How computer games are made. The structure of a professional game studio

Do you want to learn how to create games
but don't know where to start?
Read the text below and today you will be making your first game!

Greetings to aspiring game developer!

If you have looked at this site, then you want to create games. And not in many years, but right now. Also, you are not going to spend a lot of money (from 5 to 85 thousand) on classes in training centers, on special courses, etc.

Even if you understand absolutely nothing in the process of creating games and think that it is incredibly difficult, I guarantee that today you will start creating your first game!

Who am i?

My name is Artyom Kashevarov. I am a professional programmer, designer, and author of dozens of projects dedicated to creating games. In addition, I teach everyone the basics of creating games.

Best regards, Artyom Kashevarov.

So, you've made the decision to take seriously your long-held Dream of making video games.

I will share with you my experience: a couple of years ago I could not have imagined that creating games would be SO easy. As a programmer with 6 years of experience, I can tell you that creating even the simplest 2D games was not very easy. Only I had to spend an incredible amount of mental effort and time (about a week) just to make the main character move across the screen.

Can you imagine how much effort went into the whole game?

Today you can easily learn how to make first simple 2D games and then more complex 3D games in just a few months! At the same time, you will not need any specific knowledge at all - your desire and a little perseverance are enough.

How to create games without unnecessary tricks?

What allows you to make games much easier and faster?

This is Game Maker program. The principle of its operation is simple - in any game there are repetitive program elements. For example - colliding objects, displaying animations, playing music and audio effects, Variable game rounds, and more. So this program allows you not to waste time on the implementation of all these processes. All that is required of us is to link all these processes as we like. For example, when objects collide, we can make sure that a sound is played or, for example, a new object is created, and if desired, we can do both.

Creating games in this way is an exciting, incomparable pleasure!

Take a look at what level of game you can do with Game Maker:


It is an arcade game with great graphics and gameplay. This game is a commercial project created by a professional game development studio.

Title: Dustforce

Genre: Arcade

Art / game design / sound: Woodley nye
Program / design: Lexie dostal

Multiplayer: no

Similarity: Mirror "s Edge 2D

Now I think you are convinced that the possibilities of Game Maker are more than enough for you. At the moment, this is the best game development environment for novice game makers. And soon you will be convinced of this from personal experience.

You want to learn how to create games quickly and cheaply.
Is it possible?

Yes. And I know how.

Alas, the creation of games is not taught in any university in our country. And what is even more terrible is the fact that there is really no printed literature on this.

So what happens? That there is no way to learn how to create games?

Just a couple of years ago, learning how to make games was really a big problem.

But now the situation has changed! After the release of the video tutorial on creating games:

This learning method will be fun, inexpensive, and you can do it any time you want.

It all looks very simple. You insert the Game Maker Video Tutorial Disc into your computer. Start the Game Maker program and just repeat everything that happens on the screen. Thereby adopting my experience and knowledge.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for beginners who want to learn the secrets of creating video games for a computer from scratch. Lacking programming skills and not even having an idea of ​​how video games are created.

What is the error 92% percent of beginners?

Currently, there are almost no normal lessons on making games. It is THIS that confuses novice game makers. Many people come to the conclusion that in order to make games, one must first master programming, learn to draw, master the profession of a designer and manager. And only then make games.

Your first game may not be too cool, but it will be YOUR!

This will undoubtedly push you to new achievements! And then you will only work better! Small wins are VERY important to you or your team if you work together. They allow you to quickly see errors and other problems.

Is it possible to create games alone?- It is this question that now revolves in your head.

Of course it is possible! But, most likely, you will have a job that you, for some reason, cannot do. In such cases, I hired for 500 rubles. a person who coped with this work, and then helped the project for a long time on pure enthusiasm!

For example, I have never been able to draw living characters and I constantly invited someone from the outside to do the work, either for pennies or even for free. After all, creating games is an interesting thing, many can work on pure enthusiasm and completely free of charge.

