We are one after the other in an even circle. Card file of round dance games

“We brought gifts for everyone.

Whoever wants, he will take -

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane»

In an even circle

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, saying:

"Smooth circle

One after another

We go for step step,

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!"

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down

Round dance game - Grushka

The players form a circle, in the middle of which a child becomes - this will be a pear. Everyone walks around the pear in a circle:

We will plant a pear - here, here!

Let our pear grow, grow!

Grow up, pear, such a height;

Grow up, pear, like this wide;

Grow up, pear, grow up in a good hour!

Dance, Mariyka, spin for us!

And we will pinch this pear.

We will run away from our Mariyka!

Grushka in the middle of the circle should depict everything that is sung in the song (dance, spin). To the words “This is such a height”, the children raise their hands up, and to the words “This is such a width”, they spread them to the sides. When they sing: “We will all pinch this pear”, everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly they run away, and the pear catches the children. All game actions must be consistent with the words.

Gardener and sparrow

Gardener and Sparrow are selected. The rest of the participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Nuts (apples, plums, etc.) are placed in the middle of the circle - this is a "garden". Away, ten paces away, they draw a circle - a “nest”. The round dance slowly moves in a circle, everyone sings:

Sparrow is small.

gray, remote,

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs;

Sleeping in the garden

Steals berries.

Sparrow runs in a circle (the guys, raising and lowering their hands, let him in and out), takes one nut and tries to carry it to the "nest". The gardener guards the circle and, as soon as Sparrow runs out of the circle, he begins to catch him. If Sparrow manages to put the nut in the "nest", he plays again. The caught Sparrow changes role with one of the participants. But before that, he must pay off the Ogorodnik and fulfill the desires of the round dance, for example, sing, dance, etc. At the same time, they sing to him

For a century, the sparrow cannot fly,

Do not peck berries in the garden,

Do not sit on an oak stamen.

And you, sparrow, sit on the meadow,

And you, gray, sit in a circle.

Isn't it time for you to get up and fly

Dance in our round dance!

At the end of the game, they count which sparrow brought the most nuts to the “nest”. He is declared the winner and all the nuts are given as a reward.


The rhyme players choose a Flower, and then are divided into two groups: Watchmen and Bees. Watchmen, holding hands, walk around the Flower and sing:

spring bees,

Wings of gold that you are sitting

Do you fly into the field?

Al beats you with rain,

Does the sun bake you?

Fly over the high mountains

For green forests

On a round meadow

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle, and the Watchman, either raising or lowering his hands, interferes with them. As soon as one of the Bees manages to penetrate the circle and touch the Flower, the Watchmen, who failed to save the Flower, scatter. The bees run after them, trying to "sting" and "buzz" in their ears.

flight of birds

Children stand scattered at one end of the playground (hall) - they are “birds”.

Bricks are laid out at the other end of the site. At the signal of the educator “the birds fly away”, the birds fly, spreading their wings (the children, raising their arms to the sides, run around the entire site).

At the signal “Storm”, the birds fly to the trees - hiding on them from the storm. When the teacher says “The storm has stopped”, the birds descend calmly from the trees (bricks) and continue on their way. Rules of the game: At the signal “storm”, everyone should stand on the brick. Instructions for the game: it is better to use bricks, arrange them in one row. Game options: When the children learn the game, you can place the bricks along the edges of the site.

cap and wand

One of the children goes to the center of the circle with a stick in his hands, puts a cap on his head so that it goes down to the very nose, covering his eyes. The rest of the children hold hands, forming a circle. Go around in circles saying:

“One, two, three, four, five - the Leader knocks with a stick.

The stick will knock

Points with a stick at one of the children standing in a circle.

Jump, jump, jump.

He says the last three words

All the children say, after that the leader guesses. If he guessed right, he chooses who will go to the middle.


Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in the center. The players walk in a circle and say:

“We brought gifts for everyone.

Whoever wants, he will take - Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane»

With the end of the words stop, standing in a circle calls which of the listed gifts he wants to receive. If he calls the horse, the children jump, if the doll - they dance, if the top - they spin. The person in the circle chooses a new leader. The game is repeated.

Sun and rain

Children walk in a circle and say:

"The sun looks out the window,

They go in circles.

Lights up in our room.

We clap our hands

They clap their hands.

Very happy with the sun.


Rhythmically trample in place



Rhythmically clapping hands


On signal

"It's raining, hurry home"

children run to the driver under the umbrella. And then the leader says:

"The rain stopped. The sun is shining."

The game is repeated.


Children stand in a circle, one child in the middle with a flag. The teacher leads the children in a circle and says:

"The children became in a circle,

Come out, Olya, in a circle,

Saw the flag.

Take, Olya, the flag!

To whom to give, to whom to give?

Come out, come out, take it

Who should raise the flag?

Raise the flag higher!

The child goes to the middle and takes the flag from the one who is in the center, and he goes into the general circle. The game is repeated, the child in the center also walks with the flag raised. It is necessary to walk beautifully and rhythmically.


Children form a circle, hold hands and move in a circle under the words:

"Barely, barely, barely, barely

Hush, hush, don't rush

The carousels started spinning.

Stop the carousel!

And then, then, then

One-two, one-two

Everyone run, run, run.

So the game is over."

First, the children walk in a circle, then run, with the end of the words they stop. Option: children with one hand take on a long cord with tied ends.

Grandmother Ezhka

In the middle of the circle, the driver stands up - Grandmother Ezhka. In her hands she has a "broom". Players run around and tease her:

Grandma Ezhka,

bone leg

Fell off the stove

I broke my leg

And then he says:

My leg hurts.

She went to the street

Crushed the chicken.

Went to the market

Crushed the samovar.

Grandma Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a “broom”. Whoever touches - he freezes.


