Intellectual historical quests. Youth historical quest All-Russian historical quest battle of Stalingrad

All-Russian youth historical quest

"Battle for Sevastopol"

Compiled and conducted by the head of the volunteer public association (VPO) "Everything is in our hands" Matinova Nina Andreevna


  1. The grand opening of the event will take place on November 19 at 13:40.

2. Everyone over the age of 14 can take part in it. The teams with the best result will be awarded with a diploma.

3. Participants of the All-Russian youth quest "Battle for Sevastopol" will have to solve theoretical problems and overcome practical stages, thanks to which they will be able to show skill and knowledge of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

4. Participants will be tested for historical knowledge, the level of trust in the team and the ability to cope with the tests.

5. When creating the plot and tasks, the most interesting and vivid facts of the battle for Sevastopol were used.

6. Also, the participants of the quest will be able to act as a war correspondent.

7. At the end of the quest, the mostsocially active team.

*Team "Marines" (grade 8)

* Team "Sevastopol bunker () » (Grade 9)

*Team "Black Sea Fleet" (grades 10-11)

Project of the quest "Battle for Sevastopol"

Tse whether: - to acquaint children with the heroic pages of the history of Russia; - contribute to the formation of a positive moral assessment of the feat in the name of the Motherland, the development of a sense of patriotism;

Awaken in children an interest in social phenomena, the desire to learn the history of their country;

To cultivate respect for the older generation;

Develop skills of independent work in the selection of material for presentation;

Develop feelings of patriotism and pride in their country;

To form the Russian civil and civilizational-cultural identity of schoolchildren on the basis of historical events related to the battle for Sevastopol;

To promote the education of citizenship, patriotism and tolerance of schoolchildren;

To form motivation for active and responsible participation in public life;

Education of Russian civil identity.

The seventh All-Russian youth historical quest of Victory volunteers "Battle for Sevastopol" takes place in all regions of our country on November 19, 2016.

On October 29, the All-Russian youth historical quest "Battle for Sevastopol" was held in Sevastopol, dedicated to one of the largest military operations of the Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War - the defense of Sevastopol.

The All-Russian youth historical quest “Battle for Sevastopol” is dedicated to the events that took place on the territory of Crimea from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1944.

Presenter: 2016 is the year of celebration of the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The sun is shining, we are solving some of our problems. We quarrel, we make peace. In a word, we live. We are living.

We came into this world to live, and no one will dare to dispose of our lives!

We live ... And in our present life, tens of millions of soldiers and officers of the Red Army laid their heads, innocent civilians suffered. There are 26 million in all. Think about it: 26 million! After all, this is almost 5 of our contemporaries - Russians.

Our long-suffering land was washed by streams of blood and tears. But the soldiers saved the Motherland, preserved it for us, the descendants.

Do not betray - then remember! That is why one of the laws of history, the Law of Memory, says: "A people that has forgotten its history will die - remember your people and your history."

Let us once again remember those who gave us today's world.

The All-Russian youth historical quest “Battle for Sevastopol” is dedicated to the events that took place on the territory of Crimea from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1944. Participants will have to solve theoretical problems and overcome practical stages, thanks to which they will be able to show skill and knowledge of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

(Song "Sevastopol Waltz"

Georgy Lvovich Rublev).

The quest consists of 7 bridgeheads.

Bridgehead - military space in which a military operation is being prepared and deployed.

I. Bridgehead "Sevastopol - the city of Russian sailors"

slide 1.

Sevastopol is a city of Russian sailors, the largest base of the navy. Today let's turn over some pages of the history of the defense of Sevastopol.

Slide 2.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 became the severest and most difficult test for the people of Sevastopol and the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet. Sevastopol was among the first cities of the USSR on June 22, 1941 at 03:15 was attacked by fascist aircraft.

slide 3 The first to strike at the Nazi aircraft was the anti-aircraft artillery battery of the Black Sea Fleet N 74, commanded by Lieutenant I.G. Kozovnik. Following it, the 76th, 80th, 78th and 75th batteries opened fire and successfully repulsed the first Nazi raid.

