Abandoned clinic. Chestnut Orphanage Walkthrough

*all pictures are enlarged by clicking on them
Part II

Talk to the policeman who is sitting in the lobby holding his head. His throat is dry and he asks for water.
On the right wall is a changing portrait, the picture of a man is replaced by a picture of a woman. Click on it to get a rank master of intuition (6/22).
Examine the code lock. By trial and error, select the code (if you press the wrong sequence, the buttons are reset).
The required code is 1286.

Go through the opened door.
On the pillar there is a green board with an evacuation plan. On the plate - a little man, who then appears, then disappears. Click on it to get master of intuition (7/22).
Examine the right round table and take paperclip.
Examine the door in the corner - it is closed, but it has rusty hinges.
Turn left.

There is a picture on the wall on the right side. The Eiffel Tower is replaced by the Kazan Cathedral. Get it for her master of intuition (8/22).
Zoom into the bookshelf in the lower right (P). Open the brochure "Chestnut house. Psychiatric clinic. Welcome to your new home!".
On the far right photo, the numbers written in blood are 962 (this information will be recorded in the diary).
Take from the book mole.
Approach the door. Instead of a castle - a puzzle. Swap pieces until they all line up correctly.

Look through the opened door and do a Hidden Object Scene. Get baseball bat.
To find bull skull- put the fallen off horn to the skull (1).
To find teapot- return the lid to the kettle (2).
To find mixer- attach the whisk to the electric mixer on the floor (3).

Climb the stairs and turn right into the office.
On the desktop, an ornament that appears and disappears. For him you will receive master of intuition (9/22).
Examine the central bookcase rack and collect corkscrew, which is inserted in place of the handle.
Zoom in on the skull on the table and pick it up valve.

Follow the arrow down 2 times, and then go down the stairs even lower (to where it is dark). Get into the pool.
There is a plate on the post, on which the swimmer's drawing changes to the drawing of a cigarette. For him you will receive master of intuition (10/22).
Zoom in on the closed metal door on the right wall. Insert the paperclip into the keyhole to activate a mini-game.
Click and hold the lock pins with a paperclip until you find the correct position for each pin.

Go through the opened door to the operating room.
A skull appears and disappears on the operating table. For him you will receive master of intuition (11/22).
Play a Hidden Object Scene on the corpse gurney. Get scalpel.
To find ribs- attach the rib to the skeleton of the thoracic region (1).
To find handset- use a lighter to light the smoking pipe (2).

Go outside and turn right, along the mental hospital building.
Examine the boarded-up doors of the building, which looks like a morgue (you will find out what is there later).
Examine the dog house, which is wrapped in a chain with a lock.
A ruler appears and disappears in a round window on the roof of the house. Get it for her master of intuition (12/22).
Walk left. Complete the Hidden Object game in the trash cans. Get coin.
To find cocktail- insert the umbrella into the glass (1).
To find coin- break the piggy bank with a sledgehammer (2).
To find chandelier- take the candle and place it in the candlestick (3).

Return to the lobby of the clinic.
Zoom in on the drinking water machine in the corner.
Throw a coin into the slot (A). Place an empty glass under the faucet (B). Press the red button (C) and collect glass of water.
Give the glass of water to the policeman (D).
When he wakes up, he will tell that they found the boy's corpse in the elevator shaft. But then the body disappeared.
After the story, the man will give you lamp chain.

Go down the stairs to the pool and go through the open door right in front of you.
Zoom in on the lamp to the right of the tank. Hang the chain from the lamp on it and pull to turn on the light.
After that, inspect the pipe system on the wall. Reinstall the valve.
Complete the mini-game. Turn the valves until all gauges indicate no pressure in the pipes.
Click on the valves in the order shown in the screenshot (you can also just click on valves 2 and 3).

Go back to the stairs, go up to the second floor and through the door to the right enter the office.
Examine the box with the gas mask (G).
Use the scalpel to cut off the rubber band holding the glass. Take away mask(H).

Go back down arrow 3 times.
Zoom in on the only window on the right wall - the kitchen is visible outside the window.
Break the glass with the baseball bat.
The kitchen smells of gas. Put on a gas mask and press the red exhaust button - there is no more gas and the gas mask will also disappear.
Open the fridge and complete the hidden object game. Get olive oil.
To find sardines- Open the can with a can opener.
To find airplane- attach the wing to the plane.
To find peeled potatoes- Remove the skin from the potato with a vegetable peeler.
Take the changing item to get master of intuition (13/22).

Zoom in on the washing machine.
First you need to drain the water - to do this, press the red button (N).
When the drum stops, open the washer door and remove towel.
From the ladle on the stove (P), take bone.

Follow the down arrow to return to the hall.
Examine the door (R) and use the olive oil on the rusty hinges (S).

Push the door and go outside to the basketball court.
Take the ball (T) and throw it into the basket. The ball will push out the package with things, inspect it. Take piano key(U).
Examine the upper left corner of the site. Shake the doll's head several times to make it fall out. eye(W).
Click on the bushes in the same corner to remove them (V). Hmm..interesting - turns out patients aren't completely cut off from the world...

