Hunting games with bow and elk. Hunting games

Description of the game

The game "Moose Hunting", although it bears such a cruel name, will not require you to destroy these cute horned animals. According to the plot of this funny toy, instead of a gun, you will use ordinary snowballs and the beast, which you will hit with an aimed hit, will simply be enveloped in a light snowball.

Events in this online application will develop in the land of the Eskimos - at the North Pole. There, a good-natured and wise father will teach his little son the basics of survival in the harsh snow conditions. Considering that the baby Tulun (the name of the child's father) is a wise person, he understands that the little boy should not see the death of animals, at least until he grows up.

In the land of the Eskimos, it is customary for fathers to teach their little children to hunt in a certain way, and the online game "Moose Hunting" will show you all the features of their traditions.

Before we start considering the features of this funny toy, let's talk about its main characters.

The main characters of the game "Moose Hunt"

As you already understood, you will play here for two Tulun characters - the head of the family and his little offspring Agluy, who will comprehend the basics of the hunter's skill.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of hunting moose in the North Pole for the Eskimos. Indeed, just one successfully shot moose can cost a family not only tasty and nutritious food, but also warmth.

We remind you that the Eskimos use moose both for food (meat and fat) and for the production of clothing (wool and their skins). In connection with such a serious importance of elk for the life of the Eskimos, fathers begin to teach their children to hunt from a young age, and Tulun, in this regard, is no exception.

The main feature of the baby Agluya is that he absolutely does not accept violence. Because of this, his father constantly has to come to various tricks so that his son can begin to learn the skill of a hunter. For example, this time, he invited his little son to play snowballs with the moose, to which Agluy instantly agreed.

As you understand, playing Moose Hunt means making targeted throws of snowballs at these large animals in the North Pole.

Game features

In addition to the fact that the events in this application will take place in winter, there will also be a New Year's Eve on the calendar. The Eskimos have such a belief that they decorate with toys all the Christmas trees in the vicinity of the places in which they hunt when it comes to New Year's holidays. Thus, this people demonstrates to nature that the New Year is not far off, and, consequently, the end of the first, most severe winter month.

You will make your funny elk hunt in a coniferous forest with a lot of decorated Christmas trees. If you hit a toy with a snowball and break it, you will be penalized with 100 points. Therefore, try to carefully examine the place where you will throw snowballs.

You will be able to play Moose Hunt for free for a limited time. In total, you will be given 60 seconds. During this time, you will need to hit the maximum number of moose, while trying not to fall into the toys on the trees.

For an accurate hit on a moose, you will receive from 20 to 200 points. The reward will depend on how difficult it was to hit the beast with an aimed snowball hit. If the moose was near you and moved slowly, then you will not be able to earn more than 50 points for an accurate shot, but if the animal runs in a remote area of ​​the location and, at the same time, it disguises itself as the surrounding landscapes, then you can count on 200 points!

The goal is to earn the maximum number of points in 1 minute. After playing time, if you think your record deserves world attention, you can add it to the world record board. If it seemed to you that you can earn more points, then you can simply replay.

The number of snowballs, in turn, is not limited. Therefore, you can not be upset if you are not hit by a moose. Just shoot two or three snowballs after, and the target will definitely be hit.

Gameplay and controls in the game "Moose Hunting"

In order to start the game, in the main menu, click on the PLAY button by clicking the left mouse button on this inscription. Following this will begin game process and countdown.

The remaining time you can see in the upper left corner, and the number of points that you have already managed to earn - in the upper right corner.

After you hit the target, you will see what reward you received for your hit. Demonstration of the reward occurs in the form of a number above the target. As noted, the reward is limited to 20 to 200 points.

You will also see the penalty for a broken toy as if you hit the target. The penalty will be unchanged - minus one hundred points.

Use the mouse to control the sight. To throw a snowball at the moose, click on the left mouse button.

Do you want to join the most courageous occupation that humanity has ever thought of in hundreds of thousands of years of its existence? Hunting games will give you the unforgettable sensation of tracking down prey and the joy of victory. Even if you've never sneaked up on a game with a gun in your life, hunting games will give you a great idea of ​​these emotions. Surrender to the ecstasy of the struggle and in practice prove your right to be called the king of nature!

