Why addiction to computer games is dangerous. Stages and symptoms

With the development of computer technology, a huge number of new problems arise. One of them is computer addiction in adolescents. This is what I want to talk about in this article.

What it is?

It would seem that the child is playing computer games, so what? Peace and quiet at home. However, modern psychologists say that today more and more children of younger, middle and senior school ages are becoming dependent on computers. What does this mean? Basically, the characteristics of all dependencies are similar. If a drug addict is looking for a dose for days, then the child can look forward to an hour when his parents will allow him to sit at the computer. At this time, the child most often does not find a place for himself, cannot do anything else, toss about around the house or apartment. It is worth saying that this problem needs to be treated, otherwise there may be negative consequences.

About term

It should be said that the term "computer addiction" is quite young, it appeared around 1990, when the computer industry began to develop actively. The term defines the state of a person in which he simply cannot live without this machine, spending all his free time in front of its monitor. However, since then, dependence itself has somewhat transformed and acquired new elements and forms, becoming a problem not for just a few, but for many people of different ages.


Information about why teenagers can develop computer addiction may seem interesting. So, first of all, this is the usual lack of attention from parents and peers, which the child compensates with the help of such a friend. Now, at a time when various social networks are very popular, this problem has become even more urgent: there the child creates a new image for himself, makes friends and lives not real, but virtual life. In this case, they are not talking about gambling addiction, but about the child's Internet addiction. What else can drive a teenager to another world? Lack of confidence in oneself, in one's abilities, it is also possible to be dissatisfied with one's appearance (especially if there are any deviations). Often children "sit down" on the computer so as not to differ from their peers (here most often we are talking about gambling addiction, however, with the development of social networks, this trend is changing). A child can take up all his free time with a computer if he has no hobbies or hobbies, and he needs to spend his free time somewhere. And, of course, the manner of communication in the family, upbringing contributes to the development of various addictions. If a child can be at the computer for no more than two hours a day (and it should be), then he simply will not be able to become an Internet addict.

Major dangers

It is also important to say that computer addiction in adolescents is a dangerous business that can entail serious consequences. First of all, being in the virtual world, a person almost never adequately controls the real time, he is often late. The child can constantly skip school, skip classes. A huge problem is the level of aggression that can arise in the process of a computer game. If a teenager does not succeed in something, a storm of emotions arises, and the psyche gradually destabilizes and looses. The same child transfers to the real world, communicating in this way with his closest environment: parents and friends. The fact that in a computer game, sooner or later, a teenager always succeeds, if not the first time, then from the nth for sure. The child may decide what is in real life it’s that simple. And this is fraught with consequences and severe disappointment in adult real life. Also, computer addiction in adolescents affects the state of the body. So, as if vision is impaired, there may be vitamin deficiency and other problems associated with improper nutrition (a teenager with computer addiction most often does not eat normally, living only with snacks). Usually, an addicted child does not monitor his appearance, does not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Types of dependencies

It should be said that addiction to computer games is different. So, today, when a child cannot live without a virtual world, and gambling addiction. In turn, addiction to computer games is divided according to the type of game. So, these are role-playing gamers, when a person looks at the game through the eyes of his hero (no less dangerous are those games when the child looks at the hero from the outside); strategy games who are less dangerous, however, again, are ready to drag the child into their world; non-role-playing games such as various puzzles, arcades, flash toys. Gambling is especially dangerous in the virtual world, because it often pulls a lot of money from players.

Potential category

Who May Have a Computer Addiction Problem? So, first of all, for those children whose parents are often not at home, and the child is simply left to himself. The same applies to those who are also often at home alone or with service personnel, whose advice they simply do not listen to. There are more dependent adolescents among boys (according to statistics, there is only one dependent girl for 10 boys), as for age, the most dangerous is 12-15 years.

What will addiction entail?

Addiction to computer games can have many negative consequences. So, first of all, the child's circle of friends will gradually decrease, which will lead to the complete isolation of the teenager in real life with all the ensuing consequences. Irreversible health changes can also occur. So, this is a violation of vision, metabolism, obesity of various degrees is possible. Over time, the psyche will definitely be disturbed and destabilized. It is also important to say that all the problems of a gambling addict run the risk of moving into adulthood. And this is fraught with huge negative consequences. Also, a child can start stealing, because often the Internet or games require a certain fee. And this is already punishable according to the letter of the law.

How does addiction arise?