How to hire people and where to find them? - I will definitely tell you about this in the video course.

What does the simplest computer game consist of?

Do not aim at something huge - as I said, your first game should be simple. So, to create a game we need:

    Graphic design (sprites, etc.)

    Game engine (software that will interact with the player)

    The most elementary game design (this is the idea of ​​how everything will be arranged in the game)

As you can see, not much. In practice, this requires 1-2 people. And, despite the fact that we removed the scripting and sound component of the game from this, we can still simplify a few things.

The fact is that the graphic design can be borrowed from other games (if you do not sell such a game, then you are not breaking the law). Game design - can also be taken from some old games from the days of Dendy or Sega. And start with just one round. The hardest part is the software part, which I will teach you to do once or twice in the Video course "Creation of Computer Games in Video Format".

Moreover, you will master the software part without programming!

That's the beauty of Game Maker!

As a result, you just have to concentrate on the details of the game, game mechanics, verified balance and other interesting things. In a way, creating a game in Game Maker is like a gameplay in itself. This is incredibly interesting!

What does the course contain?

The course consists of 3 DVDs:

The first two discs contain video tutorials.

The third disc contains all the necessary programs for creating games and resources.

Also, the course is accompanied by detailed instructions for productive work with it.

First and second DVD discs- video materials - directly video tutorials in which I clearly show you how to create your first games. Planning, working with people and programs, creating projects, and thinking through everything to the smallest detail and other unique material is on these two disks.

File DVD- File materials - a set of programs, templates, projects, examples, sprites, and other useful files you will find on this disk.

Course instructions- the instructions describe in detail how to apply the course so that the effect of the video lessons is maximum and is not forgotten at the first opportunity.

What is the course plan?

The video course itself is divided into chapters, in each of which we solve the most pressing problems that may come your way. Some chapters are divided into subchapters.

Now think about how much money you can save by studying at home on your own at a time convenient for you with this course.

Igor Stlikov

St. Petersburg

"We have already launched our first project! Now we are planning the second one."

Zdarova, Artyom!

Thanks for the course. Honestly, I read a lot about creating games even before taking the course. Only all the time I was frightened off by the thought that without the knowledge of the programmer, the creation of games cannot be done. I have had a hard time programming since high school. Yes, only SUCH sometimes ideas for creating games appeared that I could not deny myself to purchase your course, and did not regret it.

Now my friend and I have successfully completed our first project. Now we outline the second. I'm a game designer, and he writes scripts. It's a pity only the time is not enough - work, family. But for now, I find time for a hobby, who knows, maybe it will grow into something more.

In general, I am more than satisfied with the results, it was a very powerful leap. Your lessons work wonders. To everyone who reads my review, I will say - don't hesitate, if you are interested in the topic of creating video games, order safely - you will learn a lot of new things and certainly will not part with the disks!

I sincerely wish you good luck, Artyom!

P.S. Sorry to write so late, I was busy studying the course and the project.

Here's what you get when you place your order:

Firstly, you get over 9 hours of videos on two DVDs with examples and guidelines. Examples of creating video games, demonstrations of effects. You will receive this information in real time from me on video.

Secondly, you will not need to wander around the Internet in search of the desired program and all sorts of graphic templates.

  • Especially for you, I created all the necessary graphic templates, collected all the necessary programs, and even put together a sound library for you so that you can also sound your game.
  • What result will you get after completing the course?

    1 ... The main thing you will learn is you will learn how to make games. After a month, you will be able to create your own games with a team or alone. And for this it is not at all necessary to go somewhere - you will learn everything yourself, from the video!

    2 ... If you already have experience in creating games, then you will significantly improve your skills using the Game Maker program and all its capabilities, which it has in abundance. Your game making skills will become even more professional and unique. There will be room for improvisation, which is especially valuable for casual games. You will be more confident in doing what you love, and your friends will celebrate your skills.

