Role-playing games at parents' meeting at school. Parent-teacher meeting

Himself a DIRECTOR → Parents' meeting → TEACHER'S SUPPORT → Four playing techniques "from Bukatov"


How parent-teacher meeting
turn into a meeting of parents


Four playing techniques "from Bukatov"

I wonder if there are among our visitors who have already tasted the delights of "directing a lesson" (changing mise-en-scenes, physical activity, work in small groups) and convinced that the children still have something to learn from each other, and the teacher from the children, such who dared to take a fresh look at parent-teacher conferences, so reminiscent of a boring lesson? In fact, well, do not repeat again about grades, shift, lateness, responsibility and all that, seeing how parents yawn, assenting with a smart look.

And sit us down in their place, what would you and I lack? Probably the opportunity to talk - about children, class, school, about their parenting problems. But such conversations, alas, do not often have a place at an ordinary meeting - the parents sit as if they had taken water in their mouths. And if it breaks through anyone, then it will be a stream of demands, complaints or indignation. So the teacher has to indulge in rhetoric in advance, and the parents - to glance at the clock ...

Stop! After all, the best salvation from negativism is to give an opportunity to communicate with each other. But maybe not all of us are interested in our parents talking, and not about anything, but in essence? .. Are we ready to be grateful for sincerity: after all, their sincerity can add a headache to us. But the whole point is that they, the parents, really need it. And therefore, we also need it.

And the proposed four steps perhaps they will tell you how to organize a life at a parent meeting so that parents can really take advice, decisions, optimism - and not from us, but from each other (gathering).And the more they take with them, the richer we will become, dear visitors of the site. PUBLIC LESSON // site

Vyacheslav BUKATOV,Maria GANKINA


List of techniques (each opens in a new window)


« Psychological games for adults at a parent meeting "

Every teacher wants to see his like-minded people in the person of the students' parents. How do you “tune” your parents to positive communication? How to show them that you are their friend and helper.

Games for adults that can be held at parent-teacher meetings will come to the rescue. After all, adults love to play no less than children.

The use of role-playing games allows you to overcome the egocentrism of the parental position: accepting a different role gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside.

A role is a kind of mask that ensures the safety of the participant: what is not easy to say on your own behalf can be expressed on behalf of the role.
At the parent meeting, you can organize various role-playing games. Parents can play roles individually or in groups, creating groups of teenagers, educators, etc.
- provides an opportunity for obtaining new knowledge, identifying uncovered issues;
- develops creativity;
- contributes to the development of skills of participation in discussion, cooperation in achieving the set goal;
- forms a tolerant attitude towards other opinions;

Promotes team building of parents.


Role-playing game"Typewriter"

Purpose: to involve parents in the educational process, to develop a model of cooperation.

Equipment: a set of 3 leaves of the same color (the number of sets - colors is equal to the number of teams).

Description and course of the game: participants are built according to the color of the sheets one after another. The first participant is the "bumper", the second is the "motor", the third is the "driver". The "machine" begins to move, with the first participant's eyes closed, arms extended forward.

After the “stop” command, the participants change places. Everyone should be in the role of "bumper", "motor" and "driver".

Questions: What is the role of the teacher? Parent? Student?

CONCLUSIONS: the most difficult thing for the student "bumper", he moves blindly, bumping into obstacles, not knowing if he is walking correctly. The "motor" (parent) wants to help not to fall, not to stumble, but does not know how to do it better. It depends on the “driver” (teacher) how professionally he will drive the “car”.


Psychological game "Teenager"
One person is chosen from among the parents who will play the role of a teenager.
The rest of the parents play different roles.

  • Instruction: Each parent, in accordance with his role, approaches the teenager and pronounces his words. As a result, a circle is formed around the teenager. They then walk around the teenager and speak their words at the same time.

After the teenager shares his impressions. How did he feel? What did you want to say to everyone? What did you want to do?

It is summarized with the conclusion that adults need to understand why a teenager behaves in a certain way. Think about your interactions with your child. The main thing is to talk to the child.

