Sports quest tournament for elementary school children. Sports holiday "Sports and recreational quest-game with children of senior preschool age

I approve:

Director of MOSH І-ІІІ Art. No. 50


Sports quest - "Health of the nation!"

Goals and objectives:

1. Development of mass sports work at school, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Increasing interest in the physical improvement of your body.

3. Comprehensive development of students by the game method.

4. Involving students of all health groups in an active lifestyle.


Teams from grades 5-8 take part in the competition. The form is sports.

Registration: balloons, healthy lifestyle posters.

Equipment: tables, signs with station names, route sheets, summary table, envelopes with questions and assignments.

Competition guide:

The leadership of the competition is entrusted to teachers: physical education, obzh, technology, military and medical training.

Competition preparation plan:

1. Work out the position of the competition;

2. Hold a meeting of class teachers;

3.Develop questions on stations;

4. Conduct training sessions with classes.

Plan of the event:

1. Parade opening competitions.

2. Competitions by stations: morning exercises; hardening; aibolit-64; green pharmacy;“Morning gymnastics”, “It's fun to walk together!”, “A sharp shooter”, “Always ready for work”, “In case of fire, we recruit 101 as one”, “Designer”.

3. Summing up, rewarding.

Ch. judge

Scenario sports quest "Health of the nation",

dedicated to health day

1 Opening parade of the competition:

Fanfare sounds.

Deputy director for construction and installation works« Parade on the line of the opening of the competition step march !!!»

The sports march sounds Competitors enter a column of three.

Parade stop 1,2 Left!

presenter : Right to raise the flagDonetsk People's Republicprovided: (name F.I.) Parade, equalize, at attention! Alignment with the flag, raise the flag! the anthem soundsDonetsk People's Republic.

Leading: Health is the main thing that needs to be protected and strengthened. However, sometimes we do not know how to do it, or do not pay attention to it. Health to a greater extent depends on the person himself, on his lifestyle and behavior style.


To drive away longing and laziness,

Rise every day

You need it exactly at 7 o'clock.

Opening the windows of the bolt,

Do some light exercise

And clean your bed!

Take a shower and eat breakfast.

And then sit down at the desk!


But remember guys

It's very important to know this

Going to school, on the road

Don't you dare play!


Sit in class

And listen quietly.

Follow the teacher

Prick up your ears.


After dinner, you can sit down

To complete tasks.

It's ok if there is

Will and effort.


We always comply

Daily schedule.

We go to bed at the appointed time

We get up at the appointed time

We don't care about sickness!


Rest after school

Just don't roll.

Help mom at home

Play, get hot!

Presenter: We invite you to go to the country of "Health". On the way you will meet stations: "Hardening", "Aibolit -64", "Green Pharmacy", "Morning Exercises", "Walking together is fun!» , "A sharp shooter", "Always ready for work", "In case of fire, as one we recruit 101", "Designer".

Leading . Introducing the judges and jury of the game….. .

Oath of the Judges : “On behalf of all judges and officials, I promise that we will carry out our duties in these competitions with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a truly sporting spirit.And may the strongest win».

INissuance of itineraries. Teams go on a journey through the stations.

1. Station "Hardening"

teacher : I am glad to welcome you to this station. Remember the slogan: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

What a shame man

A little something to run to the pharmacy!

You take at least a hundred pills

All the same health - zero!

But mother nature

Full of other gifts.

Accept forests, fields and waters,

And mountain ranges, and vaults of the sky -

And you are practically healthy!

Yu. S. Entin

Children are invitedanswer question s.


  • Give an example of common tempering procedures. (Shower, bathing, sunbathing)
  • Give an example of local hardening procedures. (Washing with cool water, foot baths, walking barefoot)
  • At what age can hardening start? (From birth)
  • What time of yearcanstart tempering? (It is possible at any time of the year, but warm time is preferable)
  • How can the ability to dress help in hardening? (Clothes should correspond to the season of the year, you can’t “wrap up”)
  • What are the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually)

2. Station "Aibolit-64"

teacher :

To get health
You don't have to go far.
We need to try ourselves
And everything will work out.


Provide first aid for abrasions (1,2 class);

a cut on the palm (3,4, class);

with bleeding from the nose (5-6th grade);

in case of a fracture of the wrist bone - apply a splint (7-9 th class)

  • What drugs are used to disinfect wounds and bruises?

