! Players will have other reasons to celebrate the Year of the Mammoth, with a new Hero coming to the Hearthstone Tavern!

New rogue hero Maiev Shadowsong, left the veil of dusk to replenish your collection. For over 10,000 years, she had to endure Illidan's taunting that she was "not ready". Let the Burning Legion tremble! Adding Maiev to the collection will be much easier than biting your elbow. To add Maiev to your collection, you only need to complete ten normal or standard ranked matches after the release of the expansion.

In conclusion…

Hearthstone has a lot of amazing things coming in 2017! We hope you enjoyed our short review. See you at the tavern!

Just enchanting changes await the game in the coming months. All the details in our article!

Highlighting the main things!

  1. After you click on the "Play" button in the main menu of Hearthstone, you will be able to play in "Standard" or "Wild" mode.
  2. The rating tables of both modes are not connected in any way. Successes in one mode do not give any advantages in another.
  3. Players will have 18 deck slots instead of 9.
  4. The new addition will be released in the spring.

Now to the details!

What is "Standard Mode"?

In Standard Mode in 2016, only cards that are part of the following sets will be available to players:

  • Classical
  • Black Mountain
  • big tournament
  • League of Explorers
  • New addition (spring 2016)

Thus, cards from Curse of Naxxramas" and " Goblins and gnomes” in Standard Mode will not be available.

Why these particular sets? In Standard Mode, only maps that were available in the release version of the game, as well as maps that were released in the previous and current year, will be used. Because " Curse of Naxxramas" and " Goblins and gnomes” came out in 2014, they were excluded from the list.

Each year, with the release of the first expansion, this list will be revised. Thus, in 2017, additions will disappear from the list for the standard mode " Black Mountain«, « big tournament«, « League of Explorers". Instead, all sets that will be released in 2016 and also in 2017 will be added.

This will happen every year. By the way, 2016 is called " Year of the Kraken» 🙂

What is "Free Mode"?

Wild mode will not differ in any way from the current rating game mode. You will not have any restrictions on cards, you can use absolutely any, regardless of the year they were issued.

Store Changes!

Every year, "outdated" adventures for the "standard" game mode will be removed from the store, all required cards can be crafted with dust. Purchasing legacy adventures with gold will also be unavailable. However, there is a small exception - if you have already bought at least one wing from any adventure, you can buy the remaining wings at any time and complete the adventure.

Tournament Changes!

All major official tournaments will be played in "Standard" mode. The developers believe that it will be perfectly balanced and offer players the most interesting gameplay.

Thus, you can put aside the panic, for the vast majority of players NOTHING will change, they will still be able to participate in their favorite rating mode, according to the usual, familiar rules. However, there will be variety, there will be another mode that will have a COMPLETELY different meta. Just imagine that in the "standard" mode there will be no more

The tavern is about to face a life-changing change! We are proud to announce the introduction of different game formats to Hearthstone! We hope they will appeal to both beginners and veterans. Thanks to standard format Hearthstone will remain exciting and accessible for years to come, while in freestyle everything you already know about the game and what you love about it will be preserved.
new standard
The Standard format will allow players to fight in Play Mode using only the latest Hearthstone cards. You can create decks in this format only from the basic and classic sets of cards (you will always have them), as well as from those that appeared in the game in the current and previous calendar years. For the duel, we will select opponents for you who have decks built according to the same standard format.

The standard format will allow Hearthstone to sparkle with new colors.

  • It will make the metagame more dynamic and balanced.
  • The set limit will make each card more meaningful!
  • Developers will have more freedom when creating new maps.
  • It will be easier for beginners to join the game as they won't have to collect a lot of cards.

The Standard format is only for Friendly Duels, Ranked Play, and Casual, not Arena, Solo, and Adventure.

Free - will!
Wild is just a new name for the version of the game you're used to and where anything can happen. While Standard focuses on newly released maps and strives to balance the latest gameplay, Wild format allows you to have a lot of fun in the conditions you are already familiar with. Of course, over time and as new cards are added, it will become more and more unpredictable!

The gameplay itself in this format will not undergo any changes: you, as always, will be able to complete tasks, earn gold, fight for a rating, win card backs, strive for the Legend rank and build wild decks from your entire collection of cards. If you decide to use a wild deck in a ranked or regular game, then your opponent will also be a player with a wild format deck.

Forward to the legend!
With the introduction of the standard format, you will be able to choose which of the two formats to participate in ranked games. In each you will have a different rank, and therefore you may well get the "Legend" in both wild and standard formats. However, you will receive a reward at the end of the season for reaching the highest rank in one of the modes. So choose which one you like best!

Time for a change
The upcoming introduction of formats to the game is a great opportunity to weigh and evaluate what Hearthstone is at this stage. While we're usually quite reticent about changing cards to improve balance (and will continue to do so in the future), next year is a great opportunity for us to re-evaluate a number of core and classic cards (including class cards) and add to them description of a number of long-awaited amendments.

We'll share more information about which cards will be changed and why closer to Standard's release.

Yes, you finally have more deck space! We have prepared a small gift that you will receive shortly before the introduction of the standard format into the game: if you unlock all nine heroes, then your collection will be replenished with nine additional deck slots, which means you will have eighteen of them in total!

Release the Kraken!
Standard is coming to Hearthstone this spring! When that big day arrives, you'll be able to build standard decks from the following sets:

  • Base
  • Classical
  • Black Mountain
  • big tournament
  • League of Explorers
  • New addition (spring 2016)

Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins & Gnomes Packs will not be able to use in standard format. Every year after the release of the first expansion, card sets released before the previous year will be excluded from the standard format.

The standard format will have an annual cycle. The symbol of each new year in Hearthstone will be one of the zodiac constellations shining in the night sky of Azeroth. The appearance of a new constellation above the horizon heralds the beginning of the year and is accompanied by noisy fun and jubilation wherever Hearthstone is played!

The first standard year will be named the year of the Kraken so get ready for a sea of ​​events!

For free bread
This year will see the removal of adventures and expansion packs that are not in the standard format, namely Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins and Gnomes. If you still need cards from these sets (for Wild or Collection), you can craft them with Arcane Dust - even adventure cards that weren't possible before. Speaking of adventures, if you purchased at least the first wing from an adventure before it went out of rotation, you can still buy the rest of the wings and complete the walkthrough.

Not long left!
We've done a great job with the Standard format, and we're excited to see it transform Hearthstone, bring the gameplay to life, and add-ons play a bigger role. In addition, this innovation will not be slow to affect the competitive element of the game, because it is in the standard format that the Hearthstone Championship Tour will be held! All in all, we believe that the standard format will be the quintessence of all that Hearthstone has to offer.

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