The sailors of the Black Sea Fleet, the inhabitants of the city organized themselves to defend Sevastopol.

slide 4.

By decision of the city organizations, the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, the soldiers of the garrison and Sevastopol in a short time, by November 1, 1941, erected three lines of defense around Sevastopol: rear, main and advanced with dogs, bunkers and other defensive structures. This work was headed by the engineering department of the fleet, led by military engineer 1st rank V.G. Paramonov

Slide 5.

On October 29, 1941, a state of siege was introduced in Sevastopol. On October 30, the 54th coastal battery of the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Lieutenant I.I. Zaika delivered the first blow to the motorized column of the 11th German Army under General Manstein. For three days the gunners waged continuous fierce battles with the advancing fascists. Almost simultaneously with the gunners, units of the marine corps, formed from cadets of the naval school and sailors of warships and coastal units of the fleet, entered the battle, with the support of coastal and anti-aircraft artillery batteries.

Slide 6-7.

On October 30, 1941, the second heroic defense of Sevastopol began, which lasted 250 days - until July 4, 1942. From the first battles to the last days of defense, the city's defenders showed dedication, unparalleled stamina and heroism. On November 4, the Sevastopol Defensive Region (SOR) was created to unite all the forces of the Main Base of the Black Sea Fleet.

slide 8.

For the convenience of command and control of troops, the SOR was divided into 4 sectors, which were headed by experienced division commanders - P.G. Novikov, I.A. Laskin, T.K. Kolomiets, V.F. Vorobyov.

After the failed attempt to capture Sevastopol on the move, the Nazi command carried out three attacks on the city: the first began on November 11, 1941, the second on December 17, 1941, and the third on June 7, 1942.

The fighters and commanders of the 7th Marine Brigade under the command of Colonel E.I. Zhidilov showed courage, bravery and stamina in battles,

slide 9.

An immortal feat was accomplished by the garrison of bunker No. 11. Red Navy member of the Komsomol Ivan Golubets

slide 10.

For exploits in those days, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to machine gunner Nina Onilova and sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko.

Slide 11.

The Nazis, who entered the ruined city on July 3, 1942, rampaged in it for 22 months. They destroyed 3,000 women, old people and children in the Inkerman adits, and more than 400 workers in the Troitsky tunnel. On July 12, the invaders drove 1,500 residents to the Dynamo stadium, and after robbery and bullying, they shot them on the 5th km of the Balaklava highway.

slide 12.

During the occupation of the city, the Nazis shot, burned, drowned in the sea, forcibly drove tens of thousands of Sevastopol residents to Germany.

slide 13.

On May 9, by the evening, Sevastopol was completely liberated; on May 10, at one in the morning, Moscow saluted the liberators of the city with 24 volleys of 342 guns. On this day, the Pravda newspaper wrote: "Hello, dear Sevastopol! Beloved city of the Soviet people, hero city, hero city! The whole country joyfully greets you!" slide 14. On May 12, in the area of ​​​​Cape Chersonesos, the remnants of the fascist troops in the Crimea were defeated.

II. Bridgehead "Films and books about the war"

Many books have been written about the events of those years, and a large number of films have been shot. And what books about the war and films do you know? (1 point)

III. Bridgehead "Songs of the War Years"

- Memory... It has a beginning, but it has no end. For 70 years, everyone has been waiting and waiting for belated letters from the war, and mothers do not believe funerals, and brides are waiting, and sons have become older than their fathers. And there is no rest for those who return, for each of them repeats: "I survived because someone died for me." And the bodies of the dead long ago became the earth, and thanks to one heart that stopped beating, thousands of hearts beat on our earth!
- It is reliably estimated that 10 people died in every minute of the war. Of every hundred young men born in 1923, aged 18, only one returned from the war.
- 16,747 people were killed, 33,782 were injured, 641,803 people died of starvation, 716,000 civilians were left homeless

And what, in your opinion, the words most accurately reflect the events of those years.

(Duty, courage, patriotism, feat, courage ...)- 1 point for each answer

Song performance

IV. Bridgehead "Virtual Journey through Hero Cities" (gym)

But inscribed in a special line

In history, heroes are cities.