  • Mum: Daughter, don't forget to warm up your lunch and feed your brother!
  • Dad: Olya, please bring the newspapers from the mailbox!
  • Brother: Well, help me to glue the plane, I can't do anything.
  • Elder sister : When you leave school, put 100 rubles on my phone, okay?
  • Grandmother: A homework have you already done?
  • Grandfather: Olga, I would help grandma to thread a needle. Yes, and darned my grandfather's mitten, it would not break.
  • Teacher: Don't come to school tomorrow without your parents! I am waiting in the director's office at 8.30.
  • Cook: What a child, he poured a glass again! Take a rag, rub it quickly!
  • Technics: Again you run like crazy! March to class! And so that I do not come across to my eyes!
  • Classroom teacher: Olya! Well how are you? Did you draw a poster for the new year?
  • Salesman: Girl, take the check. Hurry up, it's already your turn!
  • Policeman: Are you running across the street again at a red light? I will write out a fine for my parents!
  • Teenager



Psychological game "First grader"
One person is selected from among the parents who will play the role of a first-grader. The rest of the parents play different roles.

  • Instruction: Each parent, in accordance with his role, approaches the first grader and pronounces his words. As a result, they form a circle around the child. Then they walk around the first grader and speak their words at the same time.
  • Situation 1 is simulated... School. The child sits down at the desk. Before him is a textbook, notebooks, pencil case. Board.
  • Teacher: Sit nicely, don't turn around!
  • Classmate: Give me a pen!
  • Classmate: Look I have stickers!
  • Teacher: Take the pen correctly, take it wrong, but take it this way.

Situation 2 is simulated.The child is at home.

Mum: Write beautifully, correctly.

Dad: well you don’t understand anything, what kind of scribbles

Grandmother: why don't you try, very sloppy. Sit up straight.

Younger brother: let's play, look I have a typewriter.

Grandfather: that you are lying on the table, learn lessons come on!

Situation 3 is simulated... The child is escorted to school.

Grandmother: (leads by the hand to class, helps to undress) Granddaughter, do not fight and listen to the teacher. Let's take off our boots

Mum: (leads the hand to class, sits at the table). Try, my kid, be smart, listen to the teacher and do not turn around.

Dad: You are already big, you have to go to school yourself.

Situations can be varied, as well as phrases.

It is possible to simulate the situation of the relationship between parents and all other family members during the adaptation period of the child.


After the first grader shares his impressions. How did he feel? What did you want to say to everyone? What did you want to do? What was the reaction to different phrases of the parents

Then all the adults share their impressions.

It summarizes with the conclusion that adults should understand why a first grader behaves in a certain way. Think about your interactions with your child. The main thing is to talk to the child.


The game "Broken Phone"

Invite the group (up to 10 people are appropriate) to convey several phrases according to the principle of a child's play, comparing what the first one heard with what the last one heard in the chain.

Choose different types of texts:

Long sentence with complex adjectives

Famous quatrain



In autumn, when it rains every now and then, and the streets are cold and muddy, students are often not only late, but they come wet and are not ready for classes, which greatly interferes with the teachers.

We all learned a little,

Something and somehow.

So education, thank God,

It's no wonder we shine.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

After the end of the "telephone line", a discussion takes place: Why did you get exactly this result? What sentences should be selected so that all participants can understand them correctly and convey them without distortion?

CONCLUSION: it is easier to understand, reproduce and transmit a text consisting of short, unambiguous in meaning, simple or familiar sentences.

Not only children, but also adults find it difficult to hold onto the text. Hence, there must be an understanding of how the child is feeling. We need to talk to him!

ADAPTATION 1, 5 grade



The game "Cotton"

Show me your palm. Now try claping with one hand. Happened? Either uncomfortable or hard and the hand gets tired. Your suggestions? Need a second palm. I'm ready to give you a second hand. One palm is me, the other is you. Let's try (do the claps in turn). At the same time, you smiled. I wish you to always smile when we together with you "make cotton" in life. Cotton is the result of two palms.

IMPORTANT! Interaction between teacher and parent, parent and child.

ADAPTATION 1, 5 grade



Game "Paper airplane"

Make a paper airplane under the guidance of a psychologist.

Can you name 2 identical airplanes? Why?

Put it with its nose to the right, draw a sun with 7 rays on the wing. Write on the rays those words that you would like to let wander through our class.

Launching airplanes.

CONCLUSION: we are adults - under the same conditions we do everything differently.

Never compare your child to another! There is no someone or something worse or better. There is ANOTHER!


