The passage of the secret laboratory in the normal mode. Passage of the Black Mountain (Hearthstone) on the normal level of difficulty

Nefarian is the final boss of Blackwing Descent. Deathwing's resurrected son Nefarian and his sister Onyxia are ready to show their true power to the raid. Fighting this boss tests most of your raiding skills - healing, countering spells, dealing good damage, kiting, dodging fire, and a bunch of other things. In a word, a great reincarnation of a great encounter.

First phase

Onyxia's abilities

Electrical Strike - A powerful bolt of lightning that strikes the ground inflicting 128700 - 131300 Arcane damage. Nature damage to all enemies.
Spark Blast - Inflicts 23400 - 24600 Arcane damage. nature damage to enemies from Onyxia.
Dark fire breath
Tail Slash - A sweeping tail slash that hits all enemies behind the dragon. Deals 43750 - 56250 Shadow damage. damage and stun for 2 sec.
Deathwing's Children - While nearby, Nefarian and Onyxia attack 100% faster.

Nefarian's abilities

hail of bones
Cleave - Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and their nearest ally.
Darkfire Breath - Inflicts 35000 Shadowflame damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster. Resurrects reanimated bone warriors in the area.
Tail Slash - A sweeping tail slash that hits all enemies behind the dragon. Deals 43750 - 56250 Shadow damage. damage and stun for 2 sec.

Animated Bone Warriors

Second phase


Chromatic prototype

Firestar Flare - Inflicts 34800 - 45200 damage to enemies. fire damage to all enemies.

Third phase

Hail of Bones - Inflicts 23987 - 26512 Shadow damage to enemies. Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
Cleave - Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and their nearest ally.
Darkfire Breath - Inflicts 35000 Shadowflame damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster. Resurrects reanimated bone warriors in the area.
Shadow Flame Burst — A raging conflagration engulfs the nearby area, quickly spreading around.
Shadow Flame Inflicts 35000 Shadow damage. Shadow fire damage to all enemies within 0 yards.

basic information

Description of the battle

The encounter begins with Nefarian, in his human form, bringing Onyxia back to life. After that, he takes the form of a dragon and takes off, and after 30 seconds descends to take part in the battle. Although Nefarian is available to attack in the first phase, attempts to attack him will cause him to start destroying the raid with Electric Strikes. And if you do not beat Onyxia, then she will also accumulate electric charges (energy scale) - and if she accumulates the maximum, she will kill the raid. Both dragons must be separated from 60 meters or more, otherwise they will buff each other, gaining a 100% speed bonus. The first phase ends when Onyxia dies. As you might guess, you need to kill Onyxia first, and Nefarian just tank on the sidelines. Bone Warriors, which Nefarian summons several times per phase, just need to kite (don't tank - if the adds hit in melee, they get stronger) - they have a lot of health, but they themselves die over time.

When all Chromatic Archetypes have been killed or 3 minutes have passed, the lava flows out and Nefarian lands for the last time, marking the start of the third phase. Animated bone warriors appear under the influence of Dark fire. They need to be kited. And at this moment, the race to the bottom begins, and the raid needs to finish off the boss as quickly as possible. In addition to his primary abilities, Nefarian now uses Shadow Flame Burst, a fiery circle on the ground that appears as a burning dot and expands over time into a large ring before disappearing. This fire is not difficult to avoid, but as Nefarian throws it to the ground more and more often over time, it becomes more and more difficult to manage. That is why you need to take off as much HP as possible in the previous phase.

It is best to tank the boss in this phase on the outer circle of the "room", so that it is more convenient to react to flashes of flame and kite adds.


So only the last wing of the Black Mountain adventure, the Secret Laboratory, remained unexplored. In retrospect, many may say that there is little to surprise them now. However, do not rush to become cynics! The next 4 bosses will be waiting for you in this part of the adventure, and these four types can unpleasantly surprise anyone.

Omnitron system

And to meet you in the Secret Laboratory with open arms will be not one type, but several robots at once. The Hero Powers of the Omnitron System - Activate Charotron, Activate Toxitron, Activate Electron, Activate Magmatron and Activate! - will be used in the same order as they are listed here. The cost of the System's initial ability - Charotron Activation - is 2 mana crystals, however, each subsequent power of the boss hero will cost two more mana, that is, Toxitron will be summoned on the fourth turn, Electron - on the sixth, Magmatron - on the eighth. The only exception here is the Activation! - This ability will always cost 4 mana and will allow the boss to summon a random throne on the battlefield.