The children form a circle and hold hands and sing:

The peacock was walking uphill,

All people follow me

We don’t have one (the name of one of the players)

His mother's stove is heated,

pancakes baked,

concocted loaf,

So tall

So wide

A sort of short one. Children raise their hands up, spread them apart, lower them to the floor, squeeze the circle, showing the height, width, etc.


The frog is chosen. The rest draw a circle and stand on the line. Toad goes to the middle of the circle, and they talk to her:

Why do you need four paws, Zhabka?

To jump on the grass with outstretched paws.

Show me, Zhabka, how you jump and jump.

And that's how I am!

And Zhabka shows how she jumps, and the children standing on the line of the circle sing:


A toad lives in a swamp.

bulging eyes, sitting

Loudly says:

Kwah-kwak, kwah-wk,

And I'm jumping like this!

The toad jumps and tries to "blow" one of the guys. And the children, dodging, run along the line of the circle. Whoever the Toad touches becomes the new Toad.

Option: After the words: "And I jump like this!" The frog shows some kind of movement that everyone else must repeat. Toad chooses the one who completed the task best of all and he becomes the new Toad.


The participants in the game take the names of trees for themselves: oak, birch, mountain ash, pine, maple, etc. Holding hands, they become in a circle and move in one direction or the other. Each player sings a song about "their" tree. For example, they sing about poplar:

There is a poplar

Thin and tall

Thin and tall

Foliage is wide.

It bakes with the sun

Frequent rain cuts,

The violent wind is blowing,

Topolechek tilts,

And he rings a poppy

And cheerful is worth it.

Then, the blind man's blind man, chosen according to the counting rhyme, enters the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded with a handkerchief and given a tourniquet or belt in his hands. Blind Man's Buff names two trees, and immediately two guys run and change places. The blind man's blind man catches them, trying to clasp them with a tourniquet. Caught becomes a new blind man's blind man.


Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap. One or two are "mice". They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them up, they move in a circle with the words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone ate, everyone ate!

Beware, cheaters

We'll get to you!

Let's close the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!

During the pronunciation of the text, "mice" run in and out of the circle. With the last word "the mousetrap slams" - they lower their hands and squat down. The "mice" that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught and stand in a circle. Other mice are selected.


Everyone stands in a circle and sings:

“Who wants to know how oats are sown

My father sowed so...

Show forward hand movements:

“Then I rested like this ...

They stand with their hands crossed - crosswise. Then they spin in a round dance, singing:

Oats, oats, God forbid that you grow up!

New couplet:

Who wants to know how oats are harvested?

My father reaped him like this (show)

Then he rested like this (shows)

After the chorus, they depict how oats are knitted, how they are threshed (when threshing, everyone beats his neighbor).

Needle, thread and knot.

Game progress: Players stand in a circle and hold hands. The counting room chooses "Needle", "Thread" and "Knot".

Heroes one after another then run into the circle, then run out of it. If “Thread” or “Knot” broke away (lagged behind or ran out incorrectly, ran into the circle), then this group is considered a loser. Other heroes are chosen.

The winner is the three in which the children moved quickly, deftly, keeping up with each other.

Rules of the game. “Needle”, “Thread”, “Knot” must be let in and out of the circle without delay, and immediately close the circle.


Game progress: Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of the players is Zarya. She walks behind with a tape and says:

Dawn - lightning, red maiden,

Walked across the field, dropped the keys,

Golden keys, blue ribbons,

The rings are entwined - I went for water!

With the last words, "Dawn" carefully puts the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players. He, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. Whoever is left without a place becomes Dawn.

Rules of the game. The players do not turn while the driver chooses who to put on the shoulder of the ribbon. Runners must not cross the circle.

Yasha and Masha

The players, holding hands, form a circle. Two chosen (by lot) stand in the middle of the circle. One of them is "Yasha", the other is "Masha". They are blindfolded. "Yasha" and "Masha" turn around themselves several times.

Then "Yasha" starts looking for "Masha". To this end, he asks: "Masha, where are you?" "Masha", running in a circle, answers: "I'm here!" (or rings a bell) - and quickly runs away from this place so as not to get caught. If “Yasha” catches (assaults) “Masha”, they change roles or new leaders are selected.

Cap (spider)

They choose a leader who squats in the center of the circle. The rest of the players walk around him, holding hands, and sing:

cap, cap,

thin legs,

Red boots.

We fed you

We fed you

put on their feet,

Forced to dance.

After these words, everyone runs to the center, lifts the driver, puts him on his feet and again forms a circle.

Clapping their hands, they sing:

Forced to dance.

The driver begins to spin with his eyes closed.

Everyone sings:

Dance, dance as much as you want

Choose who you want!

The driver chooses someone without opening his eyes, and changes places with him.

Belous O.I., educator MBDOU d/s No. 30 st.

"Card file of round dance games"


Purpose of the game: To exercise children in the correct coordination of actions and text, to develop an understanding of the various sizes of an object, to develop speech and motor activity.

Like on Cars name day

We baked a loaf:

Here is such a height! (children raise their hands as high as possible)

Here is such a low! (children lower their hands as low as possible)

That's the width! (children run as wide as possible)

Here's a dinner! (children converge to the center)

Caravan, caravan,

Whoever you want, choose!

I love, I confess, everyone

And Masha is the most.


Inflate the balloon quickly (Children disperse, forming a circle.)

He gets big

That's what! (Pointing with hands.)

Suddenly the balloon burst - shhh (Narrow the circle towards the center.)

The air is out (handles up.)

He became thin and thin. (We show with pens what the ball has become.)

We won't grieve (We shake our heads.)

We'll blow it up again.

Inflate the balloon quickly (They part to form a circle.)

He gets big

That's what!


Zainka, go, gray, go.

Like this, go like this.

Like this, go like this.

Zainka, spin, gray, spin.

Just like that, spin around.

Just like that, spin around.

Zainka, stomp your foot, gray, stomp your foot.

Like this, stomp your foot,

Like this, stomp your foot.

