What is the name of fireworks in minecraft. How to make a salute in Minecraft: step by step instructions

Very soon New Year and Christmas and in this honor the game developers have prepared fireworks for us, which appeared with the game version 1.4.6. Fireworks have their own and you can get different rockets, the type of explosion of which depends on crafting. Fireworks are made in two or three stages, at first their creation may seem complicated, but it is not, read the article to the end and you will understand everything. If you can't wait to launch your first fireworks, then go straight to, and you can read the article later.

Two recipes are used to create fireworks. Crafting items can be placed in any order. Gunpowder is a mandatory item, dyes can be from 1 to 8, modifiers are not required.

star recipe

When crafting a star, you can use 0-2 effect modifiers - flicker and (or) traces of sparks are added to fireworks, and 0-1 explosion modifier - the type of explosion is changed.

Effect modifiers:

- flicker after explosion (twinkle)
— traces of sparks (trail)

Explosion modifiers:

Missing - small ball
fireball big ball
Head - head of a creeper
Feather - explosion (random figure)
Gold Nugget - Stars

After creating the star, you can add a color change effect. We mix the star and any number (1-8) of any dyes.

From the finished star, you need to make a rocket to launch fireworks. Here too, items can be placed in any order.

rocket recipe

All stars explode at the same time. The height of the fireworks depends on the amount of gunpowder.


Red fireworks:

Red Dye + Gunpowder → Red Star

Red Star + Paper + Gunpowder → Red Firework Rocket

Everyone loves holidays, and Minecraft developers did not stand aside, giving players the opportunity to enjoy colorful fireworks. This feature is available in version 1.4.6, so you can safely update your game and make fireworks without mods. Moreover, it can be different every time, it all depends on the ingredients used in crafting.

craft rocket

To enjoy the fireworks, you must first make a rocket, which will later be transformed into fireworks. To craft it, you will need the following resources:

  • 1 portion of gunpowder;
  • paper.

These ingredients must be put on a workbench, after which a rocket will be obtained. If you want it to fly higher, then you should put 2-3 servings of gunpowder on a crafting workbench.

How to launch fireworks in Minecraft.

To enjoy fireworks in minecraft, you need to launch a rocket. This can be done in two ways. You can just take the rocket in your hands and right-click, after which it will bang. But in order to get a spectacular spectacle, you should put a distributor on the rockets, which will fire a volley. As a result, the show will be long and very enchanting.

Color fireworks

In Minecraft, you can also make a colored salute, for this you will need to add one more component when crafting a rocket - stars. They are responsible for such fireworks parameters as:

  • the form;
  • Colour.

Due to this component, the fireworks turn out to be really spectacular, so you should not feel sorry for him. It is important to know that stars come in several colors. If you want to enjoy multi-colored fireworks, then you need to mix gunpowder with several colors when crafting a rocket. However, they do not merge: by mixing yellow and blue shades, you will not get green fireworks. There will be two colors in the salute. In total, you can add up to seven colors to gunpowder.

Various fireworks

Since making fireworks in minecraft is not particularly difficult, you can diversify the spectacle with additional ingredients. They are called modifiers. Here is their list:

  • Diamond - colored particles that leave a bright trace in the sky;
  • Light Dust - Salute particles will flicker before fading;
  • Feather - makes the salute explosion asymmetrical;
  • The head of any mob - will give the fireworks the outline of the muzzle of a creeper;
  • Gold nugget - fireworks will be in the shape of a star;
  • Fireball - Firework explosion will be larger in diameter.

When using these components, remember that they are not compatible with each other. For this reason, it is recommended to add one to each star. Otherwise, instead of a spectacular spectacle, you will not see anything, since crafting will not take place.

Fireworks do not bring any benefit in minecraft, except for beauty. But, using fireworks, you can celebrate the holidays not only in real life, but also in the game. At the heart of its creation in minecraft is a rocket. To make it, you need gunpowder and a sheet of paper.

Gunpowder can be up to 3 pieces. The more it is, the higher it will fly in minecraft. Also, when crafting this item, you can add an asterisk to the upper middle cell. In order to make it, you need to take a dye in minecraft. The latter can be either in one copy or several pieces. At the same time, during the explosion, the colors of the salute will change depending on the color of the dyes.


Once done, the craft will look like this.

There are also various modifiers in minecraft to make fireworks more beautiful.

  1. Diamond - the trail of the explosion will be brighter.
  2. The explosion will be asymmetrical.
  3. Light dust will give a shimmering effect.
  4. Gold nugget. Fireworks in minecraft will have the shape of a star.
  5. any mob. Salute will resemble the head of a creeper.
  6. To increase the volume, you can add a fireball. It is made from an explosive mixture, fire powder and coal. All these items are placed in the middle column from top to bottom.
  7. Without modifications, the salute will look like a small ball.

For example, when creating this complex star in minecraft, a diamond, a nugget, green and red dyes, a diamond and, of course, an explosive mixture were used. It is worth noting that you cannot add more than three different modifiers when crafting, as the star may not work.

fireworks launch

To launch, you can simply take it in your hand and press RMB, or you can use the dispenser in minecraft. To make it, you first need to get a bow. Then, we take 7 cobblestones and one red dust and the item we just created. They must be placed, as in the picture, to get the desired item.

