Scenario of the quest about road signs. Quest - game "rules of the road"

Quest "Road signs"

Purpose of the game: 1. Consolidation of knowledge of younger students about the types of road signs, about road safety.

2. Development of the ability to distinguish road signs, the formation of safe behavior skills on the streets of the city.

3. Education of attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in everyday life.

I station "Sign"

Task for the team : assemble four road signs from separate parts, report their name and group.

Pupils are given envelopes with cut road signs (“Residential area” - informational, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited” - forbidding, “Bus stop place” - a service sign, “Caution, pedestrian crossing” - indicative)

The rest of the team members are given cards with the task "draw the sign ..."

1 ... service mark "Point of first aid"

2 ... index sign "Equipped, regulated railway crossing"

To complete the task, children from the proposed blanks must select the ones they need and draw them up to the sign.

After the students draw, answer the questions:

Which of the signs you have compiled are for pedestrians?

Where are they installed?

What signs provide information for drivers?

Having received an assessment for the completed task, the guys should get to the next station as quickly as possible.

II Station "Game"

1. The game "Guess the sign"

A sign is attached to the back of one player (service sign “Resting place”, prescriptive sign “Bicycle path”, prohibition sign “Sound signal is prohibited”, information sign “Underpass”), everyone else sees this sign. The students must, without naming it, explain to the driver so that he can easily give the correct name of this road sign.

2. There is a poster with signs in front of the players.


Connect with a line a “chain” of signs of one group: service signs, priority signs, prohibition signs, information signs.

The team receives an estimate and moves on to the next station.

III station "Pedestrian"

1. To find out how attentive you are, I will ask you a few questions. If you do this, you should say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If you don't, then just shut up.

1) Which one of you is moving forward

Where is the transition?

2) Who flies forward so soon,

What does not see a traffic light?

3) Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?

4) Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

5) Which of you is in the cramped carriage

Giving way to seniors?

6) Who knows that the light is green

Means: the way is open?

Questions for the team:

1) Where should I wait for the bus?

2) What does the solid white line in the middle of the road mean?

3) The white line in the middle of the road is broken. What does this mean?

4) How should pedestrians walk on the sidewalk?

5) Where should pedestrians go if there is no sidewalk?

6) Where only pedestrians are allowed to walk?

7) Where can pedestrians cross the street?

8) Why are pedestrians on the streetAre you required to walk on the sidewalk?

9) Why you can not appearsuddenly in front of a nearby transport?

10) What is a traffic light for?

11) What signals do you knowtraffic light which means each of them?

12) What are road signs for? signs?

IV station "Organizer of traffic" (At the crossroads)

A poster with drawings is attached to the wall (the inside of the signs)

Students should use the frames to create a sign and talk about it.

The number of frames by the number of participants. Everyone will be in the role of the organizer of the movement and create their own sign (stands in his place at the crossroads)

station "Pedestrian"

You are a pedestrian, there are large puddles on the street after the rain, you need to jump over them so as not to get your feet wet.Long jump from a place, each in turn (the whole team), is considered best result and he is recording.

VI station

7 Station "Talking Signs". Participants are invited to solve riddles about road signs and show the sign on the poster.

Props: a card with riddles, a poster with traffic signs.

If you are in a hurry to cross the street on your way,

Go there, where all the people are, where the sign is ... (Pedestrian crossing)

The sign hangs at the crossing:

There is no place for carelessness.

There is no barrier here.

I will be very careful. (Railway crossing without barrier)

And under this sign for nothing in the world

Do not ride, children, on a bicycle. (Biking is prohibited)

All motors shut down

And careful drivers

If the signs say:

“Close to school! Kindergarten!" (Children)

If you need to call your mother

call the hippo

On the way to contact a friend -

This sign is for you! (Telephone)

· Brake soon, driver!

You can hit the fence!

Who barred our way

And blocked the road? (Railway crossing with barrier)

We have a lot to do today:

We are repairing the road.

The sign was hung at dawn

To every sign about it. (Road works)

It can be seen that they will build a house -

Bricks hang around.

But in our yard

The construction site is not visible. (No entry)

White circle with red border -

So it's not dangerous to drive.

Maybe he hangs in vain?