Game "Chamomile of Emotions and Feelings".

(Calm music sounds).

Dear mums and dads! In front of you is a chamomile flower, on the petals of which are written a wide variety of feelings: positive and negative, which a person can experience.

After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions firmly settled in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Think and take the petal on which the “feeling” is written that overwhelms you most of all for a long period of time. Parents choose a "feeling", think over their choice, name it, justifying what caused it.

Processing of the results obtained. The assignment allows you to focus on the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems during the discussion of the topic of the meeting



Psychological exercise "Hyper-care".

One parent is called for the exercise. He is asked to pretend that he is a child who has just been born.

The psychologist acts as his mother, who loves and takes care of him very much. The words of the psychologist: “Time passes, the child is growing and now he has already got up on his legs and started walking. He is interested in everything, he climbs wherever possible. Mommy is very worried that he does not fall.

What can be done? You can tie the baby's legs, so mommy will be calmer. (parent's legs are tied).

And the child continues to grow. He wants to touch everything, take everything. He begins to stretch out his hands to various objects, including dangerous ones: electrical outlets, a gas stove, etc. Mommy is very scared. What can be done now? You can tie your hands (hands are tied).

More time passes. The child begins to speak. Very often he says what he hears on the street. And these are obscene expressions. Of course, his mom doesn't like it. What can be done? You can gag. (the parent is gagged).

The child is growing. He watches various programs and films on TV, which often carry negative information. How to protect the child from this so that mommy does not worry? You can blindfold and blindfold. (the parent is blindfolded and ears).

The baby has grown up, now it is already big. His heart begins to love and often he chooses the wrong one who likes his parents. How to make you give up love? You can tie your heart. " (heart is tied to parent).

(As a result, the participant's legs, arms, mouth, eyes, ears, heart are tied). Without unleashing, ask the parent: - Well, how do you like it? - What do you want to untie first? (the psychologist asks and gradually unties the participant in the exercise).


How did you feel during the exercise?

What conclusions have you drawn?


Word-relay game.

Parents should continue the sentence started by the teacher: “My child will adapt better and will be successful in school if I ……”, while passing the ball.

CONCLUSION: Parents talk over their actions and the help they can provide to their child.


Role-playing game "Hear the child".
Four parents take part in the game, playing the roles of a teenager, his father, mother and grandmother. The following situation is proposed: “A child comes angry from school, throws his portfolio into the farthest corner of the room and shouts:“ I will not go to this school anymore! There the mathematician clings to me! I myself did this test, and she says - I copied it! She said: "Tomorrow come with my parents to the director," etc. "
Parents-actors are quietly given the following directives for playing roles:
The “child” is angry, impudent, very emotionally protesting, gives various arguments that he is right, etc .;
“Father” demonstrates an authoritarian style of behavior (pressure on the child, shouting, threats, etc.);
The “mother” assumes the role of an overprotective parent (constantly justifies the child, swears with her husband because of him; accuses teachers of injustice, etc.);
“Grandmother” demonstrates a chaotic, inconsistent style of behavior (in confusion; fearing to be out of favor with her son or daughter-in-law, she supports one or the other, doubts her words; cannot accurately formulate the essence of the problem and her advice, etc.) ).
Viewers (other parents) are given the task of observing everything that happens, keeping track of the pros and cons in a conversation between parents and their child, and note the most common mistakes in communicating with children.
Replaying a role-playing game, during which the psychologist helps the participants to more clearly demonstrate the non-constructiveness of these behavioral tactics.

The third con - instead of a "magic wand" a piece of chalk is given to the hands. Each parent approaches the blackboard and writes down one of the negative qualities sounded on it on the left, and one of the positive ones on the right.

When the crayon relay is over, the command sounds: "Everyone is up!" This is how it begins fourth horse... Now, while standing, you need to figure out which of the negative qualities (of those on the board on the left) can be converted (“I think I know how”) into one of the positive ones written on the right.

Having realized, you need to go to the board and connect these qualities with an arrow, putting your initials next to the arrow. For example, someone chose laziness and realized that of the listed qualities he knows how to transform it into good breeding, and connects them with an arrow. Another parent, having taken a liking, say, all the same laziness, connects it with a new arrow with quick wits. Etc. etc. Now any parent for whom this negative quality of their child causes a lot of trouble and grief can turn to the authors of the arrows for help, clarification and advice.

