An interesting play on literature. Scenario of the holiday "Friendship with a book walks the planet" Literary express "Quest - game" Visiting a fairy tale

The theatrical quest game "Journey through the Book Ocean" is designed to organize extracurricular time in the subject (literature).

Characters :


baba yaga,

Harry Potter,

Keeper of the Avenue of Stars,

Winnie the Pooh,

Keeper of the Da Vinci Code




Greetings, friends, on our ship! Today we will have an unusual journey - we will go on a sea cruise on the Book Ocean. Our final stop is Treasure Island, where, as they say, pirates buried treasure in ancient times. The path will be difficult. At each stop, you will face serious trials, at the end of which you will receive the coveted word from the statement of a famous scientist. After passing all the tests, on Treasure Island you will have to collect a sentence from all the words. For better orientation, we will give you route maps. (Appendix No. 1. "Route map").

First stage: "Hut on chicken legs »

Baba Yaga holds the key:

Hello! What must I say to enter my hut! (Children say: "Hut, hut ..."). But in order to get the key, you need to solve the riddle. The mystery is fabulous, with humor.

Mystery : What is the name of the woman who first conquered the airspace and became the owner of the world's first aircraft. (Baba Yaga and stupa) 2 points. Well, of course, it's all I, Baba Yaga! Come in (gives the key). Do you want to know how old I am? Then guess the riddles and write down the riddles in numbers in order.Exercise : Guess the riddles and write down the riddles in numbers in order. You should get a number of FOUR digits. For each number - 1 point.

1. She stands among the sheet One, when the notebook is empty. With her nose up to the ceiling, She scolds the student. And like a heron among the marshes, she pecks at him for laziness. Though she has one leg, She is slender, proud, strict. Neither the crane nor the titmouse. And just ... (unit)

2. Complete the proverb: “I know how my ... fingers” (five)

3. Guess, guys, what is the figure of an acrobat? If it gets up on its head, It will become exactly three more. (Six) 4. Remember the words from the song "Merry Company" to the words of Sergei Mikhalkov: Beauty, beauty, We are taking with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, Petka-buffoon, Monkey, parrot . What a company!

Question: How many members did the company have? (six)

Answer:1566 years (for each correct digit in the correct order, 1 point)

And now on the road, along unknown paths, where there are traces of unseen animals.

Guardians of "traces of unseen animals",

Decoration of the place: traces of animals are painted on the floor and hung on the walls

5 sentries near five riddle tracks (you can offer any riddles). Each footprint is a puzzle 1 point.

Second phase

Harry Potter: Hello. You have arrived at Book Jungle Island. To get the coveted key, guess the riddle:

Though not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talks to us

In plain language (BOOK)

I offer you "Library Adventures"

Exercise : choose 2 people from the team who in 1 minute will find a book on the bookshelves, an excerpt from which you will read together. 5 points

“Tom went outside with a bucket of lime and a long brush. He looked around the fence, dipped his brush into the lime with a sigh, ran the brush over the plank, looked at the fence: how much was left to paint, sighed again and sank to the ground in despair.

Ben emerged from the gate. He jumped, danced and ate an apple. Tom saw him, and suddenly he had a brilliant idea! Tom took the brush and calmly set to work, not paying attention to Ben: he will make a smear, step back - admire his work.

And now your road lies through the Island, the name of which must be guessed right now, and get the coveted points.

Exercise : The name consists of the phrase “noun in I.p. + noun in R.p. ":

Ex. I.p. is a road in a park or garden, planted on both sides with trees or shrubs.

Ex. R.p is the answer to the riddle “Golden coals are scattered across the sky” 5 points. "Avenue of Stars" (board of honor "Pride of the school").

Third stage

Decoration of the place "Avenue of Stars".

Signpost on which it is written: “If you go to the right, you will not find anything. If you go to the left, you will find the “Green Island”.

Guess where to go and get extra points.


1. Nearby is a repository of knowledge about plants, animals, humans (Biology room - 1 point)

2. Name the owner of this repository and its translation (Victoria "victory" - 1 point)

Fourth stage

Design of the place "Green Island".

Flowers, umbrella and items from the Lost and Found.

Winnie the Pooh: Hello everyone. May your days be sweet. Oh, UMBRELLA! Who lost it? (what literary hero (heroine)?

Answer: MARY POPPINS - 1 point

Yes! How sad it is to lose your things... Remember the story about my friend's lost tail? So I decided to organize a Lost and Found Bureau.

Exercise: in 1-2 minutes to guess the heroes of literary works or the name that could lose these items: 1 point for each + 1 point for the title of the work + 1 point for the author.





queen stepmother

Pot with a ball

Winnie the Pooh


Papa Carlo




Fly Tsokotukha





You can use any other items from literary works: cream (“Master and Margarita”), spindle (“Sleeping Princess”), checkers (“Dead Souls”), microscope (“Lefty”) and others.

Fifth stage

Hello. You are on the Peninsula of Unsolved Mysteries.

Quest "The Da Vinci Code" 1: The great Leonardo da Vinci encrypted the names of the writers. Among the letter confusion, find as many names of writers as possible. Maximum 13 points (1 point for last name).


Sixth stage

Sweet Dreams Island

Carlson: “A moderately well-fed, but terribly handsome man greets you in the very dawn of his strength. You all know that I am a sweet tooth. Especially jams. But it's not easy to get to it. Help... Huh?!

Exercise : "Who owns what?" Match the words in the left column with the appropriate proper nouns.

seventh stage

Pirate : Yeah, gotcha! How dare you enter our territory? Do you have any idea who you got to and what we will do with you now ?!

I am a dashing sea pirate

The devil himself has not been my brother for a long time.

I am an enemy to anyone in the sea,

I need a black flag.

My shelter in the sea

I rob ships there.

And it happens that I drown

And I hoard treasures.

Such a landscape is sweet to the eye:

Waves, fight, boarding.

I love robbery to live

And be friends with sharks

What? Do you want to find a treasure? And finding the treasure is not easy. Here's a note for you. And the marine semaphore alphabet will help you solve it.


The guys find a chest with a treasure (candy - gold coins). They open it, there is a "BOMB" (an inflated balloon with the inscription "Minus 5" and the ticking of a clock).

Note: The ticking clock can be downloaded from the Internet.

It is necessary to complete the final task in 1 minute, otherwise the “Bomb” will explode (the ball will burst)

Final task: Put together the "parts" of the quote

"Books -

thought ships,


by the waves of time

and carefully carrying their

precious labor

from generation to generation".

Literary game - quiz

Through the pages of books and cartoons

Purpose: to promote the development of cognitive activity of students; expand the horizons of children; to instill a love for reading fiction; develop a sense of responsibility and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, audio recording of songs from cartoons.

Game progress

Host: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and children. Today we have gathered to

Check how carefully you read books, how well you remember their titles,

And we will start our game with a warm-up so that you can quickly and

give clear answers.

Competition 1: each class is given a card with a tongue twister. The team prepares for 1 minute, and then

pronounces it in chorus. If there are no errors, then they get a chip.

    Grandfather Danila shared a melon:

slice - Dima, slice - Dina.

    Greek rode across the river,

He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river.

He put the Greek hand into the river,

Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap!

    Borya gave Ira toffee,

Ira bore - barberry.

    Mama washed Milu with soap.

Mila got soap in her eye.

Mama Mile said:

Do not be angry, daughter Mila!

5. Mouse - under the book

With a book under my arm.

Book under the arm

Mouse under the book.

    Frost on a winter morning

Frost crackles at dawn.

    In a living corner

Lived snakes and hedgehogs.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog,

Uzha - uzhat.

    Little cat on the window

I ate the porridge bit by bit.

Competition 2: in this competition we will test how well you know the characters of fairy tales.

