Chinese poker. Rules of the game

Chinese poker is one of the varieties card game, which gained fame as one of its most interesting and unusual variations. Main hallmarks are the absence of betting circles and a significantly higher number of cards in hand during the process.

In addition, the rules of the OKP require three winning combinations (two five-card and one three-card) instead of one.

History of Chinese poker

The birthplace of this game, oddly enough, Scandinavia. Moreover, earlier Chinese poker was called Russian, until an entertainment with a similar name appeared in the casino.

This type of game gained wide popularity in the 90s, when it was included in the official program of the World Series of Poker. Today, it is one of the favorites in Las Vegas casinos and is actively promoted in Russia and neighboring countries by Sergey Rybachenko.

In spite of simple rules, some consider this difficult due to the dominant role of the luck factor in determining the winner. Thanks to this, beginners often hit the jackpot, bypassing the most experienced rivals.

"A pineapple"

Chinese poker also has several variations, one of which bears the funny name "Pineapple". The game got it from a variation of hold'em with two pocket cards instead of three.

The main driving factors in Pineapple are luck and speed. At the same time, instead of the standard eight rounds, only four are played due to the peculiarities of Chinese poker.

Initially this game had only a closed version that did not find popularity, which is why open Chinese poker arose, which positively influenced the duration of the process and stirred up a wave of interest in certain circles.

Brief description of the game

Due to its dynamism and fascination, "Pineapple" is a very relevant card game that is rapidly gaining popularity among beginner poker players.

At the beginning of the round, the standard five cards are dealt openly, after which everyone receives three more closed cards. Of these, the participant must choose two in his hand. The third card is discarded face down, reducing the game time to four rounds, as mentioned above.

Chinese poker rules

OKP - card game with incomplete information in which up to four people can participate. The deck is standard (52 cards, no joker). Purpose of the game: to collect a hand with three maximum combinations of 13 cards received by the participant during the entire game.

They are divided like this:

  • The eldest consists of five cards, must be the strongest among the collected combinations.
  • Medium - the same number of cards, the name corresponds to the hierarchical level.
  • The youngest - 3 cards, the weakest in comparison with the previous ones.

The resulting combinations are laid out one under the other in ascending order (younger, middle, older).

There are no usual trading circles in this one, they are replaced by a system of points and bonuses (royalties) calculated at the end. When playing for money, each of them is assigned its own value in dollar currency.

The seniority of combinations is standard. After completing their compilation, they are compared with each other, on the basis of which the winner is revealed.

Pineapple Rules

Chinese poker "Pineapple" has the same rules as the game in OKP. The task is still to collect a hand of 13 cards - 3 combinations, working on the same principle as described above.

If, when compiling the received rows (combinations), the seniority of one of them is violated, the player is considered the loser, and his hand is "dead".

At the beginning of each round, the participants (of which there can be no more than three) receive five open cards, and three more closed cards each subsequent distribution. Of these, two are selected, going to the hand, the last one is discarded without opening.

nice bonus

This rule was not previously mandatory, but today it complements online and offline games. Chinese poker also welcomes this bonus, but in "Pineapple" it has some differences.

The right to fantasy is given to the player who has collected a hand with a pair of queens (or cards of a higher value) in the lower row. In this case, in the next hand, the participant immediately receives 14 cards face down, which serve as a regular hand.

This provides a significant advantage. But in order to keep this bonus, the player is required to fulfill one of the specified conditions - to collect combinations not lower than: four of a kind in the top row, a full house in the middle or a set in the junior row. After collecting the made hand, the 14th card is discarded.

An additional card somewhat increases not only the chances of winning, but also increases the possibility of meeting the condition under which the player can use the bonus again.


At the end of the hand, scoring takes place (after comparing the hands of the players with each other). Each combination is checked in pairs (highest with highest, etc.). "Dead" hands, respectively, receive 0 points.

The task of the game is not only to make the strongest hand, but also to get the maximum number of "royalties" without violating the order of seniority in the lines. After laying out the cards, poker players compare their combinations in turn in all three rows. For each line won, the player also receives two additional points. Thus, for the victory in all three combinations, the participant receives six points.

