Board game catch the moose. Board game "catch the moose" Board game catch the moose magellan

In the forest you can meet either a forester or an elk. If the dealer revealed the forester card, do nothing. If you meet a colored moose (for example, a green one), you must first be a little surprised, and then, in a race with other players, slap your hand on a stack of cards of the same color as the moose that fell out. Clap first and you'll get a card! The player with the most cards by the end of the game wins.

In fact, "Catch the Moose" is three games in one

Because there is a complicated version of the basic rules, which is about aesthete hunters and savers: there you need to collect sets of moose of four different colors in order to win. And the third game is completely independent, for memory training. In it, you need to remember where which moose lie, and collect them faster than others from identical pairs. Thanks to this, "Catch the Moose" generally becomes a universal game for the whole family, even for the smallest. So give it before someone else gets ahead of you with this cool gift.

To whom to give:

  • Foresters, big and small,
  • future zoologists,
  • Lovers of hunting romance,
  • Owners of dachshunds, huskies and setters - so that hunting dogs live with them not in vain,
  • All children from four years old to train mindfulness, reaction, motor skills and memory,
  • Fans of fast and loud games.

In the box:

  • 46 long cards for distribution;
  • 80 moose cards;
  • Rules of the game.

Who is rustling: an elk or a forester?

In this forest, you can even meet a green or blue elk, so you can be surprised, but not for very long - this is a game of reaction speed and attentiveness. Absolutely lethal, hunting, forest-like funny and addictive in the spruce jungle so that not only children, but also adults cannot tear themselves away. Get ready and let's catch moose!

Moose - do not eat!

But you have to knock on them, because someone has to win. First, make stacks of cards of four colors and arrange them so that everyone can reach any one: red, yellow, blue and green. In each round, one of you becomes the dealer and starts handing cards to everyone from the long pile. They depict foresters and moose of different colors. Pull out the forester, say "forester". Pull out the moose, say "moose." That's why the game is called that, because it turns out:

- Forester!
- Forester!
- Forester!
- Elk!!!

And then everyone should quickly slap on the deck of the same color as the moose on the dealer's card. Whoever clapped first takes a card from the pile. And then the dealer changes.

Is it weak with two hands?

There are cards that show two moose of different colors. To defeat everyone, you must be the first to clap with both hands on the correct stacks. It seems nothing complicated? And you try. Not only do you need to quickly figure out which of the decks to clap on, but it’s also important not to get confused in your hands!

Forest robbery without rules

The dealer may suddenly extend the “Give the moose” card, then the player will have to give the last card of the moose taken to the appropriate pile. Insidious foresters, such, yes!

In fact, "Catch the Moose" is three games in one

Because there is a complicated version of the basic rules, which is about aesthete hunters and savers: there you need to collect sets of moose of four different colors in order to win. And the third game is completely independent, for memory training. In it, you need to remember where which moose lie, and collect them faster than others from identical pairs. Thanks to this, "Catch the Moose" generally becomes a universal game for the whole family, even for the smallest. So give it before someone else gets ahead of you with this cool gift:

  • Foresters, big and small,
  • future zoologists,
  • Lovers of hunting romance,
  • Owners of dachshunds, huskies and setters - so that hunting dogs live with them not in vain,
  • All children from four years old to train mindfulness, reaction, motor skills and memory,
  • Fans of fast and loud games.

How was the game "Catch the Moose" invented?

The author of the game worked as a counselor in a foreign pioneer camp. A detachment of young scouts often walked through the forests, and constantly guessed who was rustling in the bushes: a forester or an elk. More often, of course, it turned out that this was a forester. But sometimes it was an elk. Then the delight of children simply knew no bounds.

What's in the Catch the Moose box:

  • 46 long cards for distribution,
  • 80 moose cards,
  • And a very beautiful gift box in which all this is packed.