After observing addicts, psychologists made interesting and at the same time terrible conclusions. Chemical and computer addiction: their symptoms are almost the same. For such people, for example, at the sight of a desired goal, children begin to study poorly, do not take care of themselves and their appearance, gain (various degrees of obesity due to improper nutrition) or lose weight (they simply forget or are too lazy to eat on time), do not can do nothing else if they have free time. To avoid such a development of events, you need nothing at all: do not let the baby near the TV until the age of three, and even longer to the computer, up to about 10 years. It is at this age that a predisposition to various kinds of addictions arises. However, in our time, this is, unfortunately, almost impossible.

The mechanism of addictive behavior

Addictive, i.e. dependent, behavior is formed in a child by moving away from real life to virtual life, both with and without the use of various chemicals. The process itself is based on the fact that the child leaves real roles, replacing them with virtual ones, those that are more convenient for him or even close in spirit. The game or the Internet, in its essence, compensates the child for what he lacks in real life. So, if a person is physically weak and cannot fight back his peers, he will have a computer computer. In adolescents who, in real life, will have a place where they can try on various roles and masks (here the problem of personality self-identification may arise, which is fraught with consequences), make friends with people, who, at first glance, will always understand. However, over time, disappointment can come, because often these friends are imaginary and you will not get special support from them in difficult times.

How to avoid addiction?

To avoid the dependence of adolescents on computer games, on the Internet, you need to follow fairly simple but effective rules. So, you need to accurately regulate the time the child spends in front of the monitor, while parents are not prohibited from controlling what their offspring is doing on the Internet. The personal example of adults has a huge influence: if dad spends all his free time in front of the monitor, it is not at all surprising that the child will do the same. You also need to correctly plan your family's free time: spend more time together in nature. What other methods does the prevention of computer addiction accept in adolescents? It is good to load your child as much as possible: send it to circles, to tutors, devote more time to study. Then there will simply be no time left for games and various addictions. As a radical way, you can restrict the child's work at the computer with the help of various programs that are aimed at this.


Having identified signs of computer addiction in adolescents, parents should take immediate action. So, it's good to go to a psychologist and make a plan of action with him. After all, often parents do wrong, wanting only good for their child. For example, it is not recommended to abruptly prohibit computer games, this will not lead to anything good. It is best to do everything sequentially, slowly reducing the time spent in front of the monitor. You also need to control which games your child liked. After all, not all of them are bad, there are also useful ones that develop intelligence and even have an educational component. And not all the time spent in front of a computer monitor can be called addiction, because a child can simply learn with the help of the Internet.


An important point is the treatment of computer addiction in adolescents. It should be said that it will be accompanied by "withdrawal symptoms", which, by the way, can be quite painful not only for a child, but also for adults. Parents will have to withstand several attacks from the child: they can be not only verbal, but also reach the level of assault. The child can also begin to persuade the parents to let them play for at least half an hour, while promising anything. Do not follow the lead, because drug addicts do the same, never keeping up with their word. The parental position must be clear and unwavering. At this time, parents will also have a hard time, because they will need to become an entertaining element for their child so that the child will forget about his hobby at least for a while. More communication and joint activities is one of the elements of addiction treatment. It is also necessary to change the daily routine, which will not be so quick to get used to. Parents can often give up if they don't see any improvement. However, you should not give up this business, because sooner or later the improvement will come, you just need to wait for it. Well, if nothing works out on your own, it is better to treat computer addiction in adolescents with the help of specialists.

Close people

Whatever the reasons for a child's computer addiction, the immediate environment should help to cope with it. So, the most important role is, of course, played by the parents, who must devote all their strength to pulling the child into the real world. However, friends, classmates and comrades of the child must also be involved in this business, so that at this time he understands that he is not alone, that, in addition to virtual, he also has a real, no less interesting life. And for everything to work out, you need to organize interesting meetings, outings, trips and holidays. But the most important rule of coping with addiction is to recognize it. The close environment of the child must show the teenager that he is sick, that he has problems, the child must understand this, and only then the treatment will be adequate, and the results are visible.

What is computer addiction and how does it arise. Signs of such an obsession and its main types. How to deal with it and who to turn to for help.

The content of the article:

Computer addiction is a pathological connection between a person and a computer, the scale of which is growing every day. This side effect of technical progress is no less dangerous than other types of addiction - drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcoholism. She is also able to "knock" out of society and affect physical health.

