How to calibrate the battery on Android: step by step instructions and reviews. Table Calibration Manual hardware battery calibration

The batteries of modern smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system have sufficient capacity for the mobile device to work without recharging for more than a day at an average load. Over time, of course, the ability to hold a charge weakens and the gadget has to be charged more often. The first serious problems in battery life usually begin after 500 full discharge / charge cycles, but in some cases a significant decrease in battery life can be observed after 100-200 cycles, and in terms of time - after several months.

The first thing that usually comes to the mind of the average user in such a situation is to replace the battery. However, this is an extreme measure and it is worth resorting to it only when the battery has physically exhausted itself. In any case, it is better not to rush and first perform a procedure such as calibrating the Android battery.

What is calibration and why is it needed

Calibration is bringing a device, in this case a battery, to an optimal state, in a word, optimization. It is performed in cases where problems arise in the operation of the device that are not caused by the physical wear and tear of its constituent components.

Calibration may include stopping charge progress below 100 percent, quickly draining a battery that has not reached its end of life, disconnecting the device from battery power when it reaches 50 percent (or less), or turning off immediately after the battery has been fully charged. In this article, we will give some examples of how to properly calibrate the battery on Android. There are two main methods of calibration - hardware and software. Let's start with the first one.

Manual hardware battery calibration

Connect a working smartphone to a power source and wait until the charging indicator shows 100 percent or the maximum value. After that, completely turn off the device and reconnect it to the mains. When a signal appears on the screen that the battery is fully charged, turn on the gadget and deactivate the backlight auto-off function in the screen settings, that is, sleep mode.

Push the charge level to the limit again, and leave the device to discharge with the display on. After the battery has used up the entire supply of energy and the device is completely turned off, put it on charge again (not including it) and bring the charge level to 100 percent. Calibration is done, do not forget to turn on the sleep mode again.

Software calibration method with root access

The second method involves the use of third-party software and the presence of superuser rights. First of all, download and install the program from the Market Battery Calibration from SuperThomasLab. After that, charge the device to the limit. Then launch the app, grant it root rights and see what level of charge it shows.

If the battery is not all right, most likely, the values ​​of the standard indicator on the screen and the parameter in the program will differ. Continue charging until the level reaches the maximum, and then press the "Calibration" button and restart the smartphone.

Software calibration without root rights

You can calibrate the Android battery programmatically without having superuser rights. Applications designed for this purpose can also be found in the Google Store. The most popular of these is Battery Calibration, only this time from developer NeMa. Resetting the battery with it is carried out according to the same principle as in the application of the same name from SuperThomasLab.

Calibration via recovery mode

There is another working way to calibrate the smartphone battery. This time, third-party programs are not needed at all. Turn off the device, and then simultaneously pressing the volume up, power and "Home" buttons, boot into recovery mode.

Go to the "Advanced" section, find the "wipe battery stats" option there and reset the battery settings with it.

Deviating from the text. Wiping with "wipe battery stats" removes a system file batterystats.bin A that contains records of battery usage and previous calibrations. Programs like Battery Calibration do the same. Everything, it would seem, is correct, but the point in disputes about the effectiveness of this method has not yet been set.

Some Google engineers, in particular, Diana Hackborn, argue that calibration by removing the batterystats.bin file is nothing but a myth. According to their authoritative statements, the specified file serves only to collect information about the battery usage of processes and in no way affects the battery life. However, many users claim that it was cleaning batterystats.bin that allowed them to increase the battery efficiency of their device.

Engineering menu or Hard Reset

In fact, this calibration method involves a complete reset of the device to factory settings, as a result of which all data, including battery usage, will be deleted. The method is considered radical, since in this case all programs, licenses and user information will be deleted. It is recommended to fully discharge and charge the battery five times before resetting. After that, you enter or directly boot into recovery mode and perform a full reset of the device.

So, we have learned how to do battery calibration on Android. How effective it will be depends primarily on the physical condition of the battery. If its age is more than 3-5 years or the number of full discharge / charge cycles has reached the limit values ​​​​according to its specification, then you need to think not about calibration, but about a complete replacement of the battery.

Battery problems are one of the biggest problems mobile device users can face. If you notice that the battery life of your smartphone or tablet has been drastically reduced, it is better not to put it off the shelf and start calibrating it.

