Auction of values ​​game. Game "Auction of values

It is not worth fighting with such tactics if there are no time limits. It is enough just to control the situation and not give in return more than the “slices” of the other side are worth.

8. What will people say? There is an opinion that truly enterprising people can maintain an unflappable self-interested attitude to business in any situation. However, there is a key to the heart of every person - you just need to choose the right tactics of influence.

The opinion of the public can be attracted to your side and emphasize the "correctness" of your position, or you can turn against the other side.

9. Attracting a negative moment. Right now, you cannot fulfill one of the conditions due to the fact that the other side does X (or does not do X).

If there is a condition that hurts the other side the most, then that is what should be used.

The use of a negative moment can also have a broader interpretation when you are aware of the presence of problems in the camp of the enemy. These problems should be used in tactical steps to your advantage.

10. From simple to complex. To increase the price, you should disclose as many components of the product or your offers as possible and charge a separate price for each.

11. Gently spreads ... The more uncompromising the counterparty has to be, the more gently, politely and, it would seem, hesitantly, he does it. Requires a representative great strength will and stock of speech formulas and arguments: “We are so sorry that we are forced to ...”, “Without you, we cannot, of course, do anything, but ...”.

The purpose of this tactic is to soften the effect of the bitter pill that has to be presented.

The best antidote is mirror game tactics.

12. Mirror game. If you are offered something at an inflated price, you can always do something in return: “Take it from me for the same price!”. This tactic is very effective when you need to resist the pressure of the other side and make clear the true meaning of the requirements.

If a representative is able to play “mirror” acts on a psychological level, imperceptibly striking with gestures, intonations, train of thought, he can easily direct negotiations in the direction he needs.

13. Danish auction. This tactic involves a cautious increase in the usefulness of offers, depending on the behavior of the counterparty.

With each positive sign from the representative of the other side, one more condition is added to the conditions already put forward.

In other words, your proposals and demands grow in line with the positive progress of the case.

The most important thing with this tactic is to set the right interval for advancing requirements and emphasize their insignificance in every possible way.

14. A veiled threat. Pump up emotions to unbalance the counterparty and provoke him into rash steps.

15. More clarity! Organization of negotiations in such a way that the counterparty was forced to give one-word simple answers “Yes” or “No” to each of your moves.

Then it can be driven into a corner by the construction of argumentative techniques. If the representative of the other side uses too lengthy statements and in his words there are often: “possibly and probably”, then you need to move on to clear questions.

16. Widows and orphans. Monotonously begging for concessions from the other side is a great art that requires remarkable acting skills.

17. Black day or enter our position. Attracting colorful descriptions of all the troubles and temporary negative circumstances that have fallen today, and only for this reason one should appeal for concessions and understanding.

The tactics are similar to the previous one, however, the main thing here is to find the trouble that will reach the "heart" of the representatives of the other side.

18. Positive outlook. The tactic of publicly announcing the positive outcome of negotiations before they are over.

19. “Yes, but...” The tactic of linking many details and circumstances into one knot, which can only be untied by concessions.

It is useless to give arguments that can be answered: "These are your problems."

20. "Make it familiar." For any realistic business person, it is quite obvious that personal interests come first. Nevertheless, many believe that they can count on concessions, indulgence or assistance if they have recommendations, personal assurances of a friendly disposition.

Training "Auction of values"

Target: work with value orientations, influence on the process of formation of value orientations.

Game rules: The plot of the game "Auction of Values" corresponds to the name: an auction is announced at which vital values ​​are sold. The task of the participant is to acquire as many values ​​as possible that are of the greatest importance to him.

On the board are written the values ​​presented at the auction. For example:

1. Eternal life

2. Ability to fly

3. The ability to travel through time

4. Your dream home

5. Healthy children

6. World peace

7. Your dream job

8. Give a home to all the homeless

10. Become the President of Russia

11. Become the President of the United States

12. Invent a universal cure for all diseases

13. Healthy parents

14. Opportunity to write a book that will change the world

15. True love

16. Ideal family

17. Ability to fly into space

18. The car of your dreams

19. Get a Nobel Prize

20. Get a brilliant education

Then the auction process begins. The host announces the game "lot": the name and value of the value. The right to "purchase" is given to the participant who named the highest price of the "lot". In the event that the player refused to acquire the declared value or the points scored by him are not enough, the “lot” is put up for sale again. The auction ends when all valuables have been "sold".

When a value has been sold, the sale price of the value and the name of the participant who bought it are written next to it.

When the values ​​are sold, a reflection is carried out:

Did it feel like you were at a real auction? What was it expressed in?

Who has money left? Why?

Who spent all the money?

Who hasn't spent a dime? Why?

Was there a value among the lots that you immediately thought “this value is for me”? Did you end up getting it? Why?

For what values ​​were the maximum amounts offered? What is it connected with?

Then the facilitator proposes to divide the values ​​into two conditional groups - “value for oneself” and “value for others”. For example - "the ability to fly - for yourself", "give a home to the homeless - for others."

For which group were the largest amounts offered? Why? What can be the conclusion?

What can be the conclusion?

Training "Chain of arguments"

During the training, participants develop the following skills:

Evidence and refutation of the original thesis;

· Concise presentation of the thesis;

· Tracking the progress of the discussion.

Conducting training:

The facilitator should propose to the group several controversial statements that involve a large number of broadly interpreted arguments. This list can be supplemented by the ideas of the participants of the training.

Group: the group must include an odd number of participants, if the number of participants is even, then the facilitator himself takes part in the training.

Accommodation of participants. All participants are arranged in a circle, so that they can all easily see each other, the place of the leader is not important.

The main phase of the training consists of short (up to one minute) speeches by the participants, the right to make speeches is transferred in turn, the task of the presenter is to monitor compliance with the rules.

Course of the training: The facilitator explains the rules of the first part of the training to the group.

The facilitator offers to choose a statement for the game. The first player gives 1 argument in defense of the statement. The second refutes argument 1. The third restores argument 1.

The “chain” is considered complete if each spoke twice, i.e., was on the side of affirmation and refutation. This concludes the first part of the training.

A short discussion of the results follows.

The second part of the training. The facilitator explains the rules with additions. Now the host can arbitrarily interrupt the chain and ask the next participant to restore the chain in the forward and reverse order.

Methodology for the "Rope course"

The rope course is a series of training exercises. This is a group self-learning program in which its members find solutions based only on their own experience. There is no place for competition here. Success and experience matters.

Target: rallying the group in the process of overcoming difficulties, creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and support in the team.

Location: sports ground, gym, playground.

Inventory: trees, ropes, football, basketball and volleyballs, horizontal bar, poles, etc.