Description and mechanism of development of computer addiction

The concept of "computer addiction" appeared in the 80s of the last century in America. Scientists-psychiatrists have noticed that a computer, created in order to help a person in various areas of his life, can become truly irreplaceable. That is, to fill the entire living space of its owner with oneself, displacing relatives and friends from it, work and other hobbies, minimizing elementary hygiene and social skills.

Today it is really very difficult to imagine life without computers and the Internet - they help at work, at home and in school. Thanks to them, we find the information we need and share it, develop and communicate, learn and teach. And with the help of all kinds of computer games within safe limits, one can well develop logic, thinking and attention. Here are just clear safe limits of "communication" with a computer has not yet been established. Therefore, the line between a normal attitude to your gadget and dependence on it is very thin, and each has its own.

The core of the formation of such a mania is a failure in the mental mechanisms of perception of the world and processing of incoming information. This is facilitated by the level of development of modern computer technology, which can successfully replace the objective reality of the virtual.

The social qualities of the "slave" of the computer suffer most from this dependence: empathy, openness, sociability, friendliness, desire to communicate. Deeply rooted addiction to computer games displaces these qualities, causing social maladjustment. Children and adolescents are most susceptible to it.

The result of such a life in an illusion can be increased aggressiveness, asocial behavior, ignorance of duties (household, professional, family, etc.), external and internal degradation. Over time, the addict's body also reacts to going into virtual reality. Chronic fatigue, problems with the stomach and spine, hemorrhoids, visual impairments appear.

Important! Computer addiction is formed faster than all other addictions - from 6 months to 1 year of "communication" with your gadget.

The main causes of computer addiction

There are many reasons for leaving the virtual world. They can be inside a person and drag him into dependence without resistance. Or they can be around him and drag him into the abyss of virtuality gradually. The main "bait" of any gadget connected to the Internet is the satisfaction of three important human needs:

  • Information hunger... Of all living beings on our planet, it is us, people, that information is very important and constantly needed. A computer is capable of processing, organizing and storing it, and the Internet can provide it in any quantity and for any question.
  • Exercise for the brain... The nature of our brain is such that it cannot be calm. He simply "adores" simple logic puzzles and actions, the result of which is immediately visible. Working with a computer fully satisfies these requirements, since it is just a sequence of logical operations and actions.
  • The need for communication... Another feature of a person is the need for communication. The World Wide Web makes it possible for absolutely everyone to communicate: from those who, in reality, cannot imagine life without communication, to those who, in the same reality, find it very difficult to get acquainted and find friends.
However, such "baits" by themselves will not work if the person does not have any psychological problems.

The main psychological causes of computer addiction:

  • Personal qualities... Such as vulnerability, anxiety, low self-esteem, resentment. This can also include a tendency to depressive states, withdrawal, inability to solve problems, resolve conflicts, experience stressful situations, build relationships, including with the opposite sex. The virtual world gives such people the opportunity to become ideal, drawing more and more into this illusion.
  • Escape from reality... That is, from problems with loved ones, peers, employees. The computer here becomes a refuge from discomfort, pain, humiliation, conflict and the need to change something. It improves the mood, creates the illusion that everything is fine - but only here, in virtuality. Thus, diverting from the solution of the situation in reality.
  • Loneliness... Because of the inability to communicate, complexes, misunderstanding of others. A lonely person finds such necessary support in games or networks - there he relieves his emotional tension and anxiety, never having learned to solve his life situations on his own and ask for help from real people nearby.
  • Side effects of parenting... Namely, overprotective, overstated requirements for the child. Also, communication problems and a lack of understanding in the family can be persuaded to communicate with a computer.
  • Forced decrease in social activity... As a result of health problems (serious or prolonged illness, disability), lack of work, including because of the decree.

Serious diagnoses such as schizophrenia and depression can also contribute to the development of addiction to computers and the Internet.

Signs of an addicted person

Despite the fact that computer addiction is not yet generally accepted, the main diagnostic criteria for this mania have been developed. They are divided into two large groups: mental and physical.

