What does didactic games mean. Didactic games for preschoolers

Didactic game.



page 2
Chapter I The essence of didactic games as a means of learning page 5
I.1 Types of didactic games page 6
I.2 The structure of the didactic game page 9
I.3 Functions of didactic games I.4 Conditions for conducting didactic games
I.5 Stages of the game
page 11 page 12
page 15
Chapter II Educational and didactic game as a means of activation cognitive activity

page 17
Conclusion page 22
Bibliography page 25

The imminent death of the class-lesson system is hidden in contradictions that it is unable to resolve.
Firstly, modernity requires the school to teach thoughts, and the lesson teaches only knowledge. The very concept of "knowledge" has exhausted itself. How can knowledge be taught if information is updated by 50% every seven years and at the same time doubles. What we teach is outdated before the children leave school! To teach knowledge is to teach in advance the unnecessary.
Secondly, modernity strives for an individual approach to teaching, and the lesson is based on the frontal method. Frontality turns students into educational "cannon fodder". The front is good for learning combat commands, the rules of "zhi-shi" and the multiplication table. Students have to master other knowledge not because of, but in spite of the lesson system.
Thirdly, modernity turns the student into the subject of learning, and the lesson leaves him as an object. The object is a dead body, and the subject is a person. Every teacher wants to be a creator, not a pathologist.
What form of knowledge transfer will replace the five-hundred-year-old lesson is the question of the decade. Hundreds of innovative teachers, thousands of creative teachers are looking for new forms, creating methods for the future, making discoveries, experiencing successes and disappointments. But there is no single and universal method worthy of replacing the lesson yet. The secret to failure is simple. It is believed that the old should be replaced by the new. But after all, the new is the well-forgotten old, and, therefore, something even more ancient and more eternal must come to replace the lesson. Maybe it's a GAME?
One of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is a didactic game. During the game, the wonderful world of childhood is connected with the wonderful world of science, which the students enter. And the game can be called the eighth wonder of the world, as it contains huge educational, educational and developmental opportunities. In the process of games, children acquire a wide variety of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the world around them. The game develops children's observation and the ability to determine the properties of objects, to identify their essential features. Thus, games have a great influence on the mental development of children, improving their thinking, attention, and creative imagination. The famous French scientist Louis de Broglie argued that all games (even the simplest ones) have many elements in common with the work of a scientist. Carried away, children do not notice that they are learning, learning, remembering new things, orienting themselves in unusual situations, replenishing the stock of ideas and concepts. Even the most passive are included in the game with great desire, making every effort not to let down their comrades in the game. one
Until recently, the game was used only in extracurricular activities. Currently, the game is widely used in the classroom, requiring great skill from the teacher.
In connection with the relevance of this issue, it was determined course work topic: "Didactic games as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren."
Objective: to study the essence of didactic games and determine their role in the process of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.
Research objectives:

    To study the theoretical material on didactic games as one of the means of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren;
    Determine the basic conditions for conducting a didactic game and the requirements for their preparation;
    Reveal the structure, functions, types, stages of didactic games.
The structure of the course work: the work logically consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.
In the introduction substantiates the relevance of the study.
In the first chapter the essence of the didactic game is revealed.
In the second chapter educational and didactic game is considered as one of the means of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.
In custody conclusions are drawn.
In the list of used literature There are seven sources.

Didactic games are a kind of games with rules specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children in the preschool period and at primary school age is determined by a number of reasons:

    Game activity as a leading activity in preschool childhood has not yet lost its significance (it is no coincidence that many children bring toys to school). One can agree with L. S. Vygotsky, who wrote that “at school age, play does not die, but penetrates into relationships with reality. It has its internal continuation in schooling and in work. It follows that reliance on play activities, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way to include children in educational work.
    The development of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it, is slow (many children do not even know what “learning” is).
    There are age-related characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and arbitrariness of attention, predominantly involuntary development of memory, and the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking. Didactic games just contribute to the development of mental processes in children.
    Insufficiently formed cognitive motivation. The main difficulty in the initial period of education is that the motive with which the child comes to school is not related to the content of the activity that he must perform at school. The motive and content of educational activities do not correspond to each other. The content that the child is taught in school should encourage learning. There are significant difficulties in adapting when a child enters school (mastering a new role - the role of a student, establishing relationships with peers and teachers). Didactic game in many ways contributes to overcoming these difficulties. 2
A. V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of didactic play, emphasized: “We need to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child.” On the other hand, some teachers tend, on the contrary, to unjustifiably consider didactic games only as a means of intellectual development, a means of developing cognitive mental processes. However, didactic games are also a game form of education, which, as you know, is quite actively used at the initial stages of education, i.e., in senior preschool and primary school age. 3
1.1. Types of didactic games
Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of a teacher. The listed signs are inherent in all games, however, in some games, some signs are more distinct, in others - others.
There is no clear classification, grouping of games by type yet. Often games are correlated with the content of education: games on sensory perception, word games, games on familiarization with nature, and others.
Sometimes games are correlated with the material:
    Games with objects(toys, natural materials, etc.) are the most accessible to children, since they are based on direct perception, correspond to the child's desire to act with things and thus get to know them.
    Board games, as well as games with objects, are based on the principle of visibility, but in these games, children are not given the object itself, but its image. Like a didactic toy, a printed board game is only good if it requires independent mental work.
    word games the most complex, They are not associated with the direct perception of the subject. In them, children must operate with representations. These games are of great importance for the development of the child's thinking, as in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, not relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors. 4
    You can also group games like this:
A. I. Sorokina highlights the following types of didactic games: 5
    travel games;
    task games;
    guessing games;
    puzzle games;
    conversation games.
Let's briefly describe each type:
travel games designed to enhance the impression, draw the attention of children to what is nearby. They sharpen observation, denounce overcoming difficulties. These games use many ways of revealing cognitive content in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve them, step-by-step problem solving, etc.
task games the content is simpler, and the duration is shorter. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal instructions.
guessing games("what would be..."). A task is set before the children and a situation is created that requires reflection on the subsequent action. At the same time, the mental activity of children is activated, they learn to listen to each other.
puzzle games. They are based on a test of knowledge, resourcefulness. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions.
conversation games. They are based on communication. The main is the immediacy of experiences, interest, goodwill. Such a game makes demands on the activation of emotional and thought processes. It brings up the ability to listen to questions and answers, focus on the content, supplement what has been said, and make judgments. Cognitive material for this type of games should be given in the optimal amount to arouse the interest of children. Cognitive material is determined by the theme, the content of the game. The game, in turn, must correspond to the possibilities of assimilating the interest of children and curtailing game actions.
    It is important to clearly distinguish between the actual didactic games and the game techniques used in teaching children.
    As children "enter" a new activity for them - educational - the value of didactic games as a way of learning decreases, while game techniques are still used by the teacher. They are needed to attract the attention of children, relieve their stress. The following should be noted in this regard. Unfortunately, some teachers perceive the didactic game only as an entertaining and organizing moment of the lesson, which allows them to relieve mental stress. Such a view is fundamentally wrong. In this case, the game does not organically enter the lesson, it is located near the learning process. Therefore, we can agree that "not being able to build a real didactic game that would awaken the thoughts of students, some teachers clothe training exercises in a game form of learning." The most important thing is that the game is organically combined with serious, hard work, so that the game does not distract from learning, but, on the contrary, contributes to the intensification of mental work.
1.2. The structure of the didactic game 6
Didactic game has a certain structure. Structure - these are the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:
    didactic task;
    game task;
    game actions;
    rules of the game;
    result (summarizing).

