Poker without cuts: Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker opens cards. The Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker has opened a new season! How to play seven card stud poker

Last weekend Minsk club "Orion" hosted the 2nd stage of the Cup of Belarus in sports poker of the new autumn season-2010.

The Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker has prepared a lot of surprises for all fans of the game. In addition to the usual games of the RB Cup and the Pro League, in the new season, poker stars tournaments, freerolls for beginners, online satellites in room PokerStars. The SnG league has also started in the step-tournament format, where everyone gets the opportunity to win a ticket to a larger tournament. The Federation website is preparing to launch a forum where you can get answers to all questions, discuss tournaments and just chat with opponents at any time.

Season's novelties from the Belarusian Sports Poker Federation appealed to many players

This weekend Minsk club "Orion" hosted the 2nd stage of the Cup of Belarus in sports poker. 47 people took part in the tournament with a buy-in of 200 thousand rubles.

Live poker fans gathered in the Minsk club "Orion"

The game was held in the format of a freezeout tournament: the initial stack is 3000 chips or 150 big blinds, the initial level is 10/20, the levels increase every 25 minutes. As before, all games of the Belarusian Cup tournament series are rated. At the end of the season, the leaders of the rating will receive a free ticket to the Fall 2010 Main Event.

From the very beginning, the game turned out to be truly emotional. The dealers this time were very creative in their work and kneaded the river cooler than the PokerStars RNG sometimes does.

The author of the first "move" was one of the leaders of the rating of the Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker - Sergey Narozhny. Already at the third level of the blinds, Sergey doubles his stack, having exposed on the flop with a doper KQ against an opponent's ready straight. The cynical river did its job - the queen repeat sends Narozhny's opponent to play SnG-league steps.

Dealers are very creative approach to their work.

The author of the first "moving" was Sergei Narozhny. In the photo - Sergei Narozhny, Dmitry Zelenkevich.

By the way, in the new gaming season, everyone has a great opportunity, even after dropping out of the tournament, to continue live poker communication in SnG, which take place in the format of qualifying step-tournaments. At each of the stages, you can go to the next level, get a ticket to the corresponding tournament - the Cup of the Republic of Belarus or the Pro League, or pick up the prize money. The winners of the last step-tournament will have the opportunity to take part in one of the Russian Poker Series tournaments from PokerStars.

In the new season, everyone has a great opportunity, even after dropping out of the tournament, to continue live poker communication in SnG

Single-table 10max SnGs run in parallel with the main tournament and start as the table is formed. The buy-in for the first step is only 65 thousand rubles. More detailed information about the SnG league and its structure, you can find on the website of the Belarusian Sports Poker Federation.

Single-table 10max SnGs run in parallel with the main tournament and start as the table is formed.

It must be said that SnGs have appealed to many poker fans. Particularly passionate connoisseurs of the live game decided to multi-table: Dmitry Zelenkevich was seen playing in two sng-tournaments at the same time. In total, this weekend, 40 people took part in the first step-tournament, eight of which received tickets to the next stage.

Dmitry Zelenkevich was spotted playing in two sng tournaments simultaneously.

Meanwhile, the main tournament continued, and at the same time, "surprises" from dealers continued. River became the "hero of the day" and the lord of tournament fates in a single hand. Here and JJ< TT, и АКs >AKo, and 23>TT on the board - 2399. Opponents played for a stack on a 2 3 9 flop, showing pocket 23 and TT, the turn came a saving replay of the nine, well, and the river, as was already customary in the tournament, tirelessly surprised players and fans.


Another move from the dealer: the fans are watching the outcome of the distribution.

And everything would have been nothing, and poker would not have been so emotional this time if it were not for Mr. River. This cynical Man never ceased to amaze, bringing the most minimal “percentage” to the board with the fifth card.

The river tirelessly "tickled the nerves", bringing the most minimal percentages to the board with the fifth card. AT>AJ>AQ flop 6JQ…

At the final table this time Alexander Plyushch, Anatoly Ilyasov, Vadim Mishuk, Roman Gorny, Dmitry Stepuk, Boris Shalaiko, Viktor Novik, Alexander Sukhoparov, Natalia Shishlo and Kirill Zakharov met.

From left to right Cast: Boris Shalaiko, Dmitry Stepuk, Roman Gorny

Alexander Sukhoparov

Roman Gorny

Vadim Mishuk

The prize fund was distributed as follows:

1st place - 2 million 944 thousand Bel. ruble
2nd place - 1 million 840 thousand Bel. ruble
3rd place - 1 million 177 thousand Bel. ruble
4th place - 809 thousand Bel. ruble
5th place - 588 thousand Bel. ruble

Dmitry Stepuk was the first to leave the final table - he lost a coin to AQ<99

Dmitry Stepuk

The next was the only girl participating in the tournament - Natalia Shishko. The girl came to the final table with a stack slightly above 2 big blinds, and therefore she had to shove any two cards. For Natalia, this tournament is the first offline in her life, and therefore she is quite satisfied with its result - participation at the final table.