After that, several missiles can be placed in it and fired at the same time. The speed will be more than 300 units per minute. This is much more spectacular than launching one piece from hand. But no more than 9 items can be placed inside at the same time. They will be issued in random order.

Also using the dispenser, you can make fireworks in several levels. To do this, you need to add 2 explosive powder to some rockets, and 3 to others. Regardless of where its front side is, they will always fly up and the salute will be in the sky. In the future, it will come in handy for protecting the territory, as a refrigerator, etc.

Well what's in minecraft just not? Yes, everything is there. Before update 1.4.6, there were not enough fireworks, but this trouble has been fixed. So, now to answer the question - how to make fireworks in minecraft without mods– became real. Moreover, the created salute is likely to be also to some extent exclusive, since when creating it, a lot of tools are used, providing quite a lot of possibilities in terms of blast waves.

How to create a standard firework in Minecraft?

First of all, you need to craft a workbench, but it is unlikely that a person who does not have this wonderful table will think about creating fireworks in the game. So let's get straight to the ingredients. So, to craft a salute you will need:

  • 1 unit of paper (you can find or crush several blocks of cane);
  • from 1 to 3 units of gunpowder (can be knocked out of some evil monsters, such as creepers, ghasts and witches; it can also be found in the treasury), the range and strength of the “shot” (shots) depends on the number of powder blocks;
  • star element - a special ingredient that is crafted separately (to create it, you need a dye - one or more (to get multi-colored fireworks in the future); and gunpowder).

Thus, fireworks will turn out, but its explosion looks quite ordinary, if you want something more extravagant, then you need a modernized one.

How to create an elaborate salute in Minecraft?

If desired, the salute can be made more realistic by giving it an additional function. To do this, you need to add one of the special elements to the recipe:
  • a gold nugget (the salute will take the form of a star);
  • diamond (will ensure the delay of colored particles of fireworks in the sky);
  • feather (makes shots more random in terms of dispersion);
  • light dust (provides flicker).
  • Remember that you can only add one special element to the salute, otherwise nothing will work!

    How to start fireworks in Minecraft?

    One thing make fireworks in minecraft, quite another - to run it. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that, in fact, there is nothing complicated in this either.

    Fireworks can be launched directly from the hand of a game character, for this you need to select it as an active item and click the mouse button into the sky (well, or wherever you need it to fly). In order to make the spectacle more enchanting, you will first have to design a dispenser, with which you can launch rockets according to a predetermined pattern. Thanks to this, you can arrange a real show in the game, thus celebrating your birthday, New Year or any other holiday!

    Today I will tell you how to make a holiday in Minecraft. And what is a holiday? Yes, it's fireworks and fireworks in the MineCraft night sky. This feature appeared in version 1.4.6, so update your minecraft to this version to make fireworks and fireworks in Minecraft without mods. So, let's go in order.
    First we need to create a rocket in Minecraft, which we will already convert into a salute and fireworks.

    The rocket is crafted according to the recipe in the picture, for this we need gunpowder, which we combine. By the way, the height of the flight of a rocket, salute and fireworks in minecraft depends on the amount of gunpowder that we fall asleep when crafting a rocket - from 1 to 3. Accordingly, the more gunpowder, the higher our fireworks will fly. But we only created a rocket, in order to create a more spectacular salute and fireworks, another ingredient must be added to the rocket - stars. This is an additional component in the salute, which is responsible for the color, shape and other parameters of the fireworks.

    Color fireworks in Minecraft.

    To make colored fireworks, you need to mix the dye with gunpowder, then the salute will be the desired color. Also, interestingly, you can make a two-color salute in Minecraft. It is enough just to mix 2 colors with gunpowder, but the colors do not mix, but are complemented, so it turns out exactly 2 colors, not a mixture. For example, by mixing yellow and blue, there will be a salute of yellow and blue, not green. In total, you can add 7 colors, as a result there will be 7 balls (firework explosions) with the indicated colors. I think everything is clear with the colors of fireworks in Minecraft.

    Various modifiers (stars) for a variety of fireworks.
    If everything is clear with the color of the salute, then there is no control over other characteristics. But everything is also simple there, just add an additional ingredient to the stars, thereby giving it a uniqueness. Here is the list of modifiers:

    • Diamond - colored particles leave a bright trail in the sky.
    • Feather - the salute explosion becomes asymmetrical.
    • - Salute particles flicker before disappearing.
    • Gold nugget - gives the fireworks the shape of a star.
    • The head of any mob - gives the fireworks the shape of a creeper's muzzle.
    • Fireball - increases the diameter of the firework explosion.

    Do not forget that these components are incompatible with each other. So add no more than one to each star.

    How to start fireworks in Minecraft.

    There are two ways to start fireworks. The first, the simplest, is just to bang out of your hands. We take a salute in our hands and click the right mouse button. By the way, rockets will not be spent in creative mode.

    You can also arrange a real show, for example, in honor of the holiday, as originally planned. To do this, you need to make a dispenser and then you can arrange a mega-volley of hundreds of missiles, arranging a truly analogue of the New Year in reality! With the help of the dispenser, you can launch rockets, all at once, or arrange some long show - it's up to you.

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