Educational games for children 3 years old figures. Learning Geometric Shapes: Games for Preschool Children

How to introduce a child to geometry?

Geometry- a science with which it is possible and necessary to teach children from an early age.

This page contains a selection of materials - cards, coloring books, themes for assignments, games, with the help of which it will be easy for you to introduce your child to the basic geometric shapes and figures.
You can open, download and print all materials via direct links.

Cards with geometric shapes and shapes

Bright cards with the most basic geometric shapes and forms. The cards can be used as a visual aid in the first lesson.

Geometry for children - coloring, copybook, workbook

1. Coloring book for children 3-5 years old. On each page of the notebook there are simple graphic exercises and tasks.

2. Workbook in 2 parts with clear and interesting tasks for children 3-4 years old. By completing tasks, the child will get acquainted with geometry and learn the names of geometric shapes and forms.
Download Download
3. Another very good book for introductory classes with geometry for children 4-5 years old. There are a lot of exciting and funny tasks in the notebook, completing which the child will easily learn the basic basics and concepts of geometry.

4. A notebook with educational and developmental tasks for children 6-7 years old.
In the notebook, the child is invited to complete simple graphic tasks. The child learns to work with a ruler and a compass.

Books about geometry for children

1. Entertaining book in verse "Merry geometry for the little ones" - author Alexander Timofeevsky.

Funny and playful poems will help kids quickly get to know and remember a lot of important information about geometric shapes and the scale of objects.
In the cheerful poems of A. Timofeevsky, humor and a joke will help the little reader to correlate the still incomprehensible geometric concepts with long-familiar everyday objects. Children will see a trapeze in a skirt, a circle in a plate, and a cylinder in a pipe. And, as the poet said, "school sciences will fall into their own hands."
The book can be downloaded and printed, but of course it is better to purchase the original.

In today's article, I would like to talk about how easy and fun it is to learn geometric shapes with a baby, and why bother with geometry at such an early age. What games will be interesting for a baby from 1 year old, and what materials you will need for classes - read about all this in the article. In addition, here you will find some useful materials for download.

Why study geometric shapes with a toddler?

    Geometric shapes are found everywhere, they can be seen in most of the objects around us: a round ball, a rectangular table, etc. Analyzing the similarity of surrounding objects with geometric shapes, the child wonderfully trains associative and spatial thinking.

  1. The study of geometric shapes is useful for the overall development of the baby, expanding his knowledge about the world around him. If you introduce a child to forms at an early age, it will be much easier for him at school.
  2. Many interesting educational games are based on the ability to distinguish geometric shapes. This is construction, games with, mosaic, mathematical tablet, etc. Therefore, the study of forms at such an early age will contribute to the further successful development of the child.

So, games for learning and consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes :

1. We name geometric shapes always and everywhere

If during games or reading books you come across any figure, be sure to pay attention to the baby and name it (“Look, the ball looks like a circle, and the cube looks like a square”). Even if it seems to you that the child is still unlikely to remember the names of the figures, pronounce them anyway, and they will certainly be deposited in his head. You can do this for up to a year. At first, point only to the main shapes (square, circle, triangle), then, when you realize that the baby has mastered them, start studying other shapes.

2. Playing Geometric Lotto

For the first lessons with the baby, it is better to use the loto, where there are only 3-4 figures. When the baby has mastered such a game well, gradually complicate the task. It is also useful for the first time to make all the pieces on the playing field of the same color and size. In this case, the child will focus on only one sign - the form, while other characteristics will neither distract nor prompt him.

You can impose on the playing field both cards with the image of figures, and three-dimensional figures. Good for this purpose Gyenes blocks (Ozone, KoroBoom), figurines from the sorter, insert frame.

Well, the most troublesome option is to purchase ready-made loto with geometric shapes.

3. Playing with the sorter

Around the age of 1 year, the child begins to notice that the figure he has chosen sorter (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop) can not be pushed into every hole. Therefore, during the game, it is necessary to focus on this: “So, here we have a circle - it doesn’t fit here, it doesn’t fit here, but where does it fit?”. At first, turning the figure at the right angle can be difficult for the baby, but it's not scary, it's a matter of practice. Most importantly, do not forget to pronounce the names of the figures all the time during the exciting process of “pushing through”, and the child will quietly remember them all.

Important! When choosing a sorter, pay attention to the fact that all the main geometric shapes are presented there, and not just hearts and crescents.

