Guide to Dragon Knight: dragon knight, destroyer of thrones, unscorched, king of mid…. Guide to Dragon Knight: dragon knight, destroyer of thrones, unscorched, king of mid… What to collect dragon knight dota 2

Davion or Dragon Knai t is a melee hero with the main skill - strength. Suitable for playing even for a beginner in Dota, because. this hero is a kerii, i.e. he needs constant gold and experience to be effective. And also Dk - pusher, disabler and tank. All this allows him to do his abilities. Let's talk about them.

Davion Knight's skills

First- allows you to shoot forward fire, which in a small area deals damage to all enemies. The ability deals good damage in an area, and also allows you to farm quickly.

Second- Dragon Knight inflicts a fairly long stun on one opponent. What can I say, he camped in Africa as well, but here already at the first lvl of the skill it is very long.

Third- an aura that raises our hero's HP regeneration and gives armor. This skill is relevant further in the game, when the damage of enemies increases. But also this skill can be downloaded if the enemy has skills that greatly reduce armor, such as ult dazzle, weaver bugs, etc.

Ult- our hero transforms for a long time into a flying dragon, which has a long-range attack type. Also, with each lvl of the ult, the dragon becomes stronger.

The first lvl allows you to demolish buildings very effectively, because. He has a special attack that is corrosive. This attack also slows the enemy and deals poison damage over time.

The second lvl gives the dragon splash damage, it is 100% in a small area and 50% thereafter. The piercing attack from the previous dragon is also retained.

The third lvl of the dragon retains the splash attack from the previous dragon, and also has a slowing ice breath in the area. Those. Enemies move and attack slower.

The sequence of learning skills

The first skill in 90% of the cases is pumped in as quickly as possible to cause maximum damage in the shortest time to the maximum number of enemies. Further, it is optimal to download 2 skills, sometimes pumping the third one. But there are rare cases when, on the contrary, you need to pump in 3 skills and 1 time a second, and then pump it up.


What to collect Dragon Knight?

Starting items

For early game

Items by situation

The bracer will increase the characteristics, but if the game goes really bad, then we take 1-2 more bracers. From boots, of course, we take Fri. I saw how some take phases, they will immediately say no! We don’t need DMG, the most important thing for us is to increase the attack speed to deliver more hits when the enemy’s stun is from 2 spells. Also Fri will increase survivability and attack.

Why is the dominator the main thing? Because, at first, we don’t pump 3 spells to the maximum, but we need to heal. It is also important that it raises armor, gives good dmg, and also allows you to tame various creatures from the forest. Don't forget to subjugate any animals, firstly, they can greatly help pushing, and secondly, they can greatly increase your armor or attacks. The effectiveness of the dominator greatly increases if you take forest mobs under your care.

Further - if stuns and magic do not give life, then we take bkb, and we should have enough armor. But if not enough - the ribs are our choice. If the bash does nothing, then the halberd is our choice. If enemies attack and run very quickly, then we take Sasha Yasha. Taraska - if all 5 attack you, there are only carries in the team and no one else can tank. In general, look at the situation guys.

dragon knight- one of the fattest heroes in the game. Looks great from the very beginning of the game and does not lose relevance until the end.
He has very interesting spells that make him not only a tank, but also an excellent demager and a good pusher. He is a simple hero, so he is great for beginners. It's all about his excellent health regeneration, as well as a huge supply of health and good armor. Playing for him is quite interesting, because not only can he be a tank, but killing an enemy hero is not a problem for him. We have a great camp that lasts quite a long time. Fire will allow us to deal area damage, as well as a unique ult that allows us to turn into a mighty dragon. The types of the dragon change several times when pumping the ulta. At the last level, we get a dragon with an ice attack on the area.

What to collect Dragon Knight:

We already know that our hero is a good tank, but with an excellent ability to deal solid damage, it’s not for nothing that we were given a stun spell and the ability to slow down at level 16. therefore, we will collect it, taking into account all its capabilities.

Power Threads - by collecting it we will get an excellent bonus to attack speed, as well as a good increase (+7) to strength. After all, we remember that our hero will be a sort of tank-damager.

