Team games with a hall for children. "fun games with the hall"

Gulyakova Olga
senior counselor
MBOU Diveev-Usad secondary school

Repeat games (chants)

and games with the hall

Chants and games with the audience do not require long and extensive preparation from the players. These games are played here and now. Even if it is necessary to learn words, then all this is done along the way, the very learning of words is a game. Here the teacher's attitude to the game is important. Have you decided to play? What do you want from the game? What is it for you? What is it for children? What results will be achieved? Think about these questions before you go out to play with the children.

If the players do not need much preparation, then the leader needs to prepare, and prepare carefully. After all, you are arranging a whole performance, a theater of one actor. You are standing in front of a full hall, and the children sitting in it, with a wave of your hand, perform various actions. You are both an actor, and a conductor, and an entertainer, and an extra, you are the host of the game. Keep this in mind when you go out to play. Be cheerful, cheerful, ironic, kind. Play by yourself, and then the children will also play with you. Well, the following tips, I hope, will help you play correctly and naturally.

Host Tips

1. Be attentive to your appearance, you show an example to follow.

2. When you go out to play, always have more games than you need.

3. Be careful about the words you use when communicating with children. Youth slang is a good thing, but are you sure that you are interpreting this or that word correctly.

4. When addressing children, smile. A smile is always conducive to a person.

5. Joke in moderation. Remember that a joke can sometimes offend a person.

6. Always start with a greeting. And if you are playing for the first time, then it’s not bad to get to know each other, at least just introduce yourself.

7. When explaining the rules of the game, use understandable words, and make sure that the guys understand you correctly. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself, but don't overdo it either.

8. When using gestures when explaining the rules, do not wave your arms too much. It doesn't look from the outside.

9. Often you have to work with a microphone. Try in advance how your voice sounds, how best to hold the microphone, so that the words are clear, without any extra sounds.

10. When working with a microphone, remember that this is what it is for, so that you do not scream.

11. If in the games you have chosen, children have to go on stage, then think about how to do it better. You can agree with the radio operator about the phonogram, or you can agree with the children about the applause. It all depends on the conditions in which you will work.

12. If the work takes place without a microphone, then immediately discuss the rules with the children. The rule of the raised hand works best here:

Raising your right hand means that you have something to say, and everyone else needs to listen. (We have one law in the detachment! Everyone listens, only one speaks!)

The left hand raised up means that you are giving the guys a few minutes for noise. Learning this simple rule can be turned into a game, the main thing is that the guys understand and listen to you.

13. Build games in a logical sequence, from simple to complex.

14. Do not forget to say thank you, and just praise the players. And even better if the guys do it themselves:

Leading: Now put your right hand on your head. Stroke, and say: "Ah! What a fine fellow I am!"

Or: Now put your right hand on your neighbor's head. Stroke, and say: "Ah! What a fine fellow you are!"

15. When you finish playing, especially if the next action will take place after you, or someone else will continue to play, do not forget to say goodbye and pass the word, imagining the person or people following you.


Rules. The facilitator says the words, the participants repeatfollow him. All words are illustrated with movements.

We hunted a lion, we are not afraid of him.

We have a huge gun and a great sword - in!

Ah, what is it? Ah, who is it?

Do not fly over it, do not crawl under it,

Don't bypass it! BUT - Yes, this is grass (river, mountain, swamp etc.)

Well, let's go? Let's go!

Ah, what is it? Ah, who is it?

Eyes - in! Strengthen - in! Zubishchi - in! (etc.).

Oh yes, it's a lion! Well, are we running? Let's run!

The main principle of the game is the movements with which youaccompany the words. The more interesting the movements, the morespring game.


The principle of casting is similar to the previous game, but you need to sing it (you can think of a motive yourself). In the storytelling gamerefers to the morning in China. It can be repeated seven times -according to seven days endowed with each timethe pace of execution increases, you need to speak faster and fasterray.

The sun rises over the Huang He River

The Chinese go to work.

A handful of rice in hand, a portrait of Mao is carried

And they sing a cheerful song:

U-nanny-nanny, unya-unya-unyanya (repeat 4 times).


Host: "We go to the observatory (top top),

open a door (kh-khkhkhkh),

we go (top top),

take out the telescope (uuuuuu)

wipe the window (chic-chic)

we look at the sky, we see one star daughter (bang)

many stars (bang-bang-bang).

flying meteorite (u-u-u)

flying saucer landed (wah-wah-wah).

From it you an alien walked by and asked: "What are you doing here?"

We we answer him: "We're playing Observatory."

"And how is that?" - right we have an alien sewing. "We'll show you now."

In the game, each word is accompanied by the corresponding movements.

The role of an alien is played by any child, youcalled by the leader from the hall.

The hall is divided into three parts. Each group learns their words:

The first group - In the bath, brooms are wet.

The second group - The spindles are not sharpened.

The third group - And the straw is not dried.

At the command of the host, the part of the children to which he points with his hand says his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all the children sing the last line. You will have a beautiful large choir capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, then you can also receive a prize.

"MIDDLE" - 1

The hall is divided into four parts. Each group learns their words:

The first group - Spindles are sharpened.

The second group - Brooms are soaked.

The third group - Drink tea with pies.

The fourth group - We will go for mushrooms.

They all learn together - the lady is the lady, madam is the lady.

At the command of the host, the part of the children to which he points with his hand says his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all the children sing the last line. You will also have a beautiful large choir capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, then you can also receive a prize.


The hall is divided into two halves. The host alternately shows either the left or the right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

The right half of the hall - Goal! (right hand raised)

The left half of the hall - Past! (left hand raised)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout - "barbell"

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, as the leader can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa.

The host asks the children: - Do you know how an elephant sneezes? Do you want to know?

The hall is divided into three equal parts, and each group learns its word:

The first group is boxes.

The second group is cartilage.

The third group - dragged.

And then, with a wave of the leader's hand, all the children shout at the same time - but each group has its own word.

This is how an elephant sneezes.


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them in a "boat". The host alternately waves his left and then his right hand. Reacting to the wave of the hand, the hall claps in turn, imitating the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head - the children shout "TU-TU" !!!

Here you can remind the children how they got to the camp, what they experienced on the road. This game is very good for the very beginning, not only the beginning of the business, but also the beginning of the shift.


The children must continue the sentence correctly.

At night, head up,

Howling gray angry ........ (children answer)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Well, of course gray ....... (children answer)

Who likes to rush through the branches?

Of course, redhead ........... (children answer)

Having overcome all obstacles,

Faithful hoof beats .......... (children answer)

Do you eat tree bark in winter?

Well, of course gray .......... (children answer)

He loves the oak acorn.

Of course - it's wild .......... (children answer)


This game-song is learned with children in advance, and sung. As you sing, the words (from the end of the phrase) are replaced by hand claps (the number of claps corresponds to the number of syllables).

John Brown Boy oiled his skis once.

John Brown Boy oiled his skis once.

And he went to the Caucasus.

John Brown Boy smeared skis one (cotton)

John Brown Boy smeared skis one (cotton)

And he went to the Caucasus.

John Brown Boy smeared skis (cotton, cotton)

John-Brown-Boy smeared (cotton, cotton, cotton)


The words of this game-song are learned with the children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot- palms parallel to each other

cap- the palm of the right hand - with a lid

bump- cam

hole- fingers in a ring (OK sign)

steam is coming- circles are made with the index finger in ascending order.

As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a knob.

Bump with hole...

There is steam in the hole.

The steam goes into the hole.

Hole in the stump...

Lump in the lid..

Lid with teapot.


The hall is divided into five parts, and each group distributes its words:

1 group - Pancake-n-n-n-n

2nd group - Half pancake

Group 3 - A quarter of a pancake

4 group - No pancakes, one sour cream

Group 5 - Pancakes-pancakes

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and in a certain size, and the tone increases from the first word to the last (Pancakes-pancakes - 1/16). If you simultaneously pronounce these words to the whole hall and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then a feeling of bell ringing is created in the hall.

The words of the game are learned with the children in advance and are simply sung for the first time.


The best swing? - Wild creepers.

This is from the cradle - Monkeys know.

Who has been swinging all the time? - Yes! Yes! Yes!

He is not upset - Never!

After the children have memorized their words, their own movement is added to each phrase:

line 1 - children do nothing;

2 line - children clap their hands on their words;

3 line - the children bounce in place on their own words;

Line 4 - children both clap and bounce.

After this game, the host may well thank the children for the spectacle delivered - to see so many monkeys in one place.