    3 ... You will no longer be just a person who wastes a lot of your time on games, but a person - a creator. Fascinating worlds and many unique characters - you can control it all.

    4 ... You will be able to impress all your friends with the results you have achieved.

    If you order the tutorial right now, you will receive these two gifts from me:

    Gift # 1:
    Video course "Secrets of the success of modern game designers"

    Attention!!! If you place an order later than an hour later,

    then you will NOT receive these bonuses.

    Valentin Laponin

    Novosibirsk city

    Hello! My name is Valentine. I would like to say thank you so much for your video course. To be honest, I did not even expect that it would contain such a large amount of useful information.

    I liked that the course is structured specifically, purposefully, without unnecessary digressions and, above all, is aimed at practice. For a long time I was looking for something similar, but the search was unsuccessful. I spent a lot of time looking for answers to numerous questions about the game dev.

    Yes ... you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but mostly it is not constructive, not consistent ... sometimes it is not even reliable. Much has become clear from your video course.

    In addition to everything written in the advertisement, there were about a dozen useful video materials on the disk, which are not in the table of contents, I did not expect this. It can be seen that the author was trying to do something necessary and useful. And it seems to have added these lessons at the very last moment. Recommend!

    Thanks again! Good luck in your business!

    If you think that all this sounds too good, then I want to sober you up ...

    While studying the course, and most importantly after studying, you will have to work hard. Of course, after completing the course, a number of skills, techniques and knowledge will appear in your arsenal that will help you stay dozens of steps ahead. But at the same time, no one canceled the need for work and action.

    But if you agree to work and apply the described techniques and practice the exercises, to act, and not to sit back, you will face dramatic changes.

    Is this a lot?

    In fact, this is not even the price of the course and not the amount that you will pay by mail after receiving the course.

    This is the price of achieving your dream - making games! After a week of training, you will start creating your first serious project. And in a month you will have a finished game that you can be proud of!

    The price of the course is now equal to two sticks of sausage or one trip to a restaurant. I think for the sake of making your dream come true, you may not go to a restaurant once, or not finish the sausage.

    Despite this, the choice is yours.- you can go to a cafe once or instead give yourself a wonderful gift that will definitely not remain on the shelf!

    100% no risk trade!

    If you are still in doubt, then I give you a 100% guarantee:

    If during your training, for any reason, you feel that creating games is "not for you" and my course does not help you - pack the discs and send them to the return address with a delivery receipt, along the way by writing to my support service. As soon as the package is in my hands, I will transfer the money back to you in any way convenient for you without any questions. Deal? :-)

    support service and we will solve the situation with you on an individual basis, offering alternative options.

    Very soon you will be showing your own games to your friends and acquaintances with an undisguised feeling of joy. From now on, you will be an aspiring game creator.

    I wish you success!

    Best regards, Artyom Kashevarov.

    P.S. Don't miss your chance, because this material is nowhere else to be found. It also cannot be downloaded from the Internet. The disk protection system has online activation, which completely excludes the possibility of launching pirated versions of the course.

    Leonid Bubnov


    "I never thought that making games is that easy!"

    Hello Artyom!

    This is Leonid Bubnov.

    I received a video course today. I am delighted!

    I watched a couple of videos, what you need !! You explain everything in detail, well done.

    Before your course appeared, I thought that creating games is a very complicated process and beyond the power of one person. Now I see that it is not so. Thank you for opening your eyes! I never thought that making games is that easy! I will be happy to do it. If you have any questions, I will definitely write.

    Until next time. Leonid.

    P.P.S. For those who are afraid of being thrown, and this, unfortunately, is a very common procedure for settlements on the Runet, I hasten to inform you that all sales from my sites are completely legal.

    I am officially registered as an individual entrepreneur (IE Kashevarov A.D., OGRN 305026522400038), therefore I am obliged to pay taxes regularly and observe all consumer rights. You can also learn more about the certificate of state registration and other documents in the section. You can ask any questions in the section.