Dominator - we need vampirism, so we collect it, other artifacts with this ability do not suit us. Since they will not give such an effect as Dominator. which can then be improved in Satanic

Monkey King Bar is a great artifact, though not everyone collects it. gives a good attack speed, and also greatly increases our damage. We have a chance to deal an additional 100 damage and stun the target for 0.01 seconds. Also, we will never miss enemies again.

Assault Cuirass is perfect for us, because we have good damage and excellent armor, but we still need to work on attack speed and it’s unforgettable that we are a tank, so the armor bonus cannot be ignored either. This artifact perfectly increases the parameters we need so much. It also looks great with Monkey King Bar and our camp.

Black King Bar - although we have an excellent supply of health and good armor, but experienced enemy magicians or heroes with a stun can control us and we can’t do anything, but by collecting this artifact we get an avatar spell. Which will completely protect us from enemy spells.

Heart of Tarrasque - the last artifact that we will collect for Dragon will be Tarasque, because it gives an excellent bonus to the maximum supply of lives, and greatly increases our strength, and therefore damage. We also get fantastic life regeneration.

Of course, our hero can collect other artifacts, but I did not include them in this guide.
Artifacts for Knight Davion:

Dragon Knight friends and foes:
Among friends, we see other heroes with the ability to stun, the Ax + Dragon Knight combo looks very confident in the lane. And if a healer is with us, for example: Dazzle or Warlock, then it will be very difficult to stop our farm.

There are no special enemies. Everything is standard

A very strong and interesting hero who will be a pleasure to play. Playing for him, you can very much fray the nerves of the enemies. even beginners will be able to control this hero, since there is nothing complicated in its management, such as the chance that you will be killed is sharply reduced, thanks to a long camp and excellent health regeneration. Dragon Knight is perfect for players who like to not only be in the role of a tank, but also want to kill enemy heroes. I hope you liked our Dragon Knight guide and be sure to try playing as this hero.

ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for tasty treats in the "House of Sweets" "Login Gifts" By logging in ...

  • "Spirit of Fire" ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Increases the reward of alchemy by 50%. Important: perform alchemy only after clicking on ...

  • ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets in the "House of Sweets". "Present …

  • "Hellfest" ATTENTION: refrain from purchasing and spending balens during the "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Alchemy. Increase alchemy reward by 50%. Important: perform alchemy only after clicking on ...

    • 06.12.2019

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets in the "House of Sweets" ...

    • 26.11.2019

      The event is available for servers older than 1 month. Assortment: Elevation set - 396 balens, you can buy 1 pc. * Ingredients: Wings of a Dreaming Angel 1 Pneuma of the Soul of the Wings 5 ​​Patch of Plumage of the Wings 25 Sapphire 1 lvl. 3 Elemental Soul 5 Power Pack — 2300 balens, you can buy 1 …

    • 26.11.2019

      Knights! The game periodically hosts various activities designed to increase the strength of your hero and pet. There are quite a few of them and not everyone knows about them: Pet Training Day Mount Training Day Dragon Evolution Day Fashion Day Wing Upgrade Day Goddess Star Upgrade Day Pentagram Soul Upgrade Day Mount Evolution Day Perfection Day…

    • 22.11.2019

      "Spirit of Fire" ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Increases the reward of alchemy by 50%. Important: Do...

    • 07.11.2019
    • 24.10.2019

      Hellfest ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the Cross Server Events and Wild Plunder, as balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDATED in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Alchemy. Increase alchemy reward by 50%. Important: Do...

    • 10.10.2019

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets in the “House of …

    • 12.09.2019

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets ...

    • 29.08.2019

      "Star Hour" ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Alchemy. Increase alchemy reward by 50%. Important: …

    • 17.08.2019

      "Temptation" ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during the "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Robbery", as balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets in the “House of …

    • 02.08.2019

      "Honey August" WARNING: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Robbery", as balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Alchemy. Increase alchemy reward by 50%. Important: …

    • 19.07.2019

      "Fiesta" ATTENTION: refrain from purchasing and spending balens during the "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Robbery", as the balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDONE in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets in the "House of Sweets" ...

    • 05.07.2019

      "Tradition" WARNING: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Robbery", as balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Alchemy. Increase alchemy reward by 50%. Important: Do...