There are two types of scoring:

  • Classic - used in Chinese poker (its rules are described in the paragraph above).
  • American - used for playing "Pineapple" and accepting the convention "American" in other varieties of OKP.

The rules of the last method are somewhat different in that only one point is awarded for a winning combination (and is taken away from the opponent, respectively). However, a completely winning hand gives six points at once. Bonuses are calculated in the same way as in classical Chinese poker, with the only caveat: their number increases for certain combinations.

Learning to play OKP is not so difficult, but if problems arise, the Pineapple Chinese poker programs found on the network, albeit in small quantities, can help.

Open Chinese poker is a very interesting and specific game. Its rules differ significantly from Hold'em and Omaha. OKP appeared quite recently, tournaments for this game began to be held in the early 2000s. The main goal of the game, as in other poker varieties, is to collect the strongest combination of cards, in the OKP there is also a dealer chip that moves clockwise after each hand. But this, perhaps, all the similarities with the usual poker end.

Collecting in one round of Chinese poker will have not one, but three. For this purpose, each player has three boxes on the table, one above the other. The first for three cards, the second and third for five. But you will have to follow the sequence of card combinations: in the topmost box there should be the lowest combination, in the second - the average in strength and in the third - the strongest. If the player violates this order (for example, the second combination is stronger than the last), then the hand is declared dead, and the player loses the hand.

The game uses all the classic poker combinations of cards: high card, Pair, Two Pair, Set, Straight, Flush, Full House, Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, Royal Flush. It is possible to put only three cards into the first box, so it is natural that the highest combination that is possible in it is a set of aces.

Over its short history, the OKP has already managed to be divided into several varieties: the classic OKP, "Pineapple" and turbo. The main differences in these varieties are in the way the cards are dealt and the scoring of the combinations. This article will discuss the strategy of playing Chinese poker "Pineapple".

Chinese poker rules Pineapple

The strategy of the game cannot be explained without touching upon its rules. Therefore, in this paragraph we will consider the course of the game in the round, the method of scoring, as well as other features of Pineapple poker.

Game progress

One game session is usually divided by the number of hands, which is equal to the number of players at the table. Usually no more than three people play at the table. One round of the game is divided into four hands. In the first, players receive five cards, which are immediately laid out in boxes. In all the rest - three each, of which they choose two and put them open on the table, the third is discarded.


The player receives points both for comparing the collected combinations, and for the combinations themselves. Game points are called kushi. The combinations in each box are compared separately. For each winning combination, the player receives +1 kush, for a losing one, vice versa -1. If the player has all the combinations in the boxes at once, then he gets +6 jackpots, and the second player will have -6.

As for the scoring for the collected combination, the rules are different for each box. In a three-card box, jackpots are not awarded for all combinations of cards. So, the smallest combination is a pair of sixes. For it is given 1 kush. The price of each next combination increases by one jackpot: a pair of sevens - 2 jackpots, a pair of eights - 3 jackpots, etc. For the maximum combination of the first box, a set of aces, 22 points are required.

In the second box, points are awarded starting from the set, for which you can get 2 jackpots. Any straight is worth 4 jackpots, a flush is 8, a full house is 12, four of a kind is 20, a straight flush is 30 and a royal flush is 50.

Scoring in the last box starts with a straight - 2 jackpots. For a flush you can get - 4 jackpots, for a full house - 6, four of a kind - 10, a straight flush - 15 and a royal flush - 25.


In the event that one of the players managed to collect a pair of queens or something higher in a three-card box, then in the next round he will have to collect the so-called "fantasy". For this player, the rules are changing. In the first hand, he receives fourteen cards at once, thirteen of which the player immediately puts into the boxes, and the fourteenth is thrown into the rebound.

The player who lays out the fantasy is given the right of the first move, regardless of his position at the table. In the event that such a player is not alone in the round, then they do it together. The round then proceeds as usual.

