What cards are in the classic set. Spray Legendary Cards Guide

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Card rarity is a very important part of Hearthstone. While many might argue that rarity from common to epic means nothing and is just a way to create artificial scarcity, cards in the latter category - legendary - are different from the rest. They are special according to different criteria. Such instruments depict unique heroes with their own name (or, as has been observed recently, objects like legendary weapons), which favorably distinguishes them from the background of others. Endowed with unique, quite often powerful abilities, their use is limited to one copy in the deck (which is strongly opposed to the ability to put two copies of non-legendary cards into the assembly). Each expansion has a set of the strongest and most interesting legendary cards and given the fact that 4 years have passed since the release of the first add-on (Curse of Naxxramas), now is the best time to remember the best legendary tools that developers have ever created.

Since there are too many such cards, the article will be divided into two parts: one part will be devoted to neutral legendary cards, the other to class cards. It was decided to focus on creatures, as the rating of the best legendary class tasks, death knight cards and legendary weapons had already been made. In addition, it is very difficult to compare all of the above legendary cards with legendary creatures.

Important - read this before moving on to the main content of the article... When this list was created, the performance of all cards was viewed while they were in Standard format. The rankings will not reflect their success in Freemode. And when it comes to Standard format, we mean both past rotations and current ones. For those cards that have been nerfed, they will be used both their pre-nerfed condition (as long as they had enough impact on the game to get on the list) and after the nerf. The cards will be arranged in alphabetical order, otherwise it would be impossible to objectively evaluate them.

Honorable Mentions

This will start a list of cards worthy of mention. These are class legendary cards that came close to making it onto the main roster, but never made it to it. Maybe they didn't make enough impact on the game, maybe they haven't played for too long, or maybe, despite their strength, they never left a lasting impression. This does not mean that they are bad. They are mentioned for a reason.
Al'akir Is the first card worthy of mention. While he was never as strong as another elemental lord, Ragnaros, he was invariably in some Shaman builds. Once this card was used in the Control and Midrange Shaman decks, and recently it can be found in the Even Shaman. This is not the most outstanding Legendary card, but it does its job properly - it can be used both to control the table and to complete the match (especially when combined with attack buffs).
is the only Boomsday Blueprint on this list. Not because the expansion is scarce on good legendary cards, it's just difficult to assess their impact on the game 2.5 months after release. However, Slap stands out from the rest, becoming the second most popular card for the Druid after Malfurion the Malefic, as it, like the Death Knight card, is suitable for almost any build. Its effect works great both with combo strategies (for example, copying Malygos or Hadronox), as well as with ordinary cards that have a strong effect or battle cry (Mischievous Inventor or Magic Despot). This map will most likely be used in almost all Druid builds until the rotation change in 2020.

Grommash Hellscream- once he would probably have made it to the list of the best cards, since he was automatically included in the Control and Midrange Warrior builds. Usually used as a finisher in combination with an activator (Whirlwind, Deathbite second hit, or even Evil Taskmaster). However, times are changing, and Grommash is no longer as impressive as it used to be. It can still be found in some builds, such as the Recruiting Warrior and Warrior Control decks (which was almost displaced by the Odd Warrior archetype). Perhaps this card will return to the meta someday, but it is unlikely to be as powerful as it used to be.

Hadronox- was very underestimated at first, mainly due to the fact that he is slow and awkward. But the more tools with synergy came out (Sleeping Dragon, Dragon Master, Heart Master and, most importantly, the combination of Witching Time + Carnivorous Cube), the card received a weighty condition for playing and winning, which subsequently led to the creation of Taunt Druid. This deck is not as popular as it used to be, but you can still see it in the ladder from time to time, and Hadronox has earned the status of a very scary card in some match-ups.

Quatrain Winter Rustle- Quatrain became a card that allowed the Hunter to use heavy tools. Before her, most of the game strategies of this class revolved around creating pressure on the opponent and quickly ending the match. But from the moment it became possible to pull not one, but two large beasts from the deck, some builds changed their priority in the conduct of combat and began to use heavy cards for the late game, such as High Mane of the Savannah, Charged Devil, Grizzly from the Witchwood or even the King. Crush. After that, the Recruit Hunter was created. The Winter Rustle Quatrain is now used in the Deathrattle Hunter deck, which has more cheap creatures, but there is also room for a few large beasts that take advantage of their powerful effect.

Lord Godfrey- a solid AoE effect combined with a creature on the table is something you should always look at. Lord Godfrey was no exception. Honestly, if you look at the level of effect of this card in a vacuum, it can be classified as one of the best. However, from the moment the slow builds of the Warlock didn't perform as well as they used to (and Even Warlocks cannot use it in their deck), Lord Godfrey no longer fits the list of the best. However, if given a chance, this card will shine again. You probably know how strong the Desecration is when clearing the table, and Godfrey is twice as strong, since, in addition to Desecration, you also get a 4/4 creature on your side. While Defile is easy for opponents to play around and its effect can be difficult to trigger, Lord Godfrey absolutely destroys any aggro and midrange builds that rely on filling the table and gives the Warlock an extra tempo.

Lord Jaraxus- was used in old warlock decks, and now it's the turn of the Bloodsucker of Gul'dan. Jaraxus in the same way replaced your hero, hero power and gave an instant effect (weapon with indicators of 3/8). Together with the weapon and the hero's power that summons the 6/6 creature, it was almost impossible to outrun Jaraxus in profit if the match was delayed, which is why very often the only way to defeat the Warlock was to damage only the opponent's hero. Unfortunately, unlike Bloodsucker Gul'dan, Jaraxus changed his current health to 15, which meant that the character was vulnerable to any explosive damage or combo. Once this figure was acceptable, however, when more and more assemblies with combinations that inflict huge damage began to appear in the ladder, the card moved into the category of situational. In addition to the low health and low tempo (for happiness it was to leave a Coin in order to immediately squeeze out the hero's power), you must have some kind of table when playing Lord Jaraxus, and ideally also a card with a healing effect. Bloodsucker Gul'dan is a much more successful card today, but Jaraxus may well return to the arena after some time.

Lyra Sun Shard Is another card very underestimated by the players. “The Priest doesn't need any more benefits”, “3/5 is too weak for 5 mana”, “Priest's random spells are bad” - that was the first reaction of the community to the legendary card. But then it turned out that this card is one of the strongest class legendary Priest cards (maybe not only legendary ones). The Priest is full of cheap spells for 1-2 mana crystals, so it was easy not only to start combos, but also to create whole chains of sequences. If you play Shining Elemental along with this card, spells will become even cheaper, and you can often get more than 5 cards, which will not only give an instant tempo (because cheap spells usually do something, for example, strengthen creatures or, conversely, destroy them). but they will also give you the benefit in the form of expensive spells that can be used in the future (Something from amber or Mind Control). Lyra has become an indispensable card in many Priest decks: Control, Combo, or even Resurrection Priest.

Malkorok- was one of those cards that relied heavily on others that were present at that time in Standard format. In this case, weapons. When good weapon cards were introduced into the game, Malkorok became both stronger and vice versa. It was first used in the Tempo Warrior and Dragon Warrior builds since its release, simply because it created a good mix of gain and tempo, which is exactly what these decks need. Malkorok had good characteristics, to which the opponent had to find an answer, and if he did, then you still had a weapon. The average was 2/3 or 3/2, which was pretty good - you either dealt more damage or got more control over the table. On the one hand, you might get caught and not the most best options weapons such as the Judgment of Light or the Cursed Blade, but on the other hand, the game has a large number and excellent tools such as Blood Howl, Doom Hammer or Arcanite Reaper. Nevertheless, after Midrange Warrior began to disappear from the ladder, Malkorok also began to disappear. Sometimes it is used as a tech card in some Control or K'Tun Warrior builds, but now you don't see this legendary card so often.

Tyrion Fordring- if you need to name the best class legendary card from the classic set, or even the first additions, it will undoubtedly be Tirion Fordring. This is not a card, but a solid source of benefits: good characteristics, the hero's defense (thanks to provocation), which is also difficult to break because of the divine shield. In addition, Deathrattle equips the hero with a 5/3 weapon. A great combination of attack and defense, pace and gain. And, despite this, he has not been seen in the ladder for a long time. The Legendary card was an obvious inclusion in the Even Paladin deck after the release of Witchwood, but after the archetype nerf, the choice shifted towards Defender of the Hills. The exclusion of Tyrion from the decks was caused by a general change in the playing style of the Paladins (aggro and combo assemblies began to prevail, none of which needed Tyrion) and the frequent appearance of cards with silence effects in the ladder, which play very well against Tyrion Fordring. Plus, if you put two copies of Defender of the Hills into your deck, you get a good chance to unearth this legendary card. However, there is hope that Tirion Fordring will one day return to the meta, because as stated above, this is not a card, but a combination of gain and pace.