    • 21.06.2019

      "Inspiration" WARNING: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-server events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDATED in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for sweets in the “House of …

    • 09.06.2019

      Sale (general) During the sale period, the player can buy or donate various game valuables at a big discount - Tab 1 From 23:55 to 24:00, it is impossible to make purchases, the rating is summed up. Purchases can only be made for real balenas and from the sale store. For every 10 balens spent, the player receives 1 point. …

    • 08.06.2019

      "Summer Heat" ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. "Alchemy" Alchemy. Increase alchemy reward by 50%. Important: …

    • 31.05.2019

      Participation in the "Limited Returns" promotion to receive free prize balls to replenish your account. The event is available for players from level 30. To participate, you need to click on the "Try your luck" button. After that, the screen will display information about the number of additional balens that can be received from the total payment. The number of additional balens depends on your luck, ...

    • 31.05.2019

      With the help of astrals, you can raise the BR of your heroes. The ability to do this appears at level 50. The following picture appears: After pressing the icon or the "J" key, the following window appears: Now more about everything: The most important part is the astro field. It consists of 30 cells. You can fill them in manually with ...

    • 31.05.2019

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-server events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens acquired and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDATED in this event! The event allows you to invest balens in a particular offer. During the promotion, you need to choose the offer you are interested in, invest in it ballens and within 8 days ...

    • 30.05.2019

      The functionality is available from level 35. An icon appears: By clicking on it, we will see such a window. The "Groove" tab immediately opens. The rest will be discussed later. The initial window consists of the following parts: A list of characters that are in your squad and support. They are separated by the Inventory, when you click on it, we will see all the available equipment in ...

    • 25.04.2019

      From April 27 to May 3, a special holiday event "Spring Breeze" will be held, timed to coincide with Easter and the May 1 holiday. Don't miss your chance to get stronger! "Login Gifts" By logging in every day, get good rewards. By fulfilling the condition of a minimum replenishment of 500 balens, you can get a purple Swan card. Login Rewards 1…

    • 13.04.2019

      List of items to be exchanged for coins: Constellation Goddess Scorpio (orange) 138 coins Constellation Goddess Scorpio (violet) 78 coins 5 slots 50 coins Red Astral Gift Box 60 coins Fashion Lucky Charm 400 coins Fashion Star Upgrade Crystal 160 coins Lucky Stone 120 coins Luminous 1 star Leo 12 coins Luminous 2 …

    • 05.04.2019

      Available to players who have reached level 30 on the "Replenishment Gifts" icon Replenish your game account with 200 balens daily and receive pleasant bonuses every day. It is also possible to receive additional rewards when buying a chest for 200 balens (real ones). For replenishment of the account for 200 balens: Sapphire - 100 pcs. Gem 4 lvl. — …

    • 04.04.2019

      A new regular event starts on the servers - the Balen Fund. Every month you can fulfill the conditions of the promotion and receive a generous profit. The Balen Fund appears for the first time on the tenth day from the opening of the server, and then every 30 days (on the 40th, 70th, 100th and so on day) If the servers are merged, then the countdown is based on time ...

    • 05.03.2019

      "Title Lottery" - temporary event The event uses real balens (replenishment balens) and golden keys that can be obtained for a certain number of spins. If there are keys, they are spent first. 1 attempt requires 20 balens or 1 key. The essence of the event is to collect a phrase from words. Event Rewards During an event, you spin…

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! From March 6 to March 12, a festive event will take place - "Birthday", timed to coincide with the birthday of the game: complete the conditions of game events and get generous rewards! The event is available by the icon: It consists of several parts: Gifts for entry Exchange shop Top-up rating Lottery Double reward Refund for top-up Refund of part of expenses …

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! From March 6 to March 12, a festive event will take place - "Jubilee", timed to coincide with the birthday of the game: complete the conditions of game events and get generous rewards! Event “Jubilee” Available to players by icon By completing various tasks, get special items for the exchanger “Jubilee Coins” and chests with rewards “Anniversary Chest” The event itself consists of several …

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! A new feature has appeared in the guild - "The Secret of the Kingdom of Constellations". Fight monsters and other players, answer questions - and dive into the depths of the kingdom, earning guild points and other valuables. New Feature - Explore Magic City: Every guild member has 10 free exploration attempts every day. Click "Start...

