Russian folk game pots in kindergarten. The game "Pot" (the book of Russian folk games)

Tatar folk game "We sell pots" Task. Introduce children to the Tatar folk game. To cultivate respect for the culture of the peoples of the Urals, to create an emotional positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings. Game organization. The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each pot is a player - the owner of the pot, hands behind his back. The driver is behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, my friend, sell the pot! - Buy. - How many rubles to give you? - Give me three. The driver three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but not more than three rubles) touches the owner of the pot with the hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to a free place in the circle takes this place, and the one behind becomes the driver. Methodological techniques: a surprise moment - the introduction of a skullcap, examination of the Tatar headdress, national ornament. Additional recommendations: it is allowed to run t only in a circle, without crossing it. Runners are not allowed to hit other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the right, the stained must run to the left. Material: skullcap.

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Programs in preschool

"The Davydov-Elkonin System" - Studied subjects. Literary reading. Primer. History of the system. Supreme feat. Child activity. D.B. system Elkonina-V.V. Davydov. situation of success. Russian language. Principles of teaching. Developmental education system. System authors. The world. The purpose of developmental education. Lesson features.

"Program of preschool education" - Preschool course. Development of motor skills of the hand and the formation of initial writing skills. Expected results. Our street, our house. What is needed for practice. Development of abilities. Be able to clearly pronounce all the sounds of speech. Tasks. Acquaintance with the immediate environment. Number 5 and number 5. Program goals. Animals.

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"Kindergarten - the house of joy" - Hourly development. The need to ensure integrity. Argument. Intellectual culture. Dynamics of growth of professionalism. Study. activity as a system. Pedagogical technology. Innovation. Preschool Specialist. Implementation of technology. Spirituality. Activity. House of Joy. Implementation of the program.

"Educational program of a preschool institution" - Educational area"Socialization". Educational area " Physical Culture". Educational area "Labor". The first document in the history of Russian education. Educational area "Cognition". Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Sections. New software and methodological support for preschool education.

In the wake of the history of the games of the peoples of the Penza region

Location: gym

Goals: familiarization of schoolchildren with folk games, the development of friendly relations in the classroom, the ability to work in a team, raising the mood of students

10 minutes per game

Age: 1 - 4 grades

Good afternoon, dear guys! How elegant, smart, inquisitive you all are! Guys, do you know what holiday our city has this year? Do you like to learn something new? Such active and friendly boys and girls as you probably not only answer questions, but also like to play?

Guys, yes, you are all right, our city is 350 years old. All these years, representatives of different nations have lived here peacefully. Do you know what peoples live in our area? They all had different and interesting games that children love to play so much!

And now we invite you to play these wonderful games together with us!

You know that the largest population living in our country and region is Russian. Brave, strong and loyal have always been representatives of this people! Do you want to be like that? Where then should one begin? Of course, from Russian folk games!

Guys, did you like the game? That's great, because it was only a small warm-up before the next game.

Let's start with a very interesting game which is called geese. You can see that we have 2 lines. These are 2 houses. In one there are geese, in the other their owner. We choose a "wolf" - a driver who lives between "houses", "under the mountain. "Master" and "geese" are in dialogue: - Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
After that, the "geese" try to run to the "owner", and the "wolf" catches them.


Equipment: ropes for lines

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 10-15 meters - two "houses".
In one there are geese, in the other their owner.
Between the "houses", "under the mountain", lives a "wolf" - a driver.
The “master” and the “geese” conduct a dialogue between themselves, known to everyone from early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
- We can not. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home!
After these words, the "geese" try to run across to the "owner", and the "wolf" catches them.
The caught player becomes a "wolf"

Guys, there are so many bright colors around! What colors do you like the most? Great, that's about them and will be discussed in our next game, called "Colorful". For this game, you need to choose a driver - a "monk" and a leader - a "seller". All other players think in secret from the “monk” of the color of paints. Colors must not be repeated. The game begins with the driver coming to the "shop" and saying: "I, a monk in blue pants, came to you for paint."
Seller: "For what?"
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Go along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear it and bring it back!” and starts the game over. If there is such a paint, then the player who guessed this color tries to escape from the "monk", and he catches up with him. If the monk caught up, then the “paint” becomes the leading one, if not, then the colors are guessed again and the game is repeated.


