Russian folk game "Duck and drake". Duck life games Didactic game "Guess what's in the bag"

Drake and duck

Two players represent a duck and a drake. The rest form a circle and hold hands. The "duck" becomes in a circle, and the "drake" behind the circle. "Drake" is trying to slip into the circle and catch the "duck". If the "drake" catches the "duck", she must sing, dance, recite a poem, etc.

A small circle is drawn on the site, a wolf sits in the middle of it. The players, holding hands, stand in a large circle. Between the circle where the wolf sits and the round dance, the caterpillars stand in a small circle. The players in the round dance go in a circle and ask the caterpillars, who also walk in a circle and answer the questions:

- Geese, you geese! - Where, geese, have you been?

- You gray geese! - Whom, geese, did you see?

- Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

With the end of the last words, the wolf runs out of the circle and tries to catch the gosling. Geese scatter and hide behind those standing in a round dance. The wolf leads the captured caterpillar to the middle of the circle - to the lair. Geese stand in a circle and answer:

We saw the wolf, the best,

The wolf took the caterpillar, the biggest one.

- Geese, you geese! - Pinch the wolf,

- Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - Help the gosling!

The geese flap their wings, shout "ha-ha-ha", run in a circle, frightening the wolf. Caught goslings at this time try to fly away from the circle, but the wolf does not let them. The game ends when all the captured geese move away from the wolf.

The game is repeated, those playing in the round dance become goslings, the geese stand in a round dance, a new wolf is selected.

Round dance of geese and goslings go in a circle in different directions. The caught gosling can leave the circle only when one of the players has touched the wolf with his hand.

flock of ducks

The players stand in a line, depicting ducks, slightly bend their knees and put their hands on them. On a signal, everyone begins to quickly move forward in a half-squat to the designated line - the lake, without changing the position of the arms and legs. The duck that reaches the lake first (crosses the line) wins.

Duck Life Games is an adorable series about little ducklings that need to be raised from the moment they hatch from eggs to help them grow and develop. Ducklings are born hungry and small, so the first thing to do is feed them, but then, when they are happy and full, you can safely have fun with joint tricks.

What can little ducklings do? Peck, swim, fly, run. All these skills will come in handy when passing simple mini-games, in which the skills of kids will increase with each new level.

The life of ducks means constant feeding. This means that you need to catch delicious grains all the time: in flight, while diving, while walking. The more grains eaten, the more strength the baby has, the more actively he develops, travels and has fun. And if the duckling has already eaten, then you can move on to new subjects: treasure hunts, participation in sports competitions, various races.

Duckling games will be especially appreciated by small children. They will like to control the yellow funny lumps, walk with them and complete simple tasks. Each new plot offers other variations of the game, increasing the attractiveness of the project in the eyes of young gamers.


Objectives: to learn to distinguish the characteristic features of plants (leaf shape, flower color); to cultivate the ability to admire the beauty of flowers, to treat them with care; enriched vocabulary.

Look at the beauty of the flower bed with irises. Do the children remember the name of this plant? (Iris, iris.) Consider the flower, highlight the main characteristic features (the presence of a flower, peduncle, leaves). The iris has no stem, the leaves are arranged! in the rosette, they are large, hard, bright green. The petals are very delicate, they quickly wither when touched, inside the flower the stamens with pollen sacs are clearly visible, which are clearly visible against the purple background of the corolla petals. Compare the iris with another flower.

Signs: if the leaves appear on the birch earlier than on the ash, the summer will be dry and vice versa; drops fall from the willow leaf - it will rain.

Sayings and proverbs: the first April rain is worth a cart of gold; the sun from the April hill rolls into the summer;


What does a gardener dream about?

In his dreams the whole world blooms And people, looking at the flowers,

They get better.

May these glorious dreams come true soon!

E. Serova

They grow in summer and fall off in autumn. (Leaves.)

Purpose: to describe the signs perceived by touch (there are objects made of various materials in the bag).

Game progress: The child must determine by touch what is in his hand.

Didactic game"Guess what's in the bag."

Outdoor games "Snail", "Cook".

Labor on the site (in the garden). Consider what was planted last year. Look at the state of the garden after winter. What should be done to make the garden look beautiful?


Objectives: to consolidate the idea that seeds are planted in the ground, watered, plants grow from them, certain conditions are needed for plant growth; introduce landing techniques; activate dictionary; develop an interest in growing plants.

Work in the flower garden. What conditions are necessary for the growth and development of a plant? Consider the seeds of the planted plants. What flowers grew in the flower bed in summer and autumn? Describe them appearance. Let's help a beautiful flower grow from a small seed.

Children, together with the teacher, form grooves, level the ground, remove last year's leaves and the root system of dug up plants. After planting, water the flower garden.

Signs: when bird cherry blossoms, a cold snap begins; if oak leaves bloom earlier than ash, the summer will be dry.

Sayings and proverbs: you can’t put it in the ground - and you won’t take it from the ground; spring feeds and heals.


We will plant flowers of unprecedented beauty here.

All flowers are different: white and red,

Yellow and blue - all flowers are beautiful.

How beautiful each color is - there is no better flower bed than ours.

Lying in the light, rushed into the darkness,

Yes, and there is no peace: how to escape into the light. (Seed.)

Experience "Water has no form."

Purpose: to develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimenting with liquid.

Material: water, glass, watering cans of various sizes.

Experience: Show by experience that water takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured. Recall with children where and how puddles spill.

Didactic game "Find what I will describe."

Mobile game "Snail".



Objectives: to develop interest in all living things that surround us; identification of the dependence of the state of the soil on weather conditions.

Examine the earth, touch it with your hands, how it is: warm (the sun warmed it), dry (crumbles in your hands), color (light brown). Water the soil with a watering can (as if it had rained). Touch it, look at it again. The earth darkened, it became wet. (Children press their fingertips on the surface.) It has become sticky, sticks together in lumps. Cold water made the soil colder, like cold rain. Until the soil warms up, seeds cannot be planted in it, otherwise they may not sprout.

Signs: early spring - in summer there are many bad weather days; the forest makes noise without wind - to the rain.

Sayings and proverbs: the May frost will not squeeze out tears; May came - paradise under the bush.


The distance of the fields turns green, the nightingale sings.

The garden is dressed in white. The bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess! What month? It's May!

Buds burst together, leaves bloom,

The dew trembles on the grass, the elk runs after the rainbow.

It is both yellow and loose, heaped in the yard.

If you want, you can take and play. (Sand.)

Experience "Properties of wet sand".

Purpose: to demonstrate the properties of sand.

The course of the experiment: Together with the children, pour dry sand into molds, turn them over, see what happens. Sprinkle on the palm of your hand. Then wet the sand and do the same operations. Make a conclusion.

Conclusion: wet sand cannot be poured into the palm of your hand, but it can take any desired shape until it dries. When the sand gets wet, the air between the sand grains disappears, the wet sand grains stick together.

Didactic games "Guess what kind of plant", "Who (what) flies?".

Mobile game "Homeless Hare".

Russian folk game"Ball up".

Game-fun "Zverinets".

Objectives: to develop communication skills, the ability to recognize the language of facial expressions and gestures; promote the removal of bodily clamps.

One group of children depicts the movements, habits, postures of different animals. The other group is the audience. They walk around the menagerie, guess the "animals", praise them and "take pictures". After guessing everyone, the groups switch roles.

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