Seeing a deck of playing cards in a dream. Playing cards according to dream books

To passion, to loss.

Dreaming of "Deck of Cards" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Holding a deck of cards in your hands is a fortune-telling from the witch.

Dream Interpretation: What is the Dream of Deck

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of Cards (Play, Jack)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A deck of cards in a dream means your worries. Shuffling a deck in a dream is a hassle. Counting cards in a dream portends to you that you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of your rash behavior. Building houses of cards in a dream - to disappointment and precarious position. Card ...

Why do I dream of Maps?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing playing cards portends greedy, but stupid actions at a loss. A deck of cards, scattered in disarray on the table, suggests that you will soon find yourself in a motley society with people of a wide variety of occupations and interests. The dream in which you play ...

Dreaming - Maps - What to Expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: What Cards Dream About

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Indicate your chance in your life; the suits correspond to different sides of it. Worms are love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, financial situation. Peaks are obstacles. Ace is the main sign of encouragement, luck, difficulty or success. Ace of hearts ...

Seeing playing cards in a dream portends greedy, but stupid actions at a loss.

A deck of cards, scattered in disarray on the table, suggests that you will soon find yourself in a motley society with people of a wide variety of occupations and interests.

A dream in which you play cards just for fun is a sign of the fulfillment of your plans and aspirations, which will present a very convenient opportunity.

It's a different matter if the game is played for money and on a large scale - such a dream portends a serious illness and significant difficulties in life.

Winning cards in a dream means that you will be glad to be invited to the house where you have long dreamed of getting. Losing means disappointment in love and friends, as well as failure in business and the machinations of enemies.

If the one for whom you are rooting and worried wins, watching the game from the sidelines, then you will be able to avoid the great responsibility that they will try to shoulder; if your friend loses, then in reality you will have a falling out with him due to mutual fault, but not for long.

If in a dream your friend is clearly cheating when playing cards, it means that in real life you will have a chance to doubt his honesty and decency. If you are caught cheating, in reality it portends a waste of time and money.

Shuffling cards in a dream - to trouble, counting cards in the deck - you will find success. Marked cards represent anxiety and injury. A sealed deck - complete uncertainty ahead, open it - you will suffer a loss due to deception or forgery.

Show card tricks in a dream - please your family by delighting them with something unusual.

Build houses of cards - in reality you will receive good news, which will turn out to be premature and false rumors. Playing cards in a gambling house or in a respectable club - to prosperity, provided by constant risk. Playing with a card sharper means being deceived in real life. Losing all cash to a cheat is an unfair harassment. A dream in which, while playing, you have all the cards in your hands, up to the same peak suit, means that, being too carried away by entertainment to the detriment of business, you will waste your strength and abilities completely in vain.

If the peaks are trump cards, you will be unusually lucky in the most risky business. A suit of diamonds in a dream foreshadows the receipt of money, a heart suit - you will survive a love adventure, a club suit - a profitable enterprise will bring unexpectedly large profits. Ace in hand - in reality you will be lucky in any game.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Fortune telling on gypsy cards is popular with girls and women. Maps open the veil of secrecy, allow you to look into the future. Fortune-telling on Christmastide and New Year is especially widespread. Why do playing cards dream, what symbolism do they express? Consider all the meanings of the interpreters.

Playing card symbolism

The playing deck dreams of changes in life, troubles and surprises. It can be a pleasant surprise or a sad one - it all depends on the suit that was dreamed of in the dream.

Scenes with maps:

  • shuffle the deck;
  • playing cards;
  • drop the card;
  • other actions with the deck.

The card game is a symbol of chasing the bird of happiness trying to catch her by the tail. Endless vanity, "not a minute of peace", illusory hopes and dreams. Play cards in a dream- expect a series of failures, a black streak comes in life. Win cards- fleeting success followed by failure.

See a deck of cards in a dream - to unpleasant news and changes. You can find out secret information that will weigh on your soul and haunt you. Divination cards can portend the loss of faith in oneself, dangerous illusions, or the loss of property.

Buy a deck of cards- to the risk. Everything that you have in mind will turn into deception. If you are going to make a deal or sign a contract, it is better to postpone this venture. In love, this plot also portends a deception: perhaps your beloved has brought someone on the side.

Shuffle cards or lay out- you are at a crossroads and cannot choose the right direction of the path. Perhaps you should use the advice of a wise person to overcome an incomprehensible situation.

Play cards in a dream- to the uncertainty and instability of the situation. Fate depends on a coincidence of circumstances, it is not known whether you are lucky or unlucky. The dreamer does not control his life, hopes for good luck or "maybe he will carry it through."

