New "Deathrun Server Modes" by Exodus. New "Modes for Deathrun server" by Exodus Download plugin rank for deathrun cs 1.6

Now we would like to tell you about one very useful plugin, thanks to which you can promote your CS 1.6 server. Namely, this plugin adds bots to observers, as a result of which bots in observers will be taken into account in the search for servers. And since there are enough players on the server, then real people will come to the server.

Thanks to this plugin, namely the rope for admins plugin, in fact, your server administrators will be able to fly on the web with light keystrokes. We think that the essence of the Hook v2.3 plug-in is not worth explaining to you, since this plug-in is already known to almost every Counter Strike version 1.6 gamer.

The well-known Deathrun admin menu plugin, thanks to which you can use many useful functions on the server. Namely, you can resurrect, take money, take life, take grenades, enable or disable gravity, speed or double jump. In general, this is the admin menu for Deathrun servers.

The Death Sprite plugin for CS 1.6 will make your server much more unique, as it adds one very wonderful and interesting effect, namely, after the death of a player, a soul sprite will appear around him. If you do not quite understand what will appear after death, then we recommend that you look at the screenshot with this material.

We meet a new and very interesting plug-in called a web in the form of a current for CS 1.6, which has a new command, sound, and actually a new look of the web itself. Also, when using a web, it will change its color, which looks very cool and beautiful.

A wonderful Vipmenu plugin for CS 1.6 thanks to which administrators with the “d” flag can use the VIP menu. Thanks to Vipmenu, you can take extra speed, gravity, lives, a set of grenades and cash.

Today we would like to tell you about one very interesting plugin for Counter Strike 1.6 servers called multi-colored Hook for CS 1.6. The essence of this plug-in, I think, is already known to many, but if you suddenly don’t know, then with the help of the web you can fly around the map by pressing the keys.

A new version of the well-known Grab plugin for CS 1.6 and I immediately want to say that this is a private version of the plugin. As you can see in the screenshot with the material, there is a Grab control menu, which has a list of options. The color of the hornbeam itself has also been changed - now it is blue.


Deathrun Manager 4.3 - An updated version of the well-known Deathrun mod. The terrorist activates the traps, the counters must go through the track and kill the terror. This update adds a lot of goodies.

Full list of commands:

For admins (in console):

setcash [nickname] [number] - sets money for the player.
setlifes [nickname] [number] - sets the player's life.
resetcash [nickname] - reset money to the player.
resetlifes [nickname] - reset the player's life.
givecash [nickname] [number] - adds money to the player.
givelifes [nickname] [number] - adds life to the player.
givenades [nickname] [type of grenades (0 - all,1 - freezing,2 - flash, 3 - fragmentation)] [number] - gives a certain type of grenades to the player(s).

For players:

/lmenu | /drm - lives menu.
/life | /lives - shows how many lives you have.

Main mod additions:

After his death, the player hears music.
Menu for the player (/lmenu , /drm) , where players will find transfer, buy lives, scout.
After killing the enemy, the player can choose a bonus for himself (extra life, extra money,).
Cut out the bot.
Added functionality for admins.
All HUD messages have been converted to DHUD.

deathrun_timetospawn - - player respawn time after death.
deathrun_toggle - 0/1 - disabled / enabled plugin.
deathrun_spray - 0/1 - disabled / enabled spray.
deathrun_radio - 0/1 - disabled / enabled the use of the radio.
deathrun_giveusp - 0/1 - don't give / give USP for CT.
deathrun_removebz - 0/1 - remove / do not remove a zone for buying on maps.
deathrun_hidehud - 0/1 - show / don't show the player's money.
deathrun_blockmoney - 0/1 - do not block / block money (if 1, then everyone always has 0$).
deathrun_blockkill - 0/1 - block / do not block the kill command in the console for CT.
deathrun_semiclip - 0/1 - enabled / disabled "passing" through an ally (for CT).
deathrun_lifesystem - - enabled / disabled the life system for players (if set to 2, then T gets +1 life for winning).
deathrun_terrnfd - 0/1 - disable / enable fall damage block for T.
deathrun_rstart - 0/1 - disable / enable music playback at the start of the round.
deathrun_savelifes - 0/1 - save the lives of players.
deathrun_sellmcost - - sale price of 1st life.
deathrun_buymcost - - purchase cost of 1st life.
deathrun_changelife - 0/1 - whether it is possible to exchange 1 life for a prize.
deathrun_maxlifes - - life limit.
deathrun_blockbut - 0/1 - block button presses for CT.
deathrun_pvm - 0/1 - play sounds when a player dies
deathrun_pb - 0/1 - choice of bonus for the player who killed the enemy (menu is shown).
deathrun_bm - - the amount of money that the player will receive with the selected bonus.
deathrun_freeze - 0/1 - disable / enable the freeze grenade in the menu.
deathrun_freezecost - Freeze grenade cost.
deathrun_showmenu - 0/1 - do not show / show the menu when a player dies.
deathrun_givenade - 0/1 - Do not give / give CT freeze grenades when spawning.


