Card file didactic game safety senior group. A selection of videos on the topic of life safety games held at the preschool educational institution

Card file of didactic games on life safety for children of the older group

"Dangerous Items"

Sources of danger

Target: to consolidate knowledge about objects that can be objects of danger, to form the ability to choose pictures of objects according to the described situation, to foster a sense of camaraderie


Material: layout or play corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures)

Game progress: the teacher turns away, and during this time the children must take on the model or in the play corner those objects that, in their opinion, can be dangerous. Then everyone explains their choice. Answers will be rewarded with prizes.

"Dangerous Items"

The game is serious

Target: to train children in choosing safe objects for playing with pictures, to consolidate knowledge about what objects can be played.

Material: pictures depicting various items (dangerous and non-dangerous), two hoops

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to arrange the pictures in two hoops. In one hoop, children select pictures depicting objects that can be played with, in the second - pictures depicting objects that cannot be played with, and explain their choice.

"Dangerous Items"

One hundred troubles


Material: pictures of children in a dangerous situation.

Game progress: several pictures are on the table face down. The child chooses any, examines and tells: what is depicted on it, why this happened to the child, what he did wrong, what should the child do now.

"Dangerous Items"

We are lifeguards

Target: to consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; foster a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.

Material: pictures depicting children in specific dangerous situations, a set of cards depicting the actions that must be performed in a given situation.

Game progress: the teacher puts a picture with a picture of a dangerous situation on the table, the child examines it and from all the cards with a picture of actions, he chooses two correct ones, puts them in sequence.

"Dangerous Items"

Put it back in place

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior, to form the knowledge that all items must be put into place for safety; develop observation, attention; foster a desire to maintain cleanliness and order at home, foster a sense of camaraderie

Rule: do not push, do not take objects away from each other.

Material: layout or play corner with household items, picture objects.

Game progress: put all the objects in their places on the model, first in the “kitchen”, and then in the whole “apartment”, explaining your choice.

"Dangerous Items"

So or not

Target: to form the ability of children to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-dangerous ones; develop attention; foster a desire to comply with safety rules.

Material: 2 cards - with a red and a green circle,

pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children;

Rules: under the red card (circle) put pictures depicting situations that are dangerous for the child's life, under the green one - non-dangerous (permitted) ones.

The options are: individually with a teacher;

several children take turns explaining their choice.

"Dangerous Items"

What do we know about things

Target: to expand children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life; develop attention, memory; foster a sense of cooperation

Material: cards depicting a cut, a burn, a bruised hand and a fire, pictures depicting various household items.

Game progress: the game accepts from 2 to 4 children, each of them takes a picture with the image of "trauma". The teacher alternately raises a picture with an image of an object. Participants must guess what kind of injury can result from improper handling of this object, correlate it with their card and take a picture. When selecting, the child must explain how dangerous this or that object is, tell the rules for communicating with them.

"Dangers Around Us"

On a walk

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the correct behavior and communication with animals, to correlate what is shown in the pictures with correct and incorrect

actions when meeting animals.

Material: illustrations, two hoops.

Game progress: several pictures are on the table face down. The child chooses any, examines and tells: what is depicted on it, the child is doing right or wrong here.

Or put pictures in one hoop depicting the correct actions when meeting animals, and in the other - the wrong actions.

"Dangers Around Us"

If the baby is hurt

Target: to acquaint children with basic techniques of first aid, because this can often save his health and life.

Material: cards with the most common household injuries, cards with ways of providing assistance

Game progress: The teacher invites children to choose cards for first aid for a cut wound and lay them out sequentially (rinse the wound, apply a sterile bandage, call a doctor)

"Dangers Around Us"

What grows where

Target: consolidate knowledge of where medicinal plants grow

Material: ball.

Game progress: the teacher throws the ball to each child, asking the question:

Where does plantain grow? (The child responds and throws the ball back)

Where does chamomile grow? etc.

"Dangers Around Us"

Identify the plant by smell

Target: train children in identifying the smell of mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, bird cherry.

Material: mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, bird cherry.

Game progress: the teacher invites children to smell mint leaves (chamomile flowers, bird cherry)

What helped you to smell this smell?

Where can you smell this?

"Dangers Around Us"

For mushrooms

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms, the ability to distinguish them by their appearance in the picture and dummies.

Material: pictures or dummies of edible and inedible mushrooms

Game progress: put pictures or dummies in different places. Children are invited to collect edible mushrooms in a basket.

Game "Invite Bear to visit"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of the home address, to teach the rules for inviting guests.

Material: houses built by children from building materials or constructors, a toy of a teddy bear.

Game actions: each child chooses a home, politely invites Teddy to his place, telling him his home address.

"A child on the streets of the city"

What does the traffic light say

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic light colors and the rules of behavior on the street.

Material: colored cardboard mugs (red, yellow and green), traffic light layout.

Game progress: the teacher distributes red, yellow and green mugs to children. They sequentially "switch" the traffic light, and the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each signal means. The winner is the one who shows all the circles correctly and tells about the purpose of the colors.

"Doctors are our helpers"

If someone gets sick

Target: to consolidate the knowledge that in case of a serious injury it is necessary to call an ambulance doctor by calling "03", to practice calling a doctor.

Material: telephone.

Game progress: If we ourselves cannot cope with the situation, then we call a doctor, an ambulance.

Children are encouraged to call a doctor at home. First, we dial the phone number and call it in order:

surname, first name - address - age - complaints

Games for the formation of the foundations of the safety of children's vital functions


"Sources of danger"

Target: Reinforce children's knowledge of objects that can be a source of danger.

Game rules: Select items that could be a source of danger.

Game action: Search and name of items.

The course of the game.

Children are given playing cards depicting various objects. The teacher invites you to carefully consider the images of objects and answer the questions:

What could be the source of the fire?

What could be the source of human injury (cut, bite, injection, burn, poisoning)?

What could be the source of human death? The one who names all the images correctly is noted.

"Do you know?"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the phones of the rescue services.

Game rules: Perform actions corresponding to the image.

Game actions: The movement of chips across the playing field in accordance with the number of dropped moves.

The course of the game.

The game is played by 4-5 people, chips of different colors are used. The child rolls the dice, moves the pieces. Legend:

Red cross - call the ambulance phone;

Home - name your home address;

Policeman - call the police phone;

Fire - choose from three numbers that you need in case of fire;

The man in the mask - call the number needed for such a danger;

Book - if an incorrect answer is given, the player goes to this point;

Hand - if the correct answer is given, the player moves to this point;

Phone - dial the phone number of the security service and go to the finish line.

The winner is the one who answered all the questions faster and correctly and came to the finish line first.

"What the traffic light is talking about"

Target: Strengthen knowledge of traffic signals and the corresponding pedestrian actions.

Material: Cards depicting traffic lights (red, yellow, green), pedestrian actions.

The course of the game.

The teacher invites the children to show the traffic signal, which means: "go", "stop", "attention". Then show cards depicting the actions of pedestrians at different traffic signals.

"The fourth extra"

Target: Teach children to prevent the danger of contact with dangerous objects (needles, scissors, matches, medicines, etc.). Reinforce knowledge about behavior on the street without adults. Distinguish between edible mushrooms and berries.

Game rules: Find an extra item on the card. Prove why.

Game action: Search for a dangerous item.

The course of the game.

Children are handed out cards, each with four objects, one of which is superfluous (carries danger). The one that the teacher points to (the magic arrow) explains what is superfluous and why.


1. Edible mushrooms and fly agaric.

2. Toys and nails.

3. Toys and medicine.

4. Brush, pencil, pen, needle.

5. Raspberries, strawberries, currants and wolfberries.

6. Children play in the sandbox, ride a swing, ride a sled, a boy eats an icicle.

Other combinations can be presented by analogy.

"On a walk"

Target: Strengthen the knowledge of children about the correct communication, behavior with animals.


Cards depicting correct and incorrect actions when meeting a dog, bee, goat, hedgehog, ants in an anthill.

Game rules: To the teacher's question, show a picture with the correct answer, and then with the wrong actions.

The course of the game.

The teacher invites the children to answer how they would act in different situations that arose during a walk on a weekend (in the country, in the forest). You must first show the picture with the correct action, and then show the wrong ones.

On the way, I met a dog. Can , n it is impossible (children show the card)

A wasp (bee) flew up to me in the clearing. You can, you can’t.

A goat nibbles the grass at the edge. You can, you can’t.

I noticed a hedgehog in the grass. You can, you can’t.


Target: Consolidate knowledge of emergency telephone numbers.

The course of the game.

In front of the child are cards depicting ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, a fire engine, a sports car and cards with numbers 01, 02, 03. The teacher invites the child to choose any number and find the car that will come with this number.


Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of fire safety.

Game rules: Show the picture-answer to the teacher's question.

Material: Pictures with a picture of a box with matches, phone 01; lightning striking a tree; iron; 02; 03; burning table; buckets of water.

Game action: The choice of the proposed - the correct picture.

The course of the game.

Children are given cards. The teacher offers to answer the question by showing the desired card.

Why is the fire happening?

What should be done if there is a fire?

What is the phone number for help?

For the correct answer, the child receives a token. The one who gets the most chips wins.

"It's a serious matter"

Target: Teach children to choose suitable objects for games, to know what things cannot be played with.

Material: Cards depicting a ball, scissors, a pyramid, a gas stove, matches, a knife, a tumbler, pills, an iron, a needle, a doll, a toy car, a fork, a glass vase, etc.

The course of the game.

The cards are laid out in front of the children with the back side up. The child takes out any, looks at it and answers, you can play with this thing or not (explaining why). Receives a token for the correct answer.

"Sidewalk and Children"

Target: Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of the road. Teach children to choose the right place to play. Cultivate a quick reaction to what is happening.

The course of the game.

Have the children build a house with an arch from the bricks. The arch should be large enough for toy cars to drive through. Ask the children to place them in front of the arch. The dolls will represent soccer boys or girls playing classics. A ping-pong ball can be used as a soccer ball, and "classics" can be depicted using strips of paper or strings. Several children can participate in the game at the same time, which change their roles. In the course of the game, the boys play football with the help of puppets, and the girls - the game of "classics". At the same time, one child pushes a toy car through the arch and beeps loudly. Children quickly remove the dolls from the road and carry them away from the arch. The plot can be varied. For example, a bunny leans out of the window of a toy house and warns of danger. A similar plot can be played out using a tabletop theater.

"Who will name more actions"

Target: Teach children to correlate actions with the profession of people acting in emergency situations.

Game rules: Name only one action of a person in a given profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it to the presenter.

Game actions: Throwing and catching the ball.

The course of the game.

The teacher offers to name an action that a person of the named profession performs, but only one action can be named (doctor, policeman, firefighter). The winner is the one who names more actions.


"You can - you can not"

Target: to reinforce the idea of ​​household items that should not be played.

Equipment: object pictures of objects dangerous and safe for play, a doll, a chest.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to remember what can happen if dangerous objects are taken without permission: a knife, scissors, needles, etc. the game is dangerous. The educator encourages children to explain their choice.

"Permitted - prohibited"

Target: to consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior for children.

Equipment: pictures depicting various situations of dangerous and safe behavior of children, symbols of green and red colors (circles, cubes or other objects).

Game progress:

The teacher distributes pictures to the children and offers to approach the red symbols to those who depict what is prohibited to do, and to the green symbols - with the correct actions of the depicted characters.

Complication: to supplement the equipment with images of the street, house, fire. Children should approach the pictures according to their situation and then choose a symbol of a certain color.

"For mushrooms"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms; continue to formulate the rules of safe behavior in the forest.