didactic task determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activity. So, for example, in a number of didactic games, in accordance with the program objectives of the relevant subjects, the ability to compose words from letters is consolidated, counting skills are practiced, etc.
game task carried out by children. The didactic task in the didactic game is realized through the game task. It determines the play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. Most importantly, the didactic task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears before the children in the form of a game plan (task).
game actions- the basis of the game. The more diverse the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved. In different games, game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players. This, for example, can be role-playing actions, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc. They are associated with the game plan and come from it. Game actions are means of realizing the game idea, but also include actions aimed at fulfilling a didactic task.
rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of shaping the child's personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. The rules contain moral requirements for the relationship of children, for their compliance with the norms of behavior. In a didactic game, the rules are given. With the help of the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children. The rules also influence the solution of the didactic task - imperceptibly limit the actions of children, direct their attention to the fulfillment of a specific task of the subject.

summing up results (result)- is carried out immediately after the end of the game. It could be scoring; identifying children who performed the game task better; determination of the winning team, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of lagging children.
When conducting games, it is necessary to preserve all the structural elements, since it is with their help that didactic tasks are solved.
In the situation of a didactic game, knowledge is acquired better. Didactic game and lesson cannot be opposed. The most important thing - and this must be emphasized once again - the didactic task in the didactic game is carried out through the game task. The didactic task is hidden from children. The child's attention is drawn to the performance of play actions, and the task of teaching them is not realized. This makes the game a special form of game learning, when children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and the teacher are participants in the same game. This condition is violated - and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

1.3. Functions of didactic games
Based on the foregoing, a didactic game is a game only for a child. For an adult, it is a way of learning. In the didactic game, the assimilation of knowledge acts as a side effect. The purpose of didactic games and game learning techniques is to facilitate the transition to learning tasks, to make it gradual. 7
The foregoing allows us to formulate main functions of didactic games: 8

    the function of forming a sustainable interest in learning and relieving stress associated with the process of adapting the child to the school regime;
    the function of the formation of mental neoplasms;
    the function of forming the actual learning activity;
    functions of formation of general educational skills, skills of educational and independent work;
    the function of forming skills of self-control and self-esteem;
    the function of forming adequate relationships and mastering social roles.
So, the didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only the assimilation of educational knowledge, skills and abilities takes place, but also all the mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills develop. The didactic game helps to make the educational material exciting, to create a joyful working mood. The skillful use of the didactic game in the educational process facilitates it, since the game activity is familiar to the child. Through the game, learning patterns are quickly learned. Positive emotions facilitate the learning process. 9
Organizing and conducting a didactic game is a rather difficult task for a teacher.

1.4. Conditions for conducting a didactic game

The following can be distinguished the main conditions for conducting a didactic game: 10

    The teacher has certain knowledge and skills regarding didactic games.
    The expressiveness of the game. This ensures the interest of children, the desire to listen, to participate in the game.
    The need to include the teacher in the game. He
    is both a participant and a leader of the game. The teacher must ensure the progressive development of the game in accordance with the educational and educational tasks, but at the same time not exert pressure, play a secondary role, imperceptibly for children to direct the game in the right direction .

    It is necessary to optimally combine entertainment and education. When conducting a game, the teacher must constantly remember that he gives children complex learning tasks, and the form of their conduct - emotionality, lightness, ease - turns them into a game.
    Means and methods that increase the emotional attitude of children to the game should be considered not as an end in itself, but as a path leading to
    fulfillment of didactic tasks.

    There should be an atmosphere of respect, mutual understanding, trust and empathy between the teacher and the children.
    The visualization used in the didactic game should be simple and capacious.
Proper conduct of the didactic game is ensured by a clear organization of didactic games. First of all, the teacher must realize and formulate the goal of the game, answer the questions: what skills and abilities will children master during the game, what moment of the game should be given special attention, what educational goals are pursued during the game? We must not forget that there is a learning process behind the game. And the task of the teacher is to direct the child's strength to study, to make the serious work of children entertaining and productive.
Next, you need to decide on the number of players. Different games have different numbers of them. If possible, we should strive to ensure that every child can participate in the game. Therefore, if some of the children carry out the game activity, then the rest should play the role of controllers, judges, that is, also take part in the game.
The next important step in organizing a didactic game is the selection of didactic materials and manuals for the game. In addition, it is required to clearly plan the time parameter of the game. In particular, how to introduce the rules of the game to children with the least expenditure of time. It is necessary to foresee what changes can be made to the game in order to increase the activity and interest of children, to take into account the possible occurrence of planned situations during didactic games.
And, finally, it is important to think over the conclusion, summing up after the didactic game. The collective analysis of the game is of great importance. It is necessary to evaluate both the speed and, most importantly, the quality of the performance of game actions by children. Be sure to pay attention to the manifestations of the behavior of children and the qualities of their personality in the game: how mutual assistance was manifested in the game, perseverance in achieving the goal. Demonstrate to your children their accomplishments on a regular basis.
It is important to consider the phased distribution of games and game moments in the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the goal of the game is to organize and interest children, to stimulate their activity. In the middle of the lesson, the didactic game should solve the problem of mastering the topic; at the end of the lesson, the game can be exploratory in nature. At any stage of the lesson, the game must meet the following requirements: be interesting, accessible, include different types of children's activities. The game, therefore, can be played at any stage of the lesson. It is also used in various types of lessons. So, in the lesson of explaining new material in the game, practical actions of children with groups of objects or drawings should be programmed. In the lessons for consolidating the material, games are used to reproduce the properties of actions and computational examples. In the system of lessons on the topic, it is important to choose games for different types of activities: performing, reproducing, transforming, searching.
The didactic game is included in a holistic pedagogical process, combined and interconnected with other forms of education and upbringing. eleven