Mandatory requirement: ensuring security for its members.

The facilitator at the beginning of each exercise reads out to the group its task and rules. If the participants have questions, the task and the rules are read out again without additional explanations. When completing the task, the principle applies: “Everything that is not prohibited is allowed,” but the participants must guess about it themselves; during the exercise does not help or interfere with the group, remembers that the group must achieve everything on its own from its own experience; during the passage of the group "VK" maintains a good mood in the group, carries out insurance and organizes it by the participants themselves.

Low rope course exercises (exercises on the ground (floor) that do not require special sports skills and special equipment):

1. "Log" ("Cliff")

Initial conditions: the whole group stands in a line on a log, bench or curb (20 centimeters wide and 7-8 meters long).

Exercise: the group members change places so that the first from one end of the line is the first from the beginning of the other, the second from the end becomes the second from the beginning, etc.

When touching the ground by any participant, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.

2. "Slope"

Initial conditions: participants stand in a column close to each other. The leader, with the help of one rope, tightens the loops on the right leg of each participant (at ankle level).

Exercise: without unraveling the loops, walk 100 meters.

3. "Square"

Initial conditions: a square with a side of 1 meter is drawn on the ground (the size is reduced for a small number of participants).

Exercise: fit the whole group inside the square, without standing up for its sides. Hold in this position for at least 10 seconds.

4. "Electric circuit"

Initial conditions: participants sit in a circle on the ground (floor), touching those sitting next to them with their feet and holding hands.

Exercise: all participants simultaneously (synchronously) stand up without disengaging their hands and without changing the position of the feet.

When disengaging hands or non-synchronous lifting of all participants, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.

5. Penalty

Initial conditions: a soccer ball is placed at a distance of 10 meters in front of a football goal with a width of 3 meters.

Exercise: team to kick the ball into the goal 15 times in a row from a distance of 10 meters.

6. "Loader"

Initial conditions: the group is on the site with control points with a distance of 5 meters.

Exercise: with the help of small sticks, all participants lift a tennis ball (if there are more than 5 participants, then you can take a soccer ball) and transfer it from point A to point B.

7. "Labyrinth"

Initial conditions: a labyrinth is laid out on the ground (floor), size and complexity depending on the group.

Exercise: lead a blindfolded person from point A to point B through the maze, while the person in the maze cannot speak, the rest of the team members guide him through the maze, pronouncing only 1 word in the order they have chosen.

8. "Carpet plane"
Initial conditions: participants stand on a mat (material with a rigid base).
Exercise: turn the carpet on the back side with the whole team without leaving it.
9. "Electric wall"
Initial conditions: the team is given an obstacle in the form of a small wall.

Exercise: Get from point A to point B over the wall.

10. "Horizontal web"

Initial conditions: a "web" is stretched over the ground.

Exercise: Move from point A to point B without touching the threads of the web with the whole team at once.

Jeff's exercise

By participating in the exercise, the children learn to speak freely, answer questions, and defend their opinion. The exercise helps to better understand the world, your team. Children learn to respect the opinions of others. The exercise is carried out in two stages: the first - answers to questions, the second - an analysis of what is happening.

Training: Three posters are being prepared with the inscriptions: “YES”, “MAY BE” (“???”, “I DOUBT”), “NO”. The extreme posters are hung out at the two ends of the hall, and the middle one - in the center. The host is located in the middle of the hall on a hill, so that the questions asked can be heard better. After a given survey, all participants within 15 seconds go under the poster that matches their answer. The host asks who would like to answer why he stood under this poster. The person who wishes raises his hand, formulates his point of view and finds arguments in its favor. After that, the “doubters” determine who was more convincing, and, if desired, join his group. At this stage, it is possible to move from one group to another.

Ban: the participants of the exercise do not have the right to attack, criticize, argue with anyone. They only express their opinion.

Option 1 questions:

1. Would you like to change your age?

2. Do you think that men and women in our country have equal rights?

3. Do you believe in God?

4. Do you believe in life after death?

5. Would you like to change your gender?

6. Could you be friends and love a person of a different nationality and race?

7. Do you lie to your parents?

8. Do you believe in love at first sight?

9. Do you think that our society is losing its moral foundations?

10. Do you think that the male sex is the stronger sex?

11. Do you think your family is more important than your friends?

12. Could you live alone?

13. Are you interested in political events in the country?

14. Do you think that the end justifies the means?

15. For me, quality is more important than quantity.

16. Can money buy everything?

17. Could you help others to your detriment?

18. Do you think you have complexes?

19. Do you think that in most cases you are right?

20. Do you agree with the proverb: "One in the field is not a warrior"?

21. I believe that people's shortcomings are as natural as rain, and therefore I tolerate them.

22. I never get bored, even if I am alone.

23. Do you fully know yourself?

24. I know what I live for.

Questions 2 options:

1. The leader is not the one who is ahead on a dashing horse, it is the one who will direct everyone in the right direction and will be able to stop himself in time. (Sergey Lukyanenko. Clean copy)

2. Divide and conquer is a sound motto. Unite and lead - better. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

3. Responsibility is what people fear the most. However, this is exactly what helps us grow in this world. (Frank Crane)

4. Stars attract stars, only losers are drawn to losers. (Nordström and Jonas Ridderstrale "Funky Business")

5. Each of us is entitled to our own 15 minutes of leadership. (Andy Warhol)

6. Each person is an artist of his own life, drawing strength and inspiration from himself. ()

7. If your actions inspire other people to dream big, learn more, do more, and become better, then you are a leader. (Jones Adams)

After the questions are over, invite everyone to sit down. The facilitator asks questions that will allow you to analyze what is happening.

Questions for analysis:

1. Did you like it or not, if so, why? Was it interesting?

2. Were there any questions that you had not thought about before?

3. Were there any questions that you would like to answer sincerely? Were there many?

4. How did those standing one at a time, three at a time - almost against everyone else feel?

5. Were there questions that you answered while thinking?

6. How did you feel about those who gave answers opposite to yours?

7. Confused by any questions?

8. Were there any issues that you would like to think about or talk about more?

9. Did you change your opinion on any issues when you heard the opposite opinion?

10. Have you discovered anything new for yourself and in yourself?

Business game "Desert Island"

Leading. Imagine that our entire group was on a large ocean-going ship sailing across the Atlantic. The journey was pleasant and interesting. However, in tropical latitudes, the ship was caught in a storm of terrifying force. Our situation was aggravated by the fact that a fire broke out in the hold, which instantly spread throughout the ship. Fortunately, there were no problems with the boats on the ship, but by the will of fate, half of the members of our group ended up in one, and half in the other boat.