4. Playing with the frame insert

It will take such insert frame, which shows all the main figures. At its core, the game is similar to a sorter.

Here is another interesting shape recognition game - "" ( labyrinth, My shop). Despite the fact that the age on it is 3-5 years old, it will be of interest to a child of 2 years old and even a little earlier.

9. Learning forms from Doman cards

In fact, I believe that this method of studying forms is the most effective. If you are engaged in, the child will very quickly remember all the figures, and you will spend a minimum of effort on this. However, it should be noted that in order for the knowledge gained from Doman's cards to be deposited in the baby's head, they need to be fixed through other games (see above). Otherwise, the child will quickly forget everything that you showed him. Therefore, I recommend starting to look at Doman's cards with geometric shapes at about the age of 1 year, since at this time the baby becomes interested in sorters, insert frames, drawing, appliqué, etc. And, having studied the forms from the pictures, he will be able to use the knowledge gained in these games. By the way, you can buy Geometric Shapes cards, but buy HERE.

You can read about our experience in studying figures using Doman's cards.

10. Watch educational cartoons

And, of course, watching cartoons on the theme "Geometric shapes" does not hurt, now you can find a lot of them on the Internet. Here are some of them:

Instead of a conclusion

Very often, the process of teaching a child geometric shapes (and not only shapes) is perceived by parents solely as a constant examination of the child, i.e. they show the child a couple of times, for example, a square, and in the future, the training comes down to the question “Tell me, what kind of figure is this?”. This approach is extremely wrong. Firstly, because, like any person, a child does not like it too much when they arrange a knowledge test for him, and this only discourages him from studying. Secondly, before asking a kid about something, he needs to explain and show it a lot of times!

Therefore, try to keep screening questions to a minimum. Just repeat and repeat the information you are learning, be it the names of shapes or something else. Do this while playing and talking with your baby. And the fact that the child has learned everything, you will soon see for yourself without unnecessary checks.

At the age of 1-2 years, children are quite ready to get acquainted with simple forms: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, oval, star. Children are great at learning through play. The educational game - Lotto "Learning Geometric Figures", presented here, is perfect for children 1,2,3 years old. They will like it such a game "about geometric shapes."

Classes for the study of geometric shapes contribute to the development of memory, logic and mathematical abilities. In everyday life, geometric shapes are found everywhere, so the study of shapes with a child should be started as early as possible.

You can download and print this training material at the end of the publication. It consists of 3 playing fields and figures to them.

How to make educational games for children with your own hands

  1. For classes with a baby, you need to print sheets with fields and shapes.
  2. Glue the sheets onto cardboard.
  3. Tape the top with tape.
  4. Cut out the margins and carefully cut out the shapes.
  5. That's all the loto for kids is ready, you can play!

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

Didactic game for children 1-2-3 years old - Lotto "We study geometric shapes"

How to quickly and easily learn geometric shapes, educational games for children 1-2 years old "about geometric shapes".

We offer you 4 game options for learning geometric shapes.

Game number 1 - attention to development:

  • At the first acquaintance of the child with the figures, each field can be cut into 2 more parts, then you get 6 playing fields with 3 figures on each. Put in front of the child 1 field with 3 empty figures and colored figures.
  • Name each figure to the child and describe it.
  • Then show the silhouette of the figure on the field and show how to arrange the figures in their places.
  • Have your child do it on their own.
  • After the child has mastered one field, move on to the next. For the first lesson, it is enough to study 6 figures.
  • Next time, repeat the studied material and add new shapes.

Game 2 - for the development of memory:

  • Put 1 playing field with 3 figures in front of the baby, give the child time to memorize the shapes and their order.
  • Then turn the playing field face down, and ask the child to lay out the figures on the table in the order in which they were located on the card.

Game number 3 - for the development of attention, memory and speech development of the child:

  • As in the previous case, let the child get acquainted with the figures.
  • Then turn the card face down and ask the child to say from memory which figures were shown on the card, and in what order.

Game number 4 - group, joint game:

  • This game can be played with several children, as in loto.
  • Distribute each player on the playing field, and put all the figures in a bag.
  • One leader takes out figures from the bag and asks to name it, then passes it to the player who has this figure on the playing field.
  • The winner is the one who first closes all the empty cells on the field.

All educational materials on our website, for your classes with children at home, in kindergarten or in elementary grades, are designed in A4 format. You can download them for free and print them to your printer. Download link at the end of the article.