Equipment: baskets - by the number of children, silhouettes or dummies of mushrooms.

Game progress:

The teacher reminds about the rules of safe behavior in the forest and offers to collect edible mushrooms for the soup.

"What the traffic light is talking about"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic light colors and traffic rules; exercise in following the rules.

Equipment: traffic light with color switching, cars for various purposes, road markings, dolls.

Game progress:

The teacher prepares a model of the road with the marking of the pedestrian crossing, creates various traffic situations with the help of toys and invites children to show the correct behavior of pedestrians and drivers on the road.


"Before and now"

Target: being guided in the proposed situation, choose the correct answer.

Rules of the game: the teacher briefly informs the children what actions were taken in the past in the event of a fire; the guys tell us how to act in such cases today.

  1. How do I know and report a fire?

What did you do before

A tower towered over the city, on which there was always an observer. As soon as he noticed smoke, he immediately launched a signal balloon into the sky.

How they do it today

They call 01.

  1. How do firefighters get to the fire?

What did you do before

Firefighters sat on the cart, on which a barrel of water had already been installed, and, chasing the horses, drove to the place of the fire.

How they do it today

On a fire truck. On a fire train. On a fire helicopter. On a fire plane.

  1. What kind of clothes (equipment) do firemen have?

What did you do before

Previously, firefighters wore uniforms made of canvas, put on a helmet on their heads, and canvas mittens on their hands.

How they do it today

Today, the life and health of a firefighter is protected by overalls made of refractory materials, a helmet, a gas mask or a respirator.

  1. What are the means to extinguish the fire?

What did you do before

A hand pump, a bucket of water, a hatchet, a crowbar, a hook.

How they do it today

With a hose connected to a car pump, fire extinguishers, water, foam.

"On - off"

Target: quickly and correctly perform a responsible action;to consolidate knowledge about the properties of flammability of various objects and substances; help to understand the destructive power of fire and develop a quick reaction to response.

Rules of the game: the children are in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher names an object or substance and throws the ball to one of the children. In the event that this substance is not flammable, the child must catch the ball, but if it is flammable, beat it off. The child who makes a mistake is eliminated from the circle. The last child wins.

(Examples of non-combustible objects and substances: metal, water, ice, earth, air, stone, brick, clay, chalk, etc.)

"What do firemen need?"

Target: quickly and correctly select pictures depicting fire-related items.

Rules of the game: children are given cards depicting objects and phenomena that characterize various professions, including a firefighter. The guys for speed choose from the total mass of cards those that relate to the fire theme. The winner is the one who quickly selects the necessary cards and does not make mistakes.

"Dialogues over the phone"

Target: teach children to dial the number correctly by phone and give accurate and clear answers to questions;help children remember the generally accepted rules for talking on the phone, including with emergency services.

Rules of the game: children take turns choosing cards with emergency phone numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04. The teacher tells the background of the emergency (3-4 sentences) and gives the child an assignment, depending on the case, to call one or another service on a toy phone. The task is considered completed if, according to the child's story, it is possible to understand where and for what purpose this or that service should come. (The role of the person on duty is performed by the educator).

"If a fire breaks out"

Target: teach children to finish a riddle poem in rhyme;to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of safe handling of fire.

Rules of the game: children, holding hands, form a circle, in its center there is a teacher with a balloon (ball) in his hands. He pronounces the lines of the poem and, pausing at the last word, passes the ball (ball) to the child, who quickly completes the word and returns the ball to the teacher.

This ball is not in vain.

If there was a fire before,

The signal ball soared skyward -

Summoned firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire,

Where a ball will fly into the sky

There will threaten us everywhere

Angry, ruthless ... (fire).

One two three four -

Who has a fire in ... (apartment)?

Smoke rose suddenly.

Who didn't turn off ... (iron)?

The table and cupboard burned down at once.

Who dried clothes over ... (gas).

The flames jumped into the grass.

Who burned at home ... (foliage).

I saw smoke - don't yawn

And firefighters ... (call).

Remember, every citizen -

This number ... (01)!

"Good bad"

Target: to form ideas about the useful and harmful properties of fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Game progress:

The child is shown a picture depicting various uses of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards with the image of fire and objects associated with fire (matches, wood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.) children should place the cards on the picture - to the right place.

"Lotto-fire safety"

Target: with the help of plot pictures to form the idea of ​​children about dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation that has arisen. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The teacher distributes cards to the players, lined with 10 empty rectangles (playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation in a fire (a boy plays with matches, a girl ran out onto the balcony of a burning apartment, the iron is left unattended, the children turned on the Christmas tree, etc.) ). The child, who correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. The winner is the one with the most closed fields.

"Card quiz"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about fire safety rules. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The teacher lays out on the table, or puts squats in a beautifully designed box with questions about the rules of behavior during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly receives a token. The winner is the one who has more chips at the end of the game.

Options for questions:

Name the possible cause of the fire;

How to call firefighters correctly;

What to do if during a fire there is no way to call the firefighters, and the paths from the house are cut off by the fire;

Is it possible to extinguish the fire without first calling the firefighters;

What to do if there is a smell of gas in the house;

Is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire;

Is it possible to set fire to poplar fluff;

Is it possible to arrange a draft during a fire by opening all windows and doors at the same time;

Is it possible to use the elevator during a fire in the house;

What needs to be saved in the first place during a fire: money, documents or yourself;

How to properly leave a smoky room;

Is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why.

"Name the causes of the fire"

Target: to form knowledge about the causes of the fire. To develop attention, memory, speech. Foster responsibility.

Game progress:

From the plot pictures suggested by the teacher (children collect autumn leaves, children hang burning candles on the tree, a boy plays with matches in a closet, children water flowers, etc.), the child should choose those situations that can cause a fire and argue his answer for what gets the chip. The winner is the one with the most chips by the end of the game.

"Choose what you want"

Target: to form the knowledge of children about the items necessary for extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use. Consolidate knowledge about subjects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The child is offered a set of subject pictures (a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water. TV. A telephone, a box of sand, an electrical outlet, a fire hose, a kerosene lamp, a fireman's helmet, a lighter, a gas stove, a gas mask) from which he must choose which are used in extinguishing fires and causing the occurrence of a fire. The person who answered correctly receives the chip. The player with the most chips wins.

Postnik Olga Fedorovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MADOU " Kindergarten"The Golden Cockerel"
Locality: the city of Novy Urengoy
Material name: Educational - methodical manual
Topic:"Card file of OBZH games for senior preschool children."
Date of publication: 14.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Card file of OBZH games for older preschool children.
Preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed. It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. All this should be explained to children in detail, and then monitor their implementation. After all, safety and a healthy lifestyle are a lifestyle and adequate behavior in various situations. The main goal of educators is to stimulate the development of independence and responsibility in children, to bring up the need for a healthy lifestyle in children. Teach children the rules of behavior on the road, on the water, in nature, and in various life situations. Games allow you to acquaint children with the sources of danger, precautions when handling potentially dangerous objects, and develop skills and habits of safe behavior.
Topic: Road safety.

to consolidate children's ideas about transport, the ability to recognize objects by description; develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech activity.
pictures (cards) with the image of transport.
Game progress:
The teacher tells children riddles about the types of transport. Who is the first of the children to guess what kind of transport the riddle is talking about receives a picture with his image. Whoever has more pictures at the end of the game is the winner. 2.
Lotto "Play and dare!"

to learn to correlate the speech form of the description of road signs with their graphic image; develop mental abilities and visual perception; educate independence, quick reaction, ingenuity.
tables with road signs, blank cards.
Game progress:
The game involves 4 - 6 children, in front of whom are laid out tables with road signs and blank cards. The teacher reads riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their images on the table with cards. The winner is the one who is the first to correctly close all the images that sounded in riddles or poems. 3.
Didactic game "Think -

guess "
clarify ideas about transport and traffic rules; to activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; bring up quick-wittedness and resourcefulness.
Game progress:
The teacher asks the children questions. Which of the children knows the correct answer raises his hand. Whoever answers correctly first gets a chip. The winner is the one who received more chips for correct answers.
Sample questions:
- How many wheels does a car have? (4) - How many people can ride one bike? (1) - Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)
- Who drives the car? (Driver) - What is the name of the intersection of the two roads? (Crossroads) - What is the roadway for? (For traffic) - On which side of the carriageway is traffic moving? (On the right) - What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates the traffic rules? (Accident or traffic accident) - What is the overhead light at a traffic light? (Red) - How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three) - What animal does a pedestrian crossing look like? (On the zebra crossing) - What cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police vehicles) - What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand) - Where do you need to play in order not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground). 4.
Didactic game "Collect the Sign"

to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules; develop logical thinking, attentiveness; foster a culture of safe behavior for children on the road and in public places.
in envelopes puzzles - road signs, chips.
Game progress:
The teacher seats the children in the carriages and, at the general command (whistle signal), the children open the envelopes and put their signs from the parts (puzzles). After 5 - 7 minutes, the game stops. How many signs are collected correctly, the team gets so many points. You can earn extra points if the players answer correctly what the sign is called and what it means. For the correct answer, the teacher gives the crew a token. 5.
Didactic game "Red -


reinforce children's ideas about road signs; develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity, resourcefulness.
balloons in red and green.
Game progress:
You need to take two balls - green and red. The teacher gives the child a red ball in his hand, the child names the prohibiting sign. If it is a green ball, it names a permissive, prescriptive sign. Doesn't name - drops out of the game. And the winner receives a balloon as a reward. 6.
Didactic game "Traffic light"

to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals, develop attention, visual perception; educate independence, quick reaction, ingenuity.
circles of red, yellow, green, traffic light.
Game progress:
The presenter, having distributed circles of green, yellow, red colors to the children, switches the traffic light sequentially, and the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each of them means. 7.
Didactic game "Arrow, arrow,

spin around ... "

Teach children to distinguish and correctly name road signs, their
Game progress:
From 2 to 10 children can participate in the game. Children sit around the table, everyone receives maps with road signs. The teacher explains to the children that they will
appointment; develop attention, memory; educate moral qualities: consistency and cooperation.
maps with road signs, yellow circles. spin the disc in turn and for a correctly named road sign and its purpose, they will receive a yellow circle from the cashier and close the same sign on their card, if any. A cashier is appointed, yellow circles are given to him. The teacher distributes cards to the sitting children. The game begins. The presenter spins the disk and, together with the children, pronounces the words: Arrow, arrow, circle, Show all your signs, Show us quickly, What sign is sweeter for you! Stop! The arrow stops, the presenter names the road sign and its purpose. If the child named the sign correctly, the cashier gives him a yellow circle, the child closes the same one on the card. If there is no such sign on his card, he asks: "Who has the same sign?" And the cashier gives the circle to the one who has this sign on the card (provided that the sign and its purpose are named correctly). Then the disc is transferred to a neighbor and the game continues. In case of difficulty or error, the child does not receive a yellow circle, but the disc is passed to the next child in turn. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his signs with yellow circles. The game ends when all the children’s cards are covered with yellow circles. eight.
Quiz "Avtomulti".