There are many ways to split a group. For example, yes. The leader quickly commands:

“Get up those who will immediately begin rescue work!”. The first two who jumped up from their seats are declared the leaders of the rescue operations. Each of them is invited to choose one participant, whom he will take into his boat. Then the selected participants in turn choose the next ones and so on until the group is divided into two parts. If there is an odd number of participants, then a situation will arise when one of them remains unclaimed. (This procedure is sociometric in nature.) The “unclaimed” participant may feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, the facilitator should turn the situation into a positive one, for example, invite the leaders of the two groups to argue about the right to this last participant: give a short monologue in which to prove that, due to such and such merits, this person is needed in his boat. After that, the participant himself chooses a team for himself. Members of both teams form two separate circles.

Leading. Storm waves scattered the boats and carried them in different directions from the shipwreck. The hurricane did not stop for another day, and when it finally subsided, the exhausted people on both boats saw land on the horizon. Delighted, they rushed to the shore, unaware of two things: firstly, that in front of them was not the mainland, but islands, and, secondly, about the reefs hidden under water. Both boats shattered into pieces from hitting the stone reefs, but it was already possible to swim to the shore. After some time, both teams set foot on the solid ground of uninhabited islands. Alas, different! It so happened that you ended up in an unknown place for you, having lost your swimming equipment and having nothing but what is currently in your pockets. You are given fifteen minutes to decide what to do in such a situation and how you will spend the next day on these islands. The size of the island, landscape, climate, flora and fauna and other circumstances you can set yourself.

The participants begin to discuss the situation. The facilitator should pay attention to how the discussion is organized, who leads it, whether people listen to each other. After fifteen minutes, representatives of each team report on the results of the discussion. At this stage, as a rule, messages do not differ in variety: the islands are covered with tropical forests, the climate is mild, there are no dangerous predators, but there are goats, there is water and a lot of fruits. "Robinsons" actively study their islands and diligently give signals to rescuers.

Leading. Well, your islands turned out to be very comfortable. However, day after day passes, and not a single ship is visible on the sea horizon and neither an airplane nor a helicopter appears in the sky. And you begin to guess that the islands turned out to be remote from the busy sea and air routes and, perhaps, the rescuers have already stopped searching for the passengers of the ship, considering them dead. A month has passed. It seems that your stay on the island may be delayed and turn out to be much longer than you expected. You have to get organized somehow. So what are you doing? Discussion!

After each group reports about their life on the island, the facilitator can ask the following questions: How do you build relationships with each other? Do you have a leader? Who is he? How do you solve the most difficult questions in your life? How is the division of labor and duties? Who is responsible for what? Etc.

In fact, group members begin to design a new world order, create it according to the laws that they consider correct and necessary.

Leading. So, you have completely settled down on the island, adjusted your life. In the meantime, two years have passed ... And one day the waves of the surf brought the skeleton of a small yacht ashore. It probably suffered during the storm, because it was so broken that it could not be restored. However, a compartment was miraculously preserved in it, where carpentry tools lay - axes, saws, nails, etc., and in addition, you found an empty bottle on the yacht. The latest discovery, of course, gave you the idea to send a letter, entrust it to the waves, and let people know that you are alive and well. Please write a letter to put in this bottle. Just in case, I remind you that you do not know the coordinates of your island.

The members write letters together, often being creative in their ways of describing the location of their island and talking about their lives in a humorous way. Letters are read aloud.

Leading. The letter has been sent. But now you have carpentry tools. What will you do with them? Will you take advantage of this gift of fate?

After conferring, the teams, as a rule, decide to build a raft and try to get to the mainland on it. From this point on, the scenarios of events on the two islands may differ significantly. For example, part of a team may decide to go on a risky voyage on a raft, and part may oppose this idea. The facilitator suggests that the participants somehow solve this problem. If the "seafarers" still insist and are ready to leave the bulk, the leader asks them to sit away from the circle ("you are on the way"). In the other team, perhaps, such a split does not occur, and they are united in their decision - to swim or not to swim.

If someone remained on the islands, the presenter gives a new introduction: After a while, very far on the horizon, you saw the silhouette of a large ship. But he passed by and the people from him did not notice the desperate signals you were giving. A day later, a small single boat washed ashore. It was brand new, with a full tank of gas. Apparently, it was accidentally dropped from the side of a ship passing earlier, or maybe it was washed away by a wave. Either way, you have another chance. Do you use it and how?

This is one of the most interesting moments in the game. Participants quickly come to the conclusion that going in search of land on a small one-man boat is a very risky activity. After all, if gasoline runs out before the earth meets, the lone brave man will be forced to drift across the endless ocean until he dies of hunger and thirst. Who will decide on this?

From this point on, there is almost always a need for different instructions for the inhabitants of each of the islands. An experienced host can come up with their own moves. Several possible options (with any of them, the participants must make some specific decision).

1) If someone sailed away on a raft.

You did not have time to move too far from the island, when you saw a ship moving directly towards you. Your cries were heard, and in less than a few minutes you were already taken aboard. Joy overwhelmed you, you told the captain about the years spent on the island, asked him to change the route in order to pick up your comrades from the island. The captain agreed. However, your joy turned out to be, alas, premature: it was a ship of modern slave-trading pirates. By naively showing the way to the island, you turned your friends into prisoners as well. Meanwhile, as is typical of cruel people, the captain of the pirates suddenly showed sentimentality. Taking into account the misadventures you experienced, he decided to make a noble gesture and leave you on the island, but not all of you: he will take two - of your choice - with him to sell to drug dealers to work on poppy plantations. He gave you time until morning, and in the morning these two should come to his ship. Decide how to be in such a situation!

2) If everyone stayed on the island.

One morning you saw a ship entering the bay of the island. You couldn't believe your eyes: your dream of meeting people has finally come true. You rushed to the shore to meet the boat that had left the ship. As soon as the boat moored, you rushed to the sailors and began to talk about your fate...

Again there is a situation of dramatic choice. Sometimes volunteers appear ready to sacrifice themselves to save the rest - often this is due to their confidence that they will be able to escape from captivity. It happens that the participants decide to surrender to the pirates together. It is also possible that the participants come to the idea of ​​engaging with the pirates in battle. The host, of course, does not interfere and does not comment on what is happening, but he will have to come up with further plot moves in the given logic.

1) If all members of the group become captives of pirates.

The captain locked you in the hold, and the ship went to sea. In less than two days, from the fuss and shouts from above, you realized that something had happened. Shots rang out. The pirate ship was overtaken by police boats. Not knowing that the pirates had prisoners, the police opened fire with cannons and machine guns. A fire broke out in the hold, but, fortunately for you, as a result of a shell hit, a hole was formed in the ceiling. Through a narrow opening, you can climb out onto the deck in turn. But the fire is blazing with might and main. It is impossible to say whether everyone will have time to get out of the burning room. The one who will be the first will surely be saved, and the farther from the beginning of the queue, the less chance of being saved. Decide how you will get out, in what order?