(Zelyonka, iodine, hydrogen peroxide)

  • What drugs are used for heart pain?

(Corvalol, valerian, motherwort)

  • What drugs are used as antipyretics?

(Paracetomol, aspirin, etc.)

  • What medicines are used for disorders of the stomach, intestines?

(Activated carbon, etc.)

  • What medicines are used to treat boils?

(Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.)

3. Station "Green Pharmacy"

teacher :

"Take a closer look at something - at least to a blade of grass - and it turns into a whole world, mysterious, amazing and indescribably beautiful."
Henry Miller

Questions :

Witchcraft is attributed to this grass, and a bunch of dry grass was supposed to be hung in front of the entrance to the house in order to protect the home from wild animals and ghosts. It has a pronounced astringent, antimicrobial, and hemostatic effect. (St. John's wort)

The healing properties of this plant have been known to man since time immemorial. Its root tincture is a good sedative. In folk medicine, it is used for hysteria, migraine, pain in the heart, epilepsy. (Valerian)

It is said that in the thickets of this bush, forest gnomes hide their wealth. And in fact, its berries are not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy. They are especially good for eye diseases. (Blueberry)
In medicine, juice, kidneys, leaves of this tree are used. Infusion and decoction of the kidneys have diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic properties. An infusion of young leaves is used as a diuretic and for disorders of the nervous system. Juice is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, scurvy. (Birch)
He's a weed, he's a flower
Helped me from my illness.
How to sit on the sofa
I remember yellow ... (Dandelion)

4. Station "charging"


Every day in the morning
We do the exercises
We like it very much
Do it in order.
So that we don't get sick
And don't catch a cold
We are always charging
We'll be doing.

« You need to do morning exercises with the whole class. ABOUT valued: dactions of the commander; synchronicity,about originality » .

5. Station "Accurate shooter"

teacher : This station is for those who loveaccuracy. The team needs to choose 10 participants who will throw the basketball into the ring. Everyone has one attempt, the score at this stage depends on the number of hits.

6. Station "It's fun to walk together!"

Various combat commands are being executed. ABOUT valued: d command actions s; from synchronicity .

7. Station "Always ready to work"

Introduction by the teacher.

M. Gorky said: "No other power makes a person great and wise, as does the power of labor - collective, friendly, free labor."

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the roughest, elevates to creativity.”

And from my words, you guys probably understood that we will not only talk about work, but work.

Guys, hard work is magic. Modern work requires from a person not only skills, but also knowledge. It is impossible to manage complex machines, work at machine tools without knowledge.

If you want to build a bridge

Watch the stars move

drive the machine in the field,

Or drive the car up

Study well!

I know that each of you has a cherished dream: one wants to become a carpenter, another - a tiler, the third - a cook. To become a good specialist, a person must know and be able to do a lot, and for this you need to study. And for us now with you study is the main work.

Today we will check who we have the most hardworking.

The task. Stolyarov street.

Without a tool, a carpenter is not a master, guess what tool I'm talking about.

Who helped fix my door lock

He is my diligent friend ... / hammer /.

At home, who helped to fix the hanger

He is my good friend ... / hammer /

But before checkingakyou owns eWith this tool, we need to remember the rules for working with a hammer so as not to injure ourselves and others.

The task : from three bars of different sizes you need to make a bed for a doll.

While our craftsmen are working, let's remember what other tools are needed for carpentry work.

    Bowing, bowing

Will come home - stretch / ax /

    Chewing, chewing, she does not eat

Doesn't give to others. /saw/

    iron someone

Hit him hard.

And he's gone

There was a cap. / hammer, nail /

    The fat one will beat the thin one -

Thin something will beat. /hammer, nail/.

8. Station “In case of fire, we dial 101 as one”

1. What are the main causes of fire? Careless handling of fire, childish prank, violation of fire safety rules.

2. What should be done in case of fire? Immediately inform the fire brigade, take measures for evacuation.

3. What should I say when calling the fire department? The exact address, last name, what is on.

4. What is the danger of a fire, besides fire? Smoke, carbon monoxide.

5. How can you extinguish a fire that starts? Fire extinguisher, water, sand, blanket.

6. Why can't you use the elevator during a fire? The elevator can stop, the elevator shaft is a chimney, the smoke will be pumped there.