Follow the arrow down 4 times to the clinic yard, and then turn right along the building.
Give the bone to the dog to distract him.

Go through the dog to the right.
On the right side - a search for items. Get scrap.
To find slice of watermelon- use a knife to cut a slice of watermelon (1).
To find exactly!- take a dart and throw it at the target (2).
To find toast- place a piece of bread in the toaster (3).

Examine the tombstone (A) - the diamond-shaped plate is firmly fixed.
Look into the grave pit (B) - there is a boat at the bottom, but you can't get it.
Get it right here master of intuition (14/22).

Go back down arrow.
Use a crowbar to tear off the boards nailed to the door.
You still can't get into the building - the door has no handle.

Move down arrow.
Examine the trunk of the car and open it with the crowbar (D).
Find empty canister(E).
Open the skeleton pocket (F) and read the note: "I will show you fear in a handful of ashes."

Go to the entrance to the clinic.
A new Hidden Object Scene has appeared to the right of the stairs. Get wire cutters.

Enter the building, go up the stairs to the second floor.
Turn left to get closer to the window.
Cut the wire holding the bars with wire cutters - the window will open.
Examine the wire - you can use it to get to the roof of the shed.
Use a towel on this wire to "hook" and slide down the wire.

Zoom into the attic on the roof (L). Break the boards with a crowbar and take cobweb.
Also hit with a crowbar metal plate(M) - it will go into your inventory and open a passage to the barn.

Get down through the hole down.
Talk to the boy. He will tell you the details of his "death" and give you a toy found nearby. soldier.
Pay attention to the pump (P) - it is still fully operational.
Complete a Hidden Object Scene. Get door handle.
To find avocado- take a knife and cut the avocado in half (1).
To find calendar- attach the calendar sheet to the tear-off calendar (2).
To find bird cage- put the parrot in the cage (3).

After the boy ran away, he left an open door behind him.
Get outside.
In the garbage cans - a hidden object area. Get gasoline pump.

An antenna appears and disappears on the roof. For her you will receive master of intuition (15/22).
Zoom in on the bike. Note that one of the spokes is broken off. Use wire cutters to bite it off and get knitting needle.

At the gate:

1. We search for objects at the fountain (1-1):

We attach the wheel to the car, we get a racing car (2-1);
- we put the bun on the half of the hamburger, we get a hamburger (2-2);
- we use the jaws on the apple, we get a bitten apple (2-3);
- we attach the blade to the propeller, we get the propeller (2-4);
- in the end we get a sledgehammer.
2. We read the sign (1-2), comment on the locked gate (1-3) and the restrictive tape (1-4).
3. With a sledgehammer we break a brick wall (1-5), we beat 3 times.
4. Changing object 1/22 - on the bounding tape (1-6).
5. We climb through the opening in the wall.

At the guard post:

1. We talk with the boy (3-1), who will run away towards the clinic.
2. We examine the car number (3-2) and write it down in a journal.
3. We also study the drain grate (3-3) and the lock on the door (3-4), which we cannot open yet.
4. Take the changing object 2/22 (3-5).
5. Go ahead.

At the garage:

1. We read the newspaper in a puddle (4-1) and notice that it lacks a piece.
2. We examine the locked gates (4-2), which we cannot open yet.
3. Take the changing object 3/22 from the tree (4-3).
4. Turn left. (Attention! There may be a “glitch” of the game at this place: if you immediately go straight to the clinic, the search for items near the fountain, where they will give you a glass, will become unavailable. Therefore, it is better to go left, to the fountain).


1. We search for objects at the fountain:

We insert the ball from the globe into the stand, we get the globe (6-1);
- kill a fly with a fly swatter, we get a dead fly (6-2);
- we iron the rag with an iron, we get a smoothed napkin (6-3);
- in the end we get an empty glass.
2. We notice a suitcase (5-2), as well as a ladder on a tree (5-3) and a large hollow (5-4).
3. Take 4/22 changing object (5-5).
4. We leave and go to the clinic.

This knowledge base contains information about the game The Abandoned , various useful tactics and secrets of passage. Study it completely so that in the future it will be easier for you to play.

Description of the game interface.

The interface of the main game window has a first-person view in three-dimensional space. The player character can only see a hand holding some kind of weapon. Management is provided for both hands of the player. The right hand is needed for pressing certain action buttons, the left for movement and turns.

In the upper left corner are the characteristics of the character, the dial to show the time and the compass. In the upper right corner there is a crafting button, quick crafting, character workload indicators, as well as settings. In the lower part in the center you can find a block with slots for quick access items, buttons for hitting, throwing an item and running.

Character characteristics

In the game, a character has four characteristics that determine his state:

  • Amount of health;
  • indicators of satiety or hunger;
  • The level of psychological state;
  • Stamina points.

