When Swedish tanks are added to here. Swedish family: a new tank nation is coming to World of Tanks

What associations arise with Sweden? Carlson, Stockholm, hockey, IKEA, smorgasbord and a Swedish family? But the developers from Wargaming have their own vision of the issue - at the end of the year they promise to introduce Swedish tanks into World of Tanks, represented by two branches at once.

However, the company's historians explore several European schools of tank building at once, in particular, Italian, Polish and Hungarian. But, by their own admission, they were most lucky with Swedish tanks, in the tree of which there are already as many as 19 vehicles. Therefore, Polish technology will have to wait until 2017, and the new year will have to be celebrated together with the Swedes.

At the well-known Gamescom 2016 conference, which was held in Cologne from August 17 to 21, Wargaming developers did not get tired of claiming that all the company's forces were directed to the Swedish branch of tanks, so it is likely that they will have time to complete the work by the stated deadlines. So who are the Swedes?

What tanks does the swedish branch include

At the moment, the Swedish tank tree will be represented by two branches, each of which will have nine vehicles, not counting the first level common to all Strv fm / 21. Also, at the moment, it is already available for purchase, a medium tank of the 6th level.

It is worth noting that the exact characteristics of most cars are still unknown, they continue to undergo various tests, and the figures that are currently available are subject to change.

Branch of Swedish tank destroyers

So, the first branch of the Swedish tree is entirely devoted to anti-tank self-propelled guns, starting with the second tier Pvlvv fm/42 and ending with the top-end Strv 103B. We will talk about them.

Pvlvv fm/42 (2nd tier) – tank destroyer with open cabin. Fast and agile (specific power 26.8 horsepower per ton, maximum speed 50 km/h), it has very weak armor and an average weapon for its class with 50 points of damage.

Ikv 72 (tier 3) - small tank destroyer with a good maximum speed (57 km/h) and two top guns to choose from: more accurate and faster-firing, but with a lower alpha, or with a wild spread of 0.5 and damage of 170 HP. If it hits, it will hurt!

Sav m/43 (4th level)– remember the German tier 4 tank destroyer Hetzer, the storm of everything and everything, especially at the top of the list? Almost she is the one. Almost the same top gun with slightly higher penetration rates and an alpha of 350 units! At the same time, the Sav m / 43 has almost twice the specific engine power than the German, at a maximum speed of 43 kilometers per hour. By the way, Sav m/43 went to the Supertest at the beginning of September.

Ikv 103 (Level 5)- it's almost like the Soviet Object 704, reduced by about three times. Weak armor and a maximum speed of 60 km / h with a specific engine power of about 20 horsepower per ton. It is noteworthy that the top gun fires exclusively with 300 damage and armor penetration of 120 mm for regular and 140 mm for premium shells. I wonder how players will feel on it when they get to the bottom of the list, where you won’t surprise anyone with armor penetration of 140 mm? Play on speed?

Ikv 65 Alt II (Tier 6)- a funny and very ambiguous machine. Remember, the previous branch tanks had not enough armor? So, it's not here at all. At all. Not a drop. Judge for yourself, the thickest place in the forehead of the hull is 15 mm. 15 Carl! An aptly thrown boot will pierce through such armor, to say nothing of land mines of all types and stripes!

But there are pluses - a specific power of 19.5 horses per ton, a maximum speed of 60 km / h and a gun. The top-end tier 7 cannon will plug many higher-tier guns into the belt. 0.3 accuracy, 1.8 seconds of convergence, 195 mm of armor-piercing penetration and 270 mm of HEAT penetration with an average damage of 240 units. The base reload time, however, is almost 7.7 seconds, but additional equipment and perks exist for that. In general, we drive fast, shoot incredibly accurately and ... we get the first number from everyone. If the opponents hit, of course.

Ikv 90 Type B (Level 7)- and here, in all its glory, the train of thought of Swedish engineers is already visible, who quite rightly decided that the thickness of the armor is not so important as the angle at which the projectile hits it. And they put a frontal armor plate at a very, very sharp angle, which will be typical for all top-end tank destroyers of the Swedish branch. But our hero’s forehead armor is 15 mm, in this situation, no angle will help to reflect an enemy projectile, the “rule of three calibers” will mercilessly overtake anyone who tries to tank on this machine. Mobility, as befits a cardboard tank, is at its best.