    Now you have an idea of ​​the direction in which we have to work, moreover, it is 100% protected by the law on the protection of consumer rights of the Russian Federation.

    Good luck in your endeavor!

    Developing a video game is not easy. However, if you have a million dollar idea, it's best to start ASAP! There are more and more independent developers lately, and creating a game has never been cheaper or easier. This article will guide you through the major milestones in making a video game.


    The basics

      Choose a genre. Yes, all successful games are unique. However, they can be classified as belonging to one genre or another. Decide on a genre first! And the genres are as follows:

      • Arcade
      • Shooter
      • Platformer
      • Race
      • Quest
      • Endless run
      • First person shooter
      • Manga
      • Tower defense
      • Horror
      • Fighting
      • Comedy
      • Survival
    1. Select a platform. The chosen platform will significantly affect the further development process, not to mention how the game will be controlled - from the keyboard, joystick or tablet screen.

      • The general rule is that it's easier to develop a game by immediately imagining how and on what it will be played. There are exceptions, of course, but there are exceptions to all the rules.
      • Want to make a game for the iPhone? It will need to be submitted to the AppStore from a Mac computer.
    2. Write a draft concept for the game. In a couple of pages, outline how to play your game. This alone can give you an idea of ​​whether such a game will turn out to be successful.

      Create a basic philosophy for the game. It's like a motivation that will make the player play and play, this is the very essence of the game. Feel free to check if you have deviated from philosophy during the development process. Examples of game philosophy include:

      • the ability to drive a car;
      • the ability to check the player's reflexes;
      • the ability to simulate the economy of a space power.
    3. Write down all the specifics of your game. Features are what will set your game apart from thousands of others. Start by listing ideas and concepts, then rewrite them into meaningful sentences. Prepare 5-15 features. For instance:

      • Concept: building a space station.
      • Feature: you can build your own space station and control it.
      • Concept: damage from meteorites.
      • Feature: the player tries to survive in conditions of meteor showers, flares in the sun, and so on.
      • List the features now, and then it will be easier for you to insert them into the game development plan. It is better to lay all the features at the very beginning than to "mold" everything then one onto another.
      • Rewrite the list of features until you understand, "This is exactly the game I want to create."
    4. Take a break. Hide drafts on the table for a week or two. Then take it out and take a fresh look at them. It won't hurt.

      We draw up a development plan

      1. Write down everything to the smallest detail. The development plan is the backbone of your game. Everything is in it. Even so: everything is in it. Mechanics, plot, setting, design, and more. Moreover, it is not the format that is important, the essence is important, the content of this document is important.

        • Development plans become especially important when you have a team under your command. The game development plan in this case is a desktop ... command file. Be precise, specific and clear in the wording describing certain aspects of the game.
        • Not every game has a development plan, and no two plans are the same. This article is only general leadership, but you have the right to make your own changes.
      2. Create a table of contents. The table of contents should list every aspect of the game. The only thing that does not need to be mentioned there is about the plot, unless the plot is closely related to the mechanics of the game.

        • The table of contents is almost like a game guide. Start with general sections, then divide them into subsections.
        • The table of contents is like a rough draft of the game. But in each of the points there should be details, a lot of details!
      3. Complete each item in the table of contents. Describe everything in such a detailed and understandable way that, starting work on coding and drawing, everyone and everything would be understood, and at once. Every mechanic, every feature - everything must be 5+ explained!

        Show the game development plan to other people. Depending on your approach, making a game can also be a collaborative endeavor. Other people's opinions about the game can make it better.

        • Tell the person that you are going to release the game. If a person thinks that this is just an idea, the criticism may be superficial.
        • If you decide to show the game development plan to your loved ones (usually shown to parents), keep in mind that their assessment may be too lenient than if the game was criticized by an avid gamer. No, this does not mean at all that you cannot show the plan to parents. You can, but do not forget to show it to those who have experience in this area.

