Computer games without programming. Online game

Sometimes players, who often spend time behind various shooters, quests and other fictional worlds, want to create their own universe. At the same time, if you use the best practices of people who are more knowledgeable in this matter, then create computer game not that difficult.

Let's consider some programs that will allow you to do this without programming. These utilities are called engines.

The best software for creating games

Game maker

It is a Delphi game constructor. Supports both Windows and Macintosh. Dignity that constructor in cross-platform, low price, integration with Steam. TO disadvantages Game Maker refers to something that is not convenient to create big games, 3D mode is not developing, the purpose of creating games for computers has been transformed into games for mobile platforms.

Construct 2

This is a constructor for 2D games. With the help of it, games are created for iPhones, Androids, Windows and other platforms. This program for creating games free... If the creator wants to sell the game created with the utility, then he should buy a license.

In the special Construct 2 store offered by the developers, creators can buy special resources for their virtual worlds. Music, sets of sounds, instructions - everything is in it.

Unity 3D

This utility contains everything you need to create a great game. The program has a built-in engine that allows you to work with 3D graphics. On the plus side, it also has special programs for developing landscapes, sounds, and physics.

Minus Unity 3D is - a necessity of computer programming training from the creator.

3D Rad

This utility is downloaded and used for free... It is the cheapest among all the others that use a 3D engine. In 3D Rad you will find an intuitive interface. And also it has the ability to create online toys.

Game editor

This utility from merits has an excellent set of templates, and from disadvantages- cannot import layered images, and if the user does not know how to program, then all his projects will be of the same type.

All applications created in Game Editor have open source... The utility is intended for those who have mastered C ++ programming at least a little.


This environment for creating computer games does not require any special knowledge in development and programming. All scenarios are presented as blocks... Those who love Photoshop will love Stencyl too. Since it has functions that closely resemble this program.


Here you can add and modify objects not only in 2D, but also in 3D space. CraftStudio makes creating games fun and challenging. The interface of this program is intuitive. There are no format incompatibilities or conversion problems here. For those who have advanced knowledge of programming, there is a section - Lua Scripting... You can download the program for creating games from the official website.

Adventure Game Studio

The advantages of this utility are the built-in demo game, import of sound files. TO disadvantages include low quality graphics and the creation of a game of only one genre. Adventure Game Studio's interface is also not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But there is lots of tips... There is no Russian language version.

Arcade game studio

It is a clean and simple constructor. To work with Arcade Game Studio, you do not need to have programming knowledge to understand it. It was created for writing shooters, arcades, runners. Here you can make a game dating back to the 80's or 90's. For many fans of the old-school genre, these toys will go well.

Clickteam fusion

This constructor can read sensor readings, apply shader effects. Of the shortcomings it can be noted that the license is not available in many countries, and there is practically no documentation in Russian.

The main feature of Clickteam Fusion is that if a programmer creates a utility on a mobile phone, then it will be able to read readings from GPS devices. There is no Russian language, but you can download the crack file.


This constructor will be useful for novice programmers... You will come across a simple and intuitive interface. The utility allows you to add many sound files and pictures. GameSalad is easily cross-platform compatible.

The program for creating games on a computer can be purchased for a trial period of half a month for free, and purchase will cost at twenty-five dollars.

Visionaire studio

This program is suitable for those who love puzzles and quests. Feature of the utility in that you can work in a point and click style. Here you can choose which characters will participate in the plot, change them, prescribe various commands, answers to the riddles you have created.

The only problem Visionaire Studio is that only demo version is free.


This application is designed for making 3D animation and 3D graphics. This utility is absolutely distributed free of charge... It has a lot of tools and options. Therefore, it can take a lot of time to study it. But it's worth it. However, Blender does not have a Russified version. In order to translate it, it is recommended download crack.

Construct Classic

This program is designed to create 3D and 2D applications. Games created on it can use technology Direct X. Here, all actions are performed using visual design technology. Therefore, no programming knowledge is required.

In Construct Classic, you can connect your own shaders. Supports most plugins have a built-in Python interpreter.