1. Unbending Leningrad

2. City of glory - Volgograd.

3.Legendary Sevastopol

4. Heroic Odessa.

5. Heart of the Motherland. Moscow.

6.Invincible Brest

7. Fortress on the Dnieper - Kiev.

9. Courageous Kerch

10. Valiant Tula

11. Unconquered Minsk

12. Steadfast Murmansk

13. Glorious Smolensk

250 days - until 4 July 1942

1. Krasnoflotets Komsomolets Ivan Golubets at the cost of his own life, he saved warships and their crews in Streletskaya Bay. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

2. Nina Onilova

3. Raenko Sergey

4. Alexey Kalyuzhnywrote with his own blood

5. Petty officer 2 articles GrigoryPuzik

6. Sniper

309 the Nazis, including 36 snipers.

1 task

2 task. Sharp shooter -1 point

3 task.

VI.Bridgehead "War Correspondent"

By the evening of May 9, Sevastopol was completely liberated. On this day, the Pravda newspaper wrote: "Hello, dear Sevastopol! Beloved city of the Soviet people, hero city, hero city! The whole country joyfully greets you!" The red flag flew over the city again. But the first to fly over Sevastopol was a vest and a peakless cap - the “sea soul”, a symbol of the courage and courage of the sailors.

What would you write on this momentous day?

VII. Bridgehead "Obelisk of Victory"

VIII. Bridgehead "Victory of 45" (Summing up and awarding)

The anthem of Sevastopol "Legendary Sevastopol" sounds

You fly, winged wind,

Over the seas, over the land,

Tell everyone in the world

About my favorite city.

Tell everyone in the world

As on the Crimean shores

Our grandfathers fought

And glorified in battles.

Legendary Sevastopol,

impregnable to enemies,

Sevastopol, Sevastopol -

The pride of Russian sailors.

Here to fight, holy and right,

We went for our Motherland,

And your former glory

We have multiplied in battle.

Throwing off the black coats,

Chernomortsy during the war

Here they went to the tanks with a grenade,

Your sons were going to die.

The whole country knows,

That the ships do not sleep

And securely guarded

Shores of native land.

Legendary Sevastopol,

impregnable to enemies,

Sevastopol, Sevastopol -

The pride of Russian sailors.

Route sheet of the quest "Battle for Sevastopol"


"Black Sea Fleet"

No. p / p




Bridgehead "Sevastopol - the city of Russian sailors"

Matinova N. A.

Bridgehead "Films and books about the war"

1 point for each correct answer

Matinova N. A.

Bridgehead "Songs of the war years»3 – 5 points

Matinova N. A.

Bridgehead "Virtual Journey through Hero Cities" (gym)

1. The shortest time - 5-3 points

2. For each correct answer 1 point

Mikhailov A. N.

Bridgehead "Woman sniper in the history of the Second World War"

1 task . Competition "The exploits of heroes will remain in the memory of the people ..." -1 point

Babushkin A.V.

2 task. Sharp shooter -1 point

Babushkin A.V.

3 task. Bandaging of the wounded transport to the medical battalion for a while.

Mishchenko N. N.

Bridgehead "War Correspondent"

Zakharova S. P.

Babushkina S. M.

Bridgehead "Obelisk of Victory"

Shpis L. A.

Bridgehead "Victory of 45"

Menshchikova E.V.




"Sevastopol bunker"

(Long-term Earth firing point)


"Black Sea Fleet"

IV. Bridgehead "Virtual journey through the hero cities" (gym)

In the days of terrible battles and peaceful labor

My Fatherland was famous for its heroes,

But inscribed in a special line

In history, heroes are cities.

Our story today is about hero cities.

1941 - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. All of Russia stood up to defend the motherland. Fierce battles unfolded along the entire front, with a length of almost 4 thousand km. Soviet soldiers, residents of cities and villages stood up as an impregnable wall in the path of the fascist invaders to defend every five of their native land. Dozens, hundreds of cities during the years of the Great Patriotic War became places of fierce battles, places of mass heroism of people.13 cities became hero cities.

