I broke a piggy bank where to change a trifle. Where to exchange change for paper money

In our pockets and purses, sometimes quite a large amount of little things is collected, which we want to get rid of. But to do this is not always easy due to failures in retail outlets. Is it possible to exchange coins for banknotes at Sberbank and how easy is it to do?

Features of the exchange procedure

To exchange coins for paper money, you can contact the bank branch. Since the exchange of coins for banknotes at Sberbank is not mandatory, the bank employee has the right to refuse.

If the refusal does not suit you, you can write a complaint against the representative of the bank. However, the employee may not be punished, and the complaint will not be considered due to the absence of violations of the regulations.
Ways to get rid of trifles:

  • repayment of a certain part of the mandatory loan payment;
  • depositing to a valid card or account;
  • opening an instant free card and crediting money to its account.

The procedure for exchanging coins in Sberbank

The exchange of coins for banknotes in Sberbank is described in detail in the instructions of a bank employee and is available for review on the website. The available change must be sorted into separate denominations and the total amount of each denomination calculated. When visiting a bank branch, you must have a passport. You will need it to fill in your own data in the application. They may be required to prosecute those customers who try to exchange counterfeit coins for real banknotes.

The procedure for exchanging small things at Sberbank:
  • submit a free-form application indicating personal data, coin denominations and total amounts;
  • recalculation by the representative of the bank of the amount of money at face value and total amounts;
  • putting a mark on the application in the form of a signature and a seal on the acceptance of the specified money;
  • issuance of cash paper notes in the appropriate amount.
The process of counting coins can be carried out both manually and with the help of an appropriate apparatus that can determine the denominations of coins as accurately as possible. In departments equipped with such a device, the probability of failure is minimal.

For the exchange of coins for banknotes in Sberbank, you will need to pay a commission. Its size is set by the bank branch and is within 1-3% of the amount. Commission payments can be made separately or as a result of issuing a smaller amount of banknotes.

When exchanging, it must be taken into account that certain restrictions are provided for under this procedure. If there are small things up to 100 rubles, the exchange is not carried out, it is easier to contact any outlet. As a rule, store employees exchange small change for paper bills without any problems. You can get a refusal only in large supermarkets, where, according to the regulations, it is forbidden to perform such procedures.

Small change terminals

At the moment, you can already find terminals that allow you to exchange coins for banknotes at Sberbank. So far, they can only be used in the capital; in other regions of the country, such devices have not yet begun to be used.
The principle of operation of terminals for the exchange of coins for banknotes:
  • first put small money in the receiving compartment;
  • wait while the device performs recognition and counting of coins;
  • get acquainted with the information on the results of the calculation, with the commission (3%) and the final amount;
  • receive paper money.
This equipment is the most convenient to use and allows you to reduce the time for this type of operation not only for Sberbank employees, but also for customers. Thanks to the use of remote banking machines, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of claims and complaints at Sberbank branches.

Paper bills are always present in the wallet of most people. However, despite the era of plastic cards and contactless payments, it is very common to pay or deal with cash. And in such cases, like it or not, you are faced with the need to exchange money for a trifle, which often turns out to be a big problem. Today, there are many ways to exchange - from the most traditional, such as buying something in a store, to more complex, expressed in a trip to financial and commercial institutions. Let's analyze in detail where to exchange money for a trifle?

Exchange in banking institutions

It is not difficult to exchange paper money for small change in a bank. However, before visiting the bank, you need to be sure of the authenticity of the banknotes that are subject to exchange.

Until recently, this service was provided on completely free terms, and now each commercial bank has the right to designate its percentage for providing this option. So, for example, the most popular PJSC Sberbank in Russia takes 1-2% of the exchange amount in its favor. However, this option is only suitable if you need to exchange a large number of five thousandth bills for fairly small money, otherwise going through this procedure is pointless.

Rules for exchanging banknotes for small change in a bank

If, nevertheless, the need to exchange banknotes for a trifle has arisen, you will have to comply with some requirements.

First, when contacting any branch of the bank, you must have an identity document (passport, driver's license) with you.

Secondly, a document (application) is drawn up, in which all information about an individual is specified in detail, as well as the denomination and number of the banknote that needs to be exchanged.

Next, the cashier checks the authenticity of the bill and issues a change in the change currency you specified. It can be paper money with a face value less than presented to the cashier or small coins. After that, the cashier makes a note on the application for the operation and gives small money to the bank visitor.

In this case, it is necessary to remember about the commission, which each bank sets at its discretion. Therefore, before carrying out this operation, you should check with the administrator regarding this detail, since the percentage can vary not only from bank to bank, but even be different in one institution, in its different branches.