But the main thing in tank destroyers is still a gun. The Ikv 90 Typ B has in the top gun , which is somewhat reminiscent of the Czechs, namely, that the reload inside the drum is only 1.5 seconds. At the same time, 3 shells with an average damage of 240 units are placed in the drum. So in 3 seconds it is quite possible to give out 720 damage. And run into cover to reload, which is only 15 seconds without additional modules. True, the accuracy is not the best - 0.36 with a convergence time of 2.4 seconds. Potentially a very cool car, but it will not forgive mistakes.

Udes 03 (Level 8)- another Swedish pancake, about which it is not yet possible to say whether it is lumpy or not. Well, how flat these cars look! Just like some kind of aliens. But there are aliens, because this tank destroyer has a gun declination of exactly 0 (zero) degrees. How to play it? Ask Wargaming Developers!

The speed is crazy - up to 75 km / h, there is no armor, the gun is good. The main type of shells is sub-caliber shells with armor penetration of 288 mm standard and 330 mm premium with an accuracy of 0.3 and an alpha of 390 units. Where is the catch, you ask? The gun aiming time is a full 3 seconds with a base reload time of 9.3 seconds. Why, why and how it will look in a random house, we will find out only after the release of the branch to the masses. Probably, the game on Udes 03 will be very different from other tank destroyers of its class.

Strv 103-0 (Tier 9)- Slowly getting closer to the sweetest. This tank destroyer travels slower than its predecessor, has no armor, like its entire branch, even in stealth it is worse than Udes 03. But - ! DPMish!!! The base cooldown of 6.43 seconds with an average damage of 390 gives a whopping 3639 damage per minute! This is without modules, perks and Coca-Cola with additional rations. To be honest, it’s scary when a tank destroyer of the 9th level in one helmet can destroy almost two “tens” to zero in a minute. Isn't that imba? Or will additional factors, for example, the lack of vertical aiming - 0 degrees of declination and 1 degree of elevation of the gun, not allow to realize the crazy potential of this tank? So far, Strv 103-0 is not even on the Supertest, they promise to introduce it there in the near future.

The Strv 103 B is very similar to the Strv 103-0, the guns in these vehicles are identical. Fantastic DPM, excellent armor penetration and virtually no vertical aiming angles. Weakly imagine how to play such machines on relief maps, but what the hell is not joking? With such a weapon, if only to aim, and then shreds will fly through the back streets ...

In general, the available information about the Swedish branch of tank destroyers causes conflicting feelings. If we talk about it briefly, then we will get fast cars without armor and with good guns. Top tank destroyers will have an incredible DPM, which will be extremely difficult to implement due to the missing gun elevation angles. It will be a real challenge for great players to learn how to play tanks without vertical aiming.

Well, while new cars are being tested at the Supertest, all that remains is to wait. By the end of the year, players will be able to test for themselves what the real power of the Swedish tank family is.

Starting from Tier VIII, where UDES 03 is located, Swedish tank destroyers will be able to siege. You can tell if a vehicle has this new mechanic by looking at the icon next to the Mobility parameter, and when viewing the modules, the engine information will show how long it takes to enter siege mode.

These tank destroyers are equipped with a unique hydropneumatic suspension that allows them to raise and lower the front of the hull. Due to the fact that the gun is rigidly fixed on the hull of these machines, they have small aiming angles and change the position of the gun with the help of the entire hull. Thus, in order to effectively participate in the battle, they need to switch between siege and march modes in a timely manner.

hiking mode

This mode is intended primarily for moving around the map. When active, the vehicle is able to move at maximum speed, but cannot fire effectively. Travel mode is indicated by a green indicator with two chevrons, and it indicates how long it will take to transition to siege mode.

siege regime

If you have found a convenient position and are ready to open fire, go into siege mode. In this mode, mobility is reduced, but you can get the most out of the weapon. In addition, if your vehicle has Camouflage Net or Stereo Tube installed, they will continue to operate even during hull rotations.

Siege mode is indicated by a red indicator with a crosshair, which informs you how much time it takes to switch to marching mode.

To switch from one mode to another in battle, press the "Siege Mode" button (similar to the hull lock button; set in the control settings). Please note: while switching between modes, the machine cannot move and shoot.