Omnitron's 6 unique cards are those that are summoned using his hero power (Charmron, Toxitron, Electron and Magmatron), as well as Magmar and Recharge.

Omnitron System Deck

  • Arcane Missiles x1
  • Fire cannon x2
  • Iron Sensei x2
  • Earth Shock x2
  • Ancient Healer x2
  • Arcane Golem x2
  • Miracle Nullifier X-21 x2
  • Clockwork Gnome x2
  • Gear Master x2
  • Dragon Mechanic x2
  • Mechano Booster x2
  • Mechanizer x2
  • Microrobot x2
  • Dwarf Technician x2
  • Cooldown x2
  • Magmar x1

Strategy for playing against the Omnitron System

AT normal mode games confrontation with the "Omnitron" is built around the thrones he summons. Since their passive abilities are shared by both players, try to make the most of them. So, considering that Charotron gives a good bonus to spells, include the maximum number of them in your deck. In this regard, the Mage and Rogue classes will be the most suitable in the confrontation with the first boss of the last wing of the Blackrock Mountain adventure.

There are no other features in the game with this boss - make profitable exchanges, destroy his creatures with the help of your spell removals, and you can easily defeat him.

Basic Mage vs. Omnitron System

Cheap Shaman deck vs Omnitron System


Two copies of the Volcanic Dragon card - this is what your reward will be after passing the first boss of the Secret Laboratory.


The second boss of the Hidden Lab is Maloriak. His hero power, Alchemist, swaps the attack/defense values ​​of all creatures played. Moreover, this ability is passive and always affects both the creatures of the boss himself and his opponent.

Maloriak has only one unique card - Aberration Release! - Summons three Aberrations with the dash ability onto the battlefield.

Maloriak deck

  • Antimagic x2
  • Split x2
  • Manasmey x2
  • Transformation x2
  • Drain life x2
  • Merciless Blast x2
  • Abyss Demon x2
  • Acid Ooze x2
  • Mad Alchemist x2
  • Draconid Destroyer x2
  • Faceless Manipulator x2
  • Carnivorous Ghoul x2
  • Mad scientist x2
  • Slime Belcher x2
  • Liberation of aberrations! x2

Game strategy against Maloriak

The confrontation with Maloriak will resemble the game with another boss of the Naxxramas adventure - Thaddius. Therefore, you can follow the same strategy: play a large number of cheap creatures with high health. It would also be nice to include a couple of copies of the Nerubian Egg card in the deck - a 4/4 creature for two mana is not bad at all, isn't it? In addition, you can use the trick: Playing Dire Wolf Leader or Stormwind Hero will either restore the lost attack values ​​of the summoned creatures, or increase these indicators even more.

It should be noted that there are a large number of secrets in the Maloriak deck, so it is desirable to have cards such as Illuminating Rocket and Mystic of Kezana in your deck, which will help you remove these secrets painlessly. In addition, the boss deck is based on a lot of spells, so if you're playing a Mage, try to include Anti-Magic in your deck, and also use those creatures that cannot be targeted by spells and the hero power Miraculous Dragonling, Ghost Knight.

Refrain from choosing the Shaman class when confronting Maloriak - 3/4 of your totems will be destroyed immediately after they appear.

Hunter base deck vs Maloriak

Warlock Deck vs. Maloriak


Two copies of the regular Blackwing Destroyer card is your reward for defeating the second boss of the Hidden Lab in normal game mode.


The penultimate step on the way to the full passage of the Black Mountain adventure will be Atramed for you. His Hero Power is Echolocation

Equips the Dragon Teeth weapon on the boss. At first glance, this weapon may seem rather weak, especially since you will be given three copies of the Rolling Gong card, with which it will not be difficult to deal with the cannon, but this is far from being the case. Upgrading Atramedu's weapon will cost next to nothing - just one mana crystal, while Dragon Teeth will increase its attack value in proportion to your cards played.

Atramed has two unique cards - Magmar and Wave Breath.