7. What kind of fire cannot be extinguished with water? If electrical appliances are burning, combustible substances.

8. Why are forest fires dangerous? The forest, animals are destroyed, the fire can reach residential buildings, the fire can penetrate into peat layers.

9. What is the danger of a stove in a village house? A fire can start from the escaping coal.

10. Why can't dry grass and leaves be set on fire? The fire spreads very quickly, often spreading to residential buildings.

11. Is it possible to break glass in a house or apartment during a fire? Not , because . extra airflow promotes the spread of fire.

12. How to put out a burning TV? Throw a blanket over.

13. Oil is burning in a frying pan. Your actions? Turn off the gas, throw a wet towel on the pan.

14. If the apartment smells of gas, there is a leak. Can the light be turned on or off ? Do not operate the switch, sparks may occur, resulting in a fire or explosion.

15. What is the worst thing in a fire for people? Panic.

16 . What precautions must be taken to prevent a fire? (In order to prevent fires in a room, it is necessary to strictly follow simple fire safety rules. Here are some of them:

Do not leave electrical appliances (iron, soldering iron, burner, etc.) on after working with them;

Do not connect several powerful consumers of electricity to one outlet;

Do not cover electric lamps and other electric lamps with paper;

When using candles, isolate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;

Do not use gasoline to kindle the stove;

Do not fill kerosene appliances (lamps, kerosene gases) during their operation;

Do not use sparklers, crackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments, even on New Year's holidays;

Do not play with matches, other burning objects (not extinguished coals, slag, ash, firebrands) and flammable materials).

Riddles to solve

The facilitator reads the riddles to the teams in turn. If the team cannot give the correct answer, then the opponents have a chance to get an extra point.


    What, barely touching, turns the house into firewood? (Fire)

    On the roof - a pillar, in the hut - a tablecloth. (Smoke)

    This is a cramped, cramped house:

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

Might flare up like a fire! (box of matches)

    Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water;

With a tongue, instead of barking Without teeth, but biting. (Fire)

    The electric ship floats - then back, then forward. (Iron)

    A hundred fires are kept in a small barn. (box of matches)

    Everything eats - does not eat up, but drinks - dies. (Fire)

    The red bull stands, trembles, the black one runs to the sky. (Fire and smoke)

    Small, remote, but brings big trouble. (Spark)

    The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire)

    I saw smoke - do not yawn, call us soon! (Firefighters)

    From little me you will not get rid of fire. (Spark.)

9. Station "Constructor"

The team is offered a word, from which the players try to make as many other words as possible. The more words, the more points the team gets.

Summing up, awarding the winners. Everyone gathers in the gym.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Quest game with interesting stations, passing which, students will be able to learn more about their health and learn how to take care of it. There are applications in development that contain the necessary materials for the event.

The target audience: 6-7 classes.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children an attentive and careful attitude to their health, by solving tasks, to improve teamwork skills, to teach understanding and helping their loved ones.

Equipment: ribbons of three colors , tokens, music for a flash mob, materials for stations, pictures of human organs, route sheets.

Event progress

- Hello, dear participants of the quest. What mood? (Voo!) If you are ready to spend this time fun and useful, then let's go. In order to divide into teams, you need to take one ribbon from the box. (The organizer needs to know in advance the number of participants, prepare each color of the ribbon in the same amount).

- Great! So we divided into teams, tie your ribbons on your hands, come up with a name and slogan for your team. So, we start, the team captains take route sheets, the main condition is to pass quickly, efficiently and at each station call your team and chants. GOOD LUCK!

Route sheets:

Team 1

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station 6

Station 5

Team 2

Station 2

Station 3

Station 1

Station 5

Station 4

Team 3

Station 3

Station 1

Station 2

Station 4

Station 5

Station 1. "We are a team"

Accessories: pencils.

The team must complete the task together. Students stand in a circle and hold a pencil with their index fingers, then squat. the team earns a token if no pencil falls during the task.

Station 2. "Tasty and healthy!"

Accessories: chips, apple, carrot, sweets, water, Coca-Cola, milk, tangerines, porridge, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, Kirieshki, chocolate, onion, garlic, ice cream.

