Hide and seek is a healthy game for children's health. The mystical game of hide and seek, which began many years ago, still terrifies Russians How to play classic hide and seek

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Many probably know what supernatural horrors await a person in this world. However, not only formidable infernal evil can lead any of us into awe. Sometimes something mystical and frightening happens right in the middle of everyday life, in everyday life where you least expect it. And to read about such cases is no less interesting and scary. For example, in this creepy story we will talk about the "ordinary" children's game of hide-and-seek, which began many years ago and may not have ended to this day. It was told to users of the World Wide Web by a certain Russian. Let's call him Paul. (website)

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Pavel says that in early childhood one of his favorite pastimes was hide-and-seek with his father. When evening began to fall, the man would take his son out of the kindergarten and, upon returning home, would play with him for a while, until the boy's mother also came home from work. This family lived in a two-room apartment in a Khrushchev-built house. Despite such a limited space, the father sometimes hid very ingeniously, and the child could not find him without a clue. In such cases, the man began to cough quietly to give his son a tip. Our hero carefully walked towards the sound, and every time his father jumped out of his hiding place with a cry, frightening the little one for a second or two. The boy laughed with the delight of momentary fear, invariably asking the parent to repeat the game.

The mystical disappearance of a Russian

On one of these evenings, twilight was just beginning to fall, and the lights had not yet been turned on. The man told his son that this time he would hide as well as he had ever hidden, and therefore it would be very difficult to find him. Pavel went out into the hallway, stood facing the front door, counted to ten and began to search. After a while, the boy realized that something was wrong. The father was still not there, although the little driver had already searched the whole apartment. The usual coughing was also not heard: neither from the rooms, nor from the kitchen, nor from the bathroom, nor from the pantry. The child was frightened and began to call for his father, but he never appeared.

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When his mother returned, a weeping Pavel told her about what had happened. At first she didn’t believe it and looked around the apartment herself, then she asked her son for a long time where his father had disappeared. Late in the evening it became clear to the woman that her husband had disappeared. She, of course, went to the police. Law enforcement officers conducted an investigation, but did not find any traces of the kidnapping. As a result, the guardians of the law concluded that the man had run away from the family, and stopped searching for him. However, here is what is strange: Pavel's father did not take with him any clothes, no money, no documents. He did not even take the keys, although when the boy's mother came home, the door was closed. The missing man obviously could not jump out of the window of the fourth floor and calmly leave undressed. It seemed that he simply disappeared into the apartment.

Hide-and-seek with your father is not over yet?

This happened over fifteen years ago. Pavel inherited those same apartments in Khrushchev and now lives alone. He, his mother, all relatives and those around him decided long ago that the dishonorable father of our hero left his family, very cleverly simulating his mystical disappearance (apparently, he was seriously preparing to escape). It would seem that the story is over, right? However, in recent times Pavel began to lean towards the opinion that his father ... is still here in the apartment. The fact is that when it starts to get dark and it’s still too early to turn on the light, a quiet feigned cough is heard in it, very similar to what the boy heard here as a child. Pavel is afraid that one day his father, who has not aged for a minute, will suddenly jump out of the closet or from under the bed with a cry. Or something that in this case will pretend to be his father ...

Some Runet regulars reacted to this story with irony. Say, our hero's father finally decided to show up when his son had already reached the age of majority, and now there is no need to pay alimony. However, most commentators were quite intrigued by this mysterious story, which sends chills down your spine. Someone says that the Russian father knew how to move in and imprudently used this ability while hiding with his son until he got stuck in another dimension. Others believe that some otherworldly entity then dragged the man to her and is now trying to get to his son. Still others believe that Pavel simply experiences auditory hallucinations while in the place that brought him so many unpleasant memories.

