Scenario role-playing game "studio" in the senior group. Synopsis of the role-playing game "Atelier Plot game atelier

Activity type: Socialization.

Tasks: introduce the professions of fashion designer and secretary; fix the names of the profession of people who make clothes (seamstress, cutter, ironer); to form the ability to work with information; plan and carry out their activities; to cultivate respect for the work of employees of the studio.

Goals: to form a culture of behavior in public places; help create a playful environment; to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles; to form the ability to play according to one's own plan; stimulate creativity, friendliness.

Preliminary work: video presentation "Journey in the studio"; viewing illustrations in magazines on the topic "Atelier" and "How clothes are sewn"; drawing "Decorate a sundress for a young lady" (Dymkovo painting).

Materials for the lesson: ironing board, iron, sewing machine, fabrics, doll clothes of various accessories (men's, women's) on demonstration hangers, models of paper dolls and their clothes, mannequin, centimeter tape, thimble, notepad, phone, dolls.

Lesson progress

Pupils stand around the teacher.

caregiver: Guys, today we will play with you in the studio for our Thumbelina dolls. Let's get acquainted with new professions for you: fashion designer and secretary. The secretary, guys, is the person who takes orders and answers the phone, he will greet our visitors. A fashion designer creates a style of clothing, i.e. offers you-customers a sketch of how the finished product will look, taking into account your wishes.

Tell me, please, what professions related to tailoring are you already familiar with?

Pupils answer : seamstress, ironer, cutter.

caregiver: Remind me, please, tools and what is the work of each of these professions?

Pupils' answers : A seamstress sews fabrics on a sewing machine, an ironer irons clothes on an ironing board with an iron, a cutter takes measurements with a centimeter tape and cuts them into fabrics with scissors.

caregiver: Well done boys!

And now let's distribute the roles:

caregiver: I will be the director of our atelier, to monitor the work of all employees so that our visitors are satisfied.

Secretary - Bogdan.

Fashion designers - Polina, Taisiya, Diana.

Cutters - Marina, Kirill.

Seamstress - Yesenia.

Ironer - Daniel.

caregiver: All jobs are filled and we are opening!

Welcome to our studio! Please come in, our secretary will take your order!

(Visitors enter with dolls.)

In the meantime, we offer the rest of the waiting visitors to sit comfortably near the coffee table, looking through the new season in fashion magazines.

(Pupils who have placed an order go to fashion designers, who offer to choose a sketch of a particular product, at the customer’s choice, select fabric, then go to cutters to take measurements. Cutters, having cut the details of clothing on fabric according to the pattern, refer them to the seamstress, and then to the ironer.)

caregiver: Dear customers, while your order is being processed, we invite you to visit our display of finished products. (Pupils show various outfits on paper dolls to the “customers” who are located in a semicircle.)

Invite the pupils to continue the game themselves, if they wish, change places.

caregiver: Your order is waiting for you. Thank you for visiting our studio!

Nina Emelyanova
Design role-playing game"Atelier" in senior group


1. Expand and enrich children's ideas about the work of workers studio: dressmaker, cutter, clerk, coherence in their work. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game.

2. To form the ability to independently create game ideas, stimulate creative activity in the game

Improve the ability to interact with each other along the way games, perform game actions, acting in accordance with the rules and the general game plan.

3. Form friendly relations in the game, cultivate responsiveness, ability kindly evaluate the actions of other people, enrich the dictionary with formulas of verbal politeness.

2. Preparing for the game:

Making attributes:

Order forms

Catalog of clothing models

Cash machine (from cardboard)

Making a pattern of clothes

Cardboard figurines of dolls

Enrichment of impressions:

Excursion with parents atelier and shop"Fabrics"

Conversation on pictures, postcards "What did you see in studio

Examining illustrations on the topic

Didactic games: "Who has what?", "Who will name more actions", "What of what", "Choose an outfit for the doll"

Reading fiction literature: B. Zakhoder "Dressmaker", M. Main "Button", A. Westley "Two dressmakers"

Teaching game techniques:

Learn to take measurements.