    • 05.03.2019

      Magic tree. Accessible by icon Daily event, available to players from level 30. The event starts at 13:00, the duration is 30 minutes. The event is divided into two events: Grow a tree and Protect a tree. Grow a tree. The first 15 minutes you need to grow a tree and gain experience for every 15 seconds. The amount of experience gained depends on...

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! Since March 5, the ability to hold cross-server parties has been added to the game. Game couples can participate in the auction for a cross-server party every day. The auction runs from 13:00 to 19:20 Moscow time. The winners get the opportunity to host a cross-server party. Auction and any activities during the party require Cross Server Coins. Entrance to the cross-server party...

    • 20.02.2019

      Secrets of the Old Castle During the event, you can get a lot of valuable things: red astral, orange talent card, balens and other valuable items. If you collect three keys of the same color, then you can exchange them for a red astral, orange talent card, balens. The keys that you have left, you can use in the next event. If for…

    • 11.02.2019

      The event is available by icon: The event consists of many sections: -Alchemy; -Sale; -Rating replenishment; - Refund for replenishment; - Reimbursement of part of the expenses; Alchemy Increases the reward of alchemy by 50%. Important: perform alchemy only after clicking on the "Get" button. The effect lasts only 2 hours. Available for players from level 30. During the event, players can…

    • 27.08.2018

      Soul Cleansing of the Goddess is available in the Soul Cleansing tab. A total of 8 souls are available for cleaning. In order to open each of them, certain conditions must be met: Red Soul The required number of stars of the Goddess - 4 stars Seal of the Soul of the Goddess - 1 pc. Red Soul (Required resource Soul Cleansing Stone*) from 1 to 2 …

    • 18.05.2018

      The event takes place in several stages: Registration of participants, distribution into groups Qualifying fights as part of their group. Playoff among the leaders of each group (final) Only players who have reached level 120 and have a BR of 1,000,000 and above can register. Registration takes place from 10 am to 10 pm Moscow time. For registration in battles, 2 ...

    • 16.05.2018

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-server events" and "Wild robbery" The event is available for players of level 30 and above. First, prize balens are spent, and then real ones. During the event, you can purchase game items at a big discount. When the number of purchases on the server reaches a certain level, everything ...

    • 16.05.2018

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Robbery" In the Pet Upgrade Wheel event, you can get a number of very useful items to strengthen your pets: Souls and Essences of a pet. ATTENTION! The event is available for VIP players who have reached level 70 (when the possibility of using pets appears). On the screen...

    • 04.05.2018

      Victory Day event Available by icon Completing various tasks, get special “Red Star” badges and chests with “Victory Day Pack” rewards The event itself consists of several tabs. Available tasks: "Login" tab. To receive a reward, you must enter the game. The update happens at 00:00, so in order to get the login reward after the update, ...

    • 04.05.2018

      ATTENTION: refrain from acquiring and spending balens during "Cross-Server Events" and "Wild Plunder", as balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERDIN in this event! May Rage event Accessible by the Alchemy icon Increases alchemy rewards by 50%. Important: perform alchemy only after pressing ...

    • From the Dragon Knight guide, you will learn about a reliable hero who is difficult to ruin the game. A large amount of armor, already at the start of the game, will allow you to survive where no other hero would have survived. Also, DK quickly regenerates HP, so you don’t need to go to the base. In addition, Dragon Knight is a versatile hero who is able to defend in the first, second and third positions. All this makes Dragon Knight a good choice for beginners.

      Unfortunately, Dragon Knight has serious flaws that scare off more experienced players. DK is hard to kill, but even harder to catch up and kill someone on Dragon Knight. DK has low movement speed and no mobility. The stun only works if you get close. True, in, the camp also works at a distance, but also small.

      Dragon Knight is a real tank from MMORPG D. If you like this kind of gameplay, then keep reading Dragon Knight guide.


      • Strength Gain
      • Survival
      • Physical Damage Resistance (Armor)
      • Versatility
      • pushes well
      • Fast HP regen - no need to go to the base


      • Starting figures
      • Starting movement speed
      • Starting Damage
      • low mana
      • Poor farming until level 12 (second level of ult)
      • Not mobile
      • Vulnerable to magical attacks

      Dragon Knight skills

      A debuff that will prevent last hitting and will be useful in teamfights. It is also convenient to farm with this skill, both in the lane and in the jungle.