What do you say, friends? (Movement Prohibition)

Familiar stripes

Children know, adults know

Leads to the other side ... (Pedestrian path)

Well, what is this sign

I don't remember anyway.

Is it a hill or a mountain

Where did the kids ride? (Steep descent)

· Well, if the path is closed to the pedestrian.

Then, friends, know

It's not safe here

And you can't go yet. (No Pedestrians)

8 Station "Wonderful bag". At this station, children are invited to pull out any object from the “wonderful bag” and explain its purpose in helping victims of road accidents.

Props: a pouch with the following list of items:

· Iodine;

Brilliant green solution;

Validol (sedative);

· Activated carbon (Chemically, it is an adsorbent. That is, coal has the ability to precipitate substances on the surface, poisons in everyday life.);

Analgin (for pain);

· Acetylsalicylic acid (Acetylsalicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antiaggregatory effects.);

Corvalol (sedative);

Sodium sulfacid solution (albucid);

Ammonium chloride (antimicrobial bacteriostatic agents)

9 Station

The host reads the riddle, and the guys must give a guess and show the right sign.

1. We approached the bridge.
The sign hangs overhead:
Man walks boldly

Stripes in black and white.(Crosswalk)

2. We walked home from school
We see a sign on the pavement:
Circle, bike inside.

There is nothing else.(Bicycle lane).

3. I want to ask about the sign
It's drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.(Beware, kids!).

4. This kind of sign
He is guarding the pedestrian.
Let's go with a friend together

We make our way to this place.(Crosswalk)

5. Here is a fork, here is a spoon:
Refueled a little
They also fed the dog.

We say thank you sign.(Point of supply).

6. I want to ask about the sign
It's drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.

My friend says:

This means the path is closed.

There are athletes ahead

With numbers on the chest.

On the road - relay race,

The kids need to run somewhere...

But I'm afraid, however,

The sign has a different meaning...(Children).

7. The car rushes at full speed,
And suddenly towards the sign:
It has a fence on it.

I rub my eyes, look straight ahead:

Highway closed to the fence?

And what is this sign?(Railway crossing with a barrier).

8. Here the car will refuel,
Drink three buckets of gasoline.
The sign helps each car,

If she is thirsty.(Gas station).

9. I'm in a circle with a red outline,
It means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand, prohibition

Pedestrian traffic.(No Pedestrians).

10. A person digs the earth.
Why is there no way?
Maybe they're looking for treasure here.
and old coins
Are they in a big chest?
They are here, probably old
Hid a very greedy king.(Road works).

P. Lida with a doll in alarm:
Need a doctor on the road.
Don't look sad
Help is near! The doctor is near!(Point of first aid).

12. And the bunny, and Mariska,
And the neighbor boy
The sign clearly states:
No cars allowed!(No entry)

13. Only cars drive here,
Tires flash threateningly.
Do you have a bike?
So - stop! There is no road!(Biking is prohibited).

14. At the landing sites
Passengers transport waiting.
Established order
You can't break it here either.(Bus stop location).

15. If you put your foot
On the road
Pay attention friend
Road sign - red circle,
Man walking in black
Crossed out with a red line.
And the road is like, but
It is forbidden to walk here.(No Pedestrians)

1 b. We went home from school
We see - a sign over the pavement.
Circle, inside - a bicycle,
There is nothing else.(Bicycle lane).

17. Are you waiting for landing
On the assigned site
You don't need dexterity
This place is a stop.(Bus stop).

18. Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
He is ground
Know that only the transition
It will save you from cars.(Crosswalk)

IX Bicycle station

List the rules for cycling

    Bike lanes - if there is a bike lane, you should ride on it.

    On the right edge of the road (carriageway), no further than one meter from the edge, or along the side of the road - equivalent places. At the same time, moving along the road on foot and driving a bicycle, movement should be done with your back in the direction of travel, and not against, as the rules require from pedestrians.

    On the pedestrian zone or on the sidewalk - the last place where a cyclist can move around, it is allowed to use it only in the absence of the two previous options.

Trail for a cyclist:

    Skittles are laid out. Team members must run with the steering wheel without knocking down the skittles with a “snake”.

    A pedestrian crossing is drawn.