    A doll from the theater of Karabas Barabas? (Malvina)

    A cheerful little man - an onion? (Cipollino)

    What was the name of Pope Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

    Who were the 3 little pigs afraid of? (wolf)

    The girl who slept in a flower? (Thumbelina)

    Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella)

    What were the names of the three pigs? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf. Naf-Naf)

    Who was raised by wolves, a bear, a panther? (Mowgli)

    What was the name of Alyonushka's brother? (Ivanushka)

    Who was stalked by the wolf at grandma's house? (Little Red Riding Hood)

    What was the name of the owner of the magic lamp? (Aladdin)

    Panther, Mowgli's friend? (Bagheera)

    Who flies in a mortar? (Baba Yaga)

    Who ran away from grandparents from the window? (kolobok)

    What was the name of the girl among the seven dwarfs? (Snow White)

    A boy made of logs? (Pinocchio)

    Who walks the chain day and night? (cat)

    Granny's wish maker? (gold fish)

    The teddy bear who went to visit in the morning? (Winnie the Pooh)

    Girl. Caught in the country through the looking glass? (Alice)

    What was the whole family dragging from the ground? (turnip)

    How many kids did the goat have? (seven)

    Who was not caught up by three bears? (Masha)

    Who caught the magic pike? (Emelya)

    To whom did the priest expose his forehead? (Balde)

    List the characters from the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" (donkey, dog, cat, rooster)

    The turtle that helped Pinocchio? (tortilla)

    Who was saved from a spider by a mosquito? (fly Tsokotuhu)

    The kindest doctor? (Aibolit)

    In a round-brimmed hat

And pants to the knees

Busy with different things

He is just too lazy to learn. (Dunno)

Competition 3: Guess which work these illustrations are for. (pictures of children are shown

or illustrations of artists made for various works)

contest 4: find out from which work these lines are and who the author is.

    “You and I are of the same blood - you and I” (“Mowgli” Kipling)

    “A little chick appeared in the poultry yard, and before that he was ugly: with a big head and a long neck, that the birds did not accept him into their family”

(The tale of G.Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling")

    The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is urging;

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea

He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;

Look - over flowing waters

The white swan is swimming.

(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess”)

    “That was when beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived amicably and cheerfully, but one day a piece of a mirror got into my eye, and I began to see everything as evil and ugly.

(fairy tale by G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen")

    “Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, to be in my opinion ... led.

(fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower" V. Kataev)

    “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka. Stand before me like a leaf before grass!”

(P. Ershov. "Humpbacked Horse")

7. “Light is my mirror! Tell,

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter? (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")

8. "Under the New Year's holiday

We issued an order:

Let them bloom today

We have snowdrops." (The tale of S.Ya.Marshak "Twelve months")

Competition 5: Guess who owns these things? (show pictures in large size)

    Golden egg (chicken Ryaba)

    Crystal Slipper (Cinderella)

    Flower - seven-flower (Girl Zhenya)

    Golden Key (Pinocchio)

    Walnut shell (Thumbelina)

    Broken trough (old woman)

    Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)

    Boots (Puss in Boots)

Competition 6: musical. Children must guess from which cartoon this or that melody or

song. (soundtrack turns on)

Competition 7: The guys will have to imagine themselves as heroes of famous fairy tales.

So, what words should be pronounced in order to:

    Together with Ali Baba, open the door to the cave with treasures? (Sim, Sim, open up!)

    Cook porridge in a magic pot? ((One, two, three, pot, boil!)

    Fulfill the command of the magic pike? (According to the pike command, according to my desire.)

    Call Sivka-burka? (Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before grass.)

    What words did Masha from the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear" say to the bear? (Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie, bring it to your grandmother, bring it to your grandfather.)

    Thanks to these words, the kids opened the door to their mother goat (Kids, kids, open it, open it. Your mother came, she brought milk.)

Contest 8: Check if you know proverbs. I will start and you will finish the proverb.

    More business, …… (less words)

    Take the book in your hands, it won't be .... (boredom)

    Live forever. Century ... .. (study)

    Patience and work are all ... .. (grind)

    Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and ... .. (honor)

    The book is the best ... (friend)

    Who does not work shall not eat)

    Do you like to ride - love and .... (to carry sleds)

    No wonder they say that the work of the master ... (afraid)

    The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - ... (you won’t catch it)

    Learning is light and ignorance is darkness)

    Hurry up - people .... (make you laugh)

Well done boys! You did a great job and showed your knowledge. And this means that you read a lot and study well. I wish you continued success in your studies and many interesting books that carry knowledge.

Those who read books will always control those who watch TV.

Janlis F.


The lowering of the status of reading as a means of the intellectual, spiritual life of society is one of the most alarming and dangerous phenomena in the development of modern national culture. According to research, every year in our country the number of people who do not read is increasing.

Children's reader negativism is becoming the norm of our days: children do not want and cannot read, they have a loss of interest in full-fledged fiction, classics, poetry, fairy tales.

The “electronic culture” has a negative impact on the reading of children and adolescents. Computer literacy is becoming an attribute of modern man. Young people began to read less, they "have no time", but there is always time for a computer and TV. Yes, this is the age of new technologies. Let's not, like ostriches, hide our heads in the sand and not notice that computers are replacing printed materials, and the Internet is already connected even in the homes of residents of distant villages.

So how do you get readers back into the book? Who in our society introduces the child to the world of the book? These are, first of all, parents, then the school and the library. It has long been noted that in those families where parents do not pick up a book or read from time to time, even reading children at a certain stage of development are first lazy, and then stop reading altogether. Then these children grow up, create their own families, and everything repeats from the beginning.

Of course, the problem of children's reading is relevant today and will always exist. And we would like to contribute a particle of our help to solving such a global problem. It is this reason that served as the reason for the creation of this work, which is part of the two-year project we conceived on reading.

Goals and tasks of the work:

– to make as many of our students as active readers as possible, to turn reading into a habit;
- to promote the formation of reading as a means of self-realization and active interaction with the outside world;
– to introduce our lyceum students to reading by forming its new image.

The two-year project consists of 5 parts:

1. Literary quest - the game "Night in the library" for the 8th grade.
2. "Book Advertising School" for lyceum students in grades 7-9.
3. A drawing competition based on your favorite book among grades 5-7.
4. Writing essays, reviews and annotations for books read over the summer with grade 7-B.
5. "Reader's Portfolio" for grades 5-6.

Part 1. Literary quest - the game "Night in the Library"

"Quest" is a search for adventure, a journey, characters to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties. A literary quest is a journey through the genres of literature.
While working on a program to attract our lyceum students to reading, I decided to find something interesting and unusual. Therefore, it was not by chance that the idea of ​​holding a literary competition in the evening came to mind. The practice of carrying out this type of work has been known for a long time.

Main part.

And now I will tell you in more detail about the first part of our project: the literary quest game "Night in the Library", which took place within the walls of the Lyceum. The main participants were lyceum students of the 8th grade. Not only the reading room of the library was involved, but also three specially designed literature classrooms. "Night in the Library" is a big event that requires thorough preparation: thinking through and writing a script, decorating the library and other audiences involved using computers, audio, video equipment, creating costumes, selecting props and many other important issues that we had to solve. First, we drew up a work plan and appointed organizers. They turned out to be 4 people (according to the number of planned stations). We discussed the terms of the competition with the participants of the game. They were given the task to break into teams in advance and choose a captain. In addition, a list of literature was compiled, which the guys had to read in advance. For those who could not get home on their own at such a late hour, a bus was ordered.

The organizers were looking for material for their station, exchanging ideas. We carefully thought out each station. Since our competition involved the use of theatrical scenes, we had to involve children from 9th and 7th grades. We decided that our event will be costumed. Everything kept on topic. Costumes of literary heroes were invented for the leading stations. At the end of the event, we planned to hold a competition for the best costume.

We have been working on the script of our quest game for a long time, reworking and refining it several times ( Annex 1 ).

According to the scenario, the main goal of the quest game is to find "Messages to the young reader of the XXI century" N.V. Gogol (Annex 7 ) hidden in our library. First, all teams, having received route sheets, had to go through four stations: "Russian Folklore", "Adventure Literature", "Monuments to Literary Heroes", "Tale after Tale" and pass all the tests, showing their knowledge of literature. We also thought about the prizes and decided to give tokens with images of items that fit the theme of the station for correct answers. The guys rejoiced, earning points for their team.

The game was played using slide presentations, which revived and diversified the usual quizzes for us. Since the event was held in the evening, the overhead light was dimmed in almost all rooms, which created an extraordinary atmosphere of mystery. The teams enthusiastically completed the tasks, actively answered the questions of the blitz tournament, showed the breadth of their horizons, the ability to get out of difficult situations, and just be happy for themselves and their friends.