      Stun and some damage. In dragon form, the disable works up to 400 range.

      A passive that increases the hero's armor and HP regen, greatly increasing survivability.

      Dragon Knight transforms into a dragon for 60 seconds. A level 3 dragon will deal damage over time, splash and slow the enemy. Poisoning also works on buildings.

      Skill build Dragon Knight

      1 3 5 7
      4 13 14 16
      2 8 9 11
      6 12 18

      This skill build is the most popular. However, Dragon Knight has all the good skills and therefore various options are possible. Someone, first of all, maxes out to feel invulnerable. Other players do not download levels up to the ninth, because. do not see an opportunity to kill the enemy hero. All of these options are working and should be used depending on the situation.

      — a powerful nuke with a debuff. An aggressive skill that will help in farming and at the same time will not allow the enemy to farm. It can also save you from ganks, reducing damage to enemies. Deals good damage, so it is maxed out first, while the damage of 300 units is still relevant. It is also downloaded for farming in the forest.

      - a stun that, unfortunately, does not work like Sven or Wright King. Dragon Knight needs to get close to the enemy to give the stun. DK has low movement speed and is often kited. Therefore, players do not want to download a "useless stun" and prefer to strengthen the defense. And yet, until the sixth level, I would recommend taking a stun for one.

      - a lot of armor and HP regen. Some players like to max out their passive first. They like the feeling of invulnerability. An interesting decision that will look good against a large number of enemy heroes with a physical attack.

      Dragon Knight Talents

      DK Talents

      Build on DC

      Starting purchase

      The starting purchase at the Palace of Culture practically does not depend on the position. Wherever you go, you'll need Stout Shield, Quelling Blade, heals, and maybe PMS.

      The initial purchase is divided into two options:

      • Poor Mans Shield + Tango
      • Stout Shield + Quelling Blade + Tango . With such a purchase, at the first level we download . If you level up, then you will come to the lane with almost no armor and heals. You will quickly drop in HP and realize that you have problems.

      Early Game Items

      Attack speed and stats will help you farm faster. Before using the ability, do not forget to switch the AT to intelligence.

      On the mid Dragon Knight, I do not like to collect this item. The hero does not need HP regen, and it is much more profitable to replenish mana with the help of the next item. The only reason to buy a Bottle is rune conservation.

      Good mana regen, and HP can be restored with .

      Additional stats, HP and mana regen.

      With protection from magic, DC has problems. Drop I will protect from magic and give mana regen.

      A good item for a slow character.

      Talon will speed up the farming of neutrals.

      The ring will slightly increase armor, attack speed and mana pool. Dragon Knight is a good pusher, so the armor aura will come in handy, which will strengthen the creeps.

      Main subjects

      With objects we try to get rid of the minuses and improve the strengths. DK lacks mobility, movement speed and attack. There is no protection against magical attacks, control is not always enough. We are trying to increase the damage dealt.


      An inexpensive item that will give decent DK stats. You don't have to worry about the HP drawdown, because Dragon Knight has an excellent HP regen. A useful item if there are a lot of fights at the beginning of the game.

      A useful item that closes most of the DC's problems. It will also be good as an initiation item and sometimes an escape.


      You need some protection from magic. In addition, we get additional damage and strength.

      For DK, this item is a must have, especially if you take Lothar instead of Dagger.

      Midas is an alternative to Armlet y. More suitable when everyone is farming.


      Alternative Lothar u. Silver is better in terms of initiation, but much worse in everything else. Sometimes they buy both Silver and Dagger.

      A team item that increases survivability and damage dealt.

      Dodges, control and good stats. A good item if you need to increase survivability.

      SANGE and YASHA

      Due to the extra movement speed, a more aggressive version of the Halberd.

      From these items you can make an excellent purchase that will solve the problems of DC.

      Items by situation

      Sometimes there are situations when the main items are not enough. If you feel that you cannot do without a certain item - buy it!

      The enemy has a lot of magic damage and none of the teammates are going to buy Pipe? You will have to buy it.

