Who are the healers-whisperers? Xvi. healers-whisperers - evil spirits

Destroy the Skeleton

(main plot for the Temple of the Sun)

Quest given by High Priest Oscar Tyr

If you decide to add the Temple of Light to the Union, head to its high priest Oscar Tyr. Upon learning that you were sent by Bastian Loudre, he will say that they, too, are witnesses to strange events, one has only to move away from the Temple and you can see the madness that struck the unicorns and basilisks. But also bigger problem Tyr sees a threat from the Guild of Necromancers with whom they are at war, and until the war is over, he will not be able to do other things. You could help the Temple of Light by destroying the device that turns living creatures into skeletons that join the ranks of the necromancer army. The Skeltator is located in Shadow Peak and is very difficult to reach. Tyr will tell you that you may need the help of Agent Dyson Leland, who was introduced to their Guild.

Head to Shadow Peak, the Necromancer Guild is located on a high mountain in the outskirts of the city. To find Dyson, you need to climb the stairs on the left and take the circular elevator, which is controlled by a button on the wall. The elevator will bring you to Dyson's room. An agent who is under suspicion of the necromancers will gladly agree to help you. Include him in your team, but keep in mind that he is no warrior. Therefore, when choosing whom to send to the hotel to rest, leave the most powerful warriors and a skilled worker in neutralizing traps in the team.

Now head back to the guild hall and go straight ahead, where only a guild member can enter. Take the circular elevator down. Necromancers and vampires will block the road. Just behind the elevator on both sides of a room with some pretty strong vampires. When you get to the door to the room with the Skeletator, be careful, as there are a huge number of enemies, including necromancers and skeletons. After you've dealt with them, it's time to tackle the device. To do this, you need to close the doors. First of all, lift the levers holding the lock on the door (1-3-5-2-4-6), slide the lock and close the doors with the button. Now, when you enter the Skeleton Hall, it will be out of order. Everything, evil is destroyed. You can now explore the guild premises. Climb the side ladders and examine the chests and wardrobes in the guild quarters. One of the chests contains the Eclipse shield, which must be taken to Latean on Ravenshore.

Since the Skeleton is destroyed, you can return to the Temple of Light and report this to Oscar Tyr. Now he is ready to join the Alliance and can head to the Merchants Guild on Ravenshore, where he will be waiting for you.

Find the Book of the Sun

Quest given by Snowtree

(promotion of clerics to priests)

Snowree lives in one of the houses, who will complain that the Prophecies of the Sun, which were written by the greatest of the prophets, have not been found and, perhaps, they do not exist at all. And the priests would be very happy for these Prophecies to return to the Temple.

At this point, most likely you have already found the book, and the clerics of the team will be promoted to the rank of priests. If you do not have prophecies, then you will have to go to the Dagger Wound Islands in the Temple of the Serpent. In the depths of the catacombs, located on the right in front of the last hall, in the right wall of the large room is a cache with the Prophecies of the Sun. Take the book and take it to Snowree, who will raise the clerics.

Circle of druids

The circle of stones is located northeast of the settlement of the priests. It is worth examining it. To get inside, you need to go down the elevator. At the entrance you will be greeted by very unfriendly gnomes. Three tunnels emerge from the central room, on the floor of which there are traps in a circle. Go to the northern tunnel, there are two caches in the round cave, further the passage leads to the east. Behind the passage there is a fork to the south and north, both tunnels lead to round caves, in which there are only enemies. Only enemies lurked in them.

We return to the main hall. Go to the western tunnel. Which goes into a round cave with two passages. In the west, the road will be blocked by a group of Taranov. There are a couple of cobblestones in the large cave. In another passage, two cobblestones block the road. Ahead is a spacious cave, in which there are three cobblestones and three gnomes. After reaching the end, return to the main hall again.

The southern passage leads to a circular cave with a cache containing a chest containing a Druid's Bracelet.

Now you can leave the cave.

