Guide to creating stunt races in GTA Online. Guide to creating stunt races in GTA Online How to open a race in GTA 5 online

In GTA 5 online.

Today you will learn all the features.

But, first I’ll make a reservation, the definition of “play” is not entirely correct.

After all, you will play the game GTA Online and not part of the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Dynamics gameplay is different, although the transport, the city and everything else remains the same.

In the article I will talk about the main modes of GTA 5 and other features. Registration is not required to start playing. By purchasing a license, you immediately enter the multi-user mode, you do not need to donate. That is, you only need to pay for the game client, and play for free online.

From this article you will learn:

How to play GTA 5

It's simple - start the game. And choose - Download GTA Online. There is little time for everything. Therefore, I recommend making an entrance from the single player mode, and then choosing to switch to multiplayer using the menu pause or through the choice of characters.

As I said, registration is not required. But it has many advantages. Registered users Rockstar Games Social Club get a lot of bonuses, including free motorcycles, shotguns.

Playing on consoles and PC - differences

The expanses of Blaine County and Los Santos can be conquered by the player on personal computer, and on the console.

To play online, all you need to do is sign up for PlayStation Network. Those who play GTA 5 on Xbox have to be content with a single mode or pay for Gold status.

Online modes

Launching GTA is easy. Now let's take a look at the modes. There are several of them in GTA Online.

1. Free mode. Appeared for the first time in GTA 4, after which it migrated further with minor changes. Multiplayer mode.
2. Deathmatch. Multiple players can play. Winners receive game currency. There are team battles as well. last mode Team Stading (feature - the fallen cannot rise).
3. Race - gives you the opportunity to get hold of cash and reputation points. There are several races: cycling, water, air, classic.
4. Rally. Unlike racing, there is a navigator who coordinates the actions.
5. Capture. Command mode with own bases. The winner is the one who brings the opponent's valuable object to the base.
6. Capture with hold - everything is the same as in the previous mode. But the valuable item is between the bases.
7. Survival. Everything is clear without further ado - the player must survive at any cost.
8. Retention. Players find or take away valuable objects from rivals. The one who got the most wins.
9. Raid. Team battle. Gamers sneak into the enemy base, steal items.
10. Parachuting. 8 players can take part, landing from a bird's eye view. The task is to complete the tasks of the championship in flight.
11. Confrontation. The mode is impossible to describe, as the rules are constantly changing.
12. Robbery. Players rob everyone possible ways are escaping from prison.

GTA 5 gameplay features

You will see Martin Madrazo in a building that was razed to the ground in single player by Michael and Franklin. For actions, players are awarded in-game currency and reputation points. There is a system of levels (ranks). The higher the rank of the characters, the more powerful he becomes.

Moving up the rank ladder, new vehicles, missions, weapons, and ways to change the character's appearance become available.

In single player mode, the cops are not as aggressive as they are in multiplayer. Yes, another such moment - to hide from a cop in GTA 5 is not so easy.

The developers also provided for the punishment of violators. Those who break the rules are temporarily banned. For this period, the player can only play with the same guilty players.

Game currency

Money is of no small importance in GTA Online. It's a life simulator after all. Game currency can be earned in different ways, by winning confrontations, completing tasks, and so on. There is also a donation.

Prices: an apartment costs from 80,000 to 500 GTA dollars, a garage - from 25,000 to 100,000. Do not forget, you will have to buy a lot of other things.


Gang groups are divided into public and honest. The first do not know the restrictions on the number of people. The latter have limits - no more than 1,000. If a player takes part in a business with a gang, he is entitled to a cash bonus and reputation points. The founders of the gang choose a color, an emblem, a name.

Where to start the game

After completing the missions from the tutorial category, I recommend switching to golf or darts. These games allow you to earn 2,000 reputation points. After receiving the money, immediately send it to the bank using your smartphone. If this is not done, the cash will disappear after the loss.

Buy a garage first, the apartment can wait. If you're playing on console, connect your Social Club profile to account Play Station Network for PS. This gives access to the Elegy RH8. After making the purchase, dial the number of the mechanic, which is already in the contacts, and ask to deliver the car.

There are a lot of ways to make money in GTA 5, I will not describe them in detail here. I will dedicate to this topic detailed guide. So don't miss out. To do this, just subscribe to blog updates. Until then, I say goodbye to you. Good luck to all!

Update "Cunning Stunts" for the online version grand theft Auto 5 expanded the capabilities of the regular content editor, or rather its part responsible for creating custom races.

Despite the fact that the functionality of the toolkit has remained the same for the most part, the updated editor allows you to radically transform the standard races. For example, they can feature moving obstacles, sound effects, collectable RP boosters, and boost lanes that will be the main intrigue of most races. In this guide, we will explain all these innovations so that anyone can start creating the race of their dreams without any problems.

How to create a stunt race in GTA Online

In order to get into the stunt racing editor, you need to pause the game, and then find the “Content Editor” item in the menu. After a short load, the user will be able to choose what type of content they want to create, and in one of the sub-menus there will be an option called “Stunt Race”.

The initial stage of creation is similar to how work begins on any other race: names, descriptions, title image are determined. Also, the user can set the desired type of race, route, available transport, and so on.

For more detailed information about creating races, read our guide [guide title with link].


