Computer and gaming addiction. Symptoms of computer addiction

Dependence computer games- a new type of psychological dependence, in which a computer game becomes a leading human need.

It seems that this type of addiction is not as terrible as alcoholism or drug addiction, in which toxic substances become indispensable for normal metabolism. But this is only at first glance, because the psychological dependence on the computer is no less strong than any other. In addition, modern computer games are becoming more and more "advanced" and more and more perfectly imitate reality, so more and more people become their hostages.

Some statistics

The statistics on the prevalence of this dependence differ significantly from one researcher to another. Doctor of Psychology Alexander Georgievich Shmelev believes that about 10-14% of people using a computer are "avid gamblers." At the same time, Harvard University psychologist Mareza Orzak cites much less comforting statistics: she believes that 40-80% of people who play computer games are addicted.

There are some gender and age aspects of this addiction. The intensity of interest in computer games is more pronounced among boys than among girls. Boys, on average, spend twice as much time on computer games. The older and more educated a person is, the less time he spends on computer games (completely different goals appear, and it becomes a pity to waste time).


The reasons for addiction to computer games are as follows:

  • lack of bright and interesting moments in real life... Everything is so mundane and ordinary that a person is looking for a simple and often cheap way to diversify his life. So he begins to join the virtual world;
  • latent inferiority complex, different in childhood and adolescence, are a consequence of the fact that a person "did not play enough" in a timely manner, so he is trying to catch up;
  • quite often, such an addiction develops on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, when relations with the opposite sex do not work out, and a person tries to "switch" to something;
  • sometimes “extra” time is the first step towards developing a given addiction. For example, people who are forced to stay at their workplace from 9 to 18, when they just need to “sit out,” begin to engage in computer games or aimless wandering around the net.


At the heart of the formation mechanism computer addiction lies the departure from reality and the need to take a certain role. In most cases, this is a means of compensating for life problems. At the same time, a person begins to realize himself in the game world, and not in the real one.

There are many computer games now, fortunately, not all of them are equally dangerous. They can be conditionally divided into role-playing and non-role ones. Having determined which category it belongs to, you can assess how dangerous it is.

Role-playing games are distinguished by their pronounced influence on the human psyche. At the same time, a person “gets used to” a certain role, identifies himself with some character, while at the same time moving away from reality.

Among role-playing games 3 types can be distinguished:

  • with a view "from the eyes" of the character;
  • with a view "from the outside" of his hero;
  • leadership games.

Most of all "addictive" games with a view "from the eyes". The gamer fully identifies himself with a certain computer character, enters the role as much as possible, because he "looks" at the virtual world through the eyes of his hero. Literally a few minutes after the start of the session, the person begins to lose touch with the real world, is completely transferred to the virtual world. He identifies himself with the computer hero so much that he can consider the actions of the computer character as his own, and the virtual world itself begins to be perceived by him as real. At critical moments, he can fidget in his chair, trying to dodge shots or blows, turn pale.

If you look at your hero "from the outside", then the power of entering the role is less than in the previous type of games. Despite the fact that the identification with the computer character is less pronounced, the emotional manifestations associated with the game are still present, which can be seen during the failures or death of the computer hero.

In leadership games, a person leads several (or many) characters. He does not see his character on the screen, but invents a role for himself. Expressed "immersion" is possible only among people with a developed imagination. The psychological dependence that forms during leadership games is quite pronounced.


There are a number of signs of addiction to computer games:

  • one of the main symptoms of computer addiction is pronounced irritation that occurs in response to the forced need to withdraw from your favorite activity. When the game is resumed, the emotional uplift is immediately noticeable;
  • a frequent symptom of computer addiction is the inability to predict the time of the end of the session, the player will postpone it again and again;
  • the computer becomes the center of an addicted person's life, therefore, when communicating with others, the most interesting topic for him will be the discussion of his favorite computer game;
  • as addiction progresses, the social, work and family adaptation of a person is disturbed - he forgets about office, household chores, about studies, loses interest in them;
  • the presence of psychological addiction is also reflected in a person's habits: in order to spend more time at the computer, he more and more often eats without leaving the monitor, neglects personal hygiene, the time for sleep is reduced, and the computer sessions themselves are lengthened.