The facilitator invites the children to learn new foreign languages ​​in addition to those they know. And for this you need to take a well-known song:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.

One is grey, the other is white.

Two cheerful geese.

And try to sing it in another language. And to do this is very simple: all the vowels in the words must be changed to some one. If you replace all the vowels with "A", then in English this song will look like this:

It's a pity and a woman

Two vasalakh gasas.

Adan shed, drag balai.

Two vasalakh gasas.

Polish - "E";

Spanish - "I";

French - "Yu";

German - "U";

English - "A";


Those who play after the leader repeat words and movements, gradually increasing the overall pace.

The words


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!

They stomp their feet.

Fuck-fuck-machine gun!

Clenched fists depict shooting.

Higher, higher plane!

Throw an invisible ball to the top with palms.

Boom, artillery!

They clap their hands.

The cavalry is coming! Hooray!

Waving an imaginary sword.


Those who play after the leader repeat words and movements.

The words


A hunter has gathered to hunt. He put on a hat, boots, took a gun and

went down the road

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand

Rub palm on palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They punch in the chest.

through the swamp from bump to bump,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap on the knees.

Tired. "Uffff!" He sat down on a stump, looked around, saw a bear behind a bush, got scared and ran back.

Down the path

They slap on the knees.

through the swamp from bump to bump,

They clap their hands.

along the logs across the bridge,

They punch in the chest.

then along the sand

Rub palm on palm.

went down the road.

They stomp their feet.

He ran home, took off his boots, hat, gun. Tired. "Uffff!", told his wife how he went

on the way to,

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand

Rub palm on palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They punch in the chest.

through the swamp from bump to bump,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap on the knees.

If the players are not tired, the game can be continued further: The wife decided to gossip with her neighbor: “But mine was hunting a bear!” etc.

And the little son overheard, came to his friends and says: “And my dad went hunting!”

In this case, the pace of the game can be increased. The main thing is not to go astray yourself, and so that the players do not go astray.


Host: Do you have palms? Show.

The players show their hands.

Moderator: And your knees? Clap your hands on your knees.

The players clap their hands on their knees.

Host: Great. This is how the horses enter the field of the hippodrome. Repeat the movements after me.

Those playing along with the leader measuredly clap their knees, imitating the clatter of hooves.

Host: The horses go to the start. The stands are roaring.

The players imitate cries and exclamations of support.

Host: Attention! On your marks! March!

Playing together with the leader gradually speed up the "run".

Host: Barrier!

The players make one clap with two palms at once.

Host: Double barrier!

The players make two claps with two palms at once.

Leading: We run along the pavement.

Playing together with the leader, alternately hit themselves with their fists in the chest.

Leading: We run on the grass.

The players rub palm on palm.

Host: Tribunes pani.

Girls shout words of support to their horses: "Come on, come on!", "Hey!" etc.

Host: Tribunes of pans.

The boys shout words of support to their horses: "Come on, come on!", "Hey!" etc.

Host: Soon the finish line.

Those playing with the leader speed up the blows to the knees.

Host: Finish! Winner's reward ceremony!

Everyone clap their hands.


To make it more convenient to congratulate and rejoice at the victories of your friends and comrades, you can clap in an unusual way:

1. Lightly tap on the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.

2. Then add the second finger and tap with two.

3. Then three fingers.

4. Four.

6. Clap with the whole palm.

7. We only clap our fingers.

8. Remove one finger and knock with four.

9. Three fingers.

Such applause really resembles the sound of rain, for which they received such a name. Do not forget that applause to yourself will be a great gift for you and your children.


Host: A sparrow was walking on the roof!
Children (in chorus): Beat, beat, beat!
Leading: Gathered his friends!
Children: Zay, zay, zay!
Host: Many, many, many of us!
Children: Us, us, us!
Leading: Get up ... (calls any names) everyone now!
The guys who bear the named names get up and bow.

With the help of this chant, you can smoothly move on to the performance of any song of the organizational period.
Each phrase uttered by the leader, the guys repeat in chorus.
- Oh, Ale!
- Oles bambalas!
- O sawa sawaimba!
- Oh kikils bamba,
- Oh, I eat bananas!
- Oh, I eat oranges!
- What is the mood like?
Children: Wow! (pointing with thumb)
Moderator: Is everyone of this opinion?
Children: Everyone, without exception!
Host: Shall we sit down and have a rest?
Children: Let's sing a song!


Flying, flying through the sky ball
The balloon flies across the sky.
But we know: a ball to the sky
It won't fly at all.
First, the word "flies" is replaced by a movement resembling the flapping of wings. In the second performance, the word "heaven" is replaced by the movement of the thumb up. Then, at the word "ball" with both hands, a large circle is outlined in front of you. In the next performance, the word "know" is replaced by tapping a finger on the forehead; at the word "we" - press both hands to the chest, at the word "no way" - shake your head negatively. The most interesting is the last performance of the song, where the main task of the participants is not to stray and correctly show the right word with the movement. In chorus, only “by”, “but”, “before” are repeated here. You can suggest to speed up the pace of the game.


We dance together!
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Our cheerful dance -
This is Lavat.
- My pens are good, but the neighbor's is better!
Once again they sing a song and go in a round dance.
- My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better!
(ears, cheeks, nose, etc.)
It is possible in another way:
- Were there any pens?
- Were!
- What about your knees?
- Not!
- We take the neighbor's knees and go in a circle.


The participants in the game are divided into groups, depending on how many instruments you are going to include in your orchestra. But the main instruments are: guitar, cymbals, piano, drum.
Conductor sings:
The closet of musicians
O contras speros, speros...
(points to a band, e.g. "guitar")
Gita, Gita, Guitar!
(2 times shows guitar performance)
When each group has performed its part, the conductor sings for the last time:
The closet of musicians
O contras speros, orchestral!
After these words, the groups begin to perform their parts together, a wonderful “orchestra” turns out!


The game is based on the principle of the game "Orchestra".
1st group: Oh server navel, navel, navel ...
2nd group: Jumbo kveliko mitoliko mikaze ...
3rd group: Wee wee dance ...
4th group: Kva-kva, kva-kvaradze ...
The first group begins the chorus with their phrase, repeating it continuously without stopping. As soon as the first phrase has sounded 1-2 times, the second group enters the choir. Then the third and fourth groups join one after another.


The hall is divided into 2 groups.
On a small meadow
There is a tall house
And in that cheerful house
A cheerful gnome lives.
Dwarf, dwarf, what's your name?
Children (1st half of the hall):
Petka, you have a plaid shirt,
I came to you children
To eat candy!
Children (2nd half of the hall):
Vaska, you have polka dot pants (panties),
I came from a fairy tale
Because I'm good!


The hall is divided into 4 parts.
The 1st part of the hall shouts (whole):
The 2nd part of the hall shouts (half):
Half pancake!
The 3rd part of the hall shouts (quarter):
Quarter of a pancake!
The 4th part of the hall shouts (eighth):
Scream in proportion. Eights (pancakes) scream most often.


My grandmother had a watch and it went like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock
The hall repeats after the leader in parts:
1st half of the hall - "Tick", 2nd half of the hall - "So".
Leading: But then dust got into them, and they began to walk like this:
So-so, so-so (1st half of the hall)
Tick-tick, tick-tick (2nd half of the hall)
Then they began to rust, and they walked like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...
Then they completely rusted and the arrows began to walk as they wanted:
Tick-tock-tock, tick-tock...
(then you can “attribute them to the master” ...)


* We are one family:
You, we, you, me!
(repeated before every third line)
Smile to the neighbor on the right
Smile to the neighbor on the left -
We are a family.
* … wink …
We are a family.
* … hug …
*… pinch…
* ... kiss ...

At the end, the poem is repeated anew, and all movements are repeated (“smile”, “wink”, “hug”, “pinch”, “kiss”).


Presenter: Stroke the neighbor on the right on the head and say: “Sunny, you are just gorgeous today!”.
Stroke the neighbor on the left on the head and say: “Well, you are a super-buffalo today!”
Pat yourself on the head and say: “And I, it seems, is also nothing!”


On the shore

Bolshoy re-ki


Bear right in the nose,


The bear roared

Sat on a bee (on a stump)

And he began to sing...


I'm riding a tank

I see co-ro-woo,

In a cap-ke-ushan-ke,

With a healthy horn.

Hello, co-ro-va,

How are you doing?

Do you speak English?

Cheabout- PS- wa- eat?

Float in an underwater boat,


In a mask and las-tah,

With a healthy horn.