Best Class Legendary Cards

Archmage Antonidas

This list is opened by the only legendary Mage card that got into the article (with the exception of Kazakus, who belongs to three classes) - Archmage Antonidas. Why was he chosen? Because he was part of the essence of the Magician for a very long time. Although this card is a poor choice in the current meta, it has many good class archetypes built around it. Once upon a time, Antonidas was almost a prerequisite for the victory of Freeze the Mage. It was used to take infinite explosive damage. Usually other tools were enough to win, but some match-ups still required additional help. This combo was especially powerful with the Emperor Thaurissan, as a result of which you could easily use 3-4 Fireballs in one turn.

Later, the legendary card was used in some assemblies of Tempo Mage. This archetype is known for its love of cheap spells, but Archmage Antonidas turned them into Fireballs. Exactly according to the same principle, this card was included in some decks of the Mech Mage in the days of the Goblins and Dwarfs, especially if you managed to get a Spare part that gave disguise (and you know what that means).

Most recently, this class Legendary card was part of the Mage Quest deck. Despite the fact that the combination itself used by the archetype was known before, the Time Warp received for completing a legendary task made it extremely popular - you could play 4 Sorcerer's Apprentices on one turn, activate Time Warp, play Archmage Antonidas during additional move and start playing the Fireballs.

From the very beginning of Hearthstone, Archmage Antonidas has been both the most influential Mage card and one of the most effective.

Aya Blackpaw

The second among the best is a card that can be used by 3 classes at once - Aya Black Paw. The mechanics of Jade Golems are pretty simple: each subsequent Jade Golem you summon becomes + 1 / + 1 more than the previous one. Compared to other cards with this mechanic, Aya stands out for her ability to summon two jade golems at once, which in total increases their characteristics by + 2 / + 2. Most of the cards that summon Jade Golems are too weak to play along the mana curve, but not in the case of Aya. Even if you only summoned one golem throughout the game, Aya will already have 5/3 + 2/2 stats, as well as a deathrattle that summons another 3/3 creature. Not the best result for this card, but it already has enough gain and pace to pay off its cost. In addition, the next card with a jade golem will summon a token with even greater 4/4 stats, which will be at least an acceptable and often excellent tempo move.

Aya Blackpaw was most often used in Druid decks. It was this class that had the most capable Jade Golem builds over the course of several expansions. Many people disliked this archetype for its infinite resources, which Malfurion obtained from a card such as the Jade Idol. Despite the temporary setbacks in the meta, Jade Druid has not ceased to be the subject of player displeasure. The shaman also made good use of Aye. A full-fledged deck of jade golems for this class was extremely mediocre, however, the "standard set" consisting of two copies of Jade Claws, two copies of Jade Lightning and Aya Blackpaw was included in almost all Shaman archetypes. Playing one of these cards could be quite weak in pace, but each subsequent one became much stronger, which justified the use of such a set. Jade Rogue has never been popular in ladder, however, he also had builds for fans of this concept (over the past 2-3 years, Rogue has had a huge number of non-meted decks).

At the beginning of this year, IU was overtaken by the annual rotation, and she went to the Free format, just like the rest of the cards with this mechanic, but for all the time that she was in the Standard, she was always relevant. She was vulnerable to muteness and transformation effects, but overall there was no ideal response to her. Even being transformed into some kind of frog, she still managed to summon at least one jade golem, contributing to their growth.

Edwin vanCleef

Edwin VanCleef is the Rogue's foothold for centuries. For three units. 2/2 mana is terrible, but it comes with an amazing series of moves: for every card played in front of Edwin, the latter will receive + 2 / + 2. Even a single bonus will be enough for a good tempo move - 4/4 for 3 mana will not bring you an instant victory, but at the same time you will not be upset by this course of events. Add a second card in front of it and it becomes 6/6, another 8/8. The best part about this is that implementing such a big Edwin vanCleef in the early game isn't such a big deal for a Rogue. Coin + Prep + Inexpensive Spell + Edwin VanCleef = 8/8 on turn 2. Such a large creature is able to quickly crush an opponent or, at least, make exchanges with 3-4 enemy creatures (while the Rogue will continue to develop his strategy of the game).

Edwin has always been a strong card for Valeera - no matter when you got him in hand, you still play a huge creature for 3 mana crystals, which has a serious impact on the game situation. Having visited many decks, among which there are various variations of Agro (for example, Pirate Rogue), Tempo and Miracle archetypes, Edwin VanCleef deserves a place among the best class legendary creatures.

Recently, its popularity has declined. This is due to the proliferation of Odd and Rogue's Quest, which generally don't use it in their builds. The Odd Rogue does not have access to spells for 0 mana crystals, which usually allow you to realize a strong Edwin in the early game, and in the later this archetype simply runs out of resources that could be combined with him. The Rogue Quest generally has a different game plan, and he doesn't need Edwin. However, we can say with certainty that as soon as a shift occurs in the meta, which allows Tempo or Miracle the Rogue to come to the fore, Edwin will certainly return to the ranks.

Fandral Staghelm

It's hard to imagine the number of games Fandral Staghelm decided on. If you see the appearance of this druid on the side of your opponent, you must destroy him. Otherwise, you risk losing the game, since the Gift of Nature, played by the enemy on the next turn, will bring him a huge advantage in the form of both overclocking and drawing cards. And everything will become even more deplorable if, in addition to this, the opponent finds Wrath, which can inflict 4 damage. damage and give him another card for only 2 mana.

Druid cards with a choice of effect are already powerful due to their flexibility. Being able to play both effects is incredibly useful - you are essentially playing 2 cards at once for the price of one. The same Gift of Nature - with Fandral it's a great combination of both benefit and pace. And the longer this legendary creature is on the table, the more difficult it is to destroy it and regain control over the situation in the game.

He was most terrible in the Jade Druid deck. In the late stage of the game, when you run out of resources, you need to shuffle new copies of the Jade Idol into the deck. This is a very slow strategy, but Fandral avoids tempo delays. You exhibit it, plays the Jade Idol and the Gift of Nature, which brings you a couple more idols. This move is extremely powerful, as it allows you not only to mix Jade Idols, which will last until the end of the game, but also to summon several large Jade Golems, which should be 6/6 at least by this time.

The cherry on top is the 3/5 stats, which are pretty good for a 4th drop. Perhaps, so far, this is the best legendary Druid creature in the entire history of Hearthstone.

Hound Shaw

Historically, legendary Hunter cards have always looked dubious. Some were too slow for their class, others didn't fit into any of the decks, and still others were downright bad. In this regard, the Kobolds and the Catacombs, and then the Witch's Forest, turned out to be favorable for the Hunter - he received the Winter Rustle Quatrain and the Hound Shaw. Both of these cards are very good, but Shaw looks a little better than Quatrain, which is why he was on this list.

For starters, about the stats: 3/6 for 4 mana is almost the same as the best stats for the 4th drop - 4/5 (and sometimes 3/6 is even better than 4/5). If you add a strong effect to excellent characteristics, then you get a truly powerful card. In a way, Hound Shaw resembles Fandral. They are both 4 drops, both have decent stats and both have a strong effect that makes them the number 1 target in the eyes of your opponent. The ability to get rushed by all creatures allows you to create a huge gap in tempo. This strategy works best in the Deathrattle Deck with Devil Eggs. As a rule, activating deathrattle is far from the fastest move, as you must skip 1 more turn before you can attack the summoned 5/5. With Shaw the Dog on the board, you can instantly trade your summoned creature. The same goes for Spider Bombs: you will have the opportunity to destroy two enemy threats at once, one with 2 or less units. health and another random with the help of death rattle.

Houndmaster Shaw does not interfere with hitting the enemy with creatures that were already on the table, while you do not lose control of the board thanks to the onslaught on the creatures you just exposed. If this legendary drop survives, then you can quickly build up a huge advantage. In this case, it is not necessary to wait for the right moment to play it. Just expose it on move 4, forcing your opponent to look for an answer to it, which is not an easy task. If there is no answer, then you can get all the necessary benefit from it. It is currently one of the strongest legendary cards in the game and the best legendary Hunter card.