So, in today's article, we'll look at how to calibrate the battery on Android.

Signs that the battery is bad

First of all, it is necessary to find out why the performance of the battery has deteriorated: the matter is in the battery itself or in the calibration system. Indeed, in case of physical damage, no software setting will help. Getting to the tablet battery is quite difficult. So don't try if you don't know how to do it right. With phones, everything is much easier.

There are times when a tablet is needed. How to make it will be described below.

Remove the back cover of the phone and remove the battery. Take a good look at it for bulges. Some smartphone models are equipped with non-removable batteries that are soldered into the device, or with covers of the same type. Then inspect the back panel to see if it sticks out. If your phone is no longer lying flat on the table, then that too could be a sign of bulges in the battery. If they are present on the battery, the smartphone should be taken to a service center. Otherwise, learn on your own how to calibrate the battery on Android.

Also, don't forget that there are many other reasons for poor battery performance. For example, if the smartphone stops charging, most likely there is a problem with the charger port.

What is battery calibration?

How to calibrate the battery on Android? What is this process?

Every Android or iOS device has a dedicated controller that collects battery usage statistics. It determines the true amount of energy in the battery at the current time. Sometimes problems with this controller happen. It stops displaying real numbers, from which the phone can, for example, turn off ahead of time (that is, before the charge level reaches zero).

Calibration is needed to reset the default settings. It sets the charge level, according to the current technical condition of the battery.

How to properly calibrate the battery on Android without Root rights?

It should be noted right away that calibration will not increase the battery capacity, but will only force the controller to display the correct information. Which is also very important. The easiest way to calibrate the battery on Android is to fully charge and discharge, but this method can be bad for battery life. However, if the battery is giving you too much trouble, then it makes sense to take a chance.

  1. To begin with, let your device fully discharge until it turns off.
  2. Connect the charger to your phone or tablet and, without turning on the device, keep it on charge for several hours. It should be fully charged.
  3. Disconnect the charging cable.
  4. Turn on your mobile device. Most likely, the indicator will report that the battery is not one hundred percent charged. Put the device on charge again, but now do not turn it off. It is necessary that the indicator shows one hundred percent.
  5. Repeat these steps until the indicator shows the correct information.
  6. After that, let the device fully discharge and turn off one more time, and then charge it again.

Android battery calibration: setting up the charge controller via Root

It should be reminded that it is not recommended to use the above method too often. Even when the battery is discharged to such an extent that the phone does not turn on, it retains a small charge, which helps to avoid system errors. But it is better not to tempt fate and manually calibrate the battery no more than once every three months. In simple words, a complete discharge or overload of the battery is extremely bad for it.

The next method is even more effective (and no less risky), but you need to get Root rights for it. So, how to calibrate the battery on Android using Root:

  1. Repeat the steps above.
  2. Install the Battery Calibration app. Before installing, make sure that the charge indicator shows one hundred percent. Reboot your device.
  3. Launch the application immediately. It will calibrate the battery itself.

That, in fact, is all. We hope that the question of how to calibrate the battery on Android is now resolved.

What to pay attention to!

A properly calibrated table is essential for quality printing. Leveling the table is one of the first things you do when buying a 3D printer and one of the first things to look out for if you're not printing well. In the process of working with the printer, you will need to re-calibrate the table more than once or twice, so do not be discouraged when you have to do it again. Even the most experienced printers spend a lot of time leveling the print surface on a new machine, so it's best to treat this as a regular maintenance requirement.

3 Signs It's Time to Recalibrate Your Table

1. Plastic does not stick to the surface.

To get a quality print, it is important to ensure that the first layer is perfect. This, in turn, is ensured by good adhesion (sticking). If the gap between the nozzle and the table is too large, then the plastic will become very difficult to stick and will constantly be pulled up. Even if the first layer is stuck, but the table is poorly calibrated - you will run into trouble later in the printing process (which is even more frustrating) when the part is completely or partially peeled off the table.