Hello, co-ro-va,

How are you doing?

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Cheabout- PS- wa- eat?

Le-chu on the vert-le-te,


On pa-ra-shyu-te,

With the view of su-ro-vym.

Hello, co-ro-va,

Where-yes pro-le-ta-eat?

As-sa-lam Ale-kum,

What are you eating?


Chicka-boom is a cool song.

Chica-boom sing all together.

If you want great noise

Sing chica-boom with us!

I sing: "Boom, chica-boom"!

I sing: "Boom, chica-raka, chica-raka, chica-boom!"

Oh! Oh! Aha!

And again?! And all together?! And faster?!

(repeat: very loud (quiet, slow, fast, etc.)

"O - PERI - TIKI - TOMBA" ("Africa")

Oh - peri - tiki - tomba!

Oh - musa - musa - musa!


Oh - pickel, oh - baby!

Le - oh - le, oh - le - baba - lae!

Oh, I eat bananas!

Oh, I eat oranges!

Oh, I eat pioneers!

Ema, ema, ema, eat!


I got bitten by a hippopotamus!

And out of fear, I climbed on a branch!

And I'm sitting here, and my foot is there!

I got bitten by a hippopotamus!

BUT! Aunt Mana! Aunt Mana! Aunt Mana!

BUT! Uncle Sanya! Uncle Sanya! Uncle Sanya!

BUT! Grandma Dunya! Grandma Dunya! Grandma Dunya!

I got bitten by a hippopotamus!

(You can use any names.)


From Sukhumi to Batumi (everyone: “Ai-ai-ai!”),

From Batumi to Sukhumi (everyone: "Ai-ai-ai!")

From Moscow to Leningrad (everyone: “Ay-ay-ay!”),

Tumba-tumba-tumba (repeat)

Tara-mara, tara-mara (repeat)

Pum, tarabum, tarabum (repeat)

All together: "Bang-bang!"

“Games with the hall” is a symbol for games that are played with a large number of children during mass holidays and programs (in halls, on playgrounds and stadiums). However, these games can be successfully played in a small group.

As a rule, games with the hall are used in order to fill a pause before the start of the program or to avoid awkward hitches during the program.

Game technicians who work with a large number of children face difficult tasks - to arouse interest, hold attention, and cheer up. In a word, the game technician is called upon to control the mood of those present, to regulate it. To do this, he must not only know the content of the games well, but also be able to correctly intonate them, have an ear for music and a well-trained voice. It is very important for a game technician to feel the hall, to distinguish the shades of its mood, to be able to motivate children to play. The success of the entire program depends on how the game engineer was able to “get” the children.

Thus, the main purpose of games with the audience is to create an upbeat, festive atmosphere, to tune in to the perception of the subsequent action.

In addition, such games relieve muscle stiffness, develop the ability to concentrate.

All possible forms of games with the hall can be divided into several main groups:

Shout games

tongue twister games

Movement games

Games for attention

singing games


It should be noted that most games are characterized by a mixture of different forms, i.e., a game can simultaneously be a game of shouting and a game of attention, or a game of patter and a game with movements, etc.

This section contains games that are played in schools, children's health camps, hiking, etc. It must be remembered that when transferring gaming experience from person to person, from generation to generation, some transformation of the content of games (words, expressions, intonations, etc.). We believe that this is a normal, inevitable phenomenon, although it leads to a distortion, and sometimes to a loss of the original meaning of games.

In our opinion, there is a need to bring all variants of the same game to a single model. Undoubtedly, this issue requires further study and discussion.

One flower, two flowers

The text and movements are repeated by the children immediately with the leader; words must be learned beforehand. The main task is to shout the last words as loudly as possible:

Once a flower (rotational movements with the right hand at face level),

Two flowers (rotational movements of the left hand at face level),

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (with their hands show the balls into which hedgehogs curl up).

Anvil, hammers (hitting the left fist on top of the right and vice versa),

Scissors, scissors (cross the straightened arms in front of them according to the “scissors” principle).

Run in place, run in place (run in place)

Bunnies, bunnies (show with straight palms on their heads the ears of bunnies, rhythmically bending their palms).

Come on together, come on together!

Girls (only girls repeat)!

Boys (only boys repeat)]

Two stomps, two slams

It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words:

Two floods, two swoops,

Balls, balls.

We play, we dance

Mittens, boots.

Two floods, two swoops,

Fingers, bunnies.

Come on, together, come on, together!

Girls! Boys!

Remarks. The words of the game can be like this:

They ran, they ran

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Sharpened, sharpened

Knives, knives.

Take care, take care

Fingers, fingers.

Come on together, come on together!

Girls! Boys!

One cell phone, two cell phones

This game is a kind of parody of the above games. At the same time, it is also a parody of some of the realities of our modern life:

One mobile phone, two mobile phones,

Pagers, pagers.

fancy cars,

Girls, girls.

Showdown here, showdown there

Fingers, fingers.

Come on together, come on together!

Girls! Boys!

The movements of the game can be invented by the children themselves.

"Tyr-tyr" - machine gun

The pre-learned text is repeated immediately with the audience. The leader pronounces the words and shows the movements. All together repeat both words and movements. With each repetition, the pace accelerates:

"Tyr-tyr" - a machine gun (hands depict shooting from a machine gun),

Higher, higher the plane (arms to the sides, depicting a plane),

"Bach" - artillery (hit with one hand on the other),

The cavalry is galloping (with one hand swing over your head, depicting a checker)!

good mood rocket

The host pronounces a remark, accompanying it with a movement, and the audience answers by repeating the same movement:

- Get ready for the launch of a rocket of good mood! (gives thumbs up).

- Get ready!

- Put on spacesuits! (pretends to put a helmet on his head)

- There are spacesuits to put on!

- Fasten belts! (claps hands)

- Fasten your seat belts!

— Enable contact! (touches the index finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right)

— There is a contact!

- Start key! (raises right hand up)

— There is a key to start!

- Turn on the motors!

- There are turn on the motors!

- One, two, three, whack! (makes rotational movements of the arms near the chest)

- Whack, whack, whack.

— Start the countdown! (all count together: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1")

- Hooray! (stormy applause)

How an elephant sneezes

The hall is divided into three teams. Each team has its own sign by which it must say its words:

The first team, with a wave of the left hand, shouts: “Boxes!”;

The second team, with a wave of the right hand, shouts: “Cartilage!”;

The third team nods its head and shouts: “Dragged!”.

After a short rehearsal, which is held separately with each team, the leader shows the signs in turn for each. At the end of the game, he shows all three signs (a wave of two hands and a nod of his head) at the same time, and all teams shout out their words.

Leading:“Now you all know how an elephant sneezes!”

Param - parerum

A chanting game with which you can cheer up a room or a group of children in a matter of seconds. The host pronounces the first part of the slogan, for example: “Param - parerum”, and the audience responds with the second part of the slogan: “Hey!” etc.:

Param - parerum - Hey!

Param - parerum - Hey!

Param - parerum - Hey! Hey! Hey!


This game can be played in a circle, in a detachment place, in the hall, etc. The leader shouts out a line, and the hall repeats:




Cabinet! Politen-beaten!

Oh, I eat bananas!

And I eat oranges!

And eat tangerines!

And I drink tea!

Then the facilitator asks a question, to which the children answer:

What is the mood? — In!

Is everyone of this opinion? - All without exception!

Maybe you are already tired? We didn't take these with us!

Well done? - This is us!

This is us? - Well done!

Flying, flying through the sky balloon

Flying, flying through the sky ball

The balloon flies across the sky.

And we know that this ball

Will reach the sky!

Gradually, words are replaced by hand movements: first the word “ball” is replaced, then the words “sky”, “flies”, “we”. Thus, there are almost no words left, but only movements are shown.

At the end of the game, when almost all words are replaced by gestures, only the words “by”, “and we know”, “what is this”, “before” remain. According to the replaced words, hand movements are selected:

. "ball" - a circle of hands in the air,

. "sky" - thumbs up,

. "flies" - arms to the sides,

. “we” - they point to themselves with their palm, pressing it to their chest.

My triangular hat

It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words and movements:

My triangular hat

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

That is not my hat!

Gradually, the words "cap", "mine", "triangular", are replaced by movements:

. "cap" - the right palm is brought to the top of the head,

. "my" - the left hand is brought to the chest,

. "triangular" - the hands depict a triangle.

Teapot with lid

In this game, as you repeat, the words “teapot”, “lid”, “knob” and “hole” disappear from the game:

Teapot with lid

lid with knob,

Bump with a hole

Steam comes out of the hole.