The leader is chosen - "monk" and the leader - "seller".
All other players think in secret from the “monk” of the color of paints. Colors must not be repeated.
The game begins with the driver coming to the "shop" and saying: "I, a monk in blue pants, came to you for paint."
Seller: "For what?"
The monk names any color, for example: "For blue."
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Go along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear it and bring it back!”
"Monk" starts the game from the beginning.
If there is such a paint, then the player who guessed this color tries to escape from the "monk", and he catches up with him.
If you caught up, then the “paint” becomes the leading one, if not, then the colors are guessed again and the game is repeated.

And now let's play one of the most famous and beloved games. Its elements are also used in many folk dances. This game is a trickle. One person will be the driver. The rest need to split into pairs and, holding hands, stand in two columns at some distance from each other and raise clasped hands high above their heads, forming a tunnel. The driver enters the tunnel, where, taking the hand, he chooses a pair for himself, breaking one of the old pairs, the new pair stands on the opposite side of the “stream”, and the freed person becomes the leader.


Participants are divided into pairs, holding hands, they stand in two columns at some distance from each other, raise their clasped hands high above their heads, forming a tunnel. The driver enters the corridor, where, taking the hand, he chooses a pair for himself, breaking one of the old pairs, the new pair stands on the opposite side of the “stream”, and the freed person becomes the leader, etc.

Guys, you are all so great! Did you enjoy playing? Do you want more?

And so, the next games that we will play with you were invented by the Tatar, Mordovian and Chuvash peoples, our closest neighbors and true friends! And we begin our acquaintance with the games of the peoples of the region with the Tatar game “We sell pots”. For this game, you first need to choose a host. The rest are divided into 2 groups. The first group - pots, sit on the floor and form a circle. Behind each pot is a player - the owner, from the second group, his hands are behind his back. The driver is behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, my friend, sell the pot!

- Buy.

- How many rubles to give you?

- Give me three.

The driver three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but not more than three rubles) touches the owner of the pot with the hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to a free place in the circle takes this place, and the one behind becomes the driver. It is allowed to run only in a circle, not crossing it. Runners are not allowed to hit other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the left, the stained must run to the right.

We sell pots (Chulmak ueny) (Tatar folk game)

The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each pot is a player - the owner of the pot, hands behind his back. The driver is behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, my friend, sell the pot!


How many rubles to give you?

Give me three.

The driver three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but not more than three rubles) touches the owner of the pot with the hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to a free place in the circle takes this place, and the one behind becomes the driver.

It is allowed to run only in a circle, not crossing it. Runners are not allowed to hit other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the left, the stained must run to the right.

We sold pots, bought paints, now let's play the Mordovian game. It is called Paradise Paradise. Now you will need to choose two who will be the gates, the rest playing - the mother with the children. the gates raise their clasped hands up and say: Paradise-paradise, I pass, but I leave the last. The mother herself will come and see the children. At this time, the participants in the game, having become a train, must go through the gate after their mother. The gate, lowering its hands, separates the last child and in a whisper asks him for two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The respondent chooses one of these words and gets up in command to the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: a shield or an arrow. The mother answers and stands in one of the teams. The gates stand facing each other, hold hands. The remaining members of each team cling to their half of the gate in a string. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner. You must not eavesdrop or give out the password.

Mobile game "Pot" in kindergarten in the warm season, it is held when outdoor activities with physical activity in the fresh air are selected for kids. The game "Potty" for boys and girls of the senior preschool group will be interesting. The game will be useful in the physical.

The benefits of the children's game "Potty"

The mobile game "Potty" in kindergarten is useful for its intensity for kids: it becomes possible to run, jump, catch up, spot, and it is also important to think quickly and make decisions. Games for children's team they are also called upon to unite, relieve anxiety in communication. It is also important that the game "Pot" in kindergarten has long Slavic roots, which means that kids are attached to traditions and history.

How to Prepare for the Potty Game

So that none of the participants is offended, so that everyone has the opportunity to actively play, and not to portray a passive pot, it is better to use skittles, balls, which will symbolize the “clay vessel”, and the participants will allegedly put it up for sale, as required by the game “Pot” in kindergarten, her rules. And it is also necessary to learn the quatrain pronounced by the kids in the dialogue:

1-Buyer: "Will you sell the pot?"