Mental signs

Mental signs of computer addiction:
  1. Dependence of mood on being at the computer... Behind him - an excellent mood, euphoria, mixed with a sense of guilt; without it - irritability, depression, aggressiveness, a feeling of emptiness and not knowing what to do with yourself.
  2. Loss of control over time... Internet addiction erases the boundaries of time, the concept of day and night for its captive. At the same time, communication with your gadget is steadily increasing imperceptibly for the addict.
  3. Inability to stop... It is often almost impossible to tear the prisoner of the computer away from the "occupier". The need to interrupt the game (communication, browsing, etc.) causes resistance, resentment, and aggressiveness in the addicted person. Gamblers are often obsessed with the goal: to reach a certain level, get all the bonuses, go through the whole game, and then all similar games. At the same time, he has no final goal (thanks to game developers), since the game world is constantly being replenished with new versions of virtual reality. Even if for some reason he does not like the game, he will not get up from the computer. He will find another game.
  4. Ignoring the world around you... Internet addiction, like a jealous soulmate, eventually drives out from the environment of its "slave" everyone who can interfere with their "relationship". That is, family, work, study, personal relationships, hobbies and hobbies. An addicted person will prefer a computer to any other occupation, even the once most beloved one.
  5. Denying the problem... Like any other mania, computer gambling addiction is not recognized by the person who has fallen into its "embrace". At best, he realizes that he devotes too much time to virtual reality, and promises to improve (both himself and those around him). But he does not keep these promises, even resorting to lies. In the worst case, he simply denies any addiction and harm from it.
  6. Irritability... It is observed due to the inability to access the Internet (breakdown of the gadget, lack of Wi-Fi, unpaid traffic), as well as its low speed.
  7. Minimizing needs... A person trapped in a computer network ceases to take care of himself, to eat well, to get enough sleep. Leaves basic hygienic procedures to the background.

Physical signs

Physical signs of computer addiction:
  • Vision problems... Namely, myopia, dry eye syndrome, display syndrome, which occur due to overload of the visual apparatus, which, in turn, occurs as a result of prolonged work at the monitor.
  • Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system... So, a forced posture at a computer with a bent back over time can lead not only to pain in the back and neck, but also to curvature of the spine, the development of osteochondrosis and even intervertebral hernias. Tension of the muscles of the hand and fingers on the mouse can result, at best, with muscle pain, at worst, with pinching of nerves and tendons (carpal syndrome).
  • Digestive system disorders... Irregular and inadequate nutrition can end for a gamer or social media lover with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, chronic constipation. And in combination with a long stay in a sitting position - and hemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system... A sedentary lifestyle and a long sitting posture promotes blood stagnation and, as a result, the development of varicose veins. The same sedentary lifestyle, supported by high-calorie snacks, can contribute to the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, that is, atherosclerosis.
  • Depletion of the nervous system... Due to the need for constant attention and processing of large amounts of information, and in the case of games - and quick decision-making, the nervous system is exhausted. Fatigue sets in. As a result of lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, poor nutrition, the brain simply does not have time to rest, and the nervous system does not have time to recover. Therefore, fatigue gradually grows and turns into chronic fatigue. In addition, the nerves are constantly "undermined" by negative emotions - from scandals with relatives, problems at work or school, their own bad decisions or wrong moves of other players, low-rated photos or deletion from friends on social networks.

Varieties of computer addiction

Specialists who deal with this problem distinguish several of its varieties. This division was based on certain psychological prerequisites of the addict.

The most common types of computer addiction:

  1. ... Constant "freezing" in social networks over time replaces real communication, friendship, personal relationships. Risk group: insecure people, as well as those who have not realized themselves in life (at work, in the family, in personal life, in communication).
  2. Computer games... The most dangerous in this regard are online multiplayer games. They give the most optimal illusion of power, significance, participation, a sense of victory, success, luck. They give titles, titles, records and even love. At the same time, any mistake or wrong decision is not a problem. In the virtual world, you can fix everything, start over. That is, it has something that is not in the real world. Risk group: people who do not want to solve real problems, overcome real life obstacles.
  3. Passion for porn sites... A person suffering from such an addiction prefers sexual release at the monitor screen, rather than with a living partner. To do this, he uses porn sites and porn films, replacing real sex with virtual. Risk group: people who do not have a real partner, with dissatisfaction with the existing relationship.
  4. Obsessive surfing... Internet surfers can surf the net for hours in search of information. However, they are not necessarily looking for something specific. Often such people simply follow interesting links from one site to another. As a result, overfed by a huge amount of diverse information, the brain eventually loses its ability to think deeply and critically. Risk group: curious people who have a lot of free time at their disposal, shopaholics, as well as those who want to compensate for their external shortcomings or lack of self-confidence with knowledge.
  5. Passion for gambling and online money betting... Today, almost every internet site is full of advertisements that promise huge winnings and earnings. Such virtual casinos, stock exchanges and bookmakers successfully play on the passions of gamblers. Especially those who do not have the opportunity to visit a real casino. Risk group: gamblers, as well as those who seek easy money.
To summarize, in any case, a person is pushed into virtual reality by dissatisfaction with his real life and unwillingness (fear) to change this life.