It's funny that this list includes 2 legendary cards for three classes at once. Unlike Aya Blackpaw, which was used in two classes of decks, Kazakus found its way into all three decks - Mage, Priest, and Warlock. It was most relevant at the time of its release, when Renault Jackson was still present in Standard mode. Then Renault decks were pretty common. The most popular was the Warlock, but both the Priest and the Mage had their own strong builds. And then there was a rotation. After Renault Jackson left, no one expected Kazakus to come in handy anymore. At that time, there was only the Mage deck, which was in some demand among the players.

But everything changed radically after the appearance of the Dark Reaper Anduin. His hero power, combined with the Captive Rape effect, created a new archetype that completely overwhelmed the entire ladder. Most famous maps this deck was exactly the death knight and Raza, but Kazakus also played an important role in it. He was incredibly flexible - you could excavate a point removal, and a massive cleanup, and healing for a hero, and additional resources, and even explosive damage. Against aggressive decks, Kazakus looked perfect on turn 4, as it allowed him to find a potion for 5 mana, causing massive damage, which often meant victory. Potions for 1 mana crystal were also useful, as they made it possible to inflict additional damage (thanks to the Shining Elemental, free hero power and Prophet Velen, the potion allowed 4 damage for 0 mana, not counting the effect of the potion itself).

Razakus Priest was weakened shortly before Raza the Captive and Kazakus left for Free format. Then the latter disappeared from the meta again, however, thanks to the two mentioned periods of its popularity, Kazakus still deserves its place on this list.


One of the older maps, Mal'Ganis had a significant impact on the Warlock in due time and allowed him to win a huge number of victories. You might think that its purpose is slow decks, but this is not at all the case. At the height of its popularity, it was part of Zoolok. The ninth drop in Zoolok? Another demon, the Voidcaller, is worth mentioning here. As one of the strongest Warlock cards, it allowed several large demons to be used in the Zoolok assembly. The strategy of the game was as follows: you play all the small demons from your hand (such as the Void Demon and the Leader of the Imps Gang), and then use the Void Summoner to draw the Dreadguard or Mal'Ganis from the hand. How often do you think the outcome of the game was decided by the appearance of this legendary demon on the table on the 5th move?

While the 9/7 stats for a 9th drop are not impressive at all, its effect is one of the strongest in the game. Empowering demons is already interesting in itself. 2 copies of the Leader of the Gang of Imps and the Merciless Blast allowed the Warlock to easily fill the game board with small demons. Reinforced by Mal'Ganis, such a table could bring you some lucrative exchanges or even lethal damage. But the second part of the effect looks even more interesting - the invulnerability of your hero. While Mal'Ganis is on the table, you will not take any damage. This ability proved to be excellent in confrontations with Aggro and Combo decks. Aggressive decks had to either seek silence for Mal'Ganis, or waste time and resources to destroy him, which was not so easy to accomplish. You, in turn, could seize the initiative and prepare lethal damage on your part. Mal'Ganis also successfully resisted Combo decks (for example, Freeze Mage), dragging some of the explosive damage onto himself. Combined with Loatheb, you could drag out the party long enough to allow you to find any cure or destroy your opponent.

Mal'Ganis is the only card that gives your hero complete invulnerability for several turns. Even Ice Barrier and Evasion only work for 1 turn. The invulnerability of the hero, not the worst characteristics, the buff of other demons and the ability to summon on the 5th turn made Mal'Ganis one of the best legendary cards of its class. If he had stayed in Standard mode, then you would have certainly seen him in decks such as Cube or Control Warlock.

Prophet Velen is an interesting map. At first, it was not considered a super-outstanding card, since the Priest more adhered to the Control of archetypes and did not build combinations. The players tried to find a use for it, but it did not bring much success. The most prominent example was the Emperor Thaurissan deck. You should have made your cards cheaper so that you can play Prophet Velen, 2 Mind Blasts in one turn and try to end the game with two copies of Divine Punishment. This deck was not very successful, but it was quite interesting.

However, in later expansions, players gradually began to unleash Velen's potential. Doubling damage from spells is a significant effect that is especially notable for a class with one of the most beneficial spells for dealing explosive damage (5 damage per 2 mana). Over time, this legendary card began to appear more often in decks, and Razakus Priest became the strongest of them. After casting Raza the Captive and Dark Reaper Anduin, you received a refreshed free Hero Power that deals 2 damage. damage. Prophet Velen turned it into inflicting 4 damage. damage, significantly increasing its explosive potential. A shining elemental and a couple of cheap spells, and over 30 units. explosive damage became less of a challenge.

Prophet Velen is now part of the Resurrection Priest. The main purpose of this deck is to play the Shining Elemental, Prophet Velen and Malygos, and then resurrect them together with the help of the Ward: Big Diamond. With the last two Legendary cards on the table, Mind Blast deals 20 damage. damage, and Divine punishment - 14, which makes it easy to implement lethal damage.

It's safe to say that this isn't Velen's last appearance in the meta. Since it is part of the Classic Set, just like Mind Blast with Divine Punishment, players will certainly be looking for new ways to use it.


Drysheater is one of the last cards to be issued, but there was no way she could escape this list. She, in fact, single-handedly resurrected the Shaman, who had been completely forgotten throughout the Kobolds and Catacombs. The Standard Mode rotation buried the only existing class deck, the Shaman on Evolution, and to the delight of Thrall's fans, the new archetype was not long in coming. The early days of Witchwood were oversaturated with Javelin Shaman. As you can imagine, a card with this effect can be incredibly powerful in the right deck. You can use it to achieve a tempo (using war cries with a call), and to obtain benefits (for example, to draw cards), and even to implement combinations. And the last use turned out to be the best. Despite the difficulties in playing with this deck, the basic idea is pretty simple. You must play a few specific battlecry cards (Draenei Convict, Lifeos, Grumble, Worldsmaker) and then let Jumpy Swallow repeat them. Since the Draenei Convict's warcry will summon new copies of Drysheep, using Grumble’s warcry you will have several new copies of Drysheep in your hand for 1 mana. Since each of them will deal damage with the battlecry of the Lifeos, sooner or later you will prevail over your opponent.

Initially, the assembly was not optimized, and the players did not know how to play it correctly and against it, most of the time, too many extra battle cries delayed the animation of Jumpy Gutt for several minutes (before their number was limited to 30). Over time, players learned how to properly beat the Shaman's Javelin, as a result of which his popularity declined, but the story of this archetype did not end there. The heart of the build was still strong, it just needed optimization and also a more appropriate meta, and thanks to the nerfs that happened, that meta came. It was then that Drygut Shaman really shone, becoming one of the most popular and strongest decks in ladder.

When it comes to The Boomsday Project, the Jumpy Ghost Shaman is no longer as popular as it once was, but it is still viable. About 2 months ago, another successful deck appeared, Midrange Shaman, which also uses Drygloss, but is mainly focused on tempo play. She uses it as a way to return to the game table, as well as to repeat several other powerful battle cries (like Prince Keleseth). Both decks are not easy to play, but they make up a significant part of the Shaman decks in the ladder. All of this suggests that the Drygunner will most likely be in demand throughout his stay in Standard mode.

Sun Guardian Tarim

Over time, the relevance of Tirion Fordring is increasingly questioned, and instead of him, the Sun Guardian Tarim is at the heart of most Paladin assemblies. Remember the good old Keeper Uldaman from the Explorers' League? Tarim is its global version, which spreads its effect on all creatures and also has a provocation. As you can imagine, if your opponent has several large creatures on the board (in fact, even one large creature is enough), then Tarim significantly turns the game situation. On the other hand, if you have a lot of small creatures (especially 1/1 tokens), it also turns out to be incredibly powerful. It is for this reason that it is so popular. If you play with a slow deck, then you can use it as a control tool, occasionally implementing additional damage with it. If you are playing with a faster deck, then the massive buff of all your small creatures will be useful in this case. This flexibility makes Sunkeeper Tarim an incredibly powerful card.

Another notable feature of this creature is its 3/7 stats, which make it extremely inconvenient to trade with it. Do not forget that all enemy creatures at the time of Tarim's release become 3/3, therefore, without removal and additional damage in hand or from the power of the hero, the opponent will have to break as many of his creatures against him. And even if Tarim took two 3/3 creatures with him, such a result would still be excellent.

This legendary card will come in handy in almost any matchup. The only situation in which it will be useless is a large number of enemy small creatures, but this is not common. In 70-80% of games, Tarim will be able to make a serious impact on the course of the game, which is why he always appears in the meta when the Paladin becomes more popular.