Atramed deck

  • Dragon Breath x2
  • Holy Vigil x2
  • Twilight Whelp x2
  • Azure Dragon x2
  • Mad Alchemist x2
  • Blackwing Technician x2
  • Dark Iron Dwarf x2
  • Draconid Destroyer x2
  • Dragon egg x2
  • Emperor Thaurissan x1
  • Miraculous dragon x1
  • Possessed Creeper x2
  • Onyxia x1
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Volcanic dragon x2
  • Magmar x1
  • Wave Breath x2

Game strategy against Atramed

The main threat in the confrontation with Atramed will be his formidable weapon - the Dragon's Teeth. Even though you will be offered three copies of the Rolling Gong card, don't relax! Include cards like Acid Slugs/or Harrison Jones in your deck anyway - they will definitely come in handy. Also, when composing your deck, do not forget to include a large number of provocateurs through which it would be problematic for Atramedes to break through - not only will they absorb a certain amount of damage, but they will also inflict a certain amount of damage to the opponent's hero.

An excellent option for confronting Atramedus would be to choose a Freeze Mage deck. A frozen enemy will not be able to damage you in any way, no matter how hard he tries.

Base Deck Mage vs. Atramedus

Cheap Mage Deck vs. Atramedus


As a reward, you will be offered two copies of the Draconid Destroyer card, which cannot be disenchanted.


The last push is left for you to complete the adventure of Black Mountain. Only Nefarian stands before you and your desired reward. However, this boss can rightly be considered one of the most difficult in the second Hearthstone adventure - it's not for nothing that he completes it.

The confrontation with Nefarian can be divided into three phases. In the first and third phases, you will fight against Nefarian himself with the Bone Minions hero power. This ability allows the boss to summon two [Bone Creation] to the battlefield.

In the second phase, Onyxia will oppose you. Her hero power - Flame of Nefarian - deals a certain amount of damage to the opponent's hero. This ability is activated automatically at the beginning of each turn of Onyxia, and the amount of damage depends on the turn - for example, on the first turn, the hero’s power will deal you one point of damage, on the second - 2, on the third - again one, on the fourth - 3, on the fifth - 1 and on the sixth - 4. On the seventh turn, you will not receive damage from this ability, but on the eighth and subsequent turns, the amount of damage will become constant and will be equal to twenty units.

There are two unique cards in the Nefarian deck - this is LAVA! and [Claw of Onyxia].

Nefarian Deck

  • Dragon Breath x2
  • Twilight Whelp x2
  • Overwhelming Power x2
  • Flame of Darkness x2
  • Soul Burn x2
  • Blackwing Technician x3
  • Chromaggus x1
  • Dragon egg x2
  • Dragon Sorcerer x2
  • Draconid Destroyer x2
  • Nerubian egg x2
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Volcanic dragon x2
  • LAVA! x2
  • Tail Strike x2

Strategy for playing against Nefarian

It should be noted right away that Nefarian, even in the normal game mode, can cause a lot of problems for the player and greatly fray his nerves. However, without this, completing the Blackrock Mountain adventure would seem like a cakewalk, right?

So, in the first phase, you should try to play creatures with the deathrattle ability - such as Nerubian Egg, Possessed Crawler and Harvesting Golem are great in this stage of the game. Destroying Nefarian creatures should be done exclusively with the help of cleansing spells (such as Shaman's Storm or Warrior's Whirlwind), being careful not to activate the death rattles of the summoned creatures.

After all of Nefarian's armor is cancelled, Onyxia will take his place. Here you should not yawn and try to destroy it as quickly as possible. It would be great to use spells like Bloodlust or Wild Roar.

After you defeat Onyxia, the third phase will begin. An enraged Nefarian will fly in and take her place, as well as destroy all your creatures. This is where creatures with the deathrattle ability come in handy.

Defeating Nefarian in the third stage should not be such a difficult task - by this point he should have exhausted his hand and should not have answers to your actions. Take total control of the table, and then deal a lot of damage to the last boss of the Blackrock Mountain adventure.

You can try to remove all of Nefarian's armor and destroy Onyxia in the same turn - then at the beginning of the third stage, Nefarian will not be able to destroy your creatures and continue the battle with the same board.

If you can't kill Onyxia quickly, then it's best to refrain from summoning her until you have a strong table to kill her quickly.

There is one bug in the confrontation with Nefarian - if you kill Onyxia with the spell Fatebane, Nefarian will not be summoned, and the third stage of the game will not come, but the game will still be considered completed.