2 - Seller: "Buy, and what will you give?"

1-Buyer: "I'll give you a penny!"

2 - Seller: "And then it's up to you!"

What precautions should be taken

According to the rules, the potty game in kindergarten is endowed with a competitive nature, requiring kids to be stronger, faster, more agile, more resourceful in running. This means that it is necessary to clearly define the trajectory of "catching up" so that the children do not beat their foreheads and do not collide.

The rules of the children's game "Potty"

Children form a circle, put a pin in front of them - this is the pot. The kids act as sellers, and only one of the participants is a buyer who walks in a circle and, if desired, enters into a dialogue with someone, and when the phrase is pronounced: “And then it’s up to you!”, The “seller” and “buyer” run along circle, only in different directions and try to be the first to grab the pin-pot. Who did not have time, starts to drive and becomes a buyer.

The result and rewarding in the children's game "Pot"

The mobile game "Pot" in kindergarten is liked by kids, they strive to become winners in the game, so each dialogue is played out like a theatrical performance, and then they try to become faster and more resourceful than an opponent. The reward for the kids will be a good mood, useful physical activity and, for example, souvenirs made of clay in the form of a pot.

A pot is placed on a flat and open place, turned upside down and covering the gifts intended as a reward for a successful player. Twenty paces away is one of the players. He is blindfolded and given a stick in his hands: the task is to reach the pot and break it with a stick. Before blindfolding, everyone is allowed to measure the distance to the pot in steps and stand facing him. But before moving, the player must turn around three times in place. When the player believes that he has reached the pot, he stops, strikes vertically with a stick three times and removes the bandage; if the hits were successful, the player receives the gifts placed under the pot. The game is very funny. Already at the first turn they usually lose the right direction, and after the third turn the player loses his orientation so much that he happens to go far to the right or left of the pot from his place, to the great amusement of the spectators. The amusement of the onlookers is further increased by strong impacts on the ground far away from the pot. Each player uses different means in order not to go astray when turning. Everything is allowed except loosening the bandage. The pot is so rarely broken that in folk games a live rooster was sometimes planted under it.

Games for children senior group DOW

Russian folk game "Bees"
Rules: two players stand motionless, depicting a beehive. Others, holding hands, huddle around them and say in recitative:
A small cup in the beehive,
Tasty porridge in it,
I want to eat
Yes, I do not want to climb
Bees are angry, biting,
They fly terrible
buzz well,
They lead far.

One of the children is a "womb", he comes up to the hive and asks:
Bees are gray, blue-winged,
Fly across the open field
Fall on the damp earth
Fly, fly for sweets.
The bees answer:
We flew across the field
They murmured in Turkish, they collected honey,
And in the hive a pattern was embroidered:
No needles, no knots, no loops, no silks -
For the needs of the people!

The “womb” approaches the hive and knocks the children to the ground, runs away, hides.
bees are flying,
Noses are needles.
Sat down the hill
Sat under the tree.
Not five or six
There are a thousand of them.
They feed people
The huts illuminate
They don't bark, they don't beat,
And they bite painfully.
Then the “bees” “fly”, look for the “womb”, buzz in her ears.

Tasks: to develop the dexterity of children, to cultivate interest in their native nature.

Russian folk outdoor game "Running along the trunk"
Rules: the players gather at a fallen tree trunk (gymnastic bench), climb on it, move back and forth from one edge to the other.
Gradually increase speed and move from step to run, while speaking in recitative:

White birch,
Black Rose,
fragrant lily of the valley,
fluffy dandelion,
blue bell,
Turn around!
Don't stop!

Who loses his balance and slides off the trunk, you are out of the game. Whoever lasts the longest is the winner.
Tasks: to develop dexterity, balance, competitive excitement.

Tatar folk outdoor game "Earth, water, fire, air"
Rules: the players gather in a circle, in the middle -
leading. He throws the ball to someone by saying one of four words (earth, water, fire, air).

If the leader says "land", then the one who caught the ball must quickly name an animal;
if "water" - name the fish; "air" - a bird; "fire" - wave your hands. Everyone turns around. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Tasks: to develop the ability to understand nature, to experience positive emotions from communication with nature.