Having successfully passed all the stations, the teams met in the library, where the final part of the quest game was held - the competition of captains. The captains of the teams were given the task: using encrypted clue keys, to find N.V. Gogol, which contains a call to reading ( Appendix 6 ). This task seemed to us the most exciting and interesting. Team members worried about their captains, trying to help them. The captains worked together and found the "Message" without difficulty.

All the children were satisfied and received diplomas for participation in the literary competition, and the most active ones were awarded with additional gifts. The winning team was given a cake. Then all the participants of the game were photographed for memory.

We were in the library for three and a half hours. The day of the event coincided with the birthday of a classmate, and at the end of the event, we decided to organize a tea party. Everyone had a lot of fun. Some parents were also present at our celebration. A surprise from them was a salute arranged for the guys. He gave our evening a solemn finish and raised our festive mood even more.

The next day in class, we discussed our Night at the Library. Each participant was given the opportunity to express their opinion about the quest game. The guys shared their impressions, noted all the pros and cons of the game. In general, everyone was satisfied, and we think that this holiday will be remembered not only by the participants of the quiz, but also by everyone who came to the library this evening.

Now we will talk about each station of our quest game in more detail.

We asked the hosts to describe their station, analyze their work and evaluate the work of team members.

The first station was called "Monuments to literary heroes" (Appendix 2 , Presentation 2 ).

“We have thoroughly prepared for this station. We thought over the original design of the office, prepared an interesting presentation and suitable props. They also chose costumes for the hosts. To do this, we remade the wonderful fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" in a modern way, and the presenters in the costumes of the Little Mermaid and Baron Munchausen will be the managers of this musical group.

The most interesting task was the explanation of the meanings of Krylov's expressions. The teams were offered phrases from Krylov's fables. After 30 seconds, they had to explain their meaning. We came to the conclusion that the fables of I.A. They know Krylov well.

The question turned out to be difficult: “Which of the heroes of the books can be called Barons Munchausen?”. The guys thought for a long time, but after leading questions they remembered such heroes.

Each of the mentioned heroes of our literary quiz was given a monument in one or more places. We introduced the guys at our station to the history of the creation of these monuments. Thus, we not only tested the children's knowledge of literary works, but told them a lot of new and interesting things.

We were somewhat upset by the stiffness of the guys. They knew the correct answers, but they spoke softly and uncertainly.

All teams scored a lot of points at the station. Two of them coped with all the tasks quickly, and we had free time. The guys were playing guitars.

The second station was called "Adventure Literature" (Appendix 3 , Presentation 1 ).

This station was the most difficult for the children, so preparations for competitions and quizzes took quite a long time. But, despite this, the process itself was very interesting. “Several times we had to change everything, because there were a lot of ideas. But, in the end, we came to a consensus. The quiz was compiled based on such works as “Treasure Island” by R.L. Stevenson, “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” by R.E. Raspe, "Robinson Crusoe" by D. Defoe, "Children of Captain Grant" by J. Verne and "Three Musketeers" by A. Dumas. Many questions were also drawn up according to the favorite childhood book of all the children - "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" by A.N. Tolstoy.

By the way, excellent knowledge of this book helped one of the teams to earn a record number of points and become winners.

The presenter of this station was given a magnificent costume: a vest and a pirate's hat.

The Adventure Literature station was notable for its unusual paraphernalia: there was a mysterious chest on the table, an unusually shaped bottle with marine notes of travelers and seafarers, a parrot taking out tasks from envelopes for the participants in the game.

I would like to note that the participants of the literary game worked collectively, everyone had the opportunity to speak out, to offer their own answer. Thus, the guys showed how unitedly and harmoniously they are able to work in a team, achieve their goal, no matter what, get out of a difficult situation, help a friend who is in a difficult situation. As a result, the game turned out to be interesting and informative.

A quiet melody perfectly filled the pauses, while the guys were thinking about the answers to the quiz questions.

The third station was called "Sailing on a ship "Russian folklore"(Appendix 4 ).

The presenter had a suit of the corresponding theme: a shirt - a kosovorotka, belted with a belt.

“The guys were active. All questions of the quiz were compiled according to Russian proverbs, sayings and riddles. The guys were especially active in answering riddles. Some of them were simple, known from early childhood. But there were also quite complex ones, the answers to which the guys could not find for a long time. I remember that many could not solve such a simple riddle as “A loaf of bread hangs over the grandmother’s hut”, because not everyone knew what a “loaf” is. And only one of all the participants in the game could answer the riddle about the wolf “From under the bush.” The guys have never heard the word "grabbing". At the folklore station, the guys replenished their knowledge base with new and interesting facts.”

The last station was called "Tale by tale" (Annex 5 ).

The presenter was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood.

“The guys were active. Sometimes we had to give hints that we came up with together with the guys who helped at the station. All of our creativity was manifested in this: to build an associative array so that it leads to the desired concept. It was a task for the head, and we successfully coped. And on blitz questions with a limited time, the presenter, like Tina Kandelaki, tried to speak the words clearly and quickly so that the team would not ask again, wasting time. Everything went "excellent".

I hope the guys were able to consolidate their knowledge and discover something new for themselves, increase interest in creativity, reading and literature in general.


So, we talked about all the stations that the guys visited while participating in the literary competition, about the work we did, about our unforgettable impressions. Of course, working on this part of our project, we gained a lot of experience, gained new knowledge, learned a lot of interesting, exciting and useful information.

In our opinion, we have successfully completed our tasks. By holding a literary event of this kind, we thereby tried to turn the faces of the guys from newfangled gadgets to books and reading; made me re-read what I had read before and read a lot of new and interesting things; to make active readers out of the participants of the game, able to reflect on what they have read.

We tried to show our readers that life in the library does not stop even for a minute. Even at night, the book kingdom does not sleep, and its inhabitants go about their business: communicate with each other, go on trips.

After analyzing our literary quest game, we have identified the following pros and cons:


Learned a lot of new things. All questions of the quiz were aimed not only at testing knowledge, but also at obtaining new information.
+ Many new books were read in preparation for the event.
+ Remembered previously studied in literature lessons
+ We spent a lot of time with our friends, which contributed to even greater unity of our cool team.
+ We realized our old dream: to participate in some unusual lyceum event.
+ Once again reminded the children of the need and importance of reading.


- Stiffness and uncertainty of some team members. The children were not able to fully show their knowledge.
– We did not think over the end result of our event: to interest the children in choosing a new book to read at the end of the holiday. We could prepare an advertisement for several books so that the guys want to read them. For example, such type of advertising of the book as "booktrailer" is now widely used. These are videos about the book. We could use them in our event. We think that creating book trailers will be another part of our reading project, which we will finish next school year.

The development of reader activity is one of the most important tasks of the school and the library. The reading preferences of schoolchildren convince of the growing importance of the influence of the school and the library on the development of the student's personality. There are both positive and negative trends. Therefore, many teachers are concerned about bridging the gap between the study of literature under the guidance of a teacher and independent reading of the student.

Organization of competitions, publication of reader reviews about books, organization of literary quizzes, disputes and discussion of books among young people, with the skilful guidance of adults, can move the problem of children's reading off the ground.

Introducing children to reading has a huge social meaning: before the book, all children are equal.


  1. Chudinova, V.P. Reading children as a national value [Text] / V.P. Chudinova, E.I. Golubev. - Sat: Profession, 2004.-197p.
  2. Golubeva, E.I. Support for family reading is a common task for specialists [Text] / E.I. Golubev. - Sat: Profession, 2007. - 136s.
  3. Loksina, M.V. Riddles of the thirtieth kingdom [Text] / M.V. Loksina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 138 p.
  4. Romashina, N.F. Literature. Grades 9-11: quizzes [Text] / N.F. Romashina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 204 p.
  5. Chudinova, V.P. Reading "computer boys": research results / V.P. Chudinov: [Electronic resource] / Access mode: http:/ (Title from the screen)

Makeevskaya secondary school of I-III levels No. 7

Holiday script

« »

Literary Express

« Quest - game« Visiting a fairy tale»»

Belousova E.V. - school librarian

Teklyuk E.G. - teacher - organizer

Makeevka - 2017

Holiday script« Friendship with a book walks the planet»

Literary Express« Quest - game« Visiting a fairy tale»»

Target: drawing attention to the book and reading as important factors in the preservation and development of national culture and science; development of reader interest and motivation for reading, reader's outlook; education of respect for the book, for folk tales; improving the spiritual culture of children through fiction; positioning the school library as the intellectual and spiritual center of the school.