Ways to deal with computer addiction

Again, drawing parallels with other addictions, treatment for computer addiction will only be successful in one case. If the addict admits his problem and really sincerely wants to get rid of it. Otherwise, the pathological addiction will only worsen. The main role in the treatment of such addiction is played by psychologists and psychotherapists with the obligatory assistance of the addict's relatives, and in the presence of physical consequences - by doctors of the appropriate profile.

Preparing for Computer Addiction Treatment

Almost always, an excessive enthusiasm for a computer is first noticed by the environment of the addicted person - his relatives, friends, colleagues. But not himself. Therefore, it is they who are beginning to look for a solution to this problem.

Most often, those interested in returning the virtual "vagrant" to reality try to do it themselves. First, persuasion is used (sometimes even in the form of an ultimatum) on an intuitive basis, then on the basis of relevant literature, articles and forums on the Internet. And only after realizing the failure of such a campaign, those who have not lost heart yet seek help from specialists.

Thus, the first consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist does not take place with the addict himself, but with those people who want to help him. In the course of it, the specialist helps relatives (friends) with advice on how to behave with the addict, so that he admits his addiction and wants to cure him.

Psychological correction of computer addiction

The main goal of a specialist in the treatment of computer addiction is to find the reason for the patient's leaving the virtual world, and then determine a way to return it to reality and help to get used to it. Thus, at the first stage, the diagnosis of the causes of addiction and the exclusion of depression and psychiatric problems is carried out.

Only after that, you can choose the main vector of psychological correction: improving relationships with relatives, peers, the opposite sex, developing self-regulation skills and the ability to cope with difficulties, fostering volitional qualities and increasing self-esteem.

One of the important directions of such treatment is to involve a computer dependent person in the real world. Show that he too can be interesting and exciting even without the Internet and a gadget. For this, you can use different types of entertainment, sports, art. For example, bowling, paintball, soccer, hiking, picnics, dancing, music, family rituals (pizza nights, outings with children, etc.) or parties with friends.

Since even at this stage the specialist cannot do without the help of the addict's relatives, he continues to work with them. He not only helps to create the necessary atmosphere at home, but also advises how they themselves do not lose faith in the success of the treatment. Because this is also an addiction. This means it will not be easy to get rid of it.

If the methods of psychotherapy proved to be ineffective, the specialist can use a more difficult way to overcome addiction - hypnosis.

Important! Today there is no universal guaranteed way to get rid of computer addiction. Treatment is selected individually and largely depends on the patient himself and his environment. Moreover, it is this dependence that is considered one of the most difficult in terms of recovery.

Drug treatment of computer addiction

Medication is not the main treatment for this type of addiction. They help solve physiological problems that have arisen as a result of addiction to a computer.

Based on the disturbances in the body caused by computer addiction, the following groups of drugs can be prescribed:

  • Antidepressants (in case of depressive conditions).
  • Sedatives (to relieve irritability, excessive nervousness). Including plant origin (preparations of oregano, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng). The latter have not only a calming effect, they can improve brain function, normalize sleep, and stimulate immunity.
  • Vitamins, or rather vitamin-mineral complexes (to compensate for the deficiency resulting from nutritional disorders). The main focus is on vitamins A and E, selenium, which have a positive effect on the target organs of computer addiction - the brain and eyes.
  • Symptomatic drugs for the treatment of problems with the eyes, spine, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.
Any medication in the treatment of addiction should only be prescribed by a doctor. In the same way, the effectiveness of their application should be under the control of a specialist.

How to get rid of computer addiction - watch the video:

It is impossible to completely isolate a person from a computer today, but it is very easy to become addicted to him. And in order not to waste your strength and the strength of your relatives on healing, it is better to learn how to find the right emotions and solve problems in reality.

Modern technologies are constantly evolving, everyone does not want to lag behind them. Addiction to computer games is becoming more and more popular, as more and more such content is released every day. The computer has organically entered the life of every person and it is already quite difficult to imagine further existence without it.