Let's take a virtual journey through the hero cities, remember their heroic past and prepare a story about the hero city.(Only by hitting the ball in the basket, you get the right to receive information about the hero city. Time is taken into account. The shortest time is 5 points)

1. Unbending Leningrad. 900 days and nights of blockade. They did not break the spirit of the sons and daughters of the Motherland. Leningraders survived and won.

2. City of glory - Volgograd.The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the largest in World War II. Near Stalingrad, a 330,000-strong group of Nazis was defeated.

3.Legendary Sevastopol. Having shackled large enemy forces for a long time, the defenders of Sevastopol violated the plans for the military offensive of the Nazi Wehrmacht.

4. Heroic Odessa.The Soviet troops and the population of the city steadfastly repelled the offensive of the German-fascist and Romanian troops, who had a five-fold superiority in forces.

5. Heart of the Motherland. Moscow.In the alarming autumn of 1941, the defenders of the capital went to the front.

6.Invincible Brest. For a month, three and a half thousand soldiers fought, holding down significant forces of the German fascist troops.

7. Fortress on the Dnieper - Kiev.The city played an important role in thwarting Hitler's blitzkrieg plan by delaying the advance on Moscow.

8. City of Fortitude Novorossiysk.The victory of the heroic Malaya Land led to the expulsion of enemies from all over the Caucasus.

9. Courageous Kerch. For five months, the inhabitants of the city continued the selfless struggle against the many times superior enemy forces.

10. Valiant Tula. For a month and a half of the siege, the production and repair of weapons and military equipment did not stop in the city.

11. Unconquered Minsk. From the very first hours of the war, the capital of Belarus fiercely resisted the enemy.

12. Steadfast Murmansk. Here the enemy failed to cross the line of our state border.

13. Glorious Smolensk. Here the enemy ran into the great, indestructible courage of the Soviet people.

Their deed will forever remain in our hearts. 1 participant must name Hero Cities.1 point for each correct answer

3 task. Bandaging of the wounded transport to the medical battalion for a while.

V. Bridgehead "Woman sniper in the history of the Second World War"

1 task . Competition “In memory of the people the exploits of heroes will remain ....” -1 point

2 task. Sharp shooter -1 point

At the end of September 1941, Nazi troops invaded the Crimea. On October 30, 1941, the second heroic defense of Sevastopol began, which continued250 days - until 4 July 1942An immortal feat was accomplished by the garrison of bunker N 11 of the Sevastopol Defense District.

1. Krasnoflotets Komsomolets Ivan Golubets at the cost of his own life, he saved warships and their crews in Streletskaya Bay. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

2. Forever in the memory of the people will remain the exploits of the heroes of the 365th anti-aircraft battery, who caused fire on themselves, the machine gunners of the 25th Chapaev division Nina Onilova and thousands of other famous and nameless heroes.

3. For three days, a dilapidated bunker, which he commanded Raenko Sergey stood in the way of the enemy as an insurmountable barrier. A small group of wounded, deaf, thirsty sailors continued to hold back the onslaught of the enemy. Dive-bombers attacked the bunker. The hill on which he stood sank in the explosions.

4. Words from the suicide note, which the sailorAlexey Kalyuzhnywrote with his own blood: “I am dying, but I know that we will win. Sailors - the Black Sea! Fight harder, destroy the fascist mad dogs! I kept my oath. Kalyuzhny.

5. Petty officer 2 articles GrigoryPuzik , defender of the bunker No. 11 of the Sevastopol Defense District.

A new attack began a few hours later. And again two tanks moved ahead of the infantry. Before reaching the still smoking cars, they stopped and opened fire.

Again, two sailors rushed towards, but died. Machine gunners followed the tanks. Wounded in the head, foreman of the 2nd article Grigory Puzik opened fire from a machine gun. After a direct hit in the bunker, communication with him ceased ...

6. Sniper Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko.

Member of the defense of Sevastopol, Hero of the Soviet Union. The most successful female sniper in the history of World War II. On her account 309 the Nazis, including 36 snipers.