Equipment:1) multimedia equipment (computer, projector, screen, music center);

2) video presentations "Journey through fairy tales", "Multgeroy", "Literary quiz";

3) an exhibition of creative works and drawings "Visiting a fairy tale", "My favorite literary hero";

4) "fairytale constructor" (puzzles based on fairy tales);

5) costumes of fairy-tale characters for a flash mob;

6) special equipment for the library:

Exhibition of books "Visiting a fairy tale" in sections: "Literary fairy tales", "Russian folk tales", "Tales of the peoples of the world".

Exhibition of creative works "Book - homemade".

Exhibition "Card file of magical items" Guess who I am and where from? »:

Gingerbread man, hare ("Gingerbread Man"),

Snegurochka ("Snegurochka"),

Key ("Golden Key"),

Telephone (fable "Telephone"),

Event progress

1.fairy briefing(conducted by the teacher-organizer)

Children of grades 1 - 5 are divided into teams and "travel" through the stations of the quest game "Visiting a fairy tale", performing various tasks offered.

Literary Express stations:

    "Literary Journey" (video quiz on fairy tales, literary works and cartoons).

    “Magic Item” (literary quiz in the library on substations: “Know-it-all”, “Card file of magic items”, “Guess”, “Guess who I am and where from?”, “Teleportation”, .


    "Fairy tale - constructor".

    "Fabulous disco" (magic karaoke and flash mob)

Winner's reward ceremony.

1. Fairy-tale briefing (teacher - organizer)

It is difficult for us to even imagine a world in which there is no book. We have become accustomed to her since childhood, she revealed to us the amazing secrets of life and gave useful advice in difficult times, taught us to understand ourselves.

Books will accompany us throughout our lives. They will be our constant companions, help to sort out difficult issues, solve the most important life problems. Their main purpose is to preserve the knowledge accumulated over the centuries and pass it on to the next generations. Thanks to this, the rapid progress of mankind in the last centuries in the field of science became possible. The knowledge we gain from books allows us to move forward without wasting time discovering what someone already knows. We owe to the book that even today we can enjoy the masterpieces of ancient literature. The book teaches us to be kinder, gentler to each other, teaches mercy, sympathy. She becomes our faithful friend at a difficult moment when we need to find the only solution that will help get out of this situation.

And a fiction book makes us make amazing journeys into our own world. We experience together with the heroes, rejoice in their happiness, suffer with them and wait for a happy end. Today we will take a trip to a fairy-tale world where good triumphs over evil, and you always have true friends.

Tell me what books have you read lately? What are your favorite characters? Where does the life of a book begin? What helps the reader quickly find the right story in the book?

What material was the very first "book" made of? Name the professions of the people who work on the creation of the book. At school you are a student, but in the library?

1. Station« literary journey» (video quiz on fairy tales, literary works and cartoons).

1 . How many brothers-months did the heroine of the fairy tale S. Marshak meet at the New Year's fire? (12)
2. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? (Koschei the Deathless.)
3. What was the name of the three bears from L. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Mikhaila Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)
4. Which of the three little pigs built the strongest house? (Naf-Naf.)
5. What did the queen say, looking into the magic mirror?

(My light, mirror! tell me
Yes, tell me the whole truth.
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?)

6. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Wood, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)
7. What was the name of Matroskin's cat's cow? (Murka.)
8. How many times did the old man throw a net into the sea? (3.)
9. How many thieves did Ali Baba outsmart? (40)
10. From whom did Kolobok leave? (From grandparents, hare, wolf, bear.)

videa quiz on fairy tales, literary works and cartoons

2. Station« magic item» (teacher of Russian language and literature, librarian)

Guys, do you like fairy tales? And I love. All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins from childhood. Magical, funny and even scary - fairy tales are always interesting. Reading, listening - breathtaking. The heroes of Russian fairy tales are noble, kind-hearted, brave, resourceful. Among the positive heroes of Russian fairy tales there are brave princes, epic heroes, beautiful princesses, and simple peasants. The heroes of fairy tales show different sides of the national character: nobility, dedication, wisdom, ingenuity, heroism, disinterestedness. And the heroes of fairy tales overcome all obstacles thanks to these qualities. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. And miracles in fairy tales are made by magical objects, they are endowed with good or bad features, have their own character, help good or evil heroes. Each master: a shoemaker, a builder, a doctor, a writer - has his own assistants - devices and tools. Without them, it is impossible to perform a miracle: sew a beautiful dress, beautiful boots, build a cozy house, perform a complex operation, write an interesting essay. So the heroes of fairy tales also have their magical helpers. Now we will name them.

Substation« know-it-all»

1. Competition for the best connoisseur of magical items from books and cartoons(Magic wand, boots-walkers, sword-hoarder, self-collection tablecloth, gusli-samogudy, magic ball, flying carpet, invisibility hat, Firebird feather, living water, dead water, bulk apple and magic saucer, flower- seven-flower, magic pot, Aladdin's lamp, broom and mortar, rejuvenating apples, magic spell books, magic comb, flint, magic mirror, harp, magic arrow, egg, forbidden key, crystal bridge, golden ring.)

2. Competition for the best connoisseur of magical items from Russian fairy tales(buckets, an oven, a mirror, a ball of thread, a golden saucer and a pouring apple, a magic book, living and dead water, rejuvenating apples, a self-cutting sword, a self-cutting ax, wonderful hoops, a needle, a club, a whistle, a gusli - samogudy, a horn, a goldfish, a flying ship and a magic club, a towel and a magic comb, c a seven-colored vetik, a scarlet flower, a tablecloth - self-assembly, a silver hoof, a broom and a mortar, boots - runners, an arrow, a magic feather)

3. Competition for the best connoisseur of magical items from fairy tales of the peoples of the world.(flying carpet, seven-headed dragon, even forty-headed, magic pipe, self-collecting tablecloth, walking boots, Cerberus dogs., magic apples, shoes playing music, fairy magic wand, walking shoes; a staff with which you can find out about underground treasures; a snuffbox with magic powder; a magic umbrella and a fabulous spray that animates all objects; a magic mirror that showed the truth; an amazing pot of porridge from the fairy tale of the same name; the magic whistle of Queen Ramona and glasses made of emerald glass; a magic pipe made by Niels ; magic shoes; spindle; dragon teeth, Aladdin's lamp, galoshes of happiness, Cinderella's glass shoe, invisible hat, magic ring, bean, magic figs).

Substation« »

We named magic items, and now let's create their file cabinet in the library

    Magic items that grant wishes ( magic wand, petal, ring, feather of the Firebird, hair, seven-color flower, dragon teeth, Aladdin's lamp).
    2. Items that tell the truth and tell what's going on(mirror, book, golden saucer and pouring apple).
    3. Items that do work for the hero(self-assembled tablecloth, self-cutting sword, self-cutting ax, wonderful hoops, needle, treasurer sword, batons, magic pot, gusli - samogudy, buckets, stove).
    4. Items that restore health and youth(rejuvenating apples, living and dead water, wormwood - "overcome", a fabulous spray that revives all objects; magical figs).
    Objects showing the way(stone, ball, feather, arrow).
    Items that help the hero overcome difficulties, distance and time ( invisibility hat, walking boots, flying carpet, magic ring, broom and mortar, stove, bean)

7. Items that summon helpers ( ring, flint, hairs, dragon teeth, Aladdin's lamp

8. Items that can make everything dance around(whistle, gusli - samogudy, horn, shoes playing music, the magic whistle of Queen Ramona, the magic pipe that Niels made)

9. Items that keep the secrets of pests(egg, chest. magic lake)

10. Items that can feed people(tablecloth - self-assembly, magic pot)

11. Items that protect their owner(scallop, towel and splinter, doll, donkey skin, invisible hat, magic pipe)

12. Items that can find treasure(Cerberus dogs; a staff with which you can learn about treasures underground; Aladdin's lamp, a magic cane)

Substation« Guess what»

Competition No. 1« Heroes of fairy tales in riddles»

The facilitator reads one riddle to each team. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale. For the correct answer, the team gets 1 point (if each team guessed three riddles correctly, then they get 3 points for this competition).