1.5. Stages of the game
In my opinion, the game provides obvious advantages at all stages of didactic interaction.

    Motivation of cognitive activity. The game motivates the student very effectively, because it is aimed not at the result, but at the process. Even a passive student quickly connects to the game. Everyone loves to play, even those who don't like to learn. But that's the secret, that while playing, they learn without even knowing it.
    Activation of cognitive activities. Everyone is active in the game, because the participants are driven by excitement. Children can play for hours, overturning all notions of physiological fatigue. The teacher is more likely to have problems with excessive activity than with the usual passivity. 12
    Organization of discipline. The rules of the game themselves determine the scope of the necessary prohibitions. Players and teams observe them while playing. Naturally, the games are noisy for obedience advocates, but discipline and obedience are two different things. thirteen
    The content of teaching. When building a game, the teacher does not have to worry about popularizing the content of the material, because the game is meaningful as far as everyone can understand it. Most game experts call this property of games "democratic". Not too good term does not detract from the quality of the general understanding of the game. For example, anyone can learn how to play super-intelligent bridge, few will catch the patterns of the game, and only a few brilliant ones will figure out the theory of bridge. Games in the lessons allow some to learn the material at the level of substantive actions, others at the level of knowledge, and others at the level of logical conclusions. But in general, the understanding of the material is 100%.
    Evaluation of success. Evaluation of the knowledge and actions of the student in the lesson is a mandatory element, but in the game it is desirable. But the form of evaluation in the game is preferable to the game. In my lessons, a system of valuable signs of “blades of grass” developed by itself. The tokens replace the tokens often used by teachers when questioning students. I use "blades of grass" with a face value of 1, 3, 5 points, which allows you to differentiate responses. In addition to the point “value”, each token has an alternative value: permission to prompt, exemption from homework, indulgence for absenteeism, the right to hint, and much more. A student can use a blade of grass either at the main cost and get a mark, or at an alternative cost and sacrifice a mark for the good. Such an assessment system has both didactic and economic advantages. 14
It should be noted that the game form does not always fit into the space of the lesson.
Firstly, the algorithm of the game process does not coincide with the algorithm of the lesson. The lesson is based on 4 stages: actualization of acquired knowledge (survey on past material), knowledge transfer (explanation of new material), consolidation (training and homework) and assessment. The game develops in a different way: the organization of the playing space (explaining the rules, organizing teams), game actions (during the game, the necessary knowledge is updated, and the necessary skills are trained, and active cognition), summing up the results (organizing the situation of success) and analyzing the game ( theoretical findings).
Secondly, the very mechanism of obtaining knowledge is different. At the lesson, students receive theoretical knowledge in order to turn it into their own experience, and in the game they gain experience in order to derive theoretical knowledge from it!
Thirdly, the time frame of the lesson clearly corresponds to the settings of the psyche: 5-10 minutes for the organization of sustained attention during the survey, 15-20 minutes of sustained attention for explaining the new and 10-15 minutes of residual attention for training; and the framework of the game corresponds to its internal logic and the time of physiological fatigue. In each game, the intensity of physiological and mental processes is different, and therefore the time of their implementation is different. So, it is difficult to play sports games for more than an hour and a half, but chess is played for hours. Some training games fly by in 5 minutes, while others drag on for a long time. Therefore, it can be difficult to fit the game technique into the framework of school calls, especially since the game cannot be interrupted in mid-sentence. 15


Education at school is aimed at transferring a certain amount of knowledge and skills to children. But the traditional class-lesson teaching at school can become monotonous and monotonous. Monotony is one of the main reasons for the decrease in motivation to learn. The teacher is used to overcoming the resistance of the students, it is considered normal to learn "through I don't want to", it is natural to want the lesson to end as soon as possible. Separated from the teacher by this barricade, the child is not always used to cooperating with his classmates. The game gives a chance to change the current situation. But not a game for the sake of a game, where the child is passive, where he is not the subject of a game action, but an object of entertainment, where the tasks are primitive, the absence of degrees of freedom in the decision; there is a clear artificiality, etc.
It is necessary to revive and diversify the school life of children, use non-traditional and active teaching methods.
In modern didactics, the whole variety of teaching methods is reduced to three main groups.

    Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity.
    Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity.
    Methods of control and self-control.
We will focus on the second group, because these methods include cognitive, didactic, intellectual and other games.
What is a didactic game for? To maintain or create interest in a subject, to stimulate activity (motivation), to develop cognitive processes (imagination, memory, observation, perception, quick wits, speed of thinking, etc.
Any game has rules, thanks to which difficulties are overcome, social affirmation through obedience to the rules, development of volitional behavior. Every game is a test of the will. In the game every minute there is a refusal of the child from fleeting desires in favor of fulfilling the role he has taken on. Voluntary behavior develops.

attention didactic game preschool

Cognitive activity is one of the widely studied problems in philosophy, pedagogy, and psychology.

Analyzing the results of theoretical studies of literature, the best practices of innovative teachers, modern teachers, psychologists and practical activities on the problem, we can conclude that the didactic game was of great importance in teaching preschoolers at all times, starting from antiquity.