Steam comes out of the hole

hole in the stump,

knob on the lid,

Lid on a teapot.

Remarks. The movements are invented by the children themselves.

Aunt Moti has four sons

The text is repeated along with the audience. First you need to learn the words:

Aunt Moti has four sons,

Aunt Moti has four sons.

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

And only sang one verse - ...

When the verse is spoken for the first time, “right hand” is added in the last line, then the children repeat the verse, continuously shaking their right hand. Thus, after each repetition, a new movement is added. At the end it turns out: "right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, head, tongue ..."

This game can be played in a circle. All participants (together with the leader) pronounce the words in chorus, simultaneously showing the movements.

Uncle Abram's

The rules are the same as in the game "At Moti's", but with different words:

They didn't drink or eat

Everyone looked at the uncle.

Right hand...

(By the end of the game, all parts of the body are in motion)

Uncle Abram has forty sons,

Forty sons and forty daughters.

They didn't drink or eat

Everyone looked at the uncle.

Right hand, left hand,

right leg, left leg,

right shoulder, left shoulder,

right eye, left eye, head!

Hand up, finger in your mouth

The leader from the stage says the words, while showing the movements, in accordance with the words. The hall repeats only the movements:

Hand up (one hand up)

Finger in the mouth (finger of the other hand in the mouth).

And now vice versa (changed hands).

Raise your hair on end (hands raise your hair on end),

You press ear to ear (neighbor to neighbor is pressed by ear),

Hold hands (join hands with a neighbor).

Hug tightly (hugs with a neighbor).

Rub nose to nose together (rub nose to nose with a neighbor).

— Why do you need it?

Because it's friendship! (Children answer in chorus).


The host pronounces the lines, showing the movements, and the children in the hall repeat after him (standing):

Are we going to party for the holidays?

So let's have fun spinning with us (spinning).

If necessary, we will clap (clap).

And we will stomp our feet (stomp).

If necessary - drink heavily (la-la-la).

If necessary, let's go to the dance (they dance).

If necessary, we will scream (shout).

If necessary, we will shut up (shut up).

Remarks. This game can be used to establish silence in the hall.

star Rain

The game is a great way to establish silence in the hall and draw the attention of children to what is happening on stage. The host says something like this: Dear guys! Look at the sky (you can also look at the ceiling)! Do you see the clouds hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! It's already fallen...

One drop (everyone claps their palms with one finger).

Two drops (everyone clap their palms with two fingers).

Three drops (everyone clap their palms with three fingers).

Four drops (everyone clap their hands with four fingers).

A torrential downpour has begun (everyone clap their hands).

And the "starry rain" began to fall (stormy standing ovation).

Then everything is repeated in reverse order and there is silence (the rain stops).

The deer has a big house

The text is repeated along with the audience, you must first learn the words. The host says the words and shows the movements. All together repeat after each line both words and movements. With each repetition, the verse is spoken faster:

The deer has a big house (hands over the head with a house).

He looks into his window (show the window with his hands).

Bunny runs through the forest (running in place),

There is a knock on the door to him (depict a knock on the door with your hand):

Knock knock, open the door

There's an evil hunter in the forest!

- Bunny, bunny, run,

Give me a paw (shake the neighbor's hand).

Milan sleeps

The game is played with varying volume. The words: "Milan is sleeping" are pronounced in a whisper, "Milan woke up" - loudly, "Milan is tired by the evening" - tiredly.

Grandma bought a chicken

The text is repeated along with the audience. First you need to learn the words. The leader pronounces them and shows the movements. All together repeat after each line the words and movements:

My grandmother bought a chicken for herself (repeated twice; children depict a chicken on a perch).

Hen grain by grain: “kudah-tah-tah” (children show with their hands how the chicken pecks).

Grandma bought a duck for herself (repeated twice; children depict how a duck swims).

Duck: “tyurukh-tyukh-tyukh-tyukh”, grain-wise chicken: “kudah-tah-tah” (the words are accompanied by the same movements).

My grandmother bought herself a turkey (repeated twice).

Turkey: “tails-balds” (for the word “folds” - hand to the right, for the word “balds” - to the left).

Duck: "shu-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh", grain-by-grain chicken: "kudah-tah-tah."

Grandma bought herself a kitty.

And kisunya: “meow-meow” (children show how a cat washes itself).

Turkey chick: “tails-balds”, duck: “turyukh-tyukh-tyukh”,

Hen grain by grain: "kudah-tah-tah."

Grandma bought herself a dog.

My grandmother bought a pig for herself.

Piglet: "grunts-grunts" (show the piglet's piglet with their hand).

The little dog: “woof-woof”, and the kisunya: “meow-meow”, the turkey: “tails-bastards”, the duck: “turyukh-tyukh-tyukh-tyukh”, the chicken grain by grain: “kudah-tah-tah”.

Grandma bought herself a cow.

Cow: "torment-torment" (show the cow's horns with their hands).

Piglet: “grunts-grunts”, dog: “bow-wow”, and kisunya: “meow-meow”, turkey: “tails-bastards”, duck: “turyuh-gyuh-tyuh-tyukh”, grain-by-grain chicken: “ kudah-tah-tah"

Remarks. Possible additional options: horse: "skoki-koki"; TV: "time-facts"; announcer: "la-la-la-la"; dinosaur: "quack-boars"; excavator: "breaks-breaks", etc.

funny monkeys

The host says the words and shows the movements. All together repeat the movements:

We are funny monkeys!

We play too loud

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

Let's show each other tongues

We will point to the sky with our hands

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Raise a finger to the temple

Let's stick out our ears,

Let's take the crown

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

How do I say the number "Three!" —

All freeze with grimaces,

One two Three!

Remarks. After the children have memorized their grimaces and faces, you can hold a competition for the best face. It probably shouldn't be reminded that the winners of the funny faces competition should be awarded with small prizes.

Hula Hup

The text is repeated by the presenter together with the audience. First you need to learn the words. The facilitator says the words and shows the movements corresponding to the words from the text. All together repeat both words and movements:

Fans for girls,

irons for boys,

chinese bobbleheads,

fashion sneakers,

Hula hoop for girls (boys).

Those who were named by the host (boys or girls), and perform all the movements.

Meet friends

The text is repeated along with the audience. First you need to learn the words. The host says the words and shows the movements. All together repeat both words and movements:

Let's wave our hands!

Like this (waving with one hand, greeting each other).

Let's wave another!

Like this (waving with the other hand, greeting each other).

Both together, friendly (waving with both hands, greeting each other).

Let's hug a neighbor -

Like this (they hug a neighbor on one side).

Let's hug another

Like this (they hug the neighbor on the other side).

Let's hug together, be friendly (they hug the neighbor on the left and right) -

This is how we welcome guests and friends!

Let's jump in place -

Like this (jump in place).

Let's jump again -

Like this (jump in place).

Let's all jump together, friendlier (jump in place) -

This is how we welcome guests and friends!


The host says the words and shows the movements. All children repeat after him both words and movements. At the expense of one-two, three-four, etc. - claps, for the rest of the words - the corresponding movements:

One-two - the islands! (hand circles)

Three-four - we sailed! (hands swimming movements)

Five or six - let's go here! (stomp)

Seven or eight - how many pines! (shake hands)

Nine-ten - we're on our way! (walking in place)

Count to ten!

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

We are here again, we are together again!

I'm riding a tank

The text is pronounced immediately with the audience, you must first learn the words. The host says the words and shows the movements. All together repeat both words and movements:

I'm driving a tank (to steer with my hands)

I see a cow (show the binoculars with your hands, then show the horns on your head with your index fingers)

In a hat with earflaps (show the "ears" of the hat)

With a healthy horn (show the big horn with the movement of the bent palm from the forehead up)

- Hello cow! (forward hand for a handshake)

How are you doing? (raise hands as if in surprise)

Do you speak English? (threaten with index finger)

What are you calling! (show fist)

Train with gifts

The facilitator teaches the following dialogue with the children:

- A steam locomotive has arrived!

What did he bring with him?

- He is tired, he is deaf and dumb, he brought a trailer ...

The host of the game announces what the locomotive has arrived with, and the children must demonstrate this with gestures and sounds. For example:

With stompers (stomping),

With crackers (clapping),

With flashing lights (flashing)

With hugs (hugs)

With chants (shouting)

With kissers (kissing)

With smiles (smile), etc.