- Guys, this station is called "Tasty and Healthy" on the table you see different food products. Now you will collect in one package all the products that you consider useful. The team receives a token if they collect all useful products in 1 minute.

Station 3. "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Accessories: leaflets with proverbs, divided into parts.

Students are given leaflets with proverbs, they connect the beginning and end of the proverb. The team earns a token if they connect all the proverbs correctly in 1 minute.

Sample proverbs:

  1. Temper your body for the benefit of the cause.
  2. Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
  3. Those who play sports gain strength.
  4. The sun, air and water always help us.
  5. Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  6. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.
  7. In a healthy body healthy mind.
  8. Sails and rigging are in the hands of the athlete.
  9. You will be tempered from youth, you will fit for the whole century.
  10. Start a new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises.
  11. Strong in body - rich in deeds.
  12. You are not friends with sports - you will grieve about it more than once.
  13. To walk on foot - to live long.
  14. Give sports time, and in return get health.

Station 4

Accessories: mat, stopwatch

The team comes to the gym, each student from the team shakes the press, the number of all students is summed up.

Station 5. "Traditional Medicine"

Accessories: cards with the names of plants, cards with the names of diseases.

Students receive cards with the names of plants and cards with the names of diseases.

  1. Chamomile - sore throat
  2. Raspberries - high temperature
  3. Plantain - cuts, abrasions
  4. coltsfoot - cough
  5. Nettle - sciatica
  6. Celandine - skin diseases
  7. Garlic - flu
  8. Blueberries - eye diseases
  9. Valerian - nervous breakdown
  10. Kalanchoe - runny nose

Station 6. "First Aid"

Accessories: bandage, cotton wool, scissors.

The team captain chooses a ticket that describes the wound of the patient. One student is chosen to bandage and one to be the doctor. A token is given if the wound is bandaged correctly, quickly and accurately.

Station 7. “What? Where? Why?"

Accessories: board with a drawn human silhouette, drawings of organs (heart, lungs, liver, brain, stomach)

In 2 minutes, students should place all the organs in their places and name their main functions. A token is given if the students cope on time.

- All great fellows! Guys, let's count the tokens and sum up.

Winner's reward ceremony

- Health is strength! Take care of yourself!

Ludmila Khandrikova

Sports and entertainment quest« Journey through the country of physical education and health»

Compiler: physical culture instructor Khandrikova Lyudmila Valentinovna

Target: Developing Interest in Participation sports and outdoor games. Formation of interest and love for sports.


1. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about healthy lifestyle.

2. To improve physical abilities in the joint motor activity of children and adults.

3. Contribute to the rapprochement and organization of the children of the group. Raise the emotional state of the pupils.


1. Puzzles with split pictures - «»

2. Rope - 1pc

3. Baskets - 2 pieces

4. Balls are small - according to the number of participants

5. Sandbox scoops - 2 pcs

6. Envelopes - 6 pcs

7 Map - « Country of physical education and health»

10. Hoops - 6 pcs

11. Balancers.

12. Long rope for crawling and jumping.

13. Jump ropes.

Leading: Oh (adult); Oh (adult)

Participants Children of the senior group


Territory of the kindergarten playground, playground of a large stadium, verandas of groups).

move sports and entertainment quest:

Sounds music, participants quests run out to the sports ground. Oh and Ah appear and greet the participants.

Oh: Hello dear guys!

Oh: Hello girls and boys!

Together: We are very glad to see you all today, that you are all healthy and go to kindergarten.

Oh: Let's do exercises together now.

FLASHMOB - children and teachers take part.

Oh: Guys what do you think health?

Children's answers.

Oh: Health- this is not only the absence of any disease, but also a cheerful mood, good appetite, physical strength, beauty and joy.

Oh: Today in our kindergarten is quest is not easy, but a very interesting game, it will require you to strength, knowledge and ingenuity.

Oh: We brought a map for you as a gift so that you can go on an exciting travel, but along the way, viruses and microbes penetrated there and destroyed it, only pieces remained. And now we have to go to travel without a map and create it again.

Oh: Are you guys ready to help us create a new map?

Oh: We are on our way through the cities Physical education and health countries».

You will need to go through several stages and tests, at each stage you will receive an envelope with a piece of the card, and at the end trips we will try to fold it and give it to the children from another kindergarten.

TOGETHER: We wish you good luck, we believe and hope for you!

