Rubik's cube or what is the idol of millions. What to choose after the Rubik's Cube? Rubik's cube puzzle options

To begin with, we collect a cross on the upper face. To do this, we look for the edge with the largest rectangle. Rotate the face on which the element is located to the right so that the edge is on the bottom.

There is an option when one of the parts is on the opposite edge. Then you need to turn the front part clockwise, the top - counterclockwise, the right side - clockwise.

The rest of the edges are assembled in a similar way.

Corners with details

We put in place the corners with the details.

Each corner should have a rectangle from smallest to largest.

We make this combination:

  • bottom - counterclockwise;
  • bottom - clockwise.

middle layer

We put the ribs of the middle layer in place.

The cube should be turned over so that the unsolved face is on top. The most extreme parts protruding beyond the cube must be kept on top until the end of the assembly.

On the top face, you need to find the largest rectangle and put it on the corner. There may be two options for this:

The edge should go down and to the right. You can do this with this combination:

  • The upper part is behind the hour hand;
  • right side - clockwise;
  • top - counterclockwise;
  • front - counterclockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • the front is clockwise.

In the second case, take the cube with the desired part with the center towards you. The edge should go down and to the left in this way:

  • Top - counterclockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • left side - clockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • front - clockwise;
  • top - counterclockwise;
  • the front edge is counterclockwise.

Sometimes the desired edge is not on top, but in the middle layer. It must be removed from there with any upper edge, using the combination for the first case.

Upper cross

At the top, find the parts that are assembled correctly. They must form a cross. It may turn out that there is a central detail on top without a line, angle or cross. If there is a three-piece corner, it is important that it faces to your left. If it's a line, it needs to run from right to left.

To get the upper cross, do the combination:

  • The front is clockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • right side - counterclockwise;
  • top - counterclockwise;
  • the front is counterclockwise.

Picking a rib

Rotate the top so that two of the four ribs are the same size (preferably square) and at an angle to each other. If this does not work, do the following combination from any position:

  • the upper part is clockwise;
  • right side - counterclockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • right side - clockwise;
  • upper part - twice clockwise;
  • the right side is counterclockwise.

Take the cube so that the correct edges look away from you and to the right. Arrange the two remaining edges as follows:

  • The right part is behind the hour hand;
  • top - clockwise;
  • right side - counterclockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • right side - clockwise;
  • the top edge is twice clockwise;
  • right side - counterclockwise;
  • the top is clockwise.

Assembly of corners

Find the element on the corner that is the same size as the part on the middle layer, but not rotated correctly. Take the cube with this angle towards you. Place the remaining corners in their places with the following combination:

  • The top edge is clockwise;
  • right side - clockwise;
  • top - counterclockwise;
  • left side - counterclockwise;
  • top - clockwise;
  • right side - counterclockwise;
  • top - counterclockwise;
  • the left side is counterclockwise.

The combination should be repeated several times.

Last layer

If some corners are unfolded correctly, select the one that still needs to be unfolded. It should be facing you and to the left. Do a combination 2-5 times:

  • Right side - counterclockwise;
  • bottom - counterclockwise;
  • right side - clockwise;
  • bottom - clockwise.

The combination is done several times until the first corner is correct. Then rotate the top face counterclockwise. You will have the next corner in front of you to turn. Do the combo again. And so with all angles. The lower parts may get tangled, but in the process they will fall into place.

In this step, the main thing is not to change the position of the cube.

Rubik's Cube this is not only a toy, but also a complex puzzle, which was invented in 1974 by Erno Rubik, an architecture teacher from Hungary.

Appearance of the cube Rubik's

The Rubik's Cube is a three-dimensional puzzle, which is a stereotypical mechanism in the form of a plastic cube, 3 by 3 squares in size. Each of the 6 faces consists of nine squares (there are 54 squares in the puzzle) and has its own separate color.

Classic Rubik's Cube Colors:

  • blue,
  • white,
  • red,
  • green,
  • yellow,
  • Orange.

The edges are arranged as follows:

  • white opposite yellow
  • red opposite orange
  • blue opposite green.

By turning the faces, you can change the position of the squares of the cube.

The number of all possible face positions is y (8! × 38−1) × (12! × 212−1)/2 = 43,252,003,274,489,856,000.

Solving a Rubik's Cube means by turning the faces of the cube, so that each side consists of faces of the same color.

