The highest suit in the cards. For everyone and everything

There are 3 versions of the origin of the cards:

1. The first is Chinese, although many still do not want to believe in it. Chinese and Japanese maps are too unusual for us and appearance, and by the nature of the game, which is more like dominoes. However, there is no doubt that already in the 8th century in China, sticks were used for games, and then strips of paper with symbols for various symbols. These distant ancestors of cards were also used instead of money, so they had three suits: a coin, two coins and many coins. And in India, playing cards depicted the figure of the four-armed Shiva, who held a goblet, a sword, a coin and a wand. Some believe that these symbols of the four Indian estates gave rise to modern card suits.

and the Middle Ages:

2. The Egyptian version of the origin of the cards, replicated by the latest occultists. They claimed that in ancient times the Egyptian priests wrote down all the wisdom of the world on 78 golden tablets, which were also depicted in the symbolic form of cards. 56 of them - "Minor Arcana" - became ordinary playing cards, and the remaining 22 "Senior Arcana" became part of the mysterious Tarot deck used for divination. This version was first published in 1785 by the French occultist Etteila, and his successors the French Eliphas Levy and Dr. Papus and the English Mathers and Crowley created their own systems for interpreting Tarot cards. This name allegedly comes from the Egyptian "ta rosh" ("the way of the kings"), and the cards themselves were brought to Europe either by Arabs or by gypsies, who were often considered to come from Egypt. True, scientists have not been able to find any evidence of such an early existence of the Tarot deck.

3. European version. (We will dwell on it in more detail - it is considered the main one). Ordinary cards appeared on the European continent no later than the 14th century. Back in 1367, the card game was banned in the city of Bern, and ten years later, a shocked papal envoy watched with horror as the monks enthusiastically cut into cards near the walls of their monastery. In 1392, Jacquemain Gringonner, the jester of the mentally ill French King Charles VI, drew a deck of cards for the amusement of his master. The then deck differed from the current one in one detail: it had only 32 cards. There were not enough four ladies, whose presence seemed then superfluous. Only in the next century did Italian artists begin to depict Madonnas not only in paintings, but also on maps.

4. Occult. According to the writer S.S. Narovchatov, under Ivan the Terrible, a certain Churchelli appeared in Moscow. Churchelli, in Italy he was called a Frenchman, in France - a German, in Germany - a Pole, and in Poland - he became a Russian. He brought to Moscow a chest wrapped in a shawl, black with red stains, which, as it were, corresponded to the suits - black and red. The cards are in demand. At first, the authorities were tolerant of practicing cards, but then they began to persecute them, because they saw interference here. evil spirits. Of the legislative monuments about cards, the Code of 1649 is mentioned for the first time. beat mercilessly, cut off fingers and hands. Decree of 1696. it was introduced to search all those suspected of wanting to play cards "and whoever has the cards taken out, to beat with a whip." In 1717 It is forbidden to play cards under the threat of a fine. In 1733 for recidivists, a prison, or batogs, is defined.

So what do the suits and meanings of the cards mean?

Everyone knows the structure of the card deck: ace, king, queen, jack even lower in value of tens, nines, and so on up to sixes or twos in a full deck - a typical hierarchical ladder from higher to lower:

The Joker is a frivolous figure in a tights, a jester's cap, bells... And in his hands is a scepter with a man's head strung on it, which is now replaced by humane artists with musical "cymbals". In pre-revolutionary stage performances, a similar character was called Fradiavolo. The "Joker" is above all, she has no suit and is considered the strongest in the game. Thus, at the top of the pyramid is not the King, but Daus ...

Ace is a word of Polish origin from the German Daus. The German-Russian dictionary indicates the meaning of the word: Daus - the devil. It is quite possible that Daus is a corruption of the Greek diabolos, a slanderer.

King. Interestingly, all card images had real or legendary prototypes. For example, the four kings are the greatest monarchs of antiquity: Charlemagne (worms), the biblical king David (spades), Julius Caesar (diamonds) and Alexander the Great (clubs).