When a fantasy round is played, the button token does not move and the order of moves does not change. Each fantasy increases the duration of the game session by one round. You can repeat the fantasy in one game only once and for this you need to collect a set in a three-card box, a full house in the second or four of a kind in the lower box. But what should be the strategy for playing Chinese poker "Pineapple"

Immediate Poker Strategy Pineapple

In Pineapple Chinese Poker, styles of play with similar names are common. Thus, the tight style is characterized by the fact that players try to lay out their cards according to the rules. This strategy is usually used by beginners and is ineffective in the long run, especially when playing with experienced OCT players.

Such players concentrate on keeping the order of the combinations, while neglecting the high combinations of cards. In most cases, they work on collecting pairs, two pairs or sets. But everything here has its advantages. For example, when someone has collected a dead hand, the rest get 6 for nothing. In such a situation, how strong the opponent's combinations turn out to be does not matter.

loose and aggressive style in this kind of poker is mixed into one concept. This is the complete opposite of the tight style. The motto of aggressive players can be expressed by the phrase "make or break". On the contrary, they strive to collect the best combinations. Of course, this does not happen as often as we would like. In most cases, this is a losing Chinese Pineapple poker strategy, but one lucky round can make up for the losses.

Playing with multiple opponents

The Pineapple poker strategy changes depending on the number of players at the table. As you know, there should be a golden mean in everything, so when playing OKP "Pineapple" you need to find a balance between tight and aggressive strategy. If there is only one opponent in the game against you, then you can allow yourself to play more aggressively. In such a situation, when collecting a dead hand, the penalties are not so terrible.

If there are several opponents, then on the contrary, it is better to shift towards a tight style and pay more attention to the sequence of combinations. In this case, the probability that one of the opponents will collect the highest combination is higher. Therefore, attention should be paid to things that directly depend on you.

Basic Chinese Poker Strategy Pineapple

Since the players lay out their combinations face up, the math in this game has a higher value. But the numbers about the probability of collecting any combination are significantly different from Hold'em or Omaha. So, having a flush draw in any box, it will be possible to improve it with a probability of 30%.

In Pineapple, a more useful skill is not reading an opponent, but memorizing cards. The cards are dealt face up on the table, so you need to take them into account when counting outs. Position in the game is also of great importance. The player on the button knows all the moves of his opponents, so he is more informed and can better think over the actions during his turn.

Upon receiving the first five cards, you need to distribute them over several sectors. It's not often that you can hit a straight or flush right away. How to lay out the cards depends only on the specific situation and tactics that you have chosen. But still, there are recommendations that will allow you to feel more confident at the table:

  1. You should not immediately deal with a low combination and put a pair in the first box. This combo may be the most common, but it increases the risk of making a dead hand. If you hit an ace in the first hand, you can put it in the first box, which will provide yourself with a small guarantee.
  2. One of the mistakes of beginners is to focus too much on collecting the highest combination. It often happens that in pursuit of the strongest combination, it is not possible to follow the sequence of combinations and a dead hand comes out. This can hit the game score hard when playing with multiple opponents.
  3. In the event that the first five cards did not have a pair or something higher, then it is recommended to put cards older than ten in the lower box, the middle card in the middle box and a trifle in the three-card box.
  4. If in the first hand a hand consisting of four cards of the same suit fell out, then it would be logical to expand all 4 into the lower box. It would be foolish to lose a flush draw.


The Pineapple Chinese poker strategy is very different from Hold'em or Omaha. Players can see each other's cards, so most decisions will be based on calculations rather than reading the opponent.

But Fazil. Forbade Edita to go to school, explaining. Now Lyalya did not sob a bit, arguing. it was a lie. Her mother did not take her anywhere, she said that she was a daughter. Clumsy, does not know how to behave and she needs to learn a lot before going out into the world. And Fazil invented a trip to the park so that the audience adored the actress even more. PR action. Lyalya was not warned, so they were afraid.

On four paws, shook herself and rushed along the road. I was worried for a second, something was wrong. But there is no time to understand your own emotions. My mood immediately improved. I belatedly realized that the guy's last name was Darling, giggled and pulled out a purse from the glove compartment. I probably should have seen that the ladies are not assigned serial numbers yet, but, taking into account the situation, I just nodded. Grandmother. I was surprised and inquired. I exhaled, dialed the colonel's number and heard. Degtyarev. Obviously wanted to hang up, but I didn't give up. I leaned out the window, saw a fat man getting out of his own typewriter, and could not trample curiosity. Degtyarev ordered him to explain what was going on. When horsemen try to negotiate, it is better for a girl to keep quiet.