  • Consolidation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes;
  • Development of curiosity, attention, memory, thinking;
  • Raising interest in the knowledge of the properties of objects of the surrounding world;


  • Hero Square - mitten
  • Set of geometric shapes
  • Objects of different geometric shapes
  • Gyenes blocks
  • Illustration depicting houses from different geometric shapes
  • counting sticks

Educator: Guys, today a letter has arrived in our kindergarten. The envelope says: Kindergarten No. 264, Znayki group.

I agree, this letter was written to us. Let's read:

"Hello guys! I heard that you are very friendly and inquisitive, you always want to learn something new and interesting. I also know that you love math. Therefore, I invite you to the City of geometric shapes, I have prepared various entertaining games and tasks for you.

Kvadratik and his friends.

Guys, there is still a photo in the envelope. Look, where is the square interesting here? I agree, it's probably a red square.

(photo depicting geometric shapes)

Hey guys, here's something else.

“You can get to our city only along a path built of bricks (Gyenes Blocks):

  • Red, large, rectangular block
  • Blue, large, rectangular block
  • Not red, big, rectangular block
  • Not blue, big, square block
  • Small, yellow, triangular block
  • Not blue, not yellow, small, square block.

Educator: Here we are in the city!

(Look at the illustration). What interesting houses.

  • What geometric shapes is the tallest house built of?
  • What geometric shapes are windows made of?
  • What geometric shapes are the roofs of houses made of?
  • How many red triangles are there in the city?
  • How many blue rectangles?
  • How many green squares?
  • How many brown diamonds?
  • How many yellow ovals?

Educator: Let's take a walk around the city:

We go, we go, we go, put our feet up

And we have new boots on our feet.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - what a puddle

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - a big puddle

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to jump over a puddle

Educator: Guys, something Square is not visible. And here he is (doll - a mitten with a square).

Educator: Square, where are your interesting games and tasks?

Game "Find a Pair"

The teacher gives the children one geometric figure each and offers to find a pair (that is, you need to find exactly the same geometric figure)

Guys, tell me what figure you get if you add 2 geometric shapes together:

  • Square + square = rectangle
  • Rectangle + Rectangle = Square
  • Triangle + triangle = rhombus
  • triangle + triangle = square

The game "What's wrong?"

  • Circle, rhombus, rectangle, triangle, square - one color
  • All figures are large, one is small
  • All figures are yellow, one is blue.

The game "Composing geometric shapes from colored sticks"

  • Make a square
  • Make a triangle
  • Make a rectangle

Game "What does it look like?"

(different objects are laid out) What shape does the object look like?

  • Notebook - rectangle
  • Notepad - square
  • Ruler - triangle
  • Hair band - circle
  • Calendar - rectangle
  • The camera is a rectangle
  • Folded scarf - triangle
  • Plate - circle

Educator: Guys, it's time to say goodbye to Square and his friends. We will meet with them more than once, because our journey to the Land of Knowledge is just beginning.

Title: Summary of GCD in mathematics with children 3-4 years old "In the city of geometric shapes"

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU No. 264
Location: Krasnoyarsk

Matyukhina Ludmila
Summary of the lesson in the younger group for children 3-4 years old "Journey to the country of geometric shapes"

NOD type: class to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities.

GCD theme: « Journey to the land of geometric shapes» .

Age group of children: 34 years.

Program tasks:

Improve the ability to distinguish, recognize and name geometric figures, exercise children in comparison of the shape of objects with geometric figure.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish contrasting objects in size, using words "large", "little".

To consolidate the ability to compare two objects that are contrasting in width, using the overlay technique, denoting the results of the comparison with the words wide, narrow.

To consolidate knowledge of primary colors; form at children idea of ​​different shades of color by lightness, using words in speech "light", "dark", "lighter", "darker".

keep shaping spatial relationships"on the", "under", "near" activating these words in speech children.

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, identify and continue a given pattern (change in shape and color)

Develop attention, memory, speech.

To cultivate friendly relations between children, the habit of playing together, studying; wish children help the characters in a difficult situation.

vocabulary work: "wide - narrow", "big - small", "one - many", prepositions:

Equipment: a toy "Kolobok", fabulous geometric figures, easel, toys arranged along round group.

Demo Material: geometric shapes of various shapes, color, size.

Handout: "rosettes" in count children, regularity in the form "scarves" with geometric shapes, triangles: big and small, tracks: wide and narrow, brushes: thin and thick, jars for drawing, napkins, red gouache.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Children, guests have come to us today, let's say hello to them. What joyful faces our guests have, they really liked your greeting.