Tatar folk outdoor game "Swallow"
Rules: draw a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. By lot, a “swallow” and a “watchman” are chosen. The "swallow" sits in the center of the circle, crossing and tucking his legs under him, the "watchman" walks around - guards. The rest try to touch the swallow with their hand. "Watchman" catches. If he succeeds, then the one caught becomes a "watchman". "Swallow" changes after the change of 2-3 "watchmen".

Tasks: to continue to develop dexterity, interest in native nature.

Tatar folk outdoor game "Tangled Horses"
Rules: the players are divided into 3-4 teams, line up behind the line in columns. Opposite put flags-racks.
On a signal, the first players jump around the flags, return, then the second ones jump, etc. The team that finished the relay first wins.

Tatar folk dance game"Tatar wattle"
Rules: they choose the leader according to the counting rhyme, the rest, holding hands, pass under the clasped hands, gradually “braiding” the wattle fence. While singing:
Wey, you wey
My cabbage!
Wey, you wey
My fork!
How do I, cabbage,
don't curl
How do I, species,
don't curl up.
Evening on the cabbage
Evening at the fork
Frequent heavy rain.

Repeated several times, the main thing is not to disengage your hands. Tasks: to cultivate respect for the native nature, interest in Tatar games.

Bashkir folk outdoor game "Swallows and hawks"
Rules: players are divided into two teams, stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In the water row - “hawks”, in the other - “swallows”. Choose a leader. He walks and says the beginning of words (LA- or Ya-), he does not pronounce the ending. Then the group, whose name (beginning) is pronounced, scatters in different directions, another group catches up with them. Those caught are considered captives of those who catch.

The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Tasks: to continue to develop interest in native nature, in the Bashkir games.

Russian folk dance game "Wreath"
Rules: go in a circle, saying:
The dawn breaks from the star,
At dawn the sun will shine.
We will go for a walk in the green garden,
We will pick flowers, we will wrap wreaths.
We are going to the birch tree, we are going.
Let's bow and go away.

In pairs they go to the birch, putting wreaths on their heads. They walk around the birch, hang their wreaths on it and sing:

You are already green, my wreath,
There is a pink flower in the field.
I will put you, wreath,
To the birch.

Tasks: educate positive emotions, melodiousness, the ability to coordinate movements with the text.

Junior groups

Russian folk, outdoor game "Little legs - big legs"

Big feet.
We walked along the road:
small feet
Run along the path:

Russian folk fun game (verbal)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger curled up
This finger is already asleep.
The fingers are up. Hooray!
It's time for them to walk.

Tasks: to teach to control your body, to promote speech development.

senior groups

Russian folk outdoor game "Santa Claus"
Rules: "Santa Claus" is chosen according to the counting rhyme, he stands in the center of the circle drawn in the snow (on the floor). Children go in a circle and say:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Overgrown through the oak
He brought gifts.
Frosts crackling,
snow loose,
The wind is blowing.
The blizzards are circling.
The cold brought a cold
He built a bridge on the river.

The children scatter, "Frost" catches (whoever he touches, he "for ice cream", sits motionless in a circle). When three of them are frozen, they prepare a "payoff" - they make a snowman. Everyone walks around the woman and says:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus brought a snowy Baba. Baba, white woman, Get a snowball.
Then everyone throws snowballs at the woman, destroying her.

Tasks: to continue to develop dexterity, interest in Russian games, creativity in complicating the rules of the game.
Russian folk dance game "Churilki" (from the word "chur")
Rules: according to the counting rhyme, two are chosen, one is blindfolded, the other is given bells. Everyone walks around them, singing:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
Gilded ends.
Who plays the bells
That blind man's buff will not catch.
Bells, bells
They called, fools.
Guess where the call is from?

After that, the player with bells begins to ring, and the blindfolded child begins to catch him. As soon as he catches, two others are appointed. Game continues.

Bashkir folk dance game "White bone"
Rules: the leader is chosen according to the counting rhyme. The participants stand in a line. The leader sings:
White bone - a sign of happiness is the key,
Fly to the moon
To the white snowy peaks.
Resourceful and happy
Who will find you in time.
Throws a bone for a line.

