Lilia "Liay5" Novikova: poker, youth and mathematics. Biography of Leah Novikova (Liliya Novikova) Interesting facts about Leah "Liay5" Novikova

Lilia's grandmother was a mathematics teacher; she passed on her remarkable abilities in the field of exact sciences to her granddaughter. From school, Leah brought only excellent grades and was always the best in the class.

Leah Novikova's VKontakte pages: and
Leah Novikova's poker streams on Twitch:
Liay5's microblogging on Twitter:

Interesting facts from the life and games of Liya Novikova:

  • Graduated from Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies, Department of Metal-Cutting Machines.
  • She was a pro DotA player, and now often sits down for Defense of the Ancients, Diablo and DayZ.
  • Liya likes Victor Bloom, she especially admires his recklessness and Scandinavian appearance.
  • Leah loves to give gifts to her loved ones.
  • I started playing with a $ 50 deposit.
  • Loves animals and helps volunteers caring for stray and abandoned dogs and cats. Dogs and chinchillas live in her house.
  • Feels better in an online game.
  • I got SuperNova on PokerStars in a month.
  • Leah loves to bake and invent confectionery decorations.

Brief biography of Leah Novikova:

Lilia's grandmother was a mathematics teacher; she passed on her remarkable abilities in the field of exact sciences to her granddaughter. From school, Leah brought only excellent grades and was always the best in the class. Thanks to her analytical mind, the girl, at the age of 5, with the help of her father, mastered one kind of poker - the 5-card draw. The Novikov family liked to play this game without community cards.

The fact that Lilia entered exactly Baumanka was logical - just remember her excellent relationship with mathematics. There, the girl studied mechanical engineering and design, although she wanted to enter the Aerospace Department. In those days, there was a real boom in professional gaming in the student community. Everyone wanted to make money with a mouse in hand! Leah was also excited to join the women's DotA team. One day one of her friends invited Novikova to an online poker tournament, where she felt nostalgic for home card games.

Lilia started with the usual format, but quickly moved on to hyper-turbo sit-and-go tournaments, since only their dynamism suited her perfectly in character. To improve her skills, Liay5 worked with an experienced trainer for some time. His lessons were not in vain - soon Novikova declared herself a specialist in hyperturbo 6-max tournaments. In just a month, Leah achieved Supernova status, which attracted the attention of PokerStars representatives.

In the spring of 2015, she was offered to sign a contract for cooperation with the room. Lilia, according to her, was incredibly happy and grateful for the recognition of her merits. The girl admitted that she dreamed of being the face of a global brand and standing on a par with Daniel Negreanu, Chris Moneymaker and Vanessa Selbst.

Stars introduced Novikov to the poker community as "a fearless player who inspires respect and fear in our 6-max hyperturbo tournaments." Since Liay5 is contracted to represent PokerStars in live and online games, she has been seen much more frequently in major live streaks. So, most recently - in December 2015 - she became the triumphant of the € 1,100 NL Deepstack Big Ante at EPT Prague. Leah offered two deals to her final table opponents, but they refused, considering her an easy target. As a result, Novikova took the maximum payout of € 50,000, and her opponents were biting their elbows.

Online, Liay5 is streaming her game on Twitch with great success and demonstrates consistent results in her favorite hyperturbos for $ 60. She also knows how to lug inexpensive MTTs with large margins. Newbies to online poker often turn to Leah for advice, but with too many requests, the poker player is now trying herself as a coach. Liay5 has few students, yet she likes the game more than the pedagogy!

Leah has little free time from poker. And she loves to spend it outside the house with trips to the snow-covered slopes of the mountains with a snowboard or to the sea under sail. If we talk about short walks, then they consist of training with dogs.

It is most convenient to follow Liay5's poker success on her Twitch channel, and she always announces her streams on her VKontakte page. Look there for exclusive Leah contests and PokerStars freeroll passwords.

