Educational games for children 11 years old. Educational games for children

Since ancient times, educational games have been created that brought up such qualities in children as: attention, perseverance, logic, order of thinking. Today, everything is much simpler - there are educational games online. With them, the child will learn a lot of useful things: counting, alphabet, arithmetic. When preparing a child for school, you can use games for the development of babies 3-4-5-6-7 years old as an auxiliary preparation. After all, it is not only interesting, but also educational. Here, there is a special approach to children in teaching subjects from the school curriculum.
Since you have looked at our site, you are a caring and loving parent. On our site you can play online games with your child for free: various, including educational ones. It is by playing that the child learns, gets acquainted with the world. This is a kind of bridge from the children's world to the adult world. More often the game has a plot character, the game often defines specific roles for the players, copying the roles of adults. Business games allow the world to know, sports games increase the level of self-esteem, role-playing - raise the level of intelligence. Since games are based on the perception of different rules, the child is placed in a situation where he must learn to observe certain rules of adult life. The game, by definition, is a winning way to achieve the development of the child's creative potential voluntarily, without the use of coercion methods, so educational games are good for children of different ages.
Educational games for children perfectly develop fine motor skills (the development of speech depends on this). They have a beneficial effect on memory, the child becomes more assiduous and calm, his attention and memory improve.
Available on our website educational games online teach the baby to think logically, develop his reaction, accuracy. Playing with us, you will watch your child grow and develop. We offer only safe games with proven content. Without aggression, vulgarity, stupidity. You can safely entrust your baby to us, because all the games are professionally made. The set of online games presented by us is large:

  • games with logic tasks, incl. based on the laws of physics, mechanics.
  • role-playing games by profession
  • games for speed of reaction, developing motor skills and coordination of movements
  • memory games.

We tried to make it easy to play, our games can be played immediately without downloading them. Online games will help expand your child's vocabulary, push the boundaries of horizons and prepare your child for school: "Find all the letters", "Collect a school bag", "Learn the English alphabet", "Make a word", "Learn mathematics". Developing games help constant development, at first glance even very simple ones: “Gingerbread Man in the Maze”, “Help the Animals”, “Complete the Picture”, “New Year's Differences” offer to look for objects, correspondences, paired objects, what distinguishes them from similar ones. them. These educational games have become classics in the world of online games. More than one generation has learned to write and count, distinguish sounds, determine sound information, understand the names and shapes of objects.
The section of educational games is constantly updated, growing along with its fans. Play and learn with passion!

Game description

A bright, exciting game that develops for 11 12 years old, catches you from the first minute. It will help to understand physics, as well as develop logical thinking. This time you have to help the little bugs return the light to their magical forest.

Characters and their meaning in the game

  • Ladybug is a strong insect that will carry a variety of weights. Her task is to clear the way for other insects. It is necessary to hold down the left mouse button, attaching a bug to an obstacle. Then point in which direction the ladybug will fly. The main goal is not only to remove obstacles, but also to save the crystal ball. The number of ladybugs is displayed in the upper left corner.
  • Fireflies - will fly to the bright ball at the first call. They will pick up this ray of light, take it to the place. There is a timer in the top right corner. It is activated only when the luminous insects begin their flight.

Tip: sometimes you will need to use two ladybugs to drag heavy objects. Put one and hold down Ctrl. Then the first insect will not fly away immediately, but will wait for the second strong insect.

There are 25 levels in total in the game. There is an interesting addition - the presence of awards for achievements. You can see them in the main menu by pressing the Achievements button.

The best way to get a child to do something really useful is to get him interested in such an activity. When there is interest, the child will not be torn off, even if before that he flatly refused. Educational games for kids - a great combination of useful and interesting! Together with the heroes of their favorite cartoons, children will be able to play educational games and learn a lot of new things! Games for kids are designed taking into account the peculiarities of children's preferences, so they will never bore your kids and will always delight them with colorful graphics and an interesting plot! Finally, it became possible to have fun and become smarter, more attentive, more diligent and more inquisitive at the same time.

The benefits of games are obvious

While parents unanimously criticize computer games, most ardent gamers do not stop refuting the theses of their competitors. The older generation continues to believe that computer games for children will be the worst prospect, because such a pastime does not lead to anything positive. And gamers are already tired of explaining that you can actually have fun not only by playing educational games for children, but also by using various interesting applications that will allow the intellect to work at maximum speed.