      Let's start programming

      1. Select an engine. The engine is the backbone of a game; it is the set of tools needed to create it. Of course, it's much easier to take a ready-made engine than to start developing your own. For individual developers, the choice of engines is wide and varied.

        • The engines make it easier to work with graphics, sounds and artificial intelligence.
        • Different engines - different pros and cons. Some are better suited for 2D games, some are better suited for 3D. Somewhere you need to better understand programming, somewhere you can start working without distinguishing a function from a procedure. The following engines are popular:
          • GameMaker: Studio is one of the most popular 2D game engines.
          • Unity is an easy-to-use 3D game engine.
          • RPG Maker XV - scripting engine for creating 2D role-playing games in JRPG style.
          • Unreal Development Kit is a 3D multipurpose engine.
          • Source is a very popular and frequently updated 3D game engine.
          • Project Shark is a 3D engine for beginners and advanced users.
      2. Study the features of the engine or hire a specialist for it. Depending on the choice, it may be necessary to program a lot. However, even with the simplest engines it is not so easy to figure it out. Therefore, if the task seems too strong for you, find a professional.

        • This could be the start of teamwork on the game. First - a programmer, then a sound specialist and a designer, then a tester ...
        • There is a huge community of independent developers to work with. If people like your idea, they will be inspired and help you bring it to life!
      3. Make a prototype of the game. After examining the engine, make a prototype of the game. This is essentially a test of the basic functionality of the game. No graphics or sound are needed yet, only placeholders and a test area are needed.

        • The prototype should be checked and reworked until it becomes fun to play. During the checks, it is necessary to identify anything that is not working correctly and make the appropriate changes. If the prototype does not excite people, then the game itself is unlikely to amaze them.
        • The prototype will change more than once or twice. This is normal, because you never know in advance how this or that mechanic will behave.
      4. Work on your controls. Player control is the basic level of the game's functionality. At the prototype stage, it is important to make management as convenient as possible.

        • Bad, difficult, incomprehensible controls - a frustrated player. Good, high quality, precise control - a happy player.

      Working on graphics and sound

      1. Think about what the project needs. Maybe your game will have enough strict geometric shapes and 16 colors? Or do you need complex drawings created by an entire design team? And the sounds? Be realistic in your estimates and hire people accordingly.

        • Most individual games are created by a small team or even one person. Please note that it will take much longer to create a game alone.
        • There are many free resources available for everyone. The main thing in this business is not to violate copyright.
      2. Draw rough artwork. Start working on the visuals of the game so that the game finds the atmosphere that you saw in your dreams.

        Design the game world. Are there any arts for the game? You can begin to move on to creating a game and, taking into account the style, start drawing levels or game areas. If your game is in the "puzzle" style, then, accordingly, come up with puzzles.

      3. Improve your graphics. Depending on the chosen graphic style, different programs can come to your aid, for example:

        • Blender is one of the most popular 3d editors (and it's free). The network is full of tutorials on it, so it won't be a problem to figure it out and get started quickly.
        • Photoshop is very useful at the stage of creating textures, as well as for rendering 2D art in general. Yes, it is paid. If you want a free analogue - take Gimp, it has almost the same functionality.
        •, a free alternative to Paint Shop Pro, makes it easy to create 2D art. This program is especially useful when working on 2D pixel art.
        • Use Adobe Illustrator. This program is great for vector graphics. It's not cheap, so if you're running out of money, use Inkscape, a free and open source Adobe Illustrator alternative.
      4. Record the sound. Sound is a very important component of the atmosphere of any game. Whether you have music, whether it is not, what sound effects are played and when, whether dialogues are voiced - all this will have a significant impact on the player's experience of the game.

        • There are free and functional audio programs available on the web. If you're on a tight budget, they are a great choice.
        • You can record sound from home, using available tools.