At the end of the game, the host says that the locomotive brought the trailer with silence.

good day

The leader pronounces the words and shows the movements. The children all repeat after him. The last words are pronounced especially loudly. With each repetition, the pace accelerates:

Come with us

Let's stomp our feet.

Come with us

Let's clap our hands.

Today is a good day!


There are several presenters on the stage who show the movements and say the words. All participants in the game put their hands on each other's shoulders and, pronouncing the first, second and fourth lines of the verse, sway to the right and left. When performing the third line - forward bends. The game can be played at different paces (fast, slow, etc.):

I-i-i, i-i-i, i-i-i-o.

I-i-i, i-i-i, o-i-o.

I-i-i, i-i-i, o-i-o.

John Brown Boy

The hosts pronounce the verse in full for the first time, then with each repetition, the last word in each line is replaced with claps, with the last line remaining unchanged:

John Brown Boy oiled the skis once.

John Brown Boy oiled the skis once.

And went to the Caucasus!

John Brown Boy smeared skis alone ... (cotton).

John Brown Boy smeared skis alone ... (cotton).

Once upon a time, my grandmother had a gray goat ...

The verse of the famous song “Once upon a time with my grandmother ...” is sung, replacing all the vowels in the words with “u” (or “u”, etc.):

Zhul-bul at the grandmother's kuzluk,

Zhul-bul at the grandmother's kuzluk.

Wut kuk, wut kuk - turn the kuzluk.

If it's fun, do it!

The host says the words and shows the movements. Everyone repeats them together.

The first line is repeated twice. After repeating each line, one of four movements must be performed:

Clap your hands;

snap your fingers;

Pat your knees;

Stomp your feet.

The verse is repeated four times with a change in movement. Performing the verse for the fifth time, the players change the words "do this" to "do everything!" and repeat all four movements one after another:

If it's fun, do it!

If it's fun, we'll smile at each other.

If it's fun, do it!

Remarks. There can be more repetitions and movements - it all depends on the leader's imagination.

The time is coming

The hosts pronounce the line, and the audience - the end of the line, accompanying it with the appropriate movements:

The time comes - tick-tock (shake your head to the side),

Birds fly from the south - “kar-kar” (with hands to depict the flight of a bird),

The snowy mountains are melting - "boo-boo."

And not before sleep - "xrr" (closed eyes).

The time comes - "tick-tock" (shake your head to the side),

People are losing their heads - “smack-smack” (grab your head with your hands, holding it),

And this time is called spring! - "kap-kap" (clapping hands)!

poisonous bug

The host asks the audience to repeat just one line “Moth, mole, mole”, and then he finishes the line himself:

Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous insect,

Moth, moth, moth is a small bug,

Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous cockroach,

Which eats everything up and down.

Moth, moth, moth - ate daddy's panties,

Moth, moth, moth - ate my mother's coat,

Moth, moth, moth - ate a teddy bear,

And then I got dressed and stomped to the cinema.

Concert wow!

Five people come on stage and say: “This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt! The hall answers them: “La-la-la!” (cotton).

Playing instruments is depicted by the corresponding movements:

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

The first instrument is the piano: “pum-pum-pum”.

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

The first instrument is the piano: “pum-pum-pum”.

The second instrument is the guitar: “bring-bring-bring”.

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

The first instrument is the piano: “pum-pum-pum”.

The second instrument is the guitar: “bring-bring-bring”.

The third instrument is the violin: “zu-zu-zu”.

The fourth instrument is the harp: “for-for-for”, etc.

I you he she

The facilitator pronounces the words and shows the movements. The hall repeats both words and movements:

In this hall - all friends!

Look at yourself, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.

In this hall - all friends!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left.

In this hall - all friends!

I, you, he, she are together a close-knit family.

Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left.

In this hall - all friends!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Smile to the neighbor on the right, smile to the neighbor on the left!

In this hall - all friends!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Look at yourself - together we are a hundred thousand "I"!

Georgian choir




The host conducts several rehearsals. First, all voices pronounce their words in turn, then the first voice begins, then the second joins, while the first continues to sing, after the second the third joins, the first and second also sing. Suddenly, the host (aka the conductor) waves his arms, and the choir falls silent.

After two or three rehearsals, the host announces the number of the concert program, and everyone performs their part in the rehearsed order. At the most crucial moment, when the conductor gives a sign and the choir falls silent, the soloist boy gets up and sings: “Where are you, my Suliko?”.

On the bank of a big river

This is how the recitative begins before the song "They wrapped the earth." Children repeat each line after the leader, after which the song is sung:

On the bank of a big river

bee stung

Bear right in the nose

Oh - oh - hey!

The bear screamed

And he began to sing.

The first verse of the song "Wrapped the Earth" begins.

Head, hips, knees, fingers

The text is repeated along with the audience, the words must be previously learned. The leader pronounces them and shows the movements, all the children repeat after him together.

Words are repeated several times in a row, gradually increasing the pace. You can make a competition for the best performance or for the fastest pace:

Knees, fingers (with both hands point to your knees and snap your fingers).

Knees, fingers (with both hands point to your knees and snap your fingers),

Knees, fingers (repeat these movements).

Head, ramen (with both hands point to the head and shoulders),

Knees, fingers (point to knees and snap fingers), Ears, eyes, mouth, nose (with both hands point to ears, eyes, mouth, nose).

Chicky boom

The leader pronounces the first two lines, then the third and fourth lines are spoken together with the audience. The fifth and sixth lines are again spoken only by the presenter. The pace increases each time:

Chicky boom is a cool song

Let's do it all together!

Chiki-boom-chikaraka, chikaraka-chiki-boom


Chicky boom is a cool song

Hurry up and let's eat together!

Grandma lived and beat

The pre-learned text is repeated together with the audience. The leader says the words and shows the movements invented by him, all together repeat after him. Each time the pace accelerates:

Once upon a time there was a grandmother

At the very river

Grandma wanted

Swim in the river.

Grandma was nimble -

Bought a washcloth

Our song is good

Start over.


The host says the words and shows the movements that everyone repeats. Gradually the pace increases:

Tram-pum-pum (palms to pat on the knees of the neighbor on the right).

Guli-guli-guli-guli (one hand above the head, the other under the chin, fingers tickle the head and chin).

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms)

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms)

Tram-pum-pum (palms to pat on the knees of a neighbor on the left).

Salami, salami (alternately raise the right and left hands up).

Ghoul-ghoul-ghoul-ghoul (repeat).

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms).

nyemon powder

Everyone gets up, first moves to the right, pronouncing the first line, takes four steps, stamping their left foot; then move to the left, pronouncing the second line, take four steps, raise the right leg. On the third line, you need to tilt the body forward, backward and, bending your arm at the elbow, say: “Yes!” Words are repeated several times in a row, gradually accelerating the pace.

The game can be played both in the hall and in the detachment. You can stand in a circle or “wall to wall”:

Nyemon, Nyemon, Nyemon powder.

Nyemon, Nyemon, Nyemon papasan!

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh - yes!


The verse is performed to any music with any movements - you can clap your hands, knees, shoulders, etc. You can do two movements.

The pace of the game gradually accelerates, to the sound "ah!" take a deep breath:

Lay luli, lay luli

Luli, luli-lai,

Luli, luli, luli-lai - ah!


The host pronounces the words, everyone repeats after him after each line:

Verzine! Op-la viburnum, op-la ku-ku,

Op-la viburnum, op-la ku-ku,

Rumba, rumba, cha-cha-cha, oh-oh-oh, ah-ah!

Bang-bang, whack-whack, yes!


The host divides all the participants in the game into seven teams: the first team is “Turnip”, the second is “Grandfather”, the third is “Grandma”, the fourth is “Granddaughter”, the fifth is “Bug”, the sixth is “Cat”, the seventh is “Mouse” ". Having distributed the roles, the presenter tells the tale "Turnip". When he names one of the heroes, the team that was named must quickly stand up and sit down. The facilitator's task is to tell the story in the most interesting and confusing way possible.


The game is very similar to the previous one. It can be carried out with the audience, in a circle, as well as on stage; only the number of players will be different.

When the roles are assigned (grandfather, grandmother, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox, stump), the host begins to tell a fairy tale. As certain characters are called, they either stand up (if they are sitting in the hall) or take a step forward and bow (if they are on stage or in a circle). Only the “kolobok” was unlucky - for each word “kolobok” it must rotate around its axis (it is absolutely round, after all)!

seven days of the week

The following dialogue takes place between the presenter and the audience:

- How many days are there in a week?

- List it!

- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Name the working days of the week!

- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

And now the weekends of the week!

- Saturday Sunday.

The leader then lists the days of the week, and the audience should only clap when the working days are called. Gradually the pace of the game increases.

Remarks. It should be noted that attention weakens as the pace accelerates.

Air travel

The entire hall is divided into four teams: India, Russia, Chukotka, Japan.

Each country corresponds to certain exclamations and movements.

India - "Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!" (while pronouncing these words, raise your hands, imitating the movements of Indian dance);

Russia - “U-uh, you, fir-trees!” (you need to scratch the back of your head);

Chukotka - "Haya-haya-haya-ho!" (you need to raise your arms bent at the elbows with open palms and make swaying movements left and right - like a dance from the cartoon "Chunga-changa");

Japan - "Kanichiwa!" (you need to fold your palms at your chest and make a half-bow, similar to what the Japanese do when greeting).

The task of the teams is to shout out their phrase in chorus when the name of “their” country is pronounced.


We are flying in a plane over Russia (“Whoa, ooh, ooh!”). Russia (“Whoa, fir-trees!”) is a big country; we are flying over Chukotka (“Haya-haya-haya-ho!”). Chukotka (“Khaya-haya-haya-ho!”) is a large and beautiful land. And we turn south, fly further and see Japan ("Kanitiva!"). There are a lot of Japanese people in Japan ("Kanichiwa!"). Japan (“Kanitiwa!”) is called the Land of the Rising Sun. And now we have noticed India on the horizon (“Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!”). In India (“Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!”) there are a lot of elephants and monkeys. A sacred animal in India ("Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!") Consider a cow. We are already running out of fuel and decide to refuel in Japan ("Kanichiwa!"). We fill up our tanks and take off from Japan (“Kanitiva!”) and return home (flying through the countries in reverse or any arbitrary order). Before landing, we climbed high, high into the sky and saw all the countries together.

In fact, you can fly much longer - it all depends on the host's imagination and what situations he can come up with.


The presenter's left hand depicts the sea (holding at chest level, bent at the elbow), the right hand - a fish, which, swimming in the sea, periodically jumps out, and the audience "catches" it with claps - clapping as soon as the "fish" appeared above the surface of the sea. The pace depends on the frequency of the appearance of the "fish". When the "fish" swims "under water" (below the level of the hand), the hall is silent. As soon as she appears on the surface of the water (above the level of the hand) or jumps “out of the water”, the audience clap. If the "fish" lingered in the air, then applause is heard.


Host: “Let's imagine that we are all at the hippodrome. You will be the left stand (left half) and you will be the right stand (right half). Come on, let's check how you can whistle. Well! Your task is to depict the running of horses in accordance with my command.

Each word has its own movement:

Horses are brought to the start (tsok-tsok-tsok).

Get ready! On your marks! Attention! March!

The horses are running! (stomp their feet).

The fans of the left tribune made a noise (the left half of the hall whistles).

And now the right tribune (the right half of the hall whistles).

Barrier! (clap hands).

Horses run faster! (stomp feet harder).

Another barrier! (clap hands).

Horses run along the pavement (stomp their feet).

On gravel, on the pavement. A lingering barrier! (several quick hand claps).

Here is the finish line!

The right tribune rustled, the left one, now both whistled! The finish!

Goal - bar - past

The hall is divided into two teams: the team of the right hand and the team of the left hand. One team yells "Goal!" when the host points with his right hand in her direction. The other team yells "Barbell!" when the leader points with his left hand in her direction. Everyone shouts “Miss!” when the leader points with both hands to both teams.

Remarks. You can deceive teams (test their vigilance and attention) by showing, for example, with your right hand in the wrong direction in which the desired team is sitting.

Petka and Vaska

The hall is divided into two groups - "Petka" and "Vaska". The host says:

In a small clearing stands a beautiful house,

And a cheerful gnome lives in a beautiful house.

Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

If he points to Petek, they say:

I have polka dot pants

I came here from a fairy tale

Because I'm good!

If he points to "Vasek", they say:

I have a plaid shirt

I came here from a fairy tale

And he brought candy!

Remarks. The facilitator points to the groups in random order, can point to them at the same time.

Gnome and house

The host reads poetry, and the children themselves finish every second line:

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf.

He built in the forest ... (house).

A smaller dwarf lived nearby.

He built in the forest ... (house).

Old little gnome.

Folded under the mushroom ... (house).

He was old and he was gray.

And he was big ... (homebody).

And behind the stove, behind the pipe,

He lived with a gnome ... (brownie).

Very strict, businesslike,

Neat, ... (homey).

Moss, viburnum, St. John's wort,

He carried everything from the forest ... (home).

He loved yesterday's soup,

He drank only kvass ... (homemade).

Used to meet in the evening

Gnome with his beloved ... (household).

Watch a movie together

Play with him in ... (dominoes).

Every day the gnome's neighbors

Visited grandfather ... (at home).

Everyone was greeted warmly by the dwarf.

Everyone loved this ... (house).

Her Majesty's Letters of Courtesy

The host reads the poems, and the children add the necessary words:

Participate in the exchange of kind words

And speak more often ... (hello).

Need to know how two and two

All the magic words

A day, perhaps, up to a hundred times

Talk... (please).

Bear, five or six years old

Learned how to behave

You can not be rude and swagger,

Friends need to ... (bow).

Papa broke the precious vase

Grandmother and mother were upset immediately.

But dad was found, looked into their eyes

And quietly and timidly he said this:

"Please don't look at me like that.

Please, if possible, me... (sorry)."

You will be known as educated, for

You tell everyone - big ... (thank you).

If you respect your friends

At the meeting, ask: "How ... (are you doing)."

Don't forget goodbye

We need to tell everyone ... (goodbye).

Mysterious gamma

The principle of the game is the same - the host reads poetry, and the children help him:

Ahead of all is a note ... (to).

And behind her on the mountain

Waves a note ... (re).

Third note of seven

Of course, a note ... (mi).

graph drawn,

And under it is a note ... (fa).

There are beans in the garden

Here, in the notes, only ... (salt).

Quickly moving a finger

I lost a note ... (la).

Ask all the guys

Who will finish the scale? .. (si).

Gamma all from to to to -

(si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do)!

Who knows - well done!

The host starts the line - the audience ends:

The tractor drives ... (tractor driver),

Electric train ... (driver),

Painted the walls ... (painter),

Planed the board ... (carpenter),

He spent the light in the house ... (fitter),

Works in the mine ... (miner),

In a hot forge ... (blacksmith),

Who knows everything - (well done)!


(teenagers hike in the woods)

The game is held after the presenters have learned the words and movements with the guys. While pronouncing the word “Nyukavtenage”, the leaders and children make movements as if looking out for something in the grass (putting their open palm just above the eyes). To the words "Wow!" - stretch their arms forward and down, opening them a little (as when meeting with someone). To the words "Oh-oh!" - raise their hands up, also opening them a little (giving praise). To the words "A lot of russula, strawberries, pineapples ..." - point with the index finger at the guys sitting in the hall. To the words "But how so?" - shrug. "And all because ..." - instructively raise the index finger up.

A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, wow!

A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, let's collect

But how is it?!

And all because...

Newkavteneja, Newkavteneja, Newkavteneja, wow!

Newkawteneje, Newkawteneje, Newkawteneje, Oh!

Lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, wow!

A lot of strawberries, a lot of strawberries, a lot of strawberries, let's collect a BUCKET!

We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, WE were surprised for a long time!

Long wondered, long wondered, long wondered,

But how is it?!

And all because...

Newkavteneja, Newkavteneja, Newkavteneja, wow!

Newkavteneje, Newkavteneje, Newkavteneje, Zyu!

Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, wow!

Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, let's collect a BUCKET!

We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, WE were surprised for a long time!

Long wondered, long wondered, long wondered,

But how is it?!

And all because...

Yes, because we do not grow pineapples in the forest!!!


All those in the hall, including the presenters, are divided into pairs. Before starting the game, everyone needs to bend their arms at chest level (as for clapping their hands). Actually, the game is played like a game of clapping, but only accompanied by words. To the words "I-i-iskauskas!" - the guys hug on the one hand, to the words “And-and-out of the way!” - with another.

We do it once, we do it twice and we do it, we do it, we do it.

So we go three, we go four and we go, we go, we go.

Takuem on the right

Takuem on the left



And so, so, so!

And for those who like this, WE do like this (only the hosts of this game say this phrase):

We do it once, we do it twice and we do it, we do it, we do it...