2) If there are two who are given to the pirates, or if the participants decide to fight with the pirates (the option is to hide in a secluded corner of the island), then the main events unfold on the island.

You took cover from enemies in a cave. But here's the bad luck: it was at that moment that a long dormant volcano suddenly woke up. The eruption that began was accompanied by powerful tremors, from which the vaults of the cave began to collapse. The entrance was almost filled up with stones - only a very small hole remained, into which one could hardly squeeze through. At any moment, the ceiling of the cave will collapse and everyone can die. The one who will be the first will surely be saved, and the farther from the beginning of the queue, the less chance of being saved. Decide how you will get out, in what order?

The similarity of emerging situations that set the space for choice - sociometric and moral - is quite obvious. The way the members of the group behave will largely reflect the system of relations that have arisen between them, and will clearly highlight many of the life values ​​and orientations of people. At the end of the game, the feelings and thoughts of the children at this very moment, all the proposals made and the criteria on which they relied when choosing their behavior, should be discussed in particular detail.

This situation is climactic. After it, you need to move on to the last stage of the game, which must be completed in a major key.

Leading. You all managed to get to the deck (out of the cave). And you immediately saw armed men approaching you. But you should not be afraid anymore: these are policemen from a special department for combating drug mafia and Russian sailors. A helicopter roared over your heads. These people did not appear by chance: in the open sea they met a raft on which your friends were sailing (a single boat on which N. went for help), and learned about the misadventures that befell you. A few days later you were at home.

It is important for the presenter not to forget all the characters and "bring" them home in one way or another.

After congratulations on the end of the adventure, we should move on to discussing the game.

Are you satisfied with your adventures? What episodes of the game were the most interesting for you? In what situations was it especially difficult for you to make a decision? Were you satisfied with the decisions the group came to? Why did you decide (didn't dare) to go sailing on a raft (on a single boat)? Why did N take the risk? How did you feel when you found yourself in a situation of choosing whom to sacrifice to the pirates? Did you easily agree with the place that you were taken in line for rescue during a fire (earthquake)? Were you yourself active during your life on the island and other events, or did you prefer to follow the emerging leaders? Who was the leader? Why? Was he given this right by the group, or did he take the initiative himself? Etc.

Manipulative game "Chess"

The game is designed for the participants to master the skills of assertive behavior, as well as for the participants to feel themselves in the role of manipulators. Assertiveness here is understood as the ability to escape from pressure from others, confident and spontaneous (born from within) behavior.

Requires a very spacious room.

Game progress:

Previously, a large "chessboard" is prepared on the floor. Based on such a calculation, so that one training participant can freely fit in one square, squares are drawn with chalk on the floor or square tiles are laid out (made of drawing paper, linoleum or other material). For beauty, cells can be divided into "black" and "white". If it seems possible to the coach, then the number of cells on the chess field can be reduced (7x7 or 6x6). It is also necessary to note the coordinate grid as on a regular one. chessboard: a, b, c... 1, 2, 3...

For all to see, the psychologist hangs out two posters “YOUR duties” and “MY rights”.

YOUR responsibilities:

1. You should not unceremoniously and independently of others evaluate yourself and your actions.

2. You have a lot of obligations in relation to the people around you, the team.

4. For you, the easiest thing is to sacrifice your own dignity and adapt.

5. You must not change your point of view, otherwise you are simply incompetent.

6. You are not supposed to make mistakes, and if you make a mistake, you should feel guilty.

7. It is desirable that you be able to answer any question.

8. You should strive to be loved by all people.

9. Each of your decisions must be rational, justified.

10. You must be sensitive and knowledgeable, and not ruthless and indifferent ignorant.

11. If you want to be competent, you must look for possible benefits in everything.

12. You must be a real man (a real woman, a real manager, a real hero).

"My rights":

1. I have the right to evaluate my own behavior, thoughts and emotions on my own.

2. I have the right not to apologize or explain my behavior.

3. I have the right to choose the degree of my responsibility for solving other people's problems.

4. I have the right to choose for myself what is the easiest for me.

5. I have the right to change my mind.

6. I have the right to be wrong.

7. I have the right to say: "I don't know"; I have the right not to be a walking encyclopedia.

8. I have the right not to be the dollar everyone loves.

9. I have the right to make illogical decisions based on intuition.

10. I have the right to say: "I don't understand you."

11. I have the right to say: "I'm not interested."

12. I have the right to not be a real man (woman, manager, hero) for some time.

If necessary, the facilitator explains the main idea of ​​​​manipulation - to inspire you that you owe something. He explains that the most reasonable “antidote” is to immediately, firmly explain to the interlocutor your rights, that is, immediately knock the ground out from under this kind of manipulation.

Before the start of the game, the coach, in order to increase the motivation of the participants, can note that “You can speak Russian for a hundred years, and not learn how to speak correctly; You can read all the books on higher mathematics, but not learn how to solve elementary problems. It is worth asking the participants at least once to try to apply each "duty" and each "right", that is, to try themselves both in the role of a manipulator and in the role of an assertive person.

The game itself begins with the fact that the participants come up with “names” for themselves, which they write on two sheets of paper that are attached to the chest and back: “white rook”, “black bishop”, “green queen”, etc. Names can be repeated .

Participants take their places on the "chessboard", as anyone wants.

Next, the coach takes out a flip pad, with which he walks around the participants in turn (it is important that they are already standing on the board). Each participant writes down one of his desires in a notebook regarding the final disposition on the board. Examples of desires: for the “white rook” to be on e2, for both “black pawns” to be in the corners of the board, for the “green king” to be next to the “brown queen”, etc. The desires must concern the disposition of other players and they must concern precisely the final disposition, and not the process of the game; you can’t have desires like “so that I stand on one cell the whole game.” At the same time, each next participant reads the desire of the previous one, flips the page and writes his desire. The first participant reads the wish of the last.

After that, the actual "game of chess" begins. It consists in the fact that the participants in order move to the free cells of the board, as they please. Each participant has no more than a minute to make a decision. During this minute, he can (and in fact, based on the tasks of the game, he must) consult with other participants. The process of mutual consultations can be arbitrary (of course, the players must remain on their cells). Each player must make a move, that is, you cannot stay in one place.

It may well happen that the players do not have a conflict of interest in the course of the game. Therefore, it is better not to make the "board" too large; desires can be limited.