Zainka, dance, gray, dance.

Dance like this,

Dance like this.

Zainka, bow, gray, bow.

Like this, bow down

This is how you bow.

Text movements

"Smooth Circle"

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, saying:

"In an even circle, one after another

We go step by step, Stay where you are!

Together, let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down, etc.

"Big carousel"

Purpose of the game: To teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, to coordinate movements with the words of the poem, to respond to a verbal signal.

Game progress. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, having previously laid out the rope in the form of a ring: “Today we will play the Carousel game. Come on, children, stand near the rope in a circle, take it in your right hand and follow each other, it will be a carousel. Together we will say these words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels started spinning.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two

Here the game is over.


Target: to teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song, exercise in coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate the bubble, sound shhhh.

inflate the bubble

Blow up big

stay like this

Don't burst

He flew, he flew, he flew

Yes, I hit a branch

Sh-sh-sh. bubble burst

Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say words until they say "The bubble has burst." Then they lower their hands and sit down, while uttering the sound "shhhh"


Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in the center. The players walk in a circle and say:

“We brought gifts for everyone.

Who wants, he will take -

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane»

With the end of the words stop, standing in a circle calls which of the listed gifts he wants to receive. If he calls the horse, the children jump, if the doll - they dance, if the top - they spin. Standing in a circle, chooses a new leader. The game is repeated.

"Sun and Rain"

Children walk in a circle and say:

"The sun looks out the window,

Lights up in our room.

We'll clap our hands

Very happy with the sun.

Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically trample in place.

Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically.

At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run to the teacher under an umbrella. The teacher says: “The rain has passed. The sun is shining." The game is repeated.


Target: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing a song.

The children stood in a circle

Saw the flag

To whom to give, to whom to give

To whom to pass the flag

Come out, Sasha in a circle,

Take Sasha flag

Movements: Children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle lies a flag. The teacher with the children goes in a circle and says tex. The child comes out according to the text, raises the flag, then waves it and puts it in place. Then the game continues.

"Vanya walks"

Target: learn to stand in a circle, sing songs, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Vanya walks, Vanya walks

Looking for Vanya, looking for Vanya

For myself my friend

Found Vanya. Found Vanya

For myself my friend

Children and the teacher become in a circle. The teacher, and the children walk in a circle and say words. One child is in a circle and chooses a friend for himself with the words: Vanya found, Vanya found a friend for himself. Standing in a circle, they dance, and the rest of the children clap their hands. Then the teacher changes the leader, the game continues.


Target: Learn to move in a circle, clap your hands.

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you

you are sitting sick

get up, jump, dance.

your legs are good.

Movements: Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence, while performing movements in the text.


Target: teach children to hold hands, perform movements, according to the text of the game.

cap, cap

thin legs,

red boots

We fed you

We fed you

Put on feet

Forced to dance.

Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we watered you” are pronounced, the circle narrows, then again the children diverge back, forming a large circle, and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle is dancing.

"We are nesting dolls"

Purpose of the game: Learn to perform movements according to the text, show palms, boots.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say:

And we, as we have clean hands.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

And we have, like we have new boots.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

And we have, as we have new handkerchiefs.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

We ran, we all ran along the path.

"Bunny walked"

Hold hands, forming a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

On the words "sat down" - stop and squat down.


We stand in a circle, holding hands. The leader suggests repeating the movements after him:

We'll go right first

And then let's go left

And then we'll get into a circle

And let's sit down for a little

And now let's go back

And we'll circle around in place

And let's clap our hands.

And now in a circle all together.

(Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace)


On the motive (“Like thin ice”)

A white snow fell

Gathering in a circle (go around in circles)

We are sinking, we are sinking (stomp feet)

Let's dance merrily

Let's warm our hands (rubbing hands)

We clap, we clap (clapping)

Let's jump more fun (springs)

To get warmer.

We will jump, we will jump (jump)

"Garden round dance"

Children stand in a circle, "carrots", "onions", "cabbages", "chauffeur" are pre-selected. They also stand in a circle.

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a garden. It grows its own carrots

! (2 times)

Children stop and open their arms wide, and then raise them up.

The “carrot” comes out, dances, and at the end of the verse returns to the circle; children standing still

You, carrot, hurry here. You dance a little

(2 times)

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a garden where green onions grow

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

The “bow” dances in the circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children, standing still, sing:

You hurry here, you dance a little,

And then do not yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a garden and cabbage grows there

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

“Cabbage” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children sing:

You are cabbage, hurry to us, dance a little,

And then do not yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a truck, it is neither small nor large.

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

The “chauffeur” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse he returns to the circle, the children sing:

You, driver, hurry here, you dance a little

And then do not yawn take away our harvest.

"The goat was walking along the bridge"

Target: development of trusting partnerships.

A goat walked along the bridge (Adult shakes his knees up and down)

And wagged her tail (Adult turns the child from side to side)

Caught on the railing. (Swings again)

I landed right in the river, plop! (Imitates falling into a hole)


Target: learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

Barely, barely, barely (Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, gradually accelerating)

The carousels started spinning.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't rush (Tempo slows down)

Stop the carousel. (Gradually moving to walking)

One, two, one, two (pause) (Children stop)

So the game is over! (Bow to each other!)

Small bird

Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

Small bird

She flew to us, to us!

little bird

I will give grains, ladies, ladies!

The bird sat on the window

Sit a little longer

Wait don't fly away

Geese are flying

Target: auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction, skills of interaction with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

The geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

Fly! - the children answer, and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying!

Flies are flying!

The sparrows are flying!

Pikes are flying!

Carried away, children often answer:

And they raise their hands.

The leader slaps his hands lightly and says:

They don't fly! They don't fly!