    Passing an item (Passing without a hand)



Station X « Semi-flower »

Children are invited to choose 10 petals of the "semi-flower", on which one question is written. Participants answer each question orally. Participants answer each question orally. For a complete correct answer, the team receives 1 point. For incomplete - 0.5 points.

Props: petal with assignments.


1) A pedestrian is:

b) a person walking on the sidewalk. +

a) Crossing the road in an unspecified place. +

b) Games on the roadway. +

c) Walking on the carriageway. +

a) You can start the transition.

b) The green signal is on soon. +

a) The traffic light is out of order.

b) The green signal is timed out. +

c) Movement is prohibited.

a) On the left side of the road towards moving traffic.+

a) The gesture of the traffic controller. +

b) Traffic lights.

c) In parks, squares, stadiums, i.e. where there is no danger of leaving the roadway. +

a) Move at right angles. +

b) Do not stop on the road unnecessarily. +

c) Do not eat ice cream.

9) What is a sidewalk?

b) Road for pedestrians. +

c) Road for transport.

c) Dangerous, as you can be hit by a nearby vehicle. +

1) A pedestrian is:

a) a person doing work on the road.

b) a person walking on the sidewalk.

c) a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it.

2) Which of the following situations can cause traffic accidents?

a) Crossing the road in an unspecified place.

b) Games on the roadway.

c) Walking on the carriageway.

3) What does the combination of red and yellow traffic lights mean?

a) You can start the transition.

b) The green signal is on soon.

4) What does a flashing green traffic light mean?

a) The traffic light is out of order.

b) The green signal is timed out.

c) Movement is prohibited.

5) How should a pedestrian column move along the roadway?

a) On the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic.

b) On the right side of the road in the direction of traffic.

6) What should a pedestrian be guided by if the gesture of the traffic controller contradicts the requirement of a traffic light?

a) The gesture of the traffic controller.

b) Traffic lights.

c) Do as you please.

7) Where is it allowed to sled and ski?

a) On a road reserved for pedestrians.

b) On the right side of the road.

c) In parks, squares, stadiums, i.e. where there is no danger of leaving the roadway.

8) What requirements of the Rules of the Road must a pedestrian follow when crossing the road?

a) Move at right angles.

b) Do not stop on the road unnecessarily.

c) Do not eat ice cream.

9) What is a sidewalk?

a) Road for cyclists.

b) Road for pedestrians.

c) Road for transport.

10) Is it dangerous to walk on the edge of the sidewalk?

a) Not dangerous as the sidewalk is for pedestrians.

b) Not dangerous, as vehicles should not go close to the sidewalk.

c) Dangerous, as you can be hit by a nearby vehicle.

Oksana Golinskaya
Quest game according to traffic rules in the senior and preparatory group

Quest game according to traffic rules in the senior and preparatory group.

Target: promoting the basics of safe behavior on the road, learning the rules of the road through the game.

To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the traffic light, its signals and the study of road signs.

Equipment: traffic lights, road signs, number cards, envelopes with tasks, stripes of white and black boards, red, green, yellow circles, pictures of road signs, cones, cars.

Game progress.

Hello Guys, you are already big, go to preparatory group , soon you will become first graders, and you will go to school, so as not to get into an unpleasant story, going to school, you must follow the rules of the road. During the whole time you visited Kindergarten, you studied and repeated the rules of behavior on the roads, studied traffic signs. And today we want to conduct an amazing and unusual journey for you, quest game according to the rules of the road. At the end of the game, you will complete the puzzle and find out what gift you will receive, with which you can play and consolidate your knowledge. But for this you need to pass difficult tests and test your knowledge of road safety rules.

First, we will do a little warm-up. I ask a question, if you agree, shout back loudly "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends". If not, then stomp your feet.