After passing the basic stage, it is necessary to choose the placement of the players, which will determine where the race will start.

As with other options when creating a route, this parameter is controlled in the same way as always. First, put an activator, a camera in the lobby and control points, after which you can move on to the most “delicious” - obstacles and other objects.

Obstacles and objects

Up to 500 objects and obstacles can be placed on each map created in the racing section of the GTA Online Content Editor. It was they who became the main “highlight” of the Cunning Stunts add-on, so in this section you can find the largest number of innovations.

Let's take a look at them one by one to reveal their main features:

Stunt sections

In fact, these are real “roads in heaven”, because they can be laid in literally by air. The editor has many separate fragments of such stunt sections, thanks to which you can completely forget about the land route and lay the entire race exclusively by air. There are a lot of options, so you can realize even the craziest fantasies.


It is also worth highlighting the pipes, which play the same role, but have a slightly smaller surface for the parallel movement of several cars. They have a rounded section, so if you wish, you can overtake the player by simply driving along the wall. It's dangerous, but not for a real stuntman, right? In addition to fine-tuning the configuration due to the large number of components, it is also possible to change the color of the pipes.


If you really want to give the players some room to maneuver, then you can use the platforms hanging in the air. They come in a wide range of sizes and colors to add variety to the race and make it even more glamorous.


Depending on its size and angle, the Cunning Stunts trampoline allows you to gain an advantage by landing directly on the heads of your opponents or in front of them. The creator of the race himself can choose whether the passage of the springboard is mandatory for each participant, or whether they can be bypassed and continue along the route without the risk of breaking his neck. The springboard color can be edited in the same way as the colors of other objects.

Objects for tricks

To make the trip not too boring, you can use the section of objects that are designed to perform various tricks, both dangerous and very dangerous. The choice here is quite large: various spiral fragments, dead loops, obstacles, additional types of jumps, and much more.

Road signs

Just like in real life, the signs in the Grand Thefu Auto Online Stunt Race Editor are designed to inform the player of certain circumstances that lie ahead. With the help of them, you can notify participants in the race about turns, advise you to slow down before passing a particularly dangerous participant, and so on. You can also paint over the badges with emblems of various racing brands and sponsors for purely decorative purposes.

Special objects

An interesting section of the editor where the user can place fire rings, pyrotechnic effects, giant tires and other decorative objects. There are also sound alerts that allow you to give the race a special sound, and also make it possible to warn participants in the race about something. Or just make some noise.

It is interesting that among the special objects there are special accelerators, during the passage of which the player picks up speed faster. In this case, you can, on the contrary, invert their effect, and then the players will slow down when hitting them.

Dynamic objects

To make the race even more exciting, additional interactive obstacles can be added to it. It can be giant bowling balls, skittles, balls and other interesting things. Thanks to them, you can cause chaos in the course of the competition, as well as reward players with additional RP points for colliding with marked objects.

New Race Editor Features

In addition to new objects, there are also fundamentally new features of the racing editor, which allows you to improve not only stunt racing, but also any other.

For example, one of the most interesting features allows you to change the position of objects after interacting with them.

The add-on also increased the limit of additional objects (not obstacles) from 100 to 150, which allows you to place more sound effects and decorations for improvement appearance tracks.

Overwriting objects

As noted above, using this functionality, you can dynamically change the position of an object in space when the player interacts with it. You can change the coordinates in three dimensions (X, Y, Z).


So that the creator of the race does not have to worry about the fact that there may be gaps between the sections, the developers of Rockstar Games have implemented a convenient snapping system. It is especially convenient when creating a road, as it makes it possible to automatically fit fragments to each other without any tricks. The binding also works when placing other objects and blocks.

Placement on top of each other

After the update, the GTA Online Race Editor can handle the placement of objects on top of each other. If earlier it was necessary to install them only on a plane, now you can make real turrets from various objects, so that then the riders effectively knock them over, ramming them with a bumper.

Alternative checkpoints

For a very long time, players have been asking developers to implement the possibility of creating alternative routes on racing tracks. And in the Cunning Stunts addon, these requests were heard.

You can now make forks in the editor to give racers a choice. As a rule, this is a choice between a longer, but safe, section, and a short, but life-threatening one.

Circular control points

Since pipes with rounded walls appeared, the developers quite logically decided to add an additional kind of control point. When passing them, it does not matter at what angle the car travels.

How to install and play custom gta maps ONLINE

Hi all! You must have already played GTA Online Custom Cases. Usually it's crazy races with wild ramps or a team of survivors, where they are with RPGs and grenades, while others are in armored vehicles. In this article I will tell you how to choose and add a case to GTA Online.

Go to your Social Club page and from the top menu select " Games".

Select GTA V game ( Grand Theft Auto 5 ).

Here is a search for all cases of GTA Online. But we only need custom ones, so in the search filter we put " SC members".

Select "Type of case", the picture was selected " Race".

We also filter out unpopular custom maps.

And finally, to add the case you like to the game, click the " Add to game". A corresponding success window should appear.

Ready! To play custom cards GTA Online, go into the game, through the menu go to " Affairs" -> "start a business" -> "Marked"and start the job you need.

You can also take a look at my GTA Online streams on twitch channel zakrutTV which take place almost every day :)

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