Unreal Development Kit

This utility is the most popular engine among game application developers. It supports X Box, PC, Play Station. Main feature the fact that the engine was created for the production of 3D shooters. Here can be processed complex architectures, face animations, physical objects. And also has its own library.

The Unreal Development Kit is free to download and use. But when you want to officially release the game, you will need to buy a license.

NeoAxis 3D Engine

This constructor, unlike others, has high-quality graphics and a relatively simple interface. Before you start it is recommended to master programming languages ​​C +, C ++. But there are special libraries already with prepared actions. NeoAxis supports shaders, shadows, lighting.

It is very user-friendly and easy to use. This engine was developed in our country. The Russian language is set here by default.

CryENGINE 3 Free

This engine can be considered the best of all modern ones that support photorealistic graphics, as well as Direct X technology. Far cry and Crysis were done on it. And also it allows create games for platforms X Box, Play Station.

Textures can be taken directly from 3D Max. CryENGINE is very popular. You can find a large number of teaching materials in Russian.

Kodu game lab

This engine allows you to work with many tools with which you can release 3D applications. Kodu Game Lab created companyMicrosoft... It has many templates, allows you to upload your own content, and has many built-in tutorials for working with it.

Defold game engine

This constructor is sharpened for 2D, but can work with 3D graphics. It is easy to create games for non-programmers on it. Defold Game Engine is suitable for application development for mobile phones, HTML5, lua scripting.

Amazon Lumberyard

This is a new construction set from Amazon. It is released as open source. With the help of this engine, you can develop applications for personal computers, mobile applications. Lumberyard - free constructor. But if you want to connect additional features, then you will be asked to pay for them.

CryEngine 5

This is a game engine from the German company Crytec. CryEngine 5 version is less demanding on your computer characteristics, but the graphics don't get any worse. There is support Direct X 11 and 12.

GameMaker: Studio

This constructor is free version what we considered at the beginning of the review of programs for creating games. It allows you to create 2D worlds in a few hours. It is cross-platform. GameMaker: Studio makes it easy to create apps for mobile devices, personal computers, Mac Os.

The number of people playing computer or mobile games is increasing every year. People call them gamers who cannot imagine their life without toys. Many consider them to be sick people who need to be treated. But at the same time, there are people who have learned to make money on gamers by creating new games. In this case, many gamers think about creating a game on their own.

Today, creating games takes less time and effort than 5-10 years ago. For this, various programs for modeling 3D graphics and engines for creating games have been developed. You just need to be patient.

If you want to create your own game, you need to have some gaming experience. If the user plays very rarely, it will be quite difficult to make a quality product. To create the right game, you need to follow the game logic and be aware of all aspects of the game world.

To do enough good game, it is necessary to imagine the gameplay and come up with new ideas. If you create a unique game, it will be easier to find players. It is worth remembering that to create a game, you must have certain knowledge in this area. You need to learn programming languages, learn how to use three-dimensional editors. To do this, you can find many different articles and programs on the Internet.

Game creation

Initially, you need to choose the genre in which the game will be created. The main idea is an important part of every game. The most common games are based on the first person shooter genre. Races are also very popular. To find out the popularity of a particular game, it is enough to count their number in a certain category.

Action games and shooter is a shooting game where you have to kill all enemies. Strategies and RTS are also very popular. In addition, there is a huge number of genres that also have the right to life.

After choosing a genre, you need to start creating a script. This is a very important part of creating a game. The scenario must have a plot, the main character, enemies or rivals, an ending. It is also worth working on the interface and graphics of the game.

If a beginner starts creating a game, it will be a rather difficult process for him, since this requires an engine that a novice user cannot create. To do this, you should use a special game constructor. You can try to learn programming languages ​​and write an engine yourself or use a ready-made one.

It is recommended for beginners to use constructors. This is a special program that has the structure of the future game. It is necessary to place elements and objects and include scripts. Such constructors are constantly expanding the number of their functions, while the price of the program is growing. If you don't want to spend money on a game constructor, then you can use free utilities.