Table of Contents fifth horse- mutual consultations of parents on educational problems. Directly opening of the people's "parent university"! The teacher can only praise the initiative and write down dead-end problems, so that then in the library to look for relevant literature. Both for myself and for interested parents.

Using Interactive Techniques in Parenting Meetings

The core of active work with parents is an active discussion, the participants of which argue, argue their conclusions, enter into a discussion with opponents, i.e. minds and talents are competing. Psychological science believes that each team has various unique features, hidden capabilities.

Traditionally, the interaction between parents and teachers at a parent meeting takes place mainly in a verbal form - one speaks, the rest listen. Interactive methods can be used to expand the range of interaction methods within a collection.

The word "interactive" came to us from in English from the word "interact", where "inter" is mutual, "act" is to act.

Interactive - means the ability to interact or is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person).

Interactive parenting methods refer to parenting through participation and interaction. “I hear and forget, I see and understand, I do and remember,” says a Chinese proverb. The methodology of participation and interaction is fully involved in the upbringing process.

The use of interactive methods allows us to solve several psychological and pedagogical problems. First of all, interactive methods put parents in an active position. In an ordinary situation, it is quite difficult to do this: the calls of a teacher or psychologist to “express their opinion”, “offer their own options”, as a rule, remain unsuccessful. Many parents find it difficult to prove themselves in the situation of a traditional parent meeting, where the leading role is played by the educator. Interactive methods allow parents to become active participants, as a result of which they begin to behave in a fundamentally different way.

Interactive methods break the traditional stereotypes of the parent meeting: it becomes a special space endowed with specific meaning and content.

Their use increases the readiness of parents to interact with a psychologist, educators and other professionals. A specialist organizing original, unusual events arouses respect and interest.

Interactive methods also perform a diagnostic function, with their help parental expectations, ideas, anxieties and fears are clarified, moreover, since their diagnostic orientation is not obvious to the parent, it is possible to obtain information that is significantly less influenced by the factor of social desirability.

The use of interactive methods makes it possible to significantly deepen the influence of the teacher on the parents. They gain experience of direct living and reaction, which contributes to the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills.

The most active forms of work are parent-teacher meetings, where parents are not passive listeners, but active participants in the conversation.

At the parent meeting, you can use various interactive methods: work in mini-groups, discussions, business, role-playing, simulation games, etc.

Role-playing game

Provides an opportunity to gain new knowledge, identify uncovered issues;

Develops creativity;

Promotes the development of skills for participation in discussion, cooperation in achieving the set goal;

Forms a tolerant attitude towards other opinions.

Games for adults at a parent meeting

Every teacher wants to see his like-minded people in the person of the students' parents. How do you “tune” your parents to positive communication? How to show them that you are their friend and helper. Games for adults that can be held at parent-teacher meetings will come to the rescue. After all, adults love to play no less than children.

Role-playing game "Car"

Purpose: to involve parents in the educational process, to develop a model of cooperation.

Equipment: a set of 3 leaves of the same color (the number of sets - colors is equal to the number of teams).

Description and course of the game: participants are built according to the color of the sheets one after another. The first participant is the "bumper", the second is the "motor", the third is the "driver". The "machine" begins to move, with the first participant's eyes closed, arms extended forward.

After the “stop” command, the participants change places. Everyone should be in the role of "bumper", "motor" and "driver".

Questions: What is the role of the teacher? Parent? Student?

Conclusions: the most difficult thing is for the “bumper” student, he moves blindly, bumping into obstacles, not knowing if he is walking correctly. The "motor" (parent) wants to help not to fall, not to stumble, but does not know how to do it better. It depends on the “driver” (teacher) how professionally he will drive the “car”.

The game "Broken Phone"

Invite the group (up to 10 people are appropriate) to convey several phrases according to the principle of a child's play, comparing what the first one heard with what the last one heard in the chain.

Choose different types of texts:

Long sentence with complex adjectives

Famous quatrain



In autumn, when it rains every now and then, and the streets are cold and muddy, students are often not only late, but they come wet and are not ready for classes, which greatly interferes with the teachers.

We all learned a little,

Something and somehow.