He even manages to make his way in the party to the Odd Paladin (who cannot use him for obvious reasons), where he becomes a real nightmare for the opponent in view of the hero's strength, which calls for two whole paladin recruits. Thank you Defender of the Hills!

Captive Times (before weakening)

In the early days after its appearance, Raza the Captive was just a good card. Reno Priest was not one of the best decks of the Vile City of Gadgetzan, but he also had its bursts of popularity. In addition, Raza played well with cards like Maryele Purehearted and Confessor Paletress. But as soon as Renault Jackson left Standard Mode, the main incentive to use it was gone. And only after the release of the Knights of the Frozen Throne and the appearance of the Dark Reaper Anduin Raza, the Prisoner returned to the meta. The synergy between these two cards is obvious, and many players started making builds with these cards even before the expansion was released. However, instead of the expected Build Control, the best was a Combo deck with a lot of tools for sorting cards. You had to play both of these cards as early as possible and start damaging the enemy hero in order to end the game with the help of Prophet Velen.

Razakus Priest had a lot of removal, healing and restraining tools, so he quickly became the number 1 deck in the ladder. She was extremely difficult to beat, and most of the time she lost only to herself: either Raza or Anduin ended up at the bottom of the deck, which led to defeat. However, if they appeared in the game along the mana curve, then it was almost impossible to defeat such a Priest.

Only after 6 months this card was weakened. Its effect no longer reduced the cost of the hero's power to 0, which made all combinations with the Dark Reaper Anduin much more difficult to implement. And although the combination of these cards is still found in Freemode, it is nowhere near as strong as it used to be.


Despite its not the longest history (compared to such a giant as MTG), Hearthstone has a fairly large amount of content. Despite the overpowering of some of these cards, players are more excited to see worthy legendary cards in play. Among them there are especially memorable ones, and many of them will be used in the Free format for many years to come.

Do you agree with this collection? What cards would you add to this list? And what are your favorite class Legendaries (not only in strength, but also in design)?

Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!

Translated Fafnesbane and wildstorm , edited by sadhappy , issued Nightpanda .

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Hello dear readers of the hs-manacost portal!

This article is for Hearthstone players who are hesitant to create one or the other. legendary card... Today we will tell you which cards are worthy to add to your collection, and which, alas, are not. This guide is authored by a veteran card games Rooffle who has been into Hearthstone since the closed beta. In the present, he spends time, having fun in the rating mode or earning gold in the Arena (free-to-play player, by the way). Roffle has achieved a lot in the Freestyle tournament industry and is regularly ranked among his top players.

Deciding which legendary cards are worth creating and which are not is always a challenge for the novice and experienced player alike. If you craft legendary card, and it will show itself worse than you expected, then by spraying it, you will return only a quarter of its cost. This guide will help you keep out 1600 extra dust. You will learn which Legendaries should be created in the first place, based on their effectiveness and the time allotted to them before rotation. For each game add-on, the best and simply good legendary cards worth your attention have been selected.

Please note that this article is primarily intended for Standard players. The strength of a card can vary depending on the format in which it is played, due to additional opportunities for synergies.

Strategy for creating legendary cards inHearthstone

When choosing what to spend your dust on, you must take into account both the card's strength and its class. Legendary neutral cards will be able to enter more decks, which increases their priority. However, like all class cards, such Legendaries are usually stronger and have synergy with other class cards.

Card categories

The best cards to create are neutral Legendaries played in different decks, or class Legendary cards that you simply cannot do without. Good cards to create are technical, flexible to include in the deck, or just cards that are more common depending on the current meta.

In general, it is obvious that the best legendary cards listed in the article in priority over good unless you need a specific card for the deck you intend to create.

Map Sets

With an annual rotation, the best investment for your dust will certainly be the Legendary Card from Classic set ... Unless they're considered to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, she will always be played in Standard. But even if the link does occur, the dust for it will be returned.

Classic set

This is a key set in the game. The first of the Hearthstone packs still boasts the strongest Legendaries. And they are not afraid of the annual rotation.

Best Legendary Classic Cards


- The Dragon Queen combo has been played since Hearthstone was born. The ability to take half of your opponent's health or save yourself from lethal damage on the next turn makes Alexstrasza a desirable collection for any player.

Example of use: Freeze Mage is an archetype that has played from the very beginning and has not lost its power to this day.

Bloodmage Thalnos - it cannot be called the brightest legendary card, but it was always taken into the deck more readily than many others. Any deck with some spell pool will be able to benefit from this card.

Use case: Miracle the Rogue - The most recognizable class archetype is not going to disappear.

Leeroy Jenkins Is an effective neutral Fireball for 5 mana. Leeroy has always been the best friend of aggro decks, as a strong dash creature is an excellent finisher.

Example of use: Pirate Warrior is one of the representatives of aggro decks in rating mode.


Archmage Antonidas
- an incredibly powerful card, history has very few Mage archetypes in which Antonidas did not find use. The ability to create Fireballs out of thin air is a unique mechanic due to which the card will never lose its relevance.

Example of use: Secret Mage is a deck that replaced Tempo Mage in Standard format.

Edwin van Cliff - almost any Rogue sooner or later makes a move, playing a large number of cards at once, which allows Edwin van Cliff to maximize his potential. Even relatively small in characteristics, in the early stages of the game, it can provide victory

Use Case: Miracle the Rogue - Throughout Hearthstone history - an integral archetype of this class.

Tyrion Fordring - Paladin is famous for its strongest legendary cards, and it all started with Tyrion. For its 8 mana, the card gives the player such an advantage that it can increase the win rate of any Uther deck.

Use Case: Murloc Paladin - This midrange deck is one of the best currently available.

Good Legendary Classic Cards


Harrison Jones
- when there are too many weapons in the meta, this card becomes an integral part of many decks. However, the fact that this is a tech card means that you cannot count on Harrison's effectiveness all the time, as his strength depends on the meta.

Cairne Bloodhoof - a solid creature with a death rattle that is very problematic for the opponent. But this is not to say that the card is really irreplaceable.

Black Knight - the map has had its ups and downs throughout the history of the game. As long as there are decks with powerful provocations in the meta, the Black Knight will find its target, but even at such times, any card with the silence effect can take on its function.

- the most powerful creature that will find a place in decks that prefer to have a contingency plan or are able to bring it to the table in an indirect way. Deathwing is rarely a must-have in top decks, making it less important than other Legendary cards.

Ysera Is the best neutral card generator in the Classic set, making her a guest of honor in slow control archetypes. When aggression reigns in the meta, Ysera, due to her slowness, becomes the first candidate for exclusion from the assembly.

Captain Zelenyams Is an excellent card for Pirate decks. But his attachment to one archetype makes him an unreliable crafting card.


Lord Jaraxus
- without a doubt, the control of the Warlock archetypes is at the heart of the backbone. Another thing is that the control variants of the class do not always perform more efficiently in the meta than its Zoo assemblies, which makes Jaraxus not such a reliable map to create.

Grommash Hellscream - when a way is found to activate its effect, Grommash can act as an excellent finisher. Lately, the Warrior prefers to play more aggressively and find lethal damage before Grommash can enter the table.

Sets of the Year of the Mammoth (2017)

This year is presented Expedition to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and an unreleased addition. All of them will leave the Standard format after rotation in 2019.

The best legendary maps of the Expedition to Un'Goro


Pioneer Eliza Is another conventional map generator, slightly more popular than Eliza's predecessor. Almost any slow archetype will find use for her cardset.

Usage example: Kazakus Priest is one of the strongest control decks in the current meta.


Sun Guardian Tarim
- can be the strongest "legendary" of the Paladin, and they are almost all incredibly powerful for him. The flexibility of the card allows you to neutralize the opponent's strong creatures or strengthen your own. If you love playing as Uther, you'll need him.

Example of use: Midrange Paladin on Murlocs - continues to be one of the top decks in the meta.

Lyra Sun Shard - a more consistent and easier to control map than Yogg-Saron Lyra is able to pull you out of a seemingly hopeless situation. This legendary elemental can always count on a place in the Priest deck with enough spells.

Use Case: Priest Silent - Who would have thought that Purification would ever play in a good deck? But after the Expedition to Un'Goro, Dark Visions and the Giant Razorbolt made it possible.

Sherazin - initially a victim of ridicule, Sherazin is, in fact, exactly what Miracle the Robber needed. A creature that can come to life at the right time leaves more room for spells in the deck. The card is definitely worth the spent dust.