With regard to the ladies, there was no such unanimity - for example, the lady of worms was either Judith, then Helen of Troy, then Dido. The Queen of Spades has traditionally been depicted as a goddess of war - Athena, Minerva and even Joan of Arc. In the role of the Queen of Spades, after long disputes, they began to portray the biblical Rachel: she was ideally suited for the role of the "queen of money", since she robbed her own father. Finally, the lady of clubs, who acted as the virtuous Lucretia on early Italian cards, turned into Argina - an allegory of vanity and vanity.

Jack (French valet, "servant", "footman", etymologically diminutive of "vassal"; the old Russian name is "serf", "hlap") - a playing card depicting a young man. All real prototypes of jacks (according to the European version) are the French knight La Hire, nicknamed Satan (worms), as well as the heroes of the epic Ogier the Dane (spades), Roland (tambourines) and Lancelot of the Lake (clubs).

"Trump" cards, their very name, have their own special purpose. "Kosher" i.e. Talmudists call ritual sacrifices “clean”… ​​which, as you understand, is connected with Kabbalah.

Now the suits:
In the French version, swords turned into "spades", cups into "worms", denarii into "diamonds", and "batons" into "crosses" or "clubs" (the latter word in French means "clover leaf") . In different languages, these names still sound differently; for example, in England and Germany these are "shovels", "hearts", "diamonds" and "clubs", and in Italy - "spears", "hearts", "squares" and "flowers". On German cards, you can still find the old names of suits: "acorns", "hearts", "bells" and "leaves".

As for the occult beginnings, their essence is as follows:
1. "Baptize" (Trefa) - a card depicting the cross on which Jesus was crucified and to which half the world worships.

(Translated from Yiddish, "club" means "bad" or "evil"

TREPHA (טְרֵפָה, literally `torn to pieces`), an animal that has died from wounds or physical defects and is therefore unfit for food or for sacrifice. The Bible uses the term club in a narrower sense: “Do not eat the meat [of an animal] that has been torn to pieces in the field; throw him to the dogs” (Ex. 22:30).

Halakha believes that the club is called a torn, but still living animal (which, in all likelihood, will die, since its wounds are incompatible with life). Carrion (nevela) is mentioned elsewhere (Deut. 14:21)

A new interpretation of the biblical meaning of the word club is noticeable already in the Hasmonean era: Hyrcanus II Johanan called clubs sacrificial animals stunned with a club before slaughter (Sotah 9:10, compare Sotah 48a).

The Mishna names 18 kinds of clubs in cattle (Hul. 3:1). The Gemara (Hul. 43a) says that the eight main groups of clubs in cattle were revealed by God to Moses on Mount Sinai:

1. claw marks th on an animal;

2. perforation of any of the 11 important organs, which are listed;

3. congenital absence of certain organs;

4. absence of certain veins;

5. certain spinal injury;

6. damage to internal organs as a result of a fall;

7. separation of most of the meat covering the scar (the first section of the stomach of ruminants);

8. significant fracture, for example, most of the ribs.)

2. "Vini" (spikes) - symbolizes the gospel pike
, that is, the spear of the holy martyr Longinus the Centurion, with which he pierced the stomach of Jesus

3. "Worms" - means the gospel sponge on a cane: "one of the soldiers took a sponge, filled it with vinegar, and, putting it on a reed, gave it to Him to drink.

4. "Tambourines" - a graphic image of the gospel forged tetrahedral serrated nails,
with which the hands and feet of Jesus were nailed to a wooden cross.

Interesting fact that in the USSR during the NEP years there were attempts to depict workers with peasants on the cards and even introduce new suits - "sickles", "hammers" and "stars". True, such amateur activity was quickly suppressed, and the cards were not printed for a long time as "attributes of bourgeois decay."

sacred geometry. Energy codes of harmony Prokopenko Iolanta

Card suits. sacred meaning

The classic names for the four suits are spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. However, in different languages, these suits receive other names. Peaks, depending on the dialect, become swords, shovels, spears, acorns. Hearts - cups, hearts. Tambourines - denarii, diamonds, squares, bells or bells. Clubs - clover leaves, clubs, flowers, leaves.