Cube device Rubik's

There are three main elements of the Rubik's Cube.

Central (central segments, or center).

Central segments 6 pieces and they are located one at a time in the center of the faces of a large cube. They rotate, but are always in the center. They are painted on only one side, from which they are visible.

All central cubes are interconnected by three axes. Each pair of oppositely located central cubes rotates only around one of its axis. The center is the only component that cannot move, i.e. the central cubes cannot be moved.

The center segments determine the initial color of the corresponding face. If on this side the central cube is white, then this is the future white face.

It is when the edge is white, then you will correctly compose the cube. We collect all other elements around the centers.

Angular (corner segments or corners).

This type of square 8. All of them have different colors. Eight small corner segments are located at the corners of a large cube and are painted simultaneously with three different colors.

Ribs or side cubes.

Onboard dice 12 and they connect the center. By location, they are located between the corner segments. Painted on two visible sides.

There are 26 small cubes in a Rubik's Cube. The edges and corners represent the 20 moving parts of the Rubik's Cube. To understand what the principle of puzzle assembly is, you need to know how 12 edges and 8 corner segments can move.

Variants of the internal mechanism of the Rubik's Cube

There are several options for the internal mechanism:

  • classic, in the form of a cross,
  • advanced, spherical
  • high-speed


The Rubik's Cube is made up of 26 small cubes and a 3D cross hidden inside it. The basis of the cube is a rigid frame: a three-dimensional cross, which is located in the center of the structure and 6 central cubes rotate on it, attached to the thin axes of the cross with screws. They can rotate with a face that moves with the central cube of that face.

The spring, dressed on the thin end of the cross, allows you to pull back the rotated layer of cubes when turning.

The 26 dice are only conventionally called dice because they all have different spikes, bulges, and notches that allow them to hold onto each other and move around.

In the central and rib cubes, cutouts are made on the inside in such a way that a cavity is obtained in the form of a union of three cylinders. In addition, there are bulges of various shapes on the edge and corner cubes. They form a fragment of a cylinder that fits tightly into the cavity mentioned above. With this design, the sides of the cube rotate freely. On the inside, the central, middle and corner cubes have different cutouts.

This is how the inner side of the face of the cube looks like, taken from the cross

Cube type , with one side removed

Improved cube mechanism in the form of a sphere.
In such a cube, the internal mechanism is made in the form of a ball. The cube rotates more smoothly, softer and at the same time more accurately. Thanks to a new mechanism, the Rubik's Cube now cuts corners. This means that even if during the assembly process one of the sides of the cube turned out to be not completely rotated, then the rotation of the other side crossing this one will turn the side.

The Rubik's Cube, or, as it is popularly called, the Rubik's Cube, is a mechanical puzzle, a plastic cube measuring 3 × 3 × 3 elements. Its external elements are 54 faces of small cubes that make up one large cube. Each such cube is able to rotate around three axes. Each face consists of nine elements and is painted in one of six colors, which in turn are arranged in pairs opposite each other.

The Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974 by the Hungarian sculptor and architecture teacher Erno Rubik. He patented it in 1975. This puzzle was originally called "Magic Cube".

The essence of the puzzle is to rotate the faces of small cubes, arrange them by color and make the large face of the cube with elements of the same color, i.e. collect the Rubik's cube.

History of the Rubik's Cube

The Rubik's Cube was not originally a toy. Erne Rubik taught industrial design and architecture and created this cube as a teaching aid, with the help of which he wanted to visually explain to students the basics of mathematical group theory. However, the youth liked the cube so much that it gradually became a toy.

The first production of cubes took place at the end of 1977. The manufacturer of the cube was a small Budapest one, and the release of the cube was timed to coincide with Christmas 1978.

However, the puzzle gained wide popularity and popularity only after a certain Tibor Lakzi became interested in it. He was a computer entrepreneur and was fond of mathematics. He started promoting the toy with Tom Kremer, the game inventor and founder of Seven Towns Ltd.

After that, the peak of popularity of the Rubik's Cube came in 1980. The toy appeared in the USSR in 1981. Entire articles were published in magazines devoted to the methods of collecting an intricate cube.

And in 1982, Hungary hosted the first world championship in collecting the Rubik's Cube. It was attended by representatives of 19 countries. The contestants had to solve the cube in no more than one minute. The best build time was 22.95 seconds. The current record is 8 seconds.

