The rules of the classic twister game. Game "Twister" - "Game Twister - how to play, where to buy and whom to give?"

twister is a sports floor game that will go with a bang in an adult and in a children's company. Play Twister Can be 2 or more people.

How to play Twister (Twister)

First, lay out the playing field and take off your shoes.

For two players- each player in turn announces a move for a partner, without using a roulette wheel.

If Twister is played by more than two people- select a referee who will spin the roulette, announce the movements and monitor the progress of the game.

The referee spins the roulette wheel, then announces the color and which arm or leg the player is moving. For instance, right hand, green! All players must try to complete this move as quickly as possible.
Another variant Twister games- the movements that the referee calls must be performed in turn. That is, the first time the judge spins the roulette wheel for one player, the second time for the next, and so on.

If there are a lot of players, divide into teams! Members of the same team can use the same circle.

Rules of the game in Twister (Twister)

  1. You can put only one hand or foot on one circle.
  2. The first player to reach scores the circle.
  3. As soon as you make a move, freeze. If the referee allows, then movement is allowed to move the other arm or leg to the desired circle, or to miss another player's limb.
  4. If the judge announces a combination of color and hand/foot that you have already completed, you still need to change your position. Move your hand/foot to another circle of the same color.
  5. If all circles of the same color are occupied, spin the roulette again.
  6. If you lose your balance or put your knee or elbow on the playing field, then you are out!

The last player left on the field is the winner of the game.

Present to your attention rules of the sports game Twister (Twister)

Looking for where to buy the Twister game (several varieties)?

Preparing to play Twister

  • Lay out the playcloth on a flat surface indoors or outdoors
  • Players take off their shoes (shoes are uncomfortable to play in and can damage the playing field)
  • If you play outdoors, then make sure that the oilcloth does not fly away (you can fix it with your shoes off;))
  • Designate a leader. The host will not participate in the game. Its tasks are the following:
  • Players stand on the game oilcloth in the order indicated below.

Game for 2 players: Players stand on opposite sides of the playing field. Each of them places one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue one.

Game for 3 players: Two players stand on opposite sides of the playing field. Each of them places one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue one. The third player stands in the center with both feet on the red circles.

How to play Twister?

The host spins the game roulette, naming the color and body part indicated by the arrow. For example: "Right leg, yellow." All players at the same time (there are game options when the Leader calls the player who must change his position) try to follow his instructions, following the following instructions:

  • Each player must try to place the named body part in the free circle of the named color. For our example, each player must place their right foot on the yellow circle.
  • If your named hand or foot is already on the circle of the named color, you should try to move it to another circle of the same color.
  • You can not put more than one part of the body on one circle. If the players try to stand on the same circle, the leader must decide which of them was the first
  • You cannot remove your hand or foot from the circle until the Leader has announced a new position. Exception: You can remove your arm or leg from the circle in order to let another player's arm or leg pass, but you must warn the Host in advance
  • Do not lean on knees or elbows
  • If all 6 circles of the same color are occupied, the Host must rotate the game roulette until a free color falls out

Elimination from the game

Any player who falls or touches the mat with his elbow or knee is immediately out of the game. (If you feel that the new position is not possible, or will cause you to fall, you can exit the game yourself).


The last player left in the game is the winner!

Team game in Twister

For a 4-player game, form 2 teams of 2 players each. The teams meet at opposite ends of the mat, standing side by side with each foot on the circle so that all 4 circles are covered.

The rules for team play are the same as for 2 or 3 players, with one exception: members of the same team may place their hands and feet on the same circle.

As soon as the player falls or touches the mat with his elbow or knee, the player's team has lost.

Game for 2 players without host

If there are only 2 players, you can play without using the game roulette. One player names the part of the body, and the other the color of the circle. Players alternate among themselves, alternately naming either a part of the body or the color of the circle. The victory conditions are the same as for a normal game.

Playing Twister for a big campaign

If the campaign is large, then form several teams of two players. Draw a grid, which team plays with which team and hold a Twister tournament! Only the most stubborn and dexterous will win, that is, those who will have the most victories in the team standings!

Did you like the game? Buy game Twister (Several varieties)

Search articles by words:

Twister is a popular game found in most countries. You can often see in films how the characters play it. Boxes with Twister are also sold in our country, and if you wish, you can make the game yourself.

Children's game twister

Children's game is similar to adult, only slightly reduced. The rules of the game are the same, but you can use other options. For example, the host puts the children in certain positions, and they compete to see who can stand the longest. Twister develops the child's muscle corset, trains flexibility and improves mood. Another version of the Twister for children is the Twister Rave. It is necessary, rotating the hoop on the foot, to jump with the free foot to the desired cell.