If you are using game engines, you need to have some programming knowledge. Since the engine is a collection of functions and objects, the developer does not need to create any actions. Everything you need is already in the engine. We'll have to use special editors to make graphics and connect them to scripts.

Creating your own game is a very difficult and lengthy process. It is not recommended for a novice user to undertake this, but if there is extra money, you can order the game in specialized studios. At the same time, programmers will take into account all wishes.

Do you want to learn how to create games
but don't know where to start?
Read the text below and today you will be making your first game!

Greetings to aspiring game developer!

If you have looked at this site, then you want to create games. And not in many years, but right now. Also, you are not going to spend a lot of money (from 5 to 85 thousand) on classes in training centers, on special courses, etc.

Even if you understand absolutely nothing in the process of creating games and think that it is incredibly difficult, I guarantee that today you will start creating your first game!

Who am i?

My name is Artyom Kashevarov. I am a professional programmer, designer, and author of dozens of projects dedicated to creating games. In addition, I teach everyone the basics of creating games.

Best regards, Artyom Kashevarov.

So, you've made the decision to take seriously your long-held Dream of making video games.

I will share with you my experience: a couple of years ago I could not have imagined that creating games would be SO easy. As a programmer with 6 years of experience, I can tell you that creating even the simplest 2D games was not very easy. Only I had to spend an incredible amount of mental effort and time (about a week) just to make the main character move across the screen.

Can you imagine how much effort went into the whole game?

Today you can easily learn how to make first simple 2D games and then more complex 3D games in just a few months! At the same time, you will not need any specific knowledge at all - your desire and a little perseverance are enough.

How to create games without unnecessary tricks?

What allows you to make games much easier and faster?

This is Game Maker program. The principle of its operation is simple - in any game there are repetitive program elements. For example - colliding objects, displaying animations, playing music and audio effects, Variable game rounds, and more. So this program allows you not to waste time on the implementation of all these processes. All that is required of us is to link all these processes as we like. For example, when objects collide, we can make sure that a sound is played or, for example, a new object is created, and if desired, we can do both.

Creating games in this way is an exciting, incomparable pleasure!

Take a look at what level of game you can do with Game Maker:


It is an arcade game with great graphics and gameplay. This game is a commercial project created by a professional game development studio.

Title: Dustforce

Genre: Arcade

Art / game design / sound: Woodley nye
Program / design: Lexie dostal

Multiplayer: no

Similarity: Mirror "s Edge 2D

Now I think you are convinced that the possibilities of Game Maker are more than enough for you. At the moment, this is the best game development environment for novice game makers. And soon you will be convinced of this from personal experience.

You want to learn how to create games quickly and cheaply.
Is it possible?

Yes. And I know how.

Alas, the creation of games is not taught in any university in our country. And what is even more terrible is the fact that there is really no printed literature on this.

So what happens? That there is no way to learn how to create games?

Just a couple of years ago, learning how to make games was really a big problem.

But now the situation has changed! After the release of the video tutorial on creating games:

This learning method will be fun, inexpensive, and you can do it any time you want.

It all looks very simple. You insert the Game Maker Video Tutorial Disc into your computer. Start the Game Maker program and just repeat everything that happens on the screen. Thereby adopting my experience and knowledge.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for beginners who want to learn the secrets of creating video games for a computer from scratch. Lacking programming skills and not even having an idea of ​​how video games are created.

What is the error 92% percent of beginners?

Currently, there are almost no normal lessons on making games. It is THIS that confuses novice game makers. Many people come to the conclusion that in order to make games, one must first master programming, learn to draw, master the profession of a designer and manager. And only then make games.

Your first game may not be too cool, but it will be YOUR!

This will undoubtedly push you to new achievements! And then you will only work better! Small wins are VERY important to you or your team if you work together. They allow you to quickly see errors and other problems.

Is it possible to create games alone?- It is this question that now revolves in your head.

Of course it is possible! But, most likely, you will have a job that you, for some reason, cannot do. In such cases, I hired for 500 rubles. a person who coped with this work, and then helped the project for a long time on pure enthusiasm!