Fortunately, this dependence does not develop all at once, it goes through a number of stages. The sooner you notice its presence, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Stages of addiction development

There are 4 stages of addiction from computer games:

  1. The initial stage is light infatuation. It comes when a person has already played several times, as they say, "got a taste". Such a pastime gives a person positive emotions. At this stage, the game has a situational character, a person plays sporadically, only under certain conditions, when there is free time, but he will not play to the detriment of something important.
  2. The next stage is passion. The transition to this stage can be determined by the emergence of a new need - a game. At this stage, a person already plays systematically, and if there is no such opportunity, then he can donate something in order to allocate time for his favorite activity.
  3. And finally, the addiction stage. In the pyramid of values, the game is elevated to the upper level.
  4. Over time (this may take several months or even years), the attachment stage begins. A person's play activity fades away, he begins to be interested in something new, social and labor contacts can be established. However, a person cannot completely "say goodbye" to the game on his own. This stage can last for many years. The emergence of new games can provoke a surge in gaming activity.

Addiction can manifest itself in one of two forms - socialized and individualized.

The individualized form is the worst option, it is characterized by the loss of contact with others. A person spends a lot of time at the computer, he does not need to communicate with family, friends, others. The computer and everything connected with it for such people is a kind of "drug", it is necessary to regularly take the next "dose". Otherwise, "withdrawal" occurs in the form of depression, increased irritability.

The socialized form is characterized by the preservation of social contacts. People with this addiction prefer online games. Such an activity for them is not so much a "drug" as a competition. This form is less detrimental to the psyche in comparison with the individualized one.

The consequences of this addiction:

  • self-esteem decreases, a person's self-awareness is violated, over time he may more consider himself as a computer character than a real person;
  • people suffering from such addiction get used to the fact that pleasure can be achieved without any serious actions, volitional efforts, over time in the real world they cease to take initiative, become passive, personality degradation occurs;
  • the consequence of addiction can be a violation of family and social adaptation. The player devotes more and more time to the computer, on this basis conflicts arise in the family. Over time, friends may turn away if they do not share a passion for a computer game;
  • the increasing craving for the game is reflected in the professional activity of a person: he can play during working hours, when he needs to complete some urgent matter. Lack of initiative, the desire to leave work as soon as possible, neglect of their work duties inevitably lead to problems at work and even to dismissal;
  • in order to play some computer games, you need to pay for various services. Debt can be a consequence of addiction to these games. In the hope of winning, a person can borrow substantial amounts of money, take out loans;
  • when sitting at a computer for a long time, not only the human psyche suffers, but also his physical condition. Visual impairment, overweight and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to insufficient physical activity and irregular nutrition, problems with the spine, hemorrhoids - these and other diseases can develop due to excessive enthusiasm for computer games.

We all are particularly attached to something. Some simply cannot live without coffee, others cannot imagine a weekend without climbing training. What is gambling addiction to computer games? This is a form of addiction. There are also more dangerous hobbies. A huge number of people turn to narcologists because of alcohol or drug addiction. Computer game process without restrictions and control, it is not as dangerous as alcohol or psychoactive substances. And yet this is a real threat, sometimes deadly.

Computer games: a kind of leisure or a dangerous phenomenon?

If we take into account the very first experiments, computer games have about half a century history. Gambling addiction to any computer games is a relatively new phenomenon, although gambling addiction has been known as a disease for a long time. At all times, there were people who literally lost their heads when playing cards, craps, roulette, especially for money. The current variety computer entertainment caused a significant aggravation of the situation.

Where does a person have a chance to get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, to defeat an army alone, to found a monster corporation, or even to lead his own state? Mostly in the virtual world. To do this, it is enough just to deftly move the "mouse", joystick, to react relatively quickly to virtual events, or to master just a few buttons on the keyboard.

Computer games can be roughly divided into two large groups. There are programs that are installed directly on a computer using disks or distributions downloaded from the Internet. Such programs are local, have relatively limited play space, the number of levels, they are finite. Some of them allow you to boast of high results in the network leaderboard.

Another significant group is online games. Some of them are extremely simple: all the same tic-tac-toe, catching a cat in a small field (by closing space with dots), solving simple puzzles. But there are others. On the Internet, even simple shooting with balls, making up combinations "three in a row" or "Minesweeper" can turn into a whole virtual world. Realistic and fantasy, mystical and in the horror genre - the plots of online games are numerous, attractive, and therefore often dangerous.

Gambling addiction in adults, adolescents and children

There are childhood and senile diseases. Computer gambling addiction in this regard is indiscriminate and affects all predisposed, regardless of age. Many children, having barely learned to press the buttons, already suffer from an irresistible urge to constantly “play cartoons”. And adults, respectable people enthusiastically discuss "craft", the results of battles, prospects for harvests of rejuvenating apples, as well as all kinds of pumping of characters and game equipment.