Nobody looks back. When the bone falls, the host says:

Look for a bone - you will find happiness soon,
And the one who is faster and more dexterous will find it.

You need to find and quietly bring the bone to the leader. If someone notices this, touches the shoulder, takes the bone, runs to the leader. Whoever manages to convey the bone makes a wish - the participants fulfill it.

Tasks: to develop dexterity, patience, resourcefulness, active interest in folk games.

Junior groups

Russian folk game-fun "Ladushki-palms"
Rules: children perform movements, imitating the teacher:

Palms, palms,
loud crackers,
Where have you been?
What did you take out?

We dug in the sand
They put pies,
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
They put pies.

The paws are tired
The paws fell asleep
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
The paws fell asleep.

The lads got up
The patties were playing
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
The patties were playing.
Tasks: to evoke positive emotions, to amuse, to amuse.

senior groups

Russian traditional word game"Nonsense"
Rules: the driver is chosen according to the counting rhyme.
Everyone thinks of some object.

The host asks questions (about actions): “What did you wash your face with today?”, “What did you eat today?”

The one whose answer is more suitable becomes the leader.

Russian folk outdoor game "Storm of the snow fortress"
Rules: a snow fortress 1.5 meters high is being built. On the inside of the shaft - there are defenders on it.
In the corners - shields, in front of the fortress - three lines of defense (indicated by flags, lines):

Russian folk outdoor game "Golden Gate"
Rules: choose two drivers according to the counting rhyme. They agree on which of them is the Sun and which is the Moon. They join hands (facing each other), the rest in a string, holding hands, go through the gate. Drivers say:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss.
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is forbidden
And the third time we will not miss you.

They catch the one who did not have time to pass, they ask quietly on whose side he would like to stand. Stands behind either the "Sun" or the "Moon". When everyone has made a choice, the teams arrange a tug of war with a rope or holding hands.

Tasks: to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others, to promote socialization.

Russian folk outdoor game "Sheep"
Rules: they choose the drivers according to the counting rhyme: one is “shepherd”, the other is “devil”, the rest are “sheep”. "Sheep" sit on the ground in a row. The "shepherd" walks and says:

I pass, I pass the sheep,
I pass day and evening
And when the night comes
The devil will come and steal the sheep.

"Damn" says: "Shepherd, go home, your mother bought you a new one."
The “shepherd” goes home, asks the “mother” what she bought him. "Mother" scolds: "What could I buy you?" At this time, the "devil" takes 1-2 sheep. "Shepherd" counts lambs, is missing, afraid to say "mother". He continues to graze, again the “devil” comes, again sends the “shepherd” home, again steals the “sheep” until he drags everyone. Then the “shepherd” confesses to “mother”, the two of them go to look for the sheep: “Knock-knock, are there any new sheep?” They come to hell. "Damn" says no, but the "sheep" bleat. "So you're lying to us?" And the “hell” replies: “I don’t know how they got here.” Then the mother and son make the gate, the "sheep" pass, the "devil" runs away.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge of children about ancient professions (shepherd), to develop dexterity.

Russian folk outdoor game "Cabbage"
Rules: hats, scarves, scarves, belts are folded in the middle (this is “cabbage”). The “owner” is selected, he depicts what he is talking about:

I'm sitting on a rock
I am amusing small pegs,
I am amusing small pegs,
I city the garden.
So that the cabbage is not stolen,
Did not run into the garden
wolf and birds,
Beaver and martens
Bunny eared,
The bear is fat.

Children try to run into the garden, grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whoever the "owner" touches with his hand does not participate in the game. The player who took away more "cabbage" is the winner.

Russian folk outdoor game "Grandfather Mazai"
Rules: they choose “grandfather Mazai”, the rest agree on what movements will show:

Hello, grandfather Mazai!
Get out of the box.
Where we've been, we won't say
And we will show you what we did.

Children depict actions (fishing, mowing, picking berries, washing). If he guesses correctly, the children scatter, "Mazay" catches them. Whom he caught - that "Mazay".

Tasks: to develop the plasticity of the body, a sense of humor.