For example, I have never been able to draw living characters and I constantly invited someone from the outside to do the work, either for pennies or even for free. After all, creating games is an interesting thing, many can work on pure enthusiasm and completely free of charge.

How to hire people and where to find them? - I will definitely tell you about this in the video course.

What does the simplest computer game consist of?

Do not aim at something huge - as I said, your first game should be simple. So, to create a game we need:

    Graphic design (sprites, etc.)

    Game engine (software that will interact with the player)

    The most elementary game design (this is the idea of ​​how everything will be arranged in the game)

As you can see, not much. In practice, this requires 1-2 people. And, despite the fact that we removed the scripting and sound component of the game from this, we can still simplify a few things.

The fact is that the graphic design can be borrowed from other games (if you do not sell such a game, then you are not breaking the law). Game design - can also be taken from some old games from the days of Dendy or Sega. And start with just one round. The hardest part is the software part, which I will teach you to do once or twice in the Video course "Creation of Computer Games in Video Format".

Moreover, you will master the software part without programming!

That's the beauty of Game Maker!

As a result, you just have to concentrate on the details of the game, game mechanics, verified balance and other interesting things. In a way, creating a game in Game Maker is like a gameplay in itself. This is incredibly interesting!

What does the course contain?

The course consists of 3 DVDs:

The first two discs contain video tutorials.

The third disc contains all the necessary programs for creating games and resources.

Also, the course is accompanied by detailed instructions for productive work with it.

First and second DVD discs- video materials - directly video tutorials in which I clearly show you how to create your first games. Planning, working with people and programs, creating projects, and thinking through everything to the smallest detail and other unique material is on these two disks.

File DVD- File materials - a set of programs, templates, projects, examples, sprites, and other useful files you will find on this disk.

Course instructions- the instructions describe in detail how to apply the course so that the effect of the video lessons is maximum and is not forgotten at the first opportunity.

What is the course plan?

The video course itself is divided into chapters, in each of which we solve the most pressing problems that may come your way. Some chapters are divided into subchapters.

Now think about how much money you can save by studying at home on your own at a time convenient for you with this course.

Igor Stlikov

St. Petersburg

"We have already launched our first project! Now we are planning the second one."

Zdarova, Artyom!

Thanks for the course. Honestly, I read a lot about creating games even before taking the course. Only all the time I was frightened off by the thought that without the knowledge of the programmer, the creation of games cannot be done. I have had a hard time programming since high school. Yes, only SUCH sometimes ideas for creating games appeared that I could not deny myself to purchase your course, and did not regret it.

Now my friend and I have successfully completed our first project. Now we outline the second. I'm a game designer, and he writes scripts. It's a pity only the time is not enough - work, family. But for now, I find time for a hobby, who knows, maybe it will grow into something more.

In general, I am more than satisfied with the results, it was a very powerful leap. Your lessons work wonders. To everyone who reads my review, I will say - don't hesitate, if you are interested in the topic of creating video games, order safely - you will learn a lot of new things and certainly will not part with the disks!

I sincerely wish you good luck, Artyom!

P.S. Sorry to write so late, I was busy studying the course and the project.

Here's what you get when you place your order:

Firstly, you get over 9 hours of videos on two DVDs with examples and guidelines. Examples of creating video games, demonstrations of effects. You will receive this information in real time from me on video.

Secondly, you will not need to wander around the Internet in search of the desired program and all sorts of graphic templates.

  • Especially for you, I created all the necessary graphic templates, collected all the necessary programs, and even put together a sound library for you so that you can also sound your game.
  • What result will you get after completing the course?

    1 ... The main thing you will learn is you will learn how to make games. After a month, you will be able to create your own games with a team or alone. And for this it is not at all necessary to go somewhere - you will learn everything yourself, from the video!

    2 ... If you already have experience in creating games, then you will significantly improve your skills using the Game Maker program and all its capabilities, which it has in abundance. Your game making skills will become even more professional and unique. There will be room for improvisation, which is especially valuable for casual games. You will be more confident in doing what you love, and your friends will celebrate your skills.