to teach to correlate a fairy-tale character and his vehicle, to name correctly, to develop memory, thinking, ingenuity.
Game progress:
Children are encouraged to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.
Sample questions:
1. On what did Emelya go to the king's palace? (On the stove) 2. Favorite two-wheeled mode of transport for Leopold's cat? (Bicycle) 3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (Jam) 4. What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor give to the postman Pechkin? (Bicycle) 5. What did the fairy godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella? (Into the carriage) 6. What did the old man Hottabych fly on? (On an airplane carpet) 7. Personal transport of Baba Yaga? (Stupa) 8. Why did the person scattered from Basseinaya Street go to Leningrad? (By train) 9. Bears rode on a bicycle, And behind them a cat Backwards, And after him mosquitoes ... What were the mosquitoes flying on? (On a balloon.) 10. What did Kai ride? (On a sled) 11. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (On the core)
12. Why did the queen and the baby sail on the sea in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan"? (In a barrel) 9.
Intellectual game "Who is most likely to give


to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, behavior on the street; develop thinking, memory, intelligence, speech.
Game progress:
The teacher divides the children into two teams, asks questions, the children are responsible, and a token is awarded for the correct answer. The team with the most chips wins.
Sample questions.
1. What parts does the street consist of? (road, sidewalk) 2. Where can children walk? (in the yard) 3. How should you behave on the bus? (do not shout, quietly) 4. Where are people waiting for transport? (at the bus stop) 5. Where can you cross the road? (traffic light, pedestrian crossing) 6. What are the traffic signals? (red, yellow, green) 7. What signal can you cross the road to? (on green) 8. Who can you cross the road with? (with adults) 9. What is the name of the person driving the car? (driver) 10. What does the car consist of? (body, cab, wheels) 11. Where do cars go, where do pedestrians go? (on the road, on the sidewalk) 12. What are the road signs? (prohibiting, warning, service signs, informational, directional, prescriptive signs) 13. How to bypass the bus? (wait until he leaves) 14. What types of transport? (passenger, air, sea, land, cargo, animal-drawn, special, etc.). 10.
Didactic game "Who is more likely

will collect ".

to form the ability to add an image of a machine from the details of a geometric mosaic constructor, combining various figures, changing their position on the plane of the table; develop logical thinking, the ability to compose a whole from parts.
diagrams depicting machines consisting of different geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, square, circle); details of the geometric constructor - mosaics.
Game progress:
The teacher, together with the children, consider what parts the cars consist of (body, cab, wheels); what geometric shapes are used (triangle, rectangle, square, circle). Further, the educator offers to lay out the image of the machine on the plane of the table from the details of the geometric constructor - mosaic, based on the diagram. eleven.
Word game "Yes, no"

Game progress:
The teacher asks questions, children

to consolidate the rules of the road, behavior in transport. Develop quick thinking, auditory perception, attentiveness. chorus answer “yes” or “no”.
Option I:
Riding fast in the mountain? - Yes. Do you know the traffic rules? - Yes. There is a red light in the traffic light. Can I walk across the street? - No. Well, the green one is on, so then Can I walk across the street? ”“ Yes. I got on the tram, but did not take the ticket. Is that supposed to be done? ”“ No. Old woman, very old, will you give her a place on the tram? - Yes. To the lazy person, you suggested the answer, Well, did you help him with this? - No. Well done, guys, let's remember what is “no” and what is “yes”, And to do the right thing, always try!
Option II:
Are the traffic lights familiar to all children? Does everyone in the world know him? Is he on duty by the road? Does he have arms, legs? There are flashlights - three eyes ?! Does it include all of them at once? So he turned on the red light. Does this mean there is no move? Which one should we go to? Blue - can it be an obstacle? Are we going to yellow? On green - singing? Well, probably, then we'll get up on the green, huh? Can I run on red? Well, but if you are careful? And then go in single file, Then, of course, you can? Yes! I believe in the eyes, ears The traffic light is familiar to all of you! And, of course, I am very happy for the competent guys! 12.
Didactic game "Repair

traffic lights"

reinforce children's knowledge of traffic signals.
traffic light pattern, circles of red, yellow, green colors.
Game progress:
The teacher explains to the children that the traffic light has broken, it is necessary to repair the traffic light (correctly assemble by color). Children overlay circles on a ready-made traffic light template. " thirteen.
Word game "This is me, this is me, this is all mine


to consolidate the rules of the road, behavior in transport.
Game progress:
The teacher asks questions, if the children agree, then they answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if they do not agree, they are silent. - Which of you, when in a hurry, runs in front of the transport? - Who among you goes forward only where the transition is? (this is me, this is me ...) - Who knows that the red light means there is no move? (it's me, it's me ...) - Who flies forward so quickly that he doesn't see the traffic light? - Who knows that the green light means - the way is open? (this is me, this is me ...) - Tell me, who runs out of the tram onto the road? - Who of you, walking home, is walking along
pavement? (this is me, this is me ...) - Which of you in the tram is cramped to give way to adults? (this is me, this is me ...). 14.
Didactic game "Our street"

to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in street conditions; to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light; to teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescribing, informational and directional), intended for drivers and pedestrians.
street layout with houses, crossroads; cars (toys); dolls - pedestrians; dolls - drivers; traffic light (toy); road signs, trees (layouts) The game is played on a layout

Game progress:
With the help of puppets, children, on the instructions of a teacher, act out various road situations. 15.
Didactic game "Put the road


teach children to distinguish between the following road signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian crossing", (warning); "Entry prohibited", "Passage closed" (prohibiting); Straight, Right, Left, Roundabout, Footpath (prescriptive); "Parking place", "Pedestrian crossing", "Medical aid point", "Gas station", "Telephone", "Food point" (information and guidance); to educate attention, skills of orientation in space.
road signs; street layout with the image of roads, pedestrian crossings, buildings, intersections, cars.
Game progress:
playing out various road situations. sixteen.
Subject-didactic game

"Pedestrians and Drivers"

teach the rules of the road, behavior on the roads, consolidate the ideas of children about the purpose of traffic lights, instill sustainable motivation to comply with traffic rules, develop attention, thinking, orientation in space.
road signs, traffic lights, steering wheels, bags with toys, a table, coupons, a toy store sign, toys, strollers, dolls, certificates - a green circle made of cardboard. Children in uniform
Game progress:
Some of the guys represent pedestrians, and some - drivers. Drivers must pass the chauffeur test and receive the vehicle. Guys - the drivers go to the table where the "traffic police commission" is located and take the exam. Pedestrians head to the toy store to shop. Then, with dolls and carriages, they go to the crossroads. The commission asks the drivers: - What kind of light can the cars move to? - What kind of light is it forbidden to move? - What is a carriageway? - What is the sidewalk? - Name the signs ("pedestrian crossing",
traffic police inspectors (cap, cloak with letters traffic police inspector or traffic police badge), children - pedestrians, children - drivers, child - a toy seller. "Children", etc.) Those who passed the exam receive certificates (green circle) and coupons; members of the commission congratulates them. Drivers go to the parking lot, get into them and drive to the regulated intersection. Pedestrians from the store also go to this intersection. At the crossroads: - Attention! The movement along the streets will now begin. Watch the traffic light, (the traffic light is connected, cars are driving, pedestrians are walking. Signals change.) The game continues until all the children learn the traffic rules. 17.
Didactic game "Our friend

sentry "

to consolidate ideas about the profession of a traffic controller, its functions; designations of gestures (which gesture corresponds to which traffic light), develop attention, a benevolent attitude towards peers

cap, traffic controller's baton.
Game progress:
the teacher reads a poem and offers to play a game. Look: the guard Got up on our pavement Quickly held out his hand, Deftly waved his wand. Have you seen? Have you seen? All the cars stopped at once. Amicably stood in three rows And do not go anywhere. The people are not worried, They walk across the street. And stands on the pavement, Like a wizard sentry. All machines to one Obey him. (Y. Pishumov) Leading guard. Children players are divided into pedestrians and drivers. At the gesture of the traffic controller, drivers and pedestrians walk (drive) or stop. Initially, the teacher takes on the role of a guard. Then, when the children have mastered the traffic signaling gestures, they can take turns in this role. eighteen.
Subject-didactic game "Find

safe way "

to consolidate the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop thinking, memory, attention, expand vocabulary.
street (road part) layout, road signs, traffic lights, transport (cars, trucks).
Preparing for the game:
Depending on the age of the children, the teacher tells or asks the children: - Is it possible to cross the street everywhere? - What signs indicate that it is allowed to cross the street in this place? - Where and why should you look at the beginning of the street crossing? - Where and why should you look in the middle of the street along which cars go in two directions? - What does a pedestrian crossing sign look like and what does it warn about? - Why did you draw a "zebra" on the road?
Game progress:
children play different
situations on the layout. nineteen.
Didactic game "Where is my place?"


large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, cones, cylinders, etc.) for the construction of the road, placement of warnings on the road (school, canteen, road repairs, etc.) corresponding to the studied traffic signs.
Game progress:
The task of the players is to replace the verbal warnings with the necessary signs. The game can be played in two ways. 1. One player places signs, the rest evaluate the correctness. 2. Two players compete, who will place the signs faster and more correctly. twenty.
Didactic game "Confusion"

consolidate knowledge of traffic signs, develop thinking, attention, memory, speech.
building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, etc.), road signs, magic hats.
Preparing for the game:
The teacher constructs the road in advance and places the signs incorrectly (there is a Slippery Road sign near the Zebra, etc.) Then he tells the children a story about how evil “spirits” decided to make a mess in the city and asks for help to fix the situation.
Game progress:
Children, having turned into good wizards, place signs correctly. Explain what they are doing. 21.
Didactic game "Road


teach the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop thinking, memory, attention, speech.
large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement of road signs on the road.
Preparing for the game:
Road construction and sign placement.
Game progress:
A child - a driver - a student passing an exam for the right to drive a car. He "drives" along the road and, seeing this or that sign, explains what he must do. For example: there is a slippery road ahead. Slowing down, driving carefully, not overtaking other cars. 22.
Didactic game "Do

order "

large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement of road signs on the road, signs indicating "stations" (canteen, railway crossing, kindergarten, school, hospital, etc.), steering wheels ...
Preparing for the game:
Construction of the road and the placement of the studied signs.
Game progress:
Children from the "dispatcher" (educator) are given an assignment to go, for example, to a hospital. The child goes and comes back. Then he receives two tasks at once: "Go to the railway crossing, then eat in the cafeteria." The child must complete the tasks in a given sequence. Gradually, the number of orders given at the same time is increasing. 23.
Didactic game "Turns"

develop coordination of hand movements (right, left), visual attention, thinking, the ability to execute a command, according to the sign in the hands of the teacher.
Preparing for the game:
Children are lined up facing the teacher. If the game is played by a subgroup of 6 people, the children are given steering wheels. The teacher has signs: "Move straight", "Move to the right", "Move

signs: "Drive straight", "Drive to the right", "Drive to the left", rudders. left".
Game progress:
If the teacher shows the sign "Move straight", then the children take one step forward, if the sign "Move to the right" - children, imitating the turn of the steering wheel, turn right, if the sign "Move to the left" - children, imitating the turn of the steering wheel, turn left. 24.
Didactic game "How to get there?"