1. To take off above the ground,

She needs a mortar with a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

2. Wooden playful

I could make friends with a book.

He got into the puppet theater

Dolls became a true friend. (Pinocchio.)

3. Loves honey, meets friends

And composes grumblers,

And also - puffers,

chants, nozzles... Wow!

Funny bear cub ... (Pooh).

4. Not left without a tail

Our good donkey ... (Eeyore.)

5. Granny baked grandfather -

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran into the forest

Got on the toe of the fox. (Kolobok.)

6. Lives in Prostokvashino.

All farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is marine. (Cat Matroskin.)

7. He loves everyone invariably

who would not come to him.

did you guess? This is ... Gena (Gena the crocodile)

8. That girl is not more beautiful

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her admirer.

He sings about her all day long. (Malvina.)

9. Yes, guys, in this book

Babies live, little ones,

And one eccentric lives.

He does everything wrong.

He is known to be stupid.

Who will call us? (Dunno.)

10. Naughty merry fellow

It just flies through the window.

To the Kid he got into the house

And made a pogrom there. (Carlson)

11. Grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat

Girl forgot her name

Well, tell me, what was her name?

(Little Red Riding Hood)

12. Heals young children,

Heals small animals

looks at everyone through glasses

good doctor ... Aibolit

13. Long unknown to many

he became everyone's friend

all according to fairy tales interesting

boy onion sign.

Very fast and short

He is called .... Chippollino

14. Spout - round patch

it is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

ponytail small crochet

instead of shoes - hooves

Three of them and what

Brothers are friendly!

Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf)

15. Near the forest at the edge,

three of them live in a hut,

there are 3 chairs, three pillows

three beds and three mugs,

guess without prompting

who are the characters in this story?

(3 bears)

16. Now let's talk

About the other book

There is a blue sea

The coast is steep...

The old man went to the sea.

He threw the net.

Who will he catch?

And what will he ask?

(Gold fish)

17. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.

The girl slept in a nutshell.

What a girl. How small she is!

Who read this book

Know the baby girl?


18. Someone grabbed hold of someone tightly:

Oh no, don't pull it out!

Oh, stuck tight!

But more helpers will soon come running ...

Will win the stubborn

Friendly common work

Who sat down so tight

Maybe it's ... Turnip

19. The evening would soon come

Fairy tales you remember from favorite books

And of course, answer me now:

Who was hunting for young Pinocchio?

Well, of course, the evil robber ...

210. And the road is not easy,

And the basket is high

Sit on a stump, eat a pie.

Masha and the Bear

It's bad to be without a hostess

And she promised them

Do not dirty or beat them ... Fedor

21. The horse is not simple,

Miracle golden mane,

He carries a boy over the mountains,

But it won't drop him.

The horse has a son

amazing horse,

An amazing horse, nicknamed ... The Hunchback

22. And now about someone's house

We will have a conversation...

It has a rich mistress

Lived happily,

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned down.

23. He looks at the door in alarm

lame washbasin,

All washcloths commander

In a wonderful story...


24. Walks to school with a primer

wooden boy,

Gets instead of school

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is that boy's name?


25. Where am I from, what is my name,

But as soon as midnight comes,

I'll go back to my attic.

Competition No. 2« Complete the name of the literary hero » The host calls the first part of the name of the literary hero, and the participants in the game (in turn) complete the missing name of the hero.

1. Dad... Carlo.

2. Brownie... Kuzya.

3. Dr. Aibolit.

4. Postman Pechkin.

5. Signor... Tomato.

6. Dwarf ... Nose.

7. Princess ... Swan.

8. Tin Woodman.

9. Ole-... Lukoye.

10. Old man... Hottabych.

11. Koschei ...... Immortal.

12. Elena ....... Beautiful (Wise)

13. Vasilisa .... Wise.

14. Sister ...... Alyonushka.

15. Brother ...... Ivanushka.

16. Tiny .... Khavroshechka.

17. Serpent..... Gorynych.

18. Sivka..... Burka.

19. Ivan…….prince

20. Red…. Beanie

Competition No. 3» funny riddles»

Riddles about magical items

1. Exactly seven petals,

There are no more colorful flowers.

Tear off the petal

He will fly to the east

Both north and south

And he will return to us in a circle.

You make a wish

Expect fulfillment.

What is this flower?

Buttercup? Lily of the valley? Twinkle? (Flower-seven-flower.)

2. Ah, the cook! Ah, mistress!

You, my friend, know her:

It is only worth spreading -

Everyone can feed.

There will be many dishes.

What's that cook's name? (Self-assembly tablecloth.)

3. Many miles ahead.

How would you get through them faster?

You try to put them on -

You will overcome the path in no time. (Boots-walkers.)

4. Takes flight

Not a rocket - a plane.

Not simple - painted,

Not steel, but linen,

Not with a wing, but with a fringe . (Magic carpet.)

5. If you wear it,

You can go anywhere

And while the enemy

Can't find you in it. (Invisible hat.)

6. The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where Koshcheya's death lurks.

What is this subject?

Give me an answer, friend.


7. I am fluffy, soft, round,

There is a tail, but I'm not a cat,

I often jump hard

I'll show up under the chest of drawers.

(ball of thread)

8. Round, ruddy, juicy and sweet,

Very fragrant, plump, sweet,

heavy, big

What it is?

(Youth apple).

1 . In most narratives, this object is oriented better than a compass in the cardinal points and never strays from a given route. You can get it by passing some tests from a character wise by life experience (like Baba Yaga). (Universal Navigator- ball.)

2 . Fairy tales, where there are magical objects, also tell about a lot of outlandish mythical animals, birds, which are always ready to come to the rescue of the main character. Traditionally, they give their feather to the central character, which must either be burned, and then the bird will appear, or waved, and then everything your heart desires will appear (“Finist is a clear falcon”). ( Wonder Feather.)

3. W the cherished dream of every second fairy-tale character, functions on the principle of "all inclusive". Luxurious dishes and drinks appear before the thirsty, one has only to spread it ( Self-assembly tablecloth)

4. This object works completely offline - they themselves play, sing and even dance. During their sound, it is unrealistic to sit still - the legs themselves are torn to dance. In a different interpretation, the hero could pull a certain string - and the boundless sea immediately spilled over, for another - warships swim out on the sea surface, and for the third - ships open fire on the enemy ( Gusli-samogudy).

5, Works as if in a modern on-line mode. With it, you can find out what is currently happening in neighboring kingdoms-states. Its variation, considering magical objects from fairy tales, can be called a saucer with a pouring apple. Which began its broadcast at the moment when the bullseye itself began to move along the border. ( magic mirror)

6. In order to safely get away from the chase after the completed quest, the main character had the aforementioned curiosities. Each of them rushed behind the fugitives, and immediately an insurmountable obstacle arose in the path of the pursuers. It was possible to get this item from the same Baba Yaga or to pull a fairy horse out of the ear. ( Towel or magic comb.)

7. In some variations - "seven miles". The owner of this thing could move great distances with ease and at the speed of light. They may well be the envy of the most modern means of transportation. ( boots)

8. . The use of this device is found not only in Russian fairy tales, it is popular among the heroes of legends around the world. Traditionally, it helps the heroes to move impressive distances through the air. (Magic carpet)

9. A unique object that hides the owner from the eyes of strangers, making him invisible (Invisible hat..)

10. This item will be remembered by most of the fairy tale of the same name by the great Andersen, because with its help the hero summoned three huge dogs, and they carried out his order. But it is also quite common in Slavic fairy tales, however, in this case, using the thing for its intended purpose, they call a horse or twelve fellows ( Flint).

11. A percussion instrument belonging to a recently demobilized soldier. In fairy tales, this soldier, after serving the prescribed 25 years, returns home. It is necessary to happen some kind of trouble, or if the Soldier is faced with the unclean forces of the enemy that are superior to him, he immediately begins to beat loudly at this object . (Drum.)