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Finally, here is one more, very interesting addition to this story by a certain Alexei:

My father and I also played hide-and-seek, exactly the same way, at dusk, waiting for my mother from work, only this happened in a private house in the Vladimir region. My father also scared me by jumping out of his hiding place, and when I was hiding, I didn’t find it on purpose for a long time, starting to tell all sorts of horror stories in a terrible voice, which is why I eventually crawled out from under the bed or from the wardrobe, because it was already creepy to sit there . And then one day I hid in a chiffonier between clothes and began to look forward when my father would start to scare me (it was both scary and somehow sweet at the same time), but for some reason this time he walked quietly and didn’t even say anything , and then generally went into another room and calmed down. And I quietly fell asleep in that linen closet. My mother woke me up, scolding me for hiding and scaring her to death: she supposedly already searched the whole house, she already wanted to run to the neighbors. And when I told her about hide-and-seek with my father, she looked at me strangely for a long time, and then sighed heavily: “What kind of father, he died when you were still wrapped in diapers.”

So I never saw my father again, except for his photographs and the grave in the local churchyard. It seems that the wardrobe was with a surprise. I then a thousand times (if not more) specifically hid in it in the hope that my father would return (or rather, that I would return to the world where he was alive), but I never managed to change anything ...

Another story

When I was six years old, we had our own house in the village. During my first summer, I quickly made a lot of friends there, but I especially became friends with one girl my age.

I'll try to get the point across as quickly as possible.

In general, one of our favorite pastimes was hide-and-seek. Since we played almost every day, I knew that her favorite hiding place was the corner behind my stove. As a rule, every two horses she hid there.

And now we're playing again. I drive. I start looking, although, while counting, I clearly heard the characteristic fuss behind the stove. I searched the cupboards and under the beds for decency and moved behind the stove. But she wasn't there. This confused me a little, because I heard her hiding there again.

I searched the whole house, even went outside and searched all the sheds and, despairing of finding her, I began to scream that I was giving up. I shouted like that for about twenty minutes, no less, but she never appeared. Then I just went about my business thinking that sooner or later she herself would come out of hiding. But more than an hour passed, and she was not there. My parents began to wonder where my friend had gone, to which I replied that she had gone home.

In the evening of the same day, her grandmother came to us and began to ask about her granddaughter. I tentatively stated that she had gone home. Until late in the evening, the whole family helped us look for her, because. It turned out that she had not shown herself at home since morning. Closer to midnight, the tearful grandmother went home, and my parents interrogated me for another half an hour, but I had nothing to answer.

The next morning, my parents went out to look for this little girl again, while I stayed at home. And then, less than an hour later, someone crept up behind me and grabbed me sharply by the shoulders. I started and screamed. Turning around, I saw my girlfriend. “Now I drive,” she said matter-of-factly.

When I told her that my and her relatives had been looking for her for almost a day, she just laughed and did not believe me. According to her, she stood behind the stove for 15 minutes, as always, and when she got tired, she came out and just went to me. At home, she was reprimanded, although she herself did not understand at all why she was being scolded, and I had to undergo additional interrogations.

I went to that dacha four more times, and each time we discussed that story with her and did not find an explanation for what had happened. So it goes

More than once, on various resources about cinema, people have been asked about the five endings of the psychological thriller Hide and Seek with Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning (who received the Best Performance in a Horror/Thriller Award for this role) ) starring.
This film really has five endings, and the film was released in the US with one ending, and in the world with a completely different one.

This is the end of the film, which was released in the US:
While living a new life with Katherine and getting ready for school, Emily draws pictures of herself and Katherine, assuming everything is fine in her life. But when the camera zooms in on Emily's drawing, we see that Emily's drawing has two heads.

Four more endings were included on the US DVD.
Ending #1:
Same as the American version of the film, except that in the drawing of Emily she has one head, implying that she is fine and does not suffer from the same disease that caused both of her parents' deaths.

Ending No. 2 (this is how the film that was released worldwide ends):
At first glance, Emily is in a new apartment, and Katherine repeats the actions of the girl's mother from the beginning of the picture. She shows her love for Emily, wishes her goodnight, and is about to leave the room. Emily asks Katherine to leave the door to the room ajar, as her mother used to do, but Katherine assures that she cannot do this. When the door closes, a window protected by a mesh is visible on it. The next moment, Katherine locks the door from the outside, thus showing that the supposed room in the ordinary apartment is actually a ward in the nursery. psychiatric hospital.