Which of you goes forward only where the transition is? (Yes)

Who is merrily chasing a ball near the roadway? (No)

Which of you in the narrow carriage is inferior senior seat? (Yes)

Does anyone know that the red light means there is no move? (Yes)

Who knows that the light is green - it means that everyone can boldly walk along the road? (Yes)

Who runs forward so fast that he does not see the traffic light. (No)

Who the traffic police helps, oversees the order. (Yes)

Guys, I have a map in my hands - a route, you will follow clearly the steps indicated in the map. At the stages, for the correct completed task, you will receive a piece of the puzzle from which you will assemble the whole picture. (The presenter distributes route sheets and wishes good luck)

1. Task.

"Twisted Road"

Hello guys, there is a winding road in front of you, you need to drive around the cones that you meet on the way without hitting them, go back along the outside, and pass the baton to the next participant. (Not speed will be evaluated, but accuracy and clarity of passage without hitting the cones)

Well done guys, you did an excellent job with the task, you will get a piece of the puzzle.

2. Task.

Hello guys! Your team must assemble a road sign from the puzzle pieces and say what it is called. (Collect "Crosswalk")

Well done boys! Completed the task, get the puzzle.

3. Task

To move forward, a transition is urgently needed. You need to lay out a pedestrian crossing of black and white stripes. (Participate 3 hours) Now put the right sign

Well done boys! Guys, do you know what it is? (shows wand) That's right, this is a rod, with its help the inspector can stop the violator of traffic rules.

And now we will play a game "Pass the Wand". While the music is playing, you pass the wand with your right hand to the left side, as soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the wand raises it up and guesses the riddle that the host makes.

1. You always remember strictly:

No place to play.... (Road)

2. He will indicate the turn

And an underpass.

You can't do without it!

This friend is... (Road sign)

3. Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

If it's on fire... (Red)

The traffic light gives a signal

4. That it's time to move forward.

And there are no obstacles for us

Because it's on fire... (Green light)

4. Task

Guys, you know that there are not only traffic lights on the street, but many other road signs. They talk about what the road is like, how to go, what is allowed and what cannot be done. Each sign has its own name and is installed in the place where it is needed. Now we will play a game with road signs.

1. I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might. Caution children

2. This sign is not difficult at all

But so reliable

He helps along the way.

We have to cross the road. Crosswalk

3. Where the steps lead down,

Get down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrian must know:

Here …. Underground crossing

4. Ride a bike

Loved by adults and children.

With this sign it will become clear

Where to ride safely

5. Pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He was tired of walking

Wants to be a passenger. Bus stop location

6. Do not flicker quickly, knitting needles,

Don't rush, bike!

We are told to stop

Well done guys, coped with the task, get a piece of the puzzle.

5. Task.

Guys, now we will play with you and check how well you know the Rules of the Road. But first, I'll give you a riddle.

I blink my eyes

Relentless day and night

I help cars

And I want help

Children (in chorus): Traffic light!


You know that the most important traffic light is on the road, and its signal is the law for everyone.

If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move!

Yellow light is a warning

Wait for the signal to move.

Light green says:

The path is open to pedestrians!

Guys, you need to be very careful on the street and now I will check your attentiveness.

Fun music playing "Traffic Signals".

We'll play a game called it "Three lights at the traffic light". Conditions games: I show you a green circle, you walk in place; red - frozen; yellow - look around. (We play 2p.)

Well done guys, you did the job, get the puzzle

6. Task.

The situation on the street of the city.

Guys, you are on the streets of a big city. Pay attention. This is an intersection, there is heavy traffic here. The task will next: You need to correctly cross the pedestrian crossing for girls with strollers and pedestrians, which is regulated by a traffic light.

Second task. And now we remove the traffic light and the task remains the same to cross the street.

Well done boys. Completed the task, get the puzzle.

Well done guys, you did an excellent job with the task, and now you will assemble the puzzle. (Children collect a puzzle on the table and give them a gift)

Guys, today you have learned all the rules of the road and know all the road signs. And remember, guys, how I remembered it I: that you can’t cross the road anywhere.

Related publications:

Purpose: Formation in children of the elder preschool age basic knowledge of the rules of safe behavior while riding a bicycle.

At the end of the year in all kindergartens, teachers conduct final classes. And in our group, a lesson was also held in the form of a quest game “In Search.

Quest - the game "Search for the missing item" How to teach a child to follow the rules of the road, to instill the correct civic position.