The first didactic games were created by folk pedagogy. Until now, among the children's favorites are the folk games "Fanta", "Paints", "What flies?" and others. They contain a lot of funny jokes, humor, and at the same time they require hard mental work from children, competition in quick wit, attention.

At the origins of the development of modern didactic games and materials are M. Montessori and F. Fröbel. M. Montessori created didactic material built on the principle of autodidacticism, which served as the basis for self-education and self-education of children through direct educational activities in kindergarten using special didactic material (“Froebel’s gifts”), a system of didactic games for sensory education and development in productive activities (modeling , drawing, paper folding and cutting, weaving, embroidery) .

The following teachers and psychologists were involved in the development of types of didactic games: A.N. Leontiev, A.S. Makarenko, K.D. Ushinsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A. Vallon, N.P. Anikeeva, D.B. Elkonin, V.M. Bukatov and many others.

The leading activity of preschool children is play activity. A didactic game is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and an independent game activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

Didactic games contribute to:

Development of cognitive and mental abilities: obtaining new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; -development of the ability to express their judgments, to draw conclusions.

The development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of the dictionary.

The social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, knowledge of the relationship between children, adults, objects of animate and inanimate nature takes place, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, yield if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.

The structure of the didactic game is formed by the main and additional components. The main components include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. To additional components: plot and role.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys).

2. Board and printed games.

3. Word games.

Games with objects - based on the direct perception of children, correspond to the child's desire to act with objects and thus get to know them. In games with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects, size, color. When introducing children to nature in such games, I use natural material (plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, various flowers, cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which arouses a keen interest in children and an active desire to play. Examples of such games: “Not make a mistake”, “Describe this subject”, “What is it?”, “What first, what then”, etc.

Board-printed games are an interesting activity for children when they get acquainted with the outside world, the world of animals and plants, phenomena of living and inanimate nature. They are diverse in types: "lotto", "dominoes", paired pictures "With the help of board-printed games, you can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life patterns and make decisions, develop self-control skills. Word games - this is an effective method of educating independent thinking and developing speech in children.They are built on the words and actions of the players.Children independently solve a variety of mental tasks: describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them according to the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena.

In the process of games, children clarify, consolidate, expand their ideas about the objects of nature and its seasonal changes.

Thus, the essence of the didactic game lies in the fact that children solve mental problems proposed to them in an entertaining way, find solutions themselves, while overcoming certain difficulties. The child perceives the mental task as a practical, playful one, this increases his mental activity.

In the didactic game, the cognitive activity of the child is formed, the features of this activity are manifested. At senior preschool age, intellectual interests are created on the basis of gaming interests.

The importance of didactic play for the mental education of children is very great. In games with toys, various objects, with pictures, the child accumulates sensory experience. By disassembling and folding the matryoshka, selecting paired pictures, he learns to distinguish and name the size, shape, color and other features of objects.

Fascinating didactic games create interest among preschoolers in solving mental problems: a successful result of mental effort, overcoming difficulties bring them satisfaction. Passion for the game increases the ability to voluntary attention, sharpens observation, helps fast and lasting memorization.

The value of didactic games in the pedagogical process

A didactic game is such an activity, the meaning and purpose of which is to give children certain knowledge and skills, the development of mental abilities. Didactic games are games designed for learning.

Didactic games in the pedagogical process play a dual role: firstly, they are a teaching method, and secondly, they are independent gaming activities. As the first, they are widely used in classes to familiarize children with the environment, wildlife, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the development of speech in order to teach children certain ways of mental actions, systematization, clarification and consolidation of knowledge. At the same time, the content of the game and its rules are subordinated to the educational tasks put forward by the specific program requirements of a particular type of activity. The initiative in choosing and conducting the game belongs in this case to the educator. As an independent gaming activity, they are carried out during extracurricular time.

In both cases, the teacher leads didactic games, but the role is different. If in the classroom he teaches children how to play, introduces the rules and game actions, then in independent games of pupils he participates as a partner or arbiter, monitors their relationship, evaluates behavior.

Management of didactic games

In the management of games, three stages should be distinguished: preparation, conduct, analysis of the results.

1. The preparation for the game includes the following: the selection of the game in accordance with the objectives of the upbringing and education of a specific age group, taking into account the time (during class hours or after school hours), place (in a group room, on the site, on a walk, etc.). ); determination of the number of participants (whole group, subgroup, one child).

The preparation for the game also includes the selection of the necessary didactic material (manuals, toys, pictures, natural material).

The teacher chooses a game, invites the children to play, starts herself and invites the children.

younger age: a visual explanation of the entire course of the game in the process of playing together with an adult.

Average age: clarification of 1-2 rules, private ones are given during the game in joint activities with an adult, you can use a trial course of the game, where the teacher clarifies the rules.

older age: a verbal explanation of the rules before the game, an explanation of the meaning of the rules, if complex, then a show and a trial move are used.

2. If the teacher carefully prepares for the game, then its very conduct will not cause difficulties. In any didactic game, there should be both game rules and game actions. If one of these conditions is missing, it turns into a didactic exercise.

The teacher controls the process of the game, reinforces the ability to play, monitors the implementation of the rules, using a reminder, additional explanation, assessment, questions, advice.

younger age: the educator plays the role of a leader, during the game he connects game actions with the rules.

Average age: the educator acts through the rule and does not directly suggest game actions.

older age: the rules are explained before the game, children are involved in explaining their content.

3. Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in managing it. The teacher notes those who followed the rules well, helped their comrades, were active, honest. Analysis of the game should be aimed at identifying effective methods of its conduct, as well as mistakes made (what did not work out and why).

Structural elements of the game

The structure of the didactic game includes: task, action, rule, result, conclusion of the game.

Task. Each didactic game has a clearly defined task, which is subordinated to the actual didactic goal. Children are offered such tasks, the solution of which requires a certain intellectual tension, mental work. Performing a task in the game, the child activates his thinking, exercises memory, observation.

The tasks of didactic games are reduced to several types:

  1. Compare and select objects according to the same, different or similar features (the task becomes more complicated in accordance with the age of the children).
  2. Classify and distribute objects or pictures. Children classify pictures or objects according to the type or material from which they are made.
  3. Identify an object by several or only one attribute. Children guess objects from a simple description, or one of them describes a thing, and the rest guess.
  4. Exercise attention and memory. Children must remember some fact or a certain composition of objects, a group of players, etc., and determine the change that has occurred in their absence.