Aiming system: First-person camera mode (sniper scope) works differently in travel mode. You are not controlling the gun, but the camera, like in a third person view, and the gun is pointed in the same direction as the camera. When the camera moves in siege mode, the entire hull rotates due to the hydropneumatic suspension, directing the gun directly to the selected point.

New map: "Murovanka - snowstorm"

A real snowy winter has come to Murovanka! A strong wind howls, a blizzard sweeps - now it will not be as easy to find the enemy on this map as before.

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Well, friends, it's happened, the long-awaited update 0.9.17 World of Tanks has been released, in which each tanker will have a new nation and two branches of Swedish vehicles.

Of course, many are wondering what is better to download in the first place, which tanks to focus on, what awaits you at level ten and what is it better to strive for? Of course, the personal preferences of the player play a major role here, but we will still try to help you prioritize and try to answer these questions.

The path to top heavyweights

All new vehicles are unique in their own way, everyone can find tanks here to their liking, but the development branch that leads to the coveted heavy Kranvagn is most suitable for those who love variety.

The fact is that this part of the Swedish research tree is combined, it starts with light tanks, which smoothly turn into medium ones, and incredible heavy vehicles can rightly be considered the apogee of the greatness of Scandinavian thought.

The beginning of the way

To be honest, there is not much to say about the beginning of the branch, from the first level to the third, tanks go through very quickly, due to the fact that you need to earn a little experience on them. In addition, all the light tanks of the Swedes have rather mediocre performance characteristics.

These vehicles are lightly armored, which is quite typical for this class of vehicle, but they also do not have good mobility, so they can even be completed for free experience. But if you want to try each tank and do it right, the names are clickable and lead to the respective guides.

Medium tanks 4-5

But from the fourth level, Swedish tanks in update 0.9.17 World of Tanks begin to change, here you will find the first representative of medium tanks. Lago, that's what the name of the first CT on your way sounds like, has rather ordinary general performance characteristics, but it has variable weapons and one of the guns really transforms the car. On this Scandinavian you will feel for the first time the power of the Swedish guns, in this case achieved through good penetration and high rate of fire. If you want to know more about this device, read.

The fifth level deserves even more attention, it is also reached quite quickly and here you will find the medium tank Strv m / 42 WoT. This unit is really starting to acquire the unique features of the Swedish ST. In particular, you will be pleased with the chic vertical aiming angles and decent dynamics of the car.

In addition, the armament of the Strv m/42 World of Tanks 0.9.17 is also noticeably changing, the top gun has good one-time damage, penetration and DPM, the game is filled with new colors. However, you still need to try to realize the potential of the machine, and to make it easier for you, check out.

Medium tanks 6-7

The previous two vehicles were really interesting, they prepared the player for the upcoming increase in the level of technology and the complexity of the battles, however, they can also be completed quickly using Free XP or simply with a premium account.

But for anyone who loves the medium tank style of play, I highly recommend trying the Strv 74 tank from Sweden. Hold on to the sixth level, because a real Spartan is waiting for you here, not very frisky and dynamic, but possessing a magnificent, accurate, fast-firing gun with amazing vertical aiming angles. The combination of these characteristics will give you a lot of pleasure from playing this tank, and will help you quickly understand the mechanics of the gameplay.

However, you should beware of the vehicle's weaknesses, because the medium tank Strv 74 WoT 0.9.17 has a high silhouette and is not able to collide with the enemy foreheads, due to mediocre armor.

Regarding the seventh level, the car is ambiguous, but there is definitely no other such among classmates and you also need to try this gameplay.

First of all, the Swedish Leo tank, unlike its predecessors, gets good mobility indicators, which compensate well for its lack of armor.

However, something else is interesting - in the case of Leo World of Tanks 0.9.17, you will have two weapons to choose from, which are very different from each other, focused on different styles of player combat. Someone will like to play with alpha strike, someone prefers the rate of fire, accuracy and damage per minute.

Obviously, at the seventh level, most tankers will have to fight a lot of battles, and in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of this unit, to quickly adapt to its features, we advise you to read from our portal.

On the threshold of greatness

From the eighth level in the combined branch of the development of Swedish technology, the most interesting begins, each subsequent heavy tank gets better and better, everyone who decides to pump the burdens of this nation should play each of them.

Of course, one cannot fail to notice a certain similarity between Swedish heavy tanks and French ones, but in reality these vehicles are completely different.