Quest according to the rules of the road for children senior group"In Search of the Magic Key"

Target: Consolidation of knowledge of traffic rules and promotion of the basics of safe behavior on the road.
1. Deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.
To bring to the attention of children what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.
2. In game form consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road, road signs.
3. To consolidate the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in games and everyday life.
4. Promote the development of caution, prudence on the roads.
5. Activate words on the road theme in the children's speech.
6. Develop attention, observation when performing a task.
7. To form in children the ability to make their own decisions.
8. Creating a joyful, cheerful, festive mood in children.
Preliminary work:
Reading poetry, guessing riddles about road signs; traffic rules games.
Examining traffic signs on the way home from kindergarten;
Acquaintance of children with the traffic light, its work, with the "zebra", the signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Caution, children!", "Bicycle path", "Public transport stop", etc.
Vocabulary work:
Activation of speech on road topics: traffic lights, traffic signals, pedestrian crossing, passenger, road signs, "safety island", roadway, roadside, sidewalk.
Demonstration material, equipment:
The image of the road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Caution, children!",
"Bicycle path", "Public transport stop";
Puzzles of road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Caution, children!", "Bicycle path", "Public transport stop", mobile platforms;
Surprise box, 5 different keys;
A picture of the road to identify parts of the road;
Wand, tambourine; several watch options;
Rings and various items in the group for the game "Light the traffic light";
Envelopes with tasks and keys (5);
Multimedia equipment, interactive program "Safety" and kinect;
Musical accompaniment;
Thematic design of the group.

Quest progress

During the game, children hear the sounds of the street, car engines.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to them. He asks what those sounds are. They find out that these are the sounds of the streets of our city of Kamensk-Uralsky.
There is a knock at the door. "Postman" brings a parcel on which they read: "Kindergarten No. 85. Children of group No. 4 "Chickens".
Open, inspect. It contains a box and a flash. They try to open the box, but it doesn't work.
Educator: Or maybe you need to see what's on the flash? (They watch the recording, on which the video story of Dunno.)
"Hello guys! I am the Unknown. I have prepared a present for you. I put a box that opens with a key and wanted to come to visit you. But the unexpected happened! I will fly to the moon and will not be able to come to you quickly.
If you want to urgently receive a gift, you can try to open the box. But you will need to complete tasks. For each correctly executed - the key. Among them is the right one.
You will have to try. Riddles will help you find tasks - hints, they are in envelopes.
See you. Good luck"
Educator: Well guys, are you wondering what Dunno has prepared?
Let's try to open the box ourselves?
I just wanted to test your readiness. After all, it will be necessary to act harmoniously and amicably. Listen to each other and help each other. Do you agree?
“To be all right, we will play riddles.
If you agree with us, shout loudly in response:
"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."
And clap your hands together - you need it for fun!
If not, then be silent and stamp your feet!”
Which one of you is moving forward?
Where is the transition? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)
Which of you is in the cramped carriage
Did you give up your seat to the old woman? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)
To get some air on the bus,
Who stuck his head and torso out the window? (Children are silent)
Who runs forward so soon

What does not see a traffic light? (Children are silent)
Who knows what green light means:
On the road, let everyone boldly walk? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)
Who near the roadway
Having fun chasing a ball? (Children are silent)

Educator: Well done! I made sure that you are ready for real competitions and are already familiar with the rules of the road!

Now let's start searching. We need to find an envelope with the first task. Listen to 1 riddle - a clue.
He has four legs.
We put spoons on it.
We put vases, cups, mugs.
The chairs are his friends. (Table)
Educator: That's right, a table. Please find an envelope on the table.
(Children find an envelope that is hidden (pasted) on one of the tables)
Task number 1
The teacher takes out the puzzles "Road signs" from the envelope:
Crosswalk; Children; Bicycle lane; Bus or trolleybus stop.
Teacher: Here are the pictures. But it looks like some hooligans cut them up! You need to put them together and see what happens.
To do this, we will divide into small teams of 2 people: a boy-girl. Putting pictures together on platforms.
(Children do the first task.)