Action. In each didactic game, the task is performed by an action that determines and organizes the behavior of each child and unites the children into a single team. It directly attracts the interest of children and determines their emotional attitude to the game.

The action in the game must meet two main conditions:

a) be sure to obey the task and fulfill the educational goal of the game;

b) be entertaining and exciting until the end of the game.

In a well-designed didactic game, children should not suspect that they are learning anything. Here, the activity should, to a greater or lesser extent, hide the educational, didactic purpose of the game.

rule: activity in the didactic game is strictly related to the rules. They determine how the child should behave during the game, what he can and what he should not do. It is important that the rules correspond to age characteristics and are compensated by entertaining activities. Therefore, it should be interesting so that the child willingly obeys the rules.

Result, conclusion of the game: the result of the game is the solution of the problem and the fulfillment of the rules.

The result is evaluated from two points of view: from the point of view of children and from the point of view of the educator. Evaluating the result from the point of view of children, we take into account what moral and spiritual satisfaction the game brought to children. Performing didactic tasks, children show ingenuity, resourcefulness, attention, memory. All this gives children moral satisfaction, increases faith in their own strength, fills them with a sense of joy.

It is important for the educator whether the task has been completed, whether the prescribed actions have been carried out, whether it has brought certain results from this side. At the end of some didactic games, you need to reward its participants, praise the children, or entrust them with leading roles in the game.

Types of didactic games

Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the educator.

In preschool pedagogy, all didactic games can be divided into 3 main types: games with objects, desktop-printed and word games.

Games with objects: for them it is necessary to select objects that differ in properties: color, shape, size, purpose, use, etc.

Board games This is a very fun activity for kids. Most often, didactic games with paired pictures, split pictures and cubes are used. At the same time, for middle-aged children, one or more objects should be depicted: toys, trees, clothes or utensils. Children can independently differentiate their distinctive features: size, color, shape, purpose. To work with split pictures, older preschoolers can be offered to independently fold the whole picture from its parts without first examining the whole image.

word games built on a combination of words and actions of the players. In such games, it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Therefore, in the younger and middle groups, games with the word are mainly aimed at developing speech, educating the correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the dictionary, developing the correct orientation in space, and forming dialogic and monologue speech.

A didactic game is an excellent example of how, in the experienced hands of an adult, the game process turns into a learning one. During an exciting lesson, kids 4-6 years old expand their knowledge, develop intellectually and personally. Classes in a playful way are a mandatory item in the daily routine of any preschool institution. If the preschooler is on home mode, it is important for his parents to know what are the features of didactic games and how to organize the learning game process at home.

The value of didactic games in the development of a preschooler

A didactic (educational) game is a particularly important type of child's activity, during which he acquires new knowledge and improves previously acquired knowledge. In fact, this game is the most effective method of teaching a preschooler. It rarely occurs spontaneously. It is usually initiated by an adult. To organize a learning gameplay, he needs to prepare in advance.

A full-fledged educational game is possible for the first time with preschool children because:

  1. In children of this age group, attention is already quite stable. The game process can last about 20 minutes, and in the case of extreme interest of the child - even longer.
  2. At the age of 4-6 years, the child improves sensory perception and imaginative thinking, he is completely ready for learning.
  3. The vocabulary of preschoolers is already quite large, they speak almost without problems.
  4. In preschoolers, it is already possible to consider the ability for certain types of activities. One or another type of educational game can be aimed at developing these abilities.
  5. Four- and six-year-olds can already follow the rules of the game, consistently perform actions. The obligatory presence of rules and a clear plan is one of the features of the educational game.

Using one or another type of didactic game, adults develop in a preschooler:

  • sensory perception;
  • motility;
  • speech;
  • logical and figurative thinking;
  • memory;
  • imagination;
  • spatial and temporal perception;
  • perseverance;
  • curiosity.

The purpose of the didactic game may be to expand the circle of knowledge about the nature, properties and purpose of objects, certain phenomena of the surrounding world, rules of conduct, etc.

This type of gaming activity has four mandatory components: the goal, the rules, certain actions of the participants and the result. Therefore, they are not only organized by adults, but also take place in his presence.

Features of the choice of didactic games

Often, learning gaming activities do not require special equipment or any specific toys. Organizing it, an adult can use everything that he has at hand.

Special attention should be paid to board games. Usually, they are themed. When choosing a purchase kit or a booklet, intending to make it yourself, you should pay special attention to topics relevant to preschool children. These may be:

  • weather;
  • nature;
  • animal and plant world;
  • right-left;
  • daily regime;
  • etiquette;
  • check;
  • alphabet;
  • other.

Types of didactic games with examples

Since the learning game is a rather complex pedagogical phenomenon, there are a large number of criteria by which it is classified.

For example, by the number of participants, it can be:

  • individual;
  • collective.

And for the purpose of the event:

  • aimed at the development of speech;
  • creative;
  • educational;
  • mathematical;
  • logical;
  • other.

Generally accepted in pedagogy is the following classification:

1. Didactic object games

This type of games is designed to improve motor skills, tactile, visual, auditory perception of a child 4-6 years old. By manipulating toys and other objects, a preschooler develops creativity and imagination. During the game, he communicates with other participants, adults and children.

"Learning Materials"

Purpose of the game: to teach a child to visually and by touch determine what material an object is made of, group objects according to a common feature, develop speech, attention and observation of a preschooler.
Game inventory: small objects and toys made of various materials (plastic, rubber, wood, glass, metal).
Game progress:
A basket is placed in front of the child, in which objects and toys are folded. The kid is invited to take turns getting objects, inspecting and feeling them. Based on their feelings, the child must say what material the object is made of. You can ask him to tell you why he decided this way. Further, the baby takes out, describes and sets aside objects so that in each of the piles they are from the same material.
If several children play the game, you can organize something like a relay race: put baskets with the same number of items in front of the participants. On command, the children will have to sort them by material. The first person to do it right wins.