Video with Leah Novikova:

  • Meet the new Team PokerStars Pro member:
  • Women "s Sunday featuring Liay5:
  • Interview with Leah Novikova:
  • Liay5 stream example:
  • Liya Novikova comments on Evgeny Katchalov's game:
  • Leah for the Miss Russian Poker Community contest:

Poker brings not only a lot of fun to successful poker players, but also a decent material reward. Still, it's a money game. What do the players spend the earned currency units on? Of course, for a beautiful life! Well, and for the game (yes, as they say, poker is not a stable thing - today you are someone, tomorrow you ... won). You can read about this and many other things in our new section "You Can't Prevent Living Beautifully".

Today we are targeting the Russian woman Lilia "Liay5" Novikova, whom everyone in the poker community calls simply Leah. She is often described as the catchphrase of the Soviet comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus", only in a modern way: "A poker player, a gamer and just a beauty."

It became PokerStars Team Pro Online last spring. But even before gaining this status, the girl's life was bright and eventful. What makes Leah's life beautiful? Let's find out.


“Traveling” must be my favorite heading in the series of articles “You can't forbid living beautifully”. Well, think for yourself, who doesn't like to travel? Leah, for example, loves. Even more. She has visited many countries. At the same time, her poker trips are just beginning. So everything is still ahead of her.

It is worth noting that Novikova is one of those people who in the evening “having nothing to do” can easily jump off the spot and go (or even fly) to another country. Therefore, it is not surprising that last year Leah and her friend Artyom (one of those who introduced her to poker) just went to Minsk to while away a boring evening and meet friends.


Leah lives in Moscow. And this city offers a lot of opportunities for entertainment. Quests, karaoke, buddha bars, restaurants, concerts, parties - this is how the girl while away the evenings with her friends. Only unlike her peers, who can devote only Friday and Saturday evenings to entertainment, Leah has at her disposal all the days that she, of course, does not devote to playing poker. In addition, the girl often travels, which opens up even more opportunities for entertainment.

Karaoke with friends:

Not only does Leah often visit restaurants in her native Moscow and does not miss the opportunity to sit in them abroad, some time ago a girl in Paris made a whole trip to the houses of champagne with wine and champagne tasting. So you can't surprise a beauty with exquisite drinks.

Other entertainment:


There is no doubt that Leah loves animals. She has a couple of dogs and chinchillas at home. She even talked about this in a video broadcast during which she was introduced to the poker community as a new member of Team PokerStars.

Perhaps there are fewer chinchillas now ... or, conversely, more. But, according to the latest known data, there were 7 of them, and three of them were black. The girl tries to choose interesting names for her favorites, for example, she has the shishillas LeBron, Bonya, Prince, Spectra and Mirana.

For a long time, two Spitz live in the Novikov family - Plato (white) and Magnus (red, mestizo).

And in September, the girl introduced her subscribers to a new pet - a Samoyed named Mimi.

In addition, Leah is always ready to help the yard and homeless animals. Often on her pages in social networks you can see a call for help to find a dog's home. On a regular basis, the girl sends money to various shelters.


Soon after gaining the status of PokerStars Team Online, the girl got a brand new car. It was the Nissan GTR supercar.

But this, of course, is not the only car that Novikova drove. According to her, the greatest thrill was caused by riding such a horse:

And, despite the star status, you can meet the girl on a two-wheeled handsome man. By the way, she now also has a new bicycle, a carbon one, and she bought it for herself quite recently, during a trip to Minsk to play offline poker.

“I love riding a bike more than running. For several years I tried to switch to running, but I still like the bike better. I skated not professionally, but for the soul. "


Unlike most top regulars, Leah isn't often seen at the gym these days, but that doesn't mean she doesn't play sports. She has a couple of very sporting hobbies such as snowboarding, rowing, boxing. She used to play volleyball for several years.

In addition, Leah attends various sporting events or entertainment from time to time.


Leah has a very specific taste in music. She graduated from music school, piano, sometimes plays the guitar and attends classical concerts. And at the same time - he listens to rap and goes to various rock concerts and festivals. She was lucky enough to attend many concerts of famous performers. Here is a photo of some of them:

And from time to time she can be found at classical music concerts:


Many players have come to poker from eSports, and this is not surprising. Well, of course, except for such a small detail as the fact that Leah is a girl. Although I am for gender equality, you must admit that there are not so many women in the world who have achieved the status of a professional cybersports player, and then became a member of the team of professionals of the famous poker room.