    3 ... You will no longer be just a person who wastes a lot of your time on games, but a person - a creator. Fascinating worlds and many unique characters - you can control it all.

    4 ... You will be able to impress all your friends with the results you have achieved.

    If you order the tutorial right now, you will receive these two gifts from me:

    Gift # 1:
    Video course "Secrets of the success of modern game designers"

    Attention!!! If you place an order later than an hour later,

    then you will NOT receive these bonuses.

    Valentin Laponin

    Novosibirsk city

    Hello! My name is Valentine. I would like to say thank you so much for your video course. To be honest, I did not even expect that it would contain such a large amount of useful information.

    I liked that the course is structured specifically, purposefully, without unnecessary digressions and, above all, is aimed at practice. For a long time I was looking for something similar, but the search was unsuccessful. I spent a lot of time looking for answers to numerous questions about the game dev.

    Yes ... you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but mostly it is not constructive, not consistent ... sometimes it is not even reliable. Much has become clear from your video course.

    In addition to everything written in the advertisement, there were about a dozen useful video materials on the disk, which are not in the table of contents, I did not expect this. It can be seen that the author was trying to do something necessary and useful. And it seems to have added these lessons at the very last moment. Recommend!

    Thanks again! Good luck in your business!

    If you think that all this sounds too good, then I want to sober you up ...

    While studying the course, and most importantly after studying, you will have to work hard. Of course, after completing the course, a number of skills, techniques and knowledge will appear in your arsenal that will help you stay dozens of steps ahead. But at the same time, no one canceled the need for work and action.

    But if you agree to work and apply the described techniques and practice the exercises, to act, and not to sit back, you will face dramatic changes.

    Is this a lot?

    In fact, this is not even the price of the course and not the amount that you will pay by mail after receiving the course.

    This is the price of achieving your dream - making games! After a week of training, you will start creating your first serious project. And in a month you will have a finished game that you can be proud of!

    The price of the course is now equal to two sticks of sausage or one trip to a restaurant. I think for the sake of making your dream come true, you may not go to a restaurant once, or not finish the sausage.

    Despite this, the choice is yours.- you can go to a cafe once or instead give yourself a wonderful gift that will definitely not remain on the shelf!

    100% no risk trade!

    If you are still in doubt, then I give you a 100% guarantee:

    If during your training, for any reason, you feel that creating games is "not for you" and my course does not help you - pack the discs and send them to the return address with a delivery receipt, along the way by writing to my support service. As soon as the package is in my hands, I will transfer the money back to you in any way convenient for you without any questions. Deal? :-)

    support service and we will solve the situation with you on an individual basis, offering alternative options.

    Very soon you will be showing your own games to your friends and acquaintances with an undisguised feeling of joy. From now on, you will be an aspiring game creator.

    I wish you success!

    Best regards, Artyom Kashevarov.

    P.S. Don't miss your chance, because this material is nowhere else to be found. It also cannot be downloaded from the Internet. The disk protection system has online activation, which completely excludes the possibility of launching pirated versions of the course.

    Leonid Bubnov


    "I never thought that making games is that easy!"

    Hello Artyom!

    This is Leonid Bubnov.

    I received a video course today. I am delighted!

    I watched a couple of videos, what you need !! You explain everything in detail, well done.

    Before your course appeared, I thought that creating games is a very complicated process and beyond the power of one person. Now I see that it is not so. Thank you for opening your eyes! I never thought that making games is that easy! I will be happy to do it. If you have any questions, I will definitely write.

    Until next time. Leonid.

    P.P.S. For those who are afraid of being thrown, and this, unfortunately, is a very common procedure for settlements on the Runet, I hasten to inform you that all sales from my sites are completely legal.

    I am officially registered as an individual entrepreneur (IE Kashevarov A.D., OGRN 305026522400038), therefore I am obliged to pay taxes regularly and observe all consumer rights. You can also learn more about the certificate of state registration and other documents in the section. You can ask any questions in the section.

    Now you have an idea of ​​the direction in which we have to work, moreover, it is 100% protected by the law on the protection of consumer rights of the Russian Federation.