"All the way around"

Purpose of the game: development of large motor skills of a preschooler, expansion of his vocabulary and improvement of speech.
Game inventory: ball.
Game progress:
This game is best played by three or a small group (up to 5 people).
A leader is chosen from among the participants. He stands opposite the other players and throws the ball to them in turn. At the same time, he calls the word - an adjective, and the one who catches the ball must say the antonym for this word.
For instance:
cold - hot;
high Low;
big small;
kind angry;
heavy - light.

If one of the participants makes a mistake, he is out of the game. The last participant who managed not to leave the game becomes the leader.

2. Desktop-printed didactic games

The use of visual aids in the gameplay is envisaged: collections of developing tasks, cards, posters, models, toys, etc. Often these handouts are made by hand.

"Fruits and vegetables"

Purpose of the game: consolidate the child's knowledge of fruits and vegetables, teach him to group objects according to a certain attribute.
Game inventory: basket, plates, paper-cut fruits and vegetables.
Game progress:
Cards with images of fruits and vegetables can be bought at the store, found on the Internet and printed, drawn by yourself.
The paper “harvest is folded into a basket. Two plates are placed on the table in front of the child. The kid should take turns taking cards out of the basket, name a fruit or vegetable, then put the card on a plate. In this case, fruits should lie in one, vegetables in the other.

"Dress for the weather!"

Purpose of the game: recalling the names of clothing items, developing speech and logical thinking, learning to group items according to a certain attribute.
Game inventory: cardboard cards (with the image of the seasons - larger, with the image of clothing - smaller).
Game progress:
If an adult plays with a child at home, he gives him a large card with a winter, spring, summer or autumn landscape. Small cards with images of items of clothing are neatly laid out next to the baby. The child is invited to choose those of them that correspond to the weather of the time of the year that he came across. For example: winter - warm overalls, hat, scarf, mittens, boots.
In the second version of the game, you can lay out in front of the child a card with the season and several cards with items of clothing, one of which is incorrect. For example: Summer: dress, sandals, shorts, socks, a hat with a bubo. The kid must find and remove the excess.

3. Word learning games

They are aimed at developing attention, memory and recall. Playing in such, the child improves speech, learns to communicate coherently.

"Come up with a riddle"

Purpose of the game: development of speech and communication skills of a preschool child.
Game inventory: cards with images of objects.
Game progress:
The game is very exciting. 3-10 people can take part in it. You can come up with riddles at home, together with one kid.
Children sit on a rug, sofa or chairs. The first of them approaches an adult and receives a card. The kid should not show it to anyone. He stands in front of other players and describes the object depicted on the card. However, he does not have to name it.
For instance:

  • doll - a toy, beautiful, with a bow, in a dress, for girls, etc.;
  • ball - round, rubber, played on the street, and so on;
  • wolf - predatory, angry, gray, lives in a forest or a zoo.

Children must guess and name the described object.


Purpose of the game: vocabulary activation.
Game inventory: Ball, skittle, flag, soft toy to choose from.
Game progress:
If there are two participants (an adult and a child), they stand opposite each other. If there are more of them, they become in a circle. The first participant holds a soft toy in his hands (ball, flag, pin, etc.). He passes it to a neighbor and calls the word. The neighbor must name another that is in some way related to the previous one. Etc.
For instance:
autumn - rain - overcast - cold - wet;
game - fun - dolls - cars - friends;
kindergarten - educator - nanny - quiet time - walk.

A game for any child is not only the main type of accessible and interesting activity, but also a means of learning about the surrounding reality, developing useful skills and abilities. In the gameplay, a character is formed, various types of thinking develop, and the physical and psycho-emotional development of the little man takes place. Didactic games for children aged 5-6 help to move from entertaining to cognitive, educational, to preparing for classes at school.

Preschool children cannot sit in one place for a long time, they quickly get tired, are distracted from the teacher's explanations, and begin to absorb the information received poorly. That is why board didactic games are replaced by physical exercises or outdoor activities.

For didactic games created by pedagogical science, the main goal is a conscious method of learning, during which preschoolers acquire new knowledge, improve skills, abilities, and develop intellectually. Teachers use various types of didactic classes, thereby developing:

  • sensorics - the perception of external influences, as well as sensations;
  • motor skills - motor activity in the form of large and fine motor skills;
  • memory;
  • logical, spatial, figurative thinking;
  • perception of space, time;
  • imagination;
  • perseverance, diligence, patience;
  • meticulousness, curiosity.

The expanded use of didactic games for preschoolers over 5 years old is due to the fact that kids of this age can already concentrate their attention for a longer period of time. Classes can last up to 20 minutes. Vocabulary allows you to express yourself without problems, the kids have developed fantasy, sensory perception, which allows you to start learning.

It is already possible to single out abilities and inclinations, correct, develop them. Preschoolers understand what rules are, the importance of following them, they are able to perform sequential actions on their own.

Currently, there are several types of classification of educational didactic games.

By number of players:

  • individual game;
  • collective game.

By type of activity

  • Journey. Not to be confused with excursions, which are educational activities in their purest form. A game journey can last several days, for example, a “journey along the Golden Ring”, “a cruise along the Volga”. The teacher develops tasks for each stop of travelers. It can be drawings, songs, poems. On the journey, you can search for treasures, solve riddles and problems.
  • Conversation, dialogues. The teacher teaches how to conduct a conversation, build a dialogue using the example of communication with a fictional character or a familiar cartoon character.
  • Puzzles. They can be guessed not only by adults, but also by preschoolers.
  • Order. Very similar to traveling, but the tasks are easier here, and the duration of the gameplay is much shorter. For example, the task is to help punctuate Dunno in the recipe.
  • Assumption. "If". "What would be". The question-assumption starts the game process in which the child begins to fantasize, transform the imaginary reality.

According to the material used:

  • desktop printed: lotto, puzzles, dominoes;
  • with game items: chess, checkers, toys;
  • verbal-educational: riddles, puzzles.

According to the purpose of the event:

  • speech development;
  • teaching the basics of mathematics;
  • development of logical thinking;
  • acquaintance with nature and the surrounding world;
  • development of sensory perception.