Now, I dare to assume that Leah does not have that much time that she can devote to games, but I simply could not fail to mention this girl's “passion”. Liay5's favorite games include Dota and Diablo.


“The second hobby after poker is cooking. I like to cook very much, especially confectionery ", - Leah herself admits.

In her case, the standard male statement a la "woman, your place is in the kitchen", in principle, may not offend the girl, but even make her happy. As well as a present in the form of a Kenwood kitchen machine for the New Year.

Novikova graduated from the courses of pastry chefs for beginners and often pleases her family and friends with mouth-watering desserts and just delicious food.

Perhaps her love for cooking remains because she does not have to cook several meals for the whole family every day. Routine, after all, kills the romance of cooking.

Girlish joy

Yes, Leah is a professional poker player, has a lot of Dota experience and drives Nissant GTR, but this does not mean that she has disowned all the "girly" stuff.


"A standard phenomenon, you go with 1 suitcase, you come back with three",- Leah wrote once after returning from abroad.

And it's not necessarily about clothes. Leah can spend a lot of time choosing, for example, books or cooking utensils.

And as a consequence of shopping - the acquisition of various pleasant little things:


Few of the girls do not like flowers and Novikova is clearly no exception to the rule:

"I try to always have flowers on the table, it boosts my morale!"


It is difficult to say whether popularity is a positive or negative factor in Leah's life. The girl has repeatedly suffered from attacks from so-called "couch critics" and not so long ago admitted that it is difficult for her to be a public person. But, there are certain advantages to this. Largely due to her popularity, she acquired the status of Pokerstars Team Pro, and as a result of this she met many eminent poker players.

And not only with poker players ...

Being a girl in the poker world is difficult. We are often perceived as more of a "cute variety" than serious rivals. Therefore, I am glad that Leah is trying in every possible way to destroy this myth, achieving considerable success. And in parallel with this, Novikova continues to live her busy life, full of adventure and entertainment. She develops in different fields, travels and visits new places. The girl is young and promising, so everything is still ahead of her ... And, yes, you can't forbid living beautifully ...

Lilia Novikova is a professional poker player, an ambassador of the Academy of Poker, and was part of the team of PokerStars professionals. The total career winnings are estimated at nearly $ 100,000.

The result of regular family tournaments is that already at the age of twelve, no one at the table could beat the young genius. It was then that Novikova decided that she would become professional. Therefore, in a short time, Lilia Novikova burst into the online poker space.

Along with this, the girl became interested in the popular game "DotA"... Leah has grown to become the team captain, which participated in serious tournaments. Even then, the cyber discipline brought some income to Novikova. However, the girl quickly got bored with Dota, and she completely switched to poker.

After leaving school Leah Novikova entered the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman. Due to the high workload in her studies, many believed that the girl would quit poker. However, thanks to her dedication and hard work, Novikova managed to combine study and card game, becoming a frequent participant in live tournaments.

However, soon Leah, in order not to damage her studies, decided to register in "" under the nickname liay5, preferring Sit "n" Go tournaments and draw poker.

Start of a professional career

Already in 2012, Novikova began to devote all her free time to learning poker, started several blogs, as well as a stream channel. Getting into a professional team "Pokerstars" and Supernova status - were the main targets at the time. Three years later (in 2015) Lia Novikova passed the casting and became a member of the PokerStars team.

Thereafter poker has become a priority for the girl. The biggest achievement at that time was the first place in the European Poker Tournament held in Prague. After becoming the chip leader in favor, Leah invited her opponents to share the prize pool. However, no one took the newcomer seriously. Leah was not embarrassed by this: she won and took the title of the winner and 50 thousand euros in prize money.

After graduating from university, the girl continued her professional career, combining her hobbies with boxing, archery and snowboarding. As Lilia Novikova notes, sport helps her to get through periods.

  • Novikova is very fond of animals.
  • Has a degree in Design Engineer
  • Liay5 started her career at $ 50.
  • At the beginning of her career, in a year it was promoted from $ 1.5 to $ 60 ().
  • She loves to cook - she graduated from pastry courses.