Learn how to use a pattern for a pattern of clothes (dress, shirt)

Learn how to fill out order forms

Use sewing machines

3. Long-term game preparation plan « Studio»





Head studio



Order forms

Sewing machines


sewing tools (centimeter, scissors)

clothes pattern


Ironing board

Catalog of clothing models

Finished dolls


Game actions:

Receptionist - takes an order, offers a catalog of clothing models and writes down on the order form whose fabric it is and what they want to sew from it.

Cutter - measures the fabric, takes measurements from the customer, makes a pattern from the fabric.

Dressmaker - sweeps clothes, then sews them on a typewriter.

Head studio- monitors the implementation of the order, resolves conflict situations.

Cashier - receives money for the work performed, gives change.

Customers order clothes.

Speech turns:

“Hi, what would you like to order?”, "Check out the catalog of clothing models", "I would advise you", "Please", "Which accessories will fit this model", "Let's use this pattern", "Give me this pattern", "Thank you for your work".

Related stories:

shop "Fabrics"






All kinds of paper rolled up in small rolls (textile)



Game actions:

Seller - listens to wishes buyer and offers different types of fabric, cuts the right amount of fabric.

Buyer chooses fabric, punches the check and picks up the purchase.

Speech turns:

What fabric would you like to buy?, "How many fabrics do you cut?", "Thank you for your purchase".


Roles: taxi driver;

Attributes: a car made of chairs and a large builder, a steering wheel;

Game actions: Changes speed, steers, pulls up to the store "Fabrics";

Speech turns: "Where do you need to go?", "Please pay travel» .

4. Move games.

1) Techniques for creating interest in the game.

caregiver: There is a saying “They meet by clothes, but see off by mind”. At all times a person is very attentively treated his appearance. And you, going to kindergarten, also choose an elegant suit for yourself or Nice dress. It's nice hear: "How good you look!". Here we are our dolls too try to dress fashionably, stylish and beautiful. Help us solve this problem studio"Fashionista".

2) Collusion on the game.

The children agree to play a game.

A) caregiver together with the children outlines a rough plan game plot: taxi ride to the store "Fabrics", buying fabric, choosing a style of clothing, placing an order, taking measurements, fulfilling an order, paying, issuing a finished product.

b) Children independently choose the venue games and required attributes

V) caregiver allows children to independently assign roles with the help of a wonderful bag of cards. There may be a dispute over the leading roles. In this case, you can turn to the children themselves with question: "Who do you think would be the best for this role?"

Children play on their own.

3) Techniques for teaching game actions.

If the child is having difficulty playing educator asks a stronger child to show how the role can be played. Encourages courtesy, mutual assistance. The teacher can show how to use an imaginary needle, how to thread it, how to sew with it.

4) Maintenance and development techniques games.

For supporting games educator in the role of a journalist interviews the head studio"Fashionista", in which he asks to talk about modern fashionable fabrics, novelties of the season. Additional Attributes (microphone, voice recorder).

5) Techniques for the formation of relationships in the game.

To attract inactive children to the game, educator proposes to introduce related stories: taxi driver (construction and management). Encourages communication, caring for each other and mutual assistance.

5. End games

1) Today at studio we have worked hard and now let's try on new clothes for the dolls (with musical accompaniment). The teacher asks the children what role they like.

2) caregiver shows children figurines of fairy tales characters: Malvina, Cinderella, Snow White and offers to draw new outfits for them, showing his imagination.

6. Evaluation games

1. caregiver together with the children analyzes the relationship in the game, asks the children whether they played together, whether it was always possible to negotiate. After the answers, he gives his assessment of the relationship.

2. caregiver asks a few guys if they coped with the role they played in the game. What were the difficulties? Was it easy to fulfill your role? What role would you like to play? About whom can we say that he will always come to the rescue in difficult times? At the end educator expresses his opinion.

Leadership Tasks:

1) expanding ideas about the world around us: to acquaint children with the professions of a cutter, seamstress, designer, consultant, to consolidate knowledge about the technology of working with tools (scissors, needle, fabric selection); develop imagination, eye; promote the development of creative thinking;

2) formation gaming activity:

a/ teach children to develop the plot of the game

b / training in game actions: to teach children to interact during the game, to carry out the plan, to assign roles, to plan, to select attributes, to equip the place of play;

3) cultivate friendly relations in a collective game; reinforce the rules of the culture of communication.