2. Gaps in the first layer or too thin lines.

Uneven plastic extrusion and first layer consistency problems can be caused by a number of things, including table unevenness. If your printer is running smoothly, the filament will be extruded at a steady rate due to the pressure generated by the feeder. In this case, the filament will counteract the pressure with a back pressure force, and if the space between the table and the nozzle at different points is different, then the counteraction force will constantly change. This difference in pressure can lead to excess plastic buildup or gaps between layers.

3. Plastic accumulates around the nozzle when printing the first layer.

If the gap between the nozzle and the table is too small, you will get clumps and streaks of plastic on the printed surface. Then, when the plastic hardens, the nozzle will cling to these irregularities and may move out along one of the axes.

6 Easy Steps to Leveling Your 3D Printer Table.

For beginners calibrating a 3D printer bed for the first time, it is important to make sure that the extruder nozzle is the same distance from the printer table at all its points. Most plug'n'play printers have a built-in step-by-step manual for auto-calibrating the table, but if you built the printer yourself, then you will have to go through six steps before you start printing. Despite the individual design features of different 3D printers, the general technique for calibrating the table is the same for most of them.

Advice. Before leveling the table, heat it up to the operating temperature at which you plan to print. So, if you are printing ABS - heat the table to 90-110 C. If you are using Kapton or blue masking tape, then do not forget to stick them before sizing. Tables made of aluminum expand when heated and contract when cooled, so for the ideal setting, you need to set the temperature at which you will be printing.

Step 1:

Take a regular piece of paper.

Step 2:

Each printer has screws or other spring-loaded adjusters that control the height of the surface. Using a screwdriver, a hex wrench, or by hand (if the printer has knobs to allow this), tighten the screws in the corners of your desk, but not all the way.

Step 3:

The main sensor responsible for the correct positioning of the hot end relative to the table is the Z axis limiter. Move your print head to the center of the platform and place a piece of paper under the nozzle. Adjust the z-axis end stop until you feel a slight resistance when trying to move the leaf under the nozzle. If you can easily move the paper without any resistance, then the nozzle is too high off the table. If the paper does not move at all, then the nozzle is too close and it is worth lowering the table a little.

Step 4:

Move the sheet and nozzle to all corners of the print bed and make sure there is no resistance at those points.

Step 5:

Now you can start adjusting the screws at the corners of the platform. Move the printhead as close as possible to one of the screws and tighten it until you feel a slight resistance as you move the piece of paper under the nozzle. Repeat this action in all corners of your table.

Step 6:

After filling the gaps in all corners, you will have to repeat this process again, and then possibly a third time. The fact is that when you adjust the distance in one corner, it also affects the clearance in other corners. Therefore, it may take several laps before the table can be set up perfectly. After each adjustment of the gaps, the rotation of the screws should become less and less. And when you go through all the corners with almost no adjustment, you will realize that you have done everything as well as possible!

Watch the video instruction to finally put everything on the shelves.

Now that you know the symptoms of a poorly calibrated table, you can fix this problem before the filament is wasted! Sometimes, after you've finished printing, you have to use a lot of effort to separate the part from the table, which means that the table has gone a little again and needs to be calibrated for the next print. Nothing wrong with that! Just follow the instructions above and your table will be perfectly calibrated.

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Good luck in your difficult 3D business!

Want to know what it's like to customize the Vive? Pretty simple, because a cute assistant provides tremendous assistance in the process. Its call is made through the Steam VR application by selecting the Room Setup item.

Freeing up space

Before you do the actual calibration, you need to prepare a place: the more, the better. HTC specifies a minimum room size of 2 x 1 m, but the recommended value is 3 x 3 m. Tip: Try to place your computer out of the reach of other people or large pets. This will significantly reduce the risk of the device falling. In addition, if the cables of the base stations get in the way, it is better to run them along the wall to the nearest outlet.

Synchronizing the monitor

After connecting the controllers and the helmet, they must be placed in a place that is clearly visible to the base stations - for example, on a computer chair. The next step is to sync with the monitor. To do this, you just need to stand in the center of the freed space and point to the monitor with your right hand with the VR controller. It remains to pull the trigger, wait a bit until the status bars on the screen fill up - and voila!

Set the starting line

For the system to work properly, it needs to understand where the floor is. Unfortunately, the base station is not able to independently measure the space. However, you'll get the job done quickly: just place both controllers on the floor and follow the on-screen instructions, and you're done.