Each person uses the device for different purposes: someone needs it to maintain business connections, and someone to expand their own horizons. If the time that a person spends at his computer playing games exceeds the established norms, then we can say that gambling addiction has developed.

The player becomes more and more interested in the events taking place in the virtual world, not paying attention to real life. As the world statistics show, more than 5% of the world's population has been found to be addicted to computer games. If appropriate measures are not taken, then the problem will begin to progress. In any case, relatives and friends should seek help from a psychologist who will help get rid of the problem.

What should you pay attention to?

The pathophysiological signs and principles of the formation of many addictions are identical. They are caused by the stimulation of certain brain centers. Do not think that the above problem concerns only adolescents, you can find a large number of adults who spend tens of hours playing their favorite games.

People experience euphoria and mood improvement immediately after immersion in the virtual world. Gambling addiction leads to the fact that a person ceases to control the time spent at his computer. Sleep is an objective obstacle on the way to a round-the-clock game, and therefore most gambling addicts resort to the help of caffeinated drinks and other stimulants. They can have a negative effect on the body of adults and children.

In the adult generation of players, one can observe a change in diet, which is shifting towards low-alcohol drinks and convenience foods. Gambling addiction leads to the fact that the gamer cannot control the observance of personal hygiene:

  • teeth cleaning;
  • combing;
  • shower, etc.

The consequences of addiction are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, a displaced sleep cycle and poor diet. If the technical state of the computer fails, then the “chronic player” will immediately deteriorate. He will be in a state of stress, splashing out his aggression on family and friends.

Adult generation

Gambling addiction pushes for constant spending on new equipment and updating the necessary programs. For a dependent person, reality begins to take a secondary place. He stops thinking about his work, family and personal development. His thinking comes down only to completing a new mission or installing a new update.

The symptoms will worsen as addiction develops, even though many will begin to realize that the time spent is useless. Such people are increasingly beginning to strive to leave the existing world and immerse themselves in virtual reality. It is better to play the character well than to solve real problems. In the vocabulary of an addicted person, topics related to computer games appear more and more often. Over time, they begin to take up all his free time, and the brain thinks only of them.

Gambling addiction leads to the fact that the central nervous system (central nervous system) is under constant stress, since certain impulses are constantly received in the brain, which excite certain centers. The patient can observe the following manifestations:

  1. Sudden mood swings.
  2. Social degradation.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. Panic attacks, etc.

The longer the problem progresses, the greater the consequences to expect. An adult who devotes a lot of time to computer games begins to experience constant discomfort associated with self-doubt and loss of the meaning of life. As clinical practice shows, gambling addiction leaves a certain imprint on libido, leading to various problems in the sexual sphere. The addicted person is not so difficult to separate from the crowd. He does not make contact well, shows isolation and shyness.

Child and youth problem

The consequences of addiction in children and adolescents are somewhat different. If games are included in the life of a child, then they can affect the formation of his personality. Soon, young gambling addicts turn into embittered and aggressive children, if parents ask them to step away from the computer for at least a minute.

The consequences of addiction will be associated with regular non-attendance at school, and lying to parents and loved ones will become the norm. In some families, it comes to the fact that children begin to steal or beg for money for their favorite game, which can cause cruelty due to its aggressive plot.

Game effects can overload the immature psyche of a child. The thin line between the real and the virtual world can be completely erased. The sooner children start to get involved in games, the sooner they will have health and academic problems. Many may have noticed that meals are increasingly passing without leaving the computer, and this all affects the digestion process.

While at school, all the thoughts of a gambling addict are occupied only with the anticipation of future leisure. Sick adolescents begin to abandon the familiar team, unhealthy food increasingly prevails in the diet.

What is there to be afraid of?

The consequences of any addiction negatively affect the health of every person. As the current condition progresses, problems with the joints and spine make themselves felt. A sedentary lifestyle ultimately leads to metabolic disturbances.

Sitting for a long time has the following consequences:

  • Constant headaches.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Decreased activity, etc.

Considering more advanced cases, it is necessary to highlight problems with the cardiovascular system. Long-term use of caffeine can lead to depletion of the nervous system, leading to serious consequences.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that addicted people begin to eat poorly, and this leads to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • colitis;
  • gastroduodenitis, etc.

Considering the children's version of the problem, it should be noted that the development of the brain lobes responsible for memory and concentration slows down. If the parents do not take prompt action, then their child may have developmental problems.