Educator: Oh how interesting! What happened? (Signs DD)
What are these signs called and what do they mean? (Children answer.)
Educator: Well done! The first task is completed, so we take the key. (Takes out the key from the envelope.)
This first key. Let's do the following task. Guess 2 riddle - hint.
He has four legs
He doesn't walk the path
He does not jump, does not jump,
Doesn't laugh or cry.
Quietly standing against the wall -
Who is tired - sit down orders. (Chair)
Educator: That's right, a chair. Please find the envelope with the task.
(The envelope is attached to the back of one of the chairs)

Task number 2
“Look at the situation on the road on the computer and mark the correct one”
Presentation (D / game) "Rules of the road"
(Children answer at the computer in turn, using socio-game technology)

Educator: Well done! The second task is also completed. And here is the key.
(Takes out the key from the envelope.)
Educator: Another key!
Let's do one more task. Riddle - clue 3.
It's sealed in the winter
And it opens in the summer.
It ends with "O"
And that's how it starts. (Window)
Educator: That's right, this is a window. Please find the envelope with the task.
(The envelope is on the windowsill)

Task number 3
"Name and show in the picture the parts of the road"
(Answers of children according to s-and t - by the presence of any color in clothes)

Educator: Well done guys, since you completed the task - we take the key. He is already the third.
We need to find the next envelope with the task. Listen and guess the next 4 riddle-hint..
You will take me by the hand,
Hear the water flow
And you'll go wash your hands right away
or take a comb to comb. (Door)
Educator: That's right, it's a door. Please find the envelope with the task.
(They find an envelope on the door leading to the washroom.)

Task number 4
"Guess the riddle and play with the riddle"
Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.
Where the cars move, where the paths converge,
Help people cross the street.
Children: This is a traffic light.
Educator: What is a traffic light for? (A traffic light is needed in order to regulate traffic. With its signals, it allows or prohibits movement in one direction.)
Educator: In order not to go astray to you, distribute the traffic lights!
We are divided into 2 teams: boys - girls and perform tasks in teams:
select traffic lights using kinect:
boys - cars
girls are for pedestrians.

And at the same time, the game "Light the traffic light" is being held.
Lay out a traffic light for drivers (pedestrians) - girls (boys) from the rings and “paint over” them with the help of various suitable objects that can be found in the group.

Educator: Well done guys, you got the job done. We get the key. He is the fourth. How many keys are left to find? (one)
We are looking for another envelope with a task. Guess the next 5 riddle-hint.
They walk but stand
They tell everyone about time
When to sleep, when to wake up
When can I take a walk ... (Clock)
Educator: And this is the correct answer. Find an envelope with the next task.
(Children find an envelope attached to the clock in the group)
Educator: Dunno offers to remember everything you know about the rules of the road and play a game with a wand.

Task number 5 "Pass the rod!"
Target: consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road; develop coordination of movements.
Game progress. Children line up in a circle. The traffic controller's baton is passed to the player on the left. The transmission goes under the tambourine. As soon as the tambourine stops sounding, the one who has the wand raises it up and calls any traffic rules (or road sign).
The teacher, if required, asks leading questions such as:
What color can you cross the street?
Where can you cross the street?
What are the names of the paths that pedestrians walk on?

Educator: You did a great job with the task. Here is the final key. We start to check the keys ... (try all the keys)

Svetlana Baklykova

Developer: Baklykova Svetlana Viktorovna, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 6 "Snowflake" Sverdlovsk region, Nevyansk.

To the music of the song "Green Light" by V. Leontiev, children enter the hall, they are met by a traffic light. (an adult in a costume, but the circles on the chest are not painted).

With vetofor (sadly): Guys! I got into trouble, bad times began in our country of road signs! Everyone began to quarrel. Here I am no exception! Argued with road signs who is more important - me or them. To such an extent we quarreled with them that I woke up this morning, and the colors of my signal lights became colorless. Now I can not regulate traffic at intersections for either cars or pedestrians. What should I do?

Leading: Don't worry, traffic light! Our guys will help you! Of course, the guys and I know that you are very important when you help us cross the road, but the signs are also very important, without them the roads would be a complete mess. For example, how would we know where to cross the road, or where the bus stop is located.

Traffic light: Guys! You will help me a lot if you return my signals! Do you remember what colors they are? (children's answers) And I promise you that I will not argue with anyone else.

Leading: Well, let's not waste time, let's start searching! But how are we going to look, and where?