Who is rustling: an elk or a forester?
In this forest you can even meet a green or blue elk, so you can be surprised, but not for very long - this is a game of reaction speed and attentiveness. Absolutely lethal, hunting, forest-like funny and addictive in the spruce jungle so that not only children, but also adults cannot tear themselves away. Get ready and let's catch moose!
Moose - do not eat!
But you have to knock on them, because someone has to win. First, make stacks of cards of four colors and arrange them so that everyone can reach any one: red, yellow, blue and green. In each round, one of you becomes the dealer and starts handing cards to everyone from the long pile. They depict foresters and moose of different colors. Pull out the forester, say "forester". Pull out the moose, say "moose." That's why the game is called that, because it turns out:
Forester... farther "!
And then everyone should quickly slap on the deck of the same color as the moose on the dealer's card. Whoever clapped first takes a card from the pile. And then the dealer changes.
Is it weak with two hands?
There are cards that show two moose of different colors. To defeat everyone, you must be the first to clap with both hands on the correct stacks. It seems nothing complicated? And you try. Not only do you need to quickly figure out which of the decks to clap on, but it’s also important not to get confused in your hands!
Forest robbery without rules.
The dealer may suddenly extend the “Give the moose” card, then the player will have to give the last card of the moose taken to the appropriate pile. Insidious foresters, such, yes!
In fact, "Catch the moose!" It's three games in one.
Because there is a complicated version of the basic rules, which is about aesthete hunters and savers: there you need to collect sets of moose of four different colors in order to win. And the third game is completely independent, for memory training. In it, you need to remember where which moose lie, and collect them faster than others from identical pairs. Thanks to this "Catch the moose!" generally becomes a universal game for the whole family, even for the smallest. So give it before someone else gets ahead of you with this cool gift.
How was the game “Catch the Moose!” invented?
The author of the game worked as a counselor in a foreign pioneer camp. A detachment of young scouts often walked through the forests, and constantly guessed who was rustling in the bushes: a forester or an elk. More often, of course, it turned out that this was a forester. But sometimes it was an elk. Then the delight of children simply knew no bounds.
What's in the Catch the Moose! box:
- 46 long cards for distribution,
- 80 moose cards,
- rules of the game.
Number of intended players: 3-6.
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In this forest you can even meet a green or blue elk, so you can be surprised, but not very long is a game of reaction speed and attentiveness. Absolutely lethal, hunting, forest-like funny and addictive in the spruce jungle so that not only children, but also adults cannot tear themselves away. Get ready and let's catch moose! Complete set: 46 long cards for distribution, 80 cards of moose, Rules of the game. And a very beautiful gift box in which all this is packed. Rules of the game: Preparation for the game: Divide the moose cards by color into four piles. Place these four piles face up in the center of the table (as shown below), where all players can reach them. Shuffle the cards for the deal, and give them to the first player face down (face down so no one can see what's there). How to play: The youngest player starts first. He hands out long cards. As the game progresses, everyone will be able to play the role of dealer. The dealer deals cards one at a time, face up, to the other players, clockwise. In the process of dealing cards, the dealer must say "forester" every time a Norwegian forester is drawn on a long card, or "moose" every time an elk is drawn on a card. You need to deal cards so that all players see the new card at the same time. If it was a card with an elk, all players must race to clap their hand on a pile that matches the color of the card just opened. The first player to clap on the correct pile takes a card from that pile. Now it's the next player's turn to deal cards. The dealer passes the deck to the player to their left. If a player distributes the “Give the Elk” card, then the player in front of whom the dealer placed this card must return one of his elk cards back to the pile corresponding to the card in color. If a player deals a Catch Moose card, then the player in front of whom the dealer placed this card takes one Catch Elk card for himself. If a player deals a card with two moose, then the players must race to clap on the two corresponding piles - immediately with their left and right hands each. The player who slapped the right piles first wins (he takes two cards for himself). Winning the game: once all the long cards have been dealt, the players count their moose cards. Whoever has the most cards wins! A draw is possible.

In this forest, you can even meet a green or blue elk, so you can be surprised, but not for very long - this is a game of reaction speed and attentiveness. Absolutely lethal, hunting, forest-like funny and addictive in the spruce jungle so that not only children, but also adults cannot tear themselves away. Get ready and let's catch moose!


Divide the moose cards by color into four piles. Place these four piles face up in the center of the table (as shown below), where all players can reach them.

Shuffle the cards for the deal, and give them to the first player face down (face down so no one can see what's there).


  • The youngest player starts first. He hands out long cards. As the game progresses, everyone will be able to play the role of dealer.
  • The dealer deals cards one at a time, face up, to the other players, clockwise. In the process of dealing cards, the dealer must say "forester" every time a Norwegian forester is drawn on a long card, or "moose" every time an elk is drawn on a card. You need to deal cards so that all players see the new card at the same time.
  • If it was a card with an elk, all players must race to clap their hand on a pile that matches the color of the card just opened. The first player to clap on the correct pile takes a card from that pile. Now it's the next player's turn to deal cards. The dealer passes the deck to the player to their left.
  • If a player distributes the “Give the Elk” card, then the player in front of whom the dealer placed this card must return one of his elk cards back to the pile corresponding to the card in color.
  • If a player deals a Catch Moose card, then the player in front of whom the dealer placed this card takes one Catch Elk card for himself.
  • If a player deals a card with two moose, then the players must race to clap on the two corresponding piles - immediately with their left and right hands each. The player who slapped the right piles first wins (he takes two cards for himself).


Once all the long cards have been dealt, the players count their moose cards. Whoever has the most cards wins! A draw is possible.

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