A feature of all didactic classes is that the adult always acts as the initiator. Such activities broaden horizons, increase vocabulary. Competitions for the speed of thinking, logic, solving riddles and problems allow kids who are weak in physical exercises to prove themselves, but they know a lot.

We develop memory

Didactic games for preschoolers 5 years old help develop mindfulness, memory, which is very useful for school. Almost all information at school is obtained orally, especially for first graders, when kids still do not know how to write quickly and a lot. Developed attention, memory will help to consolidate new knowledge, remember the information received.

All tasks for fixing memory, developing attention are carried out with toys, small objects. Sometimes the child fails to fulfill the conditions of the task, since arbitrary memory is just beginning the process of formation. If the tasks are related to finding hidden toys or rearranging them, you can suggest using a “pointing gesture” with your finger before starting.

The preschooler points in turn at all the toys with his finger, describes their appearance. The kid can pick up a toy, touch it for better memorization. For the first lessons, you should not offer games with a large number of elements or details: a confused child may refuse to play, burst into tears.

"What's gone." A leader is selected, at first it may be a teacher. When the children get comfortable with the rules, each of them can try himself as a leader. 3 - 4 small toys are placed on the table. The host offers to remember what items are on the table and turn away. When the preschoolers have turned away, the leader removes one toy. Players must remember which toy is missing. You can add a competitive element to the gameplay. Whoever remembers correctly first gets a chip or a token.

"What changed". The leader chooses. Several toys are placed on the table. Fidgets must remember which toys and how they cost. When the preschoolers turn away, the host rearranges the toys, swaps them. The winner is the one who first correctly says which items were moved and where their original place was.

"Find the difference." Place 2 pictures in front of each child. You need to find out how they differ. Alternatively, the picture may show hidden kittens or birds, which must be found in the bushes, behind trees or a fence.

Similar or dissimilar items. The goal is to develop attentiveness, observation, to teach how to find similarities in color, shape, size, material.

Rules. The kid answers, on which the counting rhyme stopped. It is necessary to find 2 objects of the same properties and prove your statement.

Actions. At the signal of the teacher, all preschool children take 2 objects with similar properties in the playroom.

It is necessary to observe the level of difficulty of tasks, move from easy to difficult gradually. Too easy or difficult exercises will not arouse interest in the child.

Knowledge of ecology

All human life is surrounded by the living world, plants, animals. The child must understand the importance of maintaining the ecological balance in nature, take care of animals, plants, and not harm them. Didactic games on ecology for children aged 5-6 introduce preschoolers to the world around them, develop vocabulary, cultivate industriousness, kindness, and attentiveness.

Ecology classes can be held during walks or indoors, especially in bad, rainy or frosty weather. Before each lesson, the teacher talks about the subject of the lesson. For example, the theme is autumn. The teacher tells when autumn comes, what are the external signs: leaves turn yellow, leaves fall, birds fly to warmer climes, and the like. After that, a didactic lesson is held in the form of a game.

"Guess the season." The goal is to give an understanding of the signs corresponding to the seasons. To fix in memory the characteristic features of summer, autumn, winter and spring. The development of auditory attention. The ability to formulate, express thoughts.

Actions. The teacher names weather, natural phenomena. For example, it began to snow, a snowstorm covered the street, a snowdrop blossomed, a bunny changed the color of its fur coat. Preschoolers should highlight the excess, name the season and justify their choice.

What grows where. The goal is to introduce kids to the plant world and places where different plants grow.

Training. The teacher talks about trees, shrubs, where and in what area they grow, shows pictures.

Actions. The child becomes a semicircle, facing the teacher. The teacher shows a picture with a plant and says: "This is a strawberry, it grows with us." If the kids agree, they bounce in place. The teacher shows a card with a pineapple, says that it is a pineapple, it grows in the north. If the fidgets do not agree, they stand and wave their hands: no, not true.

Birds, animals, fishes. The goal is to give knowledge about the species concept, to teach how to distinguish objects into groups.

Training. The task is performed in a playful way, using a ball or a small toy.

Actions. The children stand in a circle, facing each other. The host starts the game. Throws the ball and says it's a fish. The child who caught the ball should name the fish, for example, pike, crucian carp and throw the ball to a neighbor. When a preschooler throws a ball, he sets a task: to name a representative of fish, birds or animals. The one who catches the ball must give the correct answer.

"Guess what's hidden." The goal is to teach to identify the characteristic features of an object, to recognize it by description.

The host covers the apple, banana or carrot with a napkin. Offers to guess what is hidden from the description. Fidgets can ask leading questions. The first person to name the hidden object wins.

Sensory perception

Didactic sensory games are aimed at developing visual, tactile perception. Before conducting game activities related to sensory sensations, the teacher explains to preschool children what geometric shapes are, how they differ from each other.

Kids get acquainted with such materials as wood, metal, glass, plastic. Fidgets, together with the teacher, find the features of each material. For example, glass is fragile and can break. Wood is warm, metal is cold to the touch.

"Make no mistake." The goal is to teach kids to group objects according to shape, material. To fix in the memory of the child the knowledge and understanding of such concepts as soft, hard, smooth, rough, shiny, matte in color. The child must distinguish a large object from a small one, consolidate the concepts of geometric shapes.

Actions. The teacher divides the kids into several teams, optimally 4 teams. For each group, a box or basket is placed on the floor, on which a picture with an object made of a certain material is attached. For example, metal scissors, a soft toy, a rubber ball, a plastic cube.

The teacher repeats again with the preschool children how one material differs from another, after which he gives the task to the teams. Each group must find and collect in their box as many items as possible from the material shown in the picture. The team with the most items in the fastest time wins.

You can change the conditions of the gameplay, offer to collect round, square, triangular objects.

"Air balloons". The goal is to give the concept of the spectrum, to fix in memory the colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Actions. In front of each preschooler is a picture with colorful balls. It is necessary to find and tie a thread of the same color.

Any didactic game for a child of 5-6 years old is primarily aimed at expanding vocabulary, as well as forming speech. A coherent, logically constructed speech is an indicator of the speech development of a preschooler. After 5 years, the baby begins to control his speech. In a child’s conversation, not only simple, but also complex sentences already appear.