Basic deck Mage vs Nefarian

Cheap Priest vs Nefarian Deck


After defeating Nefarian, you will be offered two copies of the Dragonen Arcanist card, which cannot be disenchanted. And after completing the entire Blackrock Mountain adventure, your collection will replenish legendary card Nefarian.

The Hidden Lab is the final wing of Blackrock Mountain and Nefarian's secret hideout. In it, you will once again meet not three, but four opponents at once: the modified Omnitron security system, a mixture of the dragon and the alchemist Maloriak, the victim of an unsuccessful experiment, the blind Atramed, and, of course, Nefarian (aka Lord Victor Nefarius), whom we beat -beaten, but never finished off in.

(Secret laboratory)

I must say right away that I am terribly disappointed with the last wing. No, the opponents here are quite interesting and everyone has their own "chips". But how simple are they? Omnitron, Maloriak, Atramede were defeated on the first try, and Nefarian on the second. Not at all such a difficulty I expected from the final bosses. Thank God there is still a heroic mode...

Omnitron system

(Rogue Valeera VS Omnitron system)

Your first opponent will be the Omnitron system, developed by the Dark Iron dwarves. Omnitron, using his Hero Power, places cards (thrones) on the playing field that have different properties and have different costs. It can be:

Charotron- both players take +2 spell damage. Requires 0 mana and is laid out on the first turn.
Toxitron- At the start of each turn, the Omnitron deals 1 damage to all other creatures. Requires 4 mana.
Electron- all spells, both yours and your opponent's, cost 3 mana less. Requires 6 mana.
Magmatron- Every time you play a card, Magmatron deals 2 damage to your hero. Requires 8 mana.

In terms of strategy, it is difficult to advise anything here. Omnitron is a very simple opponent and I didn’t notice any super cool cards from him. As for the thrones - sometimes it makes sense not to destroy some of them right away, since their properties can also benefit you.

(one step away from victory)

For defeating the Omnitron system, you will receive two Volcanic Dragon cards.

(Volcanic Dragon cards revealed)


(Mage Jaina VS Maloriak)

Maloriak has a passive hero power, Alchemist, that changes a creature's attack and health each time it is placed onto the field. Is it good or bad? Normal, especially for a hero like Jaina. After all, most creatures have much less attack health, so such creatures become easy prey for you. Well, when large creatures are used, it doesn’t really matter what and where they change.

(Feugen and Stalaggus don't give a damn about Maloriak's hero power)

For defeating Maloriak, you will receive two Blackwing Destroyer cards.

(Blackwing Destroyer cards revealed)


(Hunter Rexxar VS Atramed)

Atramedes is a blind dragon with the Echolocation hero power for one mana. Echolocation equips Atramedus with a weapon called "Dragon's Teeth", which initially has zero attack. But the meaning here is that as soon as you play a card, Atramedus “hears” it (aka a blind dragon, as you remember) and his weapon immediately gets +1 to attack. It would be rather annoying, but at the very beginning of the game, you get three Rolling Gong cards in your hand, which destroy the Atramedus weapon. The main thing here is not to rush to use it immediately after Atramed took out a weapon, so as not to remain completely helpless in the end. Wait until he has enough damage, and then act.

(now Atramed will lose half of his health)

For defeating Atramedus, you will receive two "Dragonid Crusher" cards.

(Dragonid Crusher cards revealed)


(Paladin Uther VS Nefarian)

Nefarian is the final boss of the wing. In addition to health, he has ten points of armor and has a rather primitive hero power "Bone minions", which summons bone creatures with 2/1 parameters to the field for two mana.

(the alignment on the field is quite in our favor)

After you remove Nefarian's armor, he will summon his sister Onyxia in his place with the hero power "Flame of Nefarian" and the weapon "Claw of Onyxia".

(Onyxia just vomits and thrashes)

If you defeat Onyxia, Nefarian will reappear, but before he spawns, he will destroy all your creatures. It took me by surprise and that's why I lost the first time. Then I was already ready for such a turn of events, Nefarian even did me a favor :).

Hearthstone is one of the most popular card games today. computer games, which overshadowed even the legendary Magic: The Gathering. Here you need to form your own card decks, consisting of creatures of various powers, various spells, and so on. You can both fight with friends and people on the Internet, and pass story campaign. One of the most difficult sections is Black Mountain. And this article will discuss full walkthrough"Black Mountain". Hearthstone is an exciting project, and even such an element will give you a lot of pleasant experiences. But only if you can make a competent deck and dispose of it correctly. In total, at this stage, you will have to fight 17 bosses in order to successfully complete the Blackrock Mountain. Hearthstone isn't the easiest game to play, so this guide will come in handy.