Training exercises


What do we take with us on our trip? Dating game. The first person calls his name and the item that he will take with him on a hike, starting with the same letter as the name of the player. The second - repeats the name of the first, calls what the first will take on a campaign, and calls his name and his object, etc., until everyone has called their names and objects. And then you can play the game in reverse order (items should not be repeated).

Business game "My life values"


  • to promote awareness by adolescents of their own life values ​​and their impact on life;
  • promote awareness of the importance of defining fundamental life values ​​for choosing a behavior strategy.


  • 10 tokens for each participant;
  • cards with the names of values;
  • card "ranking concepts" for each student;
  • multimedia projector;
  • presentation "Life Values".

Event progress

Without values, a person is carried away by the stream, like a tree in the raging waters of the sea.

(Italian philosopher O. Vincent Duminuco)”.

Before the start, each player is given 10 tokens,

Classroom teacher:Today we will play a game called "My Life Values". It will help everyone answer the questions: What is of value to you? How much can you pay for it to make your dream come true?

Before the start of the game, each of you received ten tokens. Each token represents a part of you - one tenth of your time, energy, funds, interests, personality. For the duration of the game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality. Don't lose them! During the game, you must try to live your life with dignity.

When we start the game, you will have a choice: "spend" the tokens or "save". Two items will be put up for sale at once. You have the right to choose any of them or none, but not both at once. You can buy each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale. The transition to the next pair means that the previous pair is finally withdrawn from "trading". If you run out of tokens, you won't be able to buy anything. Ready?

So, I propose to make a choice.During the game, assistants exchange the tokens of those who wanted to make a purchase for the corresponding card with the name of the purchased value.

Nice spacious apartment or house.

(1 token)

New sports car

(1 token)

Fully paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend

(2 tokens)

A complete guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (who you dream of marrying) will indeed become your wife (your husband) in the near future

(2 tokens)

The biggest popularity in the circle of acquaintances for two years

(1 token)

One true friend

(2 tokens)

A good education

(2 tokens)

Highly profitable business

(2 tokens)

Healthy family

(2 tokens)

worldwide fame

(3 tokens)

For those who choose a healthy family, a reward is intended - two extra tokens, which are awarded after the end of this stage of the game.

Change your appearance or any trait of your character

(1 token)

Be happy with yourself for the rest of your life

(2 tokens)

Five years of uninterrupted physical pleasure

(2 tokens)

Constant respect and love for you by those you value most

(2 tokens)

Those who chose 5 years of enjoyment must pay an extra token if you still have them.

After all, there are things in life for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.

clear conscience

(2 tokens)

The ability to succeed in everything you want

(2 tokens)

A miracle done for the person you love

(2 tokens)

There is only one opportunity to relive (repeat) any event of your life!

(2 tokens)

Seven extra years of life

(3 tokens)

Painless death when the time comes

(2 tokens)

This auction ends

Group work

Students are invited to discuss their purchases and try to answer the questions:

  1. Which purchase are you most satisfied with?
  2. Have you ever regretted not buying something?
  3. What purchases are more in your group?
  4. Would you like to change something in the rules of the game?

In groups, as a rule, universal human values, the health of loved ones, friendship, and love predominate. You can discuss with students whether this choice is random?

Regarding the changes in the rules, there is a desire to know in advance the list of valuables for sale, but the students themselves come to the conclusion that this would not be interesting.

Classroom teacher:The desire to know in advance the list of valuables for sale is indeed reasonable and correct. But the problem is that this is not the case in real life. It is impossible to make the same choice twice, just as it is impossible to “undo” the consequences of an earlier decision. You can not achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time, effort, choice of opportunities, money, interest will always be limited. There is a price to pay for everything you choose to do, and in many cases the price will be higher than you thought. Today it was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy and resources in real life, allows us to correctly judge our true values.

Individual work of students

Students are asked to rank the concepts according to the degree of personal significance.














Classroom teacher:Compare your "purchases" with what matters to you.Some of you can probably congratulate yourself and say: "I gave my life for a reason: I made the right choice and acquired something that is really valuable." Another, perhaps with regret, realized that he had spent his life on the wrong thing. Someone will regret that he hastened to spend himself, or, on the contrary, he waited too long and missed something. And many probably thought: “I wish I could repeat the game! Then I would have behaved much more prudently, smarter. And if you really regret something now, I can please you: you have a great opportunity to make the right choice, and not in our game, but in real life! When the time comes to decide what to devote yourself to, I ask you to remember one thing: do not sell your life cheaply. It's probably worth a lot more than you think!

I want to finish the game with a poem (A. Dolsky's song)


A star fell on my palm.

I asked her - Where are you from?

Let me rest a little

I flew from such a height.

like a bell rang:

Don't look how small I am...

May my destiny be great.

You only need to remember

what is most important to you in the world.

I can make a wish come true

a long way to finish with this **.

I know what I need

I don't have to remember for a long time.

I want to love and be loved,

and I want my mother not to get sick,

so that on our woeful planet

only the stars fell from the sky,

were all gullible, like children,

and loved rain, flowers and forest,

so that the grass, as of old, mowed obliquely,

every day flew to the moon,

to carry women in their arms,

there was no disease and war,

so that friendship is not a burden,

so that loyalty is not a burden,

so that old age is not a heavy burden

wisdom would lie on the heart.

So that by the fire smelling of smoke

sing this song...

And I also want to be loved

and I want my mother not to get sick.

I spoke for a long time, but in vain.

Long, too long talking...

Without answering me, the star went out,

she had little strength.

Whatever impact the environment has on the child, whatever demands it may make, until these demands enter into the system of the child's own needs, they will not act as real factors in his development. They become the child's own needs only if their fulfillment ensures that he retains not only his objectively occupied position, but also his inner position.

L.I. Bozhovich

Lesson objectives:

  1. To explore the level of formation of personal and moral self-determination of students in grades 8-9.
  2. Determine the level of formation of the ability to make collective decisions, arguing your point of view.
  3. Development of the ability to find compromises in the presence of competitive points of view.

The discussion is designed for two sessions. The materials can be used in the work of the class teacher for class hours and extracurricular activities, teacher, teacher-psychologist, social pedagogue. The developed methods are presented in a descriptive form and supplemented with research materials from the experience of the Andreykovskaya secondary school.

1. Getting to know or identifying the problems of a teenager.

A questionnaire will help to identify the main problems of a modern teenager and determine the contradictions in the development of the personality of schoolchildren in grades 8-9. The purpose of the questionnaire: to determine the range of problems of adolescents, outlined frankly and informally.

Instruction for students.

Did you notice that in recent times you begin to think more about yourself and your problems. This is natural: every person has joys and sorrows. They can be related to studies, friends, parents, leisure, etc. Tell us a little about them, answering the questions of our questionnaire. Write down what really worries you.