    Good luck in your endeavor!

    The computer games industry is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the IT sphere. How difficult is it to learn how to create games, or at least some of their elements? Can a user handle such tasks alone? How do professionals create computer games?

    What does it take to start making games?

    First of all, you need to be involved in the industry as a player. Without knowledge of the game structure from the inside and the psychology of gamers, observing how computer graphics work in real use, and not in theory, it is very difficult to achieve success in releasing your own games. If a game is created with an eye to commercial sales (or at least for the purpose of promoting its developer's personal brand), then it must be competitive and reflect the current needs of the gaming community. To release a product without guessing with the "trend" is a waste of time. Therefore, it is important to be not just an amateur gamer, but also to study the market, be able to install new games on a computer, and test them. This means that the developer will also need a lot. And here we come to the second basic condition for success in the game industry. We are talking about hardware components - "hardware".

    It is known that (among PCs, of course, we are not talking about industrial computers) - gaming. They include hardware components (processor, graphics card, memory, chipset) that are much more technologically advanced than a PC for office and home needs. Outwardly, of course, computers of different classes can hardly differ, but from the point of view of electronic "stuffing" the difference is significant. A gaming PC can cost 5-10 times more than an office or home PC. It is possible that even some of its separate components (for example, the same processor) will have a price higher than the entire ready-made office PC. By the way, powerful hardware is needed not only for testing gaming products. High-performance components are also required for specialized programs for games on a computer. Those with the help of which the masterpieces of the industry will be created.

    The third component of success in releasing great games is, as the "gamers shop" say, a special kind of thinking. It should combine two seemingly completely different principles: logic and creativity. The first is necessary in order to be well-versed in the construction of scripts, scripts and various kinds of dependencies inherent in the product concept, to determine how to write a game in a structure that future users will understand and accept. The second is to give your product unique characteristics that distinguish it from similar or competing solutions.

    Game creation methods

    How are computer games created? Experts identify three main ways of developing gaming products: using constructors, using game engines, and writing from scratch. The first is the simplest, the third is the most difficult. Therefore, if we are new to the field of creating games, then it makes sense for us to pay attention precisely to the possibility of using constructors. However, it will be useful to consider the specifics of each of the tools.

    Game constructors

    A constructor is a collection of templates that have a programmed behavior pattern. The closest analogy that can be given, explaining how, with the help of such a solution, to create a game - "Lego" parts. Just as children construct, reading a manual or improvising, houses, cars and other interesting masterpieces made of plastic.

    The user has a relatively large freedom in managing templates, setting scenarios for their work. It is unlikely, of course, that even an experienced game developer will be able to create a product that will make a splash in the global market with the help of the constructor. Such programs are rather educational in nature, allowing novice enthusiasts of the gaming industry to understand how to create games on a computer. However, even this kind of task assigned to the designers is important from the point of view of the development of the industry.

    Game engines

    Creating games using engines is a process in which the user gets at his disposal a incomparably wider set of tools than in the case of constructors. It is quite realistic to say that through the interfaces supplied by the manufacturers of such solutions, it is possible to create solutions that are competitive even at the world level - arcade games, 3D action games, simulation games. The engines can be installed on a computer without problems and are almost always accompanied by a convenient interface for using them. As a rule, also high-quality help and training systems.

    What is an engine? This is, in fact, just a set of commands (albeit very complex, consisting of hundreds of thousands of algorithms) that allow you to launch individual game processes. The number of templates, like those in the constructors, is usually kept to a minimum. And those that exist are very easy to modify or replace with those that the user himself will develop. Engaging engines requires, of course, more skill than working with constructors. If we are talking about creating a serious game, then the user will most likely have to involve someone else to help (we will consider the structure of a typical development team later). But once having mastered the interfaces of the engine, subsequently a person will be able to adapt the existing knowledge and skills to create almost any game products.