How you build your deck will determine how you complete Blackrock Mountain. Hearthstone is a game that makes you think, and the very first boss will let you know that. It works quite interestingly - at the beginning of each turn, Koren draws two random creatures from his deck, and one from yours, thus creating an advantage for himself. Your chance is to create a deck exclusively from the strongest creatures, as well as dilute them with spells that will help you cope with the superior forces of your opponent.

Judge Grimstone

If the first boss can be dealt with quite easily with the correct formation of the deck, then already on the second one, the passage of the Black Mountain may stall. Hearthstone does not spare its players, so the Grimstone at the start has four mana crystals at once, and also before each turn it has a guard with a minimum attack and defense, which diverts damage to itself. Here you will have to rely more on magic, as well as on luck, without which it will not be easy.

Emperor Thaurissan

What's next for you to prepare the passage of the "Black Mountain"? A Hearthstone deck should always be chosen individually for each boss - for example, the third boss is one of the strongest in the campaign, since his wife is next to him with a health unit. As soon as she dies, the boss becomes much stronger and is able to kill you with one hit. Therefore, the key card here is one that can swap the damage and protection stats for the wife.


The passage of "Blackrock: Hearthstone" on the normal difficulty level is already difficult, at higher levels everything will turn into a real nightmare, so until you have collected very strong cards and did not learn how to use them, switch to new level complexity is not recommended. You can't even beat Garr, because on normal difficulty he has 45 health and starts with seven creatures at once, which, when they die, deal three damage to everyone for each creature of this type that died.


How does the passage of Black Mountain: Hearthstone develop further? Heroic pits you against the Dark Baron, who not only has incredible survivability and armor, but also deals ten damage to you every turn when you're not spending all your mana but trying to save it up. Therefore, you will have to use less powerful cards that could be spent in one turn, that is, to crush with quantity, not quality - and the Warlock hero will help you the most in this.


Passage of "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" base decks is possible, but it seems very difficult - as mentioned above, you are better off building decks yourself. And at the same time, understand the features of the enemy deck - for example, Executus summons a fiery giant to the table when health drops below 20 units, so you will need to kill him immediately, avoiding a situation in which the boss will take a lot of damage, but will not die.


As you already understood, the passage of "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" on heroic mode- this is not the easiest task. And every time you face more and more difficult bosses. For example, Omokk at the beginning of each of his turns destroys a random player creature from the table. You can deal with this by summoning a large number of small creatures - and, of course, with magical support, because otherwise there will not be enough small creatures to defeat the boss.


Drakissath is the next general you'll encounter in Blackrock Mountain: Hearthstone. Heroic". The base difficulty level will make it easier to pass, but in any case, this boss will be quite difficult for everyone. The complexity of the boss lies in the fact that all creatures are equal in price to one unit of mana - even the most powerful of them. But at the same time, you can only play one card from your hand per turn, which significantly limits your options.


As for this boss, you may have problems with him due to the fact that he can use different skills every turn - they are all focused on summoning, and not all the creatures he summons are strong. But what about the dragon that Rend can summon every four turns - he has 8 attack and 8 defense, so he is quite strong. You need abilities that will help you deal well with a large number of enemy creatures.


This boss is dangerous because eggs with defense 3 appear on the field, which after a while hatch into rather strong dragons. You can deal with them by building a fairly fast deck, that is, it should include cards that you can instantly play, and not accumulate mana on them every time. So you can get rid of the eggs before they turn into full-fledged dragons, thereby depriving the boss of his main weapon.


In no case should the confrontation with this boss be delayed, because every turn he receives a bonus unit of mana, which, under the current conditions, will give him an impressive advantage in a dozen turns. What are the circumstances? The fact is that in a battle with him you will receive three cards for each turn instead of one - but the same will be received by the boss. So you need to be able to remove cards from your opponent's hand, as well as play a large number of your cards in one turn.


This boss has a very unpleasant habit - he constantly throws cards that are negative for you and positive for him from his own deck into your hands. Therefore, your task is to quickly seize control of the field, as well as use those creatures that can also benefit from negative spells, for example,

Victor Nefariy

The strength of this boss lies in the fact that he is full of a wide variety of powerful creatures, which he will throw at you from the very beginning, because by the second turn he will have access to as many as ten units of mana. So again, you need to rely on destroying cards from your opponent's hand, and also on the fact that you can stretch long enough until you have a decent amount of mana to summon powerful creatures.