Example Deck: Miracle the Rogue is an incredibly flexible deck that can get slower or faster when needed.

Heart of Fire Crown - the card that gave life to the Warrior with a huge number of provocations. If you miss Ragnaros, this card can replace him.

Example of use: Quest Warrior is a powerful deck that survives the onslaught of the enemy thanks to provocations and destroys him with the power of Ragnaros.

Good Legendary Expeditions to Un'Goro


Kalimos the Primordial
- the logical completion of a powerful chain of elementals available to Thrall. Kalimos is able to clear an opponent's table, stabilize health, saturate your own table, or finish off an opponent. Recommended for everyone who is not indifferent to the spirits of the elements.

Piros - a creature that looks good in Tempo and Control Mage builds. However, it is an optional card for top ranked decks.

Binding spiral - like other tasks, requires the entire deck to be built around it. Builds with this challenge are incredibly fun to play, but they often turn out to be uncompetitive.

Best Legendary Cards of the Knights of the Frozen Throne


The Lich King - an example of a legendary card like Ragnaros and Doctor Boom... Can work well in almost any deck. Possibly the safest investment for your dust.

Usage example: Big Priest is a deck full of tricks that can turn the game around.


Dark Reaper Anduin
- accepting the gift of the Lich King gives the Priest a chance to change the course of the game one turn before his inevitable death. Even without a Captured Time, repeated use of the hero's power per turn will push the opponents Token from the distance or bring the death of the enemy hero closer. If you are a fan of the Priest, you probably already created this map long before reading the article.

Example use case: Kazakus Priest - Dark Reaper Anduin fits well in both this deck and Big Priest. Most importantly, do not destroy your own creatures!

Malfurion the Malefic - the card gives the Druid a chance to survive in a fight with decks, which he usually lost hopelessly. The versatility of the battlecry and hero power makes this Death Knight one of the best.

Example of use: Token Druid is a strong deck that expects to fill the table with provocations, in order to then strengthen them with a Stout Marauder.

Bloodsucker Gul'dan - no one will argue with how strong N'Zoth's battle cry is. This card has a similar effect to the ideal Hero Power for a slow Warlock deck.

Use Case: Control Warlock - Handlock's triumphant comeback with new tricks and a slight makeover.

Good Legendary Cards of the Knights of the Frozen Throne


Deathstalker Rexxar
- his battle cry is essentially AoE, which the Hunter lacked so much against fast decks. In match-ups with slow opponents, the new hero power will help overcome opponents who were not afraid of Sure Shot due to the ability to heal or accumulate armor.

Ice Lich Jaina - the card has potential, but not as high as that of the Death Knights listed above. It is worth the dust cost, but after the higher priority cards appear in your collection.

Deathseer Thrall The updated Thrall synergizes perfectly with the Shaman's current most common victory plan. The new strength of the hero allows you not to give up positions in a later game. However, the decks it is designed for can play well without it.

Uther Ebonblade even though the combo through hero power is almost impossible, it's still a good card. But the power of Paladin's other legendary cards overshadows Uther Ebonblade, and he just doesn't have enough room in the deck.

Kraken sets of the year (2016)

The year is represented by the Awakening of the Ancient Gods and the Vile City of Gadgetzan (there is also a Party in Karazhan, but this is an adventure). They will leave the Standard format in the spring of 2018.

Best Legendary Cards of the Old Gods Awakening


N'Zot - Deathrattle is a very powerful mechanic in itself. The ability to resurrect your fallen deathrattle creatures and create a table out of nothing makes N'Zoth an extremely powerful card.

Usage example: N'Zoth Control Warrior - a sea of ​​removals with the ability to resurrect most creatures in the finale make this deck a force to be reckoned with.


Fendral Stag Helmet
- playing the Gift of Nature with Fandral on the table can be a sufficient condition for victory. Even banal Wrath will sparkle under the influence of this card with completely new colors, which is already enough to craft Fendral.

Example use case: Jade Druid is a very powerful deck in which golems grow by leaps and bounds.

Ragnaros Servant of the Light - a massive creature that heals for 8 every turn - sounds good. Not seen in every Paladin deck, but it's still a safe investment of dust.

Use Case: Control Paladin - The deck has enough table clearing and healing tools to be a tough nut to crack for aggressive decks.

Good Legendary Cards of the Awakening of the Old Gods


you can have fun with it on decks from the middle of the rating lists, but the uncontrollability of the effect makes the card unstable.

Yogg-Saron - the card was painfully nerfed, but still, even after that, it could be found in some top decks. He can work miracles, but he is still extremely inconsistent.

Best Legendary Cards of Ghastly City of Gadgetzan


Pirate Scout
- The Pirate Scout, which has terrorized the meta since the release of the expansion, is incredibly strong, and the Pirate decks owe much of their triumph to him. One of the best cards in the expansion, despite the fact that it plays only in certain archetypes and requires the presence of pirates in the decks.

Example use: Evolution Shaman - the essence of the deck is to quickly fill the table with cheap creatures, turn them into something more threatening and finish off your opponent through Bloodlust.

Aya Blackpaw Is not entirely neutral, but a great card for at least one of the three possible classes. The Jade Golem mechanic is very powerful, and Aya is an integral part of it.

Use Case: Jade Druid is one of the strongest decks in the game, a killer of slow archetypes. Can compete with the newfangled Druids with the Creeping Plague.


Senopal Ogneus it's no surprise to see the legendary Paladin card among the best again. Senopal Ogneus is a powerful tool for keeping aggro decks in check, and can always count on a spot in Uther's deck in the aggressive meta.

Usage example: Control Paladin - as already mentioned, not easy prey for an aggressive opponent.

Good Legendary Cards of Gallant City of Gadgetzan


For some time, the constant companion of decks on murlocs, but with the advent of new options, the card is no longer indispensable.

Kazakus still a common card, but of course, Kazakus lost a lot with Renault Jackson's departure to the Free format. Still a worthy investment for your dust.


The Captive Times
Is a strong card, but, as in the case of Kazakus, it loses a lot without Renault Jackson. Suitable only for highly specialized assemblies.

Shaku the Collector - An excellent utility card, but not comparable to other Legendaries in strength. Shaku can be easily replaced, and the deck will not lose much from this.

Thanks for reading! The hs-manacost team wishes you every success and more legendary cards.

Translation Simurgh, editedLeckermaul, issued Garona

Another great contest article. We are very glad that we have such talented readers 🙂 Let us remind you that we accept your works until July 22 inclusive.

Dust, Shura, dust, they are golden!

Each of us, when he first came to the wonderful game called "Hearthstone", involuntarily wondered, where did our opponents get so many legendary cards from? Are they really that lucky when they open boosters? Or maybe they have relatives at Bl izzard working? No, my dear reader, often these same legendary cards are created from dust received as a reward for achievements in arenas, for a season, or for spraying other cards.
Today I would like to talk about dispersing the legendary cards that you can drop from the classic set. Why exactly from the classical, and not from the Old Gods? I will answer you with an aphorism - nothing lasts forever under the moon, so the Old Gods will come out of the standard mode, but the classics will be relevant for quite a long time. This article is subjective and does not pretend to sacredly believe every word spoken. If you are not tired of such a lengthy preface and you are still here, then it’s time to discuss which cards will serve you faithfully and which ones will serve you faithfully and with dust.