12 .. A leguminous plant used by the heroes of European fairy tales as a stepladder, along which they climb to a rather large height. Sometimes to the moon. Above the moon usually does not grow. ( Bean)

13. .Not intended for lighting and is not afraid of dampness. Such objects are used in Arabian tales as a storage place for genies. Apparently, living inside is cramped and uncomfortable, which negatively affects their character. ( Magic lamp)
14 .In terms of the method of application and effects, it is very different from a magic wand. If you are not a hero or a prince, but, for example, Ivan is a peasant son, or, especially Ivanushka the Fool, you absolutely do not need a sword-treasurer. This magical item will completely replace it. It looks, of course, not as impressive as a treasurer, but it lays no worse. Does not require knowledge of the technique of owning cold weapons. Effective in close combat with evil spirits .(Magic Club)
15. A must have for any wizard. It is made in various fairy tales in different ways - most often from the branches of a magic tree. The production technology is unknown. Most often, it is inherited from a wizard to a wizard or sorceress.
Able to work wonders when swung. In this she is like a conductor. Only experts know how to wave. The region of distribution is European fairy tales. However, sometimes found in Russian literary. ( Magic wand.)
16 . A magical musical instrument used by some fairy tale characters for self-defense. To play it does not require special musical education and knowledge of musical notation. You only have to blow into it, as it will play itself, and from these sounds your enemies become numb, and fairy princesses fall in love with you.
It is recommended to keep away from dampness and small children.( Magic pipe). 17 .A kind of rubber fabulous shoes, worn in wet weather over your boots or boots. When worn, they fulfill any of your desires. In a fairy tale, nothing good is brought to the owners, therefore they have no practical significance.
CONTRAINDICATION: Do not wear over walking boots !(Galoshes of happiness)
18 .Fabulous kitchen utensil, decorated with bells and used for cooking various types of cereals. The cooking process does not require human intervention. It is practical, because it does not need a stove, cereals, water, salt, oil, saving the owner from unnecessary expenses. In order for the owner of the pot not to get bored from idleness, he sings songs while cooking, accompanying himself with the ringing of bells. ( Pot)
19 . A fabulous remedy, as well as a tonic that can revive anyone. Indispensable for travelers, wanderers, heroes and others. It is located far away in the source, from where either a raven or a gray wolf usually delivers it. It is a non-carbonated colorless transparent liquid. Well preserved in a bottle, flask, jug. Freezing point unknown .(Living water.).

20. Most often used by fairy-tale heroines in order to “tell the whole truth” about their, heroines, beauty. At times, disappointing. In the "on-line" mode, it shows the heroine or hero of a fairy tale the events taking place in other fairy-tale kingdoms, states, kingdoms . (Mirror).

21. As a rule, it hangs on an oak tree, for the convenience of a learned cat to walk left and right. Carrying out this useful task, the golden chain is also an undoubted decoration for any oak tree. (golden chain)

22 .Opens a secret door under the stairs in Papa Carlo's closet behind a painting depicting a burning hearth. Because of this key, a number of dramatic events took place in the life of Pinocchio and his friends, ending with the opening of a new puppet theater. The further fate of the artists and the repertoire of the theater are unknown .(Golden Key)

23 .Fabulous prototype of a compass and GPRS navigator. Able to lead you to the expected goal and will not let you get lost. An indispensable item for any fairy-tale hero, especially if he is not a hero and is poorly oriented in the area .(Clew)

24 .It looks quite ordinary, shabby, without a title page, indicating the name of the author, title and year of publication. One of the coolest fairy tale items, because on any page you, if literate, will read whatever you want; Where is the sword-treasurer kept, under which oak is the egg, where the Serpent Gorynych took Vasilisa the Wise. How to get there and, most importantly, how to get out of there .(Book)
25. A type of air transport widely used in oriental tales. Convenient for traveling long distances. When flying, safety measures should be observed, since seat belts are not provided here and the surface is not fenced.
Does not require cleaning. It is conveniently combined with a self-assembled tablecloth ( Magic carpet.). 26. A fabulous item that fulfills all the wishes of the owner. With it, you can be both in the past and in the future, you can build a palace, get married, get married and get rich. To do this, you just need to put it on your finger, make a wish and turn it. (Ring)
27. Delivered by Raven or Gray Wolf complete with a live one. ( dead water)

28 . An everyday attribute of Baba Yaga, an integral part of the stupa (fuselage), which serves to control the flight of an aircraft. Looks unsightly. In common parlance, it is called "pomelo". When the stupa is idle, you can sweep the yard with a broom, or a hut on chicken legs. ( Broom)

29 . Weapon of the second generation (the first is a magic club). "Kladenets" is named, most likely, for its effectiveness in close combat and high lethal force. It does not need special mastery of possession, as it works even in inexperienced hands. Invaluable in battle with Kashchei the Deathless, Zmey Gorynych, dragons and other reptiles . (Sword-hoarder)
30 . An old name for an ordinary lighter. Summons three huge dogs that carry out delicate tasks for their owners. How to use: strike a spark and wait for the dogs to appear. When they appear, do not be frightened, but loudly and clearly order to fulfill your desire: bring something, or take you somewhere. For safety reasons, dogs need to be fed from time to time. . (Flint)
31. It is used to decorate and illuminate the dwelling (most often - the royal, but sometimes the hut). The thing is beautiful, practical. Saves fuel, electricity, environmentally friendly. They are not produced in mass circulation, as the population of firebirds is on the verge of extinction. (Feather of the Firebird)
32. A necessary piece of furniture and mode of transport of Russian folk tales and epics. For many years, the grandfather and the woman, and Ilya Muromets, and Baba Yaga, and Emelya, and many others have been lying on it.
Acting as a vehicle, it smokes a lot, but develops a decent speed. A rare Russian fairy tale does without this subject. (Stove.)

33 .She is “overcome”, “get up” grass. Tonic medicinal plant, close in action to living water. It is worth drinking her decoction, as you immediately turn into a hero, even if you did not notice this before taking the medicine. (Sagebrush)
34. Another fabulous mode of transport. Belongs to Baba Yaga. In order to take off, sit down comfortably, pick up a broom and hit it on the ground. She takes off immediately. A broom is used to control the air, which turns the aircraft in the direction you need (Mortar)

35 . Operates on an all-inclusive basis. A necessary thing for fabulous travels.. Does not require washing, buying food, cooking. Successfully replaces the dishwasher. Probably, after being used among the people, the popular expression “cover the clearing ». (Self-assembly tablecloth)
36 . A type of high-speed transport common in fairy tales. Western European analogue of the stupa and flying carpet. Practical, comfortable to wear shoes for long journeys. The speed of movement is not inferior to other fabulous analogues. (Boots-walkers)
37 . Not just a part of the home interior in oriental and Russian fairy tales. This is a receptacle of countless treasures, where sometimes some of the fabulous items listed here lie, and an aircraft, sitting in which the heroes can fly wherever they wish. (Box)

38 . Magic dishes, always used for other purposes. They do not eat from it, using it as a monitor for viewing fabulous news and the latest news. Does not require an Internet connection (Plate).
39 . A useful fairy-tale item, with the help of which the heroes of European fairy tales find a variety of treasures and objects. Actually, the heroes of fairy tales themselves do not take part in these searches. They give orders to things that are engaged in treasure hunting. From time to time, she is able to perform the functions of a magic club, punishing one of the hero's offenders. (Cane)
40 .Magic fruits (we are better known as figs, colloquially - “duli”) are of two types: the first one actively stimulates the growth of branched horns in the person who has eaten them, the second one eliminates them .(figs)

41 . Fairy stuff! It is used by the heroes of fairy tales for reconnaissance purposes, as well as during active hostilities with various evil spirits (Serpent Gorynych, Kashchei the Immortal, Dragon, Baba Yaga and others). Simple and easy to use. It does not require special care. Store in a dry, conspicuous place. (Invisible hat)

42 . It happens bulk, gold and rejuvenating. The most dangerous in fairy tales is bulk. Very appetizing in appearance, it is used as a means of poisoning pretty princesses and princesses, after which the princes and princes have to go on a long journey to find a way to revive them - either alive or with a kiss. Both are given to them with great difficulty, and sometimes with danger to life. (Bullseye)
43. There is simple and gold. In a simple one, a needle is usually kept, at the end of which is the death of Kashchei. It itself is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, the hare is in the chest, the chest is under the roots of the oak (Egg.)