Dimension of space

The fourth stage of calibration is the actual evaluation of the space. You also tell the system exactly where you can move freely. And again, a smart assistant will come to the rescue. Your actions: raise the controller at arm's length, holding the hook, and calmly go around the space available for action along the edge.

Calibration check

Calibration results will be displayed in the next window. To optimize something or start the process again, just click on the "Edit" button ("Change").

Welcome to the era of virtual reality!

Congratulations! You are ready to start! The best way to check if everything in your virtual universe works like clockwork is to turn to The Lab collection of mini-games available for free on Stream. Well, then - everything is in your hands. The fascinating world of VR is open to everyone, and it is up to you whether you stay in it forever or return to reality.

What is rating

Ranking is a competitive mode in the DotA 2 game. Each player's rating is a number that shows their approximate level of play. The higher the number, the higher the level. Each player strives to raise his rating as high as possible, because this is considered honorable. There is also a rating selection of games, based precisely on the number of ratings of all players. This allows everyone to be more or less equal.

That is, a person with a rating of five thousand cannot get caught by a person with three or seven thousand. Everything is balanced.

How to get a rating

In order to get and find out your rating, you need to go through ten calibration games. To do this, go to the rated games tab in the menu and start searching for a rated game. In the same tab, you can find out how many games are left before calibration and, if ten games have already been completed, find out your mmr. But you can start the calibration far from immediately. In order to start calibration, you must have the fiftieth level of the experience trophy. On average, the fiftieth level is obtained at the end of 60-70 games.

How to calibrate dota 2

It should be borne in mind that the rating begins to accrue even before passing the calibration games. Those games that are played in a regular match also affect the final figure. After the first game played in DotA, some kind of skill bracket is assigned to the account. It can be Normal Skill (normal level), High Skill (advanced level), Very High Skill (very high level). Which skill bracket will throw you at depends on your level of play. It is possible that you will not play your first games well and will be awarded a normal level.

If after that you tighten up your game and be more productive, then you can be promoted. The better the skill bracket, the more mmr can be after calibration. For example, the rating range in Normal Skill is from 1 to 3500, High Skill from 3500 to 4000, Very High Skill from 4000 to 4800.
After you have played simple games and got your skill bracket, you can proceed to the calibration. In order to get the highest rating in each of the groups, it is necessary to have the highest scores in each calibration game. The calculation takes into account KDA, damage to heroes, damage to buildings, the amount of gold and experience gained per minute. Let's analyze each indicator in more detail.

KDA is the ratio of kills and assists to the number of deaths. This indicator shows how often and effectively you participate in battles. It is calculated quite simply. Add up the number of kills and assists and this sum is divided by the number of deaths. If you have 10 kills, 4 assists and 2 deaths, then your CDA is 7. (10+4)/2=7. To get a high mmr, you need to try to have more than four KDA in each game.
Hero damage is the amount of damage you deal to enemy heroes throughout the battle. For a good rating, it is recommended to keep this indicator at the level of 30 thousand.
Building damage is the amount of damage dealt to all enemy buildings. On average, this number is 16-17 thousand per team per game. To have a decent rating, you need to deal about 50% of the team's total damage with the enemy structure.
Gold and experience per minute are indicators of your progress. The higher they are, the more effective you are. Try to keep these numbers above 600 to get a good rating.
Since all these indicators directly depend on how much time you spend farming and on how much you contribute to each fight, not all characters are suitable for them. It is recommended to calibrate the account on solo heroes, or on carry.
You need to make a rotation of 3 heroes for each role and play them. Then your skill in managing these heroes will be high, which means that the performance will be at the level.

What heroes of Dota 2 should a beginner play?