To plunge into the atmosphere of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, to become a war correspondent or even a real marshal - all this was possible for the participants of the All-Russian quest "Battle for Sevastopol", dedicated to the events taking place on the territory of the Republic of Crimea from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1944 of the year.

More than 100 people took part in this event. The children really liked the various tasks that helped them plunge into the history of our great country and become members of a single, close-knit team. In the course of the game, the teams completed certain tasks, and after that they received sheets with the memories of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. And for such valuable memoirs, a serious struggle flared up. The guys built a crossbow out of pencils, stood on the defense of the house of cards, and also sang military songs. According to the participants of the quest, in such a game form it is easier to learn complex historical material, which allows you to replenish your knowledge of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and develop teamwork skills.

All participants received a charge of positive emotions and impressions.

Compiled and conducted by the leader of the RDO "Nadezhda" Matinova N.A.

The city stage of the All-Russian historical quest dedicated to the defense of the Arctic took place at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in St. Petersburg.

The All-Russian Historical Quest is a modern format for studying history, proposed by the Victory Volunteers public movement in 2016. All tasks of the historical game are based on documentary facts and memories of veterans - participants in those events.

The organizer of the city stage of the quest, Yulia Rudyk, head of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the All-Russian public movement "Volunteers of Victory", spoke about the topic and features of organizing the event this year.

- The historical quests that we conduct allow you to get acquainted with history in an interactive way. On the one hand, the guys will spend an hour and a half in the company of friends, on the other hand, they will get acquainted with what they would hardly have studied on their own. Our quest is called “1941. Polar Region”, it is dedicated to the actions that took place in 1941 on the Kola Peninsula. The participating teams will have to present themselves as a special group, which must pass a series of tests - both intellectual and those that reveal their physical fitness. The team, as a rule, consists of 5-6 people, it is formed in a free order through the VKontakte social network. Among the participants are St. Petersburg schoolchildren and students, members of the Yunarmiya.

- The venue of the game is also important - the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in St. Petersburg - emphasizes Yulia. – The quest is organized in such a way that when completing tasks at stations located in different parts of the building, participants will be able to learn something new about the history of the Society and feel its spirit.

During the Great Patriotic War, a scientific and consulting center worked in the building of the Russian Geographical Society, which carried out urgent assignments on the instructions of the military command. The employees of the Society continued scientific and applied research, carried out educational and informational work among the wounded soldiers in the hospitals of the besieged city and soldiers at the front.

At the opening of the event, Andrey Strelnikov, Deputy Director of the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in St. Petersburg, reminded the participants of the quest that in addition to traditional expeditionary activities, the Russian Geographical Society, together with search organizations, has been studying the Outer Islands of the Gulf of Finland for several years. In 2016, the Gogland Complex Expedition team discovered a downed PE-2 aircraft on Bolshoi Tyuters Island. A memorial sign has been erected at the place where the crew died. “Now you have to playfully reproduce the events that took place in the Soviet Arctic in 1941, but I still ask you not to forget that the war was fought for real and real people died in it, who were sometimes a little older than you. I sincerely hope that today's event will encourage you to study the history of the Great Patriotic War," Strelnikov emphasized.

The guest of honor of the event, Hero of Russia Gennady Fomenko, reminded the children that even 70 years after the war, information about some military exploits must be collected bit by bit. “Today's quest is dedicated to a little-known page in the history of the war - the defense of the Arctic. This is the baton that is passed down to you from the older generation.”

After receiving the tasks, the participants of the quest dispersed to six thematic stations located in the historical premises of the Headquarters. After an hour and a half, 3 leading teams were determined. In total, 60 people and 9 teams took part in the historical game. The winners got the opportunity to take part in the final stage of the quest “1945. Victory" in Moscow in November 2017.

Text: Tatyana Nikolaeva, Irina Danilova

Photo: Tatyana Nikolaeva, Anastasia Erikhova

February 3 on the basis of the Medical Academy of KFU. V. I. Vernadsky started the All-Russian quest "Battle of Stalingrad". 16 teams from 8 regions of Crimea arrived to participate in this event. Three of them represent the structural subdivisions of the Crimean Federal University: Institute of Economics and Management, Medical Academy. S.I. Georgievsky and Medical College.