Preparing for the game:

A long-term plan for preparing for the game "Atelier"

Game progress

1) Techniques for creating interest in the game:


- Guys, in a month we will have a holiday with you. Everyone should come to the holiday beautiful and elegant. Can you tell me where you can get beautiful clothes?

Children's answers.

Educator: Children, but the entire store may not need the size of our clothes or we won’t like the color. Where can I order and sew clothes?

2) Collusion on the game:

Educator: Let's open an atelier ourselves and prepare for the holiday, sew wonderful outfits for ourselves!

a / definition of a plan-plot

Educator: Who works in the studio? What do you need to open a studio?

b/ game planning

Educator: What professions do people work in the atelier? After all, just sewing clothes is not enough, it should be beautiful and we like it. Especially since we want a festive outfit.

c/ distribution of roles (there may be several performers of the same role):

consultant- becomes the child who scores the most points in the game "The most attentive" - ​​a game of knowledge polite words, because consultant must be careful

designer- becomes the child who is best versed in the names of colors and their shades. Who could it be?

cutter- becomes the child who best completes the task "Place five mittens on one sheet" (the most economical use of a sheet of paper)

seamstress- becomes the child who performs applications best of all (the most accurate)

customer- at the request of children (children choose their own clothing models).

d/ creation of an imaginary situation - partial or complete (place of play, attributes, costumes);

The teacher distributes attributes to the children, distributes the children, taking into account the equipment of the place of play.

3) methods of teaching game actions: demonstration, example, staging, game situation;

Show: the teacher accompanies the first "customer" at all stages of the implementation of his order. Demonstrates how to act with different attributes.

4) techniques for maintaining and developing the game:

a/ adding additional attributes

- new types of fabric

Educator: Guys, what do you think needs to be done to make our products (clothes) even more beautiful, and every customer is satisfied? After all, we are preparing a festive outfit and clothes should be very beautiful. See what beautiful fabrics have arrived in our fabric store.

The teacher demonstrates to the children the types of fabrics (suggests to carefully consider, feel, consider patterns and textures).

Children select different types of fabrics for making festive clothes (they prefer bright patterns).

- new design elements

Educator: Guys, look, it so happened that two girls ordered exactly the same dresses. They are even made from the same fabric. How will girls distinguish their dresses?

Children offer their options. The teacher offers to decorate girls' dresses in different ways (offers a large bow and a colored patch).

Educator: Look how beautiful we did. Now the girls not only do not mix up their dresses, but they have become even more beautiful.

- pattern stencils

Educator: Guys, beautiful elements on clothes are called patterns. In women's clothing, the edge of the garment is most often decorated.

The teacher invites the children to consider options for decorating the bottom of the skirt and apron.

Educator: Guys, look at this jacket. Where can I add a pattern on this sweater? (Children offer different options).

b/ participation of the teacher in secondary roles

- customer

Educator: Guys, can I turn to you for help. In the studio you can order not only clothes for people, but also clothes for animals. Look at my dog ​​Lilu. Now it's cold outside and she needs to sew overalls so that she can walk outside and not freeze. Can you help me?

The teacher and the children think about which fabric is better to choose, select the style (waterproof fabric, chamfer with a hood ...).

c/ showing new game actions

- decorating clothes

Educator: Guys, you can also decorate clothes with the help of the fabric itself (the same fabric from which we sew clothes). For example, a beautiful patch pocket can be cut out of the remnants of the fabric. It can be of different shapes.

What shape can a pocket be? (Square, rectangle, heart, oval…)

Educator: And you can also sew a belt from the remnants of the fabric.

The teacher shows how to fold a strip of fabric and get a belt, which can then also be tied into a bow to decorate clothes.

d/ reminder, questions

Educator: What is the name of our studio?

Options: Needle, Needlewoman, Beauty, Fashionista-and-fashionista ...