Play for money- to the coming financial difficulties. In the near future, you should limit your financial expenses or minimize. You shouldn't invest in dubious projects, sign contracts or lend. Also, do not take a loan or borrow from someone. All financial manipulations need to be frozen.

However, the card playing with friends for fun- good sign. Soon your hopes will come true, your plans will come true. If a sick person sees a dream, healing will soon come. Also, a dream can portend the arrival of guests and a pleasant pastime.

Watch the game of cards from the outside - to deception and illusion. For lovers, this plot reveals the insincerity of the partner, deception in love. If you saw your friend playing cards, you will soon find out unpleasant information about him.

Drop cards- to the disclosure of secrets, shame and repentance. Everything that you tried to hide and hide will become the property of other people. You will have to answer for what you have done, atone for your guilt.

What do dream books say about cards

The ABC of interpretation of dreams sees in the image of a deck of cards a chance for luck. Further, the interpreter gives the meaning of the suits, denoting certain areas of life:

  • worms - personal life;
  • tambourines - work;
  • clubs - finance;
  • peaks are obstacles.

If saw aces in a dream of a certain suit, which means that major changes are coming in the area that they symbolize.

  • The lunar dream book sees in the game of cards a foreshadowing of a quarrel.
  • The Russian dream book gives the following interpretation: to play - to fun, to win a game - to profit, to lose a game - to losses.
  • The horoscope dream book recommends limiting expenses if you dreamed about playing cards in a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation Lens reminds: enjoy life, do not think about the result of your plans.

Family dream book considers the card game a foreshadowing of the fulfillment of hopes, if it was not gambling. Gambling for money promises various obstacles, losing a game leads to quarrels with opponents. Winning cards promises legal battle and acquittal. Seeing a lover playing a card game - his intentions about you are not entirely honest.

Modern dream book sees in the image of a playing deck a symbol of greed, considers playing cards a harbinger of trouble. To see separately a tambourine suit is a profit, a heart of hearts portends a love adventure, clubs promise a profitable business, and peaks dream of illness and deception.

If the game in a dream was gambling, great difficulties await you, losing the game portends the appearance of dangerous enemies, winning - danger lies ahead. The card suits foreshadow the following: diamonds - wealth, clubs - a demanding partner, hearts - personal well-being, spades - possible widowhood and ruin.

Dream interpretation 2012 : moderate your gambling, learn to enjoy the game. Seeing tarot cards is a solution to a confusing life situation.

Dream interpretation of the future this is how he interprets the suits of cards: tambourines portend profit, worms - love, baptism - a profitable enterprise, spades - failures and illness.

Dream Interpretation of Winter considers the image of a playing deck to be a symbol of illusion and delusion. All expectations will be in vain. To dream of a prediction through playing cards - the opposite will come true. A game of cards with a friend is an insincere relationship with him, a game with a stranger is a big mistake in life.

Dream interpretation from A to Z warns: the image of a playing deck portends losses due to greed. Playing cards for pleasure promises a dream come true, gambling - to trouble, winning a game - to an invitation to visit, losing - to failures in life.

To see a friend cheating while playing reveals his dishonest nature. If your acquaintance plays honestly and wins, avoid responsibility for your actions, if he loses - to a small disagreement with him. If you yourself cheat when playing, beware of wasting money.

Shuffling a deck - to fuss and hassle, counting cards - to luck, seeing marked cards - to alarm, a sealed deck symbolizes an unknown future, a printed deck - a fraudulent deception awaits you. Building a house of cards is a false rumor, playing cards in a gambling establishment is a profit through constant risk.

Many of us like to play cards with friends, and then at night we have a dream, which is a memory of the game. In the event that you do not constantly play cards, such a dream may carry some hidden meaning.

To do this, you need to remember the dream to the smallest detail. If you remember your dream with anger or irritation, then in real life events are taking place that you cannot influence. Therefore, you feel helpless in this situation.

So, let's take a closer look at what such a dream promises to a sleeping person.

What does gambling mean according to the dream book?

Playing cards is a bad sign and won't do anything good. If you dreamed about cards, you need to think about the decisions made earlier, were they correct? What should be emphasized?

  • What cards were in a dream;
  • Where did they come from at all;
  • How did the game make you feel?
  • Lost or won.

Poker game

If you were busy playing poker in a meeting, this is a warning sign of a difficult life. But later there will be new opportunities.

Play blindfolded - you are blindly trusted... There will be challenges in the future, but you can handle them. The main thing is to be on the alert, criticism from the outside is possible.