Leah Novikova has a high popularity in the online space. Her streams, personal photos and blogs are gaining a huge number of views. However, this popularity also has a negative side: the poker player is often criticized for any reason. Despite all this, the girl works hard and is rapidly moving towards her dream. Taking into account the potential and her age, we can say that Lilia Novikova will still show excellent results to the world poker community.

Liya "Liay5" Novikova is a successful young poker player from Russia who died in 2019.

Previously, the girl was known as a professional player in DotA (Defense of the Ancients) and other computer games. In the Russian-speaking poker community, she became famous thanks to her blog "Gamer Girl's Diary", which Leah has been running since 2012.

World fame came to her in March 2015, when Novikova signed a contract with the most famous poker room and became PokerStars Team Pro Online. In 2017, she, but continued to lead her personal Vkontakte group, stream and promote poker to the masses in various other ways.

Novikova preferred online poker, where she achieved considerable success. Leah's main discipline was hyper-turbo. In 2015, she also played Spin & Go frequently. After signing a contract with PokerStars, Lia Novikova became a frequent guest of the offline series. The girl's most significant result was the victory in the NLH Deepstack Big Ante tournament for € 1,100 at EPT Prague in 2015 (winnings - € 49,440 or $ 54,070). At this event, Leah won her first big poker trophy, the PokerStars Lance.

Leah is quite popular on the net. Leah Novikova's streams, recordings and photos gained many views in a matter of minutes. But popularity also has a downside. Often the girl was criticized for her words or actions, Novikova's personal life succumbed to active discussion. Despite this, Leah continued to show good results in poker and strived for further development as a professional player.

June 11, 2019 as a result of an accident. In a few days she was to turn 27 years old.

The unexpected death of a famous Russian poker player has become a tragedy for the poker community. The news of the incident appeared in the girl's group Vkontakte. The first day this information was taken as a joke, until it was confirmed by the girl's close friends and Leah Novikova's boyfriend, Arthur. Later, information appeared in the media that the cause of death was a faulty electrical appliance (most likely a hairdryer) in the bathroom.

Interesting facts about Lie "Liay5" Novikova:

  • The real name of the girl is Lilia Novikova.
  • Leah was very fond of animals. Chinchillas and three dogs lived in her house.
  • Novikova graduated from the technical university of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, specializing in design engineer.
  • "Liay5" started her poker career with a $ 50 bankroll and, with the help of a coach, developed from a $ 1.5 to $ 60 limit in a year. Initially, Leah's working discipline was Sit & Go turbo tournaments, then the girl began to professionally play hyperturbo 6-max.
  • Lilia Novikova's main hobby was cooking. The girl graduated from confectionery courses and loved to cook various dishes.
  • Leah led an active lifestyle and was involved in sports such as snowboarding, basketball, rowing, boxing and the like. She also loved to ride a bike.

You can read more about what life was like for Leah 5 in the article

Our poker favorite, sportswoman, graduate, finally, just a beauty Leah Liay5 Novikova found something to please the male prevailing half of the poker community this spring. And yes, in this article you will see more than just Lilia's curious hands at the poker table.

Loli Chanterelle on PartyPoker Millions in March

Sochi thundered this spring with might and main. No, not by resorts or the Olympics, but by large series of poker, one after another, visited the city. It all started with PartyPoker Millions which took place in the city from 17 to 27 March... It was there that I first visited Loli Chanterelle, playing both in tournaments and at cash tables.

Lilia took part in one tournament - and was eliminated when two of her pairs moved a street. The girl took part in another tournament - she got at the same table to Anatolia nl_profit Filatov, reached the second day, but did not go beyond the bubble, and so it left with nothing. Then she suddenly caught a cold in the fresh Sochi breeze, lay for several days with a fever, but soon returned to the game and registered in the Main Event of the series with a buy-in $1000 + 100 .

"Hello everyone! Passed, or more precisely, lived to see the second day of the $ 1,100 tournament with a stack of 193,000 chips. All day there was a fever, cough, snot. Today we continue to play at 15:00 Moscow time. Good luck for me!"

Hand # 1: How to Change the Turn in Your Favor

Here, a funny distribution happened to her. The blinds reached the level of 500/1000, there was also an ante of 100. One of the players at the table, an obvious fish, called the blind from UTG, the girl in middle position raised to 3.000. Everyone folded except this fish.