The deer has a big house

Target: development of motor skills, attention, removal of physical and emotional stress

At the deer (Cross arms above head and wiggle fingers outstretched)

House (Connect the tips of the fingers above the head, depicting a roof)

Large (Spread arms to sides)

He sits looking out the window. (Turn your head side to side)

(One arm from the elbow horizontally under the chin, the other parallel to it above the head)

Bunny running across the field (Imitate the movements of arms and legs while running)

Knocking at his house:

“Knock knock, open the door! (Fist of one hand to knock on the palm of the other.)

There's an evil hunter in the forest (Thumb point behind your back)

Bunny - Bunny, run, ("Beckon" to yourself with both hands)

Give me a paw soon! (Clap with one hand on the other)


Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Stands in the field Teremok. (Squatting, cover your head with your hands)

The door opens. (Slowly raise arms above head)

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, ba-bam! (Jumps up, arms outstretched)

sedentary games and game exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

"Even circle" (a game for children 4-7 years old)

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, reciting a poem:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, the children stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down, etc.

From the book Sedentary games and game exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises author Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

"Two girlfriends" (a game for children 4-6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Two girlfriends are on the lawn: (Slap their knees.) “Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva.” (Clap hands.) Two green frogs: (Clap on

From the author's book

"House" (a game for children 4-6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements. At the edge of the house stands, (They fold their palms in a “house” above their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the doors, (They close their palms “to the castle.”) Standing behind the doors

From the author's book

"Herringbone" (a game for children 4-6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Our Christmas tree is a beauty, (They walk in a circle, holding hands.) It rose into the sky, (They stop, stretch their arms up.) Slender

From the author's book

"Along the path" (a game for children 4-6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements. One, two, three, four, five, Let's stretch our legs. We walk along the road, Raise our legs higher. (Walking in place.) And along the same

From the author's book

“Traffic light” (a game for children 4–6 years old) To play, you need paper circles (10 cm in diameter) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: they squat on a red signal, on yellow - get up, on green -

From the author's book

"Three Bears" (a game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Three bears were walking home. (They march in place.) Dad was big, big, (Raise their hands up.) Mom is a little smaller, (Pull their arms forward at the level

From the author's book

“Knock-knock” (a game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher: - Knock-knock-knock! (Three punches against each other.) - Yes, yes, yes. (Three claps.) - May I come to you? (Three punches against each other.) - Always glad! (Three

From the author's book

"Pass the ball" (a game for children 4-7 years old) The players stand in a circle at a step distance from each other. The teacher gives one of the guys a ball. At the command of the teacher: “Start!” children pass the ball in a circle, while clearly saying: You run, funny ball, Quickly, quickly on your hands. At

From the author's book

“This is me” (a game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are eyeballs. Here. Here. (They show first the left, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (First they take the left ear, then the

From the author's book

"Who left?" (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5–6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One child is hiding. says, "Guess

From the author's book

"Who has arrived?" (game for children 5-7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements. Who has arrived? (They put their palms and fingers of both hands together, clap their thumbs 4 times.) We, we, we! (Tips

From the author's book

“Lavata” (a game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle. Without holding hands, the children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when the words are repeated, in the other direction, saying: We dance together - Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, Our favorite dance is lavata. The host says: "My

From the author's book

“Palms” (a game for children 5–7 years old) Two players become against each other. The players clap their hands at the same time, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are connected crosswise - right with right, left with left. Then cotton - and

From the author's book

"Frog" (a game for children 5-7 years old) Put your hands on the floor (table). Clench one palm into a fist, put the other on the plane of the table. Simultaneously change the position of the hands. The complexity of the exercise is

From the author's book

"Ball" (a game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

From the author's book

“Tick-tock-tock” (a game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand scattered. The teacher gives a signal: “Tick!” - children make tilts left to right; on a signal: "Yes!" - stop, and on a signal: “Knock!” - bounce in place. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. Signals repeat 5–8


Goals and objectives - develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote development gaming activity, to perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

"Big and small feet" Hold hands and walk in a circle, either slowly, loudly stamping your feet, or accelerating your pace and often moving your legs.
Big feet
Walked along the road
Top top, top top
small feet
Run along the path
Top top top top top
Top top top top top

"We are walking through the forest"

Hold hands and walk in circles:We are walking through the forest
Let's find the animals.
We will call the hare loudly:
Nobody answers
Only an echo resounds
Quietly: "Au-au-au!"

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: “We will call the wolf loudly”, “We will call the bear”, “We will call the fox”."On a flat path"
On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
Our feet are walking.
On the stumps, on the bumps,
by pebbles,
Over the pebbles, into the pit - bang!
Sit down on the last line.

"Bunny walked"

Hold hands, forming a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a carrot
Sat down, ate and moved on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a cabbage
Sat down, ate and moved on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a potato
Sat down, ate and moved on.

On the words "sat down" - stop and squat down.

"Inflate, bubble!"

Together with the teacher, the children become a tight circle and begin to “inflate the bubble”: tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, one below the other, like a pipe. At the same time, they straighten up and take in air, and then bend over again, blow air into their tube and pronounce the sound "f-f-f-f". These actions are repeated 2-3 times. With each inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble had grown a little. Then everyone joins hands and gradually widens the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Inflate, bubble, inflate big,

Stay like this and don't give up!!!

It turns out a large stretched circle.

He flew, flew, flew.

And hit a branch! (children run around)

"Bubble burst!" everyone clap their hands, say the word"Clap!" and run into a bunch.

"The bees lead a round dance"
Perform appropriate movements.The bees lead a round dance -
Broom, broom.
The cat hit the drum -
Trom, trum.
The mice began to dance -
So that the whole earth began to tremble.


We walk, we walk in a round dance
Before all honest people.
sat down,
sit down
got up,
get up
They showed themselves.

jumped, jumping
We clapped our hands.


Like snow under a hill, snow,

And on the hill snow, snow,

And under the tree snow, snow,

And on the tree snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush hush,

Keep quiet!