There was a whole deck of cards in the dream

If you lost at cards from early morning until late at night, then it is not at all surprising that the same picture was in your dream. But why dream of a deck of cards if you were not busy playing in real life. Let's see the interpretation of popular dream books.

Miller's dream book

Get rid of minor diseases and ailments.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

If in your dream you were intently examining a deck of cards, get ready, you will have to make every effort to improve your position at work.

Medea's interpreter

You will have a chance to influence your field of activity. It is important to remember the suit.

  • saw worms, extraordinary luck, good luck in all areas, even in love relationships;
  • tambourines - everything will be fine in the professional field, everything will work out;
  • baptize, be rich for you, at least significantly improve your financial situation;
  • and finally peaks, a bad sign, to problems and adversity. Luck will leave you on all fronts, from professional activity to personal relationships. Someone will constantly insert sticks into the wheel.

According to Felomen's dream book

Warning sign, you could be deceived by someone. You will feel your own vulnerability. If the cards have been scattered around, expect to interact with different people.

Dream interpretation of a housewife

Get the opportunity to carry out your plans. Again, back to the suits:

  • worms are getting vivid emotions, good relationships;
  • tambourines, to wealth, increased intellectual level;
  • peaks - to trouble and illness;
  • clubs - paperwork.

Playing solitaire - you will be unsure of your own strengths and plans, to win the game is a huge risk, to lose, on the contrary, to luck and luck, sometimes even destructive.

According to the Jewish interpreter

It is necessary to remember what day of the week you had this dream.

  • You saw a dream at the beginning of the week (Monday), you will lose money, much to bad luck in business.
  • General malaise is possible from Tuesday to Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
  • Weekend - such a dream promises uncertainty in your thoughts.


Dreamed of cards? On a subconscious level, such a dream can be interpreted as a potential threat and danger. weigh the pros and cons.

Playing cards in a dream: get the opportunity to catch a lucky chance.

It is necessary to remember which suit was present, this is necessary for an accurate deciphering of the dream.

So, if they were:

  • Kresty - mental labor activity;
  • Worms are personal relationships;
  • Peaks - various difficulties, conflicts, obstacles on the way;
  • Tambourines mean material wealth.

What were the merits of the cards?

  • Ace: perhaps on a subconscious level you want to be in the role of an ace and also communicate with other people, especially in relation to money and finances;
  • The king denotes superiority over others and overwhelming success;
  • Queen - understanding on an emotional level is too deep;
  • Jack - impetuousness for something, creativity or youthful energy.

If you saw in your dream cards that were scattered on the floor, you will get the opportunity to visit an interesting society with people passionate about a wide variety of interests.

If you've played bridge, make connections with other people playing.

Did you play solitaire with a happy and contented face, or did you still want to play with others? If you get a joker, you will suffer from evil and unpleasant jokes. Perhaps you are a king or a lady in your own environment.

If you've spent all your money, lost: think about gambling as a priority.

My dream about playing cards

I dreamed that in the middle of winter I arrived in the village, and there it was summer. I wandered and admired the flowers and trees.

A stranger came up to me and offered to fulfill my wish. I agreed. He took out a deck of cards, told me to mentally think about what I want and name any card. I did so.

Opening my eyes, I saw that he was showing me exactly the card that I called with my eyes closed. But that wasn't what caught my attention. It turned out that summer was over, the wind was blowing and all the flowers had wilted.

The man offered to play again, I agreed again, although I no longer wanted to do it. The next time I opened my eyes, I saw that all the trees had turned black, there was snow on the ground and it was very cold. The man himself has disappeared.

When I woke up I had there was an unpleasant feeling as if I had been deceived in something. Or if something strange is about to happen.

Everything went well all day. But in the evening I went to the store and bought, as it turned out later, bad meat. She returned with a claim.

The sellers refused to exchange me for a similar product, in the end they offered me cheese instead. At home, the cheese tasted bad too. I didn't change it a second time.

If you dreamed about an ace

According to Evgeny Ivanovich Tsvetkov's dream book, the ace seen in a dream means that soon you will be lucky and lucky in business, if you take the risk, be absolutely sure that you will not regret it, your expectations will be fully justified.

If the situation was such that you had to hold three aces in their hands, then the key (solution) is in the ace that was absent.

If there was no ace of spades, do not flatter yourself, the business that you think has already been successfully completed is likely to fail, and you will find yourself in an awkward position, become the subject of discussion and ridicule.

If in your dream the Ace of Tref (cross) was not in your hands, it means that, having received wealth, you will still be weak-willed, you will not become a rich man.