    Game from scratch

    In the event that the user has outgrown the capabilities of game engines, not to mention the designers, learned several programming languages, studied the principles of creating 3D graphics in detail, then it’s high time for him to master the most difficult tool for creating games - writing a gamer masterpiece from scratch. The stages of the release of a new product will most likely include the development of their own engine - rarely a game can do without it, especially when it claims to be recognized in the community.

    However, it should be noted that it is very difficult to cope with the release of a product from scratch alone (although the history of the gaming industry knows such precedents). But to go through some stages of game development (such as, for example, creating characters, drawing graphic elements) in order to then connect other people, putting together a team, it is quite possible for one user.

    Professional developers

    If we are talking about game development as a separate market segment, then the main role is played by professional studios with the financial and human resources to produce commercially competitive products.

    Top-level games cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to create, and dozens of specialists in various fields are involved in their release. There are, of course, small and medium-sized development companies, whose budgets for the release of gaming products can fit in the amount of 8-10 thousand "green", but this is a very specific segment.

    The structure of a professional game studio

    Continuing the conversation about the professional, it will be useful to study the structure of the average developer company. Who should work for a company that claims to be the world's best-selling gaming book? How do those people who do it on a professional basis create games for the computer?

    The development team must include designers and artists. Without their talent, computer graphics will not impress users. Graphics are, according to many experts, a key factor in the success of a game. In some cases, positions of this type are divided by function. For example, in the team of game creators there may be separate 2-D, 3D-designers, as well as the so-called concept artists, who propose sketches of future graphic elements to their colleagues and the company's management for approval.

    The next group of specialists is "modelers". They, to match the naming of their position, create prototypes of the characters of the game, as well as the surrounding artifacts, equipment, buildings, "model" the future virtual world. In some cases, animators help specialists in this category (in cases where especially complex movements of characters are to be modeled).

    In most cases, the programmers themselves are involved in the creation of games. This happens most often when the development company uses its own engine, but it is necessary to periodically coordinate the scripts written in it with the features of the game animation laid down by the artists. If the engine is supplied by a third-party developer, then, as a rule, changes in the program code are not required.

    A serious gaming product cannot be made without an art director. This person is called upon to consolidate the efforts of artists and designers within a single concept. In addition, he will be responsible for the efficiency of work, organization of processes so that the game is released on time.

    We create games ourselves: an overview of programs

    How to create a game, having only general knowledge of the work of programs for the development of gaming products? There are so many tools that even an amateur can create their own game. Here are some examples of the types of solutions that we talked about above.

    Game maker

    This program makes it possible to create a game even for those users who do not speak programming languages. This, however, is not about the development of three-dimensional masterpieces. The program allows you to create only 2D games, but in a wide variety of genres. You can make very simple rpg games. The menu available to the user contains a large number of ready-made templates. All that, in essence, remains to be done is to come up with your own scenario of the game.

    The program contains fairly detailed instructions, a good quality help system. Having mastered the possibilities of Game Maker at a basic level, the user can proceed to learning the built-in language of this program - Game Maker Language. Using its capabilities, you can go beyond the templates embedded in the software and create games practically from scratch.


    The Construct-2 product is recognized by experts as one of the most functional solutions in the class for creating games by users who do not speak programming languages. A huge plus of this solution is that it can be used to release games for most platforms in use today - Windows, iOS, Android, create them in HTML5 and applications for Facebook (having understood how to make programs to run on this social network, the user will learn how to create a game in VK, show it to friends). Construct-2 users note the simplicity and clarity of its interface. You can work mainly according to templates, but there are a lot of them, and therefore there is almost any that will fit into the scenario invented by the user. A nice aspect is that you can use Conustruct-2 for free.

    Unity 3D

    The above two programs are designed to create games in 2D mode. Unity lets you work with the power of 3D graphics. The possibilities offered by the program are huge. As in the case of Construct 2, there is a multiplatform (there is even support for consoles - Xbox, PlayStation, Wii).

    The program includes one of the best in the world, according to experts, game engines (it is also called Unity). Therefore, this decision, without any exaggeration, allows us to create world-class gaming masterpieces (if, of course, we manage to assemble a team that is comparable in personnel to at least an average development studio). It will be possible to release very serious games on the computer. Shooting is definitely, strategy is also quite real, racing, simulations are easy.