To some, such conversations seem commonplace. Just think, people are addicted to something, to whom it hinders? However, often people are so carried away by thoughts of the game that they begin to cope worse with their official duties. Some even lose their jobs. And addiction to computer games in adults is often accompanied by exorbitant costs. And this is not only about virtual casinos. Many online games offer their customers special accounts, as well as in-game currency that provides additional options. Sometimes for tens and even hundreds (!) Of thousands of rubles.

Teenagers with computer gambling addiction begin to study worse. They are almost or completely out of the control of adults. The virtual world consumes recent children and leaves them no time for real life. As for children of preschool and primary school age, they are more dependent on adults. This saves them from real gambling addiction. However, the first symptoms of an unhealthy addiction are found even in toddlers who have barely learned how to speak properly.

Psychological addiction to computer games

Alcoholism, drug addiction - these addictions are characterized by the presence of both mental and physical dependence. At first, the body again and again strives for that sense of satisfaction, which brings alcohol, nicotine or psychoactive substances. Then comes addiction at the cellular level.

Computer games do not create physical addiction. After all, the virtual world is before your eyes, on the monitor. However, this is the case when psychological dependence alone is enough. Years of research have shown that people with the following personality traits / psyche are most often affected by unhealthy cravings for computer games:

  • unsure of themselves;
  • deprived of the attention of parents, relatives, peers, colleagues;
  • having various complexes;
  • with limited horizons;
  • those who failed to fully realize their plans, intentions, potential in real life;
  • aggressive;
  • with excessively high self-esteem.

For your information:

Most often, psychological dependence on computer games is provoked by life failures, physical / emotional immaturity, and social maladjustment.

Various signs of addiction to computer games

How to determine that the “half”, boyfriend / girlfriend or child is developing (or already has) a pathological addiction to computer games? It is necessary to pay attention to the following manifestations:

While gambling is primarily a psychological problem, there are physical signs as well. Key - dry eye syndrome (from strenuous gazing at the monitor, gambling addicts begin to blink rarely, and the mucous eyes dry out), carpal tunnel syndrome (pain, limitation of mobility), migraine-like pain, sleep disturbance, back pain.

It is believed that this disease mainly affects adolescents and people under the age of 35, but there is evidence that those over 50 also suffer from it. Psychologists and sociologists sound the alarm, because this ailment is dangerous, so it is important to know what symptoms speak about its presence and how to get rid of such a problem.

Computer dependence

Experts say that everyone who devotes more than 2-4 hours a day to video games and Internet entertainment is likely to suffer from this disease. from the computer - this is a kind of slavery, a person ceases to pay attention to social communication, his own development, is not interested in romantic and friendly relations. All that is important for him is to pass a new level, earn virtual bonuses, become the best in the game, study the forums.

Signs of computer addiction

In the early stages, it is difficult to determine the presence of a problem, it is clearly not yet manifested, but there are signs of computer addiction, which mean that it is time to talk to a person about his priorities or to orient him towards contacting a psychologist. These symptoms include:

  1. The presence of a sick person of strong irritation when close people try to limit the time of playing or surfing the Internet.
  2. Improving the mood during the periods that he spends at the computer.
  3. Computer addiction manifests itself in the fact that a person avoids personal communication, prefers correspondence via the Internet or social networks.
  4. The patient refuses to go out, is not interested in anything other than games or searching for something on the net, speaks only of his hobby or simply ignores communication with relatives and friends.

The listed signs are the main ones, but even their presence is not always evidence that addiction has begun to develop. Sometimes it also happens that they manifest themselves in workaholics or hyper-responsible people who are sitting at the monitor and trying to complete an important project. In such a situation, the symptoms will disappear immediately after the end of the difficult period associated with large amounts of work. Therefore, it is important to check with a loved one what his irritability is associated with, and to observe the development of events.

Causes of computer addiction

Psychologists and physiologists identify two main factors that affect the onset of the disease. According to research, the following reasons for the occurrence of computer addiction can be distinguished:

  1. Insufficient social adaptation, lack of a sense of security in personal communication with people. This is a psychological factor, computer addiction occurs in adolescents who have no closeness with their parents, have no relationships with peers, and have no sense of their own worth.
  2. The release of the hormone of pleasure. This reason is already physiological, when playing or communicating in a comfortable environment, the body synthesizes a special substance, it can be addictive and a person seeks to do everything to get a new dose. The pleasure hormone itself is not bad, it is released both during sports and when eating chocolate, negative consequences begin only when people abandon everything else, in an attempt to stimulate its appearance.