Educator: Guys, let's repeat with you the rules for working with scissors.

e/ introduction of new game situations

- lack of clients in the studio - to stimulate the appeal to the services of an advertising agency

Educator: Guys, look, we have already sewed elegant clothes for everyone. And now we have absolutely no new orders. How can we make sure that as many people as possible know about us?

Children offer different options.

Educator: Let's contact an advertising agency and they will help us advertise our services and our studio.

e/ assessment;

Educator: Guys, what do you think, if the clothes are not sewn neatly, will the person who was dissatisfied with our work return to us? Of course not! Let's take a close look at how we got this dress and think about what can be improved in it, make this dress even more beautiful.

5) methods of forming relationships in the game:

a/ relationship reminders

Educator: Guys, if there are two studios on the same street, which one would you be more pleasant to contact? The one where you are rude or the one where you are treated politely? Why is it important to always be polite?

The teacher pays attention to the use of polite words in communication.

b/ direction of attention to each other

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the need to help each other during work (without interfering).

Educator: Guys, you can help each other not only physically (i.e. help to do something), but you can also help the idea. For example, give a friend an idea on how to decorate clothes.

c/ encouraging courtesy

Educator: Guys, remember that it is always pleasant to communicate with a polite person. Therefore, satisfied customers come to our studio again and again with new orders.

game over

1) a brief summary of the work in roles;

Children themselves tell what they did (about their activities).

Educator: Guys, today we played in the studio. Who worked for us on the manufacture of clothes?

- Tell the consultant, what did you order today?

- Tell the designer, what styles did you come up with and how did you decorate the clothes?

- Tell the seamstress, which outfit was the most difficult to sew?

— Tell the clients, were you satisfied with the results? Did everyone get what they wanted?

2) transferring children's interest to the next activity

– Exhibition of finished works (demonstration). Fashion show

Educator: Guys, now let our clients demonstrate what we have done.

Children demonstrate clothes as models to the music.

Game score

1) relationship assessment

Educator: Tell the clients whose work you liked the most and why? Who was the most polite? Who would you contact again?

2) assessment of actions in accordance with the role assumed.

The teacher evaluates with the help of the book "Feedback and Suggestions"

Educator: Guys, we have such a book of "Reviews and Suggestions". Let's take this book in our hands now and say what you liked the most, so that you can change it in our atelier, will we still play in the atelier?

Game scheme


Table - a table with role attributes.

Z-k - customer

K. - consultant

Dr. - designer

Sh. - seamstress

K. - cashier

Organization: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 7"

Location: Primorsky Krai, Nakhodka

Target: Creation of conditions for the development of prerequisites for a positive attitude towards different types of labor.


1. Encourage the manifestation of strong-willed efforts in the process of achieving results.

2. Organize play space for active interaction with peers.

3. Contribute to the development of grammatically correct coherent speech by correctly changing and coordinating words in a sentence.

Playing roles: administrator, cashier, visitors - models, students of seamstresses, storekeeper, fashion designer.

Play equipment: corrugated paper, newspapers, fabrics, scissors, stapler, adhesive tape, pencils, album sheets, fashion magazines, centimeter tape, rulers, patterns (patterns), simple pencils, ironing boards, irons, various fabrics on display, sets - baskets containing patterns -patterns, tinsel, pieces of paper, etc., 2-3 sewing machines, scissors, cutting tables, aprons for a seamstress, dressing table, receipts.

Preliminary work: Meeting with employees of the sewing studio (parents), conversation. Reading of works: S. Mikhalkov "The tailor's hare", Viktorov "I sewed a dress for my mother", Grinberg "Olin apron". Conversation - "What fabric can be sewn from?". Didactic game"What do you have woolen?" Examining tissue samples. Production of the album "Samples of fabrics". Looking at fashion magazines. Application "Doll in a beautiful dress."

Game actions:

The day before, preschoolers played on the “Ship of Desires”. In the morning, the children continued to play, did their exercises, had breakfast, and were unaware of the further development of the plot.