    There is hardly a person who has never played at least one computer game at least once in his life, no matter if it is on a laptop or a mobile device. Well, who of you, dear reader of our blog, has not dreamed of creating your own game and, if you do not become a millionaire thanks to your project, then become famous at least among your friends?

    But how to create a game on Android from scratch without having special knowledge and not even knowing the basics of programming? It turns out that trying yourself as a game developer is not such a difficult task. This will be the topic of our today's material.

    1. Idea or scenario.
    2. Desire and patience.
    3. Game constructor.

    And if everything is more or less clear with the first two components of success, then we need to dwell on the third component in more detail.

    What is Game Constructor

    We are talking about a program that greatly simplifies the development of games, making it accessible to people who do not have programming skills. The game designer combines an integrated development environment, a game engine and a level editor that works as a visual editor ( WYSIWYG- English. abbreviation "what you see is what you get").

    Some constructors may be limited to the genre (for example, RPG, arcade games, quests). Others, while providing the ability to design games of different genres, at the same time limit the imagination of a novice developer to 2D games.

    Even after reading only what has already been written, it becomes clear that for a novice developer who decides to write a game for any operating system, including the Android OS, the choice of a suitable constructor is the main task, because the fate of the future project depends on the functionality and capabilities of this tool.

    How to choose the right constructor

    You need to start by assessing your own level of knowledge in the field of programming. If it tends to zero or is absent altogether, then it is better to try the simplest options. And even if you do not have the necessary knowledge of the English language, then in this case you can find a program that suits you.

    And the second important point when choosing a constructor is functionality. Here you need to very accurately analyze the scenario of your project, because the more complex the game is, the more various tools you will need to create it, respectively, and the constructor will need a more powerful one.

    To help with the choice, below we will present to your attention the best design programs, which, in general, does not exclude the possibility that you, having thoroughly rummaged through the forums or specialized sites, will choose something else for yourself, since the range of this range of programs quite wide.

    Top 5 best game builders

    Construct 2

    This app has consistently been ranked # 1 in game builder ratings. With Construct 2, you can create 2D games of almost any genre for various platforms, including Android, as well as animation games aimed at browsers that support HTML5.

    Taking into account the huge number of auxiliary tools, even novice users will be able to master the program.

    To master the work with Construct 2, there is no need to buy a license; the free Free version offers ample tools and the ability to export the finished project to some platforms. However, coding the finished product for mobile platforms and access to the full range of functionality will give you a Personal license for $ 129. If your skill in creating games has reached its climax, and you have already begun to receive more than $ 5,000 in income from your project, you will have to fork out for the Business option, which will cost $ 429.

    Now, check out some hands-on video tutorials on building gaming applications with Construct 2:

    Clickteam fusion

    Clickteam Fusion is another example of an excellent full-fledged game constructor that helps even a beginner to create a full-fledged game. The program provides the ability to export created applications completely free of charge in HTML5 format, which means that it will be possible to publish browser games and, in addition, convert them for publication in various mobile markets, for example, Google play.

    The main characteristics include the simplicity of the interface, support for shader effects and hardware acceleration, the presence of a full-fledged event editor, saving projects in formats compatible with various platforms, including Android.

    The paid Developer version of the program is not available for residents of the Russian Federation, but its licensed disc can be ordered from the same Amazon, lightening the personal budget by an average of $ 100. It is possible to Russify the menu through a third-party crack.

    How to work with the application, watch a special video course:


    Stencyl is another great tool that allows you to develop simple 2D computer games without special knowledge of codes, as well as programming languages ​​for all popular platforms. Here you have to work with scenarios and diagrams, which are presented in the form of blocks, and you can drag objects or characteristics with the mouse, which is very convenient.

    The program developer also offers the opportunity to write his own code in blocks, but this, of course, will require knowledge in the field of programming.