Why can a bank refuse to exchange a large bill

The method of changing money in a bank is the least common service of all possible. Obviously, banking institutions, like no other, deal with banknotes and must carry out any operations without hindrance, but in practice, not every bank has such an option in the general list of services provided. So, when visiting another bank for an exchange, you should keep in mind that you may be refused regardless of the status of a financial institution, and the bank's position will have to be accepted.

Where to exchange banknotes for a trifle, if not at an ATM

One of the easiest and at the same time unpretentious ways of exchanging is an ATM. The exchange is convenient in that transactions can be carried out 24 hours a day, and for this you need to have only the appropriate bank card. The process is quite simple - we replenish the card account, and then withdraw the required amount in small bills. But even with this method of exchange, there is difficulty, since the ATM does not always have small money and options for withdrawing and replenishing the account.

However, this option is one of the fastest, and even if it is not possible to exchange for a trifle, then at least you can exchange it for a smaller denomination, which will further facilitate the exchange process.

Where to exchange banknotes for small change in public transport

Each of us has experience using public transport. For everyone it is their own story. Someone uses it every day, and someone even forgot the number of the bus or tram that goes towards his house. However, most of us found ourselves in an awkward situation when traveling by tram or trolleybus, if in the morning we handed it to the conductor with a secret desire to exchange it for smaller bills and coins.

In some cases, you can drive to your destination for free, and therefore stay with the same large bill. And the picture is radically opposite, if you turn to the conductor with a similar request at the end of the work shift. After all, each conductor hands over the accumulated cash, reports and recounts them, and will gladly exchange the trifle accumulated during the day for large bills offered by you. This method of exchange has a disadvantage. In the case of exchanging a large proposed banknote for coins, the time for settlement may be delayed, despite the fact that the arrival time of transport at the depot at the end of the shift is strictly regulated.

Subway tokens as an alternative

This method is good in cities with underground transport, since when collecting a large flow of passengers, cashiers always have a supply of cash. During the next operation to buy a token, you can always exchange the large amount you have for coins. The advantage is the machines, which also have the function of issuing change, which is good news.

Use a vending machine

Under the Soviet regime, the question of where to exchange banknotes for a trifle was not acute for society, since special devices in which it was possible to exchange banknotes for a trifle were very popular. These machines were everywhere. Nowadays, these devices are not present in our lives, but some analogues are very rare - vending machines. These devices are distinguished by the largest commission - up to 5%, but the device can not only exchange your banknote for a trifle, but vice versa, accumulate all your accumulated coins and issue a brand new banknote.

Often, such devices are installed in combination with a light snack by analogy with a vending machine, and if you pay attention to such devices, you will notice that there are models not only with your favorite coffee and chocolate, but also those that can give out a change. Here you can also simply exchange a banknote if you put the banknote into the machine in a hurry, but do not place an order. And the question of where you can change money for a trifle is closed.

Other ways to change banknotes

The most obvious way that most people are guided by is to go to the nearest store (stall, kiosk, pavilion) and buy some small goods there, such as chewing gum or ice cream. Often, sellers are reluctant to part with the change coin accumulated during the day, and the situation is especially difficult in the early morning or in the morning, when there are clearly few coins in the cash register. As practice and logic show, it is better to carry out an exchange operation in the evening, when there are enough coins in stores, the number of visitors is minimized by the evening and it is necessary to hand over the cash desk soon.

As a result, the question of where to exchange banknotes for a trifle should no longer cause difficulties.

It should be noted that a few months ago, by order of the Central Bank of Russia, 2 new denominations of 200 and 2,000 rubles were introduced into the circulation of the Russian economy. This action is necessary to facilitate payment transactions and reduce the burden on the largest bill of 5,000 rubles.

In any case, each person must consciously approach where to change paper money for a trifle, weighing all the pros and cons, because you can not only fail to achieve your goal, but also get into an awkward position.

Pockets full of small change, a purse swollen with coins, a children's piggy bank stuffed to the brim. Everyone faces an overabundance of metallic money from time to time. If coins have accumulated, how to get rid of them in Moscow in a civilized manner?

Photo: Portal Moscow 24/Vladimir Yarotsky

All in heaps

Bags with voiced coins can be taken to Sberbank. They will be exchanged for paper banknotes in all branches of the capital.

However, immediately bear the "capital" is not worth it. First you need to come in person and agree on the operation with a bank employee. Sberbank does not serve customers by phone. For the exchange of coins for banknotes, the bank will not take a commission.

Then you need to prepare for the delivery of money. Sort coins into piles at face value, calculate, write down the resulting amounts and decompose the coins of each denomination into separate packages. In addition to coins, Sberbank definitely needs grab a passport.

The dealer must know the amount that he intends to exchange, as the bank will ask to write an application about the operation. It must indicate the surname, initials, date of compilation, the amount of cash in numbers and words, the number and denomination of banknotes subject to exchange of coins ("Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and collecting banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation. - Ed.).