to consolidate the rules of the road, to develop orientation in space, attention, thinking, memory, the ability to execute a command in a given sequence.
large building material (cubes, bricks, etc.), signs "Move straight", "Move right", "Move left".
Preparing for the game:
Construction of a road using the signs "Straight ahead", "Traffic to the right", "Traffic to the left". The points of departure and destination are marked.
Game progress:
Children (one to three) must drive correctly to their destination. The winner is the one who did it faster, without breaking traffic rules. 25.
Didactic game "Guess the Sign"

consolidate knowledge about road signs, develop thinking, attention, observation.
road signs, tokens.
Preparing for the game:
All the studied signs are placed at a distance from each other.
Game progress:
The teacher reads out a verbal description of what this or that sign means. Children must run to the correct sign. Children who choose the correct sign receive a token. At the end of the game, who has the number of tokens is counted and the winners are determined. 26.
Didactic game "Pass the wand"

to consolidate children's ideas about road signs, traffic rules, exercise in the correct naming of road signs, the formulation of traffic rules, develop logical thinking, attention, intelligence, activate speech.
traffic controller's rod.
Game progress:
The players line up in a circle. The traffic controller's rod is passed to the player on the left. Prerequisite: take the wand with the right hand, transfer it to the left and pass it to another participant. The program is broadcast to music. As soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the rod lifts it up and names any rule of the road (or road sign). A traffic sign that is hesitant or misnamed is eliminated from the game. The last remaining player wins. 27.
Didactic game "Teremok"

to teach children to distinguish road signs, to know their purpose for pedestrians, car drivers and cyclists; to educate attention, orientation in space.
A fairy-tale house "Teremok" with a cut-out window, a cardboard strip with road signs depicted on it. (warning signs: railway crossing, children, pedestrian crossing, dangerous turn; prescriptive signs: straight ahead, right, left, roundabout, pedestrian
Game progress:
The strip is moved (from top to bottom or from left to right, road signs alternately appear in the window). Children name signs, explain their meaning.
track; information signs and signs of special instructions: parking place, pedestrian crossing, telephone) 28.
Didactic game "Driving school"

reinforce children's knowledge of how to cross the street; on the appointment of a traffic light, traffic controller and road signs; exercise in orientation in space and time; cultivate courage, resourcefulness, the ability to help a friend.
Double sheet of cardboard: pictures of various traffic situations are pasted on the left sheet, the rules are written on the right sheet.
Game progress:
Children look at pictures depicting various traffic situations. They must explain the situation depicted in the picture, evaluate the behavior of pedestrians, children at traffic lights, the need for the right road sign. 29.
Didactic game "Recognize the Sign"

reinforce children's knowledge of road signs.
2 cardboard discs, connected in the center with a screw. On the lower circle, road signs are glued along the edge. On the outer circle at the edge, a window is cut out in size slightly larger than the road signs. By rotating the disc, the child finds the desired sign.
Game progress:
Children are shown a picture depicting the situation on the road. They must find a road sign to put up here. thirty.
Didactic game "On the island"

reinforce children's knowledge of how to bypass different types of transport; to introduce the most common traffic situations and the corresponding pedestrian behavior rules.
pictures depicting various situations involving pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights.
Game progress:
Children should consider and explain the situation depicted in the picture, evaluate the behavior of pedestrians, passengers, drivers; explain the need to install the required road sign. 31.
Didactic game "Fourth


: develop thinking, auditory perception.
Game progress:
the teacher names the words, the children must identify the extra word, justify the answer. - Name an extra road user: 1. Truck  House  Ambulance  Snowblower  2. Name the extra means of transport: Car  Truck  Bus  Baby carriage  3. Name a means of transport that is not related to public transport : Bus  Tram  Truck  Trolleybus  4. Name the extra “eye” of the traffic light: Red  Blue  Yellow  Green  32.
Word game "Word game"

develop thinking, auditory
Game progress:
1. Clap your hands when you hear the word,
perception, intensify the speech of children. related to traffic lights. Explain the choice of each word.
three eyes, standing on the street, intersection, blue light, one leg, yellow light, red light, crossing the street, pedestrian assistant, green light, standing at home. 2. Clap your hands when you hear the word referring to the passenger. Explain the choice of each word.
bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, sleeping, ticket, conductor, airplane flight, pedestrian, seat, salon, bed. 3.
Compose a story with the words:
morning, breakfast, road to school (kindergarten), sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, intersection, ground crossing, traffic light, kindergarten. 33.
Didactic game "Ball game"

to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, road signs.
Game progress:
The teacher with the ball stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to the child, while asking a question. He answers and throws the ball to the teacher. The game is played with all the children in turn. Educator: Who is walking along the road? Child: Pedestrian. Educator: Who is driving the car? Child: Driver. Educator: How many "eyes" does a traffic light have? Child: Three eyes. Educator: If the red "eye" is on, then what is he talking about? Child: Wait and wait. Educator: If the yellow "eye" is on, then what is he talking about? Child: Wait. Educator: If the green "eye" is on, then what is he talking about? Child: You can go. Educator: Our legs are walking along the pedestrian ... Child: Walkway. Educator: Where are we waiting for the bus? Child: At the bus stop. Educator: Where do we play hide and seek? Child: On the playground. 34.
Didactic game "Listen -

remember "

to consolidate the rules of the road and the behavior of pedestrians on the street, to develop coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.
a rod for traffic regulation.
Game progress:
The presenter, with a baton in his hand, approaches one of the participants in the game, hands him the baton and asks about the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street. "Name one of the rules of conduct for a pedestrian on the street." - "you can not cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle." If the answer is correct, the host hands over the rod to another participant.
games, etc. it is necessary that the answers are not repeated, so everyone should be careful. 35.
Didactic game "Who is more

will name the road signs? "

to train children in recognizing and correctly naming road signs, to develop attention, thinking, memory, speech.
road signs.
Game progress:
the presenter shows signs, the children answer, observing the order. 36.
Didactic game "Sidewalk and Children"

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of the road. Teach children to choose the right place to play. Cultivate a quick reaction to what is happening.
The course of the game.
Have the children build a house with an arch from the bricks. The arch should be large enough for toy cars to drive through. Ask the children to place them in front of the arch. The dolls will represent soccer boys or girls playing classics. A ping-pong ball can be used as a soccer ball, and "classics" can be depicted using strips of paper or strings. Several children can participate in the game at the same time, which change their roles. In the course of the game, the boys play football with the help of puppets, and the girls - the game of "classics". At the same time, one child pushes a toy car through the arch and beeps loudly. Children quickly remove the dolls from the road and carry them away from the arch. The plot can be varied. For example, a bunny leans out of the window of a toy house and warns of danger. A similar plot can be played out using a tabletop theater. 37.
Didactic game

"What sign should there be?"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs, to be able to choose a sign in connection with the created environment, the development of speech.
Game progress:
Children are given cards with a drawn plot, and looking at them, you need to say and draw the appropriate sign. 38.
Didactic game

"Color the road signs"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of road signs - reinforcing, indicative, prescribing.
Game progress:
Sheets of paper with drawn signs - contours are distributed. Children should type in the color of the sign and explain why they did it. 39.
Didactic game

“Draw road signs in the figures.

movement "

To consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic signs and draw them in geometric shapes, to educate the ability to accurately paint over.
Game progress:
Children are given cards with drawn geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) and a specific task is given. For example, draw a sign - traffic is prohibited, underpass, be careful children. 40.
Didactic game

Game progress:

"I am a traffic controller"

Strengthen the ability of children to understand the signs of the traffic controller. A poster with plot pictures is hung up - a traffic controller on the road. 1. The traffic controller stands straight, the rod at the bottom is a red light, that is, you cannot cross. 2. If the rod is raised straight up, it is a yellow light - that is, prepare for the transition. 3. The rod is pressed to the chest, and the traffic controller stands sideways - this is a green light, to cross the road behind the traffic controller. 4. Wand parallel to outstretched arms - from the left and right sides - movement is allowed. 41.
Didactic game

"Connect the cut halves

signs "

Assemble a whole from parts, consolidate the knowledge of road signs.
Game progress:
Children are given road signs cut in half, they need to collect whole signs and explain what they mean. 42.
Didactic game

"Who should move on which road"

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the traffic rules for pedestrians, motorists, cyclists.
Game progress:
Children are given cards with painted road signs. At the bottom of the cards are depicted - a pedestrian, a car, a cyclist. Each of them has its own color of the arrow with the help of which the child must indicate the path of each of them. 43.
Outdoor game "To your signs"

reinforce children's ideas about road signs; develop attention, logical thinking, intelligence, orientation in space

road signs.
Game progress:
The players are divided into groups of 5–7 people, hold hands in circles. A driver with a sign enters the middle of each circle, explaining its meaning. Then the music sounds, the children disperse around the playground, dance. Drivers at this time change places and signs. At the signal, the players must quickly find their mark and stand in a circle. Drivers hold the sign above their heads. 44.
An outdoor game "Traffic signals".

to develop intelligence, quickness of reaction, attention, visual perception, to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards peers, consistency and cooperation.
a bag with balls of red, yellow, green, rack.
Game progress:
Stands are placed on the site from start to finish. The players of each team stand one after the other in a chain at the start rack and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The host of the game is holding a bag with balls (balls) of red, yellow, green color. The captains take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out one ball at a time. If the captain took out a red or yellow ball, then the team stands still; green - moves to the next rack. Whose team will come to the finish line faster, she won. 45.
An outdoor game “Where have we been, we are not

let's say what we drove, we'll show you "

consolidate knowledge about modes of transport, teach children to depict modes of transport in a team, with the help of hands, emotional expressiveness, sounds,
Game progress:
Each team decides which vehicle will be portrayed (trolleybus, carriage, motor ship, steam locomotive, helicopter). The vehicle presentation must take place without comment. The opposing team guesses the plan.
develop creativity, plasticity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, foster consistency, cooperation. The task can be complicated by offering the team a specific mode of transport. 46.
Outdoor game "Zebra"

train children in the accuracy of the rules of the game, develop quick reaction, speed, orientation in space

strips of white paper (cardboard).
Game progress:
All participants in each team, except for the last one, are given a strip of white paper (cardboard). On signal - the first participant puts down the strip, gets up and returns to his team. The second one walks strictly along his own lane, puts down his "step" of the zebra and comes back. The last participant walks along all the strips, returning, collects them. 47.
Outdoor game "Glazomer"

to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs, quantitative counting, develop logical thinking, quick wit, resourcefulness, an eye, orientation in space, foster consistency, cooperation.
road signs.
Game progress:
In the playing field, road signs are installed at different distances from the teams. The participant of the game must name the sign and the number of steps to it. Then the participant goes to this sign. If the participant made a mistake and did not reach the mark or crossed it, he returns to his team. The signs on the field are placed differently. The team wins, all the players of which will "walk" faster and more accurately to the marks. 48.
Mobile game "Trucks"

rudders, sandbags for each team and two stands.
Game progress:
The first team members hold the steering wheel in their hands, a bag of sand is placed on their heads - a load. After the start, the competitors run around their stance and pass the steering wheel and load to the next competitor. The team that completes the task first and does not drop the load wins. 49.
Outdoor game "Trams"

to develop agility, speed, quickness of reaction, accuracy of movements, consistency and cooperation in a team.
you will need one hoop for each team and one stance.
Game progress:
Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The task of the participants is to run around the rack as soon as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The first team to complete the task wins. 50.
Outdoor game "Run to the sign"

to train children in memorizing road signs, to develop memory, intelligence, quickness of reaction, speed, orientation in space.
road signs.
Game progress:
At the signal of the teacher, the child runs to a road sign, which the teacher calls. If the child makes a mistake in choosing a sign, then he returns to the end of the column. 51.
Outdoor game "Traffic light"

to teach to correlate actions with the color of traffic lights, to develop attention, visual perception, thinking, ingenuity.
circles of red, yellow, green.
Game progress:
The teacher shows the circle, and the children perform the actions: - red - are silent; - yellow - clap their hands; - green - stomp their feet. - to red - take a step back, - to yellow - squat, - to green - march in place. 52.
Mobile game "Colored cars"
Purpose: to fix the colors of the traffic light (red,
Game progress:
Children are placed along the wall or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. To each
yellow, green), train children in the ability to respond to color, develop visual perception and attention, orientation in space.
rudders of red, yellow, green, signal cards or flags of red, yellow, green. a steering wheel of a different color is given. The presenter stands facing the players with signals of the same color as the rudders. The presenter raises a signal of a certain color. Children who have rudders of the same color run out. When the presenter lowers the signal, the children stop and go to their garage. Children walk during the game, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. Then the host raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes. 53.
An outdoor game "Stop - Go"

to develop dexterity, speed, quickness of reaction, accuracy of movements, auditory and visual attention.
traffic light layout.
Game progress:
Children players are located on one side of the room, and the driver with a pedestrian traffic light in his hands is on the other. Players at the traffic light "Go" begin to move towards the driver. At the signal "Stop" they freeze. At the signal "Go" I continue to move. The one who reaches the leader first wins and takes his place. Players can move by jogging or in small rooms with "midgets", moving their feet to the length of the feet, heel to toe. 54.
An outdoor game "Nimble pedestrian"

develop an eye, dexterity, attention, exercise in throwing the ball with the right hand on the go.
a traffic light, a planar vertical image with round holes cut into it, the diameter of which is larger than a ball, a rubber or plastic ball.
Game progress:
Pedestrians take turns crossing the intersection. To jump means to throw the ball into the green peephole of the traffic light on the go. If you hit the red one, you are out of the game. Hit the yellow one - you get the right to throw the ball again. 55.
An outdoor game "Birds and a car".

develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space, attention.
steering wheel or toy car.
Game progress:
Children - birds fly around the room, flap their arms (wings). The teacher says: Birds have arrived, Birds are small, Everyone flew, everyone flew, children run, smoothly flapping their arms Waving their wings. So they flew, Waving their wings. They flew onto the path and sat down, tapping their knees with their fingers. The seeds were pecking. The teacher picks up a steering wheel or a toy car and says: The car runs down the street, puffs, hurries, blows the horn. Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware, Tra-ta-ta, beware, step aside! Children - birds run from the car.
Topic: Safety in case of fire.