Despite the large number of physiological problems, psychological ones also need to be considered. Dependent people cannot achieve significant success in life, because they lose initiative and "fighting fervor". The constant craving for games has a negative effect on professional results: an employee may play during working hours without fulfilling their duties. Negligence and lack of ambition will lead to dismissal.

Some computer games require a constant injection of money to be played. Debt is a natural consequence of addiction. In the hope of winning, a person can borrow money or take out loans.

The sooner a person realizes his problem, the faster steps can be taken to eliminate it. If you cannot get out of it on your own, you can always contact qualified specialists who solve such issues. All dependencies have a similar development mechanism, and therefore the main thing is to find out the correct levers of influence.

Addiction to computer games- a type of addiction, accompanied by a strong human craving for immersion in computer reality.

It would seem that this type of pathology is not as terrible as an addiction to alcohol or drugs, which are accompanied by addiction to toxic substances. However, this is only at first glance, since addiction to computer games is in no way inferior in strength to any other. Modern games are visually getting closer to reality, so the number of people who become their hostages is growing every year.

The prevalence statistics for this dependence vary greatly, taking into account the opinions of different researchers. Doctor of Psychology A.G. Shmelev claims that about 10-14% of computer users should be ranked as avid gamblers.

At the same time, Harvard University psychologist Mareza Orzak cites even less comforting statistics: he believes that among people who play computer games, 40-80% are addicted. Enthusiasm for games is observed to a greater extent among boys than among girls.

Young people spend twice as much time playing. The higher the level of education of a person, the less he is interested in computer games (other goals arise, there is an understanding of wasting time).


The main factors in the emergence of computer gambling addiction are the following reasons:

  1. Lack of real communication. Most often seen in children and adolescents.
  2. Lack of bright moments in life.
  3. Dissatisfaction with sex life. Often among the "victims" of pathology there are people who do not have a personal life or are extremely dissatisfied with it.
  4. Psychic lack of formation. Often players remain mentally in childhood or adolescence, thereby avoiding the responsibilities of adulthood.
  5. Phobias and social fears. An increased craving for games is often a cover for fear of interpersonal relationships, society, and the inability to adapt to the world around them.
  6. Intra-family conflicts.
  7. An opportunity to get distracted from real problems.
  8. Psychopathy. This does not mean a disease, but a pathological character trait that leads to prolonged stress or chronic diseases in unfavorable conditions.

Psychologists believe that role-playing games are the most dangerous from the point of view of addiction, when a person identifies with a character, losing his individuality. The stronger the immersion, the more difficult it is to return to reality.

Development of pathology

Computer games are of interest to many, but not everyone becomes a gambling addict.

Players are conventionally divided into the following categories:

  1. Situational game. People play when there is a favorable external factor, free time or competition. Without the manifestation of an influencing factor, interest in the game disappears.
  2. Episodic game. In this case, people play from time to time and are able to control themselves on their own.
  3. Systematic play. The player is fond of a computer game, but wasting time and failure to fulfill their duties can cause remorse.
  4. Gambling. People in this group perceive the game as the meaning of life and spend almost all their time on it.

Even if a person does not have the opportunity to play, he mentally plans his actions after returning to the game. Defeats, unfulfilled duties, unfinished business only stimulate more immersion in the game. In this situation, there is a true gambling addiction.

An addiction in the development process goes through the following stages:

  1. Light infatuation. A person only adapts to the game.
  2. Enthusiasm. There is a rapid and sharp formation of addiction, a strong desire is formed to immerse yourself in the game. The gaming session gets longer.
  3. Addiction. Here the maximum dependence is observed, a contradiction appears and the struggle “to play” or “not to play”, it becomes more and more difficult to lean in favor of the second option. The time spent in the game increases dramatically.
  4. Attachment. The pathology has become stable, subsides a little and becomes stable. The game has become the center of the player's life. A person is no longer able to independently give up the habit. The goal was the process itself, not the achievement of the result. Interruptions in play become negligible and only occur under duress.

Forms of pathology

The manifestation of pathology is possible in the form of one of the following forms:

  1. Individualized. This option is the worst. The addict loses contact with the outside world, the person spends too much time on the computer, the need to communicate with family and friends disappears.
  2. Socialized. This form is characterized by maintaining contacts with society. People in this category are more likely to play network games, where the process is competitive. This form is considered less detrimental to the psyche.