I. Tokmakova

Children stand in a circle. The bear is chosen. He sits on a chair in the middle of the circle and "falls asleep". On the 1st and 3rd lines, the children go to the middle of the circle (4 steps), on the 2nd 4th lines they go back, from the center (4 steps), on the 5th line they carefully approach the sleeping bear. The last two lines are spoken by one of the children appointed by the teacher. The bear must recognize this child by voice. The game is repeated with a new child.

"Smooth Circle"

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, saying:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down


“A bunny has a warm white fur coat in winter. His ears are on the top of his head, which means that the bunny listens, and he moves them to hear even better. When a bunny is cold and wants to warm his paws, he does this (claps his hands). And if the bunny gets completely cold, he starts jumping - like this.

A bunny is chosen, the rest form a circle. The hare goes to the middle and, having depicted ears with his hands, squats down.

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears!

children squat down and depict with their hands how the bunny movesears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws


Gotta warm up the paws!

stroking one or the other hand, lightly clapping their hands. Then they get up.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump!


Bunny needs to jump!

bounce on two legs towards the bunny. They try to warm him, gently stroke him. Then they return to their place, and the bunny chooses a replacement for itself.

"We stomp our feet"

The teacher, together with the children, becomes in a circle at a distance of arms straightened to the sides. In accordance with the spoken text, the children perform the exercises:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We give hands.

With these words, the children give each other hands, forming a circle, and continue:

And we run around

And we run around.

After a while, the teacher says: “Stop!”. Children, slowing down, stop. The game is on repeat

"Cats and mice"

Get into the round dance!

Olya is a mouse

Sasha is a cat!

Let's play together

The cat can't catch the mouse!

E. Serova

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The mouse enters the circle and the cat leaves the circle. At the signal of the teacher, the kids raise their clasped hands up, forming a "gate" through which they try to pass only the mouse. If the cat failed to catch the mouse, the children put their hands down (“the gates” close) and together with the teacher say the words:

Don't be afraid, mouse, cat

Will not pass in our round dance!

The game is repeated with another cat and mouse.


A circle is formed. “Now we will ride the carousel,” the teacher says. “Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break.”

Holding hands, the children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

the carousel moves slowly to the right.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run!

The pace of speech and movements gradually accelerates.

Let's run, let's run

Run, run!

The carousel changes direction.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Carousel os-ta-but-vi-te.

One-two, one-two (pause)

Here is the game over.

The pace of movements gradually slows down, and at the words "one or two" everyone stops and bows to each other.

At the end, the children clap their hands with each other and run away.

"On the river of reeds"

Hold hands and walk in a circle:

On the river -
Ruffs splashed there.
Circle - older

stop and turn around to face the center of the circle

Circle - younger take a step towards the center
Circle - absolutely
close the circle.


The players walk in a circle and say:

Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds do not make noise.

Sleep, kids!

At the end of the words, the children stop, squat and lower their heads. In this position, they are up to 10 s. Those who move, do not keep their balance, are considered losers. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Horse is fire"

Children move around in circles like horses. As you move, the teacher rhythmically reads the quatrain:


You jump, gallop!

All gallop, all gallop!


After a pause, the task is repeated.

"Sun and Rain"

Children walk in a circle and say:

The sun looks out the window They go in circles.

Lights up in our room.

We clap our hands They clap their hands.

Very happy with the sun.

Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically trample in place


Clap-clap-clap-clap! Rhythmically clapping hands


On signalit's raining, hurry home

children run to the teacher under an umbrella.

The teacher says:

The rain stopped. The sun is shining.

The game is repeated.

"The Scarlet Flower"

The Scarlet Flower,

like a spark children walk in a round dance

One two Three -

turn around, Alena you

the named child turns his back in a circle

The game continues until the last child has turned.

Scarlet flower, like a spark

One two three four. five - they all turned again!

all children turn to face in a circle


Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in

center. The players walk in a circle and say:

We brought gifts for everyone.

Whoever wants, he will take -

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane

With the end of the words stop, standing in a circle

names which of the following gifts he wants

get. If he calls the horse, the children jump, if the doll -

they dance, if the top is spinning. standing in a circle

selects a new leader. The game is repeated.


Make a circle. Petya comes to the middle of the circle.

After that, everyone goes from right to left and sings a song:

- As for Petya's birthday

We baked a loaf!

- Here is such a height!

Everyone should raise their hands: show how tall the loaf is.

- Here is such a bottom!

Everyone should squat down. After these words, you need to quickly get up, push the circle wider, but do not separate your hands.

- That's such a wide!

And now you need to quickly narrow the circle, surround Petya from all sides and sing:

- Here's a dinner!

When they sing, let them open the circle again and sing:

- Loaf, loaf,

Whom do you love, choose!

Petya will think: whom should he choose? While he is thinking, the round dance walks without stopping, and repeats his song:

- Loaf, loaf,

Whoever you want, choose!

Whoever Petya chooses goes to the middle of the circle, and you can start the game again.


The lark sang in the sky,

He rang the bell.

frolic in the sky,

Hid a song in the grass:

Whoever finds the song

It will be fun all year long!


According to the counting rhyme, the “lark” is selected. He goes to the middle of the circle that the children form. He has a bell in his hand. With the beginning of the poem, the lark runs in a circle. At the end of the poem, the children close their eyes. The lark runs around the circle, ringing a bell, then gives it into the hands of one of the children.

At the signal of the leader, the children open their eyes. The lark calls the name of the one who will look for the bell. The named child learns by ringing who has the bell hidden. Once the children have mastered the game, it can be made more difficult. The lark hides 2 or 3 bells. One child is invited to search for them. The game is repeated with other participants.

« Checkbox

Children stand in a circle, one child in the middle with a flag. The teacher leads the children in a circle and says:

The children stood in a circle

Come out, Olya, in a circle,

Saw the flag.

Take, Olya, the flag!

To whom to give, to whom to give?