I closed my eyes, I won’t open my eyes for any price. Already on the road back to Alyabyevo, Kiryushka burst out laughing. Read a long, boring lecture on the topic At what point can you use profanity. No, it's better to just change the subject. Rugrats. I got to Klava only at about eight in the evening. The pass was given to me without a sound, although the time for visiting the sick was over. Klava lay on the bed and read Megapolis. In the eyes of Klava suddenly flashed. Evil bastard. I was amazed.

Over the newspaper and contained the most disgusting text. Viola. Looking at my photo, I was numb. A phone call brought me out of my stupor. I grabbed a piece of paper and immediately wrote it down. The name of the street, the number of the house, and again impatiently interrupted the speaker. In a fairly spacious room, a completely beautiful young brunette was sitting. He took out my bag and asked. I automatically pressed the button. So who found me. Tamara, Semyon, Oleg, Fedor and 6 calls from Lariska, the last one was made. A few minutes. That's a stupid question. If I had known, I would have gone and taken it.

Right left. The door swung open and a slender lady in jeans and a pink pullover stood in the doorway. First. What caught my eye was a large, almost as tall as me, floor vase. It was decorated with a portrait of Valery Borisovich. Looks like Nadezhda was telling the truth about pills that can. A radical change in behavior, and, it seems, I got a triple dose of them. Different than to explain the attack of stupid laughter that happened to me. And then an idiotic question that flew out of his mouth. A second later, I remembered that the owner of the medical center mentioned in a conversation about a couple of his own divorces and an upcoming wedding, and therefore I was very embarrassed. Nadezhda burst out laughing to tears, grabbed a napkin from the table, dabbed her eyes, and suddenly asked.

She called me for a week and asked. I want to help Natulechka, she and her husband do not have rooms, but gaps. It seems that the apartment has only corridors, only some of them. sofas. Vova allowed. At night he was awakened by someone's whisper. He opened his eyes, and Leikin was nearby, kissing. He's weird with her. He had a fight, barely pushed her out of the bed, locked himself in the bathroom, sat on the toilet, did not go out.

But Gennady suddenly found a clear word. Elya ran to another window. The saleswoman opened a small safe, solemnly placed a velvet box on the counter and threw away the lid. While Gennady came to his senses, his wife tried to put on a ring. But the ladies came out as a united front against the unfortunate. Nina clenched her fingers into a fist. But knocking Varvara Mikhailovna off the course she has chosen is more difficult than moving an aircraft carrier by hand. Nina started crying. Elya darted into the back room. Gennady decided to justify himself and made a mistake. Bursting into tears, wife. I had to take off the ring. Nina started crying again. And she complained. Fifteen minutes later, Eli's optimism waned.

This unusual game began to gain popularity in the mid-90s. Despite the absence of betting rounds, Chinese poker made it to the official program of the world tournament. The game was brought to Russia from Las Vegas by a high-level poker player.

The funny name of a card game does not always mean ease. Chinese poker Pineapple is quite rare at domestic poker tables. However, over the past few years, such a scheme is gaining great popularity in the US and Europe. Consider the rules of Chinese poker, the main differences between the "fruit" game and the classic open poker from China.

Origin and description

Poker Pineapple differs from OCP (Open Chinese Poker) in speed and a greater role of luck for your winning . Let's explain. If the open game type provides for eight rounds, the number of players can vary from two to four, but here only up to three players can take part in the game. The number of distribution circles is reduced to four.

Fewer players, but hands in hands (except the first) are given more maps , one of which in each circle goes into the closed. These features and some nuances in the rules make Chinese poker with a fruity name much more interesting and unusual. An excellent choice for those who are simply bored of waiting until all eight rounds of the OKP have passed.

Chinese poker rules

What are the characteristics of OKP Pineapple? This type of game comes from one of the varieties, which involves the distribution of three cards already at the flop stage. One of these cards goes to the player's choice. Chinese poker, unlike the "fruit" game, does not provide for discarding a hand in each round of distribution.