The flop comes: K ♠ 8 3. Leah asked the dealer if there was a check, but the dealer didn't hear, and opened the Queen of Clubs with the black. The girl was indignant and began to claim that she did not say "check". The dealer argued the opposite. The angry girl referred to the neighbors who could confirm Novikova was right, which they did. As a result, the girl made a bet on the flop, the dealer shuffled the queen of clubs back into the deck and laid out a four of diamonds on the board.

Satisfied, Lilia summed up the incident as follows:

"Learn how to buy sets correctly))))".

“Finally, we were seated at the tables, we are playing. After 30 minutes there is a lunch break. And now it is the 13th level, blinds 4000-8000. Good luck for me! ♣ ♠ ♦ "

Funny hand # 2: the fish lost on the second kicker

Still sick, Loli Chanterelle “reached, or rather, lived” to the second day with a stack of 193,000. Here, another interesting distribution happened to her. The blinds were already 6,000 / 12,000. Preflop, the next fish in UTG position raised, two regulars called his bet. Leah thought, thought and also called with king and lady on hands. The blinds fold.

The flop came K ♦ 9 ♦ 2. Everyone checked and Leah bet 85,000. Fish called and the others folded. Then the turn: 5 ♦. The girl and her opponent checked. The river is 8. Fish bet 165,000 and Leah calls with the sad thoughts that he has made a flush of diamonds. However, he had king ten offsuit.

Leah finished this tournament with 25th place having received as a reward $7.000 , and on March 28 she returned to Moscow. Before leaving, she took out this cap "Make Poker Great Again"("Let's Make Poker Great Again") parodying the campaign slogan Donald Trump "Make America Great Again", however, someone stole this cap from her while the girl was away from the table. Lilia's father, a lover of such souvenirs, would have been left without a gift if a St. Petersburg friend had not rescued her, who presented Leah with his own cap.

Liya Novikova's results on PokerStars Championship Sochi

Well, literally the day before yesterday in Sochi ended PokerStars Championship ... Leah took part in it as well, both in cash games and in tournaments. And again - the usual mode for the girl: "rink-sleep-rink-sleep".

So, in one tournament (5th event PSC with a buy-in of 18,000 + 1,800 rubles) she managed to bring 114 thousand rubles(which is equivalent to roughly $1.992 ), reaching 20th place... In another tournament (25th event PSC with a buy-in of 30,000 + 3,000 rubles) Novikova, having run into aces, also dropped out on the second day on the 20th place having received 125,000 rubles, or $2.201 , if translated into greens. Leah also dropped in at the women's tournament with a buy-in of 12,000 + 1,200 rubles, where a Ukrainian became the winner Olga Ermolcheva, but did not qualify for the prizes. Thus, Novikova increased her tournament winnings from $ 74.355 to $85.548 .

Along the way, the girl streamed her game in Instagram and on Twitch by holding a drawing of small Starzov souvenirs and clothing among subscribers.

“I sit and ride a tourist for 33,000 rubles. To be honest, I'm tired of the episode, I want to go home, stream back)) "

The best photos of Liya Novikova from Sochi

And especially for those who clicked on the title of this article in order to look at the photos of Leah Novikova - a small selection of cute Sochi photos of Lola Fox.

“Yesterday I made myself go to bed)) The mood is super fighting today, I’ll go to play the women's tournament in an hour and a half! I hope to get good luck wishes from you, as yesterday there were generally a full card dead and misses regarding boards or outbid 😢 "
“We are sitting playing, 1 person before the prizes, I decided to take a picture for now) 117 people in the game. There is a hand pho hand. The APD bubble burst, everyone already has prizes "
"Hello everyone! I played cash until the morning, beat off day tours and plusanula. 🙂 I am already playing a tournament that started at 13:00. At the table Filatov 😱 " “I'm playing a women's tournament. The field is sweet, there are no regs, but so far we have handed over the frames. But I still live in tourism, I need a little luck!) ” “Some say I'm a snake, maybe right?) I'm sitting in a 66K tournament, the people are dark. Let's drag!) P. S. Who skated how

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