Let's start with the eighth level - Emil I World of Tanks is distinguished by powerful frontal armor, an excellent cannon with a 4-round loading drum and excellent HPP, as well as good mobility.

Of the minuses, one can note the high silhouette of the tank, its mediocre security from the sides and, most importantly, the same drum. The fact is that Emil 1 WoT 0.9.17 has 4 projectiles, a significant alpha strike, good penetration, but there is a significant drawback - it takes us a lot of time to fully recharge the drum. But despite this, the tier eight heavy is very strong, it prepares you for the transition to the next tank, and to unlock its potential, it is better to pay attention to .

Emil II

In the next representative of heavy tanks, the Swedish minds embodied all the strengths of the first Emil, but managed to emphasize them and make them even more significant. Armoring at Emil II World of Tanks becomes even more serious, partly due to the increase in the thickness of the armor plates, partly due to the more successful design of the vehicle.

Of course, the changes also affected the guns and not all of them will be to your liking. Yes, the one-time damage has increased, but with the same number of shells in the drum, its implementation has become more complicated, the increased cooldown between shots is to blame. In addition, for Emil II, the implementation of each cartridge plays a special role, because the entire drum is reloaded for 40 seconds, which is a very long time.

In order to get to know the vehicle in more detail, to see a detailed analysis of the tank's performance characteristics, its model range, weapons, we again advise you to read, at the ninth level this is especially important.


The previous heavy tanks are really very good, compared to their classmates they look very advantageous, but Sweden's top heavy tank Kranvagn, of course, became the apogee of greatness and power. It is because of him that it is worth going all the way, from the first level to the last, so what is he like?

Kranvagn World of Tanks 0.9.17 is an explosive mixture of very strong frontal armor, decent mobility, powerful drum guns with excellent vertical aiming angles. In other words, this device has absorbed all the qualities that are so valued in our favorite game.

Of course, this monster of the world of tanks also has its weaknesses and you better know them before entering the battle, so for you.

The path to the top tank destroyers

The path of learning self-propelled anti-tank installations is literally created for those players who crave unique gameplay and total domination, because at the top of this branch of tank destroyers you will find a truly innovative concept of playing World of Tanks.

It is also worth saying that if the beginning of the combined development branch looks rather mediocre, the first three levels, and by and large the fourth one, do not stand out much from the total mass of other vehicles of other nations, but in pumping tank destroyers everything is somewhat different.

The beginning of the way

Tank destroyer 6-7

At the sixth level, there is a pot-bellied, cardboard and quite noticeable Ikv 60 Alt II tank destroyer in terms of the camouflage coefficient. To be honest, it’s hard to call this car really strong, but it’s far from weak, because it has a decent amount of advantages. A sort of mediocre option that many will go through and forget, but for more comfortable fights it’s worth exploring.

But the next device is already much more interesting, Ikv 90 B will pleasantly surprise its owner with very good mobility and excellent camouflage, which she received thanks to her squat silhouette and compact size. In general, the PT-shka is also very ordinary, but comfortable, it is pleasant to play on it and it will not be superfluous to read.

A little more and in ladies

What can I say, the branch of pumping Swedish tank destroyers is very, very interesting in places, sometimes quite ordinary cars will be waiting for you, in all understandings of the word ordinary, but this path is worth the effort, because it can be compared with climbing Mount Olympus, where at the end of the path you will find countless gifts.

Of course, now we will talk about what every player in World of Tanks should try, whether he is a beginner or an experienced tanker.


So, the first of the most unusual, unique and interesting vehicles in our favorite game, the owner of a revolutionary concept of gameplay in World of Tanks, the first Swedish tank destroyer in the development tree, with completely new mechanics.

Of course, the UDES 03 WoT 0.9.17 has hydropneumatic suspension and is capable of transforming into two separate combat modes, but this machine is only partly innovative, it is designed to prepare you for the greatness to come, and to get acquainted with it and what lies ahead, be sure to read.

Strv 103-0

A full-fledged representative of the latest mechanics that came to World of Tanks in update 0.9.17. The tier 9 Strv 103-0 tank destroyer fully implements the mechanics of hydropneumatic suspension, this vehicle can not only use its chic invisibility, but in skillful hands it is also capable of ricocheting dozens of shells.