    The presence of an excellent graphic editor Scene Designer allows the user to apply their imagination to drawing game worlds.

    The optimal set of functions will help to create high-quality games of different genres, but the most tiled (tiled) Stencyl graphics will be relevant for "shooters" or "adventure games".

    The program is distributed free of charge, but export to desktop formats requires a subscription, which will cost $ 99 per year, and a license for mobile games - $ 199 per year.

    Watching a crash course on working with Stencyl:

    Game maker

    The program exists in paid and free versions. The budget option allows you to create solid two-dimensional games for the desktop. While the paid version makes it possible to write rather "fancy" 3D toys for Windows, iOS and Android. For now, we are interested in a free opportunity to learn how to realize ourselves in the gaming industry, and Game Maker is the very option that will allow you to create games with your own script without restrictions on the choice of genre.

    The program offers a selection of ready-made templates for locations, objects, as well as characters, sounds and backgrounds. So, the whole creative work comes down to dragging and dropping selected elements into the work area and choosing conditions - location and interaction with other objects. Although knowledge of the programming language is not required, but users who are "in the subject" will be able to use GML, something similar to JS and C ++.

    Game Maker is distributed in English, so those who do not know it sufficiently will need to download the localization file.

    Who is interested in this program, we suggest watching the training video:

    Unity 3D

    Unity 3D is perhaps the best there is for creating a quality 3D project. Completely ready-made models, as well as textures and scripts are integrated into the program. In addition, it is possible to add your own content - sound, images and videos.

    Games created with Unity are compatible with all popular platforms from iOS or Android mobile devices to SMART TVs.

    The program is distinguished by high compilation speed, easy-to-use interface, flexible and multifunctional editor.

    All game actions and behavior of characters are based on a solid physics core PhysX. Each object created in this game constructor is a certain combination of events and scripts, controlled by the developer himself.

    It is important to understand that although the program is positioned as a game constructor designed for beginners, a certain level of knowledge is still needed to work with this application. Well, working with 3D graphics requires a fairly modern computer equipped with a hardware video card.

    Unity 3D Game Creation Series:

    So, you decided to realize your dream of creating your own unique game. We have tried to provide information that can help with this. Please note that if you carefully read the material presented, and at least skimmed through the video tutorials for each program, you probably noticed that working with each game constructor is based on the same principle. Therefore, it is quite possible that you can choose something more suitable for your needs. We at least hope that at this stage the question of how to make a game on Android yourself is closed. Good luck!

    The development of virtual games today has become not only an exciting hobby, but also a highly paid job. Find out what you should have good game and discover the interesting world of the entertainment industry.

    Why making games is cool

    1. The freedom of action. Imagine that you have a blank sheet in front of you, and everything that you draw on it begins to come to life and live its own life. You control every pixel of the virtual world and you can bring any ideas to life. A real dream for creative people with a good imagination!
    2. Self-development. Game development is great for developing intelligence. The creation process has many industries, and working alone, you have to try yourself as a designer, sound engineer, screenwriter and programmer.
      For your first game, you don't have to study all the specializations; you just need to gain practical knowledge. On the following projects, you can choose your favorite occupation, and distribute the rest of the work.
    3. Good income. The gaming industry has already gathered under its banner 30% of the world's population. Games revenue for 2015 was $ 88.4 billion. Of course, the lion's share of this money went to large development companies, but individual creators also skimmed the cream. Take, for example, the Minecraft sandbox, which netted its creator over $ 100 million. And such jackpots are not uncommon in the gaming industry.

      A good idea in good quality can be a rich gold mine.

    How to make an interesting game

    Idea. The first and most important step towards creating your own game is forming an idea. This step includes defining the genre, game mechanics, and design. Give your audience what they want.

    When the idea is formed in your head, it must be transferred to paper. Ask yourself the questions: "What should you get?" and “How to do it?”. Write down all the little things and advantages that your game will have.
    Thanks to the concept, you can clearly imagine the future game and save yourself a lot of time.