Come out, come out, take it

Who should raise the flag?

Raise the flag higher!

The child goes to the middle and takes the flag from the one who is in the center, and he goes into the general circle. The game is repeated, the child in the center also walks, raising the flag. It is necessary to walk beautifully and rhythmically.

"Cap and wand"

Oneone of the children goes to the center of the circle with a stick in his hands,

puts a cap on his head so that it goes down to

nose, covering the eyes. The rest of the kids hold on

hands forming a circle. Go around in circles saying:

One, two, three, four, five

The stick will knock The leader taps with a stick. Points with a stick at one of the children standing in a circle. - He says the last three words

Jump, jump, jump.

All the children say, after that the leader guesses.

If he guessed right, he chooses who will go to the middle.

"Like in our meadow"

As in our meadow

Olechka is dancing in a circle,

And we sing a song

and clap your hands loudly.

Olya, Olya more fun!

Don't feel sorry for your feet

Don't forget to bow

choose someone.

As in our meadow

Everyone danced in a circle.

we all dance and sing

and clap your hands loudly.

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle is the child about whom the song is sung. The child dances as best he can. After the words “don’t forget to bow,” he bows to someone, and he goes out into the circle. Verse 1 and chorus are repeated several times, the names of the children change. At the end, verse 2 is sung. All the children are dancing.

"Grandma's Yard"
Frets, frets, okay, we came to my grandmother.
To our dear grandmother,
Grandmother - Zabavushka, rode \ 3 times \ guys,

cute \3 times\ granddaughters.

(Children walk in a circle).I have a cockerel, a bright red comb.
Red beard, important gait.
Red \3 times \ beard, important \3 times \ gait.
(Children walk, raising their legs high. The body is held straight, the head is raised. The arms are laid back. During the movement, the children actively “flap their wings”, raising and lowering their hands).There is a mischievous kid, so he shook his beard.
He scares children, butts with horns.
He scares children \ 3 times \,
horns \ 3 times \ butts.
(Children jump in place, holding fists at the back of the head with raised index fingers, depicting horns).There is also a cat Murka, a nice koshurka.
(Children walk with a soft "spring" step).
He walks after the grandmother, washes his face with his paw.
Walks \ 5 times \ after the grandmother,
washes \5 times \ muzzle with a paw.
(Children show with gestures how the cat washes).tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok tsok
there is a horse - a gray side.
A whirlwind jumps around the yard, invites everyone to the game!
Whirlwind jumps \ 3 times \ around the yard,
invites \3 times\everyone to the game!
(Children bend their arms with a "bridle" at the elbows, then, pressing them to their chest,then, pulling out in front of you).Okay, okay, okay, that's how many grandma has


Children stand in a circle, "cockerel" in a circle.

Petya walked along the road

(the cockerel passes near the children, raising its knees high, waving its arms)

He found a pea

(Stops near the child - he becomes a pea)

And the pea fell

Rolled and disappeared

(the cockerel spins, the pea hides behind any child, squats)

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Where will peas grow?

(all children slowly sit down, the pea stands up, raising his hands up - has grown)

"Where have you been, Ivanushka?"

Ivanushka stands in the center of the circle. Children ask, Ivanushka answers.

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?

- At the fair.

- What did you buy, Ivanushka?

- Chicken.

Hen on the hay (Children show how the chicken pecks)

Grains are pecking,

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Sings songs.

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?

- At the fair.

- What did you buy, Ivanushka?

- Duck.

Duck in a puddle (Children show how the duck swims)

Back and forth floats.

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Sings songs.

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?

- At the fair.

- What did you buy, Ivanushka?

- Donkey.

Donkey on the lawn (Children show how a donkey nibbles grass)

chews grass,

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Sings songs.

(Goes out and starts a round dance.)

"I walk around the house"

Children stand in a circle, the leader walks in a circle and says the words:

- I walk around the tree and look out the window,

I will go up to one and knock softly.

A child comes up from behind, softly tapping on the back. There is a dialogue between them:

- Who's there?

- It's me ... (name)


-Let's run!

Children stand with their backs to each other and, at a signal, run in different directions in a circle. Whoever arrives first takes a seat. The second becomes the leader.

"A circle"

Masha sits down in the middle of the meadow. They dance around him, singing:

“Sit, sit, Masha, in the willow bush

Gnaw, gnaw, Masha, ripe nuts.

Catch, catch, masha, whom you need!

Masha rushes after someone. The person caught stands in a circle and the game continues.


Everyone stands in a circle and sings:

“Who wants to know how oats are sown

My father sowed so...

Show hand movements like this...

Then rest like this...

They stand with their hands folded - crosswise. Then they spin in a round dance, singing:

- Oats, oats, God forbid that you grow up!

- Who wants to know how oats are harvested?

- My father reaped him So (shows)

After the chorus, they depict how oats are knitted, how they are threshed (when threshing, everyone beats his neighbor).


The players form a circle, in the middle of which a child becomes - this will be a pear. Everyone walks around the pear in a circle:

We will plant a pear - here, here!

Let our pear grow, grow!

Grow up, pear, such a height;

Grow up, pear, like this wide;

Grow up, pear, grow up in a good hour!

Dance, Mariyka, spin for us!

And we will pinch this pear.

We will run away from our Mariyka!

The pear in the middle of the circle should depict everything that is sung in the song (dance, spin). To the words “This is such a height”, the children raise their hands up, and to the words “This is such a width”, they spread them apart.

When they sing: “And we will pinch this pear”, everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly runs away, and the pear catches the children. All game actions must be consistent with the words.

"Gardener and Sparrow"

Gardener and Sparrow are selected. The rest of the participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Nuts (apples, plums, etc.) are placed in the middle of the circle - this is a "garden". Away, ten paces away, they draw a circle - a “nest”. The round dance slowly moves in a circle, everyone sings:

Sparrow is small.
gray, remote,
Drifting around the yard
Collects crumbs;
Sleeping in the garden
Steals berries.