Ending #3:
Same thing in a psychiatric hospital. After Katherine closes the door behind her, Emily gets out of bed and starts a countdown as if someone has hidden. She approaches the closet, opens it, and smiles at her own reflection in the mirror.

Ending #4:
The ending is similar to the one in the previous version, with the only difference that Emily is not in a psychiatric hospital, but in her new home, she still plays hide and seek with her reflection in the mirror.

According to the directors and producers, they made the first (zero) cut the default ending on DVD and for internal release because it gives the audience some relief when the movie is over.
They suggested that the hospital ward ending would have been too dark and chose not to punish Emily any further after all she'd been through. After Emily's character is in constant terror for the last 45 minutes of the film, they felt it was time to give her an emotional break, so a happier ending was chosen, though not entirely happy, as Emily drew herself with a double head, implying that she still suffers from a split personality.

Hide and seek is one of the most popular games for kids. Children of all ages love this game. Our grandmothers played it, and our grandchildren will play it.

There is a belief that this game originated in England. With the advent of spring, adults went out into the fields, meadows, forests and looked for the “hidden” signs of spring there. These were flowers or birds that appear only in spring. Everything that was found was brought to the village as proof that spring had really come. The whole search process became the basis of the game of hide and seek.

How to play classic hide and seek?

The rules of hide and seek are very simple. First, the players get together, choose the one who will be the water. Then everyone runs away, except for the driver himself, and hides in various places. The driver, meanwhile, must count up to a certain number (from 10 or more), closing his eyes and pressing his face against something (tree, wall, etc.), and then look for all those hiding. The one whom the driver found first must be water in next game. They play hide and seek only in the allotted territory, which is set by the players themselves. Today, there are many varieties of hide-and-seek games. For example: “Moscow hide-and-seek”, “blind-seekers”, etc.

How to play Moscow hide and seek?

Moscow hide-and-seek is the most famous. The rules of the Moscow hide-and-seek game are more complicated than the usual ones. Here you need not only a certain territory for the game, but also a stone (brick), a board and a certain number of sticks equal to the number of players (let's say we have 12 of them). First, a stone is placed, a board is placed on it, and 12 sticks are placed on the edge of the board. Shouting: “drive”, some player jumps onto the board, the driver immediately begins to collect scattered sticks and put them back on the board. During this time, the players scatter and hide. After collecting all the sticks and putting them on the board, the water begins to look for the hidden players. Players must “break” the sticks again and imperceptibly, then the game will start over.

It should be noted that the children's game of hide and seek develops many mental and physical qualities. At the same time, in it, children can consider themselves "discoverers" and "pathfinders." From an early age, they show a “thirst for discoveries”, so children really like this game. Hide and seek play a big role in raising a child. He develops purposefulness, resourcefulness, develops logic and the ability to concentrate on something.

Hide and seek with objects greatly help in the development of a child from 1 to 3 years old. Give the child his favorite toy, and then take it away and hide it, the child will start looking for it. Thus, you will stimulate the rapid formation of the mental abilities of the child. Even adults can play this game, which is especially useful, because the outdoor game of hide-and-seek allows you to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of childhood.

Did you enjoy playing hide and seek? We invite you to run with!

hide and seek(another name: "Tuki-ta") (the described version of the rules in some places is called Moscow hide and seek) - a children's game.