Class Legendaries

  • Druid. - A wonderful card that does not lose its relevance. In this meta it can be seen in many Druid decks, and if you are a fan of this class and the word "I must protect nature" is not an empty phrase for you, then definitely leave it, the card is strong and incredibly chic.
  • Hunter. ... Personally, I sprayed this legendary, because in this meta, it is not used in any hunter deck. The card is an excellent finisher and often becomes an unpleasant surprise for the enemy, but due to the cost of 9 Mana, it is not always possible to play it on time. If heavy decks come back to fashion - leave it, and now - light dust.
  • Magician ... It is one of the strongest class Legendaries and a must-have card in many Mage decks. She is adored by the Mechanomagi, respected by Tempo Mage, and Freeze Mage is simply idolized. I strongly do not recommend dusting, leave it, it will bring you a single victory and a lot of pleasure.
  • Paladin. ... This card is capable of turning the course of the game, even when it seems that everything is already lost. Wonderful stats, divine shield, death rattle, which will provide the owner of the card with a wonderful 5/3 weapon. Relevant in most paladin decks, works great in conjunction with the new Old God - N'Zoth. Do not dust.
  • Priest. ... At the moment, the card is used in OTK decks, in others it has not found a worthy use. In random and ladder - they are incredibly rare. But if you like the OTK priest - leave it, in other cases - it is better to spray.
  • Rogue. ... Do you know the name of the head of the Defias? Then he goes to you). The card fits perfectly into many Rogue archetypes and is very dangerous. Recommended for use by experienced robbers, since the card's potential is enormous. Do not dust.
  • Shaman. ... If you have not heard the battle cry of this card, you are a lucky person. This card can easily destroy the enemy's plans for victory, because there are a lot of variations in its use. Thanks to the fury of the wind and the dash, it can be used as a strong finisher. Not a card, but a candy. Do not dust.
  • Warlock. ... When it seems to the Warlock that there is no hope and the hp mark is steadily approaching a fatal value, he appears from the deck - the Leader of the Burning Legion, a millionaire, a philanthropist and just a handsome man. The card is incredibly powerful and has found its place not only in Renolock decks but also in other popular class destinations. Of course, your beloved Zoolok doesn't have her, but he doesn't particularly want to be in the company of small demons. Do not get dusty, even if "well, it is very necessary."
  • Warrior. ... If you are playing against a Warrior, left with 10 units. Health and a full table, do not rub your hands and do not start smoking a winning cigar. It is quite possible that those 2 cards in his hand are also Grommash. The card is so strong that even the owners themselves are afraid of it, because it “cannot wait any longer” and rushes into battle like a fierce berserker. Do not dust.

Now let's try to quickly, although who am I kidding, go over the common legendary cards.

  • ... The map is good, but easily replaced by a Kobold Geomaniac tome. If you are a beginner player - get dusty.
  • ,,. Here, in my humble opinion, it's not even worth thinking - dust without any twinges of conscience.
  • ... The card is good for its stats and the ability to capture the table before the opponent. I leave this card to your discretion, but I would put it to dust)
  • ... Unexpectedly, but the card has found its application in Control Warrior, so if you are a fan of this type of Warrior - leave it.
  • ... The card is used in rare fan decks on pirates (your cap). Light dust.
  • ... But I myself dream of getting this guy into my collection, but so far I have not succeeded. A chic finisher, a card that has become an integral part of many aggro decks, and now it is taken even in reno decks. Do not dust, but even craft.
  • ... This Mr. is needed in many control decks because of his battle cry. Do not dust.
  • ... A very controversial card and rarely in any deck it can be adequately used. If you are not a collector - dust.
  • ... A rare guest of the free mode, even more rare for the standard one. In this meta, the map has not found a place for itself, you can get dusty.
  • ... The dream of any N'Zot deck. Good tempo map, good stats. Not dusty.
  • ... Legends are made about this card and many dream of getting this beauty by opening another classic booster. Legendary, which is crafted almost in the first place, because of its frenzied popularity and excellent wheeze. Leave in the harem, no dust)
  • - no, this is not a comedy with Martin Lawrence, this is an excellent removal of provocation of the enemy. The card has found its place in many control decks, so we leave it.
  • - arena card and no more. Dust.
  • ... The card that all Control Warriors pray for. Cleans the table, has good stats for its mana. Not dusty.
  • ... A beast for heavy decks. At the moment, it can only come in handy in a heavy Druid deck. Light 400 dust.
  • ... One of the best Legendaries in the Classic Set. Did you seriously want to spray this fiery beauty? Drop such thoughts, of course we leave.
  • ... All classes in the game are afraid of the breath of this dragon. A second ago you were full of energy, but now you have only half your HP and you are no longer so sure of your victory. Perfectly heals the owner or lowers the enemy's health to an unpleasant level of 15. Love Freeze Mages and an excellent friend Control Warrior. Not dusty.
  • ... Well, here, as in the song of Igor Nikolaev - no extra words are needed. A whole army in one map, if Daenerys had such, 7 kingdoms would have fallen at her feet long ago (my compliments to Game of Thrones fans). The card fits into both powerful deck control and equally powerful dragon decks. We leave.
  • ... If you've played Heroes 3, you should know that Azure Dragons are incredibly powerful creatures. This dragon will allow you to inflict terrible numbers of damage on creatures or the face of the enemy. Deal 9 damage with a wave of fire? It's possible. Deal about 30 points of damage in the Freeze Mage deck? Yes please. This legendary has brought me victory more than once, so I advise you to leave it, you will not regret it.

After looking at all the legendary cards in the classic set, I see a dumb question from some readers. What to do if a golden legendary card falls out and it is covered positively in my article, but I really need dust? Here it is up to you to decide, it all depends on what goals you set for yourself and whether this card is suitable for the deck that you are collecting or want to collect. If it is not included in your plans - dust and create something more necessary and popular, and if you dreamed of this legendary, and she appeared in your collection in a gold version, I can only envy you kindly, you are lucky)

I will be glad if with my article I helped to dispel the doubts of beginners about the legendary cards of the classic set, and helped to decide where to get or where to put free dust. Thanks to everyone who was able to master this article, and I wish you success in dusting the cards. As one of the greats said - do not raise dust on the path of life. And in turn I will add - raise the dust on the not very necessary Legendaries.

Ruslan Ivalevsky, known in the game as Rakot, was with you.

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It is important to be able to build decks and tactics. Yes, definitely top 10 Hearthstone legendaries there are and almost every second Harstone player knows about them. If you are not yet in the subject, this material is for you.

To be able to get a Legendary, you need to play regularly for at least a couple of weeks. The probability of getting a Legendary is very low. But if you strive for the highest results, then without such cards you have nothing to do, for example, in games of a higher rank.

And although the list of desirable legendaries for some reason is called the top 10, there are still more of them. We invite you to draw your attention to the following legendaries:

  • Cragg the Celestial
  • Kel'Thuzad is perfect for those players who love to build incredible dodgy and unusual decks and tactics.
  • Emperor Thaurissan is the strongest and most expensive Legendary at the same time.
  • Ysera is irreplaceable when the minimum set of cards remains.
  • Tirion Fordring - Players used to call him sticky. This is already like a nickname for this card.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner is perhaps one of the most popular and powerful cards at different times. It is highly discouraged to leave it on the table.
  • Leeroy Jenkins (currently considered by the players to be one of the boring heroes)
  • Dr. Boom
  • Loothib
  • Lord Jaraxus. If you prefer (and most importantly, you know how) to play the Warlock class, this card is irreplaceable.
  • Alexstrasza is an extraordinary card. You can use it in different cases. Both for the benefit of oneself, and as a harm to the opponent.
  • Blood Mage Thalnos is the cheapest and at the same time mega cool card. You can also open it almost at the very beginning of the game.
  • Ragnaros
  • Nozdormu - better known as the troll. Among the players, it has a notoriety of not being a very useful card. But still, at the initial levels, and in a properly composed deck, it still makes sense to apply it.
  • Saraad, Knight of the Nexus is the favorite card of most players (mine in particular). This legendary is very fun to play with.

Well, the top 10 legendary cards in Hearthstone (a little more) are provided, and it's up to you to decide which one to play. All that remains is to get them in the game!

Many aspiring Hearthstone players often wonder which Legendary card to create first so that it has the most value in the deck. We have prepared for you an overview of absolutely all legendaries, and we also want to tell you about all the pros and cons of this or that legendary card, so that you can make the right choice.

We tried to make an overview of Hearthstone Legends in such a way that you can independently determine the value of each of the cards in order to find the right Legendary for your deck, with which you can get to the Legend rank.

Of course, having Legendaries in your deck does not automatically make you a winner, but if you build your deck correctly, know its strengths and weaknesses, and are familiar with the current meta, then your chances of winning will increase significantly.

Curse of Naxxramas Legendary Cards

With the release of the Curse of Naxxramas expansion, many class and community cards have been added to Hearthstone, which to some extent have upset the balance of the game. And of course, it was not without legendary cards, so let's start our acquaintance with them.


Mexna is a very effective card, especially if your opponent cannot immediately destroy it or remove it from the table. Due to its health reserve, it allows you to destroy several large creatures of your opponent at once and can turn the game in your favor in just 1-2 moves. On the other hand, Mexna is not the best choice for Hunters and Priests, as for 6 mana you can pick up more interesting class cards.


Loatheb is a legendary card that appeared in Hearthstone with the release of the curse of Naxxramas. At the same time, a good and controversial card in any deck, since its effectiveness will completely depend on your knowledge of the meta and the right moment when Loatheb is worth playing.