Russian folk outdoor game "Mill"
Rules: one child (axis) becomes in the middle, the rows of children (four people each) hold his hands or belt. Children spin around with the words:

Over the river on the mountain.
Where the wind blows and roars
The wings of the mill turn on it
Up - down, up - down.
Russian folk outdoor game
"To the Mill"

Rules: playing in a circle, go and sing:

Mill on a hummock
She loosened her mustache.
It stands on seven legs
Looks at the wind
Knocking and rattling.
Like a hundred horses running
There is dust all around.
flapping its wings,
Like she's scared
And he can't get up.
Only the grain gnaws
And rubs, and crumples,
Little does not swallow
Another satiety happens.

Inside the circle, two couples stand with their backs to each other, firmly holding hands, bent at the elbows. One bends down, the other is on his back with his legs up (until one of the couples stops, gets tired).

Tatar folk outdoor game "We sell pots"
Rules: children are divided into two groups (“pots” and “owners”). The “pots” are on their knees, the “owners” are behind the “pots”, hands are behind their backs. The leader behind the circle touches the "owner" - the "pot". The "master" and the driver run in a circle towards each other. Whoever quickly takes a place behind the “pot”, he won. The rest becomes the leader.

Tasks: to replenish children's knowledge about the professions of the past, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards a working person.

senior groups

Russian folk outdoor game "At grandfather Tryphon"
Rules: children stand in a circle and say:
Grandpa Tryphon had seven children,
Seven, seven, seven sons. .
They drank, they ate
Everyone looked at each other.
Seven, seven, seven sons
Together they did this:
(leader shows a figure, everyone repeats)

Russian folk outdoor game "Chepena"
Rules: Chepen is chosen according to the rhyme. He stands in a circle and says:

Left foot, chepena (jumps on the left foot to the left). Goy-goy, Chepena (players repeat).
Right foot, chepena,
Let's go ahead, chepena,
We all dance, chepena.

Those who err must give a fant, they begin to dance.

Tasks: develop a sense of humor.

Russian folk outdoor game "In the ring"
Rules: children sit, palms folded. The leader puts his palms in the palms of everyone. One imperceptibly puts a “ring” (pebble), says:
I'm walking along the bench
Why am I burying the ring?
In mother's teremok,
Under the father's castle.
You can't guess, you can't guess.
I can't tell you, I can't tell you.
Those seated answer:
We've been wondering for a long time
We have been looking for a ring for a long time.
All behind strong locks,
Behind oak doors.

One of the players guesses who has the ring hidden. If he guesses, these two run in different directions. Whoever sits first in an empty seat is the leader.

Tatar folk outdoor game "Temerbay"
Rules: children in a circle, in the center - "Temerbay", he says:

Five children at Temerbay
Friendly, fun play.
We quickly swam in the river,
Splashed. Splashed.
And beautifully dressed up
And neither eat nor drink,
They ran into the forest in the evening,
looked at each other,
They did it like this:
(the driver makes movements, everyone repeats).
Then the driver chooses someone instead of himself. Tasks: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders, to consolidate the knowledge that there used to be large families with many children.

Tatar folk dance game "Yurt"
Rules: children are divided into four subgroups, each forms a circle in the corners of the playground. In the center of each circle is a chair, on which is a scarf with a national pattern. All four circles go and sing:

We are all guys
Let's all gather in a circle.
Let's play and dance
And rush to the meadow.

To the national music they go in one common circle. At the end of it, they run to their chairs, take a scarf, pull it on, and you get yurts. The team that first "built" the yurt wins.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge that the yurt was the dwelling of many nomadic peoples, to cultivate interest in folk history.

Russian folk outdoor game "Malechin-Kalechina"
Rules: choose a driver. Everyone picks up a small stick and says:

How many goals are left until the evening?
Until the winter (summer) evening?

After that, put the stick on the palm or finger. The driver considers whoever lasts longer will not drop. You can walk, sit.

Russian folk dance game "Twig"
Rules: they go to the center of the circle, singing:

There is a branch on the tree
I'll rip her off.
To whom should it be given?
No one, no one -
Only to a dear friend.

The chosen one with a twig dances an impromptu dance. Tasks: to develop expressiveness of speech, to learn to control the body.