After 1983, interest in the toy began to gradually subside, and it received a second wind only in the 90s. This is due to the advent of personal computers and the creation of a Rubik's Cube simulation game for them.

This puzzle has become a toy for all time. In 1980, she received the Hungarian national prize for the best invention and won the competition for the best toy in the US, UK, France and Germany. In 1981, the cube was placed in the gallery of the New York Museum of Modern Art.

One of the most popular puzzles is still the well-known Rubik's Cube. For those who consider it banal and outdated, experts do not get tired of offering various modifications to the familiar design. Today, its mirror counterpart is gaining popularity. A real hit among lovers of minimalism. But how to solve a mirrored Rubik's cube? This article will help you figure it out.


It is always difficult to imagine something second. The next modification of the Rubik's Cube, however, has become very popular.

Japanese Hidetoshi Takei presented it to the public at the IPP26 event in 2006, held in the American city of Boston. The novelty immediately attracted attention and interested puzzle fans. Now many are wondering how to solve a Rubik's mirror cube.


It is called mirror only by analogy with its appearance. The material for the product is usually plastic. All its faces are painted in silver or gold with a mirror finish. Nothing superfluous, flashy, what is designed to attract the consumer. Only the real pleasure of building a cube.

The real beauty of the puzzle is hidden inside. As soon as the collector turns one of the faces, the product will take on an unusual look. It becomes like a sculpture of a modern author.

But how to assemble a mirror Rubik's cube if it does not differ in color, and its shape has changed beyond recognition before our eyes? It is necessary to make sure that large, medium and small boxes remain on each face.

This puzzle will appeal to both the child and the adult. To develop your mind in such an elegant way is not only interesting, but also pleasant.

Design and purpose

Mirror Rubik's cube is made on the basis of its predecessor with parameters 3x3x3. It consists of 26 elements, which can be divided into three types based on their size: small, medium and large.

Starting to rotate the faces, we can assume that it is impossible to solve the puzzle, but to understand how to solve a mirror Rubik's cube, it is enough to apply the same algorithms as when working with a traditional model.

First stage

You should start small - collect a cross on the underside. To do this, find the edge with the largest parallelepiped. The face on which it is located is rotated to the right so that it moves down. Then it is moved counterclockwise, and the desired rectangle should be in the central part. Next, rotate the upper face twice - the edge is now located on top.

Sometimes there is a slightly different scheme. How to solve a mirror Rubik's cube if one of the necessary elements is on the opposite side? Then the front part is moved in the direction of the clock hand, the upper part is against, then the right edge is in the opposite direction.

collect corners

To arrange the corners, you need to turn the right and bottom parts - counterclockwise, and repeat these two steps again.


The puzzle must be held so that the not yet completed face is on top. On it you should find a large rectangle and move it to the corner. The combination is as follows: turn the top and then the right side clockwise, the top - in the opposite direction, the right - similarly, the top and front - against, the top - clockwise, the front side - similarly.

Next stage

How to solve a mirrored Rubik's cube 3x3? It is also worth twisting the puzzle: The front face - rotate clockwise, repeat this movement with the top and right sides, then the right side - in the opposite direction, the top - similarly, the front - against.

Picking a rib

The cube itself must be rotated so that two of the four edges available are equal in size. The best option if it is squares. They should form an angle. Two incomplete edges are assembled by the following combination: the right side - in the direction of clockwise movement, the top - according to the same principle, again the right - in the opposite direction, the top - clockwise, the right side - similarly, the top - twice clockwise, the right - in opposite side, top - clockwise.

Gather Angle

You should find a corner element that is equal to the size of the part on the middle edge, but rotated incorrectly. This corner must be kept near you. The remaining corner parts are assembled as follows: the top side is clockwise, the right side is in the same way, the top is counterclockwise, the left side is against, the top is clockwise, the right side is against, the top is similar, the left side is in the opposite direction.


And now let's look at how to solve the last layer of the mirror Rubik's cube. To do this, you need to work with the corner elements. Among them, you should find the one that is not yet right. It should be facing you and to the left. Then it is worth doing the following algorithm: the right part is counterclockwise, the lower one is similar, the right one is clockwise, the lower one is in the same way.

The combination should be done so many times that the corner is in the right place. The top side is then rotated counterclockwise. The next corner appears and the algorithm repeats.