  1. What gives you joy in life?
  2. What are your grievances? What do you often worry about?
  3. What problems of yours are indifferent to adults, but important to you?
  4. What is your goal in life right now?

The survey was conducted by the teacher-psychologist of the school Orlov V.V. The questions of the questionnaire were answered by 20 students of the 8th grade of the Andreykovskaya secondary school and 15 students of the 9th grade of the part-time school for capable children of the village.

A detailed analysis allowed us to plunge into the worldview of adolescents. The answers to the first question of the questionnaire ranged from purely specific (“my motorcycle”) to value-generalized (“the value of my life”). Most often, the joy in the life of a teenager is delivered by communication with people, classmates, friends, etc. In the answers to the second question, the most common reason was a misunderstanding of people significant to the respondent. Which is in addition to the answers to the first question. The students did not give specific answers to the third question, because they believe that, in general, the adults around them understand their problems. On the other hand, it can be assumed that the problems of adolescents are little known to their parents for a number of reasons. The answers to the fourth question are related to getting a promising job and education, it should be noted that the guys do not specifically indicate the choice of a university or a job.

Note to the teacher:

  • Help a rural schoolchild gain life experience.
  • Develop the vitality of the adolescent's personality so that the adolescent can switch from his personality to those around him.
  • Learn to set goals and achieve them.
  • Remember that a teenager will listen to you only if your interest in his personality and fate is genuine and sincere.
  • Remember that peer evaluation is much more important to a teenager than yours.

2. We study values.

Purpose: to identify trends in the formation of adolescent values.

Students' awareness of the goals that give a person the meaning of life, understanding the difference between material and non-material goals. Awareness by adolescents of their own goals and aspirations, what is most important for them in life, what kind of relationships are acceptable for them with other people and the natural world.

Before starting work, it is necessary to divide the students into groups.

The dispute assumes the presence of the game as a form of summing up. In accordance with the rules of the game, each student approaches the “Black Box” and takes out a chip of a certain color. The number of chips corresponds to the number of players. The number of colors that the chips are colored with corresponds to the chosen classification of the discussed values ​​that determine success in life. After the chip selection procedure, the students are divided into groups according to the chosen color. The teacher explains in the most general terms the concepts of “material values” and “non-material values”.

Instruction for students.

  1. Define tangible and intangible values ​​by putting "M" or "H".
  2. List five goals that you would like to achieve in life.
  3. Discuss with your group which desires the person has control over and which they have no control over.
  4. Prove your group's opinion on what goals are most important in life.

What do people strive for in life?

  • A good education.
  • Good job and career.
  • Happy family.
  • Glory.
  • Money, wealth.
  • Friendship.
  • Achievements in art, music, sports.
  • Science as knowledge of the new.
  • Good health.
  • Good food.
  • Beautiful clothes, jewelry.
  • Power and position.
  • Good house, apartment.
  • Happiness of loved ones.
  • welfare of the state.

Questions for discussion in groups:

  1. What are the five most important things on your list?
  2. Do you think that you will be truly happy if you achieve this?
  3. Does the group agree on the importance of some of your values?
  • Human behavior is motivated by goals.
  • Some goals are more important than others because of the value of the result.
  • Goals and rewards range from the concrete to the abstract.
  • Efforts must be made to achieve goals.
  • Sometimes conflicts arise in order to achieve goals.

3. My choice.

Instruction for students.

Before you is a list of twelve concepts, each of which means one of the universal values. It is necessary to compare these concepts in pairs with each other. From each pair (see the answer sheet), choose the one that seems to you the most important, more attractive for future adult life.

List of values.

  1. Active, active life.
  2. Health.
  3. Interesting job.
  4. The beauty of nature and art.
  5. Love.
  6. Financially secure life.
  7. Having good and true friends.
  8. Self-confidence.
  9. Opportunity to expand your education, horizons, culture
  10. Freedom of action.
  11. Happy family life.
  12. Creation.

4. Final game “Key to Success”.

Purpose of the game: personal and value self-determination of students; formation of skills for making a collective decision, the ability to reasonably express one's opinion; formation of the ability to make the right decision within the framework of the auction game model.

In accordance with the color of the selected chips, the dispute participants are divided into groups. The color of the chips corresponds to a certain category of values ​​that ensure successful human activity. According to this classification, such value categories are:

Profession Health Spiritual values Material values
  1. Education
  2. Work and career.
  3. Achievements in science.
  4. Opportunity to work abroad.
  5. Respect and admiration of others
  1. Physical education and sports.
  2. Good health.
  3. Preservation of life and nature on earth.
  4. No harmful addictions
  5. Self-confidence and self-respect.
  1. Friendship.
  2. Happiness of loved ones.
  3. Achievements in music, art.
  4. welfare of the state.
  5. Glory, fame.
  1. Money.
  2. Wealthy family.
  3. Good house.
  4. Good food and clothes.
  5. Power and position.

The listed values ​​in this game play the role of “shares” that can be invested in achieving success in life. Thus, each group of students conditionally receives shares of one value category. Each member of the group has one specific share in accordance with the chip number. The total number of values ​​(shares) is given in the summary table, which is posted in front of the students.

At the very beginning of the game, the participants, divided into groups, are invited to come up with a name for each group that act as “share campaigns” in the game. Next, the participants are invited to think for 10 minutes and decide for each group which shares of the proposed ones should be invested in achieving success, and which ones can be put up for auction and exchanged for shares of other value categories. The share exchange proportions are not regulated; for one share, depending on its value in the eyes of the participants in the game, you can get one or more shares of other categories. In principle, any shares can be exchanged, including those that were previously invested in achieving success, if the group - the campaign considers it appropriate. If any group was able to acquire three or more shares of one value category (controlling stake), then it has the right to exchange any remaining shares of this category for any of its own, without taking into account the interests of the opposite party. The exchange of shares takes place within 15-20 minutes. After this time, campaigns are invited to sum up and justify before the general audience of auction participants the resulting set (total index) of shares of various value categories that, in their opinion, are necessary for a person to achieve success in life. In addition, each group-campaign has the right to supplement the composite index with a free share, in which participants independently write down the value that is not in the previously proposed list, but from the point of view of group members necessary for success.

Thus, the final result of the dispute will be a reasoned defense of each group of participants of their set of life values, a discussion about the understanding by schoolchildren of what success in life is and possible options for achieving it.

Methodical explanations.

The “auction-market” form of the game naturally creates a positive motivational field for its participants, expands the range of relevant concepts used during the game. The advantage of the proposed game model is that the list of values ​​- shares can be changed depending on the specific didactic goals facing the teacher. For example, values ​​can be specified according to other substantive criteria (human qualities necessary to achieve success in life: the ability to communicate, creativity, the presence of theoretical and practical intelligence, organizational skills, empathy, etc.).