Computer addiction stages

The treatment time depends on how strongly it manifests itself. There are stages in the development of psychological dependence on computer games, where each has its own distinctive features:

  1. Minor enthusiasm... A person begins to get involved in the game, but can refuse it if the situation requires it. Irritation and negative attitude towards other areas of life has not yet arisen.
  2. Build up passion... A person in his own hierarchy of values ​​gives more and more priority to games, he seeks to spend more time at the computer, but still does not deny the importance of other areas of life.
  3. Attachment stage... The game is more and more fascinating, but it is not yet the main value. A person controls the time spent at the computer, but he does it less and less willingly.
  4. Addiction... The game becomes the most important thing in a person's life, when trying to remove him from the computer, hysteria begins, aggression is manifested. He strives to do everything to stimulate the production of the hormone of pleasure.

The stages of computer dependence on network communication and Internet surfing are exactly the same, but it is more difficult to notice the development of this ailment, especially when it comes to an adult working person. Experts recommend looking at the request history if you suspect a problem. This will help determine if a person is spending time solving specific, work or personal issues, or just spending time online.

What does computer addiction lead to?

The consequences of this disease are the most sad. Negative changes are manifested not only in social life, but also in career, physiological level. The bad habit of computer addiction provokes the appearance of headaches, discomfort in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and neck muscles. The disease contributes to the development of inferiority complexes, self-doubt, refusal to perform work duties. All this leads to the fact that a person loses his life, including prospects and the opportunity to start a family, build a career.

How to get rid of computer addiction?

A competent psychotherapist will help to cope with the problem. Computer addiction treatment includes hypnosis sessions, conversations with a specialist aimed at identifying personal problems, group sessions and training. The time of deliverance depends on what stage the person is at, how long the disease has developed, what complexes and psychological characteristics led to its occurrence. You can cope with the problem on your own at the very beginning, when people are still in control and prioritize correctly.

Addiction to computer games

Such problems are more often manifested in adolescence, and in men between 30 and 35 years old. Computer gambling addiction is often caused by dissatisfaction with one's own life, lack of vivid impressions. At the initial stage, relatives do not yet notice the problem, they believe that this is a temporary hobby that will quickly pass. It is necessary to be wary if a person begins to spend all his free time on the game. A dangerous sign is the fact that he refuses other activities, communication and ignores his duties, work and at home.

Consequences of addiction to computer games

Adolescents have problems with academic performance, they refuse to build social relations, in some cases commit crimes, they cannot distinguish virtuality from the real world. In adults, gambling addiction to computer games can lead to the destruction of the family and career, wives often leave partners with such problems, because the behavior of a guy often resembles the actions of a child. The value system of men is changing, there is no more place in it for children, marriage, material achievements.

How to deal with addiction to computer games?

In the early stages, time limitation or complete rejection will help. During this period, a person is still able to perceive the real state of affairs adequately. Starting from the stage of attachment, psychological addiction to computer games is treated only with the help of a specialist. All that relatives can do is take a teenager to him, or persuade an adult to visit this doctor.

Computer addiction - setegolism

If a loved one spends too much time on the Internet, makes acquaintances there and just surfs the Internet, perhaps we are talking about this problem. Setegolism is characterized by the appearance of sloppiness, failure to fulfill one's work and household duties, and the emergence of a position that is interesting only in virtuality. A person often begins to spend money on the purchase of additional equipment, to go online all the time. At an early stage, programs that limit the time of access to the network, actions aimed at the emergence of other pleasures in life, will help.

Prevention of computer addiction

Simple actions can help prevent the problem from developing. The fight against computer addiction begins with the fact that close people should do everything to make a person feel comfortable and happy not only online, joint walks, sports, conversations and the presence of family traditions - all this refers to preventive actions. It is equally important to set the time limit for Internet use; this is done with the help of special programs or by agreement between partners or children and parents.

Interesting facts about computer addiction

Although the problem has arisen relatively recently, there are already several shocking cases that clearly demonstrate its importance. The facts about computer addiction show that adolescents and adults can even go for murder because of this disease. It is known that:

  1. In China, games where bodily harm to virtual heroes occurs, according to experts, this provokes an increase in crime among adolescents.
  2. The American teenager who shot his teachers and classmates was addicted to the computer. He did not realize that he was committing murder in reality.

