Legendary Freeze Mage with Reno Jackson (League of Explorers). Incredibly detailed Renault Magu guide! Synergy and combinations

Renault lock Hearthstone deck appeared after the release of the latest update, the League of Explorers. She has a lot of variations, combo renolock, demon renolock and others. Common is the presence of Reno Jackson, which restores the character's full health if there are no duplicate cards left in the deck.

Considering that the warlock’s class ability inexorably reduces his life, this card has become a salvation in cases of confrontation with aggro decks or if the battle, on the contrary, drags on.

The classic handlock deck with the addition of Reno was the first to see the light, but now this deck is practically not played. Then got an adaptation of the most popular on this moment demon lok, to which Reno was also added. This deck is very effective due to the large number of creatures, and Reno allows you to fight longer and draw cards even at later stages without the risk of dying from a couple of spells or weapons. Another interesting and very common option is combo. It's all about using an Arcane Golem or Leeroy Jenkins in one turn, combined with a Faceless Manipulator and an overflowing power of two. This is made possible by Emperor Thaurissan, so it's important to play him on turn 6. Then a combo is played and fatal damage is inflicted. Actually, at the moment these are the most effective renolock decks that will help you take the legend with experience and patience.

Which can be used in any deck, the main thing is that this deck does not have repeated cards, or in the case of a warlock, does not have more than one or two repetitions (due to the basic ability and Hand Lock playstyle).

Let's start with the option for those who have just started playing Hearthstone. But first, here is the best deck to start without Reno, with a few cards to craft first.

Universal deck with Reno (and without) for any class in Hearthstone

On the right, you see a blank for a universal economy deck made up of free, common, and cards from the first quarter of the League of Explorers (~900 dust + 700 gold). It would be correct to include the most strong cards available to you, respecting the ratio in cost, and then create the missing cheap cards from this list.

Initially next deck has 28 cards, which means you can only cast 2 good spells. As new GOOD spells are discovered, replace them by removing the following cards from the deck:

The deck contains only the best of the cards included in the category of free or simple (40 dust per card) and two cards from the first quarter of the League of Explorers (Wind Genie and Reno, other cards). If you have more expensive cards and they are really better than presented - you can freely substitute them in the deck.

The first wing of the League of Explorers had just been published, and already one map had caused so much noise. Yes, I mean, at first glance it was not a very playable card, but now Reno Jackson is wildly storming the meta and various decks with him flooded the ladder.

Play ranked games now and you'll immediately be faced with decks built around . New decks with Reno now cover absolutely the entire meta, starting from rank 20 and ending with the TOP Legends. In this article, I want to collect the strongest and most popular Reno Jackson decks at the moment.

If you haven't played Reno with decks yet, then you should know what doesn't highlight in yellow when its effect is triggered. So, if you have several copies of cards in your deck, then you will have to manually calculate whether Reno will heal you, or use third-party programs. As Ben Brode wrote, they cannot yet implement this highlighting effect, according to him, it takes a lot of computing power, since the card will constantly give requests for comparing each card in the deck and the correctness of the backlighting, respectively, but in the future the developers promise to fix this problem. We also do not recommend using Reno if you have it on the table, see why below 😎

Fat RenoWarrior by Kripp's:

So kripp decided to try it out, the result was a deck of Control Fatig Warrior (on Fatigue). But kripp has his own take on decks built around Reno Jackson, he has 2 copies of certain cards in his deck, since most players create decks with Reno with only one copy of the cards.

Below you can see how Fatig Reno Warrior plays:

Kibler RenoLock:

Here is a good example of the new Renault decks. Brian Keibler with his "Looking for Reno Warlock" managed to rise from rank 6 to the TOP-500 Legend in 4 days using this deck exclusively. Of course, he used the effect of surprise to the maximum and the opponents simply did not know how to play against such a deck. Try playing this deck.

Best decks with Reno Jackson:

RenHunter Deck: Midrange Tempo Reno Mage Deck:

Fatig Reno Mage Deck (Fatigue): Freeze Mage Deck with Reno Jackson:



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In this guide, we will tell you how to play a Freeze Mage. The Freeze Mage deck is quite complex, but extremely powerful. Many consider Freeze Mages to be one of the hardest classes in the game, designed for those who like to challenge themselves and have fun reaching the goal.

This version of the deck includes Reno Jackson, who is able to fully heal the hero and grant a few extra turns needed to win. The deck was successfully tested by SuperJJ from the compLexity team, who won the Seat Story Cup tournament.


The Freeze Mage relies heavily on slowing down the game with AoE spells and Freeze, but can also take up to 30 damage to an enemy character. health in a couple of moves.