Board game twister

Twister is a rather old game that has various variations. The game is based on a floor mat with multi-colored circles and a roulette that determines the position of the hands and feet of the players on the mat. You need to follow all the commands of the leader and try not to fall.

Twister game rules

Twister floor game

Outdoor Twister is played by two to five participants. Often, another participant is added, who gets the role of host. The game perfectly tests the participants scurrying along the canvas for flexibility, speed and endurance. In addition to the standard floor Twister, there are also its varieties, which you can read about below.

Video game twister

Twister game reviews

New twister games

DIY twister game, detailed step by step guide


  • Whatman
  • Self-adhesive film (4 colors)
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  • Compass
  • Ruler
  • simple pencil
  • Cardboard 30*30 cm
  • Button
  • Wooden stick


finger twister game

It differs from the standard Twister in a miniature playing field, where you need to play with your fingers. Convenient for travel and vacation.

During the game, follow the safety rules, be careful not to dislocate the limb. Think of the game not as a rivalry, but as a great time with friends.

A game that will tie you in a knot, ageless and simple, at a budget price! She will amuse any company, give a sea of ​​​​positiveness and smiles.

Going into "Magnet cosmetics" for the next, and most likely the final pack of diapers for my youngest son, and distracted by eye shadow, I didn’t even notice how the Twister box appeared in my basket. The eldest son managed to open this game somewhere in the cramped department of children's goods, which he dreamed about for quite a long time. Game price: 221 rubles, quite budgetary, so there was no hesitation - we take it!

Package: very bright and colorful cardboard box. It is this "Twister" ("Tishka") made of very high quality, from packaging to content, it's not a shame to give!

Equipment: tape measure, mat, instruction

Roulette is a plastic board with an arrow-pointer. There are 4 sectors on the scoreboard (left and right arm, left and right leg) with four multi-colored circles (green, red, yellow and blue). The arrow spins easily and after a couple of seconds it stops at some sector and a circle of a certain color.

Rug size 120x180 cm made of dense oilcloth, on which 4 multi-colored rows of circles are applied, 6 pieces each.

The instructions describe in detail all game progress:

A rug with colored circles is spread on the floor. A judge is selected from the players. He spins the reel, the arrow of which stops, pointing to the color that the players will need to touch. In this case, the referee indicates which foot or hand the players should put on the mat. It is forbidden to touch the playing field with other parts of the body. The one who breaks the rule is out of the game. As a result of the struggle for the circle of the desired color, hustle and bustle begins, the players push, lose balance. Everyone instantly becomes cheerful. The most resilient and flexible is the winner.

Age (age restrictions): from 6 years and older.

The youngest son understood how to play with a rug and how to spin an arrow on a roulette wheel, but knowledge of right-left and colors is still out of reach for a two-year-old child. But when we spread the rug, the son is right there.

Number of players: from one participant to 4-6 depending on height and complexion)

son with pleasure plays and one with mom referee, which is very happy, because the child develops flexibility and muscle strength while playing Twister. Try to stand in an awkward position on your hands and feet without touching the floor with your knees or booty?

Whose hand is this?

An unpretentious-looking rug with “old-fashioned” polka dots is just waiting to be laid out on the floor to show all its cunning! The host acts as a symbolic tyrant who cannot be disobeyed. He spins a harmless-looking roulette wheel and names the next move - the action that the player's innocent limb must perform.

I'll have to dodge

You don't know yet how difficult the uncompromising request to put your right hand on the blue circle can be! What to do if the only free blue circle is behind you, and right behind the circle on which your (or someone else's?) right foot is already standing? Spin around, dodge and ask the neighbors to move slightly, and at the same time - all the time to keep the position. A player who has lost his balance - fallen or touched the playing field with his elbow or knee - is out of the game. The most flexible wins!

Isn't that all the tricks?

The fateful roulette holds other secrets. For example, you may be asked to raise your left leg. There is nothing wrong with this innocent request, but not if your left leg is practically your only support!

Freedom to tyranny!

Who said the surprises end there? If you are really unlucky, a twisted letter “T” may fall out on the roulette wheel. This means that the host can apply all his talent as a ruthless tyrant and come up with a task himself! We are not responsible for the consequences.

Who appreciates the fun?

  • Teenagers who came to the birthday of a girlfriend;
  • Classmates bored at school teas;
  • Children (in places of accumulation more than two);
  • Adult uncles and aunts who have not yet forgotten children's pranks;
  • Office workers - instead of (or after) a boring corporate party.

Fun box contents:

  • Play mat with colorful circles;
  • Fateful roulette;
  • A plastic arrow for a roulette and a support for it.

Mosigra at Vafest in Nizhny Novgorod.

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