I here decided to share, my judgments. This post is huge, but whoever needs it will master it)

Initially I freed the spirit, because he was convincing, fair, promised to save the children, and despite my sympathy for the Baron and his wife, I thought that it would be more correct to help the spirit in exchange for salvation. All the same, children are innocent creatures, and the Baron and Anna are both to blame and themselves led themselves to this outcome. His drunkenness ruined his life, and Anna is a fool, she went through dangerous swamps, pregnant, she also made a deal with witches, she killed a child in her stomach, explaining that he was from her husband, whom she hates. Why didn't she kill her oldest daughter, according to her logic? She is also from him. Those who say that the Baron is to blame for the miscarriage, apparently not all the dialogues flipped through, and do not understand that the Witches gave her a decoction, after which she had a miscarriage, and since he was buried without a name and God knows where, he became Igosha. She did not judge for treason, since if a husband, in his spare time from the war, lies at zero under the bench, perhaps not a husband at all. Although the Baron talks about how he and Anna met - he did not immediately start drinking, he loved her very much, met her on the battlefield, she bandaged his wounds, she also fell in love, they got married and everything was ok, but while he was fighting she started hakhalya, moved in with him, he went to talk and smacked him, and he fell off and since then he drinks, and then hit his wife for the first time, because he didn’t know how to calm her down - she was hysterical so that he would kill her too. Then, she constantly brought him this, and he gave bream. Honestly, both are fools.)

But then it turned out that the whole village was destroyed, where there were also CHILDREN who died a terrible death, and it was no longer clear why people say that the first option, with the release of the spirit, is the least evil. Why are the children from the village worse than those in the swamps? Yes, and besides the children, I feel sorry for the inhabitants, there are such arguments, they say, "the servants of witches and in their business, also sent children along the path to certain death" - where did you get this? It was said that letting go of the child everything would be fine with him and that the child would not need anything. Then it is logical to assume that the parents sent their children with good intentions. Let's not forget that these were completely different times, and the world is different, these are not today's Satanists, but ordinary inhabitants living in no man's land, in hungry and bloody times, on a land that has no protection, because it does not belong to any ruler.

Later Anna died, Tomara hated her father even more, but when I saw him hanging on a tree, it was still raining, it became completely sad, the uncle was kind, remember how he treated Ciri and how he helped. And the fact that he proclaimed himself, albeit in a not entirely honest way, the ruler, also plays into the hands of the village, since without him, the village would have suffered from violence and unrest. And the same chaos will begin when the Baron hangs himself. The same, unfortunately, will happen if the Baron remains alive, in his absence, while he is looking for a doctor, the soldiers will arrange their "order", but at least the inhabitants will have a normal life again when the Baron returns.

Bottom line.
In general, with a heavy load, I played The Witcher for about a week, and then I still could not stand it and, despite the fact that I had already gone quite far, I decided to replay. Everything is re-read and weighed. I think that of two evils is much less, the second option. For saving five guys in the swamps, you are destroying the village of Steigers, even if you have no sympathy for the adults, you are destroying children who had shelter and care. You doom the village in Vrystry to eternal torment, kill the Baron and his wife, leave your daughter to burn in eternal grief and hatred for her father and sorrow for her mother, and free the insane spirit. (AND NOT A DRUID, THE FULLY OWNER OF THIS FOREST, as some here believe))) Who is not in the subject, look in your backpack, as already written above, for the book "She who knows." The spirit is the mother of witches, who once lost her mind and drowned all Velen in blood. And where once, there is probably a second, so that the village of Steigers, I am sure, is not the last in its lifetime.

Who are the healers-whisperers?

"In the beginning was the Word"- so it says in the Gospel of John (John 1: 1). There are many interpretations of this phrase; religious and philosophical disputes and publications are devoted to it. But the main meaning is hidden in the field of secret knowledge, some believe that the word is the root cause of many of our troubles, as well as diseases, and at the same time the best cure for them.

Understanding the power of the word, healers-whisperers never utter their spells-conspiracies at the top of their voices, for it is not the power of the voice that is important, but the power of the word, which was in the beginning and was from God.

Does every person, wise by experience and secured by secret knowledge, have the right to be called a healer? No, everyday practice shows: in order for knowledge to be of use to you, you must not only own it, but also manage it, and then the expert on the secret teaching will become a real healer. At the same time, you need to understand that a real healer is a kind and not greedy person, he correctly uses the knowledge and skills he has received, not to the detriment of himself and people.

Very often people, due to their narrow-mindedness, continue to confuse healers and sorcerers with sorcerers and witches. This is done out of the everlasting habit of suspecting the supernatural in everything unusual and by the simple-minded belief that in everything that does not lend itself to our understanding, there must undoubtedly be the participation and work of mysterious forces, evil or not - this is from which side you look. True, healers, like sorcerers, whisper their conspiracies in secret, in an undertone, but openly and boldly act for the good of people, and not to harm, like many sorcerers.