Natalia Shishko was pleased with the results of the first in her life offline tournament poker

One of the first to leave the final is Boris Shalaiko. His AT all-in preflop failed against his opponent's KQs.

Kirill Zakharov was a bit unlucky at the final table. His top pair on the flop lost to a set of tens that came on the turn.

Kirill Zakharov

In a one-on-one duel, Viktor Novik and Anatoly Ilyasov remained. None of the participants had a much higher advantage in chips, maybe that's why the opponents showed a fairly even, calm and reasonable game.

Blinds 1.5-3K. Viktor Novik raises 3BB preflop, Anatoly Ilyasov calls. The flop is JAA. Novik attacks and sends 8K to the bank, Ilyasov - count. The turn comes 9. Viktor bets, Anatoly calls. The river brought 8, all rainbows. Villain got stacked on the river. Novik showed A4 - trips from the flop, Ilyasov, to the great surprise of those around him, showed a straight with QT in his hand.

To the question of the opponent: “You pricked a lot of all the streets just like that. Can you explain the logic?” Novik asked. “No,” Anatoly answered and took almost all the chips in the tournament. After this distribution, Victor failed to restore his stack. So, Anatoly Ilyasov becomes the winner of the 2nd stage of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in sports poker. Congratulations to the winner!

Viktor Novik

Anatoly Ilyasov is the winner of the tournament!

There are only a few days left before the start of the 1st championship of the Republic of Belarus on poker. Preparations for this truly significant event are in full swing, and the number of people wishing to participate in the tournament has already exceeded all wildest expectations. Today, the BFSP is ready to publish the figures of interest to all and answer your questions.

So, the championship in numbers:

Period: from 6 to 21 June 2009;
- maximum number of participants: 1000 people;
- number of submitted applications as of May 29: 743;
- the number of eligible participants as of May 29: 409 people;
- prize fund for May 29: 20,450,000 rubles;
- number of prizes: 30;
- participation fee (buy-in): 50,000 rubles;
- initial number of game chips (stack): 1500;
- initial mandatory bets (blinds): 10/20.

Additional information can be obtained on the website of the Federation You can also apply for participation there.

However, no matter how you cover the event, there will still be questions. In the case of poker, of course, a lot of questions were asked, and the BFSP employees tracked, recorded and summarized them. As a result, we got a list of several dozen questions, which are answered by the First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Andrey Alexandrovich Sergeev for all poker fans:

"A lot of discussions on the Internet have arisen about whether the BFSP is an official organization, what its goals and objectives are, and whether it is related to any of the Belarusian casinos. I would like to note right away that the Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker is an official organization, passed the registration procedure as a public association with the status of a republican.Moreover, to date, the BFSP is the only organization legally engaged in the development of poker as a sport and holding poker sports competitions.There are some forums and statements that the BFSP is not an official , since "it is not recognized by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism", which gives out a superficial understanding of what is happening in their authors. It is difficult and not necessary to comment on them. Anyone who is interested in the legal subtleties of this issue, please contact the leadership of the BFSP directly. We are ready to explain everything and decompose it into shelves. First, the legal and regulatory framework relating to the activities of the BFSP is available on our website. Regarding the second part of the question, I can assure you that neither the BFSP itself nor any of its founders has anything to do with the gambling business. Anticipating subsequent questions, I will also clarify that the Federation, as a public association, is a non-profit organization and does not have the right to engage in any entrepreneurial activity, and its founders and leaders cannot derive any income from its activities at all.

Here I would also like to answer the claims addressed to us regarding the fact that we allegedly do not communicate with representatives of the poker community in Belarus. On the contrary, the BFSP and personally its leaders have excellent relations with the leadership of various poker associations, gathered under the flags of the respective Internet sites, many of the most reputable players, as well as fans of this game both in our country and abroad. We constructively interact with them, use their experience and knowledge in order to organize competitions at the highest possible level. Moreover, we are open to any communication. Up to the point that everyone who calls us, if desired, can communicate directly with the leadership of the Federation, express their wishes or comments.