Substation« Guess who I am and where from?»,

Children must look at magical objects and guess their names and fairy tales or works where these objects are used.

Exhibition« Magic Item File« Guess who I am and where from?» »:

Gingerbread man, hare ("Gingerbread Man"),

Guitar, double bass, drum, trumpet ("The Bremen Town Musicians"),

Mortar and broom ("Vasilisa the Beautiful"),

A basket of pies and a little red riding hood ("Little Red Riding Hood"),

Tablecloth with dishes ("Scarlet Flower" "Self-collection tablecloth, self-shaking wallet and two from the bag"),

Pot with bells ("Magic Pot"),

Pot and ax ("Porridge from an ax"),

Basket with snowdrops ("12 months"),

Hare, fox, hut ("Fox and Hare"),

Golden egg, chicken ("Kurochka Ryaba"),

Plate with a gold border and an apple ("Scarlet Flower"),

Mirror ("Sleeping Beauty"),

Feather ("Finist - a clear falcon"),

A ball of thread ("Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"),

Copper lamp ("Lamp of Aladdin"),

A ship with scarlet sails ("Scarlet Sails"),

Masted ship, globe, spyglass, map, compass ("Children of Captain Grant"),

Flower in a vase ("The Scarlet Flower"),

Crystal shoe ("Cinderella"),

Snegurochka ("Snegurochka"),

Frog with a stick ("Frog - Traveler"),

Water lily, chrysalis, toad ("Thumbelina"),

Key ("Golden Key"),

Piglet ("Three Little Pigs"),

Telephone (fable "Telephone"),

Ant ("Dragonfly and Ant"),

Smoking pipe ("Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"),

A cat and a calf ("Three from Prostokvashino",

Crown, pieces of ice, staff ("The Snow Queen"),

Cheburashka ("Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka"),

Rybka ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"),

Magic wand and pumpkin ("Cinderella"),

Pipe ("Adventures of Niels"),

Substation« Teleportation»(Magical items in our time)

Name where we can find "magic" objects in our time?

    Firebird feather. (Lamp, spotlight)

    Sledges that they carry themselves. Emelya oven. (car, snowmobile)

    Remember, at Emelya, the buckets themselves carried water. (Water pipes)

    Gusli - samogudy. (Record player)

    Mortar. Magic carpet. Boots are runners. Broom and mortar. Magic umbrella. (Rocket, plane and other vehicles)

    Miracle is a mirror. Plate with an apple. (TV, computer)

    A ball of thread showing the way. Arrow. (Compass)

    Kettle pot with bells.(Multicooker)

    Staff and cane, opening places of treasures (Metal detector)

    Flint and Steel (Lighter)

    Magic wand, ring, flower - seven-color, magic feather (grandparents, ready for anything for the sake of their grandchildren)

    Living and dead water, wormwood - "overcome", rejuvenating apples, magic figs (medicines)

    Sword - treasurer, club (Kalashnikov assault rifle)

    Tablecloth - self-assembly (restaurant or cafe)

    Golden key, magic ring, chest, (Bank card)

For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

1. In what state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state)
2. What was the bun: a gingerbread or a pie? (gingerbread)
3. What is the real name of the Frog Princess? (Vasilisa the Wise)
4. What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Koschey)
5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Jezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)
7. Name the place of birth of Kolobok (furnace)
8. What is the only heroine of the fairy tale "Turnip", whose name we know? (Bug)
9. What is the name of the fairy-tale character, climbing out of his skin? (Princess Frog)
10. What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress in which lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed (sleeve of the dress of the Frog Princess)
11. What fabulous headdress cannot be drawn? (cap of invisibility)
12. What is the "workplace" of the scientist's cat? (oak)
13. Which fairy tale tells about the grave consequences of the poor condition of fire safety equipment? ("Cat house")
14. Which fairy tale tells about some of the difficulties involved in delivering fresh baked goods to your home? ("Little Red Riding Hood")
15. Who did Winnie the Pooh give an empty pot for his birthday? (donkey Eeyore)
16. It has 38 parrots, 6 monkeys and 1 baby elephant. Who is this? (boa)
17. Who was the fairy tale Cinderella good sorceress? (godmother)
18. How many letters were "lost" in the original name of Captain Vrungel's yacht? (2)
19. What is the Russian folk tale in which there were 3 attempted murders and one murder? ("Kolobok")
20. What fairy-tale characters lived "30 years and 3 years"? (old man with old woman)

Substation “Fairytale Trouble”

Here are the names of fairy tales and fairy tale characters. But something in these names is confused. The names of the stories are mixed up. A commotion began. The princess became Khavrosechka, Koschey became the Clear Falcon. There should be no confusion in fairy tales. You must correct these mistakes. .

    Metrovochka - Thumbelina

    Three clean - three little pigs

    Stupid Basil - Vasilisa the Wise

    Rusty lock - golden key

    Dog in mittens - Puss in boots

    Kikimora under the watermelon - the princess and the pea

    Sivka - duck - Sivka - Burka

    Ivan Korolevich and the orange wolf - Ivan the Tsarevich and the gray wolf

    Princess - Petrushka - Princess - Frog

    Fox and 7 koloboks - wolf and seven kids

    Girl-kalancha - Boy with a finger

    Blue handkerchief - Little Red Riding Hood

    Znayka underground - Dunno on the moon

    Sand Servant - Snow Queen

    The Story of the Iron Hen - The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

    Giant Mouth - Dwarf Nose

Substation« The cleverest» (Blitz tournament)

1. What was Cinderella's carriage made of? (from pumpkin).
2. How much does a ticket to the theater of Karabas Barabas cost? (4 soldos).
3. Who is Freken Bock? (housekeeper).
4. Who was able to defeat the Cockroach? (Sparrow).
5. What did the Scarecrow need to get from the Great and Terrible? (brain).
6. What substance did Fatima smear on Ali Baba's measure? (honey).
7. What was the name of the disease that Dunno suffered on the moon? (yearning).
8. What did Kai need to lay out of the ice? (word "eternity").
9. In what case does the hair from the beard of the old man Hottabych not work? (when the beard is wet). 10. What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket? (pies and a pot of butter).
11. How did Thumbelina get into the country of elves? (on a swallow).
12. What animal did brother Ivanushka turn into? (in a goat).
13. What did Emelya drive? (on the stove).
14. Where did the seventh goat hide? (in the oven).
15. Malvina is a girl with what hair? (with blue).
16. Who moved Aibolit to Africa? (Eagle).
17. In which fairy tale did the bird save the emperor from death? ("Nightingale").
18. In which fairy tale did the sea burn? ("Confusion").
19. What is a "red flower"? (the fire).
20. What was the name of Malvina's poodle? (Artemon)....

Station« Fairy tale - constructor»

For a while, children must collect fairy-tale puzzles (you can take any fairy tales)

Station« fairytale disco»

Substation« Magic karaoke»

Songs for karaoke:

"Song of the Seven Kids"

"Song of Winnie the Pooh"

"Song of the Waterman"

"Song of Kolobok"

"Song of Butterflies Ezhek"

"Song of the Three Little Pigs"

"Song of the Little Red Riding Hood", etc.

Substation« Fairytale flashmob»

Prepared children in different fairy-tale costumes arrange dance flash mobs for children.

Music for dancing:

"Ball for Cinderella"

"Little Red Riding Hood's Journey"

"Disco Bremen Town Musicians and Robbers"

"New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya"

"Dance of Ellie and her friends", etc.

Awarding the winners - final stop


Books! They are truly trustworthy friends. With any question, you can contact them. After all, there is also reference literature, various dictionaries, encyclopedias. They are our indispensable helpers. The role of books in human life is great. Without them, neither education nor the culture of our society would be possible.

Unfortunately, today the book has somewhat lost its position. However, despite the rapid development of modern technologies and the emergence of various electronic devices that imitate printed publications, the book cannot be completely replaced by any of the most innovative inventions. Those who truly love a book will never give up the pleasure that comes from the smell of freshly printed pages or the rustle of turning pages. The book, in spite of everything, will remain with us for many centuries to come. It is books that store in themselves everything that humanity has accumulated over all the centuries of its existence in various fields. Come to the temple of books - the library more often, and there you will again discover a beautiful and delightful world!