Let's go and see who else came to visit us? (Kolobok). - Hello, Kolobok! From whom did you leave ... - Children, from whom did the bun leave? (from grandmother, from grandfather, from a wolf, from a hare, from a bear) and Kolobok rolled up to us. And to what a geometric figure looks like a gingerbread man? (per circle).

1. Game "Find out figure» .

The gingerbread man brought us many different geometric shapes but does not know what they are called. Who can help him? Sit down on the rug, and you sit down and memorize the gingerbread man.

(start with the same figures) - Children, what is this figure? - What form? - What colour? (6 geometric shapes of various shapes, color, size).

- That more: circle or square? And which one is smaller? How can we check? Overlay figures each other and check.

I remember everything, kolobok figures? - Yes, I remember, thank you very much, children! Would you like to travel with me? Then stand next to each other.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's go for a walk with a bun

Through the snowdrifts, through the snows,

Through the snowy forests

Make way for us

We walk together in step

We are not cold scary,

Because we are friendly.

2. D/I "Find an item"

Who is meeting us? (a circle). That's right, this is our friend circle, he has already come to visit us. Hello, circle, what are you telling us? - children, the circle invites us to look with our eyes in a group of round objects, and finding them bring a kolobok and name what you brought.

That's how many round objects are around us.

Krug, come with us.

3. Game "Christmas trees and paths".

Oh who is it? (triangle). - The triangle has prepared some kind of game for us. - What is on your table? (triangles and stripes - tracks). What are our stripes? (wide and narrow). But how can we check where the string is, and where is the narrow one? (put on top of each other). How many triangles do you have? (a lot, but me? (one). What can be laid out from triangles? From large triangles lay out large Christmas trees, from small triangles - small Christmas trees.

Katya, what kind of Christmas tree did you get? And you, Sasha? Etc.

And now let's pick up the Christmas trees tracks: to a large Christmas tree - a wide path, to a small one - a narrow one. - Plato, what path did you choose for your Christmas tree? Are you Fedor? Etc.

What good fellows you children are, how great you are doing.

Thank you triangle, it was interesting for us to play with you, but we are in a hurry, if you want, come with us.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's go for a walk with a bun

Through the snowdrifts, through the snows,

Through the snowy forests

Make way for us

We walk together in step

We are not cold scary,

Because we are friendly.

4. Game "Continue Pattern".

Who is crying here? (Square). Square, what happened? I wanted to give scarves to my friends, but I mixed up the whole pattern, what should I do now and-and-and-and. Children, who will help the square?

See what is shown here? Continue the pattern.

Thank you, you helped me a lot, now I can please my friends with gifts.

5. Game "Hide Kolobok".

Children, do you like to play hide and seek? So the gingerbread man loves and now he will play with us. He will hide, and you will will look for. Close your eyes. Where did the bun hide? (under the table, on the table, on the floor, etc.)

Sasha, where did the bun hide? And etc. children.

Oh, children, look what the gingerbread man found under the table? (tassel). But our brush is not simple, but magical, we will now turn into wizards with you and we will create magic.

6. "Water Coloring".

Today we will be magicians, we will color the water, you will get red water of different shades. What's in your cups? (water). And I also have a glass of water. It is colorless, and we will make it colored.

Wet the tip of the brush in a glass, dip a little in the paint and paint our water with a brush. We wipe the brush on a napkin, now we dip it completely into the paint and color the water in another cup. What a miracle we have! In one glass we got light red water, and in the other dark red.

Put our magic brush in a glass of light red water. And now with dark red.

Fedya, where did you get dark red water? ….

We got beautiful, multi-colored water of different shades - light and dark. Did you like helping the kolobok? And I liked helping the kolobok with you.

7. Bottom line lessons.

Children, thank you very much, I enjoyed playing with you so much. Can I stay with you group? Kolobok prepared a surprise for us - soap bubbles ... And I suggest you go to Cheburashka group, where together with Kolobok we will blow soap bubbles.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" in the second junior group Theme: Journey to the country of geometric shapes. Tasks: Educational: Expand children's knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).

Synopsis of directly educational cognitive activity "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties. Objectives: - educational: To exercise children in the definition of geometric.

Summary of mathematics in the middle group "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Synopsis of directly educational activities for an introduction to mathematics in the middle group. Topic: “Journey to the country of geometric.

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the middle group "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the middle group "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Educator: Sarina O. G. MADOU d \ s "Ryabinushka".

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