On the first turns of the game, Freeze Mages are passive, drawing cards with the help of the Wizard's Intelligence. In addition, they often play Mad Scientist to get Ice Barrier or Ice Block. On the first moves, you should pay special attention to the Servant of Pain. Don't play him unless you're sure you can hit him with your Hero Power. For Freeze Mages, gain is extremely important, and therefore it is unprofitable to exchange the Servant for one card. As a rule, this leads to the fact that by the last moves you will be left with an empty hand.

As soon as the enemy starts to expose his creatures, you will have to take complex decisions about using spells and slows to make the fight last as long as possible. The general rule is that you shouldn't use direct spells (such as Frostbolt and Fireball) to eliminate creatures unless your opponent is overly aggressive. The exception is the Forgotten Torch, which can be freely used on the first turns to get an improved copy of it. Blazing Torch is a key card in the deck that allows for incredibly powerful combos, especially with the discount from Emperor Thaurissan.

Plan your moves in advance, use spells rationally. For example, you shouldn't use an Ice Ring if you don't have anything to clean the board with on your next turn. Ring should be played with Doomsayer or Wall of Fire. In both cases, you will be able to clear the board if the opponent does not take appropriate action in time.

While Doomsayer is most often used in conjunction with Freeze to clear the board, there are other uses for this useful card. For example, when playing with an aggressive opponent, you can deploy a Herald to prevent a whole bunch of small creatures from spawning. Alternatively, you can play Herald on an empty table by continuing with Emperor Thaurissan, Archmage Antonidas, or Alexstrasza. The herald will not let your opponent expose his creatures, and you will win anyway.

Secrets (Ice Barrier and Ice Block) play a very important role. After the release of Naxxramas, Freeze Mages gained access to Mad Scientists, which allow them to use secrets more effectively. Ice Barrier is a very useful card that allows you to extend the fight by one or two turns, especially if you play it early enough. The ice block allows you to disrupt the plans of the enemy at the end of the match. If you have Ice Barrier on you, you can determine minimal amount moves in which the enemy can kill you, and then plan his actions. It should be noted that in the case of Mad Scientists, the rule is violated, according to which you must first draw cards, and then perform actions on the board. If you have a Mad Scientist on the board and you want him to die on the current turn, first kill him and then draw cards. Otherwise, you can get a secret that the scientist would activate for free.

Emperor Thaurissan opens up new possibilities for Freeze Mages. This deck relies heavily on combos and the Emperor has a significant impact on the big hand. The main difficulty is that you will need to spend an entire turn to play Thaurissan, postponing the use of some important cards. However, Thaurissan has a huge impact on the flow of the game, providing a significant advantage and securing the victory.

With the advent of Reno Jackson, the deck gets even more depth, because. this map significantly affects the process of its compilation and decision-making during the game. The number of copies of some cards (notably Treasure Collector, Blizzard, and Acolyte of Pain) has been reduced in order to increase Reno's chance of successfully triggering. However, the player now has to memorize the discarded cards. You can write cards on paper or use a special addon. If you prefer to do it in your head, highlight the important combinations of cards available in two copies: Frost Nova and Doomsayer, Frostbolt and Ice Lance, Secrets (Mad Scientist, Ice Block, Ice Barrier), and Sorcerer's Intelligence.

Archmage Antonidas is included in the deck as "insurance" in case you fail to get Alexstrasza in time. If you can't wait for her to appear anymore, use one of the following combinations: Archmage Antonidas + Frostbolt + Ice Lance or Archmage Antonidas + Ice Block. As a result, you will have one or more fireballs, which can finish off the enemy. Thanks to Emperor Thaurissan, Archmage Antonidas is now considered a required card in the Freeze Mage deck, as The discount provided by the Emperor gives room for the most powerful combos.

Alexstrasza is the key card of the deck. If you managed to survive until turn 9 with Alexstrasza in your hand, you can consider that victory is already in your pocket. As a rule, opponents have nothing to answer it with. The goal is to get the enemy down to 15 health on turn 9 and then finish them off with a combo of Fireball / Frostbolt / Ice Lance / Forgotten Torch / Burning Torch. Again, the ability to plan your actions is very important for the successful play of this deck. Before using Alexstrasza, evaluate the game situation, the resources available and the time it takes you to finish off the enemy. The use of Alexstrasza is largely dependent on the availability of Ice Block (active or in hand) or the spells required to deal lethal damage, as well as the ability of the opponent to restore health. Listing all possible options is meaningless. Just try playing this deck and find the combinations that work best for you. Remember that the outcome of the battle depends on your ability to plan.