    Scenario. A fascinating story will always add fuel to the fire of gamers' excitement. The consumer must understand what he spends his time on. By composing a simple script, you will spark interest in the player, and if you have a talent for writing, then you will completely collect a fan club. The main thing is not to be smart, otherwise many simply will not understand your plan.

    When the idea, concept and plot are ready, you can proceed to the most important thing - creating a game.

    Choosing a game development program

    To date, a huge variety of game engines have been created. Among them there are both universal and highly specialized tools designed to work with a specific platform or, for example: only with two-dimensional graphics. It is easy to get confused in such a variety, but we will help you make the right choice.

    To save our guests' time, we have collected the best game engines in a single archive. A clear description, screenshots and video tutorials were added to each material. Choose the perfect rating and user reviews tool. Download programs for creating games via torrent or file-sharing services (Yandex.Disk and MEGA).

    Start an exciting creative journey through the magical world of the gaming industry. Become a pro and create some really cool virtual entertainment.

    Many of my friends who like to play Online Games and learned to program well, they often think about whether to start creating computer games? They say that many who have already mastered computing technologies decide one day to learn how to make copyrighted games. Incidentally, this desire is not at all as unrealistic as it might seem. And many of my friends have tried to make this or that game.

    Why do people make games

    Once upon a time it was believed that creating games was not a very respectable occupation, it was much more prestigious to program banking systems and complex mathematical calculations. However, to think so is a big mistake. Just as children learn the world by playing, the coolest programmers started their career in the profession with the development of games. And some have remained in this industry, and, it seems to me, do not regret it at all. Do not assume that creating simple flash toys for children is not an occupation for adult programmers. And, although, of course, programming for transnational projects requires completely different skills than creating a bright dress-up game, creating games is also an important and necessary job. And a good specialist in the gaming field will be able to earn money for a house by the sea.

    Want to create a game? Options are possible

    In this article I want to tell everyone about the options I have tried to create their own game programs, read about how I tried to create my game on a computer. It is possible that a lot has changed over the years since then, but the approach itself has remained the same. You have two options - use ready-made modules specially designed for creating games, or write all the code yourself, which is called "up to semicolon". As much as I would like to do everything myself, I would recommend using the "constructor" first. Remember how as a child you built houses from cubes, so play again with cubes, only now with cubes from bits and bytes.

    What are the programs for creating games

    The software market always offers you a number of ready-made modules for solving certain problems. Computer games are not spared from this either. Don't dismiss this opportunity! Such construction programs will allow anyone with even a little knowledge of the keyboard to simply create small games. And for this you don't even need to delve into programming languages! I personally started out with the Game maker program. I don't remember where I got it from, and even now, perhaps other programs have been invented - much better. And that - my first game designer clearly lacked functionality and user friendliness. BUT I am grateful to him. It became a way for me to test my desire to make games.

    My second attempt took place on a completely different program. It was the Macromedia Flash package, which is not a gimmick these days and comes standard with Adobe Photoshop. For me, this program has become a real godsend. With its help, it was possible to learn how to create not only games for a computer, but also high-quality videos, funny and bright cartoons, advertising animated banners, etc. I still regret that I learned how to draw in due time. Possession of an electronic pen and the capabilities of this program allows you to work wonders.

    Just look at the game Mirchar! What would it be without wonderful graphics!

    Games for boys

    In Mirechar, boys can get themselves an online pet, dress it up in stylish clothes, teach magic, train at a combat school and participate in battles. In addition, the game has a flush games for boys, the ability to trade and collect, and other exciting features. Further:

    Games for girls

    Mirchar combines various games for girls in one magical virtual world. Favorite girly games complement each other in Mirechar: opportunities dress up online, animal care, girly flash games - all this makes Mirchar the perfect game for girls and girls! Further:

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