Sparrow runs in a circle (the guys, raising and lowering their hands, let him in and out), takes one nut and tries to carry it to the "nest". The gardener guards the circle and, as soon as Sparrow runs out of the circle, he begins to catch him. If Sparrow manages to put the nut in the "nest", he plays again. The caught Sparrow changes role with one of the participants. But before that, he must pay off the Ogorodnik and fulfill the desires of the round dance, for example, sing, dance, etc. At the same time, they sing to him

For a century, the sparrow cannot fly,
Do not peck berries in the garden,
Do not sit on an oak stamen.
And you, sparrow, sit on the meadow,
And you, gray, sit in a circle.
Isn't it time for you to get up and fly
Dance in our round dance!

At the end of the game, they count which sparrow brought the most nuts to the “nest”. He is declared the winner and all the nuts are given as a reward.

"Grandfather Water"

Grandfather Vodyanoy
What are you sitting under water
Look out for a glimpse
For one minute.
(A child is squatting in the center of the circle. He is Water. The children walk around him in a round dance, quietly pronounce the words, stop at the end of the words. The child gets up, closes his eyes, the teacher brings him to another child and he determines by touch who he approached , calls his name. If you guessed right, then the guessed child sits down. The game starts again)

Option for a girl:

Grandmother Water
What are you sitting and blinking
Look out for a glimpse
For one minute.

"Have fun kids"
It's time to play!
How does a kitty meow?
Alternate extension of the hands forward.
Meow meow meow.

And how does Zhuchenka bark? Grasping movements
Woof woof woof.

How does a cow moo? "Horns" Hands to the head, leaning forward.Moo-moo-moo.

How does a pig grunt? to the nose with the index finger
Oink oink oink.

Have fun kids
The game is on
We lead a round dance

How do frogs croak? Palms forward, fingers breed
Kwa, kwa, kwa.

How do ducklings quack? Arms bent at the elbows"beaks"
Quack, quack, quack.

Do sparrows chirp? Hands to the sides, swing your arms

Jumping along the paths Jumping in place
Jump, jump, jump.

Have fun kids
Game ends

"Needle, thread and knot"

Game progress: Players stand in a circle and hold hands. The counting room chooses "Needle", "Thread" and "Knot".

Heroes one after another then run into the circle, then run out of it. If “Thread” or “Knot” broke away (lagged behind or ran out incorrectly, ran into the circle), then this group is considered a loser. Other heroes are chosen.

The winner is the three in which the children moved quickly, deftly, keeping up with each other.

Rules of the game. “Needle”, “Thread”, “Knot” must be let in and out of the circle without delay, and immediately close the circle.


A child is squatting in the center of the circle. Children walk in a round dance, saying the words:
cap, cap,
little feet,
Red boots.
We fed you
(threaten finger)
We fed you (threaten with other hand)
Put on feet ( raise their hands up, the child in the center stands up)
Forced to dance.
Dance as much as you want
,( child performs dance moves
Choose who you want
Don't forget to bow
Pick someone
.(the child approaches the selected child, bows to him and leads him to the center of the circle.)
The game is repeated with another child.

"Round dance"

The game is best played on grass. Children stand in a circle and hold hands.
Around the rose bushes
Among the herbs and flowers,
We are circling, we are circling a round dance.
(Children walk in a circle)
Before that we were spinning
that fell to the ground.
(Squat or drop to the ground)
Around the rose bushes
Among the grasses and bushes,
We drive, we drive a round dance.
(Children go the other way)
How do we end the circle?
We all jump together all of a sudden.
(stop and jump in place)

"We're going now..."

We stand in a circle, holding hands. The leader suggests repeating the movements after him:

We'll go right first
And then let's go left
And then we'll get into a circle
And let's sit down for a bit
And now let's go back
And we'll circle around in place
And let's clap our hands.
And now in a circle all together ....

(Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace)


(1) We take the hands of a friend, we lead a round dance together
(2) And a cheerful heel, clack on the floor, clack-clack-clack
(3) We take the hands of a friend, we lead a round dance together

(4) Jump-jump more fun, jump - do not spare your legs

(5) And a cheerful heel, clatter on the floor, clack-clack-clack
(6) Jump-jump more fun, jump - do not spare your legs

(7) Look - we have fingers, everyone also started dancing
(8) And a cheerful heel, clatter on the floor, clack-clack-clack
(9) Look - we have fingers, everyone also started dancing

(10) And again, our cheerful round dance goes, goes ...

We get up in a round dance.
1 - we go in a circle in a round dance.
2, 5, 8 - we turn to face in a circle and, without releasing our hands, put our legs on the heel.
3, 10 - we lead a round dance
4, 6 - bounce in place.
7, 9 - we perform the movement "flashlights" or we squeeze-unclench the fists.


Children become in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader, he is blindfolded. Children lead a round dance and sing:
“A cuckoo has flown into our garden and is singing.
You cuckoo do not yawn, who cuckoo answer!
After that, the teacher points to some child in the circle, he should say: “ku-ku”. The driver must guess who it is.

Mariam Papikyants
Card file of round dance games

Card #1


Purpose of the game: Exercise children in the correct coordination of actions and text, cultivate an understanding of the various sizes of the subject, develop speech and motor activity.

Like on Cars name day

We baked a loaf:

Here is such a height! (children raise their hands as high as possible)

Here is such a low! (children lower their hands as low as possible)

That's the width! (children run as wide as possible)

Here's a dinner! (children converge to the center)

Caravan, caravan,

Whoever you want, choose!

I love, I confess, everyone

And Masha is the most.

Card #2


Inflate the balloon quickly (Children disperse, forming a circle.)

He gets big

That's what! (Pointing with hands.)

Suddenly the balloon burst - shhh (Narrow the circle towards the center.)

The air is out (handles up.)