Amount of health shows the player how much life he has left before the character dies. By default, it is equal to one hundred points, but can be increased in the process of leveling the character. When health is at zero, the character will die and continue the game from the last completed section.

Satiety or hunger indicators characterize the amount of food consumed, if you do not give the character to eat, then he may die. You can collect food right on the map. It can be various berries, vegetables, fruits, meat of dead animals, mushrooms, roots and so on. I do not advise using incomprehensible or inedible foods as food, as this can harm the character.

Level of psychological state is responsible for the stress resistance of the character and his moral well-being. If it is low, then the hero can literally go crazy. The decrease in this level occurs under the influence of the phenomena of technogenic anomalous zones. In such places, the character begins to feel dizzy and dark in the eyes. Morale also goes down if there are various hallucinogens or raw food.

Stamina points affect the movement of the character. The more of them, the more time the player is able to run. They recover over time when the character stops running. The ability to run can be very useful if you are attacked by zombies and you do not have the means to protect yourself.


game card in The Abandoned originally closed. You will not be able to find out where everything is, how and where you can get through. You need to discover all this yourself. The map has its own special symbols that can help you in emergency cases when you need to refresh yourself or restore morale.

There are five different types of buildings in total:

  1. Food Buildings: This is where you can replenish your food supplies if your satiety level needs to be replenished.
  2. Household buildings: these are special structures where you can find items that are needed to craft various things, clothes and equipment.
  3. Production buildings: these are various destroyed mini-factories and factories, where there is all the raw materials you need.
  4. Hunting Buildings: These are specialized places dedicated to hunting, you can use them if you want to practice this craft. Also here you can find everything you need to create weapons.
  5. Construction sites: places where new buildings were erected, but nothing was built before the disaster. Here you can find different types of raw materials, fuel and so on, in general, everything that is used for construction purposes.

In addition, you can see special marks on the map that can help you complete tasks and missions. But do not think that it is so easy for you to get to the right place straight across the entire map. As you advance in the game, new parts of the map will open up for you.

Character skills

The game has a character leveling system. It is a special skill that can be upgraded. Some skills are related to the characteristics of the character, some to his interaction with weapons. All of them can be placed in three groups:

  • Health group: this includes skills that allow you to increase the characteristics of health and morale;
  • Mobility group: these are all possible accelerators of movement, speed of impacts and increase in endurance;
  • Survival Group: This item includes skills that increase damage from various types of weapons.

All skills are unlocked for special points. The better it is, the more points you need to open it. Skills give their specific bonus as a percentage of the base value of the skill. As a rule, one increase gives + 5% to the skill.

Available game modes

The game currently has three modes.


The most standard mode based on the storyline. Its essence lies in the fact that the player, by all means, must try to get out of the exclusion zone. To do this, he will have to complete all the missions and successfully complete the campaign to save him from bloodthirsty creatures. As soon as he finds his way home and gets out of this apocalypse, the game is considered completed.


The second mode is more loyal in tasks and missions. Here the player must complete various quests, while he himself can choose what and how to do.


This is the most doomed mode. The character has already left all chances for his salvation and is not trying to get out. Around, all the monsters are becoming stronger every day, as is the influence of anomalous man-made zones. There is no chance of salvation, the only goal of the player is to hold out as long as possible.

Not all modes are available from the start. The game begins with the passage of history, only then the opportunity is given to participate in adventures, and when the player gains enough experience, the opportunity opens up to play survival. The passage of the game does not link all the modes, so you can play each mode separately.

  1. Craft everything and always. The game is based on the crafting system, and in order to get the best items, you need to constantly improve the intermediate ones.
  2. Resource reserves. Make as many storages and backpacks as possible. It is better to stock up on the essentials in advance, so that in case of emergency, you can immediately use it. Always keep medicines and food nearby, as this can save your life.
  3. Free cheese only in a mousetrap. Remember that the best items and materials are found in anomalous zones. If the amount of your morale allows you to wander through them, then use this to get unique things.
  4. Zombies are rare. Try not to climb into the crowd of zombies, if you feel that you can not cope with them, it is better to bypass them.
  5. Survival training. Before playing the Survival mode, try out the other two modes, as the knowledge gained from the missions will help you survive for quite some time.
  6. Night is the time for monsters. Try to collect everything you need, including resources, fuel and especially food before dark, as it will be very problematic to do this at night.
  7. Run, player, run. Use the fast travel button to escape zombies or move quickly around the map. This will greatly speed up the game process and can help you escape in a dangerous skirmish with zombies.
  8. The best weapon is the one that is always at hand. Always keep an eye on the condition of your weapon, if it is worn out enough, then it is better to craft a new one so that later you do not have to fend off monsters with your bare hands.
  9. If you need to refresh yourself, you can go to the nearest bush and use your hand to shake it. You do not need to chop it with an ax, as this will not give you berries.
  10. Fly agarics are bad for your health. Do not eat raw food, as well as various incomprehensible foods in the form of roots, fly agaric and other things.

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