Lothib can help you not only hold out 1 extra turn, but also allow you to destroy the enemy, as it minimizes the possibility of using spells from the opponent's side. On the other hand, even if you miscalculate the moment you use it, Loatheb will act as a normal 5/5 creature.

Baron Rivendare

By itself, Baron Rivendare does not pose much of a threat to your opponent. In addition, there is no guarantee that you will be able to play this card well in order to get the most out of it during the game.

On the other hand, using the Baron Rivendare card can create an excellent combo if Cairne Bloodhoof is destroyed, and with special luck you can summon the second card [Thaddius] to the table, which will allow you not only to take the initiative, but practically guarantee you win.

Voigen and Stalagg

Voigen and Stalagg are considered in tandem, as only together can they create a quality combination to summon [Thaddius] to the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Stalagg in this combination is the most unreliable card, since it can be destroyed if the enemy decides to use Swipe, Soul Burn, Eviscerate, Shadow Word: Death, Lightning, or in the combination Ice Arrow + Ping.

In other words, almost every class with the exception of the Paladin and the Warrior has a removal tool to painlessly remove the Stalagg from the table. At the same time, if the opponent does not have a quick way to remove Stalagg from the table, then he can really ruin his life.



the final legendary card from the Curse of Naxxramas expansion, which can be indispensable in many control decks. Thanks to your ability to return destroyed creatures to the field, you can not only gain control of the table, but also hold it for many turns, sufficient to destroy your opponent.

It is especially beneficial to use Kel'Thuzad in tandem with provocateurs so that your opponent cannot destroy him with the help of minions.

Class Legendary Cards

Now let's take a look at the class legendary cards that are created exclusively for use by your hero. These cards can create interesting combinations with other class cards, but unfortunately, not all legendary class cards are suitable for certain types of decks.


Cenarius is a legendary card available only to a druid, with great features. Do you have an empty table? We spread Cenarius on the table and summon two Tree provocateurs. Need to finish off the enemy? And again Cenarius comes to the rescue with his second ability giving + 2 / + 2 to the indicator of your creatures on the board.

Typically, Cenarius is always added to the deck if you decide to create a Rump or Druid Token.

Archmage Antonidas

Archmage Antonidas is a class legendary Mage card, thanks to which you can fill your hand with Fireballs and effortlessly finish off your opponent.

If you manage to collect on the table a combination of Archmage Antonidas and two Sorcerer's Apprentice, then the set of Fireballs will turn into a sheer pleasure and it will be much easier for your opponent to surrender than to endure such humiliation. And if the fartuna is disposed towards you and your opponent puts Millhouse Manastorm on the table, then the process of collecting Fireballs can be endless.

King Crusch

King Cruch is an almost indispensable card in any Hunter deck, which can not only finish off your opponent, but also remove dangerous creatures like Ragnaros from the table without any problems.

On the other hand, King Crusch has been losing popularity in Hunter decks lately as it can be played on turn 9. And as you may know, sometimes even fewer moves are enough for Hunters to destroy their opponent, and therefore, the need for a class legendary simply disappears.

Tyrion Fordring

Tirion Fordring is an incredibly powerful card, only available to a Paladin and capable of changing the game in favor of its owner. Once on the table, Tyrion gains Taunt, Divine Shield, and Deathrattle, granting the Paladin [Ashbringer].

The only way to destroy Tyrion without serious consequences is to use silence, which is not always possible. In addition, Tyrion cannot be removed from the table using the Expert Hunter card. This is why Tirion Fordring should be in any Paladin's midrange or control deck.

Prophet Velen

If you look at the stats and capabilities of the Prophet Velen card, they may seem quite powerful, but in fact you rarely get to play a high-quality combo using the legendary Priest card.

The only spells that, due to their cheapness, can be played in one turn with the Prophet Velen are Circle of Healing, Mind Blast and Divine Punishment. At the same time, the Circle of Healing so restores 4 units of health to your creatures, that doubling may not be necessary.

Of course, you may be lucky to steal the Pyroblast if you are fighting a Mage, but the chance is incredibly small, so it is better to replace the Prophet Velen card with something more useful that will not depend solely on your luck.

Edwin vanCleef

Edwin VanCleef is a pretty strong Rogue class card, which, with a lucky coincidence, can destroy the enemy without much effort.

Edwin VanCleef is an indispensable card in many Rogue Miracle decks and allows you to increase its stats simply by playing any cards. And if you manage to combine Edwin VanCleef with Adventurer or Mana Lover, then your chances of winning grow exponentially.


Al'akir is an interesting legendary Shaman card. At first glance, the indicators of damage and health are not particularly impressive, but if you pay attention not to the capabilities of the card, it becomes clear that this is truly a universal legendary.

Al'akir can act as a provocateur, can be used to destroy creatures dangerous to you from the table thanks to the divine shield and dash, or it can be a great way to finish off the enemy thanks to the fury of the wind. So if you decide to add Al'Akir to your deck, you can be sure that he will help you out many times.

If you do not have the opportunity to create Al'akir, then you can try to replace it with the combo Leeroy Jenkins + Windfury

Lord Jaraxus

Lord Jaraxus can be found in almost any HandLock deck. Lord Jaraxus is especially loved by the owners of the Warlock on Giants decks, due to the fact that it allows you to replenish your character's health indicators at a critical moment to 15 units.

In addition, Lord Jaraxus has an interesting ability that allows you to summon [Infernal] on the battlefield for just 2 mana, which will allow you to always have a rather strong creature on the table. But the 3/8 weapon can only be used against weak creatures, because otherwise you can lose precious health.

Grommash Hellscream

Grommash Hellscream is an excellent finisher card for controlling Warrior decks, thanks to which you can deal 10 damage to an enemy at once.

Enrage is easy to combine with Warrior class cards such as Inner Rage, Whirlwind, Shield Slam, Slam, or Evil Overseer. In addition, you can achieve the effect of enrage if you make the final blow with the Death Bite, which will lead to the destruction of the weapon and inflict 1 unit of damage to all opponents.

Legendary dragons

We decided to separate the legendary dragon cards into a separate category, although they are all general cards available to all playable classes. However, for a more convenient perception of information, the legendary dragon cards will be in a separate category.


Alexstrasza is one of the few cards that can change the game balance during combat. Using Alexstrasza allows you to deal 15 points of damage to the enemy at once or restore your health indicators to the same 15 points.

And thanks to his damage and health indicators, Alexstrasza can create big problems not only for your opponent, but also for other creatures that are on the other side of the board.

If you play with a control deck, then having Alexstrasza will only strengthen her and raise your chances of winning.


Malygos undoubtedly performs well, but its real value on the battlefield is highly questionable. Of course, you can use Malygos in conjunction with Swipe or Backstab and deal additional damage, but this is not always possible.

Therefore, if you are not sure that you can successfully combine Malygos with other spells, it is better to free up space in the deck and replace it with something more useful.


Nozdormu is one of the most controversial Legendaries, with little to no value in her value. Even if an incredibly slow opponent is playing against you, who thinks over his move for a long time, you will have to wait until turn 9.


Onyxia allows you to fill the playing field with creatures with 1/1 indicators, by analogy with the Hunter's card Release Dogs. However, Onyxia has several weaknesses at once that reduce its value to a minimum.

Firstly, it is not difficult to destroy 1/1 creatures, it is enough to use Swipe or Furious Pyromancer or any other AoE. Secondly, if your creatures are frozen, then you will not be able to destroy the minions in order to put a more valuable card on the board and most likely you will have to use spells or simply skip a turn.

In general, Onyxia will most likely not benefit you in Constructed, but in the arena it can be of great importance, due to the lack of spells in opponents.


Ysera is one of the strongest legendary cards that feels confident in any deck and allows you to radically change the game in your favor if the enemy does not have time to destroy or occupy it in time.

Ysera is a headache for almost any class except the Hunter and Paladin, which can change Ysera's health to 1 and remove her from the table with little effort. But in the event that Ysera continues to be on the playing field, your chances of winning begin to skyrocket thanks to the receipt of cards such as Dream, Nightmare and Ysera's Awakening.


Deathwing is a very powerful card that can turn the game in your favor, even if you were on the verge of losing.

The use of Deathwing can be described in one phrase - "store all eggs in one cell", because by placing this legendary card on the table, you destroy absolutely all creatures and pass the move on to the enemy, who, with a successful coincidence of circumstances, can easily destroy him and regain control over table.