He became thin and thin. (We show with pens what the ball has become.)

We won't grieve (We shake our heads.)

We'll blow it up again.

Inflate the balloon quickly (They part to form a circle.)

He gets big

That's what!

Card #3


Zainka, go, gray, go.

Like this, go like this.

Like this, go like this.

Zainka, spin, gray, spin.

Just like that, spin around.

Just like that, spin around.

Zainka, stomp your foot, gray, stomp your foot.

Like this, stomp your foot,

Like this, stomp your foot.

Zainka, dance, gray, dance.

Dance like this,

Dance like this.

Zainka, bow, gray, bow.

Like this, bow down

This is how you bow.

text movement

Card number 4

"Smooth Circle"

Children, holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, speaking:

"In an even circle, one after another

We go step by step, Stay where you are!

Together, let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down, etc.

Card number 5

"Big carousel"

The purpose of the game. To teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, to coordinate movements with the words of the poem, to respond to a verbal signal.

Game progress. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, having previously laid out the rope in the form rings: "Today we will play a game "Carousel". Come on, children, stand near the rope in a circle, take it in your right hand and follow each other, it will be a carousel. Together we will pronounce such the words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels started spinning.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two

Here the game is over.

Card #6


Target: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song, exercise in coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate a bubble, sound shhhh.

inflate the bubble

puff up big

stay like this

Don't burst

he flew, he flew, he flew

Yes, I hit a branch

sh-sh-sh. bubble burst

Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence words until they say "Bubble burst". Then they lower their hands and sit down, while making the sound "sh-sh-sh"

Card number 7

"Sun and Rain"

Children go around and pronounce:

"The sun looks out the window,

Lights up in our room.

We'll clap our hands

Very happy with the sun.

Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically trample in place.

Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically.

On signal "It's raining, hurry home" children run to the teacher under an umbrella. caregiver He speaks: "The rain stopped. The sun is shining". The game is repeated.

Card number 8


Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in the center. The players walk in a circle and they say:

“We brought gifts for everyone.

Whoever wants, he will take -

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane»

With the end of the words stop, standing in a circle calls which of the listed gifts he wants to receive. If he calls the horse, the children jump, if the doll - they dance, if the top - they spin. Standing in a circle, chooses a new leader. The game is repeated.

Card #9


Target: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song.

The children stood in a circle

saw the flag

To whom to give, to whom to give

To whom to pass the flag

come out, Sasha in a circle,

Take Sasha flag

movements: children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle lies a flag. The teacher with the children goes in a circle and says tex. The child comes out according to the text, raises the flag, then waves it and puts it in place. Then the game continues.

Card number 10

"Vanya walks"

Target: to learn to stand in a circle, sing songs, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Vanya walks, Vanya walks

Looking for Vanya, looking for Vanya

For myself my friend

Found Vanya. Found Vanya

For myself my friend

Children and the teacher become in a circle. The teacher, and the children walk in a circle and say words. One child is in a circle and chooses a friend for himself. the words: I found Vanya, I found Vanya for my friend. Standing in a circle, they dance, and the rest of the children clap their hands. Then the teacher changes the leader, the game continues.

Card number 11


Target: Learn to move in a circle, clap your hands.

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you

you are sitting sick

get up, jump, dance.

your legs good.

movements: Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence, while performing movements in the text.

Card number 12


Target: teach children to hold hands, perform movements, according to the text of the game.

cap, cap

thin legs,

red boots

We fed you

We fed you

Put on feet

Forced to dance.

Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence according to the text. When the words are spoken "we fed you, we gave you water", the circle narrows, then again the children diverge back, forming a large circle, and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle is dancing.

Card #13

"We are nesting dolls"

Purpose of the game: Learn to perform movements in the text, show hands, boots.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and sentenced:

And we, as we have clean hands.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

And we have, like we have new boots.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

And we have, as we have new handkerchiefs.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

We ran, we all ran along the path.

Card #14

"Bunny walked"

Hold hands, forming a circle. Go around in circles saying the words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Found a potato,

In words "sat down"- Stop and squat down.

Card #15


We stand in a circle, holding hands. The host asks you to repeat after him. movements:

We'll go right first

And then let's go left

And then we'll get into a circle

And let's sit down for a little

And now let's go back

And we'll circle around in place

And let's clap our hands.

And now in a circle all together.

(Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace)

Card #16


On the motive ( "like thin ice")

A white snow fell

Gathering in a circle (go around in circles)

We are sinking, we are sinking (stomp feet)

Let's dance merrily

Let's warm our hands (rubbing hands)

We clap, we clap (clapping)

Let's jump more fun (springs)

To get warmer.

We will jump, we will jump (jump)

Card #17

"White Bunny sits"

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears

(bring fingers to head, move them)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this

Gotta warm up the paws (clap hands)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump (jump on both feet)

The wolf scared the bunny!

Bunny immediately ran away! (running away)

Card #18

"Ogorodnaya round dance»

Children stand in a circle, pre-selected "carrot", "onion", "cabbage", "chauffeur". They also stand in a circle.

Children go around and sing:

We have a garden. It grows its own carrots

! (2 times)

Children stop and open their arms wide, and then raise them up.

coming out "carrot", dances and at the end of the verse returns to the circle; children standing on place:

You, carrot, hurry here. You dance a little

(2 times)

Children go around and sing:

We have a garden where green onions grow

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

Dancing in a circle "onion", at the end of the verse, returns to the circle, children, standing still, sing:

You hurry here, you dance a little,

And then do not yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)

Children go around and sing:

We have a garden and cabbage grows there

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

coming out "cabbage" sing:

You are cabbage, hurry to us, dance a little,

And then do not yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)

Children go around and sing:

We have a truck, it is neither small nor large.

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

coming out "chauffeur" and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse returns to the circle, children sing:

You, driver, hurry here, you dance a little

And then do not yawn take away our harvest.

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