If the ninth turn is approaching, but Alexstrasza is not in hand yet, continue to slow down the opponent by drawing cards from free resources. Freeze Mages often have to go through the entire deck to get desired card. Soberly assess the game situation and the number of moves needed by the enemy in order to finish you off. Sometimes you have to play sub-optimally to be able to draw the card you need to save.

Synergy and combinations

Nova of Ice or Blizzard combined with Doomsayer is the main way to clear the table. The method only works if the opponent has nothing to remove the Herald from the table.

Various combinations of spells can be used to deal fatal damage. For example, Fireball + Frostbolt + Ice Lance + Ice Lance gives a total of 20 damage. damage.

Starting hand and detailed tactics

In most cases in starting hand you should collect cards that allow you to draw (Intelligence of the sorcerer, Mad scientist). A servant of pain, as a rule, should not be left, because. it would be irrational to play it before the 5th move. Below are tactics against various classes.

against the hunter

Very difficult opponent. First of all, this is constant damage "in the face" from the strength of the hero and numerous creatures. Try to get Doomsayer, Mad Scientist, and Ice Barrier in your starting hand. Don't be afraid to play the herald as early as possible. This will save you at least 7 units. character's health. If the enemy cannot deal with the herald, you will slow down the pace of the game. The ice barrier can be used at any time, because. it improves survival. Feel free to use Frostbolts to clear the table. Otherwise, you may not live to see the ninth move. The basis of victory in such a battle is the timely use of the Archmage Antonidas or Alexstrasza. The hunter does not know how to replenish his health, so you can easily calculate the units of damage needed to win.

Against zoo-lock

Contrary to popular belief, zoo-lock is a very advantageous adversary. Freeze Mage spells allow you to freeze the board several times in a row, which adversely affects the synergy of the zoo-lock deck. As a rule, creatures zoo buff each other when they appear, and if there is no creature on the board that can attack, all buffs are practically useless. As soon as the situation becomes threatening, start freezing the board, and then clear it with Blizzard or Fire Wave. You can afford to use Frostbolt early on. Zoo-locks tend to use Hero Power and hit themselves, so you won't need a full combo for the finishing move.

Control Warrior

Winning a warrior with a freeze mage is almost impossible. The fight with him is a fierce battle for survival, starting from the very first turn. Warriors are able to build armor, as a result of which their health can exceed 30 units. The armor cannot be removed by Alexstrasza, which means that you may simply not have enough damage to penetrate the enemy. Hope for victory is given by cards like the Mad Scientist, as well as creatures that can deal moderate, but intermittent damage.

Against the priest

Collect in hand standard cards and play them as usual. However, Alexstrasza needs to be planned a little more carefully. Because priests can restore their health, the final stage of the battle can take 2 or 3 turns. With 9 crystals in his possession, the priest can use Shadow Word: Death and Holy Fire to heal up to 20 health. immediately after the appearance of Alexstrasza. After the first wave of spells, the priest can restore 2 more points to himself. Health with Hero Power and 2. with the Ring of Light. Take all of these responses into account when scoring. Don't forget that with the release of the Goblins & Gnomes expansion, priests have new cards to replenish their health (for example, Light of the Naaru).

Changing cards

Rookie Engineer and Explosive Sheep are interchangeable. If you encounter aggressive opponents too often, use sheep to control the board. If you're having trouble with control opponents, Gatherers will let you draw more cards.

Other decks:





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Today we want to present Reno Mage deck from Rage which he took Top 2 Hearthstone Legends on the American server.

Reno Mage deck top 2 Hearthstone legends

The most interesting assembly Renault Maga from Rage is somewhat reminiscent of the old Freeze Mage, as you can find several atypical direct damage spells and Alexstrasza in it, which will help Renault Magu finish the game quickly. On top of that, this build has great deck-busting potential, which is so important in any matchup. If a combination of Alexstrasza and a few direct damage spells doesn't work against slow decks with a lot of healing, Rhonin, Archmage Antonidas, and Emperor Thaurissan will come to the rescue and give you tons of resources to complete the party, if you give the Mage time to play all of these creatures in order. The Rage build does not suffer against aggressive archetypes either, it has a lot of tools for the early stage of the game: cheap creatures, point and AoE removals - all this will help to live up to Reno Jackson. It is interesting that the author refused Brann Bronzebeard, it is obvious that the stake is not on Kazakus Potions, although even without a double battle cry, the leader of the Cabal remains an extremely dangerous and effective creature in the deck Renault Maga .

Prepared redsnapper issued beer porter.

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