Bonus legendary cards

Old grim eye

Old Grimeye is a legendary card that can be obtained if you have collected all the Murloc cards in your collection.

Old Grimeye is a great Legendary card if you are building a deck with Murlocs, as it allows you to get a very powerful Finisher when there are other Murlocs on the table. Alternatively, you can use the Old Grimeye + Murloc Warlord combo, which will give you 3/3 and 5/5 dash creatures for just 7 mana crystals.


Giving your opponent cards is bad. And giving cards for free is awful! And this is exactly the opportunity your opponent gets if you play E.T.C.

And you can be considered lucky if the enemy gets a card that summons 1/1 murlocs to the battlefield, but if you give the enemy a card that gives 4 damage or summons a creature from the Horde, you may have serious problems.

Gelbin Mekkatorque

Gelbin Mekkatorque is another legendary promo card that could be obtained during the Hearthstone beta test by making an in-game payment.

Generally it doesn't make sense to use Gelbin Mekkatorque in your decks, especially if you are moving up the ladder. But if you decide to create a fan deck and play just for your own pleasure, then Gelbin Mekkatorque may be just the way to go.

Gelbin Mekkatorque can summon one of the following cards to the board: Empower 3000, Bird Feeder, [Rocket Chicken], or Repair Robot.

Common legendary cards

It's time to review the legendary cards that are available for all playable Hearthstone classes and determine the best ones for you. Do not forget that with changes in the meta, many legendary cards become the most useful, and some, on the contrary, lose their meaning.

Bloodmage Thalnos

Blood Mage Thalnos is the cheapest Legendary card, costing only 2 Mana Crystals, making it a popular choice for a variety of decks.

At first glance, Blood Mage Talnosne has the strong characteristics of legendary cards, but thanks to her you can increase the damage from such popular spells as Swipe, Face of Decay, or Fan of Blades. In addition, Blood Mage Thalnos has a Deathrattle and allows you to draw an additional card.

Lorewalker Cho

We have already said that giving cards to your opponent is bad and this rule even applies to Lorewalker Cho, but in this case, this rule will only benefit you, because you will receive the cards.

The main idea of ​​Lorewalker Cho is that as soon as you place this legendary card on the table, it becomes unprofitable for your opponent to use spells. But if you decide not to give your opponent the opportunity to use spells, it is much wiser to add Loatheb to the deck

Millhouse Manastorm

Millhouse Manastorm is a highly controversial legendary card that can be useful against aggro decks, or it can simply ruin your entire game.

Thanks to its ability, your opponent can perform very powerful combinations such as Free Elemental + Wild Wolf Spirit + Lightning for just 3 Mana Crystals or Eagle Horn Bow + any secret + Pet on the same 3 turn. And this can give you a lot of problems already in the initial stages of the game.

Nat Pagle

Nat Pagle was one of the most popular Legendary cards before its stats were changed. And now Nat Pagle is much less common.

Of course, thanks to Nat Pagle, you have a good chance of drawing cards into your hand, however, the enemy also has the opportunity to destroy it before it will bring you any benefit.

King Mukla

King Mukla is one of the few legendary cards that can fit perfectly into almost any aggro deck. A creature with 5/5 stats for only 3 mana, what could be better? However, for this you will have to pay your opponent and give him 2 Banana cards, thanks to which it becomes very easy to remove King Mukla from the table.

On the other hand, you can use King Mukla in order to burn cards to the enemy, especially if you are playing against Rogues. And if you play as the Hunter, you can try to play the Tundra Rhino + King Mukla combo.

Mehmaster Zamykalets

Mehmaster Zamykalets is a controversial legendary card that is more suitable for fan decks than for serious play.

As they say, you shouldn't rely on chance in Hearthstone, and using Mechmaster Closure you risk turning your creature into a [Squirrel]. On the other hand, you can upgrade your weak creature to [Devilfish], or you can upgrade it to your opponent ...

Leeroy Jenkins

Leeroy Jenkins is a legendary card that no aggro deck can do without, be it Rogue, Hunter or Warlock.

Surely, you had to deal with the combination of Lera Jenkins + Step through the shadow + Step through the shadow, which allowed Rogues to deal 18 points of damage at once. Warlocks have a similar combo - Leeroy Jenkins + Overwhelming Power. But after the recent nerf of Leeroy, his value in many decks has dropped significantly and many players have decided to replace the powerful combos with Leeroy with the Arcane Golem.

Captain Zelenyams

Due to its effect, Captain Zelenyams can be useful in Rogue, Warrior or Shaman decks that use weapons.

On the other hand, a 5/4 creature for 5 mana crystals is not the best choice and it is much wiser to use Abomination or Phantom Knight, especially considering the fact that it is advisable to have a weapon in hand in order to play Captain Zelenyams successfully.

Harrison Jones

Harrison Jones is a Legendary card that makes sense in a certain meta dominated by Rogues or Warriors, whose decks are not complete without weapons.

Otherwise, you get a simple 5/4 creature for 5 mana, which, as in the case of Captain Zelenyams, has more reasonable replacements in the deck.

Cairne Bloodhoof

Cairne Bloodhoof is basically two [Frosty Yeti] for just 6 Mana Crystals. Cairne is a very powerful card that can be used in almost any control deck.

Silence is the only threat to Cairne Bloodhoof, but even with it, you get a 4/5 creature that can be played quite successfully.


At first glance, the Shredder is a very good card, but in reality it is far from the case. The ability to create provocateurs 2/2 at the end of each of your turns is certainly good, but the whole effect can be spoiled by any massive AoE, such as Wave of Fire from the Mage or Auchenai Priestess + Circle of Healing

Illidan Stormrage

Illidan Stormrage is another legendary card that may seem incredibly powerful, but in fact has many vulnerabilities.

First off, a creature with 5 health is not such a big deal for your opponent, especially considering the fact that playing Illidan Stormrage

you will be able not earlier than 6 turns. Secondly, Illidan Stormrage can be destroyed with the Expert Hunter card, and all creatures summoned by him are easily removed from the table using Swipe or another AoE.

Sylvanas Windrunner

Recently, Sylvanas Windrunner can be found in many decks, thanks to her ability to steal an opponent's creature from the table, which allows her owner to make very profitable exchanges and turn the game in their favor.

Even if you cannot destroy Sylvanas Windrunner on your own, the enemy will have to make the most unfavorable exchange for you and most likely part with the creatures that are valuable to him.


The Beast is another legendary card that is almost useless in constructed. On the one hand, we have in front of us a strong creature with indicators of 9/7, on the other hand, the card is vulnerable to the Experienced hunter and, in case of death, gives the enemy an additional creature on the battlefield.

Black Knight

Black Knight is a very powerful card that is essential for control decks. Not only do you get a 4/5 creature, but you also get the ability to effortlessly destroy the Sunwalker, War Tree, or Watchtree in order to attack the rest of your opponent's creatures. Plus, the Black Knight can be incredibly useful against Giant Warlock decks.

Baron Geddon

Baron Geddon is a legendary card that is forgotten in the current meta. Of course, by playing it, you get a 7/5 creature that can deal damage to both strong enemy creatures and the opponent himself.

But the most valuable thing is the ability to deal 2 points of damage to all creatures, which can be very useful if you are playing against a ZooLock or other aggressive deck based on a large number of small creatures. The only thing is that you have to hold out until move 7, after which the initiative will be in your hands!


Gruul is a powerful legendary card that is almost useless in any deck. Even if you manage to play the combination Gruul + Sin'dorei Intercessor and get a strong provocateur on the board, this does not mean that the enemy will not be able to destroy him with the help of the Experienced Hunter, Soul Siphon or Close to nature.

It makes more sense to replace Gruul in your deck with Ysera, Alexstrasza or Ragnaros, at least for the time being.


Cleanse yourself by fire! Hearing this phrase during a fight means big problems for the enemy, especially if Ragnaros is played by you. This is one of the strongest legendary cards, which, like Ysera, is capable of completely changing the game in favor of its owner.

And if there is also a card in your deck with the ability to occupy a creature, you can assume that you have one of the strongest creatures in Hearthstone in front of you, with which you can purposefully destroy both other creatures and your opponent.


We hope that our overview of Hearthstone Legendary cards was useful to you and now you can find the answer to the question "which Legendary to create first?" But do not forget that the value of this or that legendary card depends not only on its performance and capabilities, but also on the game meta.

Now, we're happy to know which legendary cards you prefer to use. We look forward to your feedback in the comments!

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