To develop the plot, it was invented that all the costumes for the New Year's carnival disappeared and the game "Atelier" is "unfolding" on the "Ship of Desires". There are various fabrics in the window. The administrator greets everyone, asks: “What did you want?”, Draws the attention of visitors to different tactics. Visitors choose fabrics, say what they need and how much. The administrator sends them to the cashier. Customers walk in a circle to the checkout. The cashiers say how much the visitor should give money: “50 rubles from you”, “Your 100 rubles”, “Take change - 50 rubles” (they say the amounts that they know), “Take the check”, “Thank you”. Visitors return from the cashier with a check. The administrator gives them baskets with contents and invites them to go to the seamstresses. Fashion designers stand nearby and wait for the visitor to pick up the basket. Atelier visitors pick up baskets and, together with the fashion designer, go to the tables where seamstresses are waiting for them. Fashion magazines are leafing through the table, the fashion designer sketches something in it: “Yes, you can remove it here,” “I propose to sew a collar on this dress.” Visitors choose the style “I need a ninja costume”, “I need a skirt and cuffs on both hands”, etc. The visitor becomes a model. The seamstress takes measurements: "Length - 20 cm", "This length will suit you", "Good", you will have to wait a bit. The seamstress lays out the finished patterns, the fashion designer holds, the seamstress cuts - cuts out the finished pattern, makes a fitting, “passes through the machine” - sewing products, fastens the details with adhesive tape, a stapler together with the fashion designer, makes them trimmed with tinsel.

The administrator approaches the seamstresses and if any patterns are not needed, he takes them and delivers them to the warehouse to the storekeeper.

The storekeeper accepts, inspects the product, gives an assessment, writes out a receipt for the acceptance of the product. She stands, irons the handed-over product with an iron, takes another one that she already has in stock.

The visitor - the model thanks the seamstress, the seamstress writes out a receipt, the visitor goes to the cashier, pays for the order.

Voice accompaniment of actions:

The teacher in the group, where the children are dressed in marine clothes, the hairdresser and the barmaid, collects them for an emergency meeting. Rings the bell.

Comrade, captain, let me report!

Permission, comrade boatswain!

Have all the carnival costumes disappeared from the ship? New Year's Eve Rehearsal Coming Soon! What should I do? What to go!?

Captain: I think the whole team!

(Sew, make, order, go without costumes).

Captain: Yes, problem! What would you do in my place, comrade boatswain?

Comrade captain, order to open your studio on the ship!

Captain: I command! All employees undergo urgent training.

Boatswain: Comrade Captain, you have not forgotten, we are on the ship Desires. Everything that is planned comes true.

I ask all employees to go to the studio.

Educator-administrator: The educator turns into an administrator.

On the ship of Wishes, all wishes come true! Here I am the administrator.

Attention, attention, all those who want to work in the studio go to the casting. Distribution of roles.

Exercise "Who is doing what?". (Performs an exercise in composing words-actions). (The storekeeper takes clothes, the seamstress takes measurements, etc.).

Dear employees, please take your jobs.

Storekeeper goes to the ironing board and irons the items she already has in stock.

Seamstresses go to the tables, sit down at the typewriter, sew and wait for visitors.

The fashion designers go to the table next to the administrator and look at the fashion magazine together. They discuss something, show emotions. As soon as the administrator gives the basket to the visitor, he goes with the visitor to the seamstress.

Administrator: Dear clients of our studio, we are very glad to meet you. Your order is our product!

Come, choose, a chic selection of fabrics, and chintz, and wool, and drape, etc. New arrival.

Visitor: Visitors choose fabrics, say what they need and how much.

Administrator issues a receipt and sends them to the cashier.

With you 50 rubles, go to the cashier. Next. Have you chosen a fabric? What? Come on!

Customers walk in a circle to the checkout and come back.

cashiers: “50 rubles from you”, “Your 100 rubles”, “Take change - 50 rubles” (they say those amounts that they know), “Take a check”, “Thank you”.

Visitors returned from the cashier with a check.

Administrator gives them baskets with contents and invites them to go to the seamstresses.