There are many interpretations of the form of card suits. In the occult sense, they have the following meaning.

Clubs - a suit depicting a cross. This is the cross on which Jesus was crucified, and which is worshiped by half the people of the whole world. Translated from Yiddish, "club" means "bad, unclean." Reflects the peasant class ("leaves", "clover") and the element of air.

Peaks, or "blame." They symbolize the spear of the holy martyr Longinus the Centurion, with which the centurion pierced the side of Jesus. Reflects the military class ("spears", "shovels", "swords") and the element of fire.

The hearts represent the gospel sponge, which one of the soldiers filled with vinegar and gave to Jesus to drink. In addition, the suit reflects the feudal class of the clergy, the state (“roses”, “cups”, “hearts”) and the element of water.

The diamonds indicate the location and shape of the four-sided nails with which the feet and hands of Jesus were nailed to the cross. Reflects the class of merchants, finances ("bells", "coins") and the elements of the earth.

During the Soviet era (during the NEP years) there were attempts to give card games a communist style. The cards depicted workers and peasants, and they wanted to remake the suits into sickles, hammers and stars. However, soon the distribution of the cards was covered, and the printing was stopped in order to prevent the spread of "attributes of bourgeois decay."

Maps by Hans Leonhard Schaufelin, Germany, c. 1535

Maps by Peter Flötner, Germany, c. 1535

Maps by Hans Leonhard Schaufelin, Germany, c. 1535

Maps by Peter Flötner, Germany, c. 1535

Maps by Hans Leonhard Schaufelin, Germany, c. 1535

Maps by Peter Flötner, Germany, c. 1535

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How to properly call card suits

There are many serious discrepancies in the names of card suits today. For example, you can say: hearts or hearts? How is it really right?
There are three views on this issue. The first is the view of classical Russian literature in the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gogol, Dostoevsky and other famous Russian writers. The second look is Soviet language practice and the third look is modern slang. Many well-known authors of books on card games suggest using the names of suits that are indicated in classical literature, other well-known authors believe that terms from the Soviet era should be used. My personal opinion is to use the names of card suits that people want to use during the game. It can be any name with any declension. And what names were used for the names of card suits are best left for historians, let it be recorded in the reference literature.
Below I will give several tables of case forms of the names of card suits of normative and colloquial vocabulary.

Table 1. Declensions of suit names (singular)

Normative vocabulary

case Suit Suit



Nominative peak




Genitive peaks




Dative pique




Accusative pike




Instrumental spear




Prepositional pique




colloquial vocabulary





















Boo Boo









Table 2. Declensions of suit names (plural)






































colloquial vocabulary






























Table 3. Declension of adjectives formed from the names of suits (singular)






































Table 4. Declension of adjectives formed from the names of suits (plural)






































In Russia, the outdated names of card suits were called: peaks - pichka, pikovsky, pikushka; clubs - trefushka, trefonka, trefonochka; tambourines - tambourine, tambourine, tambourine, tambourine; wormy - fats, fatty, fat. Colloquial forms: spades, clubs, spades, clubs. Conversational forms: peaks - guilt, blame; clubs - crosses, crosses, acorns; worms - worms, fats; tambourines - tambourines, tambourines, calls.
In Germany, the suits have the following meanings: spades - spades; clubs - clubs; hearts - hearts; tambourines - diamonds.
In Spain, card suits mean: spades - swords; clubs - coins; hearts - swords, tambourines - bowls.
In France, the names of the suits are similar to our names: spades - spades; clubs - shamrock; hearts - hearts; tambourines - tiles.

Everyone knows what a normal one looks like. playing deck. Hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades - these suits are familiar to the amateur gambling. But few people know that each of them carries a certain energy. So, what is the meaning of the suit of clubs?

General interpretation

Ordinary playing cards do not have serious esoteric significance, like, for example, the Tarot, but this does not prevent them from being used for fortune telling: they are a fairly strong symbolic system. The whole deck of cards personifies some semblance of the Universe, life with its sorrows and joys, the confrontation between good and evil, light and dark.