Game name, goal, source

The course of the game.

Strengthen children's knowledge of fire safety.
Game rules:
Show the picture to the teacher's question - the answer.
Pictures with a picture of a box with matches, phone 01; lightning striking a tree; iron; 02; 03; burning table; buckets of water.
Game action:
The choice of the proposed pictures - the correct picture. Children are given cards. The teacher offers to answer the question by showing the desired card. -Why is the fire happening? -What should you do if there is a fire? -What is the phone number for help? For the correct answer, the child receives a token. The one who gets the most chips wins. 2.
Didactic game "Expand on

order "

To acquaint children with the order of actions in case of fire.
Used pictures with images message by phone "01" about the fire; evacuation of people; extinguishing a fire by adults before the arrival of firefighters, if it is not dangerous; firefighters meeting; the work of firefighters.
Game progress:
Children should arrange the cards in the right order and talk about the actions depicted on them. 3.
Word game "Burime

: To develop phonemic hearing, the ability to rhyme, consolidate knowledge of fire safety.
The course of the game.
The presenter reads two-line verses, the last word in the second line, the children come up with themselves, rhyming it with the last word of the previous line. We will quickly defeat the fire, if we call on ...
If the fence begins to burn, Get it out quickly ...
If everything is in smoke with us, Put it on ...
Firefighters are not in vain The color of the car is bright ...
Our hose was very old and could not extinguish ...
The staircase rushed higher and higher, Climbed to the very ...
Along the street, like a bird, A car on fire ...
Trouble awaits in the fire
If it's over ... (
... In order to defeat the fire, we must in time ...
(be on time).
Oh, dangerous sisters, These little ...
Everyone is obliged to know where it hangs ...
(fire extinguisher).
In case of fire, do not yawn, Fire with water ...
(fill in).
Wooden sisters In a box. This...
If you don’t waste your time, you will quickly cope with ...
(by fire).
Didactic game

"Listen carefully"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about fire hazardous subjects, to develop dialogical and monologue speech, the ability to compose a story according to plan.
Game progress:
The teacher asks questions, and the children answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Then the teacher distributes cards with pictures of dangerous objects, and each child composes a short story according to the plan: 1. What is this? 2. Can I touch it? 3. Why not? 5.
Didactic game "Chain

security "

Repeat safety rules.
chips for each child.
Game progress:
Any number of children take part in the game, they need to be given answers to a question, for example: What causes of fires do you know? Each child should take turns giving their reason. For the correct answer, the child is given a chip, the winner is the one with the most chips. Sample questions: How can a fire be prevented? What should be done if a fire breaks out in the apartment? What are the rules for handling electrical appliances? Name the dangerous item and explain why it is dangerous. Etc. 6.
Didactic game

"Call the firefighters"

Strengthen the ability of children to dial the fire department number 01, clearly pronounce the address, their last name, indicate what is on.
Game progress:
You will need 2 phones to play. One dispatcher phone, the second - at the victim's. The child dials the number "01" and clearly calls the firefighters. When calling, you must be able to clearly: a) state your last name, first name
b) indicate what exactly is burning c) inform the address of the burning object. 7.
Didactic game: "Lotto - fire


with the help of plot pictures to form the idea of ​​children about dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation that has arisen. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.
Game progress:
The teacher distributes cards to the players, lined with 10 empty rectangles (playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation in a fire (a boy plays with matches, a girl ran out onto the balcony of a burning apartment, the iron is left unattended, the children turned on the Christmas tree, etc.) ). The child, who correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. The winner is the one who has more closed fields. eight.
Didactic game "Card


to consolidate the knowledge of children about fire safety rules. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.
Game progress:
The teacher lays out on the table, or puts squats in a beautifully designed box with questions about the rules of behavior during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly receives a token. The winner is the one who has more chips at the end of the game.
Options for questions:
- Name the possible cause of the fire; - how to call firefighters correctly; - what to do if during a fire there is no way to call the firefighters, and the paths from the house are cut off by the fire; - is it possible to extinguish the fire without first calling the firefighters; - what to do if there is a smell of gas in the house; - is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire; - is it possible to set fire to poplar fluff; - is it possible to arrange a draft during a fire, opening all windows and doors at the same time; - is it possible to use the elevator during a fire in the house; - what needs to be saved during a fire in the first place: money, documents or yourself; - how to properly leave a smoky room; - is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why. 9.
Didactic game: "State the reasons

fire "

to form knowledge about the causes of the fire. Develop attention, memory, speech. Foster responsibility.
Game progress:
From the plot pictures suggested by the teacher (children collect autumn leaves, children hang burning candles on the Christmas tree, a boy plays with matches in a closet, children water flowers, etc.), the child must choose those situations
who can cause a fire and argue their answer, for which he receives a chip. The winner is the one with the most chips by the end of the game. 10
Didactic game: "Choose what you want"

to form the knowledge of children about the items necessary for extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use. Consolidate knowledge about subjects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Foster a sense of responsibility.
Game progress:
The child is offered a set of object pictures (fire extinguisher, bucket of water. TV. Telephone, box with sand, electrical outlet, fire hose, kerosene lamp, fireman's helmet, lighter, gas stove, gas mask) from which he must choose which are used in extinguishing fires and causing the occurrence of a fire. The person who answered correctly receives the chip. The player with the most chips wins. eleven
Didactic game: "Fold the picture"

to consolidate knowledge about the rules of conduct during a fire. Develop imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hand. To cultivate perseverance.
Game progress:
The child should put together a picture cut into 8-10 parts with the depicted situation in a fire. 12
Didactic game: "Good - bad"

to form ideas about the useful and harmful properties of fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.
Game progress:
The child is shown a picture depicting various uses of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards with the image of fire and objects associated with fire (matches, wood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.) children should place the cards on the picture - to the right place. thirteen
Didactic game: "The fourth


consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. develop logical thinking, enrich the vocabulary of children.
Game progress:
from the four suggested pictures depicted on one card, the child chooses an extra one associated or not associated with a fire. An example is a boiler, hairbrush, saucepan, casket; carpet, TV, picture, chair, etc.) 14
Didactic game: "Tell

word "

reinforce knowledge of fire prevention measures. Develop vocabulary, attention, memory.
Game progress:
The teacher, together with the children, stands in a circle, passes the red ball to the child, who must finish the line of poetry. Where people are careless with fire, There a ball will rise in the sky, There will always be an evil threat to us ... .... (Fire) One, two, three, four. Who has a fire in ... .. (apartment) Smoke rose suddenly. Who didn’t turn off ... .. (iron) A red glow ran. Who with matches ... ... (played)
The table and cupboard burned down at once. Who was drying clothes over ... (gas) The flame jumped into the foliage. Who burned at the house ... (grass) Who threw into the fire at the same time Unfamiliar ... (objects) Remember every citizen: This number: .... (01) I saw the smoke, do not yawn. And firemen .... (call) 15
Didactic game "Save the Toy"

develop the ability to recognize familiar objects through glasses; stimulate the development of visual perception; develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with an object.
Game rules:
find, remember and select the ones you need from a set of pictures.
Game progress:
consider images of familiar objects through the "smoke" (curtain), remember them, then select the ones you need from a set of pictures.
Next task:
sometimes rescuers have to work in special equipment - for example, safety goggles. Wear special glasses. Everyone will receive a card with a schematic image of a toy, according to which they need to find and save the game, which is located in a “smoky room. sixteen
Didactic game "Rescuers"

develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with a natural object; stimulate the development of visual perception.
Game rules:
find an item by its schematic image.
Game progress:
consider a schematic drawing, find a corresponding toy in the play area. 17
Didactic game "Find the object"

develop the ability to recognize familiar objects from the image; stimulate the development of visual perception, memory.
Game actions:
view images of familiar objects through a "noisy" file, recognize and name objects.
Game rules
: name the object recognized in the picture, explain how he recognized it.
Imagine that we are at a fire tower. Using binoculars, try to recognize the objects below, which are in smoke and fire. eighteen
Didactic game “Fire hazardous

subjects "

stimulate the development of speed of reaction and attention. ...
Game actions:
name items in order, clap your hands.
Game rules:
recognize words for fire hazardous items. A set of words for the game: iron, magazine, TV, pen, toaster, chewing gum, cracker, diaper, dummy, cutlet, compote, fireman, cake, cuts, fire extinguisher, package, brush, helmet, sleeve, notes, paints, matches, bandage , drill, mask, etc 19
Didactic game "Flashlight Beam"

develop the ability to recognize images by their part, details.
Game actions
: consider the details of the image, recognize and name the subject.
Game rules:
quickly learn the subject by
picture details. twenty
Outdoor game "Brave Firefighters"

develop quick reaction, dexterity. Fix the rules in case of fire.
Game progress:
Children sit on benches. - are on duty in the fire department. At the signal "Alarm" - quickly get up, build in fours (two in front, two in the back), join hands, depicting cars, and run - (going to the fire). At the signal "Arrived" - the children stop and rebuild in a semicircle, and at the signal "Start work" - as if pumping water with a pump. "We break down the beams with axes" - the educator, pronouncing these words, shows what movements with the hands should be done. Children repeat these exercises several times. "We extinguish the flame from the cannons!" - everyone makes turns to the right and left, pointing their hands in the same direction. “A thick dark cloud, smoke is waving behind us,” says the teacher, everyone, imitating his movements, raise their hands up and spread them to the sides, as if driving away the smoke. The teacher continues: "And the fire is getting higher, higher, climb quickly to the roof!" - all climb on the gymnastic wall, move from one link to another, or climb from one side to the other, then go down. "Dogs firemen, back!" - says the Educator. Children become fours again and run. "They go quieter, do not rush!" - children, slowing down, then walk at a pace and stop. The teacher finishes: "We did not work for nothing, we coped well ..." The children say in chorus: "... with a fire!" 21
Outdoor game "Matches in a box"