      We buy if there are illusionists or summoners in the enemy team. There are alternatives like Radiance , but I like Lightning more because it's easier to build.

      Good item for early teamfights.

      This subject could be called the main one. Many people think so, but I do not like the stupid increase in HP. True strength will give damage.

      Buying this item means that the enemy is doing badly, but you are doing well. Where else would you get so much money from? Bloodthorn will only strengthen the advantage.

      Lots of HP and healing. Unlike Tarrasque and Satanik will give not only HP, but also a chance for a second life. In order to get it, you need high attack speed and BKB. Otherwise, any stun will deprive you of this opportunity.

      Alternative to Bludthorn u. When there is little money or control is not needed.

      There are times when several heroes in the enemy team have powerful targeted spells.

      For those who tank. Usually this item means that everything is bad.

      When the slots are over, but there is money.

      This is, perhaps, the entire assembly on the DC.

      Who counters DK

      The DK counter will be heroes who can take advantage of the hero’s weaknesses.

      • Kites. Heroes like Sniper and Enchantress are capable of taking down DKs from a safe distance.
      • A lot of armor or abilities that give protection from physical. damage. Dragon Knight already has low physical damage, if they still cut him, everything is bad.
      • Disables, debuffs, magic damage. Due to poor mobility, DK suffers from stuns and effects that reduce armor or disable passives. Once in the trap, the DK will no longer be able to leave.

      Counter heroes

      Here are some counters:

      • Slark
      • Undying
      • Sniper
      • Jakiro
      • Tidehunter
      • Razor
      • Pudge
      • Crystal Maiden
      • medusa
      • Viper

      There are heroes that counter Dragon Knight with their unique abilities.

      • enigma. Thanks to the Midnight Pulse ability and a large amount of HP DK, these same HP quickly disappear.
      • Ancient Apparition. Ice Blast disables HP regeneration. Also increases the magic damage of allies.
      • Necrophos. Ghost Shroud protects against physical attacks.
      • Outworld Devourer. Has a number of abilities that counter Dragon Knight.
      • Darkseer. Thanks to Ion Shell, he will easily win mid against DK. It is difficult for any melee player to stand against Sharik.

      A few more Dragon Knight counters.

      • Timbersaw
      • underlord
      • Meepo
      • Phoenix
      • Morphing
      • Venomancer
      • Sand King

      Counter Items

      • . . Diffusal Blade
      • Desolator
      • Solar Crest, Butterfly,
      • Euls Scepter, Glimmer Cape
      • Aether Lens, Hurricane Pike
      • Abyssal Blade
      • , Shivas Guard
      • Veil of Discord
      • Rod of Atos, Scythe of Vyse, Orchid
      • , Vladmirs Offering
      • Ghost Scepter, Ethereal Blade
      • Eye of Skadi
      • Dagon

      Who is countered by DK

      A large amount of DK armor allows you to feel confident against heroes with physical damage. A large amount and HP regen allow you to endure and survive nukers. It's good if the nukers are skinny and can be killed in one stun.

      • Templar Assassin
      • Storm Spirit
      • Nyx Assassin
      • Legion Commander
      • Clinkz
      • Weaver
      • phantom assassin
      • vision
      • Lycan
      • Chaos Knight
      • Earthshaker

      Don't take counter picks for granted. For example, you can play against Legion and Rooster. You will think something like this: A skinny rooster will die in one camp, and the Legion will not be able to kill in a duel. There is logic in this, but if these two unite, then DK is in big trouble. Rooster baiting, then Legionka bursts in and gives Duel. Not only will you hit BM, but Rooster will also hang Ancient Seal and Mystic Flare ult. Basically, you won't get out alive.

      Links with DC

      In conjunction with the DC there are no special combos. Heroes with saves, disables, buffs, debuffs, silences, auras, etc. will be good.

      • Rubick
      • Omniknight
      • Troll Warlord
      • Slardar
      • Crystal Maiden
      • Dazzle
      • Wraith King
      • Vengeful Spirit

      How to play DC

      It is important for Dragon Knight to level up quickly. and give the hero a big advantage in the early game. The DK takes almost no damage from physical attacks and can start an early push, against which the enemies will be powerless. So let's go mid.