Until recently, in some branches of Sberbank there were ATMs that accepted change without sorting, counted, issued a check with a calculated amount, after which cashiers issued paper bills. For counting money, the ATM took a commission of 3%. Now they are not used in the capital offices of Sberbank.

money for money

Another way to exchange coins for banknotes in Moscow is to contact commercial Bank. However, this service is not provided by all banks.

As a rule, if a commercial bank has such a service, it provides it for Commission remuneration. For example, in Absolut Bank you can exchange metal coins for paper bills if you are going to change at least 100 rubles, a consultant told the Moscow 24 portal. One hundred coins will be accepted at any bank office and exchanged for large bills without commission, and if there are more coins, 10% of the amount will have to be paid for the operation.

The Moscow Credit Bank has the same opportunity, however, this can be done only in two branches: in Lukovoi Lane and on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. A commission of 2.5% of the amount will be taken for the operation, the consultant specified. As in Sberbank, they are asked to pre-sort the change by face value.

The Otkritie bank informed the Moscow 24 portal that the exchange of small change for paper banknotes is carried out without a commission, sorting is not required. You can make an operation in any branch where there are cash desks for individuals. But before going to the bank, it is better to check the availability of a cash desk on the bank's website or with the contact center operator.

All banks will ask show your passport.

special vehicle

In Moscow, a trifle can be handed over to special terminals Coincom.ru networks. They accept coins of any denomination - from one penny to 10 rubles. It is not necessary to pre-sort and count the coins; the brought change must simply be loaded into the specified compartment.

A representative of the network, in an interview with the Moscow 24 portal, said that each operation is charged 11.9% commission. In addition, paper banknotes will not be issued for metal money. The machine will offer you to choose one of two ways to transfer money: put it on your phone or on a card. If there are fewer coins than a thousand rubles, then only the first option will do. The money will arrive on the phone in about two hours, on the card - within three days.

There are 39 Coincom.ru offices in Moscow and the Moscow region. All of them are located in large shopping centers. There is only one such coin acceptor in the Central Administrative District of the capital: in the Auchan Troika shopping center on Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya Street.


Money from a piggy bank can be taken to a pharmacy, post office, shops or a work canteen, where often missing the little things for exchange and delivery. Coins can be accepted with pleasure, or they can be refused - they have no obligations.

You can get rid of the little things by simply paying with it. It is accepted, for example, at the self-service checkouts of some stores.

Another option is to do a good deed and donate coins to charity. Donation boxes are available in many shops and chain cafes and restaurants.

Usually, a trifle obtained from a piggy bank can be spent in a store, for goods on a check. However, some cashiers are outraged by refusing to accept coins. But if the goods are inexpensive, it is quite possible to offer a retail outlet such a payment. When a citizen has his own small business associated with receiving a large number of coins, for example, a vending machine or a toilet, then a large amount of cash will accumulate daily, and in coins of a small denomination.

When the amount is brought to Sberbank, the tellers there also do not express great love for the recalculation task they are offered. They may refuse, but they can also exchange coins for paper banknotes.

They really do not want to count for a long time, in fact, a small amount.
If the exchange is not made directly, the option remains to open a deposit and credit this amount in small change to it, followed by withdrawal of funds.

Responsibilities of Sberbank employees in exchanging small change for banknotes

Sberbank has rather extensive obligations to customers, however, the operation of exchanging small change for paper money is not officially spelled out in any Charters. Similarly, it does not appear in the list of services provided to clients. If it is profitable to issue loans to employees and management, then it is not possible to carry out such exchange operations.

But not everything is so bad, in some cases, the employees themselves will gladly exchange coins for banknotes for the client, since the tellers need a change for change and change, and it is often in short supply. Also, sellers of neighboring outlets who need change come here. In this case, follows, and almost followed by a reverse exchange.

Sometimes a Sberbank employee can issue a declaration in which the client will be required to prescribe the number of coins in accordance with the face value and sort the money. After the exchange, they will charge a percentage for the service, which can range from 3% to 30%. If the first figure is acceptable, then the second is unfavorable, and such conditions can be waived.

In this case, the entire amount will be accurately calculated and credited. You can immediately withdraw it, only in banknotes.
It would be better to ask for the amount brought to the account to be credited or to open a new account if the citizen does not have one in Sberbank.

Denial of service can also be motivated by the fact that they do not have a coin counting machine. But this fact is not a reason, it is just an excuse for unwillingness to work. If, nevertheless, you had to face something like this, you can write a complaint, since no one restricted the circulation of coins on the territory of the Russian Federation, and no one canceled the freedom of choice in which coins or banknotes to store savings. And after writing a complaint, negligent employees will be 100% punished, they will have to learn the culture of behavior with a client.

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