Stage 1. A game "Take it and don't drop it" - "City of Agility"


Children line up in a column, put two buckets. At the beginning of the column, the basket is empty, another basket with balls is placed at a distance of 5 m. The task of children with the help of a spatula is to transfer the balls from one basket to another.

Stage 2. "Obstacle Course"- City of Speed

DOW playground

Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Running under a spinning rope.


Stage 3. "Tug of War"- City of Strength

Stage 4. "Rope jumping"- City of Endurance.

Stage 5 "Walking on balance beams"-city of balance

Stage 6 "Riddles - crossword"

1. Get up early in the morning,

Jump, run, push up.

For health, for order

People all need... (charger)

2. What is always useful to us: Sun, air and (water)

3. Slowly inhale through the nose, fresh (air) we get.

4. strong, want to grow up healthy, for this we need to comply with .... (mode)

5. If you want to break a record, it will help you .... (sport)

6. In nutrition, the regime is also important, then we will run away from diseases.

Vegetables and fruits are not interchangeable, with them we get - .... (vitamins)

7. Being hardy always helps us…. (walking)

8. Legs and muscles are always in motion -

It's not just a person walking.

Such are the fast movements

We call short -. (run)

Oh: Let's read together what the word turned out to be - « HEALTH» .

For solving the crossword puzzle, you get the last piece of the map, and let's all try to put it together.

On the map we see those cities Physical education and health countries where we were today, let's repeat them again .... Now we can pass this card to other children so that they can do an exciting travel and also became dexterous, fast, strong, hardy and as healthy as you.

Oh: Well, guys, our game with you has come to an end. Did you like travel around the cities of the country of physical culture and health? Learned a lot of interesting things? Thank you for your care, resourcefulness, dexterity and ingenuity. And now we want to give you vitamins so that you are healthy!

Related publications:

Quest - the game "Journey through the island of Health" for children of the 1st junior group. Prepared by the teacher of the first category Khalilullina Svetlana.

Quest game "Journey for the secrets of health" Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children. Tasks: Fix.

Purpose: to develop the physical qualities of pupils in active activities. Tasks: educational: to contribute to the expansion of horizons;.

Russian folk music sounds. The buffoons come out. 1 Buffoon: Hello, dear guests - both small and large! 2 Buffoon: Hello.

Sports Quest

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquisition in the form of a game of new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyles;

    the formation of students' motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, the upbringing of responsibility for their own health and the health of their loved ones;

    promotion of the development of communicative qualities of the student's personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


Each team chooses a color that will accompany it during the game. The team receives the first riddle in accordance with its color and starts to the place of the first test, if the riddle is not solved, the leader asks additional questions that will help the team guess the place of the first test. At each station, the team must find a sheet with a riddle that will tell you where to go next. The first team to pass all the tests and guess the location of all stations wins.


    Team building . Options: based on the class, the collective of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for the event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game must not exceed the number of stations. The composition of the teams should be as equal as possible in terms of the age of the participants and their number. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Props preparation. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared, in our case, riddles (Appendix No. 1), signs on the doors of offices with the names of stations, props at the station (see description of stations).

    Training of stewards at stations. The stewards can be high school students, SSU, pedagogical workers who have received the necessary installation and advice from the organizers of the event.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where the winner is supposed to be revealed, the moment of awarding should also be present when summing up the results. As awards, there can be both medals by the number of team members and sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the organizer of the competition)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

Today we will conduct a sports - search game and identify the fastest and most savvy participants. Let's meet our participating teams. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, your team will be expected by station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the indicated order of passing through the stations will serve as a guide to the country, but we will not tell you the order of the stations, you have to guess them, how correctly you guess, so quickly you will pass the test.

Good luck! Have a good trip and new knowledge necessary for the future life!


1 station "Gym"

Mystery: There are no desks, but there is something to sit on. You can play and learn there.

The task:

Girls 5 people - jumping rope in 30 seconds (you need to score a total number of jumps 300 times)

Boys 5 people - throws in a basketball basket in 3 minutes (you need to hit 10 times)

5 people - long jump from a place (total number of 8 meters)

5 people - press in 30 seconds (total number of 125 times)

Provided that the team has completed all the steps and scored the required number of points, the manager allows you to start finding the next riddle. If the team did not score the required number of points, then the manager sets an additional task.