So education, thank God,

It's no wonder we shine.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

After the end of the "telephone line", a discussion takes place: Why did you get exactly this result? What sentences should be selected so that all participants can understand them correctly and convey them without distortion?

Conclusion: it is easier to understand, reproduce and transmit a text consisting of short, unambiguous, simple or familiar sentences.

The game "Cotton"

Show me your palm. Now try claping with one hand. Happened? Either uncomfortable or hard and the hand gets tired. Your suggestions? Need a second palm. I'm ready to give you a second hand. One palm is me, the other is you. Let's try (do the claps in turn). At the same time, you smiled. I wish you to always smile when we together with you "make cotton" in life. Cotton is the result of two palms.

Game "Paper airplane"

Make a paper airplane under the guidance of a teacher.

Can you name 2 identical airplanes? Why?

Put it with its nose to the right, draw a sun with 7 rays on the wing. Write on the rays those words that you would like to let wander through our class.

Launching airplanes.

Conclusion: we, adults, do everything differently under the same conditions.

Never compare your child to another! There is no someone or something worse or better. There is ANOTHER!

Parents' meeting in the form of a QUEST-game "We are together"

Target : emotional rapprochement between parents and children.

Tasks: strengthening the role of the family in the educational process, improving relations between children and parents, increasing the psychological competence of parents, expanding knowledge about the relationship between a child and adults in a preschool educational institution and a family; P to awaken the parents' desire to see the problems of their baby from the inside and findways to solve them; aboutteaching parents knowledge and skills that contribute to harmonizationchildish-parental relationship;creating a team of teachers and parents interested in solving common problems.


The game starts in a group.

Game manager: Good evening, dear parents. I thank you for coming to our meeting. Today we will talk with you in a close, family circle and try to learn a lot about both ourselves and our children. The form of our meeting will not be quite usual. What do you think, feel, why we have gathered you here, what will happen here now ??? Any thoughts?

Parents' answers….

Today I will conduct a quest for you called "We are together." Quest(English quest, or adventure the game(English adventure game)

The most important elements of the game in the genre quest are actually narration and exploration of the world, and the key role in gameplay are playing solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player.

Let's play?

I suggest you pass the test. You will find out where the next test will take place by guessing my riddles. For each completed task, you receive a part of the picture. There are four of them. As a result, you should have a whole image, but you will find out which one when you collect all the parts. After that we will gather with you in the music hall, where we will summarize our results.

So let's get started? Go…

Exercise "Warm-up"

Purpose: familiarizing the group members with each other, relieving the tension of the first minutes, creating a more relaxed atmosphere in the group in order to achieve a state that would allow them to work effectively.

One day a little Chicken found a big Rooster.

- Why does the heron have a long beak, while I have a very small one? - he asked.

- Leave me alone!

- Why does the hare have long ears, but I don't even have tiny ones?

- Don't bother!

- Why does the cat have a soft beautiful fur coat, and I have some kind of yellow fluff?

- Stand back, I say! Shut up!

- Why even a small puppy can wag its tail, but I have no tail?

- Yes, leave me alone! - shouted the Rooster.

- Why does the kid have pretty horns, but I don't even have inferior ones?

- Stop it! Get out!

- All "leave me alone", "get out", "stop"! Why do all little adults answer questions, but you don’t? Squeaked the Chicken.

- Because you don't ask, you just envy everyone! - the Rooster answered angrily. And it was absolutely true.

Assignment to parents: put an imaginary yellow chicken in your palm and try to convince him.

For example: - It's very good that you have yellow fluff, because ... - Although you have a short beak, but ...

Well done, you did the job. Get a part of the image.

The next task will be waiting for you in another room. To find out where, guess the riddle:

You need to run there, jump,
Have fun and play
Just go there once:
The game begins!


We go with our parents to the gym

Scene "Statue of a Child"

Purpose: to show the literal understanding of everything by children.

Among the parents, one person is chosen who will play the role of a child.

Game manager:

The world of children exists next to the world of adults, in the same physical space, but often we, adults, are blind to the life of our children. Most often, the reason for our children's misunderstanding is the unwillingness to listen to their opinion, lack of time, distrust, ignorance of their desires, parental selfishness.

This can be proven by acting out the "Statue of a Child" scene.