Shouting game. It can be held both in the hall and in a circle. The host starts with the children. At the words "I" - points to himself, "you" - to someone in the hall, "we" - to all the children.

I rattle, you rumble, and WE rumble!

And maybe, maybe WE are gibbering? (only one presenter says this phrase)

No-o-o! WE rumble! We rumble while standing, we rumble while sitting,

Chattering dancing, clattering in a dream!

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble to FIVE.

One two three four five! We are rambling again!

If desired, this game can be combined with the previous game "So". Thus, it will turn out: One, two, three, four, FIVE! Let's start doing it!

Fun animals


We built a hut, gathered brushwood in an armful,

We gnawed a log and we dived to the bottom!

But the beavers do not get tired, they beat themselves in the tummy!

We are kind, we are kind, because we are beavers!!!

If there are beavers in the hall, repeat everything, like us!


We patted our ears, we rubbed our noses,

We hugged each other, wagged our tails,

We took a toy in our paw! We lay down to sleep on a pillow.

Ah, we are not beavers! We are puppies!!!

If there are puppies in the gym, repeat like we do!

R-r-r-r-r-r! (snarl, baring teeth)


They jumped on the branches, cracked nuts,

Mushrooms were carried on a small cart,

We played tag with the girl Natasha.

Ah, we are not puppies! We are whites!!!

If there are squirrels in the hall, then it's time to eat nuts !!!


In a small clearing they played hide and seek,

They ran away from the wolf through the forest without looking back,

We gnawed a carrot to make it more sense.

Ah, we are not squirrels! We are rabbits!

If the hares are in the hall with us, then move your ears!

Khrum-khrum-khrum-khrum (imitate the movement of hare ears)


Gently pulled the back, played with claws,

We lapped milk, and fell asleep on the couch,

We purred a little with a neighbor - an adult cat.

Ah, we are not hares! We are kittens!!!

If there are kittens in the gym, repeat guys!!!

That's what with you, brothers, we immediately became friends,

And now, if it's not difficult, repeat everything after us:

U-u-u-u-u! (pat their belly)

R-r-r-r-r-r! (snarl, baring teeth)

(They tap their front teeth and imitate a squirrel)

Khrum-khrum-khrum-khrum (imitate the movement of bunny ears)

Mur-mur-mur-mur (imitate washing a kitten).

applause school

The game is played with the audience before the start of any program. The host of the program announces to the children that they are all enrolled in the school of applause.

Moderator: This school is not quite ordinary, because it has only five classes and learning in it is quite fast. But on the other hand, after its completion, all the guys can give their applause to everyone who performs on stage in a completely qualified manner. But first, let me explain to you the simple rules of conduct in our school. Firstly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to whistle during and after the performance of artists. Secondly, in our school it is forbidden to kick with your feet during and after the performance of the artists. And finally, thirdly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to show disrespect to everyone who performs on stage and sits in our hall.

So, the first class of applause school is moderate applause. They are short, without much noise. Let's try. Well done! Congratulations on finishing first grade.

The second class of the school of applause is thunderous applause. They are noisy and long. Let's rehearse. Well done guys, you did a great job!

The third class of the school of applause is stormy, prolonged applause, turning into ovations. Show them please. It's amazing how talented students are! Congratulations on graduating from the third grade of our school. Let's move on to the fourth.

The fourth grade of the school of applause is a stormy prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and "Bis!" They are quite difficult, but doable, let's try! How well you did a difficult task! And you deserve to go to the graduating class!

The fifth grade of the school of applause is a stormy long applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and "Bis!", accompanied by general rising and jubilation. What good fellows you are, that you have passed all five classes of our school.

Now it's time for the final exams. So, I call the class, and you applaud according to it.

Then you can repeat all the exercises from the first class to the fifth, in a spread, from the fifth to the first. You can arrange an exam for each detachment or selectively, etc. And at the end of the "exam" it is necessary to praise all the children and start the program with a storm of prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of "Bravo!" and "Bis!" with general rising and rejoicing.

The material was provided by Zhulanova Elena

(A feature of these games is that one or more people on the stage speak and lose (stage, having agreed in advance how) on the stage, and the audience repeats in unison. Moreover, this is done several times, more and more starting the hall. Designed to “warm up” the hall before the squad or detachment business and taking breaks during the squad - squad affairs.)

1.We are one family

You and I are one family

You, we, you, me

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left

We're friends

You and I are one family

you we you me

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We're friends

We are one family

You, we, you, me

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left

We're friends

We are one family

You, we, you, me

Kiss the neighbor on the left

Kiss the seat on the right

We're friends


We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him

We have a huge gun

And a sharp sword "wow"

Ouch! What is it?

Oh what is it?

Oh what is it?

Mountain ahead

Don't fly over it

Do not crawl under it

She can't be bypassed

The road is straight ahead

(everywhere there is a demonstration of how it is done)

(the same action is played with a river, a swamp, a desert and ... a lion. At the same time, the emotions of the hall must be constantly increased. When it comes to the lion, the whole hall screams in unison in fear and shows how he runs from the lion through the desert, swamp, river and grief. In conclusion, he wipes off the sweat, saying how nicely we hunted.)


They ran, they ran

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Forged, forged

Scissors, scissors

Run in place, run in place

Bunnies, Bunnies

Well - together, well - together

(the male half of the hall shouts - GIRLS!

The female half - BOYS! Or vice versa. Who will outshine whom)

4. We are musicians!

We are hopio talent musicians

We play on the hands - we play!

Rukataki, rukaki, rukaki, rukaki - chant 2 times


The hall is divided into three parts. Each group learns their words:

The first group - In the bath, brooms are wet.

The second group - The spindles are not sharpened.

The third group - And the straw is not dried.

They all learn together - the lady is the lady, madam is the lady.

At the command of the host, the part of the children to which he points with his hand says his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all the children sing the last line. You will have a beautiful large choir capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, then you can also receive a prize.


The hall is divided into two halves. The host alternately shows either the left or the right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

The right half of the hall - Goal! (right hand raised)

The left half of the hall - Past! (left hand raised)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout - "barbell"

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, as the leader can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa.


The host asks the children: - Do you know how an elephant sneezes? Do you want to know?

The hall is divided into three equal parts, and each group learns its word:

The first group is boxes.

The second group is cartilage.

The third group - dragged.

And then, with a wave of the leader's hand, all the children shout at the same time - but each group has its own word.

This is how an elephant sneezes.


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them in a "boat". The host alternately waves his left and then his right hand. Reacting to the wave of the hand, the hall claps in turn, imitating the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head - the children shout "TU-TU" !!!

Here you can remind the children how they got to the camp, what they experienced on the road. This game is very good for the very beginning, not only the beginning of the business, but also the beginning of the shift.


The words of this game-song are learned with the children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot - palms parallel to each other

lid - palm of the right hand - lid

bump - fist

hole - fingers in a ring (OK sign)

steam goes - circles are made with the index finger in ascending order.

As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a knob.

Bump with hole...

There is steam in the hole.

The steam goes into the hole.

Hole in the stump...

Lump in the lid..

Lid with teapot.


The hall is divided into five parts, and each group distributes its words:

1 group - Pancake-n-n-n-n

2nd group - Half pancake

Group 3 - A quarter of a pancake

4 group - No pancakes, one sour cream

Group 5 - Pancakes-pancakes

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and in a certain size, and the tone increases from the first word to the last (Pancakes-pancakes - 1/16). If you simultaneously pronounce these words to the whole hall and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then a feeling of bell ringing is created in the hall.


The words of the game are learned with the children in advance and are simply sung for the first time.



The best swing? - Wild creepers.

This is from the cradle - Monkeys know.

Who has been swinging all the time? - Yes! Yes! Yes!

He is not upset - Never!

After the children have memorized their words, their own movement is added to each phrase:

line 1 - children do nothing;

2 line - children clap their hands on their words;

3 line - the children bounce in place on their own words;

Line 4 - children both clap and bounce.

After this game, the host may well thank the children for the spectacle delivered - to see so many monkeys in one place.


The facilitator invites the children to learn new foreign languages ​​in addition to those they know. And for this you need to take a well-known song:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.

One is grey, the other is white.

Two cheerful geese.

And try to sing it in another language. And to do this is very simple: all the vowels in the words must be changed to some one. If you replace all the vowels with "A", then in English this song will look like this:

It's a pity and a woman

Two vasalakh gasas.

Adan shed, drag balai.

Two vasalakh gasas.