In his welcoming speech, Vice-Rector for Social and Youth Policy of KFU named after. IN AND. Vernadsky Evgeny Bubnov emphasized how important it is to honor the memory of the ancestors who, at the cost of their lives, forged the Victory during the Great Patriotic War.

Raisa Isaakovna Andronova, a special guest of honor, a war veteran, a soldier of the 4th Air Army, said that she met the war at the age of 19, voluntarily went to the front. At first she was a nurse, then she shot down planes with searchlights, worked in intelligence, and later she herself sat at the helm of an aircraft. Raisa Isaakovna passed half of Russia, was a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad.

“I see that the Germans are advancing from the south side, wrapped in rags, because it’s cold. I immediately started shouting over the connection for help to arrive, I lost my landmark. My plane was shot down, and I decided to jump with a parachute. She threw the steering wheel, jumped out, eventually lost sight in her right eye, was wounded in her right leg. You are the one to blame. I didn’t know the air map well,” 96-year-old Raisa Isaakovna Andronova shared her memories.

During the passage of the quest, each participant was able to touch the history of the Battle of Stalingrad, feel the events taking place in that period, gain new knowledge about the Great Patriotic War. Students tried on the role of military journalists, collecting historical facts from primary sources - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the game, the participants filled their albums with photos and memories of veterans.

According to experts, everyone did an excellent job with the tasks set, the winners received well-deserved prizes and awards.

KFU press service

Historical intellectual quest is an intellectual game, a gaming adventure, during which participants need to go through a series of obstacles to achieve a goal. Within the framework of this project, non-standard intellectual tasks from history were developed and successfully introduced into the game, expanding the horizons of participants and filling in knowledge gaps. Participants of the quest are students of 6-10 grades. For each parallel of classes, tasks from the course "History of Russia" are used, mainly this is the date of a battle, war or the reign of emperors. The quest is a non-standard attraction of modern schoolchildren to the study of the history course. When they overcome logical and intellectual tasks on a given topic, their knowledge and horizons expand.
At each stage of the quest-game, the students performed various tasks using the search method: they guessed military songs, including those created during the Great Patriotic War; watched excerpts from military films and compared with the title or what event is taken as the basis of the film; answered the questions of the game, according to historical facts, correlated the heroes of the battle with their exploits; correlated heroes and their awards; correlated clothes to a given era; worked with the decoding of "secret" documents, Morse code, for each task the students received letters and at the end of the game, at the last stage it was necessary to compose a well-known phrase of this era or the main battle, and so on. As a result of the games, the teams were awarded certificates and prizes, as well as good grades in history, and most importantly, the students showed their interest, curiosity and desire to take part in other thematic quests. Since October 2016, on the territory of the village of Beloozersky, the All-Russian historical quests "Volunteers of Victory" have been held among the schools of our urban settlement: MOU Faustovskaya secondary school, MOU secondary school No. 18, MOU Tsybinskaya secondary school and MOU "Lyceum No. 23". In October, my 9th grade team took part in such a quest, the quest was dedicated to the “Battle for Sevastopol”, we took 7th place out of 7. This All-Russian quest attracted my students and already in December two teams from our lyceum participated in the quest “Battle for Moscow ”, where with 9 classes I actively prepared the theory for the quest and as a result my team “League” took second place. Since 2017, a rating system has been introduced in the All-Russian historical quests. During the year, passing quests, teams from schools will gain points, and in the fall, the most historically savvy and resourceful will go to the final in Moscow. On February 20, from the lyceum, I already prepared 4 teams, two teams of 9 classes and two teams of 8 classes, the quest was dedicated to “1941. Polar region”, my ninth-graders took 2nd and 3rd places. And on April 12, in the "First Space" quest, I already prepared 6 teams, where we finally took first place! On June 18, the next quest “1942. Partisan paths", again 5 teams from the Lyceum No. 23, and despite the holidays, the teams came to my office and we analyzed the events of 1942 in detail, we prepared and again we had first and third place. In children, I was able to show interest in history in a completely different approach, a new - game, intellectual quest, children are interested in participating and especially winning.

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