Develop the ability to run in pairs, dodging the catch; develop speech, attention, orientation in space.
The course of the game.
Children, standing in a bunch, say: We are sisters, We are all matches. Run away wherever, Otherwise, trouble awaits you! Two drivers, holding hands, warn: Come on, matches, beware, Don't get caught in the box! Everyone scatters around the site. Drivers catch "matches", enclosing them in a vicious circle, clasping their hands. When most of the players are caught, the game
repeated with new drivers. Another option is that the driver can be one of the players holding the hoop. With a hoop, he catches "matches", throwing it on top of them. 22
An outdoor game "If there is a fire."

develop speed of movement, logical thinking.
Game progress:
Children stand in a circle. The teacher is holding a balloon. The player must quickly say the last word of the verse line and pass the ball to another. If the participant slowed down with an answer or answered incorrectly, he is out of the game, and the ball goes back to the leader.
The table and cupboard burned down at once. Who dried the clothes over ...
Gas. (Passing the ball).
The flames jumped into the foliage. Who burned at home ...
Foliage. (Passing the ball).
Who threw Strangers into the fire at the same time ...
Items. (Passing the ball).
Remember every citizen This number ...
... 01. (Passing the ball).
I saw smoke - don't yawn And firemen ...
... Call. (Passing the ball).
This ball is in the hands of a reason, Earlier, if there was a fire, A signal ball soared upward - Calling firefighters to fight the fire. Where people are careless with fire, There a ball will fly into the sky, There will always be an Evil one to threaten us ...
Fire. (Passing the ball).
One, two, three, four - Who has a fire in ...
In the apartment. (Passing the ball).
Smoke rose suddenly.
Who did not turn off ...
Iron. (Passing the ball). A red glow flickered. Someone with matches ...
Played. (Passing the ball) 23
Outdoor game "Fire and water"

To form in children the idea that the fire must be quickly extinguished with water. To develop dexterity, courage, quick reaction, the ability to run, dodging the catch. Raise respect, interest in the work of firefighters. Learn to follow the rules of the game.
Red ribbons for a group of children, several blue bandages.
The course of the game.
One or two children are tied with blue bandages and they become "water". The rest of the children are given red ribbons ("fire"), which are attached to the back of the clothes. At the signal of the presenter (judge), children with blue armbands must collect all the red ribbons from the fleeing children, i.e. Put out the fire. 24
Outdoor game "Fire dragon"

Improve physical skills, the ability to walk sideways, crawl. Develop responsiveness, accuracy, dexterity, courage.
The course of the game.
The players stand in a circle, join hands, walk in a circle with a side step, for each circle they say: Fire dragon, go out! The sleeping dragon lies in the center of the circle. When he gets up, straightens up and waves scarlet ribbons ("tongues of flame") at chest level, the players scatter. The dragon says: The tongues of fire are getting closer, closer. Bend down below, below. All players must dodge, bend low, crawl so that the driver does not touch them. Those who have not been touched by the dragon return to the circle. 25
Outdoor game "Chicks in trouble"

To develop speed of reaction, dexterity, orientation in space. To form a sense of duty, compassion for the animal world, a desire to help others; form value emotions.
The course of the game.
Several circles are drawn on the site, in them - nests with "chicks" (children). An Evil Fire is chosen, which wanders through forests, fields, meadows, swamps, scatters flame sparks (red ribbons) and makes a fire. The task of the rest of the players (young defenders of the forest) is to catch the "sparkles" ribbons on the fly so that they do not fall into the nest, and to save the chicks from trouble. The game is considered over when all the sparks are extinguished. 26
An outdoor game "Fire hose".

: to stimulate quickness of reaction, dexterity.
two fire hoses.
Game progress:
the children are divided into two teams and, upon a signal, first unfold the hoses, then roll them back to their original state. The winner is the team that completed the task faster. 27
Relay game "Fire relay"

Game progress:
players are divided into two teams,

develop coordination, quickness of reaction, the ability to quickly navigate in space.
Game rules:
perform the task in turn, take only one piece of fabric (fire). line up in columns; Using the "stilts", the children take turns collecting pieces of red cloth, which symbolize fire, laid out around the hall, putting them in a bucket (located on the side of the hall opposite from the teams). 28
Relay game "Put out the fire"

develop quickness, dexterity; develop the ability to work in a team.
Game rules:
try not to spill water, act on a signal.
Game progress:
the teams stand in a line facing each other, near the last participants there are 4-5 plastic buckets of water; upon a signal, the last player passes the buckets one by one to the children (one after the other) standing to the right (left) of him; the first player pours the buckets into a large bucket "with fire" (with the collected pieces of cloth) - "extinguish the fire". 29
Relay game "Toy Rescue"

to improve in a competitive form the skills of the main types of movements (walking on an inclined board, climbing on a gymnastic wall); develop speed-strength abilities, agility; to cultivate courage, the desire to come to the aid of the "victim".
Game rules:
perform the task one by one, do not drop the toy.
Game progress:
using a rope to climb the inclined board to the upper rails of the gymnastic wall; take a toy located on the top bar; with an added step, go to the adjacent span of the gymnastic wall; go down the gymnastic board ("slide down the hill"); move the toy to a safe place. thirty
Relay game “Collect a backpack for

lifeguard "

develop coordination skills, dexterity; build confidence in your actions; stimulate intelligence, quickness of reaction, consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the presented objects.
Game rules:
move on exercise bikes strictly in a straight line, choose only the necessary items.
Game progress:
players are divided into two teams; take turns on a stationary bike to the opposite side; select items laid out on the bench that may be useful to rescuers; go back, put the item in the backpack.

Topic: Safety in nature.

Game name, goal, source

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the correct communication, behavior with animals.
Cards depicting correct and incorrect actions when meeting a dog, bee, goat, hedgehog, ants in an anthill.
Game rules:
To the teacher's question, show a picture with the correct answer, and then with
The course of the game.
The teacher invites the children to answer how they would act in different situations that arose during a walk on a weekend (in the country, in the forest). You must first show the picture with the correct action, and then show the wrong ones. -I met a dog on the way. You can, you can’t (the children show the card) - A wasp (a bee) flew up to me in the clearing. You can, you can’t. -At the edge of the forest, a goat is nibbling the grass. Can,
wrong actions. it is forbidden. -I noticed a hedgehog in the grass. You can, you can’t. 2.
Competition game "Pick mushrooms"

Reinforce knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms.
The playing field, a cube, chips, baskets for mushrooms, edible mushrooms (aspen, porcini, boletus).
The course of the game.
Children alternately throw a dice, count the number of moves, put chips. If it hits the fly agaric, then the chip is returned along the red arrow, if on the pale toadstool, the child skips 2 moves, if on the circle with mushrooms (edible), then, depending on the number on the circle, he puts the same number of mushrooms in his basket. At the end of the game, the number of mushrooms harvested is counted. Whoever has more - he won 3.
Didactic game

"Not every mushroom has a place in a basket"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about edible and poisonous mushrooms, to educate the ability to pick mushrooms correctly without destroying the mycelium.
Game progress:
Cards with mushrooms are displayed. We collect only edible mushrooms in the basket, and leave the cards with poisonous mushrooms on the board. 4.
Didactic game

"Let's go to the forest for berries"

To consolidate the concept of "edible and poisonous berries", their names, appearance.
Game progress:
On the floor there are cards with images of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blackberries, with images of poisonous berries (wolf bast, wolf berries, raven eye, lily of the valley berries) .Gather edible berries, and do not touch the poisonous ones.
Remember rules:
1. Do not touch unfamiliar flowers and shrubs. 2. Even touching poisonous plants can be dangerous. 3. Do not bite and chew a blade of grass, especially an unfamiliar one, 5.
Didactic game "Attention:


to acquaint children with the dangers that can happen to people in nature, which can harm human health.
pictures depicting objects and natural phenomena.
Game progress:
choose a phenomenon or an object and talk about the dangers it harbors in itself. 6.
Didactic game "Edible -

inedible. "

: to consolidate the idea of ​​edible and inedible mushrooms (berries)
Game progress:
the teacher throws the ball, the child catches, if the mushroom (berry) is edible, if not, the child hits the ball. 7.
Didactic game "On a walk"

to consolidate knowledge about correct behavior and communication with animals, to correlate what is depicted in the pictures with correct and incorrect actions when meeting animals.
illustrations, two hoops.
Game progress:
several pictures are on the table face down. The child chooses any, examines and tells: what is depicted on it, the child is doing right or wrong here. Or put pictures in one hoop depicting the correct actions for
meeting with animals, and in another - wrong actions. eight.
Didactic game “Our assistants -


: reinforce children's ideas about how to help themselves and others stay healthy at all times.
subject pictures with the image of medicinal plants.
Game progress:
pictures with plants are laid out on the table. Children must choose medications; justify your choice.

Topic: Safety at home

Game name, goal, source

danger "

Reinforce children's knowledge of objects that can be a source of danger.
Game rules:
Select items that could be a source of danger.
Game action:
Search and name of items.
The course of the game.
Children are given playing cards with images of different objects. The teacher invites you to look at the images of objects in your mind and answer the questions: -What can be the source of the fire? -What could be the source of human injury (cut, bite, injection, burn, poisoning)? -What could be the source of human death? The one who names all the images correctly is noted. 2.
Didactic game "Do you know?"

To consolidate knowledge about the phones of the rescue services.
Game rules:
Perform actions corresponding to the image.
Game actions:
The movement of chips across the playing field in accordance with the number of dropped moves.
The course of the game.
The game is played by 4-5 people, chips of different colors are used. The child rolls the dice, moves the pieces.

-Red cross - call the ambulance phone; -House - name your home address; -Militiaman - call the phone number of the police; -Fire - choose from three numbers that you need in case of fire; -Man in a mask - name the number you need in case of such a danger; -Book - if an incorrect answer is given, the player goes to this point; -Hand - if the correct answer is given, the player moves to this point; -Phone - dial the security phone number and go to the finish line. The winner is the one who answered all the questions faster and correctly and came to the finish line first. 3.
Didactic game "Fourth


Teach children to prevent the danger of contact with dangerous objects (needles, scissors, matches,
The course of the game.
Cards are handed out to children, each with four objects, one of which is superfluous (carries danger). The one that the teacher points to (magic arrow),
medications, etc.) Reinforce knowledge about behavior on the street without adults. Distinguish between edible mushrooms and berries.
Game rules:
Find an extra item on the card. Prove why.
Game action:
Search for a dangerous item. explains what is unnecessary and why.
1. Edible mushrooms and fly agaric. 2. Toys and nails. 3. Toys and medicine. 4. Brush, pencil, pen, needle. 5. Raspberries, strawberries, currants and wolfberries. 6. Children play in the sandbox, ride a swing, ride a sled, a boy eats an icicle. Other combinations can be presented by analogy. 4.
Didactic game "Telephone"

Consolidate knowledge of emergency telephone numbers.
The course of the game.
In front of the child are cards depicting ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, a fire engine, a sports car and cards with numbers 01, 02, 03. The teacher invites the child to choose any number and find the car that will come with this number. 5.
Didactic game "Game is business

serious "

Teach children to choose suitable objects for games, to know what things cannot be played with.
Cards depicting a ball, scissors, pyramid, gas stove, matches, knife, pills, iron, needle, doll, toy car, fork, glass vase, etc.
The course of the game.
The cards are laid out in front of the children with the back side up. The child takes out any, looks at it and answers whether it is possible to play with this thing or not (explaining why). Receives a token for the correct answer. 6.
Didactic game "Who will name more

action "

Teach children to correlate actions with the profession of people acting in emergency situations.
Game rules:
Name only one action of a person in a given profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it to the presenter. Game actions: Throwing and catching the ball. The course of the game. The teacher offers to name an action that a person of the named profession performs, but only one action can be named (doctor, policeman, firefighter). The winner is the one who names more actions.
The course of the game.
The teacher offers to name an action that a person of the named profession performs, but only one action can be named (doctor, policeman, firefighter). The winner is the one who names more actions. 7.
Didactic game "Collect dangerous


Game actions:
assemble a dangerous object from parts, tell the rules

Improve the ability of children to assemble from parts - a whole. To consolidate knowledge about dangerous objects and the rules for handling them.
cut pictures of dangerous objects. safe handling. eight.
Didactic game "Each thing has its own


To reinforce the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior, to form the knowledge that all items must be put into place for safety; develop observation, attention; foster a desire to maintain cleanliness and order at home and in kindergarten.
playing field with a picture of a kitchen; pictures-objects.
The course of the game.
The box contains pictures-items (face down). Each child takes one picture and puts it on the playing field - in place, explaining his choice. Variants: On the playing field pictures-objects are "scattered". Children take turns putting them in place; Put all the items in their places on the model, first in the “kitchen”, and then in the whole “apartment”. The same in the play corner. 9.
Didactic game "Who will give

correct answer?".

Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation.
Game rules:
Answer the question of the playable characters.
The course of the game.
The teacher offers to play a game. On the table are letters from fairy-tale characters, in the center there is a top. The teacher spins the top, takes the letter along the arrow, reads the question to the children. Children consult and answer. For the correct answer, they receive a chip. If there is a wrong answer, then the teacher is sure to say the correct one.
Letter 1:
You often have to work with fire. What to do if I catch fire myself. (Dragon).
If you yourself burn, trouble, And even if the head. Grab a blanket, a coat, a blanket And climb up there with your head. Well, if there is water, It's just beauty. Boldly pour water over it, Lei more, do not be shy. And then the fire will go out. This is clear to all the guys.
Letter 2:
Guys, the tail froze in the hole. Help. (Wolf).
If your tail, or fingers, or nose are frostbitten, Here's your advice - cover them warmly, Drink some warm tea, and then go to the doctor as soon as possible!

Letter 3:
A bunny jumped along the path, And badly hurt his finger. It turned out to be a fracture. How then should he be? (Bunny).
Fracture, fracture, we look for tires later. We put on two tires. If there are no tires nearby, Then we take a ruler, Or just a rail. The size was broken off, Gently applied, The bandage was rewound, the Doctor was called.
Letter 4:
Often you have to stay at home alone. Mom leaves for milk. What if someone knocks? (Seven kids).
They call or knock. Don't run up to the door. Don't open the door right away. Look through the peephole, who came, identify. If someone is unfamiliar, Never open up.
Letter 5:
My grandmother moved to the city and fell ill. We must go visit her. I'm afraid to get lost. What to do if I get lost? (Little Red Riding Hood).
You can always get lost in the city. And therefore, be very careful. You do not approach other people's uncles, other people's aunts. Only tell the policeman your address. Letter 6: Guys! I entered school, I want to be smart like Znayka, but the school is across the street. I'm afraid of getting hit by a car. (Dunno).
Know the traffic rules by heart! Red light - no road! Yellow - be careful! Go to the green light - All roads are ahead.
Didactic game "Connect by

points "

To consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in everyday life; develop fine motor skills, consolidate the skills of using a pencil, the ability to draw a line along the points; to cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end.
cards with the contours of objects from points (iron, stove).
Game progress:
the teacher invites children to connect the dots, paint and tell how dangerous this object is. eleven.
Didactic game "We are the rescuers"

To consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; foster a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.
A game card with three empty windows (one at the top, two at the bottom); pictures depicting children in specific dangerous situations; a set of cards depicting the correct actions.
Game progress:
The choice of cards by children with the image of the actions that need to be performed in a particular situation and sequentially decompose them. 12.
Didactic game "Cube

security "

consolidation of knowledge gained in the classroom on life safety.
cardboard cubes depicting various dangerous objects and objects of nature.
Game progress:
The child throws a die and tells how dangerous the dropped object or object of nature is and the rules for handling it. thirteen.
Didactic game "One, two, three, what

can be dangerous - find it "

to consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in the house, develop ingenuity, attention.
pictures depicting household items.
Game progress:
choose from the proposed pictures, those that depict the sources of danger, explain your choice. 14.
Didactic game "Write the phone

salvation ".

activate the phone numbers of the rescue services in the memory of children.
cards with numbers "0", "1", "2", "3", a picture with the image of "ambulance", "fire", "police". Counting sticks, plasticine (for complication).
Game progress:
choose a picture of the rescue service, "write" the rescue phone number using numbers, counting sticks, plasticine. 15.
Word game "Service call

salvation "

stimulate the development of coherent speech.
Game rules:
make up short
Game progress:
compose a short story as the slides appear on behalf of one of the heroes of the situation or an outside observer. Frames change on the PC screen, children talk into a toy phone about
story according to plan (sample): correctly and clearly state your name, surname, your location, briefly describe the problem. situations. sixteen.
Didactic game "Find and

render harmless ".

develop the ability to navigate in space; train children in correlating the image of the location of the object with the symbol; develop the ability to classify objects according to different types of danger.
Game rules:
find a toy according to the symbol.
Game actions:
search for objects in different places, putting them in the appropriate boxes. 17.
Didactic game "If the baby

got hurt"

to acquaint children with basic techniques of first aid, because this can often save his health and life.
cards with the most common household injuries, cards with ways to help.
Game progress:
The teacher invites children to choose cards for first aid for a cut wound and lay them out sequentially (rinse the wound, apply a sterile bandage, call a doctor) 18.
Didactic game “How to avoid

trouble? "

develop the ability to classify and explain the dangerous and safe situations depicted in the pictures.
Game actions:
briefly explain the plot of the picture, its consequences.
Game rules:
briefly and clearly describe the plot picture in accordance with its image. nineteen.
Didactic game "Dangerous-not dangerous"

to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; reinforce knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; foster a sense of mutual help.
a set of didactic pictures depicting situations that are dangerous and not dangerous for life and health; cards of different colors (red, white and yellow), depending on the options of the game. The content of the pictures: the child climbs stairs, reads a book, jumps from a height, is not dressed for the weather, coughs on others, etc.
Game progress:
Children are asked to determine the degree of threat of the proposed (visual or verbal) situation to life and health, to pick up a certain card, depending on the danger, to correctly lay out didactic pictures. Having carefully listened to the teacher's story, children raise a red card if there is a danger, a yellow card if a danger can arise with a certain behavior, and a white card if there is no danger. Children should not interfere with each other, if necessary, supplement the answers of their comrades, not prompting or using prompts. twenty.
Didactic game "If I do this"

to draw the attention of children to the fact that in each situation there can be two ways out: one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; foster a respectful attitude towards oneself and other people, protect others, not cause pain; develop thinking,
Game progress:
Children are given the task to find two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and not threatening life and health) or to offer two options for the development of this situation. After listening to the teacher's story, the children continue it after the words: "The danger arises if I do ...", or "There will be no danger if I do ..." Children
quick wits.
a set of incentive items: chips, stars. raise a red card if there is a danger, a yellow card if a danger can arise with a certain behavior, a white card if there is no danger. Children should listen to the answers of a comrade, not interrupt each other, express the desire to answer by raising their hands. Complete answers and significant additions are encouraged with a trick, an asterisk. 21.
Didactic game “What do we know about

things "

to expand children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life; develop attention, memory; foster a sense of cooperation
cards depicting a cut, a burn, a bruised hand and a fire, pictures depicting various household items.
Game progress:
the game accepts from 2 to 4 children, each of them takes a picture with the image of "trauma". The teacher alternately raises a picture with an image of an object. Participants must guess what kind of injury can result from improper handling of this object, correlate it with their card and take a picture. When selecting, the child must explain how dangerous this or that object is, tell the rules for communicating with them. 22.
Didactic game "So or not"

to form the ability of children to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-dangerous ones; develop attention; foster a desire to comply with safety rules.
2 cards - with a red and a green circle, pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children;
Game progress:
children should put pictures depicting situations dangerous for the child's life under the red card (circle), under the green one - non-dangerous (permitted) ones. 23.
Didactic game "Put it in place"

to consolidate the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior, to form the knowledge that all items must be put into place for safety; develop observation, attention; foster a desire to maintain cleanliness and order at home, foster a sense of camaraderie
layout or play corner with household items, pictures - objects.
Game progress:
put all the objects in their places on the model, first in the “kitchen”, and then in the whole “apartment”, explaining your choice. Literature: L.A. Vdovichenko. "A child on the street." N.N. Avdeeva "Security". O.V. Chermashentseva "Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschoolers." T.G. Kobzev "Organization of activities for children for a walk." E.A. Babenkova "Outdoor games for a walk".
I.V. Kravchenko "Walks in the kindergarten". K.Yu. White "How to ensure the safety of preschoolers"

"I can - I can not"(Jr preschool age)

Goals: focus the attention of children on their skills and physical capabilities of their body; cultivate self-esteem.

The presenter throws the ball and says: "I can" or "I can not." The child, having caught the ball, continues the phrase, explaining why he cannot or can. For example: “I can run because I have legs. I can't fly because I don't have wings. "

"Guess who called?"(junior preschool age)

Goals: train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children.

The presenter, standing with his back to the children, children, must determine by voice who called him. If the answer is correct, the child, whose voice has been determined, takes the place of the leader.

"Find a Pair"(junior preschool age)

Target: to match a pair to an object by tactile sensation while blindfolded.

Equipment: buttons, cubes, apple, pencils, small items.

Having chosen an object for himself, the child must, blindfolded, choose exactly the same from the pile. At the end of the game, the facilitator asks to explain what helped the child to correctly identify different materials by touch.

" Guess who"(middle preschool age)

Target: teach children the ability to mentally reproduce an image through their vision of a person.

The teacher chooses one of the children as the leader. The rest sit in a circle on chairs. The presenter must, without naming a name, tell about the cook - either of the children: what he (she) is, what he can do, what color his hair, eyes, what face, what he is wearing, what character he has. After listening to the story, the children guess who they were talking about. The one who guesses first takes the place of the leader.

"What does a toy have?"(middle preschool age)

Target: to educate the child's self-determination, awareness of his body and its specific features.

Equipment: toys of animals, birds, a man, pictures of different people.

The teacher invites the child to compare himself with this or that toy: a duck, a bear, a clown, a soldier, a doll.

Approximate answers of children: the duck has a beak, and I have a nose; the bear is shaggy, but my skin is smooth; the dog has four legs, and I have two arms, two legs. The soldier and I are brave, I am alive, and the doll, although they move, is still not alive.

" My portrait"(middle preschool age)

Target: teach children to distinguish between the individual characteristics of their appearance: face, height, age.

Equipment: album sheets, colored pencils; stand for the exhibition; pictures of children (different in age, height, appearance). The teacher suggests considering pictures with children of different ages in play situations. Asks how children see themselves: big, small or not very small. Children answer, show on their fingers how old they are, say how they want to grow up. The teacher invites children to draw themselves as they want to be.

They try to guess who is depicted on them from the children's drawings displayed on the flannelgraph. The teacher asks whether the growth depends on which person is good or bad.

If you yourself are small

But with a high soul,

Means your real height

Above the most distant stars.

" Who am I?"(senior preschool age)

Target: to expand the child's knowledge about himself, his name, his last name, age.

Equipment: mirror; object pictures with the image of animals, birds.

Tell us what you know about yourself (name, age, height, hair color and length, eye color, date of birth, girl or boy).

Tell us who you look like: mom or dad.