Polish - "E";

Spanish - "I";

French - "Yu";

German - "U";

English - "A";

Japanese - "I";


Those who play after the leader repeat words and movements, gradually increasing the overall pace.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!

They stomp their feet.

Fuck-fuck-machine gun!

Clenched fists depict shooting.

Higher, higher plane!

Throw an invisible ball to the top with palms.

Boom, artillery!

They clap their hands.

The cavalry is coming! Hooray!

Waving an imaginary sword.


Host: Do you have palms? Show.

The players show their hands.

Moderator: And your knees? Clap your hands on your knees.

The players clap their hands on their knees.

Host: Great. This is how the horses enter the field of the hippodrome. Repeat the movements after me.

Those playing along with the leader measuredly clap their knees, imitating the clatter of hooves.

Host: The horses go to the start. The stands are roaring.

The players imitate cries and exclamations of support.

Host: Attention! On your marks! March!

Playing together with the leader gradually speed up the "run".

Host: Barrier!

The players make one clap with two palms at once.

Host: Double barrier!

The players make two claps with two palms at once.

Leading: We run along the pavement.

Playing together with the leader, alternately hit themselves with their fists in the chest.

Leading: We run on the grass.

The players rub palm on palm.

Host: Tribunes pani.

Girls shout words of support to their horses: "Come on, come on!", "Hey!" etc.

Host: Tribunes of pans.

The boys shout words of support to their horses: "Come on, come on!", "Hey!" etc.

Host: Soon the finish line.

Those playing with the leader speed up the blows to the knees.

Host: Finish! Winner's reward ceremony!

Everyone clap their hands.


To make it more convenient to congratulate and rejoice at the victories of your friends and comrades, you can clap in an unusual way:

1. Lightly tap on the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.

2. Then add the second finger and tap with two.

3. Then three fingers.

4. Four.

5. Five.

6. Clap with the whole palm.

7. We only clap our fingers.

8. Remove one finger and knock with four.

9. Three fingers.

10. Two.

11. One.

Such applause really resembles the sound of rain, for which they received such a name. Do not forget that applause to yourself will be a great gift for you and your children.

"Brazilian Granny"

My grandmother lives in Brazil.
She has this one (finger, mouth, shoulder, etc.)
She jumps and screams all the time:
"Why doesn't anyone love me!"

Answer: "What a grandmother - such are the grandchildren!"

"At Moti's..."

The guys repeat after the leader the movements and words:
Aunt Moti has four sons.
Aunt Moti has four sons.
They didn't eat, they didn't drink.
And they only sang one verse. Right hand".

After that, the guys stretch their right hand forward after the leader, and repeat the same text, waving their hands.
Then the guys repeat the words, only at the end they add the left hand. The movements of the arms are added to the movements of the legs, shoulders, abdomen, head, etc.

"The horses are running"

The horses run - We slap the horse run on the knees
Barrier. Hop! - Simulate a jump
Double barrier - We slap horse running on the knees, imitate
Hop! Hop! - Double jump
Reeds - We slap horse running on the knees, we pull
Sh-sh-sh! - hair
Swamp - We slap a horse race on the knees, stroke
Woo! - Cheeks

"My triangular cap"

My triangular hat
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
That is not my hat.
Gradually, one word at a time, replacing words with gestures.

"And I was bitten by a hippopotamus"

I got bitten by a hippopotamus.
Out of fear, I climbed a tree.
And here I am, and my foot is here.
I got bitten by a hippopotamus
Aunt Shura (3 rubles),
Uncle Vasya (3 rubles),
Baba Manya (3 p.).
I got bitten by a hippopotamus.

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?


These games can be played with a small number of children.
The presenter stands on the stage so that everyone sitting in the hall can see him. He asks the spectators if they want to hear how the fans really scream at the match? Hall answers: "Yes!" Task: with a wave of the right hand of the presenter, the right half of the hall shouts: "Goal!" And with a wave of the left hand, the left half of the hall shouts: "Barbell!" The facilitator can swing once with each hand or several times in a row with one hand, and then raise both hands up, and the audience shouts both words at the same time.

It makes the same noise as during a match.
The host invites the children to listen to how it starts to rain. To do this, you need to repeat everything that the counselor shows:
1. Everyone sitting in the hall begins to clap the index finger of the right hand on the palm of the left hand.
2. Then the middle finger is added to the index finger; then add the ring finger, and after a while

Little finger. After that, we clap with the whole palm, that is, we applaud. It turns out the following: first, the "rain" begins to drip, then it drizzles, then it intensifies and, finally, there is a heavy downpour.
The host invites the guys to listen to how the elephant sneezes. To do this, the hall is divided into three parts. The right side says: "Cartilage!"; middle
- "Boxes!"; left side
- "Dragged!". The host alternately waves his hands, pointing to one or another part of the hall, and the guys pronounce the words. When the leader raises both hands up, each part of the hall shouts its word, and the sound is like an elephant sneezing.
The facilitator invites the children to speak in different languages. In fact, it is very simple: any song that is known to everyone is selected (for example, "They lived with granny ..."), and all vowels in this song are replaced by one, for example, "a". It turns out: "Sting a babasa ..." This is how 1 verse is sung, and this language can be called English.

And now let's sing in French: "Zhulu u bubusu..." And so on.
Game details: task cards, phonograms of songs, balls, shoelaces. The essence of the game: the circus has not arrived in the city, and the audience has already gathered in the hall and are waiting for the start of the performance. What to do?! The entertainer invites those sitting in the hall to arrange a performance themselves.

Cards with tasks are laid out on the table or on the floor, inscribed down. A volunteer comes out and draws any card.
He is given time to prepare, and then, to thunderous applause, he completes the task. So
- until the law

Leading: Good afternoon, guests of our today's event. There are a lot of you and all of you are very interesting. I really want to get to know you. I will now give my name, and when I wave my hands, each of you should give your name. So, attention! - My name is ......, and you? (wave hands) - (all the children shout their name) - Well done, I remember everyone, so we met.


Leading: How quickly time flies. Watches are a necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen to how the clock runs and what happens when we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap - the right side of the hall says in chorus: “Tick”, for two claps the left side of the hall answers: “So”.

(The leader first alternates the claps correctly, and then gives two claps two times in a row, two times one at a time).


Leading: “Now we will learn our trademark applause. Repeat after me. It started to rain - we clap one finger on the palm. The rain began to intensify - we clap two fingers on the palm. Has become even stronger - we clap three fingers on the palm. It's raining heavily - four fingers clapping on the palm of your hand. It began to rain - with the whole palm. And now vice versa.

    You are welcome

We say this magic word when we ask for something. Ask the guys to follow all your commands, but on the condition that you, the host, are extremely polite and say the word "please" after the command. If you do not say this word, the command is not executed. If agreed, then we can start. So, "Raise your right hand up, please, raise your left hand too, please. Please clasp your hands ... and now disengage ...". Have you seen how many inattentive people are in the hall? Have fun commenting on the results of the game. You can repeat it with other commands a few more times.

    How does an elephant sneeze?

Leading: have you heard an elephant sneezing, I offer it to you

listen to sneeze. To do this, we divide into three groups: the left group - greet yourself, the middle - welcome yourself, the right group - greeting.

At my signal, the left group starts shouting "boxes!"; the middle group - “cartilage!”, the right group - “dragged!”.

Let's rehearse, several rehearsals are held, first the groups take turns pronouncing the words, then the start of the game is announced.

And now, at my signal, we simultaneously begin to shout loudly. Repeat two more times. Leading: "Be healthy!".

    Game "ECHO"

Host: now I suggest you imitate an echo, I say a sentence, and you repeat the last syllable three times. For example: "Get ready, kids! Ra! Ra! Ra!"

The game starts! Ra! Ra! Ra!

Don't spare your hands! Lei! Lei!

Hit your hands more fun! Lei! Lei!

What time is it! Hour! Hour!

How much will it be in an hour! Hour! Hour!

And it's not true, there will be two! Two! Two!

Think, think head! Wa! Wa!

How the rooster sings in the village! Uh, uh!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! Uh, uh!

Are you sure it is! So-so!

But really how! How how!

What is twice two! Two, two!

And 120 - 2. Two, two!

The head is spinning! Wah wah!

Great answer! Vet, Vet!

Hello math! Vet, Vet!

Is it an ear or a nose? (show ear) Nose, nose!

Or maybe some hay? Woz, woz!

Is it an elbow or an eye? (show elbow) Eye, eye!

You are always good! Yes Yes!

Or only sometimes? Yes Yes!

Tired of answering? Ah, ah!

Let's be quiet!

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