Fashion designers stand nearby and wait for the visitor to pick up the basket.

fashion designers: Let me take you! Have you already chosen a model? What do you want to sew?

visitor and the ateliers take away the baskets and, together with the fashion designer, go to the tables where the seamstresses are waiting for them. Flipping through fashion magazines at the table.

fashion designer he draws something in it: “Yes, you can remove it here,” “I propose to sew a collar on this dress.”

Visitors choose the style “I need a ninja costume”, “I need a skirt and cuffs on both hands”, etc.

Visitor become a model.

seam I take measurements: "Length - 20 cm", "This length will suit you", "Good", You will have to wait a bit.

Seamstress lays out the finished patterns, the fashion designer holds, the seamstress cuts - cuts out the finished pattern, makes a fitting, “passes through the machine” - sewing products, fastens the details together with the fashion designer with adhesive tape, a stapler, makes them trimmed with tinsel.

(For children with a low level of effectiveness of pedagogical influences, I offer ready-made patterns. Their task will be to fasten parts and decorate them with ribbons and other materials).

He turns to the fashion designer: "Help, hold, seal, etc."

Administrator r approaches the seamstresses, and, if any patterns are not needed, he takes them and hands them over to the warehouse to the storekeeper.

The storekeeper accepts, inspects the product, gives an assessment, writes out a receipt for the acceptance of the product. It is worth ironing the handed-over product with an iron, taking another one that she already has in stock. (When describing clothes, tasks for speech development are solved).

The visitor - the model thanks the seamstress.

Seamstress writes out a receipt, the visitor goes to the cashier, pays for the order.

The administrator walks around the tables, addresses the seamstresses and visitors:

"Are you all right?" Would you like to get coffee?

If most of the children have already made costumes, invite them to a technical break. Conducts the exercise "Masha - well done", aimed at the formation of new words with the help of prepositions (sewn, sewed, altered, etc.)

An end signal sounds. Administrator: Fellow employees, the time for wishing is ending. Soon the studio will disappear!

When all the children have finished modeling clothes, there is a fashion show. Each subgroup describes its product (development of coherent speech).

Role-playing game in the senior group: "Atelier"

Target: To form ideas of preschoolers about what an atelier is and why it is needed; develop the plot; introduce new roles (customer, clerk, cutter, dressmaker, atelier manager) and role-playing activities; develop dialogue.
Preparing for the game:"Conversation about the dressmaker". Excursion to the cabinet of the castellan. Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Making together with the teacher attributes for the game. Drawing samples of clothes.
Game material, equipment:
Sewing machines, fashion magazine, sewing tools (centimeter, thread, fabric samples, etc.); patterns, order forms, etc.
Game roles, actions:
seller, buyers, cutter, clerk, fashion designer, photographer, tailor, atelier director.

1 week "Fabric shop"

A buyer comes to the store who buys fabric for a suit or dress, the seller listens to the wishes of the buyer and offers the buyer several types of fabric, the buyer chooses the fabric he likes. The buyer measures the required footage of fabric. Breaks a check. Takes money. Thanks for the purchase.

Playing roles:

seller buyer.

Week 2 "Clothes for dolls"

The customer comes to the studio, who approaches the receiver. The receiver accepts the order. Measurements are taken from the customer, a clothing catalog is shown. If there are no suitable options, then a fashion designer comes to the customer and together with the customer make a drawing of clothes. Then the sketch is given to the cutter, followed by the seamstress. Later, the customer comes to try on, and then comes and picks up the order.

Playing roles:

receiver, customer, cutter, seamstress.

Week 3 "Demonstration of clothes"

A fashion show is taking place in the city. Famous fashion designers of the city participate in it. The fashion designer has prepared all the options for clothing. Models come, who are painted by stylists, they do their hair. Then there is a fashion show, models one after another demonstrate clothes on the catwalk. Photographers photograph the entire show. At the end of the show, the fashion designer is invited to the podium.

Playing roles:

fashion designer, models, stylists, photographer

Week 4 "Clothes Store"

Atelier employees carry out the order of the store - they sew a variety of clothes. Then there is an exhibition and sale of clothes.
Game roles: seller, buyers, cutter, clerk, seamstress, fashion designer, photographer, stylists, tailor, atelier director.

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