Summing up the debate.

The final stage of the dispute was the discussion of each option of value choices presented by the participants. Each group justified the viability of their choice of values, which, from the point of view of the participants, are necessary for success in life. As a result of the discussion, conclusions were drawn that the concept of success is not limited to just one value category. Success is a combination of many components, and the main thing is the desire of the person himself to make his life successful.

The result of the discussion was the choice of values ​​common to all participants. The joint group decision looks like this:

  1. Health.
  2. Happy family.
  3. Happiness of loved ones.
  4. Work and career.
  5. Education.

It is appropriate to give an option for choosing the values ​​that scored the lowest rating among the participants:

  1. Money.
  2. Self respect.
  3. Respect and admiration of others.
  4. Friendship.
  5. Power and position in society.

The weak representativeness of material values ​​in the priority variant is explained by the fact that mainly material issues that arise before schoolchildren are resolved by their parents. At this stage of their life, the issues of material well-being are not relevant.


  1. Artyukhova I.S. Educational work with teenagers: classes, games, tests. - M .: Publishing house "First of September", 2004. - 208 p. (School of class teachers).
  2. Gretsev A.G. Communication training for teenagers. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005 - 160 pp.: ill.
  3. Newspaper "School Psychologist"

Game "Auction of values"

Target: work with the value orientations of young people, influence on the process of formation of value orientations.

Game rules: 4-8 people become participants in the game. Too many participants reduces the dynamism of the game.

The plot of the game "Auction of Values" corresponds to the name: an auction is announced at which vital values ​​are sold. The task of the participant is to acquire as many values ​​as possible that are of the greatest importance to him.

At the beginning of the game, the host distributes forms with lists of life values. Participants must rate each item on the list on the following scale: "+" - positive attitude, "0" - indifferent attitude, "-" - negative attitude to this value. The facilitator then collects the slips and calculates the quantity and starting value of each item to be auctioned. The counting rules are designed in such a way that the value that is attractive to a larger number of players has a larger game "value" and, accordingly, is represented in a smaller number of game "lots".

It is further explained that the "currency" for which it will be possible to purchase valuables is the number of points scored in an agility exercise (knocking pins, throwing balls, darts, etc.). For the entire game, participants are given a limited number of attempts to complete the exercise.

Before the start of the auction, the participant selects the five most important values ​​for which he is going to fight. This choice is fixed in the “auction plan”. At the same time, after the initial drawing up of the plan, participants can make the necessary changes to it, after the leader announces the starting price of each "lot".

The facilitator orients the participants on the need to maximize the implementation of the “plan” drawn up. Then the auction process begins. The host announces the game "lot": the name and value of the value. The right to "purchase" is given to the participant who named the highest price of the "lot". The participant who received the right to buy performs the exercise. He can then use any number of attempts at his disposal. In this case, all the points scored can not be used to purchase this "lot". In the event that the player refused to acquire the declared value or the points scored by him are not enough, the “lot” is put up for sale again. The auction ends when all valuables have been "sold" or all players have used up their attempts.

Then a list of "accomplishments" is compiled, which includes all the values ​​acquired by the participant. At the same time, instead of the “planned” value that the player could not acquire, its “opposite” is added to the list, for example, instead of the value “Happy family life” - “Unsuccessful family life”, etc.

At the next stage of the game, participants present their lists of "achievements", comparing them with a typical life path of a representative of a particular profession. The formal outcome of the game may be the presentation of "diplomas of an adherent of the profession."

In the discussion, it is important to draw the attention of the participants to how the attitude towards certain values ​​changed as their “price” changed, as did the achievements of the players in the process of performing the dexterity exercise. The facilitator can also inform the participants about the results of the survey conducted at the beginning of the game. During the discussion, the facilitator can invite each participant to name the value that he considers the main one that determines a person's life. The question of how a particular profession affects the nature of value orientations can also be raised.

The difficulties of conducting this game are related to maintaining the dynamics of the game action, namely the transitions from performing the dexterity exercise to the auction, fixing the achievements of the participants, as well as with the design of the game "documentation", so it is desirable that the presenter be assisted by an assistant.

Lesson - game "What to spend life on?"

Lesson objectives:

  1. Formulate your own life values.
  2. Explain how these values ​​affect your life.
  3. Think about the importance of determining the fundamental values ​​for choosing a life strategy.


  • 10 tokens for each participant
  • value cards
  • CD projector
  • a computer
  • slide show presentation “Life Values”. (Presentation)

There are values ​​that have no price -

A piece of paper with Pushkin's drawing,

The first textbook in the first school bag,

And letters from those who did not return from the war.

“Without values, a person is carried away by the stream, like a tree in the raging waters of the sea”O. Vincent Duminuco (Italian philosopher)

Today we will talk about human character and its influence on all aspects of our lives. But before we start studying this topic, I would like to ask a question:

- “How much does it cost to buy you”?

In other words: “What would you trade your life for”?

Today we will play a game called

"What to spend your life on?"

It will help everyone answer the question.

Before the start of the game, each of you will receive ten tokens, I ask you to sign them.

Write the qualities that are unique to you.

Each token represents a part of you - one tenth of your time, energy, funds, interests, personality.

For the duration of the game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality.

Don't lose them!

(Give out tokens to each student. Prepare enough value cards in advance.)

  • When we start the game, you will have a choice:

“spend” tokens or “save”.

  • Will be up for sale immediately two things.
  • You have the right to chooseany of them or none, but not both at the same time.
  • You can buy each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale.
  • The transition to the next pair means that the previous one is finally withdrawn from “trading”.
  • If you run out of tokens, you won't be able to buy anything.


So, I propose to make a choice, the first pair of values.


1. a) Nice spacious apartment or house. (1 token)

b) A new sports car. (1 token)

Who wants to purchase one of the two proposed "goods"?

(Show the slides with the names of the first two “goods” to the class. The assistant exchanges tokens from those who want to make a purchase for the corresponding card with the name of the value purchased.)

Next couple:

2 . a) Fully paid holiday for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend. (2 tokens)

b) A full guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (who you dream of marrying) will indeed become your wife (your husband) in the near future. (2 tokens)


3 . a) The greatest popularity in the circle of acquaintances for two years. (1 token)

b) One true friend. (2 tokens)

Next couple:

4. a) Good education. (2 tokens)

b) An enterprise that brings large profits. (2 tokens)

5 . a) a healthy family. (2 tokens)

b) Worldwide fame. (3 tokens)

For those who have chosen a healthy family , the reward is intended - two extra tokens. TWO TOKENS!!!