Computer addiction is dangerous, so it is important to keep track of whether relatives and friends are suffering from it, and self-control when using the Internet will not be superfluous. If you suspect a similar problem, immediately contact a psychotherapist. The positive effect begins to manifest itself immediately after the first session, the treatment helps, but you need to start it in a timely manner.

With the development of computer technology, a huge number of new problems arise. One of them is computer addiction in adolescents. This is what I want to talk about in this article.

What it is?

It would seem that the child is playing computer games, so what? Peace and quiet at home. However, modern psychologists say that today more and more children of younger, middle and senior school ages are becoming dependent on computers. What does this mean? Basically, the characteristics of all dependencies are similar. If a drug addict is looking for a dose for days, then the child can look forward to an hour when his parents will allow him to sit at the computer. At this time, the child most often does not find a place for himself, cannot do anything else, toss about around the house or apartment. It is worth saying that this problem needs to be treated, otherwise there may be negative consequences.

About term

It should be said that the term "computer addiction" is quite young, it appeared around 1990, when the computer industry began to develop actively. The term defines the state of a person in which he simply cannot live without this machine, spending all his free time in front of its monitor. However, since then, the addiction itself has somewhat transformed and acquired new elements and forms, becoming a problem not for individuals, but for many people of different ages.


Information about why teenagers can develop computer addiction may seem interesting. So, first of all, this is the usual lack of attention from parents and peers, which the child compensates with the help of such a friend. Now, at a time when various social networks are very popular, this problem has become even more urgent: there the child creates a new image for himself, makes friends and lives not real, but virtual life. In this case, they are not talking about gambling addiction, but about the child's Internet addiction. What else can drive a teenager to another world? Lack of confidence in oneself, in one's abilities, it is also possible to be dissatisfied with one's appearance (especially if there are any deviations). Often children "sit down" on the computer so as not to differ from their peers (here most often we are talking about gambling addiction, however, with the development of social networks, this tendency is changing). A child can take up all his free time with a computer if he has no hobbies or hobbies, and he needs to spend his free time somewhere. And, of course, the manner of communication in the family, upbringing contributes to the development of various addictions. If a child can be at the computer for no more than two hours a day (and it should be), then he simply will not be able to become an Internet addict.

Major dangers

It is also important to say that computer addiction in adolescents is a dangerous business that can entail serious consequences. First of all, being in the virtual world, a person almost never adequately controls the real time, he is often late. The child can constantly skip school, skip classes. A huge problem is the level of aggression that can arise in the process of a computer game. If a teenager does not succeed in something, a storm of emotions arises, and the psyche gradually destabilizes and looses. The same child transfers to the real world, communicating in this way with his closest environment: parents and friends. The fact that in a computer game, sooner or later, a teenager always succeeds, if not the first time, then from the nth for sure. The child may decide that in real life everything turns out so simply. And this is fraught with consequences and severe disappointment in adult real life. Also, computer addiction in adolescents affects the state of the body. So, as if vision is impaired, there may be vitamin deficiency and other problems associated with improper nutrition (a teenager with computer addiction most often does not eat normally, living only with snacks). Usually, an addicted child does not monitor his appearance, does not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Types of dependencies

It should be said that addiction to computer games is different. So, today, when a child cannot live without a virtual world, and gambling addiction. In turn, addiction to computer games is divided according to the type of game. So, these are role-playing gamers, when a person looks at the game through the eyes of his hero (those games when the child looks at the hero from the outside are no less dangerous); strategy games who are less dangerous, however, again, are ready to drag the child into their world; non-role-playing games such as various puzzles, arcades, flash toys. Especially dangerous in the virtual world are gambling, because they often pull a lot of money from the players.

Potential category

Who May Have a Computer Addiction Problem? So, first of all, for those children whose parents are often not at home, and the child is simply left to himself. The same applies to those who are also often at home alone or with service personnel, whose advice they simply do not listen to. There are more dependent adolescents among boys (according to statistics, there is only one dependent girl for 10 boys), as for age, the most dangerous is 12-15 years.

What will addiction entail?