The suit of black clubs symbolizes the cold seasons and the dark time of the day: autumn and winter, evening and night. This is a male symbol. Clubs - work, luck, money, flame powers. The king is like Zeus, the lady is his wife Hera, and the jack is the young Apollo. Almost any card of this suit that fell out during a prediction means happiness. All this includes the suit of clubs. You can see the photo below.


It personifies the evening time of the day, false gossip, success. If the card fell out with the tip up, a gift awaits the person (the card lying closest shows who will be the giver). In any divination, you should focus on cards. Laying them on the table, carefully look: what suit falls out? Clubs can change their value in accordance with this.

King of the same suit. Means a happy resolution of conceived plans.

Ten of clubs. A tender, touching love awaits a person.

Nine of spades. Point down - good news, up - news of trouble.

Seven of clubs. Big win, winning the competition.

Six of clubs. An unexpected conversation, a date. With sixes of other suits - a long road along the railroad tracks.


This is a friend who will definitely come to your aid. In alliance with other cards of this suit, it means the appearance of people who will allow you to become happier. If there is no king of clubs in fortune-telling, most likely, a person will fail in small matters.

Jack of clubs. Grief is to be expected.

Nine clubs. Point down - an important person gives you signs of attention, up - he can become your enemy.

Eight clubs. Events on the water, long voyage, shipwreck.


Or a child born out of wedlock. It can mean unfortunate circumstances, problems in personal life, the appearance of an opponent or rival.

Eight clubs. Soon you will be able to enlist the help of a close relative or friend.


A man in uniform, a military man, comrade. If neither the king nor the ace is found in the layout, then in the near future we should expect big worries. If this card is drawn first, the prediction will be correct.

Jack is located in the middle, between two ladies - treason in marriage, an affair on the side. Between two jacks - anxiety for the future.

The unknown will help you avoid trouble.

Ten tambourines. In business, success awaits you.

Eight clubs. Unexpected events, pleasant surprise.

Seven of spades. Woe, problems due to the actions of ill-wishers.


If a dozen falls out in divination (the suit of clubs), the value of the card must be interpreted depending on the suits surrounding it. By itself, it symbolizes change, financial and moral poverty, hard work, various dangers. With tambourines - a meeting with a business person, with hearts - a joyful find, a victory in the lottery.

Ace of clubs. Pleasant changes are to be expected.

Ten tambourines. Perhaps soon you will receive a large amount of money. The same means the eight clubs that fell out in the scenario.

Ten worms. New acquaintances, flirting. You will be successful in love affairs.

Nine clubs. Soon you will be very surprised. Building relationships with people you love.

Nine, eight and seven clubs. Successful combination. In life, everything will be only the best for you.

Seven of spades without any ace. Betrayal, deceit should be expected. Be careful with loved ones.


Easy money, doubts. When divining for a specific person, it means that this character will soon stop any communication with you. Point up - sadness, longing, false talk, bitter tears, down - a pleasant conversation. Together with tambourines, they mean the imminent receipt of money that will be wasted. The hearts that fell out along with the nine signal mutual love.

King and queen of clubs. Great love, strong feelings, pleasant company of an influential person.

Ten spades. Trouble financially.

Ten, eight or seven of clubs. Good luck in all your endeavors.


Sadness, grief, death of a family member or close friend.

Ace of clubs. Fabulous success in business, if the card is pointing up - disappointment.

Jack of Hearts. Long conversation, unexpected losses.

Ten of clubs. In the near future, you will acquire an apartment or a house, receive an inheritance and gain wealth.

Seven of clubs. Happiness that came in time, a surprise. In a scenario with an ace of hearts, it signals an imminent marriage or inheritance.


If a seven (the suit of clubs) fell out in the layout, we should expect a close road, good news, an unexpected inheritance. If the card fell out with the tip up, it means that the person who is guessing will soon have to shed a lot of tears.

Eight spades. If the cards are laid out for a young man, then the beloved is deceiving him.

Jack of hearts, four queens and a seven. You will soon have a son.