The healers themselves, with their methods of healing and the requirement for special behavior of others or the choice of an unusual place of action, support this delusion, not so much out of self-interest, but out of a deep conviction that it is impossible to act otherwise. It just so happened from time immemorial - is it possible to trust the power of healing potions, if they are not spoken in advance or whispered right there in front of the patient? After all, the main power of healing lies in the words of the conspiracy, and drugs are only an addition to it. That is why healers are called whisperers - precisely for those conspiracies or mysterious words that are whispered over a sick person or over a drug.

Conspiracies are always pronounced in a quiet voice so that an uninitiated person does not hear them, otherwise the conspiracies will not bring healing; besides, healers-whisperers do not want to share their innermost knowledge with just anyone. Imagine what will happen if the secret of some deadly weapon falls into the hands of misanthropists - trouble will certainly happen. Therefore, in our book we will not reveal all the secrets of the Slavic whisperers: some of them, due to their uniqueness and power, cannot be made common property.

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Healers-whisperers Healers usually treat their patients not so much with herbs and broths, as, first of all, with a word, that is, with a special conspiracy. Moreover, conspiracies are pronounced in a whisper or half-whisper, so that, God forbid, someone inadvertently does not hear and recognize something - in this

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Speech today will not be about the village sorceresses-whisperers, but about the special assistants of the magician. When installing protection on a person who is at risk of severe injury or death, the whisper energy is sometimes used.

Who is the Whisperer? There are different ways to explain the esoteric essence of this person's strength. In short, this is the person whose request the Universe hears best. Why?

The fate of the whisperer is hidden in the secret of his birth and a special earthly mission. This person goes through fantastic tests for the strength of the spirit, while remaining physically healthy. Whatever business he starts, success will be achieved by the one who takes his place. He will do 99% of the work, but at the moment when it is time to reap the fruits of titanic labor, he will be fired, ruined, forced to move - in general, something will happen, after which others will use the result of his activities. If he is an inventor, his invention will be credited to another; if the artist - under his picture will put his name on another ...

The whole life of a whisperer is an endless labor of Sisyphus without the vices of Sisyphus. The more honest and decent the person is, the more severe the monstrous injustice. Interestingly, subjecting him to various tests, fate stubbornly leaves him healthy and physically strong enough for the rest of his life. His iron nerves, highly developed intellect allow him to start over and over again. If this person asks for something for himself, he will receive nothing. But if he asks for someone, the Universe will willingly listen to him.

The magicians of one of the most ancient magic schools are looking for such people. Having found such a person, they conclude a special agreement with him. According to the agreement, the magician assists the whisperer, and the whisperer assists the magician in his work.

Witch doctor, gossip, slanderer, sorcerer, swindler, slander, slander, earpiece, whisperer, whisperer, slander, whispered, insinuator, informer, libeller, folk healer, self-taught doctor Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Whisperer 1.See Witch Doctor. 2.cm ... Synonym dictionary

Whisper- WHISPER, whisperer, husband. 1. The one who whispers (colloquial). 2. A gossip, earpiece, one who spreads absurd rumors (contempt.). 3. Witch doctor (obl.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Whisper- WHISPER, ah, husband. (colloquial). 1. The one who whispers. 2. transfer. Gossiper, rumor-monger (ne.). | wives whisper, and, genus. pl. niy. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

SHEPTUN, a, SHEPTUNCHIK, a, m. Intestinal gases. Let the whisperer (or whisper) spoil the air ... Dictionary of Russian argo

Whisper- Whisperer, slave. 1500. Scribe. III, 328 ... Biographical Dictionary

whisper- the whisper'un (Is.8: 19) in the original: "who whisper and speak in a deaf voice" (cf. Is.29: 4) ... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible encyclopedia of arch. Nicephorus.


Whisperer- I m. 1. Someone who whispers [whisper I 1.] or whispers [whisper I 1.] with someone. 2. Someone who is hoarse and speaks very quietly. II m. Informer. III m. Gossip. IV ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

whisper- whisperer, whisperers, whisperer, whisperers, whisperer, whisperers, whisperer, whisperers, whisperer, whisperers, whisperer, whisperers (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

Whisper- Start / release the whisperer (s). Zharg. pier Shuttle. Silently release gases. Vakhitov 2003, 152; Maximov, 352 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

whisper- whisper un, and ... Russian spelling dictionary


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