Russian folk outdoor game "Kostromushka-Kostroma"
Rules: they choose “Kostroma” according to the counting rhyme, she sits down in the center of the circle, takes a nap. Children walk in a circle:
She slept on the couch.
An owl flew to her.

They stop and talk to Kostroma:

Kostromushka, are you alive?
On what?
On a string.

(And dozes again.)

They dance again, then the answer is: "On a string." The next time it is silent. Children scatter, "Kostroma" catches children. Whoever catches - that "Kostroma".

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge that in the old days they loved to dance, to evoke positive emotions, to explain the meaning of the words "zavalinka", "Kostroma".

Russian folk dance game "And we waited for Maslenitsa"
Rules: children walk in a circle, singing;

Oh, how we waited for Maslenitsa,
They waited, they waited, they waited.
Peas were laid with cheese.
Watered, lyuli, watered.
Oh, look, yes, our Maslenitsa
Went out to the yard.
And we welcome her together.
Our Maslenitsa comes for only seven days,
Our Maslenitsa dear
It didn't take long for us to come.
We thought - for seven weeks.
It turned out - for seven days.

Tasks: to introduce the Russian folk spring holiday Maslenitsa, its history.

Russian folk outdoor game "Standart"
Rules: Requires a ball used in tennis.
The driver is chosen by counting. He tosses the ball and shouts: "Standard". Everyone runs around the site in different directions. The leader catches the ball and stains the escaping with the ball. Whom he has stained, he is the leader. If it was not possible to tarnish, then the role of the leader is played by the same child.

Tasks: to develop an optimistic attitude in children.

Russian folk outdoor game "Kondals"
Rules: the players stand in two lines at a distance of 10 meters, firmly holding hands. There is a roll call of the ranks.

First line:
"Kondals-raskondals, unchain us",

The second line answers: “Which of us?” (They name the children.)

The first child from the first line runs, seeks to “break”, open the hands of the second line. If he succeeds, he leads the chosen children into his line, if not, he himself remains in that line.

Tasks: to introduce the meaning of the word "condals", to promote the development of strength, ingenuity, to help imbue with a sense of the overall result.

Russian folk outdoor game "Five glass pieces"
Rules: You need 5 plexiglass plates. A square with a side of 1 meter is drawn according to the scheme

A line is drawn at a distance of 2 meters, 5 plates are stacked one on top of the other in the middle of the square, two teams playing in a circle. With the help of a draw, they choose who will stand at the line, the team is built in a column. The other team - the defenders of the square - stand near it. One at a time, the throwers throw a rubber ball, trying to break the glass tower. You can’t step over the line (for this they put columns on horses). The defenders collect the pieces of glass and lay them out in segments. Those who threw, scatter. The defenders gather in a circle, hide the ball in their clothes, the throwers try to put the pieces of glass back into the tower, This is prevented by the defenders. The one who has the ball stains the throwers with it (he is out of the game), the ball can be passed to each other among the defenders. When the throwers manage to collect the tower, they won, they earned I point. The teams change places and the game continues. Which team has the most points wins.

Tasks: to teach to obey the rules, to be able to feel the state of peers, to develop dexterity, accuracy, intelligence.

Bashkir folk game "Khakystash" ("Bishtat") (a game with pebbles for girls)
Rules: the order is established by the counting rhyme, if the pebble to be caught on the fly falls, the player is out of the game, passes the pebbles to the next one. There are two parts to the game.
The first part - the beginner throws 5 pebbles up, scattering them on the ground. The fifth of the fallen is thrown up again and the first of those scattered on the ground is picked up, thrown up, before falling, all the remaining pebbles are caught. Then again all the pebbles crumble, and you need to catch them in two pieces.
The second part - all the pebbles are thrown, you need to catch them with the back of your hand and throw them up again, catch one at a time. Whoever completes the first and second parts wins.

Tasks: to promote the development of speed of hand movements, to develop attentiveness, the desire to achieve singing.

Bashkir folk outdoor game "Equestrian competition"
Rules: players stand in pairs on the starting line so as not to interfere with each other. The “horse” player - hands back, down, joins hands with the rider. Whoever comes running first (rider) must jump up, get a patterned scarf hanging on a rack.

Objectives: to continue to introduce national traditions through games (cattle breeding is a traditional pastime

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