6. a) Change any feature of your appearance. (1 token)

b) Be satisfied with yourself all your life. (2 tokens)

7 . a) Five years of uninterrupted physical enjoyment. (2 tokens)

b) Respect and love for you by those you value most. (2 tokens)

Those who chose 5 years of enjoyment must pay another token if you still have them. After all, there are things in life for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.

Next couple:

8. a) a clear conscience. (2 tokens)

b) The ability to succeed in everything you want. (2 tokens)


9. a) A miracle done for the person you love. (2 tokens)

b) The ability to relive (repeat) any 1 event of the past. (2 tokens)

And finally:

10. a) Seven extra years of life. (3 tokens)

b) A painless death when the time comes. (3 tokens)

No more purchases can be made. If you have not used up all the tokens, they disappear.

Game discussion

For the next five minutes, I invite you to break into groups of three to five people to discuss your purchases and answer the following questions:

1. Which purchase are you most satisfied with?

2. Have you ever regretted not purchasing something?

3. Would you like to change something in the rules of the game?”

Most likely, you will hear the following sentences from the guys:

- “Before you buy something, you need to find out what else will be sold”;

-“I would like to be able to exchange a previously purchased item for any other item announced later”;

-“We need to give us more tokens before the game starts.”

  • Ask students if they think this would make the game more interesting.
  • Help students see the connection between shopping choices and certain personality traits.
  • For example, you gave a token for changing your appearance - it means that you attach great importance to what others think of you.
  • If you prefer to be satisfied with yourself, it means that you value your opinion of yourself more.)

Most of your suggestions are really reasonable and correct. But the problem is that this is not the case in real life.

It is impossible to make the same choice twice, just as it is impossible to “undo” the consequences of an earlier decision.

You can not achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once.

We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time, effort, choice of opportunities, money, interest will always be limited.

There is a price to pay for everything you choose to do, and in many cases the price will be higher than you thought.

Today it was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy and opportunities in real life allows us to correctly judge our true values.

Independent work


Now I suggest that you break into pairs and conduct an interview: one of you will play the role of a reporter, the other - the interviewee.

In this case, you need to imagine that you are interviewing a very elderly person (80 - 90 years old), and despite this, he has an absolutely normal mindset.

(Students sit in pairs and take turns interviewing each other. Reporters take brief notes to report.) 10 minutes.

Sample questions:

What was the most important thing in life?

What personal quality helped you the most in difficult situations?

What helped and what hindered the creation of close relationships with other people?

What have you done for your family?

Students can optionally add a few more questions to this interview.

Group discussion

You have conducted the interview, and now let's all discuss the following questions together.

What are the goals that most people strive to achieve, are they material or spiritual in nature?

Do you find any similarities in the answers to the questions?

Is there any commonality of views on things that are most important and significant in people's lives?

As a result of the discussion, students come to the conclusion that, despite the fact that different people have different views on life, the main values ​​​​of human life have a spiritual meaning. For example, creating a family, raising children, the well-being of relatives.

The final part of the lesson

Guys, remember what “valuable things” you chose today from those offered during the game.

Some of you can probably congratulate yourself and say: “I gave my life for a reason: I made the right choice and acquired something that is really valuable.”

Another, perhaps with regret, realized that he had spent his life on the wrong thing.

Someone will regret that he hastened to spend himself, or, on the contrary, he waited too long and missed something.

And many probably thought: “I wish I could repeat the game! Then I would have behaved much more prudently, smarter.”

And if you really regret something now, I can please you: you have a great opportunity to make the right choice - and not in our game, but in real life! When the time comes to decide what to devote yourself to, I ask you to remember one thing: do not sell your life cheaply. It's probably worth a lot more than you think!

Homework "Fill in the table"

My values

My meanings

my needs

My goals

My tasks


1. What did you learn about your values ​​in life through the game?

2. What do you think people value that is not of interest to you?

3. Which of your values, in your opinion, are not values ​​for others?

4. Do all people share the same values?

(Answer: Milton Rowkich thinks so. However, it would be more accurate to say that all people share the same set of core values ​​with very few differences (this set can be supplemented by only a few other values).

5. What is the most pronounced influence of values ​​on a person's life?

(In the hierarchy of values, that is, in the order of their distribution by importance. For example, each of us values ​​freedom to one degree or another. If, however, “life in peace and harmony with others” is more important to you than freedom, you agree to slavery (to the loss of freedom), if only to find peace and harmony.In other words, it is the priority of this or that value in relation to others that most affects our lives and the lives of those around us.)

One of the greats said

that "Children are not prepared to live,

They already live."

Therefore, it is important not only


Life values,

Personal qualities, but also to create

Conditions for expanding social


samples - as an activity

Growing units.

Used Books

  1. Compiled by Khatkevich O.A. Transitional age. - Minsk: Ed. OOO “Krasiko-print”, 2003
  2. I.S. Artyukhov. Educational work with teenagers: classes, games, tests. - Moscow: Ed. “First of September”, 2003

You can use the list of values ​​from the Schwartz test:
1. Equality
2. Inner harmony
3. Power
4. Pleasure
5. Freedom
6. Spiritual life
7. Sense of community
8. Stability of society
9. Interesting life
10. The meaning of life
11. Courtesy400
12. Wealth
13. Security of the nation
14. Self-esteem
15. Reciprocity in relationships with people
16. Creativity
17. World peace
18. Respect for tradition
19. Mature love
20. Self-restraint
21. Indifference to worldly concerns
22. Safety of family and loved ones
23. Public recognition
24. Unity with nature
25. Novelty
26. Wisdom
27. Authority
28. True friendship
29. World of beauty
30. Social justice

(1 token)

New sports car.

(1 token)

Fully paid holiday for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend.

(2 tokens)

A full guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (who you dream of marrying) will indeed become your wife (your husband) in the near future.

(2 tokens)

The biggest popularity in the circle of acquaintances for two years.

(1 token)

One real friend.

(2 tokens)

A good education

(2 tokens)

Highly profitable business

(2 tokens)

Healthy family

(2 tokens)

worldwide fame

(3 tokens)

Change any feature of your appearance

(1 token)

Be happy with yourself for the rest of your life.

(2 tokens)

Five years of uninterrupted physical pleasure.

(2 tokens)

Respect and love for you by those you value most.

(2 tokens)

Clear conscience.

(2 tokens)

The ability to succeed in whatever you want.

(2 tokens)

A miracle done for the person you love.

(2 tokens)

The ability to relive (repeat) any 1 event of the past.

(2 tokens)

Seven extra years of life.

(3 tokens)

A painless death when the time is right.

(3 tokens)

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