The ace of hearts in your hands is not a very good sign, literally soon you will be betrayed, for the sake of profit, thereby giving you very unpleasant sensations. There was no ace of diamonds in a dream, you yourself will achieve material well-being alone, without outside help. Such a dream is also interpreted as a loss of male power (impotence).

Interpreter Longo

You are the owner of an ace up your sleeve - you may have hidden talents. Your business is just at the highest level, wonderful.

Medea's interpreter

I saw aces - a very good dream that promises great human happiness, prosperity and love.

Ace of hearts means luck on the love front... And here is the ace of diamonds, a sign that soon you will become a member of a dubious enterprise that will surprisingly bring you success. The ace of the cross will bring success and stability in financial affairs. The peak, unfortunately, promises difficulties and troubles.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

The ace card according to such an interpreter suggests that in reality such a person is actually very reckless. If you saw a complete set of aces of lucky in love, in society, raise your social status.

Playing cards, if the dream itself was colorful and vivid, you remember it to the smallest detail, the dream is promising.

I do not know if these two events are connected with each other, but somehow I had a dream. In it, I was sitting at the table and playing a goat (in real life I don't know how to play a goat). In general, my friend and I beat our opponents 12 times, and this is out of 15 games, and at the end we also made him “lusya”. Emotions of joy in a dream were simply outrageous.

A few days later I won one of the contests for a repost in one of the social networks.

Who did you play with in your sleep?

What does it mean to play cards with a dead man in a dream? We lost at cards, they didn’t pay off the debt, the person left, but didn’t pay back the debt. So in real life, someone owes you too.

Play cards with a man, especially a stranger, a warning sign of danger, do not risk it, you may make a huge mistake.

If you have been gambling, think about your wealth and financial situation. Especially if there were only crosses (clubs) on the hands.

This suit has a special relationship to material status and money. In the event that you had only high cards, in reality you will receive a prize or win. If the cards are constantly repeated, most likely you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

The game took place with your spouse? If a young wife sees that her adored husband is playing cards, think about his good attitude towards you, perhaps some unpleasant secrets will be revealed.

If in a dream you had to receive a deck of cards as a gift: be careful about new acquaintances.

To play cards and come out of it as a winner, you will receive a good sign, a gift, but it will be insignificant and not for a long time.

In any case, whatever your dream, the main thing is to trust yourself. Never be afraid of any changes in life, difficult situations and various difficulties. Our dreams are just signs that you need to pay special attention to. They are able to suggest how to act in a given situation. Enjoy your dreams!

Seeing a deck in a dream does not bode well for a sleeping person. If a deck of cards in a dream is used for the game, then this means that great difficulties are expected on the path of life.

Losing a game indicates a fight with an enemy, and winning means an excuse before the law, which will be very, very difficult.

If you dream of a deck in which you dream of a wooden one, then the dream signals a fire or any other natural disasters. A dreaming deck of cards indicates excitement and, as a result, loss, and if the cards are fortune-telling, then a trip to a fortune-teller is expected.

A deck of playing cards is a dream of the unknown. In a sense, a deck of cards can symbolize death, or a long illness. Quite often, thanks to the popularity of tarot cards, it is such a deck of cards that is dreamed of.

What if the deck is dreaming?

If you dream of a deck of cards, that such a dream should be interpreted depending on the suit of a particular card. In general, a deck of cards means that in the very near future a person will have to meet people who will not take into account the interests of the one who had this dream and do not pay attention to his needs and requirements.

If the cards of the diamonds suit are removed, then there is an opportunity for the sleeping person to receive some income, most likely, friends will help to get it.

Also, such a dream indicates that there is an opportunity to sign a very lucrative contract or to conclude a good deal with fairly wealthy partners. If the peaks are removed, then this means that a very heavy workload awaits the sleeper, or he will take on responsibilities that will be beyond his power.

Also, peaks can talk about illness and major troubles in personal life. If the cards of the club suit are removed, then this means that in reality the sleeper will have a real chance to successfully and profitably invest his own funds, and such an investment will be quite profitable.

If you dreamed of cards of the heart suit, then this means that soon there will be a very passionate romance.

What portends?

If you see a deck of tarot cards in a dream, it means for the sleeping person that soon, he will receive answers to questions that bother him and will receive a positive answer in his court case, if any.

On the other hand, to see this deck of cards in a dream means that the decisions made are important enough for a person, but his life is under the influence of higher forces that control all his actions.

When interpreting dreams, it is very important to know why the deck is dreaming and take into account the day of the week on which you had such a dream.

If you dreamed of a deck, then pay very close attention to all your unfinished business, especially those that relate to any of your lawsuits. At the same time, it is worth worrying about your health and safety, both personal and the safety of your property.

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