      Beginning of the game

      If you understand that you can’t kill the enemy mid player yourself, ask your teammates to help. Or don't download the camp. With the advent of the ult, start playing aggressively. You can push, putting the enemy mid in an uncomfortable situation. You will force him to either fight or leave the tavern to be eaten. If help comes to the enemy, it will mean that the teammates have received space somewhere. You can also buy smoke, teleport and gank lanes. While the ult is in cd - farm.

      mid game

      With the arrival of Armlet and Lothar (for example), DK can effectively gank. If the solo fails to kill enemies, ask a teammate with a disable to help. With the advent of the twelfth level, Dragon Knight begins to farm very quickly under the ult. Take advantage of this if you can't effectively push or kill enemy heroes.

      Late game

      In the late game, most likely you will have to tank. If you don’t tank, then you definitely need to be at the forefront. DK can absorb a huge amount of damage like no other. Between fights, you need to constantly push, forcing the enemy to spend a glyph and scatter around the map.


      From the Dragon Knight guide, you learned about a simple but effective hero. You don't often see a hero who is strong at all stages of the game and is also a good pusher. Due to the versatility of the hero, he can be taken very often, and with an early pick.

      Dragon Knight can hardly be called a popular hero today, since he does not stand out either with frequent picks or with any high win rate at least in any rating. While the character is extremely easy to control and doesn't have many features that players need to get used to, their effectiveness is often limited as well, which is why many people prefer some more versatile heroes to him.

      In fact, the DK has a huge number of advantages that make it much more effective than many other midlaners, and in this Dragon Knight guide we will talk about how to properly use its best sides and what to do to get rid of the negative ones.

      Dragon Knight benefits are as follows:

      • a large amount of health;
      • a very large amount of armor and health regeneration;
      • fairly high damage to buildings;
      • the presence of effective and continuous control;
      • the presence of abilities that do not lose their relevance at any stage of the game;
      • the absence of any important abilities that could be misused.

      The disadvantages of this hero are as follows:

      • relatively slow farming;
      • Doesn't do much damage to heroes.

      Thus, this character does not have so many shortcomings, but at the same time they are quite important, since he, being a typical "right clicker" (a hero who attacks more than hits with abilities), is highly dependent on items, and cannot quickly gain them. At the same time, he deals almost all of his damage only with an attack, which is not added to him due to any abilities. That is why for this hero you need to be able to correctly eliminate the existing shortcomings, compensating for them with various advantages.

      Dragon Knight talents and abilities

      DK talents should be pumped as follows:

      • At level 10, an increase in strength is taken. This allows you to increase both the damage (almost a full-fledged alternative to an increase in attack speed), and increase the character's survivability, which is especially important at early levels.
      • At level 15, you should take an increase in damage. This allows you to show yourself more effectively in fights, as well as farm faster. Moreover, the character is mostly dependent on the acquired items, and not on his level.
      • At level 20, an increase in gold is taken. For level 20, the increase in health is not too significant, especially considering that the hero already has a lot of it, but a solid increase in GPM will be very useful, and will help you gain all the missing items much faster. In addition, this talent will become simply indispensable if some gold is not enough at the right time before the ransom.
      • At level 25, you have to choose. If the enemy has a lot of characters with strong physical damage, an increase in armor and regeneration would be a great solution. Otherwise, you should take a solid increase in movement speed.

      The abilities of this character should be taken like this:

      • Level 1: Dragon Blood. The first ability allows you to effectively last hit the creeps from a distance, harass the enemy hero and reduce the damage dealt by him from the hand, but at the same time, at the first level, it is not so effective as to spend a lot of mana on it, and therefore it is better to take an additional increase in armor and health regeneration. In addition, you can take Dragon Tail, if there is an opportunity to shed "first blood".
      • Level 2: Breathe Fire. As mentioned above, the ability is taken for more active farming of creeps, as well as for dominating the lane with almost any opponent.
      • Level 3: Breathe Fire. At this level, you can already start actively using the ability in order to more effectively put pressure on the enemy midlaner. In addition, often at this level the hero already has a Bottle, which allows you to always have the right amount of mana. Also, using this ability, you can push the line towards the enemy in order to pinch him under the tower and at this time pick up the rune.
      • Level 4: Dragon Blood or Dragon Tail. Dragon Blood will come in handy if the game is quite passive, and in the near future it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to pick up enemy heroes along with supports, as it allows you to more effectively stand in the lane, preventing the enemy hero from hitting himself. Dragon Tail is useful precisely in an aggressive game, when DK, together with his team, actively puts pressure on the enemy and constantly kills enemy heroes.
      • Level 5: Breathe Fire.
      • Level 6: Dragon Form. The form is extremely useful already at early levels, and in principle is the key ability of this character. At the sixth level, its main effectiveness is often manifested in the fact that you can quickly destroy the enemy's tower on the central line.
      • Level 7: Breathe Fire.
      • Levels 8-9: Dragon Blood. If at this stage Dragon Tail has not yet been pumped, it is worth taking it, because after 10 minutes skirmishes between teams already occur much more often.
      • Level 10: talent.
      • Level 11: Dragon Blood.
      • Level 12: Dragon Form.

      What to collect on Dragon Knight?

      The Dragon Knight build is the same in almost all cases, since the hero already has natural survivability due to a large amount of health, armor and regeneration, and he basically needs to develop the rest of his indicators, and this can be done through the following items:

      • 1 artifact: Power Threads. The most optimal option for the DK, which allows him to simultaneously increase his attack, as well as increase the amount of health.
      • Artifact 2: Armlet of Mordiggian. A Dragon Knight build must include this artifact. The reason is that this DK build is ideal for this character due to his health regeneration, which allows him to practically not lose him under the effect of the “armlet”. At the same time, this artifact significantly increases the combat capability of any hero whose main attribute is Strength, which allows the DK to feel great in fights, as well as farm creeps more efficiently.
      • Artifact 3: Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade. In this case, everything will often depend on the opponent's peak. If there is no way to break into opponents without Blink Dagger or they have mobile characters, this artifact is worth taking. Otherwise, the best solution would be Shadow Blade, which not only allows you to run away or attack from an advantageous position, but also increases the combat characteristics of the character, which is quite important for this hero.
      • Artifact 4: Black King Bar, Heaven's Halberd or It all depends on the opponent's hero pick. If it is possible to end the game quickly, you should turn your attention to the Black King Bar, with which you can constantly fight with opponents, or Heaven's Halberd, which increases survivability and makes it easier to enter the base to the enemy. Otherwise, Mjolnir is worth taking, which increases the farming speed and will be a great preparation for the DK for the late game.
      • Artifact 5: Black King Bar, Mjolnir or Assault Cuirass. Mjolnir is purchased if BKB was previously purchased, while BKB itself is better to take if a halberd was previously purchased, with which it was not possible to finish the game. If Mjolnir was previously acquired, and there is no need for BKB in the near future, it is worth taking the cuirass, as it will greatly increase the character's survivability, and in addition, it will also significantly affect his combat abilities, increasing attack speed and reducing the armor of surrounding enemies.
      • Artifact 6: Daedalus or Monkey King Bar. The first artifact simply significantly increases the damage from the hand of this character, allowing him to become a full-fledged "dd". The MKB is useful if the opponents have some characters with a high evasion rate.

      Separately, it is worth noting the fact that, if necessary, instead of Heaven's Halberd, it will be possible to purchase Solar Crest, which is also very effective for this character. Instead of increasing health, the artifact gives additional armor, and also allows, on the contrary, to reduce the amount of armor of the enemy hero, which will allow DK to deal with opponents faster.

      How to play as Dragon Knight?

      DK belongs to the category of "tanking" carries, the main purpose of which is not so much to deal damage, but to absorb damage from the enemy and allow the team to always be in a convenient position, giving an overview of all opponents. In this regard, survivability at the first levels is so important for the character, but since it becomes less of a priority at a later stage, you have to gradually develop the damage of this character. Especially considering that with the development of the dragon form, it begins to deal area damage, and also attacks buildings quite well, which makes it an ideal aggressor.

      In the center, the main advantage of this character is the Breathe Fire ability, which allows you not only to conveniently push the lane as needed, but also reduce the damage of the enemy hero, preventing him from comfortably last hitting creeps or attacking the dragon itself. Thanks to this, in combination with a high rate of armor and regeneration, the character can easily stand against almost any opponent.

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