We throw into the folder cstrike> addons> amxmodx> scripting> include.
FrostTrapDr.amxx and deathrun_manager.amxx to cstrike > addons > amxmodx > plugins folder.
drm folder in cstrike > sounds.
deathrun.txt to cstrike > addons > amxmodx > data > lang.
Don't forget to customize all cvars for yourself and save them in amxx.cfg

New Modes for Deathrun modification.

Name and number of modes:
1. Traps.
2. Moldovan.
3. Warrior.
4. Zombies.
5. Christmas.
6. Businessman.
7. Policeman.
8. Illusionist.

Description of modes:
* Buttons - the usual mode when the terrorist activates the traps, thereby preventing the CT from going to his base and killing him. If the terrorist presses the button before selecting the mode, the "Buttons" mode will be automatically selected.

* Moldovan - a mode in which the terrorist is given a hammer, high gravity, low speed and high damage. Cheerful music plays, sparkles fly out from the terrorist(s). Moldovan kills with one blow. You can kill him only together, because Moldovan is very clumsy.

* Warrior - a mode in which the terrorist(s) are given a mace and shield (not standard), high speed and knockback. In the "Warrior" mode, the terrorist deflects projectiles with a shield. Approximately 70% of damage dealt to a warrior will be reflected by the shield and cause no harm. Each warrior has 200 health units.

* Zombies - a mode in which a real "Apocalypse" occurs on the server. Acid fog comes first, then the timer starts, people should start going through the map. It's like a handicap. At the end of the timer, the first zombie is transferred to the CT spawn, its task is to infect as many CTs as possible. The task of CT is to reach the end of the map and run to the weapon in order to kill the zombies. Infection with effects and voice acting, as well as the sounds of paw strikes. Zombie infects by removing health units. That is, in order to infect the player, the zombie will first have to remove all his health. When the last player remains, the infection does not go on, the player will be killed instead. The first zombie has a higher speed and more health than the infected players.

* Christmas - a cheerful and atmospheric mode, when selected, it starts to snow, a bluish Christmas fog appears. The terrorist is given a New Year's branch as a weapon. The main ability of this branch is to freeze enemies. When freezing, there are beautiful effects of freezing and defrosting, as well as excellent voice acting. If a player is killed during a freeze, the freeze ends immediately. A very merry Christmas music, when selected, adds a special "charm" to this mode.

* Businessman - a mode in which the terrorist receives money for the death of CT. Cheerful business-style music plays, and every time CT dies, there is a click of a cash register. When killing a businessman, the CT receives all the money collected by the businessman for the round.

* Police - a fun mode in which the terrorist is given a police baton and a skin. The main ability of the policeman is to teleport players back to the starting point. A kind of punishment. Each player can only be teleported once. When you select a mode, police sirens start.

* Illusionist is a really interesting mode. The terrorist turns into an evil magician, who has 2 active abilities: on the E button and the R button. On the R button, the wizard can go into "Invisibility", become invisible, if it's simple. With the ability, the hands change to transparent, there is a voice acting. On the E button, the wizard can create his own illusions (copies) that will repeat his animations. They also have animations of death when killed, they also bleed, 3 different animations and voice acting of death. Each illusion has 100 health. The essence of the mode: The Wizard can set up illusions and wait for the enemy to pass the map. The wizard then dives into the Invis and CT attacks the illusion, thinking it is the wizard. Meanwhile, the wizard attacks the enemy who has lost his vigilance. At the bottom of the wizard there is an informer about the status of abilities: the number of remaining illusions (default is 5), and the cooldown of invisibility time (default 25 seconds).

In almost every mode, the Terrorist has its own knife-striking sounds, unique abilities, and interesting voice acting. When each mode is selected, DHUD MESSAGE appears in the center,
which informs about the selected mode.

It also has auto-selection. If the terrorist does not select a mode within 20 seconds, a random mode is automatically selected.

There are also blocks of modes for rounds. You can limit the use of the mode to several rounds (from 1 to infinity).