Ten of hearts if queens, jacks and other sevens are present. Soon you will learn about the replenishment in the family. Pregnancy news.


Clubs are a suit that predicts a long journey in many layouts. Six signals a sea road, a vain journey, a love meeting on the street or in the garden.

Ten of clubs. Soon you will know about the departure.

Ace of hearts. A pleasant morning date awaits you. If the ace of clubs falls in the layout, expect a date in the evening, the ace of spades - you should prepare for a night meeting.

Any fortune-telling can tell you exactly what you should expect from life. Depending on what suit you fell out: clubs, spades, diamonds or hearts, you can find out the most secret secrets of the future. It is only necessary to correctly determine and correctly interpret the layouts.

Let's talk about card suits: hearts, tambourine, clubs and spades. Sometimes they are called hearts, tambourines, crosses and peaks. In English, worms are hearts, hearts. Tambourines diamonds, diamonds. Clubs (crosses) - clubs, tubers. The peaks will remain the same - spades.

It would seem that everything has already been said about them. Officially (what kind of word is this? Approx. harm.) Suits appeared in the Middle Ages and meant, approximately, the following. They didn’t come up with anything with spades, hearts and crosses, but tambourines, they say, are tiles in the floor of German burghers (who could come up with such an idea ?! approx. harm).

But pay attention to the crosses of Orthodox churches.

On old crosses, not remakes, made before the revolution of 1917, card suits are present and clearly stand out in the design of the ornament. The "ending" of the beam on the cross is made in the style of a heart or spade suit. On each ray of one cross, there may be a smaller “cross” from one of these two suits. And this small “cross” merges into a tambourine suit (see picture).

From a distance, the entire pattern of the cross merges into the cross suit itself.

Based on this arrangement of the elements of the cross, it can be concluded that the black (spike) and / or heart (heart) elements are components of a larger heart element (tambourine), which, in turn, is an integral element of a larger black ensemble - clubs, the actual cross.

Some researchers, for example, Aleksey Kungurov, argue that, in fact, the suits symbolize the worlds in the ancient Vedic beliefs that existed in Russia and have survived in this form to our times. These are the worlds of wake, navi, glory and rule. Only he claims that reality is a peak, glory is a tambourine, nav is a club, right is worms. Let me remind you that the world of reality is our manifest world. The worlds of navi and glory are the dark and light otherworldly worlds. And, finally, the world of rule is the highest divine world. Then the question of the sequence of suits remains unclear. After all, in all known card games(in any case, to me, approx. harm.) The priority of suits (price for marriage (praise), for a bribe) is as follows: from smaller to larger - peak (blame), clubs (crosses), tambourine (tambourine), worms (chirva) . On the crosses of Orthodox, and possibly not only, churches: hearts / spades, tambourine, clubs.

I would like to clarify this question, since there is very little information about this. So you, my dear readers, if you have any information about this, please comment.

As such, there is no "official" version of the origin of card suits. There are several hypotheses. Let me remind you that in Russia and the modern Western world, a French deck of cards is common.

According to one of them, the cards were invented by the Chinese (of course, it is not possible to establish a detailed date for this invention, but what the Chinese are only not capable of approx. harm.).

According to another, the Egyptian priests drew 78 tablets - Tarot cards. On 56 tablets (the so-called "Minor Arcana") were drawn modern cards(Where are the other four virtues?! Approx. harm.) And 22 more tablets (“Major Arcana”) made up the Tarot cards. The hypothesis was voiced in 1785 by the French occultist Etteila, and continued to be promoted by the Anglicans Crowley and Mathers, the French Levi and Doctor of Magic Papus.

According to another, Charles the 6th (sick with schizophrenia) had a jester Jacques Gringoner, who in 1392 entertained the king with a deck of 32 cards: no ladies.

Another hypothesis says that in India, on the cards, the many-armed Shiva held a rod, a goblet, a coin and a sword in his hands. Suits were drawn in the same way in Italian card decks.

Among the Germans, the suits are still called spears, flowers, squares and hearts. There are also leaves, acorns, bells and hearts.

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