2 station "Cabinet of Music"

Mystery: There the song flows

And the music is playing. It is classic and popular.

The task: sing a song with the whole class about sports.

3 station "Library"

Mystery: Knowledge is stored there. Lots of art and educational books. You need to run to the guardian.

The task: Solve the crossword puzzle and answer the questions.

The task: Based on the description, determine what kind of sport it is. Write down the words - sports in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Make up a phrase from the letters in the highlighted cells.

1. One of the types of skiing, which includes several disciplines: ski acrobatics, ski cross, mogul, halfpipe, slopestyle. It originally emerged as a mixture of skiing and acrobatics. (freestyle)
2. A type of luge that requires a steerable sled. On these sleighs they descend along specially equipped ice tracks. (bobsled)
3. One of the most popular types of gymnastics. There are three types: jumping, steam and group. (acrobatics)
4. Fans of this sport have to climb mountain peaks, sometimes difficult to access. (mountaineering)
5. Competitions on the water at various distances, which are held both in pools and in open water. (swimming)
1. Most often this is called cross-country running. However, not everyone knows that some other types of cross-country racing are also called this way. Can be automobile, bicycle, ski, motorcycle. (cross)
2. Those who go in for this kind of sport should be proficient with hand cold steel, strike them (pricks), and also reflect the opponent's blows. (fencing)
3. A winter sport in which the competition takes place on ice. The participants of the two teams alternately "roll" the shells towards the "house" - a target drawn on the ice. The main task is to hit the target as accurately as possible. (curling)
4. In this sport, athletes need special gloves to hit each other. (boxing)
5. In this sport, athletes compete not only in cross-country skiing. After passing a certain distance, the athlete shoots from a rifle. For each miss, he receives a penalty loop, or a penalty time. (biathlon)
6. For this sports game, you need a round target that is hung on the wall. Players throw darts in an attempt to hit the target. (darts)


 Which modern country is considered the birthplace of the Olympic Games?

 What birds are traditionally released at the opening of the Olympic Games?


 At the opening of the Olympic Games, the teams go in alphabetical order of the host country. But the team of the same country always walks ahead. Which?

 What is the color of the Olympic flag?

 What time of year are the White Olympics held?

Name the continent that hosted the 2000 Olympic Games.


 How many meters are in the shortest athletics distance of the modern Olympic Games?

(100 meters.)

 How many athletes from one team take part in the Olympic relay race?

 Which Olympic sports game is played in the pool?

(Water polo.)

 In what Olympic sport is the saber used?


 Which of the following was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games?

a) small towns; b)Tug of war;

c) Dominoes; d) hide and seek.

 What is the name of the residential complex for athletes, participants in the Olympic Games?

but)Olympic Village ; b) Sports village;

c) The town of champions; d) Championship capital.

 Which of these martial arts is an Olympic sport?

a) Sambo; b)Judo ;

c) Karate; d) Aikido.

 In what part of the world has the modern Olympic Games never been held?

a) in Asia; b) in Australia;

c) in America; G)In Africa .

 Which country hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics?

but)In England ; b) In Sweden;

c) in France; d) in Austria.

(In London.)

4 station "Stadium"

Mystery: Outside the school, it stands, oval in shape, there are trees around.

The task: run 30 meters - perform 6 people

Throwing a ball 5 people (total points or meters 125m)

5 station "Doctor's office"

Mystery: If suddenly you get sick or hit a little

Need to contact urgently...

The task: 1. What money can't buy. (Health)

2. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 liters of this substance per day. What's this? (Water).

3. What is the name of the mass disease of people. (Epidemic)

4. What is the rational distribution of time called in one word. (Mode)

5. Training the body with cold. (Hardening)

6. What fluid carries oxygen in the body. (Blood)

7. What is the name of the science of purity. (Hygiene)

8. The smallest organism that carries the infection. (Microbe)

9. Voluntary nicotine poisoning. (Smoking)

10. This Russian commander was a very weak child in childhood, but he tempered himself perfectly. He considered the Russian bath to be the best way of hardening. There he withstood the terrible heat on the shelf, after which 10 buckets of cold water were poured on him. (Suvorov).

11. Why did healthy people in ancient China and Persia put some blood of smallpox patients on a scratch?

(Thus, infected people tolerated the disease more easily. It's like a vaccine).

12. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. It is useful and necessary. What's this? (Dream)

14. Can I immediately sit down after running to rest?

(No. You need to walk so that the blood does not stagnate in the veins)

15. What must be taken before going to bed, and in hot weather - in the morning and in the evening? (Shower).

Station 6 "Gymnastics Hall"

Mystery: They call it gymnastic, there are stairs and carpets.

The task: push-ups - 5 boys + 5 girls (perform 125 times)

Shuttle run 4 * 9 m 6 people.

Throwing a medicine ball at a distance of 5 people (45 meters - the total number of meters)

After testing, gathering in the assembly hall, the winner is determined by the numbering of arrival at the end point (assembly hall). Summing up, rewarding.


Compiled by Musina G.T. physical education teacher

MAOU "Boarding Lyceum No. 84 named after Gali Akysh"

The QUEST game on health stations is intended for students in grades 7-8, but participation in teams of older students is not excluded.

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquisition in the form of a game of new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyles;

    the formation of students' motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, the upbringing of responsibility for their own health and the health of their loved ones;

    promotion of the development of communicative qualities of the student's personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


In accordance with the route map received in their hands, the teams visit Health stations in turn, where the station managers set tasks for the teams, evaluate their performance and put the points earned on the route sheet. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


    Team building . Options: based on the class, the collective of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for the event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game must not exceed the number of stations. The composition of the teams should be as equal as possible in terms of the age of the participants and their number. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Props preparation. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared (Appendix No. 1), signs on the doors of offices with the names of stations, props at the station (see description of stations).

    Training of stewards at stations. The facilitators can be high school students, schoolchildren, teachers who have received the necessary installation and advice from the organizers of the event, aimed not so much at determining a team with a stronger level of training, but at expanding the horizons of students on healthy lifestyles.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where the winner is supposed to be revealed, the moment of awarding should also be present when summing up the results. As awards, there can be both medals according to the number of team members with a symbolic inscription “We are for a healthy lifestyle !!!”, as well as sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the organizer of the competition)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

And we are not here by chance. April 7th is World Health Day. This day is held annually so that people can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be healthy and exercise. To this end, we celebrate the Day of Health. Today we will all go on a journey together. After all, health is the most important value of human life. To become a resident of this country, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the correct daily routine, nutrition and hardening, love sports, not get sick, and if you happen to get sick a little, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others.

Let's meet our participating teams. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, your team will be expected by station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the specified order of passage of stations will serve as a guide to the country. The station managers will enter the points you earn at the stations into these sheets. Keep in mind that the team that completed the tasks the fastest will receive an additional point, and the team that violated discipline while traveling through the country of Health will lose points.

Good luck! Have a good trip and new knowledge necessary for the future life!




Props: 2 sets of cards: the first - with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations.

Unfortunately, almost everyone gets sick. But our mother nature took care to help a person cope with his illnesses and ailments with herbs and plants. I have two sets of cards: one with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations. It is necessary to bring the cards in line with folk methods of treating diseases. For each correct answer - 1 point


1. Chamomile - sore throat

2. Raspberry - high temperature

3. Plantain -- cuts, abrasions

4. Mother and stepmother - cough

5. Nettle - sciatica

6. Celandine - skin diseases

7. Garlic - flu

8. Blueberries - diseases of the eyes

9. Valerian - a nervous breakdown

10. Kalanchoe - runny nose






Station manager's comment:

1. Name the diseases of "dirty hands".

Correct answer: gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, hepatitis, ascariasis, enterobiasis.

2 . What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake?

Correct answer: dysentery, cholera, helminthic diseases, hepatitis.

3 . How to avoid pediculosis?

The correct answer is: do not use someone else's comb, headdress, underwear, wash your hair more often.

4 . What are the measures to prevent influenza in winter.

The correct answer is: vaccination, dressing according to the weather, good nutrition, observing the daily routine, eating garlic, etc.

5 . Why can't you change clothes, shoes, hats?

Correct answer: you can get infected with various infectious and fungal diseases, lice.

6 . Explain why you shouldn't bite your nails.

Correct answer: there are a lot of bacteria under the nails, and there may also be worm eggs.

7 . What is caries? What does it come from?