Let's consider step by step the model of one game according to the rules of Chinese poker Pineapple, and along the way we will compare it with the classic OKP.

Game start and boxes

The main task of the player is to collect three groups of winning. At the same time, each of the groups must be older than the previous one. The lowest hand is made up of three cards, while the middle and highest hand is made up of five cards. Chinese poker in any form provides for an open game. Each player, receiving cards, does not hide them face down, but lays them out in groups, the so-called boxes. That is, after the hand, each opponent makes his own decision as to what outs can fall and what combination they form.

To start the game, traditionally you need to make an initial bet. Chinese poker does not provide for an unambiguous decision in favor of the big blind: the game system leaves the players the right to choose the scheme for replenishing the pot. But one thing remains unchanged - with a personal bank less than the established limit, the player is not allowed to the next game.

First Hand of Chinese Poker

Start of the game - determining the dealer. The dealer is given a rolling one, which changes with each game. The first card is received by the one sitting to the left of. Five cards are dealt face down at once. Players evaluate the received combinations, independently distribute them among the boxes.

Subsequent hand rounds

After the first hand, Chinese poker Pineapple reveals its first difference to the classic OKP: Of the received three cards, the player is allowed to use only two. After the three of a kind is dealt by the button, everyone looks at the received combination and chooses which card to discard. She goes face down, closed to opponents. The two active cards are sent to the boxes of the player's choice.

There are four such circles in the game (not counting the first). The result of the game will be the collection of three boxes completely, with a combination in each.


Another interesting "trick" in which Chinese poker loses in front of Pineapple is the fantasy stage.. It consists in the fact that a player who has collected at any stage a pair of queens and above in a junior box gets the opportunity to receive 14 cards at once on his own (to the OKP - 13). At this stage, the player lays the cards face down, the opponents do not see your combinations. The fourteenth card, at the discretion of the player, folds face down.

After the one who has collected a pair of queens and above finishes with the distribution of the received block of cards, the rest of the opponents continue the game in the standard three-card distribution mode. Only at the end of the distribution circle, the fantasy player opens, showing his own combinations.

Some game systems provide for the possibility of repeating the fantasy. Then the scheme of increasing the boxes and the combinations collected in them works. Classical Chinese poker does not allow fantasy repetition. Sometimes Chinese poker allows another such round for the same player, provided that he collects a good combination already in the senior / middle box. As a rule, a pass to the fantasy world begins with.

dead hand

The rules of Chinese poker Pineapple are strictly related to the order of formation of boxes (strong hands) of the player. The moves and distribution of cards must be calculated in advance. Here, knowledge of classic combinations, profitable outs and attentiveness come to the rescue. You see the hands of opponents (if we are talking not about fantasy) and you can calculate the out that should come out.

If you made a mistake, or the theory of probability failed, you will have to fold your hand. A player's dead hand is considered in the case when a combination is collected in the junior box above the content of the average, or on average - a hand that is stronger than the older one.

When scoring, a combination made in violation of the order is not taken into account, you cannot get points for it.

Comparison of combinations and calculation of winnings

Many Chinese poker players (including Pineapple) are repelled by the that a relatively complex system for calculating winning points and distributing the bank between the players is practiced here. Classic Rules involves comparing each box in pairs. That is, the lower hands are compared only with the same ones, the older and middle ones are compared separately.

Points are awarded for each win and subtracted for each loss.. In Pineapple, traditionally the price of one win and one loss is one point. But for a victory in all three boxes, you can immediately get six points and inflict the same loss on your opponent.

Bonus accruals for strong combinations are considered separately. As a standard, bonuses are awarded in the OKP for combinations older than three. The inverse proportion works here: a high combination falls out less often in the middle box, so more bonuses are given for it. So, for quads in the senior row, you can get 10/8 bonuses in the American and Russian game systems, respectively, and 20/16 points for quads in the middle box.

After scoring, the bank is divided. Chinese poker provides for the classic proportional division of the game bank. Some systems pre-set the rendering of the game. This is the maximum, more than which one player cannot leave “at the casino”. The traditional restriction for playing for real money.