From spear to shotgun

If you believe Darwin's theory, the key moment in evolution was the time when the ancient monkeys stopped eating only bananas and began to eat meat. It was this food that provided them with enough substances that were needed to form the human brain. In addition, the need to catch prey, which did not want to be given in any way, forced human ancestors to stray into flocks and establish a certain hierarchy - all this contributed to the creation of modern social relations in human society.

It turns out that it was hunting that once made a man out of a monkey, and then it turned out to be undeservedly forgotten, being ousted by more in a simple way obtaining food - by cattle breeding. However, forgotten, but not completely. Even if today we don’t need to chase a hare or a black grouse across all the fields to secure a piece of meat for dinner, but the excitement dangerous game hunting gives you something that you simply cannot get in any other way! And therefore, its popularity, no longer as a vital occupation, but at least as entertainment, does not fade away from year to year.

Of course, modern hunters use very different tools than our distant ancestors. The carbine is much more effective than, say, the spear, with which they used to go to the bear; and it is much easier to shoot a bird with a gun than to catch it in a snare. But these weapons are also more dangerous than the weapons of the past. After all, what can be used against game, in unskillful hands, will harm a person - and therefore you need to handle it very carefully.

Hunting online

Before you pick up a gun and go out into the field, you must be absolutely sure that you know what to do with it. According to Russian law, you cannot even buy firearms without obtaining proper certificates, passing exams and registering with a hunting farm! To make all these stages easier to go through, it is better to start with simulators - for this you can use Online Games hunt or go to the shooting range. These lessons will allow you to learn how to react quickly to changing conditions, increase your accuracy and rate of fire.

Unfortunately, neither computer simulations nor air rifle shooting in the shooting range will give you the full experience of the shot. For many young hunters, it comes as a shock, for example, when the recoil of a gun is used. After all, with what force the bullet flies out of the barrel, with the same force the butt hits the hunter in the shoulder: this blow can even drop an unprepared person to the ground!

In hunting games we can sometimes visually observe the recoil, but in most cases the tip of your virtual shotgun remains stationary. Therefore, it is much easier to take a sight in a computer toy, because there is no recoil, and the barrel does not “walk” during a shot. V real life you need to be able to fix the butt in such a way that the movement from recoil is minimal - otherwise, no matter how much you aim, not that you will not hit the squirrel in the eye, but the bear in the back.

Only twice a year, here….

Environmental legislation clearly sets out the periods when hunting is allowed and when it is not. Based on this, there are only two hunting seasons: spring and autumn. In summer and winter, animals are too defenseless, and therefore shooting them is considered poaching! Only computer games, hunting, will allow you to stay in good shape in the offseason and not wither away in longing for your favorite pastime.

So that you don’t have to search all over the Internet where you can shoot, we have collected on our website all the best there is on this topic. On this page you can see the most interesting and exciting games about hunting, which are available online. In addition, you can play hunting games absolutely free of charge, which means that you can do what you love almost around the clock! Just remember to sleep and go to school sometimes.

Not so long ago, the status of a person and his position in the tribe depended on the ability to hunt, but today there is no need to craft a spear or track down wild animals with a homemade bow at the ready. Hunting games will allow you to enjoy the most ancient instincts without harming living beings and destroying rare animal specimens. Just choose this category on our website and join this exciting and courageous activity!

If in ancient times hunting was necessary for survival, today it is rather a fashionable and sophisticated hobby. Even if you are an ordinary city dweller who has never seen the tropical jungle and dense forests of the savannah, sometimes it is still worth picking up a virtual rifle and downloading exciting and addicting hunting games to your browser.

The main thing is to hit the target and not let the live target escape back into the dense thickets.

Here you can train all your best skills, such as: lightning-fast reaction, accuracy, agility, tactical thinking and complex analysis of the situation. Choose this category of games, and engage in virtual shooting at any time of the day or night!

Describing a conflict between self-interest and public interest.

If they hunted a deer, then everyone understood that for this he was obliged to remain at his post; but if a hare ran near any of the hunters, then one had to doubt that this hunter would chase after him without a twinge of conscience and, having overtaken the prey, would very little regret that in this way he deprived his comrades of prey.

- J. J. Rousseau. Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality between people // Treatises / Per. with French A. Khayutina. - M .: Nauka, 1969 .-- P. 75.


  • Stag hunt

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