Strv 103B

If a tank destroyer of the ninth level is capable of instilling fear and awe in the enemy, then what can be said about the top representative of the branch? Probably, today, this car is one of the most coveted and for good reason.

You already know everything about changing combat modes (siege and march), are familiar with the pneumohydraulic suspension, and of course, Strv 103B 0.9.17 has it all. Add incredible camouflage to the unique mechanics, the ability to literally merge with the terrain, the most accurate weapon in the game, which, in addition, has excellent penetration and damage per minute parameters, additional protection with various anti-cumulative screens and still these are not all the strengths of this device.

It’s worth going through all the tank destroyers in Sweden in order to sit at the helm of this masterpiece of Scandinavian thought, and in order to outdo your opponents in battle, we present you with a detailed analysis of the performance characteristics of the tank and the tactics of warfare on it.


As a summary, I would like to say that the long-awaited update 0.9.17 has really brought a lot of new things to World of Tanks. As for the Swedish nation, both branches in the development tree deserve your attention, at the end of each path you will find really strong cars, recognized tops and priorities you will have to set yourself. One has only to add that if you want something really new that you haven’t tried before, your path lies to the top tank destroyers in Sweden, and for lovers of diversity, ending in real power, heavy bands are more suitable, but all this is very superficial.

Landsverk sav m/43
The only self-propelled gun that was in service with the Royal Swedish Army during the Second World War. In total, 36 pieces of this self-propelled gun were produced, delivered to the army in 1944-47. They were in service until 1973.

This text is dedicated to the branch of Swedish tank destroyers. Analysis of the tank branch has been done.

As I understand it, the developers of Wargaming before creating the Swedish branch (branches) faced a dilemma - to make one, but logical, or two, but at the same time intensively sucking devices from the finger.

A logical Swedish tank branch could look like this:

#1 strv fm/21-29
#2 strv m/38 plus prem strv m/40K
#3 strv m/41

In real life, the developers put strv m / 40K on the third level, and abandoned strv m / 41. The stupidity is here. m / 40K had a fundamental difference from m / 38 - a frontal armor plate 50 mm thick. Well, the motor is a little more powerful. Everything else about these tanks was identical. But m / 41 with the same weapons, a little more (that is, it immediately becomes more HP) and had a frontal armor plate of 50mm in the basic modification, as an upgrade. That is why m / 41K as a premium of the third level looks much more logical. Further:

Levels ##4-6 the developers worked on a solid "five":

#4 Landsverk Lago - this experimental tank, created in 1939 by order of Hungary, is actually an ideal candidate for the fourth level.
#5 strv m/42 - "mini KV", the main tank of Sweden during the Second World War and the Korean War
#6 strv 74 is the result of a deep modernization of strv m/42. True, it is not so simple with him. Apparently - he will be the most weakly armed level six CT in the game.

On #7-9 it was necessary to put a combination of strv 82-83 and strv 101-102 (nee these tanks were British "Centurions" of different series, delivered to Sweden in 1952-53) and two modifications of the "Swedish tank" strv 103 - 0 and B, and on #10 to put the project strv 2000, work on which was carried out in Sweden, starting from late 50s to late 70s. Several options were proposed, all of them were rejected solely because the price was too high.

Landsverk strv 103
Probably the most unusual tank in the history of world tank building, built in series. The shock in world military and near-military circles caused by its appearance is well characterized by the fact that on March 21, 1963, when the Swedish government issued a memorandum announcing the adoption of a new tank, US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara immediately handed it over to President Kennedy, who demanded that the CIA provide the maximum possible information about the new product. McNamara in those days expressed doubts about the competitiveness of this tank compared to the American novelty M60. A total of 335 units of this tank were produced, serving in the Swedish army from 1966 to the mid-90s.

You can do without strv 2000, but then move two str 103s one position up (that is, to the same positions where they now stand in the official Swedish tank destroyer branch).

Instead, the developers put at #7 a hypothetical tank, created on the basis of sketches of a promising 30-ton Swedish tank, work on which was carried out in 1945-47 and all work on which was curtailed due to the fact that the Swedish engineers managed to get acquainted with the samples of the Allied tanks and they made a reasonable conclusion that all their sketches were too archaic. By the way, a similar story happened with the French ARl 42, work on which was carried out by French tank designers in secret, starting in 1942, but when in 1944 Leclerc was shown a drawing of a new tank, he put it something like this - "The Americans will give us such crap for free as much as we ask, develop something new", So the ARL 44 was born.