Traffic light: Oh, I completely forgot, I have a hint for you! In the morning I received a letter with this card, probably it contains a clue! (gives card to leader)

The map shows that in several stages, the children must collect all the colors of the Traffic Light, and at the end, for the successful completion of the quest, they will receive a treat.

Stage 1:“Question mark” - “Guess riddles about road signs” The host makes riddles with a demonstration of large road signs - riddles.

1. Hey driver beware!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world -

This place has kids! (Sign "Children")

2. This zebra on the road

I'm not at all afraid

If everything is all right,

I'll go on the road along the stripes.

(Sign "Pedestrian crossing")

3. Under this sign, oddly enough,

Everyone is waiting for something all the time.

Some are sitting, some are standing...

What kind of place is this?

(Bus stop location)

4. There are no police caps,

And in the eyes of a glassy light,

But any machine will say:

You can go or not. (Traffic lights.)

If the children correctly answered all the questions and correctly named the road signs shown, then they receive a red traffic light.

Stage 2"Obstacle Course"

1. Roll the car by the rope without touching the toys on the floor, at the end of the strip you need to wind the rope around the stick.

2. Complete the puzzle. Two teams assemble a puzzle with a road sign. Each of the participants lays out only one piece of the puzzle on the table. The team that completes the puzzle faster than the opponent wins. (this game can be played several times so that all the children in the group participate)

3. Funny jumpers. Two teams are playing. The traffic light gives a signal - red or yellow or green. Children, looking at the signal, determine whether they can start moving or not, and after that they start the relay. This game takes into account attention and accuracy in execution.

After passing the obstacle course, participants receive a yellow signal (a circle of colored cardboard)

Stage 3"Musical pause"

Traffic light (sad): Guys, I know a lot of songs: about mom, about dad, about grandparents, about a ball and a car, then a doll and a bear, but I haven’t heard a single song about traffic lights.

Leading: Don't worry, traffic light! Our guys will sing a song about you now!

Children perform "The Song of the Traffic Light" music by N. Petrova, lyrics by N. Shifrina.

Traffic light: Well done boys! I really liked the way you sang. And the song is wonderful, it even sings about what my signals mean. No wonder I brought you another task, I see you will do an excellent job with it. It is necessary to color the traffic lights correctly. ( distributes coloring books, the children themselves choose colored pencils and color)

Leading: Well done boys! Here we have earned the last traffic signal, let's arrange them correctly so that the traffic light can again control traffic at intersections. And we have come to the last stage. Did you enjoy helping the Traffic Light today? (answers) What did you like the most? (answers)

Look at the map for a treat!

The traffic light treats children.

Leading: Let's say goodbye to the Traffic Light! And we promise him that we will always follow the rules of the road!

The children say goodbye. The traffic light is gone. Children are sent to groups.

Below I propose a variant of the design of the quest card.

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Quest game according to traffic rules "In search of treasure"

Target: Promotion of the basics of safe behavior on the road, learning the rules of the road through the game

Tasks :

Give knowledge.

To consolidate children's knowledge of road signs, the purpose of a traffic light and its signals,

to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in the world around them.

Develop thinking, attention, memory, speech activity, continue the formation of interest in learning the rules of the road through games.

Target audience: 7-9 years old

Quantity: per squad, 1 team of 15 people.

Game description :

1. Notes with tasks on traffic rules are hidden on the territory of the camp

2. A treasure is hidden in one of the rooms with a map-plan of the territory, where the locations of the notes are marked.

3. A message from a pirate is written on the back of the card, with a proposal to find a treasure, but for this, children need to be divided into 2 groups to pass tests and test their knowledge of traffic rules. To do this, they need to move strictly along the map, finding hidden notes, for each correct task completed, teams receive piastres.

4. The group is divided into 2 teams of ships green and red.

5. At the end of the journey, they will meet with the pirate himself, who will sell them a piece of the map where the treasures are hidden for all the piastres earned.

6. Together they find the treasure chest.

Event progress :

1. On the map : Divide into two teams on the road as soon as you set off! Complete all tasks and get piastres! In order for you to find the treasure, you will have to pass a lot of tests! Find at 10 secret places notes that have been there for a long time! You boldly walk along the map, take all your friends with you, be a help to each other along the way, boldly walk along the strict arrow! To be honest, go through everything, the treasure awaits you at the end of the path!