    Nowadays it is very difficult to find a person who has not played mobile games, remember at least the classic "Snake". But has it ever occurred to you to create your own game, in which there will be your own heroes, invented only by you?

    In order to start creating even the simplest mobile game, you need to have certain skills. What exactly is required?

    • You need to think over the script, maybe even write it, show it to friends or family. After all, it makes sense to start creating if there is no plot yet?
    • I want to note right away that creating a game without programming skills is a rather lengthy, complex and tedious process. Although, knowing the latter, nothing will change much, the process will not become more fun. Be patient!
    • And finally, you need software, or rather a game designer, perhaps even more than one. Which one to choose, I will tell you below.

    What is a constructor and how to choose it correctly?

    This is a program that is designed to make life easier for users. But it also has one more purpose - a designer must provide an opportunity to create applications not only for people with certain programming skills, but also for those who have no idea what it is. That is, with the help of the constructor, anyone can create their own game.

    How to choose the right constructor? Oddly enough, but you need to start choosing it based primarily on your knowledge - from programming skills to the level of English proficiency. If your first point is zero, then I recommend choosing programs for beginners, they are easier to use. The second selection criterion is the required functionality. This is where we need our precisely composed script, we need to read it again "from cover to cover" and understand how difficult the future game will be. The more complex the project, the more "gadgets" will need to be used, which means that the designer should be more powerful and professional.

    Below I will give a few examples of the most common constructors that professionals advise for beginners.

    Construct 2

    This application has been deservedly included in the TOP list of construction programs for many years in a row, because it makes it possible to create games practically for all possible platforms and in all genres. The Construct interface is as simple as possible, but there is no Russification yet. The set of tools is sufficient to create any 2D game. Another plus is that it is not necessary to buy a license for the program, you can easily get by with the functionality that is offered in the free version.

    Download: Construct 2
    Video tutorials on Construct 2


    This constructor is also designed for beginners who are not proficient in programming. It is perfect for creating simple 2D games and will provide an opportunity to launch a project with a decent graphical interface.

    In addition, if you still possess at least some knowledge in the field of programming, then Stencyl will give you the opportunity to write your own code into the blocks. A set of tools will allow you to create games of almost any genre, but the functionality is more tuned to create "shooters".

    The program is free, but if you want to convert your creation into formats that a personal computer "understands", you will have to buy a licensed subscription, and this is undoubtedly a disadvantage, because this subscription is not cheap, it costs almost $ 100 a year. Well, if you see yourself in the future as a professional creator of mobile games, then get ready to give 200 dollars a year, this is how much the program will cost with the ability to save the project in the format of mobile operating systems.

    Download: Stencyl
    Video tutorials on Stencyl

    Unity 3D

    I think that many people have heard this name and seen this logo on the screens of their mobile devices. The thing is that the company that produces software for creating games is also engaged in the release of applications of its own design.

    Unity 3D is the most powerful 3D application builder. The level to which you can take your project worthy (just look at the screenshot above). This is not a processed image, but a real screenshot of the game not yet finished! Agree, this is a very high level for a mobile game.

    But such a result will require certain skills. Although the program is positioned as an application for beginners, it is more likely intended for amateurs and professionals, because to work with it you will need basic knowledge of programming and 3D modeling. And of course, in Unity you can create a project of any complexity and any genre, the set of tools is simply huge.

    Download: Unity 3D
    Unity 3D Video Tutorials

    How do you use constructors?

    There are no specific instructions for creating a game. It all depends on the genre you choose, your skills and, of course, on the program with which you are going to do all this. In this regard, I recommend that you try to do something that has already been done by more experienced people as a starting project, YouTube to help. It will help you get comfortable in the game development environment, understand how the basic tools work, and possibly change your development scenario.

    When you make a "trial" project and decide exactly what you want, choose a program, then look on the Internet for videos about the constructor that you will be using.

    Feel free to experiment, search the internet and give it a try. This is the only way you will learn and develop. Good luck creating your masterpiece.

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