In any case, what the then developers from Landsverk offered was clearly not at the 7th level. And at levels 8-10, the guys from Wargaming put three more absolutely hypothetical tanks, developed on the basis of the drawings of the first sketches on the EMIL theme, which was led by Steve Breguet, the future creator of str 103. Interestingly, at the first stage of work (1949-53), the design bureau in which Breguet worked considered a bunch of different options, up to the AMC 13 maxi with a 105-mm cannon in a swinging turret.

Landsverk Pvkv m/43
Anti-tank self-propelled guns, created on the chassis of the Strv m / 42 medium tank. It was armed with a 75 mm cannon with a barrel length of 50.5 cal, which made it possible to give the projectile a speed one and a half times greater than that of a 28-caliber m / 42 tank gun, which had the same caliber. It also had 80mm frontal armor. The order for the design was received in 1942, but these tank destroyers went to the unit only in 1946. A total of 87 pieces were produced. This tank destroyer was in service until 1995. Until 1953, when Sweden received the Centurions, the pvkv m / 43 was the only Swedish combat device capable of withstanding the main tanks of the USA, Great Britain and the USSR.

And where did the Centurions and strv 103 go? Well, they forgot about the "English" at all. But in vain! And 103 were thrust into the branch of the Swedish tank destroyers. We got out. But from the point of view of marketing, they made a colossal puncture. People wanted a Swedish branch to drive the legendary Swedish tanks, not just Schaub Bulo. And now, yes, gamers will upgrade the tank destroyer branch, but I still don’t understand what interest there is in pumping absolutely unrealistic tanks from levels 7 to 10.

And yes, they screwed up with premium. The strv m / 52 tank never existed even in the project. There was an idea for the military to put a tower from AMX 13 on strv m / 42. Landsverk engineers very quickly concluded that the linear diameter of the French tank turret was noticeably larger than the linear diameter of the strv m / 42 turret, and so much more that in order to install it, another hull would be needed (the m / 42 hull was very narrow, only 236 cm), and therefore the proposed modification is not possible in principle.

And now Wargaming offers this, well, a very hypothetical tank. For what?

OK. We turn to the main topic of the article - self-propelled guns. Here, as in the tanks branch, we see both correct decisions and outright nonsense. Due to the fact that, having castrated the line of tanks, the developers transferred strv 103 to the tank destroyer branch, and to the highest levels: 9 and 10. At these levels, the developers placed strv 103-0 and strv 103-B and this solution is really the only possible one for forming the tank destroyer branch.

What's below?

And here it is interesting. The fact is that Sweden has never been a rich enough and industrially powerful country to have a large fleet of different self-propelled guns, but they still managed to create something interesting.

Probably the most striking example of Swedish tank destroyer construction is the Sav m/43, an assault gun with a 105 mm field gun, 21 caliber long, built at the end of World War II in a series of 36 units based on the strv m/41 light tank. What makes it good for WoT is the ability to upgrade several types of weapons. Despite the fact that in the series it was with the above 105 mm gun, options with 75 tank guns and several howitzer options were also considered.

The developers of Wargaming put the Sav m/43 at #4 tier. And this is also the right decision. But it is almost the only correct one.

Let's take a look at the thread from the beginning. At level #2 is the experimental tank destroyer pvlvv fm/42, which was allegedly created in 1942 on the basis of the strv m/38-40 tank and was armed with either a 20 mm Marsden anti-aircraft gun or a 37 mm Bofors anti-tank gun.

pvlvv m/42
The first Swedish SPAA, which the developers of WarGaming put into the lineup of the Swedish SPG on the second level, apparently, just out of urgent need.

It seems to be a good solution for level #2, but the whole problem is that a.) I don’t think that this device can be considered tank destroyers, since there was not the slightest sense in 1942 to develop tank destroyers with a 37 mm caliber gun and it must be clearly recognized that it was an SPAAG, which, yes, the developers put into the line of tank destroyers, since its guns will actually be able to fight tanks of the second level.

The second problem - has anyone tried to look for mentions of this device on the Web? I tried. The first five pages of Google search results provide links exclusively in the context of WoT, and the only photo is also located in the article dedicated to the Swedish branch. So, whether this self-propelled gun was in real life, or not, it is not clear. No matter how the developers from Minsk invented it too. In the end, with a company turnover of several tens of millions of dollars a year, it is not difficult to draw an authentic picture of the time.