Scientists have long studied computer games and noted that during the game, each hemisphere of the brain works at an incredibly high level when a person solves tasks of increased complexity. In fact, during the game, each gamer uses all his intellectual skills to complete a certain mission on time and respond to the development of events. In particular, in the field of developing games, scientists have noted the great value of strategies and all its subspecies. Why are strategies one of the most intellectual games?

The experts examined a large number of students from various higher education institutions who have played strategy since childhood. It turned out that such a game allows you to develop the so-called strategic thinking, which allows you to think about the future and anticipate the steps of artificial intelligence (and, believe me, it has not been weak for a long time). For example, in a strategy, a gamer must develop his own state, monitor resources on a vast territory, do not forget about protecting its sovereignty, and also take care of the population.

In other words, there are so many areas involved in one game that it will be difficult to even play, let alone win. If parents have long ceased to believe in the meaning of the game, you need to invite them to spend at least an hour of their time on their own to test their abilities for strength. When they realize that this time is not enough even to understand the basic issues, then they will praise you for your quick wits.

But not only strategies can offer the benefits that educational games contain. Even quests and various puzzles will allow you to strain your gray brain cells. It is worth noting that games of this genre always force the gamer to quickly make crucial decisions, and this teaches them to think rationally. In other words, the player is forced to quickly choose the lesser evil or take the difficult path to reach the goal despite losses.

Even shooting games, which the older generation every day accuses of not having a very good effect on the psyche of gamers, have a lot of positive things. The older generation sees only the killing of the enemy, but does not think that there, in a distant building, the terrorists are torturing the hostages, that the partner is dying and needs to be saved. No one sees the nuances, but draws conclusions. Most computer shooting games are a great chance to develop your reaction and speed of taking actions. Moreover, the categorical majority of them are created on the basis of a positive plot, when the player acts as a savior and is forced to kill others.

Even Confucius said that you should not speak if you do not know anything for sure. Therefore, parents can safely apologize to their children - games are developed in earnest!

Contrary to popular belief, computer games are not only bloody shooters and simulators that do not carry any semantic load. There are a huge number of really useful and necessary games. Educational games for boys teach to be bolder, more courageous and quick-witted, help to improve ingenuity and the ability to think logically! Online games for kids are the best way to have fun and use them! Do not waste time, pleasure and benefit in one bottle are already waiting for you.

Aimed at the development of memory, attention of the child, logical and creative thinking. The games offered by us do not require additional special equipment, the games are easy to play, they can be used at home, during breaks at school, there are games for the street.

Can you focus?

The game tests the attentiveness of a person. Players are given texts. Players cross out the given letters within 5 minutes.

The results are summed up and announced.

Age : from six years

The game develops: attentiveness

Number of players: 2 or more

Items needed: paper, pencil

In a hundred

With the help of the game you can take time, in addition, it develops the logic of the child.

The first player calls a number from one to one hundred.

The second player calls a number that is greater than the previous one, but no more than 10.

The one who called "100" wins.

Note. The one who calls "89" wins. And the one who named the numbers 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 100 will surely win. With the right strategy, the beginner always wins.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: logic, thinking

Number of players: 2

sea ​​battle

One of the best sedentary games. Well develops the logical thinking of the child.

Two sheets of paper are taken in a box, on which the fields are marked. Coordinates are placed on the sides. Ships are deployed.

Opponents make "shots" at each other, naming the coordinates.

The hit player "shoots" until he misses.

The player who sinks all the opponent's ships wins.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: logic, thinking

Number of players: 2

Items needed: pencil, paper


Repeat - an educational game for the development of memory and attentiveness in children. Great for all students, but especially useful for children in elementary school.

The theme of the game is selected, for example "Wild Animals". One of the players names some animal, let's say a lion.

The second repeats "lion" and adds the name of another animal "tiger" from himself. The third player is a lion, a tiger, and adds "rhinoceros", etc.

Anyone who cannot repeat all the animals or mixes up their order is out of the game.

Note. At the request of the players, words can be selected on any topic, for example: pets, birds, flowers, cities, etc.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: mindfulness, memory

Number of players: 2 or more


Clapping is a fun attention and reaction game for a large group of kids. This children's game is well suited for school breaks in the lower grades.

The players stand in a circle. Each player is assigned a number. Together they begin to clap rhythmically: twice on their hands, twice on their knees. By clapping his hands, the player calls his number, and by clapping his knees, the number of any other participant standing in the circle. The one who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the circle and stops the game.