Do you have any signs that are present in any animal, bird?

"Gardener"(senior preschool age)

Goals: deepen the child's understanding of himself; teach to see the individual characteristics of other people.

Equipment: ball.

Children stand in a circle. The presenter, the Gardener, throws the ball and says: "I was born a gardener, I got really angry, I got tired of all the flowers, except for Dasha." Then the Gardener draws a verbal portrait (name, age, eye color), Dasha becomes the Gardener.

"Who was born as if"(senior preschool age)

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​children about how living things are born.

Equipment: three large pictures depicting an egg, an egg, a bottle of milk and a nipple; small pictures depicting people, animals, birds, amphibians, insects.

In front of the children there are pictures upside down with animals, insects, amphibians, people. Children choose any picture, tell how this creature was born. Then they combine a small picture with a large one - with the image of an egg, an egg, a bottle with a nipple (for mammals).

"Hygiene rules"(junior preschool age)

With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected, he leaves the group. The teacher and the children agree on who and what will portray. Then the driver is invited, the children take turns showing hygiene skills with the help of gestures, facial expressions. The presenter must guess what the children are showing: washing, brushing teeth, combing, bathing, rubbing off.

" Relay race"(middle preschool age)

Target: to form ideas about personal hygiene items.

Equipment: various toys, musical instruments, clothing, hygiene items.

There are various objects on the tables. Children are divided into two teams. Each participant runs up to the table, chooses an item necessary for washing, puts it on a tray, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player.

"Smooth circle"(middle preschool age)

Goals: to clarify the knowledge of children about personal hygiene items; develop creativity, imagination.

Equipment: hats - masks with the image of soap, toothbrush, shampoo, washcloths, towels, mirrors, combs.

Children, holding hands, stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle there is a child playing the role of soap (he has a hat - a mask with a picture of soap), the children move in a round dance step around him and sing.

In an even circle one after another

Let's walk merrily

What will the soap here show us

Then we will do it.

Soap shows how to soap your hands. Children repeat the movements. Then the corresponding movement is shown with a towel, comb, washcloth, shampoo.

" A vacuum cleaner"(middle preschool age)

Target: to develop dexterity, quickness of reaction, coordination of movements.

Equipment: 4 scoops, 20 small balls, 4 waste baskets.

The presenter scatters small balls on the floor, four children collect them with a scoop without using their hands. Caught balls are placed in baskets.

"How to take care of yourself"(senior preschool age)


Equipment: spinning top, chips, cards with questions.

The presenter spins the top, which identifies the card with the question. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. The one with the most chips wins.


    Name the items you will need for washing (soap, towel).

    Name the items you need to take a shower (shampoo, soap, shower gel).

    How often should you wash? (Every day).

    How often should you brush your teeth? (Morning and evening).

    How often should you trim your nails? (At least once every 10 days).

    How often should you wash your ears? (Every day).

    How often do you need to change your underwear? (Every day).

"To keep the skin healthy"(senior preschool age)

Target: develop skills in monitoring the implementation of personal hygiene rules.

Equipment: pictures marked with a red border with incorrect actions of children.

Children look at the pictures, find what is wrong. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. The one with the most chips wins.


The child licks abrasions, cuts.

Boy in dirty linen.

The girl puts on someone else's shoes.

"Bouncer"(senior preschool age)

Target: develop skills in monitoring the implementation of personal hygiene rules.

Tell us about your skin. Show it to your face, your arms, legs and continue: "My skin is clean, soft, elastic, it helps me ..."

"Definitions"(senior preschool age)

Target: teach the child to give definitions.

What subjects are we talking about? Continue definitions.

Hair wash is ...

A homogeneous mass for cleaning teeth is ...

A piece of cloth for drying your face and body is ...

Means for washing hands and body are ...

Answers: shampoo, toothpaste, towel, soap.

"How to protect your teeth"(senior preschool age)

Target: tell what is good, what is bad for teeth.

Equipment: two planar teeth - healthy and diseased; subject pictures with food.

On the playing field, pictures of healthy and harmful food products are presented. Children take turns putting a picture of a sick or healthy tooth next to a picture of food, explaining their choice.

"Find Dangerous Items"(junior preschool age)

Goals: help children remember objects that are dangerous to life and health; help to independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling.

Equipment: knife, scissors, needle, iron.

Andryusha and Natasha remain in the apartment. Their parents went to work. Let's tell the kids what items shouldn't be used, so that trouble doesn't happen. Children repeat safety rules:

All sharp, stabbing, cutting objects must be put in place;

Do not turn on electrical appliances, they can shock or cause a fire;

In no case should you try medicines - it's poison;

Do not touch washing powders, dishwashing detergent, soda, bleach;

It is dangerous to go to the balcony alone.

Guess the riddle from the picture "(junior preschool age)

Goals: help children remember the main group of dangerous objects, develop attention.

Equipment: pictures depicting dangerous objects.

An adult makes a riddle, and children guess and find the corresponding picture. An adult asks to think and say why are these items dangerous? Children talk about the dangers of each item.

    On the table, in a cap, 4. Cuts bread,

Yes, in a glass vial Spreads butter.

A friend settled down.But remember:

Cheerful light. It's dangerous to eat from him!

(Table lamp) (Knife)

    From a hot well 5.Two ends, two rings,

Water flows through the nose. In the middle is a carnation.

(Kettle) (Scissors)

    Iron everything that touches, 6. Sheathes everyone in the world,

And if you touch it, it bites. He does not wear what he sews.

(Iron) (Needle)

(senior preschool age)

"Dangerous - not dangerous"

Goals: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; reinforce knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; foster a sense of mutual help.

Equipment: a set of didactic pictures depicting situations that are dangerous and not dangerous for life and health; cards of different colors (red, white and yellow), depending on the options of the game. The content of the pictures: the child climbs stairs, reads a book, jumps from a height, is not dressed for the weather, coughs on others, etc.

Children are asked to determine the degree of threat of the proposed (visual or verbal) situation to life and health, to raise a certain card, depending on the danger, to correctly lay out didactic pictures.

After carefully listening to the teacher's story, the children raise a red card if there is a danger, a yellow card if a danger can arise with a certain behavior, and a white card if there is no danger. Children should not interfere with each other, if necessary, supplement the answers of their comrades, not prompting or using prompts.

" Ambulance"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills of first aid in children.

Equipment: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, green stuff).

The teacher plays up with the children the situation when a person cuts an arm, a leg, broke a knee, an elbow, then overexerted, when a sore throat, a speck in his eye, a nosebleed. For each situation, a sequence of actions is worked out.

" My choice"

Children are offered plot pictures and corresponding texts to them. The teacher reads the text, and the children prove the correctness or inadmissibility of this act, explain which rules have been violated. If the child has correctly explained the action, he gets a token.

"Our plant helpers"

Target: reinforce in children the idea of ​​how to help themselves and others to remain always healthy.

Equipment: subject pictures with the image of medicinal plants.

The game is played according to the lotto principle. Children have cards depicting medicinal plants. The teacher shows pictures with similar pictures. A child who has this plant talks about its use for healing. If he said correctly, he gets a picture. The winner is the one who closes his card first.

Didactic and developmental games for the formation and development of knowledge of safe behavior in children

Games for children middle group

Section: "Child at home"

"Let's get acquainted"

Target: Develop the ability to say your first and last name, age. Develop the ability to name your parents. Instill love for loved ones.

Game progress : the teacher says that an "interesting character" (some kind of toy) has come to visit the children and wants to get to know the children better. Children sit in a circle, and an interesting character is passed on in turn. When the object is in the hands of the child, he must give his name, surname, age, what is the name of his parents.

Topic: "In the world of dangerous things"

Target: Continue to acquaint children with objects that can be dangerous to life and health, but which are necessary for a person. To warn against possible accidents at home.

Game progress: the teacher demonstrates household items. Children clap on safe ones and stomp if an object might cause harm.

Topic: "Don't be naughty with fire."

Target: Introduce the danger of fire.

Game progress : the teacher informs the children that "Sparkle" has come to visit them and she wants to play with them. The teacher shows the cards where the spark will be "good" (stove, stove, torch, etc.) or "bad" (fire, fire without supervision, cigarette not extinguished). Children must determine the purpose of the "Sparkle".

Section: "Child and Nature"

Topic: "A cat and a dog are our neighbors"

Target: teach children what to remember when dealing with pets.

Material: Pictures depicting different breeds of dogs and cats, food for dogs and cats, workbook, toys: a cat and a dog.

Game progress: Chatting on pictures using riddles. Dramatization of the poem "Homeless Cat" using a toy.

Stray cat

Once I met a stray cat:

- How are you doing?

- Nothing, little by little.

- I heard that you are seriously ill?

- I was sick.

- So you were lying in bed?

- Lay on the street for many weeks. Homeless I have nowhere to put my bed.

I thought: "It is strange that in a huge world there is no place for homeless dogs and cats."

- You hear, cat, come with me. It's getting dark, which means it's time for us to go home!

I was in a hurry. She did not want to lag behind.

And beside me she sang softly: what was she singing about? Probably about the fact that everyone needs their own home.

Topic: "Nature is our home"

Target: to teach children to respect nature, flora and fauna.

Material: cards depicting a broken tree, a fire, garbage in the forest,

Game progress: the teacher demonstrates pictures on the topic, the task of the children is to divide into 2 groups, what can and cannot be done.

Section: "traffic rules"

Topic: "Getting to know transport"

Target: give children an idea of ​​the modes of transport.

Material: pictures with various types of transport (ground, underground, water, air).

Course of the game: Of all the vehicles presented, children need to choose the vehicles that they meet on the streets of the city. Try to explain the purpose.

Topic: "Competent pedestrian"

Target: Reinforce perceptions of the street, roadway and sidewalk.

Material: riddles about traffic rules, street decoration (zebra crossing, traffic light), chips, like in a board game.

Game progress: imitation of the roadway, performed individually or by teams. Children, guessing riddles, go to the next "level" - by the zebra crossing, by the green light of the traffic light, etc.

Topic: "Traffic light"

Target: introduce children to traffic lights, explain the meaning of each color; teach children the rules of behavior when crossing the street.

Material: cards in yellow, red and green.

Game progress : children are divided into pedestrians and "traffic lights". The traffic light comes on in turn, the task of the children is to simulate the crossing of pedestrians against a green traffic light.

Section: "Child and other people"

Topic: "Let's help the girl find her grandmother"

Target: lead children to the notion that it is impossible to leave the house, from the group, from the site without permission; talk to strangers.

Game progress: 4 children are selected from the group of children for the role of 2 grandmothers and 2 granddaughters. The rest of the children run away, they should not know, I do not know which of the characters is paired with whom. The task of the "granddaughters" is to explain to the rest of the children what their "grandmother" looks like.

Section "Child and Health"

My body theme

Target: - to give children basic ideas about themselves as a person;

To acquaint with the external structure of the body and its capabilities;

Instill an interest in knowing yourself;

Train to distinguish between human emotions.

Material: pictures of body parts and emotions.

Game progress: 1 part. We collect from the parts of the little man; Part 2. We look at pictures with emotions and try to repeat them.

The topic is "Fruits are useful products."

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about healthy foods, their importance for health and good mood.

Material: pictures with healthy and unhealthy food.

Game progress: children look at the pictures and try to divide them into 2 appropriate groups, it can be complicated - they try to explain their choice.

Topic "How to dress so as not to get sick."

Target: Will fix the names of the clothes and the order of dressing.

Material : doll and doll clothes.

Game progress: it is necessary to dress the Masha doll according to the weather, the weather conditions are chosen - by the presenter or the teacher.

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