Ikv 72
A light infantry support SPG built in the early 1950s. With a mass of 8 tons, it had 8-15 mm bulletproof armor and a 145 hp engine. It was armed with a 75 mm tank gun, similar to the one installed on the strv m / 42. A total of 36 pieces were produced. In 1956, the rearmament of the 105 mm howitzer began. Modernized Ikv 72 received the name Ikv 102

At level #3, TOTALLY FAIR is Ikv 72. There is an interesting story here. Even during the war, the issue of fire support for motorized rifle units arose, for which the development of the Sav m / 43 assault gun began. However, the 105 mm field gun mounted on this SPG was not very effective against modern tanks. Several options for light self-propelled guns were proposed, including fm / 49, which was a 6-ton tankette armed with 2 120 mm mortars (or mortars). There was also a project by Bofors, which managed to install a 120mm naval universal gun on the strv m / 42 chassis, which was subsequently equipped with several post-war Swedish destroyers.

As a result, the lkv 72 assault self-propelled gun was created almost from scratch, which had a weight of only 8 tons (the same as the sav m / 43) and was armed with a tank gun similar to that placed on the strv m / 42. The chassis was designed from scratch. Booking was installed bulletproof 8-15 mm. The device was driven by a 145 horsepower liquid-cooled Ford V8 engine. The first batch of 10 pieces was delivered to the troops in 1953. The next order for 26 pieces was immediately placed. The "demand" for self-propelled guns was such that in 1956-57, several strv m / 42s that had not yet been upgraded to str 73 were retrained as infantry support self-propelled guns, repainted and received the new name Ikv 73. In 1956-58, the Ikv 72 was re-equipped with 105 mm howitzers. At the same time, a new modification of this howitzer, the Ikv 103, was developed, which differed from the Ikv 102 in its propulsion system. The fiery heart of the novelty was the Saab SFA42 four-cylinder air-cooled engine with a power of 150 hp.

ikv 102 or ikv 103
The most massive post-war Swedish self-propelled gun. It was armed with a 105 mm howitzer and was used directly in the infantry brigades of the Swedish army. A total of 118 self-propelled guns of these two models, which differed only in the engine, were in service with the Royal Army in 1953-60.

Ikv 102 and Ikv 103 served in the Swedish army until 1984-86, later their chassis were used for the production of armored personnel carriers Pvrbv 551 and Lvrbv 701, which are in service with the Swedish army to this day.

How did the WarGaming developers dispose of these self-propelled guns? You won't guess anything. Ikv 72 was placed at level #3, and Ikv 102 at #5. What raises questions. But the absence of another interesting Swedish self-propelled gun - the Pvkv m / 43 tank destroyer - raises even bigger questions. The history of its creation illustrates well why Russia always lives by the principle of "catch up and overtake". Back in the fall of 1942, the military, having received information on tank battles in the summer of 1942 on the Eastern Front, came to a disappointing conclusion - the supernova strv m / 42, which had not even begun to enter the troops, was completely powerless in confrontation with Soviet heavy tanks. Yes, and with promising German, too. And something needs to be done. This something was the tank destroyer project based on the same strv m / 42, on which the latest Bofors anti-tank gun with a caliber of 75 mm and a barrel length of 50.5 cal was installed. The speed of a projectile fired from such a gun reached almost 900 m / s, which was one and a half times higher than the speed of the projectile of a gun mounted on strv m / 42. Another feature of the self-propelled guns was the frontal armor 80mm thick. Never before had such thick armor been placed on Swedish tanks.

Pvkv m / 43 was built in 81 copies and entered the army in 1946-48. The tank had a problem - the engine was from strv m/42 - Volvo A8B. He was somewhat capricious and unreliable. As a result, in 1963, a remotorization was carried out, during which the divjok was replaced by 2 Scania-Vabis type L 603/3 with a capacity of 162 hp each. every. Oddly enough, the self-propelled guns did not lose speed (45 km / h). Tank destroyers pvkv m / 43 before the appearance of the "centurions" in the Swedish army were the only possible opponents of their modern main battle tanks in the armies of the USSR, the USA and England.