This defense system summons rather unusual robots, each of which has its own properties. Three of the four robots are not very pleasant, and they just need to be experienced somehow, but here is one of them - this is your salvation. After all, it makes the cost of all spells lower by three units of mana. Thus, you need to rely on spells, the most important of which should be freezing - you just need it to come to you before the sixth turn.


Many gamers believe that this boss is the most difficult in the entire campaign, and there are reasons for this. Firstly, he can quite often summon very good fighters with three units of attack and defense. Secondly, he can increase both his attack and defense by two units, and he can do this not only for these bonus minions, but also for all his creatures in principle. And thirdly, he can change the defense and attack of any creature, so you have to try very hard to get rid of him. Therefore, focus on those cards that can remove creatures from the table from the enemy and quickly restore the supply of cards in your hand.


This boss is also quite difficult, but his difficulty is one-dimensional - he has special weapon, which acts as a half-hero half-minion. And every card you play gives that creature an extra attack point. In general, you will have to fight with all your might with this weapon, gradually undermining it and sacrificing your weak creatures, so that after the destruction of the bonus it is much easier to deal with the boss himself.


Well, the last boss, which ends the passage of "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" - Nefarian. This boss is very cunning - as soon as you destroy all of his armor, he will summon another heroine instead, who will have a good supply of health and cause serious damage, while increasing during each turn. Dealing with this will not be easy, so it's best not to lead to such a challenge. Just save up cards, think over effective combinations, and when the opportunity arises, use them in such a way as to immediately remove both armor and health (for this, you can undermine armor in advance).

Brief description of the battle

The beginning of the battle is the resurrection of Onyxia by Nefarian in his human form. After that, he transforms into the form of a dragon and rises up, after half a minute he lands to take part in the fight. Despite the fact that Nefarian can beat attacked in phase 1, attempts to do so will result in him being able to destroy the raid with Electric Strikes. In addition, if Onyxia is not attacked, then she accumulates electric charges (or, in other words, the energy scale) - and when she accumulates the maximum, she will simply kill the raid. To successfully complete the stage, the distance between the dragons must be about 60 meters or more, otherwise they receive a mutual buff for a 100% speed bonus. Phase 1 ends when Onyxia dies. Therefore, Onyxia must be killed first, while Nefarian must simply be kept on the sidelines. Bone warriors, whom Nefarian manages to summon several times during this phase, you just need to kite (tanking does not make much sense, since the servants, when attacked by melee, are significantly strengthened) - they have a lot of health points, but eventually die on their own .

Start phases2 battle is marked by the second rise of Nefarian and the filling of the platform with lava. Three columns will rise above the lava, on each of which will be placed a Chromatic prototype. In order to deal with the adds, the raid members should split into three groups in advance, each of which should quickly leave the area filled with lava and, accordingly, settle down on their pillar. Prototypes periodically cast a powerful AoE - Fire Star Flare, which must be knocked down by all means. This phase should be extended as long as possible, without specifically killing the last prototype. The main idea is that you need to remove the maximum health from Nefarian before he lands. Do not forget that Nefarian at this stage is actively throwing shadowbolts into the raid, which have a very small radius of action, therefore, to reduce damage, you need to stand on the columns rising from the lava. Phase 2 ends with the killing of all assistants or after three minutes. Note that there are no Animated Bone Warriors in this phase.

When all minions are killed or 180 seconds have passed, the lava disappears and Nefarian lands for the last time. In fact, these begin phase 3. Under the influence of Dark fire, Animated Bone Warriors appear. You just need to run away from them. In fact, the third stage is, in a sense, a race to the bottom - the raid must kill the boss as quickly as possible. It should be noted that Nefarian, in addition to his main abilities, has a Shadow Flame Flash - this is a fiery circle that, having appeared as a burning point, expands into a large ring over time. It's not that hard to dodge the fire, but as time goes by, Nefarian throws it to the ground more and more often, making it harder to deal with (which is why it was necessary to remove as much health from Nefarian in the Chromatic Prototypes phase).

The outer circle of the "hall" is an ideal place to "tank" the boss, besides, it is more convenient to react to

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