Children distinguish, distinguish groups of sounds in words. Speech becomes more expressive, the preschooler uses intonation correctly. It can emphasize a sad or cheerful mood with a voice. Preschoolers understand and are able to regulate the volume of their voice and its tempo. They can speak in whispers, quickly or slowly.

Didactic games for the development of speech teach you to coherently express your thoughts, build a correct dialogue, learn to pronounce sounds correctly. In games for the development of speech, special attention is paid to the formation of speech, phonetic hearing of a preschooler. The teacher in a playful way works with sounds, letters, teaches how to correctly formulate and pronounce whole sentences.

"Broken phone". The goal is to develop auditory perception, memory, teamwork, honesty and goodwill.

Rules. The child whispers a word to a neighbor so that other children do not hear. If the kid incorrectly conveyed the word, that is, he ruined the phone, this child should sit on the last chair.

Actions. Preschoolers sit side by side on chairs, forming a chain. The first child quietly speaks a word in the ear of a neighbor, who passes it on. The kid who sits last calls the word he heard. If the phone works, the word was transmitted correctly. If the phone is broken, they ask in a chain who heard which word and find where it was incorrectly transmitted.

"Solve the puzzle." The goal is to teach to divide words into syllables, to be able to highlight the first syllable, to compose words.

Rules. In each presented word, select the first syllable, make a new word.

Actions. Find the word hidden on the card. Each preschooler receives a picture that shows 3 drawings. It is necessary to name the words, select 1 syllable from each word. From the resulting syllables, make a hidden word. For example, pictures are presented with the following words:

  • sun, shovel, car (straw);
  • house, rose, guitar (roads);
  • wolf, chamomile, tank (gate);
  • owl, button accordion, cabbage (dog).

"Say the opposite." The goal is to give the concept of antonyms and fix it in memory. Expansion of vocabulary, the formation of correct speech. The development of mindfulness.

Rules. Choose the opposite meaning for each word. For example, big - small, up - down, far - close. You can use the verbs: wet - dry.

Actions. Preschool children sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher takes the ball, says the first word and throws the ball. The kid catches the ball, says a word that is opposite in meaning, and throws the ball to another child.

"One is many." Goal - a preschooler must learn to form a plural from a singular noun. Expand vocabulary.

Rules. The teacher says the word in the singular, the baby must form the plural.

Actions. The teacher throws the ball, pronounces the word in the singular. The preschooler returns the ball, while naming the plural.

"Say more words." The goal is to teach how to describe an animal not only by external signs, but also by traits and character traits.

Actions. The teacher offers to take a picture with any animal and describe it. For example, a cat is fluffy, affectionate, loves milk, meows gently. The more words and definitions the fidget comes up with, the better.

Didactic games in mathematics allow you to consolidate previously acquired knowledge and learn new concepts. Knowledge of numbers, simple mathematical operations helps to start solving problems for 1 or 2 actions. Solving mathematical problems develops thinking, intellectual abilities. Parents can also conduct such classes in a playful way at home, using children's loto or domino cards.

What number is missing? The task is to fix the ordinal account in memory.

The teacher draws numbers on the board or attaches cards to them, but one or more numbers are missing. The baby must name the missing number, take the card from the table where it is shown, and show it to everyone.

"More or less". Preschoolers should fix in memory the meaning of the concepts "more" or "less". To do this, the child is asked to name a number that is greater or less than the number written on the board.

"Magic Bag" The task is to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes in memory. The children take it in turn to touch the figure out of the bag and describe it.

"Orientation in space". A preschooler must correctly navigate in space, understand the meaning of the terms: behind, side, left, right, bottom, top. You can offer to find a comfortable place for the doll. Put it in the middle, then move it back. Park the car in the back.

The study of traffic rules in preschool institutions is of particular importance. Knowing and following the rules of behavior on the road helps to protect the life and health of preschoolers.

Getting to know the rules of the road begins in a playful way with getting to know the colors of the traffic lights.

"Traffic lights". The task is to teach the rules of safe crossing of streets and intersections. Learn what the colors of traffic lights mean.

Training. The teacher shows a picture of a traffic light, explains the meaning of each color. He tells how to cross the road correctly, what a zebra road is, whether it is necessary to let the car through and how to check that there is no danger on the road. Children repeat, retell what they remember.

A model road with an intersection is being prepared, where there is a carriageway, a sidewalk. Figures of pedestrians are cut out of cardboard, painted. Car figures are made in the same way. You can use instead of cardboard crafts, toy models of cars and small dolls.

Actions. One child places cars and dolls on the model road. Turns on the traffic light, changes colors in turn. The second kid translates pedestrians across the road, helps cars pass. After the game is over, the preschoolers switch roles. When summing up, the number of errors is taken into account. The little one who made the fewest mistakes wins.

To consolidate the educational material, you can conduct practical exercises in the playroom or in the courtyard of a preschool institution. If the game lesson is held indoors, then you can make a road, sidewalk and a pedestrian zebra using colored ribbons. On the street, all the details of the transition can be drawn with white chalk.

There are game board sets for learning the rules of the road. They contain a playing field, cubes, chips, figures of cars and pedestrians, as well as road signs on stands. Several people can take part in the game. Preschool children take turns throwing the dice, taking as many steps as the dice showed. If a red traffic light falls on the playing field, the pedestrian skips the move, green - continues to move.

"Combine the parts of the signs into a whole." Toddlers love to collect puzzles - an image of something cut into pieces. Give each child a cut-out picture of a road sign to assemble. When the fidget has collected a road sign, he raises his hand. Tells group mates what sign he has collected and what this road sign means.

Fundamentals of life safety

Sometimes a circumstance may arise when a preschooler must urgently provide first aid, call firefighters, an ambulance or the police. It is necessary to prepare young children for such situations. Preschoolers should be able to call adults for help, make phone calls, and call an ambulance or fire truck.

"Fire, help." The goal is to help the little man prepare for an unplanned situation. Teach how to call emergency services, explain the rules of conduct.

Training. The teacher talks about dangerous household items, things that are very dangerous to play with. Shows the phone numbers of firefighters, ambulance, police, which are written on a paper sheet. Tells how to call for help. 2 phones are brought.

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