There are three main roles on which MMR is best calibrated. These are mid and carry. Good mids to calibrate are tinker, invoker and lina. Suitable Carries: Slark, Sven, Lifestealer. Let's analyze some subtleties and ways of playing for each hero.

mid laners

The first of the mid-laners that you should take is a tinker. Tinker has great mobility thanks to travel and his ultimate. And with the help of his most powerful procasts, he deals very high damage. There are several varieties of tinkers. Tinkers who play through procast. They first max out the first and second skills, and take the ult only at the ninth level. Such a tinker is good if you want to participate in ganks and fight before the travels appear. This tinker deals quite a lot of damage in the early game, so it can easily deal with any target if it does not have any good escape. But there is also a minus. Such a tinker does not farm well and his procast weakens every minute. The second option is swinging through marches and rackets. At the first level, a laser is taken, and then marches and rockets are maxed out. Ultimate is usually taken at level 6. Such a tinker fights badly, but farms very well and quickly. When travelers appear, he flies around the map and farms creeps in all lanes. Due to this, he has a lot of money and quite early useful artifacts are obtained. Tinker through marches is more suitable for calibration. He buys himself a travel, dagger, dagon and just flies around the map and destroys his opponents.

Lina will be the second midlaner. Lina relies on her most powerful procasts. Having received the eul and dagger, he is able to solo kill any enemy hero. And having bought an aghanim, she will inflict huge pure damage, which breaks through bkb. By purchasing Octarine, Lina will replenish health by dealing damage to enemies. Also, all of her nukes will have a faster cooldown. Lina deals a lot of damage to heroes and has a decent CDA.

The next hero will be Invoker. It's hard to play them, but it's real. For calibration, the Kvass Vex Invoker is more suitable, which collects Orchid and Dragon Lance. Orchid can be upgraded in the future and receive critical hits on the target with each hit. Dragon Lance gives a good increase in attack range, which is also extremely useful.


The first of the carries will be the slark. He deals pretty good damage with his nukes, and at the initial levels, he can easily pick up thin supports with them. Slark also has a good passive, which makes him relevant throughout the game. Slark is best to collect more stats and something for invisibility. The presence of bkb will not hurt, with a large number of casts from the enemy.

Sven is a truly intimidating hero. His ultimate, which increases the damage dealt by as much as 200 percent, makes him a real damage dealer. Thanks to the built-in splash, you can ramp up with just one crit. Artifacts for Sven can be taken different. But the most suitable would be dager, crits, bkb and saber.

The next hero will be a lifestealer. He has a built-in glutton that deals massive damage. Since the damage is done as a percentage, this skill is relevant throughout the game. If you collect a desolator for a lifestealer, then he will begin to deal really big damage to enemies.

How to play and what to collect on carry heroes

  • Slark is one of the strongest heroes in all of Dota 2. The better the Slark player, the faster he will finish it. Against an experienced slark, enemies simply won't stand a chance. I want to note that this hero can raise the rating in solo, but again, I repeat: get your hands on this hero. After all, his win rate on dotabuff is only 48%. What to collect: Power Treads, Ring of Basillius, Shadow Blade, Echo Saber, if the enemy has casters, we collect Orchid Malevolence instead of the saber. These were the main artifacts for the slark, then you collect it yourself according to the situation.
  • Clinkz - Raising the rating on this hero should not be difficult. This hero can both farm and stand in the mid lane or in the offlane. What to collect: Power Treads, Ring of Aquilla, Soul Ring, Desolator, and then according to the situation. It is worth noting that once you have collected the medallion, immediately go and kill the enemy supports. P.S In almost every game you will need a Black King Bar.
  • Bloodseeker - This bloodseeker will be a forest one. In almost every game, such a bloodseeker will be useful, since already from level 6 you should go out and gank. We collect it like this: Iron Talon (for farming the forest), Phase Boots, Shadow Blade, Blade Mail, then according to the situation. In the mid game or in the late game, Aghanim Scepter will ALWAYS be useful on the bloodseeker, which will give the seeker 2 ult charges. This way we can literally force two enemies not to move, which is very important in the mid-late game.
  • Ember Spirit is a strong hero but takes practice. Before you go to the rating, practice it (10 games). Since he now has the +12% magic damage talent, Veil of Discord embers are trending right now. How to assemble correctly: a boot, and immediately farm on Veil of Discord, if everything is very good, we improve the boot on Boots Of Travell, if the enemy has a lot of focus skills, we collect Blade Mail, then we buy maestrom, which we improve on Mjollnir, and in At the end, we buy Octarine Core. *Don't forget about the Black King Bar, if necessary, buy it.

Well, we have discussed all the subtleties of calibration. I propose to summarize everything written above. Deal high damage, keep an eye on the KDA and give it your all in every game.

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