Team "Green" Team "Red"

Note #2 In order not to go astray to you, repeat the traffic lights!

Note #2 No matter what you go astray, repeat the traffic lights! A game "Red Green" .Children go to the green signal in place. At the red signal, the children stand with crossed arms.

Note #3 So that everything is in order, guess riddles: if yes, shout in unison- It's me, it's me, these are all my friends! if there is a “no” answer, you are all silent in response

Note #3 So that everything is in order, guess riddles: if " Yes Shout in unison- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends! If it will be « No » answer, you are all silent answer :

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?

Which of you is in the cramped carriage

Did you give up your seat to the old woman? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

To get some air in the trolley bus,

Who stuck his head and torso out the window? (Children are silent)

Who runs forward so soon

What does not see a traffic light? (Children are silent)

Who knows that the light is green means :

On the road, let everyone boldly walk? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

Who near the roadway

Having fun chasing a ball? (Children are silent)

Note #4 Competition of speeds, start the cars quickly! Which team is the fastest? We'll find out soon at the races!

Note #4 Competition of speeds, start the cars quickly! Which team is the fastest? We'll find out soon at the races! An exercise with winding a rope tied to a car on a stick - who is faster.

Note #5

Note #5 The road alphabet is not so simple! You repeat the signs for now!

(the host shows signs and makes riddles)

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this.

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.

("Look out, kids!" )

We went home from the garden

We see a sign on the pavement :

Circle, inside the bike,

There is nothing else!

("Bicycle lane" )

Cars rush at full speed,

And suddenly towards the sign :

It has a fence on it.

I rub my eyes, look straight ahead,

The highway is closed for constipation.

And what is this sign?

("Railway crossing with a barrier" )

Here is a circle with a red border,

There is no drawing inside.

Maybe a beautiful girl

Should there be a portrait inside?

The circle is empty in winter and summer,

What is this sign called?

("Movement Prohibition" ).

Man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And the road, like, but

It is forbidden to walk here!

("No Pedestrians" )

In a triangle - two brothers

Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing.

The most important sign in the world -

It's just nearby.

("Children" )

Pedestrian in the blue circle

Don't rush, go.

The path is safe

Here he is not afraid.

("Footpath" )

What kind of sign is this?

Stop - cars he orders.

A pedestrian! Go boldly

Along the tracks in black and white.

("Crosswalk" )

You can find a sign like this

On the fast road

Where is the big hole

And it's dangerous to walk straight

Where the district is being built,

School, house or stadium.

("Road works" )

Walk boldly young and old,

Even cats and dogs.

Only here is not a sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.

("Footpath" )

Roman's stomach hurt

Don't get him home.

In a situation like this

We need to find a sign.

("Point of first aid)

Note #6

Note #6 This wand is not simple, you pass it by hand, while the music plays, the wand walks in a circle, whoever takes it in silence will leave the circle!

each team stands in a circle and passes the wand while the music is playing, as soon as the music stops, the one who holds the wand leaves the circle.

Note #7 To move forward, we urgently need a transition!

Note #7 To move forward, we urgently need a transition! The teams need to, who is faster, lay out a pedestrian lane from white and black sheets.

Note #8 Urgently call the special services and repeat their numbers!

Note #8 Urgently call the special services and repeat their numbers! Repetition of numbers of special services 112, 101, 102,103,104, service names and cases when they are called.

Note number 9.

Repetition of all the rules of the road that were used today in quest and which are known to children.

Note number 9. Well, this is the end of the road, let's remember everything and repeat!

Note #10 To get a treasure chest, you need to shout "Billy" loudly and in unison.

The kids yell "Billy" and lead the kids to the last playground where they search for the chest together. After "Billy" he congratulates the participants and rewards them with souvenirs from the chest.

Note #10

To get a chest with treasure , you need to shout loudly and in unison "Billy". Controller Billy comes out

Billy: Hello guys, my name is Billy! I am the controller! I see you found all my notes I left for you! Did you complete my tasks? And perhaps now you want to get treasures from my chest ? Then follow me! Now we will find it!

Treasure Chest Search , giving souvenirs to children (wristbands or a reflective wristband).

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