And you know what's most interesting? pvkv m/43 is NOT in the Swedish branch of Wargaming. Well, no, that's all. Instead, on the legal #5 level sits ikv 102, which does not make the slightest sense at all. The absurdity of this decision is that the ikv 102 had the same armament as the sav m/43 (set to legal level #4), but did not have the same armor protection as its predecessor and, therefore, should be located at #3, where the ikv 72 itself is located. And at #5, you need to put pvkv m/43.

UDES is not the name of a tank, but a program for the development of advanced armored vehicles for the needs of the Swedish army. It was a lighter tank than the strv 103, armed with a 105 mm cannon with a barrel length of 45 or 51 cal.

The UDES 03 tank was placed at level # 8. In fact, two options were worked out in detail under this program in 1972-73 - UDES 03 as a lightweight (weighing only 26 tons) version of the Strv 103 and UDES 14 - outwardly resembling the British "Scorpion" tank with a normal turret, with the same armament and weight as the UDES 03. UDES 03 was brought to the stage of building a prototype a, while UDES 14 remained in the drawings. To be honest, I have no idea how effective such a device will be able to fight tanks of 7-10 levels, which it will face in battles.

Landsverk Ikv 65

#7 is the Bofors Ikv 90 and #6 is the Landsverk Ikv 65. Both of these self-propelled guns were developed in the 1960s by order of the army in order to create a compact tank destroyer for the latest Bofors 90mm / 45 cal AT gun. They weighed only 11 tons and carried anti-tank armor. Landsverk has developed 6 different variants of this self-propelled gun up to the tank destroyer. One of them reached the stage of creating a prototype.

Ikv 91
The third largest Swedish tank in the 1970s and 80s. A total of 212 pieces were produced.

However, the winner of the competition was neither Landsverk nor Bofors, but the light tank Ikv 91, developed by Hägglund & Söner. It was somewhat larger than the Bofors and Landsverk projects (weight 16 tons), but had an enviable mobility of 65 km / h) and the ability to swim. As a result, in 1976-78, the Swedish army received 212 tanks of this model, which were in service with the Swedish army until 2002.

The defeat in the competition for a promising light tank crippled Landsverk, the company left the military industry for a civilian, engaged in the production of excavators, but soon went bankrupt and was bought by Volvo.

But back to our sheep, damn it. What for this Bofors got away on the 7th level? What prevented you from putting this very Ikv 91 there? Yes, the gun is the same as the Ikv 65, but the presence of a turret and mobility puts it on a higher level, isn't that logical? Yes, and the tank can be made much more detailed than the illusory "Bofors"?

In general, in my humble opinion, those in Minsk who are engaged in branch planning frankly cheated. Not those who draw this mura, but those who give orders. They could have made a candy, but they made another "Japanese branch" about nothing.

Swedish vehicles were added to World of tanks in update 9.17. This technique is divided into two branches of development, one includes light, medium and heavy tanks, the other - tank destroyers.

Branch of the development of Swedish tanks in WoT

The Swedish branch of tanks in World of tanks is particularly diverse.

3 are presented here:

  • light tank with a very unusual hull Strv m/40L (tier 3)
  • medium tank Strv 74 with a great gun (level 6)
  • Leo is a very fast CT armed with a huge alpha weapon (level 7)
  • heavy tank Emil I with magazine loading (level 8)
  • Emil II - Swedish version of the Frankish AMX 50-120 (level 9)
  • top TT Kranvagn - with drum loading

Swedish tank tech tree

The view of the development tree for tanks and tank destroyers in Sweden is shown in the figure.

Swedish tank destroyer branch

Swedish anti-tank self-propelled guns of levels 2 - 7 are classic tank destroyers in World of tanks with a good gun and not the best survivability. Starting from level 8, there are machines with a completely new feature - the siege mode. Swedish tank destroyers of 8-10 levels can switch to a special siege mode - designed to fire at enemies. Travel mode is intended for movement.

The composition of the Swedish branch of tank destroyers of the branch

  1. STRV FM/21 (Tier 1 tank)
  2. Pvlvv fm/42
  3. Ikv 72
  4. Sav m/43
  5. Ikv 103
  6. Ikv 65 Alt II
  7. Ikv 90 Type B
  8. UDES 03 is the first self-propelled gun with a siege mode
  9. Strv 103-0
  10. Strv 103B top Swedish tank destroyer

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