Chinese poker: advantages and disadvantages

Traditional or Hold'em can get boring after years of playing. Gathering in the evenings with friends, I want to get gambling sensations in a different way. Chinese poker Pineapple will be a great helper - the trend has been gaining popularity since the second decade of the 21st century and is being practiced in European casinos.

The advantage of this type of game:

  • speed and open game is a good poker math workout.
  • The impossibility of a bluff.
  • Winning is almost 100% dependent on the player.

Disadvantages of OKP (Pineapple) in the following:

  • Limited number of players.
  • Psycho players won't like it.
  • The lack of a bluff will be a disadvantage for some.

Learn about the basic rules of Chinese poker and check out the detailed scoring table.

Two to four players can play Chinese poker at the same time, but most often the game is played between three opponents.

Players must arrange 13 cards in three rows (boxes) from the strongest at the bottom to the weakest at the top.

The order of combinations in Chinese poker:

  • Bottom row (5 cards) - the strongest possible combination
  • Middle row (5 cards) - medium-strength combination
  • Top row (3 cards) - the weakest combination

At first, each player is dealt 5 cards in the dark, but the players lay them out in the open. Important to remember that you cannot change the arrangement of your cards after the turn is over.

The main strategic aspect of the game is making combinations from the strongest to the weakest, if you break this rule, then your hand will be considered dead, and you will lose to all your opponents.

Then, in a circle, in order of priority, everyone is dealt oKushi in the bottom row in the Chinese poker card in classic Chinese poker and 3 in the Pineapple version. This continues until everyone has 13 cards. At the end of the combination, the points are compared and the points are scored.

The dealer button (button) is used to determine the turn order and moves after each hand. The exception is fantasy. When one of the players collects a fantasy, the button button does not move.

The stages of the game in Chinese poker can be divided into three parts:

  • Dealing cards
  • Layout of combinations
  • Showdown and scoring

In the hand in the picture, the hand is considered dead and will not be able to get fantasy in the next hand.

The player in the picture above violated the order of combinations:

  • Bottom row - two pairs of sixes and jacks
  • Middle row - 7-high
  • Top row - a pair of aces

A pair of aces is stronger than 7-high, which means that the hand is dead and the player has lost to all his opponents.

Fantasy in Chinese Poker

In open Chinese poker, the player can get a bonus game called "Fantasy". To be able to make a fantasy, the player must collect a combination of a pair of queens or higher on the top box.

If this is successful, then in the next hand the player will receive all 13 cards (14-15 in varieties) at the same time and will be able to lay them out in the dark. The player who collects fantasy will not reveal his cards until the other players have finished laying out their combinations. The player can remain in fantasy for the next hand if he manages to collect one of the following:

  • Set (trips) in the top row
  • Full house or better in the middle row
  • Four of a kind or better in the bottom row

Chinese Poker Pineapple

Pineapple is a popular variant of Chinese poker. The main difference between Pineapple and regular Chinese poker is the number of cards dealt. Both games start with five cards dealt, but in Pineapple, I deal three cards to the players in the following rounds.

Of these three cards, players must use two to make a combination, and send the third to the pass.

The main difference between Pineapple and classic Chinese poker is that the game is played five rounds instead of nine, and each player sees 17 cards instead of 15. Thus, Pineapple is always played with a maximum of three players. Bonuses and fantasy rules remain unchanged. Pineapple is more fast version which is rapidly gaining popularity online. You can try your hand at this type of poker in the PokerDom room for free. Get no deposit and start playing Chinese poker online at PokerDom right now!

Chinese poker scoring

Points in Chinese poker are awarded depending on the combinations that you managed to collect.

  • If a player beats his opponent in all three rows, he gets 6 bonus points.
  • If the player is "stingy", then he must pay six bonus points to each opponent.
  • Points are calculated after all players have finished laying out their combinations.

A "scoop" or dead hand in Chinese poker is when your hands are in the wrong order. For example, you have collected two pair in the bottom box and a set (trips) in the middle box. Scoop also cancels any bonuses you have received.

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