Correct answer: this is the destruction of the tooth enamel, and then its other tissues; lead to caries: non-compliance with oral hygiene, the habit of chewing hard objects that destroy enamel, taking cold food after hot food.

8 . What are vaccinations for?

The correct answer is that after vaccination, immunity against the disease is developed.

9 . What is the harm of smoking?

The correct answer is: substances contained in tobacco smoke poison the entire body, cause lung cancer, tuberculosis, blood vessels and the heart suffer, the brain reduces its efficiency, as brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, memory deteriorates, a person becomes inattentive, digestion is disturbed.

10 . Why is a bath useful?

The correct answer is: this is a hardening, vascular training procedure, improves blood circulation, harmful substances are removed with sweat, the skin is cleansed, all pores open, the body relaxes and rests.


№ 3

Props: completed in accordance with the terms of the competition first aid kit,

Red felt-tip pen, bandage, iodine, cotton wool, scissors.

Station manager's comment: Fast paced modern life requires a person to know the basic techniques and methods of providing first aid to himself or his loved ones. How much you possess such knowledge and skills will be shown by this stage of the competition.

Theoretical part: name medicines from the first-aid kit and indicate the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir application.


1. Iodine - a disinfectant for damaged skin

2. Zelenka is a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes

3. Analgin - pain reliever

4. Aspirin - antipyretic

5. Paracetamol - antipyretic, with headache

6. Ammonia (ammonia) - with fainting

7. Activated charcoal - for poisoning, stomach pain

8. Valerian tincture or extract - nervous disorders, nervousness

9. Citramon - for headaches

10. Validol - for pain in the heart





Props: questions in this quiz.

Station manager's comment: Guys, let's check how informed you are about sports and healthy lifestyles. In life, knowledge is useful to everyone, and with it sport. And so we will offer you our sports crossword puzzle.

1. We play in this room. You need to have big growth

So that the enemy in the heat of the moment can score a goal with a ball. Basketball

2. It will help to develop the muscles of the hands, as of old,

Rubber sports equipment.Expander

3. I don't understand guys, who are you? Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard? - Don't interfere with the game

You'd better move away, we're playing...Volleyball

4. He plays hockey deftly, an Olympic champion,

He performed well for the army team.

In CSKA, he is like a beacon. This is Vladislav...Tretyak

5. And in football, and in hockey, everyone knows that team,

Because that team is called...Spartacus

6. What is the name of the competition of athletes? (competitions)

7. What sports competitions are held every four years? (Olympic)

8. Name the sports in which competitions are held on ice. (hockey, figure skating, speed skating)

9. In which sport is the ball played only with the feet? (football)

10. In what sport is the ball hit with a racket? (tennis, badminton)


№ 5

Props: stopwatch, hoop, pen, basketballs, jump rope

Station manager's comment: Movement is life! This slogan has already been tested by more than one generation of people. Only an active lifestyle, and even better - a sports and physical culture will help us save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all - from cardiovascular and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Teams need to complete tasks on time.

(The time spent on the task and the number of exercises performed in task No. 4 are entered into the team card. The jury puts down points based on all the results obtained in a comparative analysis).

1 TASK: Line up by the first letters of the last name in alphabetical order.

2 TASK: Relay race

3 TASK: All team members take turns climbing through the hoop, starting from the feet.

4 TASK: Throw the ball into the basket from the foul line



Props: Sheets of paper with the words of proverbs, sayings about sports and health

Station manager's comment:

1. Give time to sports - in return you will get health

2. The disease will not catch up with the fast and dexterous

3. Move more - live longer

4. Harden your bodies for good

5. Who saves on sports, he does not find health



Props: Projector, interactive game, laptop. Assembly Hall.

Station manager's comment:

An interactive game is displayed on the screen. Students choose the category and difficulty of the question. The number of points won for a correct answer. Thinking time 10 seconds.



    Remember and sing as many songs as possible about sports, health, physical education, exercise.


The Council of Station Managers and Event Organizers, based on the results of passing the stations by the teams listed in the route sheets, calculates the points and announces the results of the game.

The winners are being awarded.


Our journey has come to an end. We hope that you guys will want to visit this country of Health more than once, or maybe move to live in it. May your every day be filled with health, joy and a fulfilling life.

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save, improve health.

It is for a long journey -

The main condition.


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folk wisdom




not limited






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not limited
































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