The main symptoms manifested in the pathology under consideration:

  • loss of time control;
  • a strong desire to return to the game;
  • the time spent in the game increases;
  • the regime of the day is violated;
  • priorities shift, irresponsibility develops;
  • real communication is reduced to the point of complete refusal;
  • other interests are lost;
  • aggression, hysterical behavior appears;
  • sleep problems develop;
  • fatigue increases, fatigue can be caused even by a simple trip to the store;
  • there are pains in the shoulders and lower back, often worried about back pain due to a constant sitting position.


To understand a problem, you need to know why you need to get rid of it, and what are the consequences of addiction to computer games.

  1. Degradation. The main danger is the cessation of personality development. The person is not interested in studying, making money, reading books, communicating or learning anything new. Indifference towards loved ones is manifested. A person becomes withdrawn, lonely, avoiding society.
  2. Physical health deteriorates. More and more often, back problems appear, and vision decreases quite quickly. Irregular eating habits lead to gastritis and ulcers. "Experienced" gamers acquire sand in their kidneys due to low activity. It is also possible to develop hemorrhoids. The pressure decreases, the appearance of a person becomes similar to a drug addict.
  3. Deteriorating psychological health. Since not everything goes smoothly in the game, the player is often nervous, worried, which leads to a loosening of the nervous system. This condition makes emotions uncontrollable, which leads to aggression and depression.
  4. Cash spending... This moment is more inherent in adult men who like to purchase various things in modern online games to improve the character.
  5. Waste of valuable time... The younger generation spends a lot of time on useless games, which does not allow them to exercise normally, study useful literature and study.
  6. Is happening decreased self-esteem, there is a violation of self-awareness.
  7. The addict gets used to the fact that pleasure can be achieved without exerting effort, so he stops showing activity in the real world.

How to get rid of the problem yourself?

It is necessary to treat addiction in a comprehensive manner, changing the lifestyle in general. The rejection of computer games is quite painful and requires setting the following tasks for oneself:

  1. It is necessary to analyze the problems that underlie the addiction, why there is a desire to return to the virtual world. Family troubles, self-doubt, difficulties at work are possible. If a reason is found, then everything will need to be done to eliminate it - to raise self-esteem, improve family relations, and eliminate the problem at work.
  2. It is necessary to learn how to control the duration of work with the computer. Various timers or applications can help here. It will not work to give up the habit at once, therefore it is recommended to gradually reduce the time during which the player is at the computer.
  3. Free time from a PC must be filled with interesting, useful activities. Fishing, hunting, rock climbing, driving courses, anything that can captivate a person. Think back to old hobbies or find something new.
    In order for the day to come when a person realizes that he is not interested in a computer game, support and help is needed at the stage of giving up the addiction, it is better if it is a close relative or friend.


The most effective method is psychotherapy. Overcoming addiction requires the use of individual or group therapy. If a choice is possible, then a group lesson is a priority, since most computer addicts have difficulties in building interpersonal relationships and working with a group. The gambler will never admit that he is addicted. But if he sees people who admit the problem, it will be easier for him to cope with his own. It will not be possible to overcome addiction in 2-3 sessions.

A multi-stage system is required, a rough outline of which is presented below:

  1. The initial stage requires overcoming objections about the presence of addiction. A person is not yet ready to change, he does not have an understanding of the existence of a problem. It is necessary to inform the addict as much as possible about the dangers of his habit.
  2. Awareness. This stage is characterized by understanding the problem, awareness of dependence and the need to get rid of it. It is required to make it clear to the addict that he is supported and helped, and not reproached.
  3. Treatment. This stage involves changing behavior, dealing with addiction and negative emotional reactions that will inevitably arise in the course of treatment. Just getting rid of the computer is not a solution; it takes the addict to get used to time control on their own.
  4. Correction of relationships within the family and society. This stage is passed after a person has learned to control behavior. The risk of breakdown is still present, therefore, it is required to establish family relations, making up for the free time from the computer with hobbies and communication with loved ones.
  5. Overcoming the consequences is the final stage. The problem itself has disappeared, but its consequences still remain. This can be both problems with work or study, and difficult communication with relatives. All problems need to be eliminated, and the therapist will help to deal with this situation correctly.

The presence of computer addiction in children requires family psychotherapy, since such addictions do not appear from scratch.

Most of the children who have developed addiction do not have normal family relationships, so treatment in this case will also depend on solving the problems of adults that caused the mistakes of raising a child.

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