Journey game

"Read the City"

holiday script dedication to readers

for students of 1 classes

Event plan:

    The teacher comes with a list of students.

    Meeting in the lobby of the library, conducting a tour of the library.

    Event in the hall.

    Review and viewing of books from the exhibition.

    Library entry.

    Presentation of gifts - bookmarks for books.





Of course, in the library! The library is a book kingdom, a wise state for all children. Only here you will find many fairy tales, poems, adventures and fantasy, books about animals and plants.

Let's get to know each other better! And for this we will visit our "Read the city".

Let's go through the streets and avenues of this wonderful city!


In this wonderful basket, the heroes of the books left some of their little things, let's return them, but to whom?

You need to know the fairy-tale hero on the subject.

(Objects: an arrow, an egg, a web, a golden key, a walnut shell, a ball of thread, a fish or a rose bush, etc.)

HOST: Do you like riddles?

(Making riddles)

This animal lives only at home,

Are you familiar with this beast?

He has a mustache - like knitting needles,

He, purring, sings a song,

Only the mouse is afraid of him.

Guessed? This is a cat)

He is not a deer and not a bull,

He is accustomed to living in India.

Has a horn on the nose.

Who is this? ... (Rhino)

To sing songs by the moon

Sat on a twig ... (nightingale)

Who likes to rush through the branches?

Of course, redhead ... (squirrel)

He looks like a sheepdog

Whatever a tooth, then a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

The ram is ready to attack.

And teeth click and click.

Who is this? This is... (wolf)

He understands a lot about raspberries

The owner of the forest is terrible ... (bear)

He has a big ears,

He is obedient to his master.

And although it is small,

Does he lead? like a truck!

He yells: "Eeeeee."

Today in a brand new shed

He entered like a newcomer

Who is it, children? Bunny?

Not? Well, who then? ... (Donkey)

curled up in a ball

Well, touch it.

Prickly on all sides ... (Hedgehog)

Boulevard of Poems

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a ball in the river...

You all know how many books in which you can read wonderful poems. And then there are fairy tales written in verse. What fairy tales in verse do you know? What is a rhyme?

LEADING: Let's play rhyme! I say a word, and you rhyme me to that word. For example: paint - a fairy tale, a shelf - a needle. Deal? Begin!

The horse is fire.

The picture is a showcase.

Thunderstorm - goat.

Fox - sausage.

Mole - mouth, cat.

Well done boys!

HOST: Well done guys! And you know that rhyme is the foundation

Poems. If there is no rhyme, there will be no verse. Match the words to rhyme.

I wanted to have a ball

And I have guests in myself ... (called)

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked crumbly ... (pie)

Pie, knives and forks here

But something guests ... (do not go)

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece ... (swallowed)

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

And the whole pie in a minute... (ate)

When the guests arrived

Even crumbs ... (not found)

This poem was written by the poet Daniil Kharms. He has many such funny poems. And not only him. That's how many books are presented at our exhibition! All of them will be blown when you read them. And then we will meet again and talk.


CARLSON: Hello! Can I land here for a minute? HOST: Yes, yes, please! Do you know how to fly? It is very difficult?

CARLSON: Not a bit for me, because I am the best flyer in the world. I AM

handsome, intelligent, and moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life. I am the best steam engine specialist in the world, and in everything else I am the best in the world.

HOST: Did you find out who came to visit us guys?

CARLSON: Does anyone else know me? Haven't you read the book by the Swedish writer Astrid Lingren.

INTRODUCTOR: Guys! Who is this and what story is he from?

(children's answers)

CARLSON: Do you really know fairy tales?

Try to guess my...

1. Who is the best dreamer and sweet tooth in the world, a great friend of the Kid? (Carlson)

2. In which fairy tale did the bear himself compose poetry? ("Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all ..")

3. Which girl lost her shoe? (Cinderella)

4. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? (Marquis of Carabas)

5. What was the name of the smallest girl? (Thumbelina)

6. Which of the three little pigs built the strongest house? (naf-naf)

7. How many thieves did Ali Baba outsmart? (40)

CARLSON: And now I would like to have some fun. Shall we throw chairs at the windows? Or will we start another game of the same kind? How about we play ghost? After all, I'm the best ghost in the world! I'm a little ghost with a motor! Wild but cute! Where can I get a sheet?

LEADING: What are you, Carlson, you are in the library! Is it possible to throw chairs in the library or play ghost?

CARLSON: Since you don't like my proposal, come up with something else, otherwise I won't hang out with you! I have to do something. -

Game "Porters"

It is necessary to transfer as many balls as possible at a time from one place to another, without holding them by the strings.

Game "Centipede Run"

The players are divided into 2 teams. Each one lines up in a column one at a time, obstacles are placed on the same line, which the “centipede” must bypass without dropping them. And without breaking the "centipede".

LEADING; Well done boys! In every work, in every fairy tale, there are evil and good heroes. We will now check: which of you is well acquainted with the heroes of the books. I call you the heroes, if he is kind - you clap your hands, if he is evil - stomp.

Thumbelina, Snow Queen, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Cat Basilio, Little Red Riding Hood, Nightingale the Robber, Wolf, Papa Carlo, Baba Yaga, Fox Alice, Dobrynya Nikitich, Snow Queen, Aldar-Kose. Well done!



And the books are about everything, about everything.

About rivers and seas

And that the sky has no end

And round earth.

About astronauts, to the clouds

Flying many times

About rain and lightning and thunder

About light, heat, and gas.

The game "Similar or the same"

Name what you know

The bow is a plant, and also (weapon),

Parsley - plant, clown,

Scythe - hair, tool,

Sandals - shoes, barefoot girl,

A bowler hat - dishes, a headdress,

Brush - hands, artist,

Game "Merry mushroom pickers"

Drawings of mushrooms are distributed around the hall, which the participants in the game must collect, while selecting only edible ones.

LEADING: Tell me please, how do you know that these are edible mushrooms, but this is not? Of course, all this can be learned from books!

(Review of scientific and educational literature for children)


BOOK: Finally we met, my good little friends. I am glad to welcome you to my palace. Look around my domain, get to know its inhabitants better. Know that the inhabitants of my palace speak in silence, so there is silence here. OREWelcome you to my palace, little good friends and your little things, let's return them, but to whom?


HOST: Absolutely right! But sometimes it happens that the books say. It's at night when it's dark and no one can hear them!


One day two books met

We talked among ourselves.

Well, how are you doing?

One asked the other.

Oh, honey, I'm ashamed in front of the class -

My master

Covers pulled out with meat!

Yes, covers! Broke the sheets!

From them he makes boats, rafts.

BOOK: Yes, yes, this happens very often with my sisters books!

LEADING: Guys, do you know how to handle a book?

careful attitude to the book is your very first and main reader's duty. And now we will get acquainted with the basic rules: how to take care of the book. And the Book and Carlson will listen ..

Game: The rules for handling the book are written on the cards and the children read out in turn:

1. At home, give books a certain place on the bookshelf.

2. Wrap the book in paper - the cover will not get dirty.

3. Read a book at a clean table and clean hands.

4. Turn over the book by the upper right corner of the page.

5. Do not write or draw anything on the book.

6. Do not put your elbows on the book when reading, do not put the book open with the sheets down.

7. Do not put pencils, pens in the book - otherwise the spine will break.

8. In order not to lose the place in the book where you are reading, put a bookmark.

9. Return the read books to the library. Other guys are waiting for them.

LEADING: Now you guys know the rules for handling a book.

BOOK: And today we must dedicate the guys to the readers!

HOST: I believe that all the guys will treat books with care! True guys! Let's take an oath and the Book will shine you as a reader.

(Children take an oath)


I swear: Know the heroes of books.

I swear not to spoil the book's pages

And return books on time.

LEADING: Well, guys, you swore an oath to the book. And now you must not deviate from this oath.

(The book gives bookmarks for books)

BOOK: You have already read many books, you have even more to read and learn a lot of new and interesting things from books. Come to us all together and you will become participants in fun games. Come with your moms and dads, grandparents, they will tell you about the books that they themselves read when they were children. Come yourself, librarians will be happy to talk with you about what you have read, to find the most interesting books for you.

Compiled by: Vopilova T.B.

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