Addiction to computer games can have many negative consequences. So, first of all, the child's circle of friends will gradually decrease, which will lead to the complete isolation of the teenager in real life with all the ensuing consequences. Irreversible health changes can also occur. So, this is a violation of vision, metabolism, obesity of various degrees is possible. Over time, the psyche will definitely be disturbed and destabilized. It is also important to say that all the problems of a gambling addict run the risk of moving into adulthood. And this is fraught with huge negative consequences. Also, a child can start stealing, because often the Internet or games require a certain fee. And this is already punishable according to the letter of the law.

How does addiction arise?

After observing addicts, psychologists made interesting and at the same time terrible conclusions. Chemical and computer addiction: their symptoms are almost the same. For such people, for example, at the sight of a desired goal, children begin to study poorly, do not take care of themselves and their appearance, gain (various degrees of obesity due to improper nutrition) or lose weight (they simply forget or are too lazy to eat on time), do not can do nothing else if they have free time. To avoid such a development of events, you need nothing at all: do not let the baby near the TV until the age of three, and even longer to the computer, up to about 10 years. It is at this age that a predisposition to various kinds of addictions arises. However, in our time, this is, unfortunately, almost impossible.

The mechanism of addictive behavior

Addictive, i.e. dependent, behavior is formed in a child by moving away from real life to virtual life, both with and without the use of various chemicals. The process itself is based on the fact that the child leaves real roles, replacing them with virtual ones, those that are more convenient for him or even close in spirit. The game or the Internet, in its essence, compensates the child for what he lacks in real life. So, if a person is physically weak and cannot fight back his peers, he will have a computer computer. In adolescents who, in real life, will have a place where they can try on various roles and masks (here the problem of personality self-identification may arise, which is fraught with consequences), make friends with people, who, at first glance, will always understand. However, over time, disappointment can come, because often these friends are imaginary and you will not get special support from them in difficult times.

How to avoid addiction?

To avoid the dependence of adolescents on computer games, on the Internet, you need to follow fairly simple but effective rules. So, you need to accurately regulate the time the child spends in front of the monitor, while parents are not prohibited from controlling what their offspring is doing on the Internet. The personal example of adults has a huge influence: if dad spends all his free time in front of the monitor, it is not at all surprising that the child will do the same. You also need to correctly plan your family's free time: spend more time together in nature. What other methods does the prevention of computer addiction accept in adolescents? It is good to load your child as much as possible: send it to circles, to tutors, devote more time to study. Then there will simply be no time left for games and various addictions. As a radical way, you can restrict the child's work at the computer with the help of various programs that are aimed at this.


Having identified signs of computer addiction in adolescents, parents should take immediate action. So, it's good to go to a psychologist and make a plan of action with him. After all, often parents do wrong, wanting only good for their child. For example, it is not recommended to abruptly prohibit computer games, this will not lead to anything good. It is best to do everything sequentially, slowly reducing the time spent in front of the monitor. You also need to control which games your child liked. After all, not all of them are bad, there are also useful ones that develop intelligence and even have an educational component. And not all the time spent in front of a computer monitor can be called addiction, because a child can simply learn with the help of the Internet.


An important point is the treatment of computer addiction in adolescents. It should be said that it will be accompanied by "withdrawal symptoms", which, by the way, can be quite painful not only for a child, but also for adults. Parents will have to withstand several attacks from the child: they can be not only verbal, but also reach the level of assault. The child can also begin to persuade the parents to let them play for at least half an hour, while promising anything. Do not follow the lead, because drug addicts do the same, never keeping up with their word. The parental position must be clear and unwavering. At this time, parents will also have a hard time, because they will need to become an entertaining element for their child so that the child will forget about his hobby at least for a while. More communication and joint activities is one of the elements of addiction treatment. It is also necessary to change the daily routine, which will not be so quick to get used to. Parents can often give up if they don't see any improvement. However, you should not give up this business, because sooner or later the improvement will come, you just need to wait for it. Well, if nothing works out on your own, it is better to treat computer addiction in adolescents with the help of specialists.

Close people

Whatever the reasons for a child's computer addiction, the immediate environment should help to cope with it. So, the most important role is played, of course, by the parents, who must devote all their strength to pulling the child into real world... However, friends, classmates and comrades of the child must also be involved in this business, so that at this time he understands that he is not alone, that, in addition to virtual, he also has a real, no less interesting life. And for everything to work out, you need to organize interesting meetings, outings, trips and holidays. But the most important rule of coping with addiction is to recognize it. The close environment of the child should show the teenager that he is sick, that he has problems, the child must understand this, and only then the treatment will be adequate, and the results are visible.

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