There is also a configuration file that allows you to very flexibly change the settings of the modes, ranging from the characteristics of a terrorist in each mode, ending with blocks of rounds
and even adjusting the color and position of the informer.

And there is an informer that displays the active game mode under the radar, how much time the player has, how much time until the end of the map and how many live CTs are on the map.

The modes are mainly written in hamsandwich "e, which allows you to reduce the load. Frequent problems with the modes are gone, especially the channel overload to the player (channel overflowed)

New Modes for Deathrun modification.

Name and number of modes:
1. Traps.
2. Moldovan.
3. Warrior.
4. Zombies.
5. Christmas.
6. Businessman.
7. Policeman.
8. Illusionist.

Description of modes:
* Buttons- the usual mode, when a terrorist activates traps, thereby preventing the CT from going to his base and killing him. If the terrorist presses the button before selecting the mode, the "Buttons" mode will be automatically selected.

* Moldovan- a mode in which the terrorist is given a hammer, high gravity, low speed and high damage. Cheerful music plays, sparkles fly out from the terrorist(s). Moldovan kills with one blow. You can kill him only together, because Moldovan is very clumsy.

* Warrior- a mode in which the terrorist(s) are given a mace and a shield (not standard), high speed and knockback. In the "Warrior" mode, the terrorist deflects projectiles with a shield. Approximately 70% of damage dealt to a warrior will be reflected by the shield and cause no harm. Each warrior has 200 health units.

* Zombie- a mode in which a real "Apocalypse" occurs on the server. Acid fog comes first, then the timer starts, people should start going through the map. It's like a handicap. At the end of the timer, the first zombie is transferred to the CT spawn, its task is to infect as many CTs as possible. The task of CT is to reach the end of the map and run to the weapon in order to kill the zombies. Infection with effects and voice acting, as well as the sounds of paw strikes. Zombie infects by removing health units. That is, in order to infect the player, the zombie will first have to remove all his health. When the last player remains, the infection does not go on, the player will be killed instead. The first zombie has a higher speed and more health than the infected players.

* Christmas- a cheerful and atmospheric mode, when selected, it starts to snow, a bluish Christmas fog appears. The terrorist is given a New Year's branch as a weapon. The main ability of this branch is to freeze enemies. When freezing, there are beautiful effects of freezing and defrosting, as well as excellent voice acting. If a player is killed during a freeze, the freeze ends immediately. A very merry Christmas music, when selected, adds a special "charm" to this mode.

* Businessman- a mode in which the terrorist receives money for the death of CT. Cheerful business-style music plays, and every time CT dies, there is a click of a cash register. When killing a businessman, the CT receives all the money collected by the businessman for the round.

* Policeman - a fun mode in which the terrorist is given a police baton and a skin. The main ability of the policeman is to teleport players back to the starting point. A kind of punishment. Each player can only be teleported once. When you select a mode, police sirens start.

* Illusionist - really interesting mode. The terrorist turns into an evil magician, who has 2 active abilities: on the E button and the R button. On the R button, the wizard can go into "Invisibility", become invisible, if it's simple. With the ability, the hands change to transparent, there is a voice acting. On the E button, the wizard can create his own illusions (copies) that will repeat his animations. They also have animations of death when killed, they also bleed, 3 different animations and voice acting of death. Each illusion has 100 health. The essence of the mode: The Wizard can set up illusions and wait for the enemy to pass the map. The wizard then dives into the Invis and CT attacks the illusion, thinking it is the wizard. Meanwhile, the wizard attacks the enemy who has lost his vigilance. At the bottom of the wizard there is an informer about the status of abilities: the number of remaining illusions (default is 5), and the cooldown of invisibility time (default 25 seconds).

In almost every mode, the Terrorist has its own knife-striking sounds, unique abilities, and interesting voice acting. When each mode is selected, DHUD MESSAGE appears in the center,
which informs about the selected mode.

It also has auto-selection. If the terrorist does not select a mode within 20 seconds, a random mode is automatically selected.

There are also blocks of modes for rounds. You can limit the use of the mode to several rounds (from 1 to infinity).

There is also a configuration file that allows you to very flexibly change the settings of the modes, ranging from the characteristics of a terrorist in each mode, ending with blocks of rounds
and even adjusting the color and position of the informer.

And there is an informer that displays the active game mode under the radar, how much time the player has, how much time until the end of the map and how many live CTs are on the map.

The modes are mainly written in hamsandwich "e, which allows you to reduce the load. Frequent problems with the modes are gone, especially the channel overload to the player (channel overflowed)

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