Game description

At the beginning of the game, everyone gathers together, then the driver, facing the wall, counts loudly to 100 (or another number). Sometimes dozens up to 100 or 200. Others hide at this time. Having counted to the required number, the driver goes to look for those who have hidden. Sometimes before this it is necessary to say “one-two-three-four-five, I’m going to look for [all of you]”, “it’s time, it’s not time, I’m leaving the yard” or “who didn’t hide, I’m not to blame.” Seeing the one hiding, he should be the first to run to the place where he started the search, and touch the wall with his hand, uttering the agreed words that differ in different regions (“cheka”, “magic wand”, “paly-vyry”, “tra-ta- ta”, “kuly-kuly”, “knock-knock”, “knock-knock for yourself”, “ban-drum for yourself”, “knock-knock for yourself”, “knock-ta”, “pali-knocked” , “I knocked and fell”, “tuki-bucks”, “tulle-ya”, “knock of a stick I”). Everyone hiding tries to be the first to do the same. The next driver is the one who hid (checked) first, and if no one was messed up - the same as last time. You cannot hide behind your back or next to the driver. Sometimes, as an option, the last player can help out everyone "caught" and the driver drives again. To give dynamism to the game, according to the conditions, the last “caught” becomes the driver.

Free players can help those not yet found by shouting out hints like:

  • “Axe-axe, sit like a thief and do not look out into the yard” - means that the moment for the appearance is very unfavorable;
  • “Saw-saw, fly like an arrow” - the opposite meaning: it is possible to overtake the driver, which means it's time to jump out of cover.

In the West, a variant of the game is also common, which is called "sardines". In this version, one hides, and everyone else is looking for him. Whoever finds him first hides with him. Then the next one who finds them joins them, then all the rest in turn. The game ends when the last player joins the others. He is declared the loser and usually hides next. Sardines are often played in the dark.

Also known in the west is a version of hide-and-seek using the name and surname of the famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo. In this game, the hider undertakes to answer "Polo" when the seeker says "Marco". Often used in TV series.

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An excerpt characterizing Hide and Seek

“Soon? Is it soon? Oh, these unbearable streets, shops, rolls, lanterns, cabbies! thought Rostov, when they had already written down their holidays at the outpost and drove into Moscow.
- Denisov, come! Asleep! he said, leaning forward with his whole body, as if by this position he hoped to speed up the movement of the sleigh. Denisov did not respond.
- Here is the corner of the crossroads where Zakhar the cab driver is standing; here he is and Zakhar, and still the same horse. Here is the shop where the gingerbread was bought. Is it soon? Well!
- Which house is that? asked the coachman.
- Yes, at the end, to the big one, how can you not see! This is our house, - said Rostov, - after all, this is our house! Denisov! Denisov! We'll come now.
Denisov raised his head, cleared his throat, and said nothing.
“Dmitry,” Rostov turned to the lackey in the box. “Is this our fire?”
- So exactly with and with daddy in the office glows.
- Haven't gone to bed yet? BUT? how do you think? Look, don’t forget, get me a new Hungarian at once, ”added Rostov, feeling his new mustache. “Come on, let’s go,” he shouted to the driver. “Wake up, Vasya,” he turned to Denisov, who lowered his head again. - Come on, let's go, three rubles for vodka, let's go! Rostov shouted when the sleigh was already three houses from the entrance. It seemed to him that the horses were not moving. Finally the sleigh was taken to the right to the entrance; above his head, Rostov saw a familiar cornice with broken plaster, a porch, a sidewalk pillar. He jumped out of the sleigh on the move and ran into the passage. The house also stood motionless, unfriendly, as if it didn't care who came to it. There was no one in the vestibule. "My God! is everything all right?" thought Rostov, stopping for a minute with a sinking heart, and at once starting to run further along the passage and the familiar, crooked steps. The same doorknob of the castle, for the uncleanliness of which the countess was angry, also weakly opened. A single tallow candle burned in the hallway.
Old man Mikhail was sleeping on the chest. Prokofy, the visiting lackey, the one who was so strong that he lifted the carriage by the back, sat and knitted bast shoes from the hems. He glanced at the open door, and his indifferent, sleepy expression suddenly changed into ecstatic fright.
- Fathers, lights! Count young! he exclaimed, recognizing the young master. – What is it? My dove! - And Prokofy, shaking with excitement, rushed to the door to the living room, probably in order to announce, but apparently changed his mind again, returned back and leaned on the shoulder of the young master.
– Healthy? Rostov asked, pulling his hand away from him.
- Thank God! All thanks to God! just ate now! Let me see you, Your Excellency!
- Is everything all right?
- Thank God, thank God!

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