Game planet of gems passing level 76. Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

Difficulty level, limited number of moves - yes, reaching level 76 in Candy Crush Saga is not easy, especially when you play this game for the first time. Win or lose is a question of whether you can use the situation on the playing field to the fullest, planning several moves ahead at once.


Part 1

Playing field features

    Before starting the game, it is worth looking around. Please note that there are three different playing zones on the field - two small ones on the left and one large one on the right, which are separated by teleportation lines. Candies will follow quite predictable trajectories as they move around the field:

    • First candy will appear at the bottom left.
    • Then, when all the fragments are cleared, the candy will go through the bottom left area and end up on the right.
    • Finally, and it will be just before leaving the field, the candy will go through the upper left area.
    • Accordingly, the "bottom" of the playing field is the lower part of the upper left zone, which can confuse the player!
  1. Understand the connection between the clearing of some fragments and the fall of others. Unfortunately, you have a limited number of moves, so every step counts. Accordingly, you need to use teleports to the maximum, moving your ingredients to the upper left zone.

    • Clearing the candy on the bottom left will make it move only those candies that are in the lower left zone above them.
    • Clearing the candy on the right will make it move only those candies that are above them in the right zone, as well as candies in the lower left zone.
    • Clearing the candy on the top left will make it move candies above them in the upper left, candies from the upper right area and candies from the lower left zone.
    • Accordingly, bringing together similar elements at the top left will often be the most optimal way to play.
  2. Now you need to understand how teleports affect special candies. If you haven't experienced all this yet, here's what to consider:

    • Striped candies and combinations of striped candies and candies in wrappers through the teleporter do not work. In other words, if you activated the vertical striped candy in the bottom left area, it will clear the candies in the two left areas, but not the right.
    • Wrapped candies do not fall through teleporters unless the candy "underneath" them on the other side is cleared. In other words, if you activated a wrapped candy in the bottom row on the right, it will clear the candies around it, but will not fall into the upper left zone.
    • Colored bombs work as usual.

    Part 2

    Win-win tricks
    1. Focus all your attention on the second and third zones. You have only 33 moves to this level - it seems to be a lot, but in fact it may happen that a couple of steps are not enough for you to win. Luckily, working in the right and top left zones (there in particular) will move a lot more candy than in the bottom left zone, allowing you to get the full potential out of each step.

      • For example, you have one cherry in the far right column of the lower left zone, but there is nothing that could make any decent combination. Try to clear the candies in the far right row, either the right side of the upper left zone or the right zone, so that that cherry at least approaches the exit from the field.
      • There are, however, exceptions to the rule. For example, it often makes sense to still get a special candy even if it doesn't clear the candies under your ingredients (especially if that special candy can clear candies from the field).
    2. Bring the ingredients to the exit faster to get new ones. As a rule, new ingredients appear on the field when the old ones disappear from it (although sometimes His Majesty Chance intervenes in the matter - Holy Random - the Candy Crush community has not yet determined exactly which action will most likely lead to the appearance of a new ingredient). Level 76 is no exception. Accordingly, it is in your own interest to clear all the cherries as quickly as possible - the next ones will not appear until you remove the previous ones.

      Use the vertical striped candies on the left. If everything is played correctly, then they will advance the cherries closer to the exit. Try to activate such candies on any of the zones on the left, when they are in line with the cherries - they will hit all the candies in one of the upper left columns, so they can move the cherries as much as 4 cells closer to the exit.

      • Example: you have a cherry, it is in the second row of the right zone. If you can activate a vertically striped candy in the second row of any left area, you will move the cherry 4 spaces closer to the exit.
    3. Try to activate the wrapped candies located in the upper left area. If you drive them there, then the benefits from them will be a million! They clear the 3x3 square twice, so if you guess the activation moment, you can move your candies immediately 6 cells closer to the exit!

      Keep the ingredients in the middle of the board. This is a simple rule, so keep an eye out for opportunities to move the ingredients from the edges into the two center columns. So you will have the maximum possible combinations that allow you to keep the downward movement of the ingredients towards the exit from the board, since in the middle, if anything, the activation of the candies will touch two sides, not one.

      • The habit of keeping ingredients away from the edges of the field is a healthy habit. Of course, it is not necessary - sometimes at the next levels the ingredients will roll into corners, from where it is very difficult to get them later. In general, we have warned you.
    4. Use a combination of striped candy and wrapped candy. Such a combo will clear three rows and three columns in the manner of a cross, which is especially useful at level 76 (and doubly so if you are lucky enough to hit candies from the upper left zone). However, you need to play such a combo quickly - because you have few moves!

      Use a combination of colored bomb and striped candy. This is the most useful combo in this level (aside from the very rare combo of two colored bombs), which will create striped candies in the place of random candies of the same color as the striped candy involved. As a rule, after such a combo, most of the board, if not all of it, will be empty, that is, in one move you will remove one or more cherries from the board.

    Part 3

    What to Avoid

      Be careful with combos above your ingredients. At level 76, it is especially important to keep track of your every action. Try not to activate a combo without moving the cherries to the exit (do not touch those combos that above cherries). Yes, sometimes you will need to do this (especially if the ingredients are almost over), but such moves should not be a priority - they do not bring you closer to victory.

      • Therefore, at the bottom left, you should refrain from making combinations, and moreover, completely. The only exception is if you can make a valuable special candy, especially a vertical striped candy that can clear the fragments at the top left.
    1. Don't waste your moves chasing horizontal striped candy. As a rule, vertically striped candies are much more useful, since clearing candies vertically can bring the ingredient closer to the output by several cells, and horizontally - only one. Accordingly, it is not worth spending moves on horizontally striped candies.

      • But there are always exceptions, and if you can put a horizontally striped candy next to the last row of candies above the exit, then why not.
    2. Forget about points if you find it difficult to pass the level. For 30,000 you will get 1 star, so level 76 is not particularly difficult in this regard. If it’s difficult for you to pass the level and score more points, then spit on the points, focus on the cherries! There is every chance that this alone will allow you to score enough points.

      Don't give up if you're unlucky. Alas, unless you have invested a lot of real money in the game, then blind chance will determine whether you win or not. The appearance of sweets on the playing field is determined by a random event generator, so you may well encounter a black streak of bad luck. But that's no reason to give up! Proceed as described in this article, and you will succeed.

    • Are you playing on a mobile device? Press the back button before you can even make a move on any level without losing a life. You can use this to reset the level and get the layout you like best.
    • In the browser version, you can get extra lives by opening the game in several tabs - if you run out of lives on one, go to another!

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Hello. I hope that you are already familiar with, which are presented on this site, as I will talk in the same manner with slang and rather briefly. So, reconnaissance: In 35 moves, 3 meteorites must be lowered down. Only 4 colors of chips participate in the game (there are no yellow ones). At the bottom there is a row of ropes that we can handle without problems, then stones that can only be broken with the help of a water totem, and useless cages that do not participate in the game in any way. Passing is not difficult, you just need to lower the meteorites, if possible, move them to the left or right. when you decide on the choice of the column on which you will lower the celestial bodies - use the water totem to open the road. The earth totem can be used in those moments when it is difficult to figure out how to play without his intervention. Use to get three stars. If necessary, watch the walkthrough video. Thank you for your attention. Visit the site more often and share the link on social networks, recommend this site on forums and blogs. Thanks in advance!

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