The last two remaining players win.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: care, response

Number of players: 7 or more

Guess whose voice

The players, holding hands, stand in a circle. The driver standing in a circle is blindfolded with a scarf. Everyone walks in a circle in one direction, singing: “Here we have built a circle, we will turn around together suddenly.”

Everyone turns and walks in the other direction, saying: “How do we say:“ Skok-skok-skok ”, Guess whose voice?” The words "skok-skok-skok" are spoken by only one player.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: sense organs, emancipation

Number of players: 6 or more

Items needed: scarf

river cities

River Cities is a board game that promotes the development of the logic and thinking of the child, which is especially useful for elementary school students.

Hand out pieces of paper and pens to everyone. The sheet is divided into six columns under the names: "City", "River", "Animal", "Plant", "Name" and "POINTS".

On a signal, the leader begins to pronounce the alphabet to himself. He is stopped, and he names the letter on which he stopped. Everyone quickly fills the columns with words starting with the chosen letter. The one who filled in all the columns shouts “Stop”, everyone stops writing and starts counting points.

The first one to fill in all the columns reads his words. For each name that no one met, put 20 points. If the words match, the points are divided equally between these players. If someone didn’t have a word at all, then 10 points are written to the leader, and the remaining 10 are shared by the players who have a word in this column.

The one with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Note. You can play until the entire alphabet has been sorted out.

You can come up with any other column names.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: thinking, memory

Number of players: 2 or more

Place of play: indoor

Three words

The game develops child's fantasy. With its help, you can have an interesting time in the company of friends.

The facilitator says three words. The player makes a meaningful sentence with these words.

Note. Sometimes this is difficult to do.

Age: from six years old

Game develops: fantasy

Number of players: 2 or more

Get into the hoop

A wonderful game, your child will surely like it.

Children throw a small ball from behind over their shoulder with their right or left hand, trying to hit the hoop (at a distance of 2 meters).

Age: from six years old

The game develops: hand motility

Number of players: 2 or more

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

ball to neighbor

This game captivates children and they can play it for hours. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The leader stands behind the circle.

Players pass the ball to the right, then to the left, but always to a neighbor. The leader's task is to touch the ball. If the leader succeeded, then the player who had the ball becomes the leader.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

hold the ball

Children are divided into pairs. For each pair, a circle with a diameter of 1 meter is drawn. Players stand in this circle, they are given a balloon. They must, without leaving the circle, blow on the ball so that it rises and falls above them and above the boundaries of their circle.

You can not "correct" the trajectory of the flight of the ball with your hands.

The pair that can last the longest wins.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: endurance, coordination, agility, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more


One player is chosen to go hide while the rest close their eyes and count to 30.

Then the players go one by one to look for the one who hid, he also remains in his shelter.

The goal of this game is to find the player who has hidden as soon as possible.

The player who is the last to find the place where everyone else is hiding goes to hide first.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: logic

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

Defend the tower

An interesting group game.

All participants in the game stand in a circle. One player has a ball in his hand.

In the center of the circle is a “tower” (“tower” can be made from gymnastic sticks tied at the top). At the top is a ball.

The defender is located near the "tower" and guards it from the ball that the players throw at the "tower".

Whoever hits the ball in the "tower" or in the ball becomes the defender, and the former defender joins all players.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, accuracy, thinking, reaction, strength

Number of players: 3 or more

The game develops mindfulness.

Rules of the game. Questions are being asked. The participant answers them without saying "Yes" and "No". If the participant says “Yes” or “No”, he will be charged a forfeit.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness

Number of players: 2 or more

Game description

The game Developing for children aged 10-11 focuses on increasing attention and improving memory. Simple gameplay will allow school-aged children to have fun and at the same time improve their skills. At the very beginning, a funny picture will appear in front of you. It depicts a small spider, which was picked up by a butterfly, and now this strange couple travels around the world at night.

The game is called "Make a picture".

You need

  • View image. Memorize every element!
  • Press the bright "Start" button.
  • A field consisting of cells will appear.
  • Around you will see the details of the image.
  • Restore the original picture that was on the main screen using square images. Arrange the details in the cells.

If you make a mistake, you will earn a red point. It will appear in the upper right corner. Put the fragment in its rightful place? Get a green score in the left corner of the screen.

The main feature of the game: have you collected a picture? You can try again with fewer mistakes. There can be countless repetitions! This is because the game does not contain a time limit or a limited number of attempts. This freedom only helps.

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