Such a puzzle can become a child's favorite entertainment, distract him from newfangled gadgets. It can also be solved by a large company: collectively or competing for a while. It is worth testing yourself with a Rubik's Cube!

Rubik's Cube - an ordinary puzzle, which is a visual aid for algebraic theory, suddenly attracted the attention of the whole world. For more than one decade, it has made people who are far from the mathematical sphere plunge into an exciting process. is the best way to improve logical thinking and memory training.

Secrets of the Rubik's Cube

The six sides of the product have certain shades and a strict arrangement patented by the manufacturer. Existing fakes can be exposed precisely by the unusual color scheme and the distribution of colors that differs from the original. Teaching materials always “stick” to the standard design, so it is absolutely not surprising that beginners, using analogues, get confused in the explanations.

All sides consist of a specific set of squares. Their number determines the type of Cube - 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, etc.

The debut model, which was assembled by Erno Rubik, consisted of 27 wooden cubes, identically painted in 6 shades. For a month, the author tried to group the elements so that they all matched in hue. The inventor spent much more time developing a mechanism that holds the parts together.

The classic modern cube consists of the following parts:

Centers - fixed parts fixed on rotational axes. They are directed towards the owner of an exclusively colored face.
Ribs are moving parts. The owner has the ability to see two painted sides. The color set here is standard.
Corners - eight movable elements located at the tops of the product. Each has three colored edges.
The fastening mechanism is a dense crosspiece of tightly coupled axles. There is an alternative that looks like a sphere. It is used in high-speed and multi-element versions. The most complex is the design with an even number of parts - this is a system of connected click devices, which are sometimes combined with a cross. There are magnetic mechanisms designed for professional products.

Fans of the square rebus constantly fight against the clock. To achieve their goal, they not only train manual dexterity, but also study, memorize and bring dozens and even hundreds of different combinations to automatism. This sport even has its own name - speedcubing!
Tournaments are held with enviable constancy, and the table of records is constantly updated. Modern users discover new heights to conquer and confidently strive for them. In competitions, confrontations are often held blindly, with the help of one hand and even with legs.

Names and structures of rotations

To describe the manipulation of the famous puzzle, the creation of permission schemes and just comfort, a special language of rotations was composed. It looks like familiar letters that are designed for a special face and rotation method. The sides are capitalized!

The Russian-language instruction looks like this:

F - facade
T - rear
L - left
P - right
B - top
H - bottom

The world version, of course, resorts to using the English alphabet:

B - back

The central elements, like the faces, are called by one letter. The edges have a two-letter combination. For example, FR or UL Angles are described by three - FRU Groups of particles that are middle layers are also named:

M - middle (between L and R)
E - equatorial (D and U)
S - standing (B and F)

Rotational movements combine the letters corresponding to the sides and additional signs:

The apostrophe ' indicates that the turns are counter-clockwise.
Number 2 means repetition.

How does the Rubik's Cube work?

To decide in which direction to make a turn, it is necessary to mentally imagine the clock face and “follow” the imaginary hand! There is also a very important value - W. It declares the rotation of two layers. Interceptions - turning the whole cube. They take place on 3 levels:

X and x' - movement along the "X" axis, coinciding with the turn of the right side
y and y' - along the "Y" axis, coinciding with the top
z and z' - along the "Z" axis, coinciding with the front edge
z2, x2 and y2 are double interceptions

In addition to the generally accepted rules, the manuals are full of slang, names of various techniques, figures or patterns that are famous among speedcubers. Schematic descriptions are also involved, where arrows are in demand. With the addition of experience in assembling a cube, all existing explanations become as clear as possible and are perceived at the level of intuition.

The cap is the color details collected on the edge.
The belt is the colored elements adjacent to the "Hat".
The cross is a figurine of five particles of an identical shade.
A flip is a turn of an edge at one point relative to the center.

Everyone can learn how to assemble an extremely intricate cube, feel the logical sequence of movements and work out the simplest algorithms. Before making any decision, you need to carefully examine the product and identify the same type of particles that will form the Hat. Often the process begins with a white edge, although true masters allow themselves to change the trajectory of actions.

Who set the record for the fastest Rubik's Cube?

Felix Zemdeggs is a famous Australian who broke the record twice in 2018. Initially, the result was 4.6 seconds, and in May of this season, he reduced the figure to 4.22 seconds. Also, the young athlete was noted in the period from 2015 to 2017, leaving several current records on the pages of the Guinness Book.

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