This is a little daughter, a first grader. She and her mother are in a hurry to school, they need to catch the bus. The daughter is a very energetic child, very curious, asks a lot of questions even at the moment when they are walking quickly to the bus. Mom takes her daughter by the hand and they run. The daughter asks:

- Mom, what is it? Look!

And at this moment, the daughter falls into a puddle with her foot.

Mom answers:

Where are you even looking? Do you have no eyes?

roll up the child's eyes

And again they hurry to school. They run into the bus and meet my mother's friend there. Mom begins to discuss yesterday with her. The daughter listens carefully, then says:

- Mum. Mom, did you hear the bird singing? Who is Uncle Yura?

Mom answers:

- Why are you interfering in an adult conversation? And, in general, why did you hang your ears, how ashamed to eavesdrop! Close your ears quickly!

After this phrase, the daughter's ears are tied.

They get off the bus, mom says goodbye to her friend and she and her daughter run along the road. At the same time, my mother constantly looks at her watch so as not to be late.

The daughter turns to her mother again:

- Oh, what a wonderful day today! Mom, Masha is waiting for me, I promised her an eraser, the one that ...

Mom interrupts her and says:

- Leave me alone! Why are you blabbing, there is no time now, we are late. Can you be quiet in the end? Shut your mouth quickly!

I tie another scarf over my daughter's mouth.

Mom grabs the child by the hand, and they move on. The girl is already silent, but begins to pick up a twig on the way. Mom hits her hands and says:

- What are your hands! Why are you constantly grabbing something? You can't live without it! Throw it away, I told you! Hands off!

Tie hands with a scarf.

But then the daughter starts jumping, raising her legs. Mom gets angry and yells at her:

- Where did you learn this? What is it? Stop kicking your legs! Stay calm!

At this moment, they tie their feet.

Mom looks at her watch, is nervous that she and her daughter do not have time, and begins to urge the child:

- What are you braiding about? Wider step. Have you forgotten how to walk? Go faster! Give me a hand! Not hands, but hooks - you can neither write nor hold anything! Watch the road, don't stumble. Why are you trudging about like a blind man?

Mom is unhappy with everything that her daughter does, forgetting that she herself tied everything up for her so that everything worked out for her, and it was necessarily good.


One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone else comes up to him one at a time and says that they forbid him to do, - what the participants most often tell their child. At the same time, the part of the body to which the ban was concerned is tied with a ribbon. For example: “Don't shout! "- the mouth is tied," Do not run "- the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have expressed their opinion, the person sitting is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to stand up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he has tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example: "Don't shout - speak calmly."


Reflection of the participant who played the role of a child:

How did you feel when the "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?

Restriction of movement of which part of the body did you feel the most acutely?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

What did you want to untie in the first place?

How do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?

How are you feeling now?

Game manager:

It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for upbringing. How an adult should act in a given situation is up to him alone. However, you can play, as in the theater, difficult situations, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

Well done! You have coped with the next task - get the picture (I give the 2nd part of the picture).

Next riddle: B Kindergarten opening the door,

We get there ...

What kind of room?

Do you know or not?

Well give me an answer!

3)Exercise "Sun of Love"

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper with the child's name in the center. On every ray of the sun, you must list all the wonderful qualities of your children. Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written. I suggest you take this Sunny home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.

Game manager:

You, of course, as loving parents, coped with this task. Find another picture.

It's light, beautiful, and the music lives

This hall invites you to the holidays ...

(Music Hall)

We go to the music hall

(there is a screen, a projector, chairs for parents, a candle prepared)

Game manager:

Dear parents, I suggest you sit down on chairs and watch a short film

(video presentation "10 Commandments")

Game manager: "Janusz Korczak- an outstanding Polish teacher, writer, doctor and public figure. All his pedagogy boiled down to the idea that an educator (like a parent) must first of all love children. In this film, there was a hint to the answer to the question you are looking for.

After the presentation, a picture with the task appears on the screen.

Game manager:

And here is the last task for today for you - add a word from the scattered letters.

That's right, this is the word "love". Take the last part of the picture and ask you to compose the whole image from the parts. (heart)

Dear parents, I invite you to stand in a circle.

(I take a lighted candle)

What will you take with you today after we meet?

I would like to wish all parents to be happy in relationships with their children all their lives. Let your children grow up independent, confident and, of course, loving you.

Thank you very much for your participation!

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