And finally, completing the answer to a series of questions on the Federation, I would like to note that we have already done a lot: we have established close cooperation with our Russian and Ukrainian colleagues, received an invitation and are negotiating to join the International Poker Federation, organized in accordance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the 1st Championship of the Republic of Belarus, prepared the necessary documents for reporting and much more. However, not all of us are able to do it on our own. We need help, and help first of all from poker fans. We all need to show that we do not just exist - we live this game. It is necessary to show that there are many of us, all over the country, in every city, men and women, students and businessmen, doctors and lawyers. Poker is one of the most popular and democratic games in the world. This is how it should be in our state.

The next block of frequently asked questions is dedicated directly to sports poker and the 1st championship of the Republic of Belarus in this new sport. Why sports, many ask, how does sports poker differ from casino fun? There are many differences. First, in sports poker, money as such does not appear. That is, chips (poker chips) do not have a monetary value. There is no way to just pick them up and exchange them for money. Other rules apply, moreover, for the casino, the disciplines of sports poker, namely Texas hold'em, seven-card stud poker and Omaha, are not profitable, they depend too much on the skill of the player. The players here play among themselves, and not with the casino, or rather, the casino does not play with the players. Thirdly, sports poker is tournament poker, it's a competition, just like in any other sport. Many will object to me that the card game cannot be a sport. But, believe me, there is no more excitement in poker than in, say, football or hockey. And if the issue is money, then after all, the winners of competitions in any other sports also receive prize money. The fact that the game is a card game should not be embarrassing either. For example, the bridge already in 1996 received recognition from the International Olympic Committee. However, a similar issue with sports poker will be resolved in the near future.

And finally, the most interesting questions: why the WestWorld Club was chosen as the venue for the championship (many even think that the tournament will be held in a casino), whether anyone can become a participant, why such a system was chosen, are prizes taxed, why only non-cash payments? Many are also worried about the lack of online qualifying tournaments and stages in other cities of Belarus. So, in order:

WWC was chosen as the venue, as it best meets our requirements in terms of size, technical support, geographical location, and organizational capabilities. The tournament will take place in the club, and not at all in the casino. Anyone can become a participant - both a professional and an amateur, including a non-citizen of Belarus, over the age of 18. True, he must be a member of the BFSP. Why is that? Firstly, it is necessary to prepare documents for the recognition of a sport - the more members the federation has, the more real fans of the game in the country, the more chances for recognition. Secondly, given the specifics of poker and the existing misconception that poker is associated with casinos, we are forced to act legally competently so as not to give the slightest reason to doubt the sporting nature of our activities. And we choose the best way for this. Thirdly, it is necessary for the existence of the Federation. To ensure its functioning, that is, renting an office space, paying full-time employees, purchasing expensive equipment, and much more, money is needed, and a lot of money. Part of these costs will be covered from membership dues. In addition, if you pay attention to Russia or Ukraine, then they have a similar situation, so we did not reinvent the wheel.

If we talk about the championship system, which also receives critical arrows, then we consider it the most successful for holding a live tournament with such a number of participants, such a democratic fee for participation and such a diverse audience. The structure indicated above in figures, according to which the qualifying stages will be held, was tested with the participation of reputable Belarusian players, and they found it quite comfortable. As for the final, the classic American system (MTT) with a slow increase in blinds, I think, will suit everyone. We also deliberately refused to buy additional purchases (rebuys) and the opportunity to buy a seat immediately on the final day to ensure the principle of equality for all participants, regardless of their financial situation or professionalism.

Tournament winners will receive solid prize money. They are, of course, taxed, but the Federation takes care of this formality.

The issue of accepting cash requires compliance with certain formalities, so it is much easier and more convenient for the BFSP to accept non-cash payments. However, this problem will be solved in the near future, and the procedure for participating in competitions will become even more convenient for players. We are also considering the use of Internet payment systems (WebMoney, etc.).

As for the possibility of holding online qualifiers and stages in other cities of Belarus, it is important to immediately place emphasis here. The BFSP was created to host live tournaments. Perhaps in the future, when the geography of tournaments expands and the number of applicants increases, we will resort to the online format of holding satellites, but now we do not consider this necessary. Qualifying for the championship and other tournaments in the cities of Belarus will be held. However, today even in the regional centers there are no conditions necessary for holding live tournaments. However, certain agreements have already been reached and tournaments will appear in the calendar of competitions even for the current year, at least in the regional centers of the country.

That seems to be all the questions that I would like to answer. Concluding the conversation, I would like to invite spectators to the championship. For a nominal fee, everyone will be able to enjoy a spectacle that has not yet been in our country, watch the game of professionals and show business stars, plunge into the atmosphere of poker, understand it and fall in love with the game. We are waiting for everyone, see you at the table."

For a long time there was no news from the world of "live" poker in our country. Some might even think that nothing is happening. However, this is a misconception, just poker - as a sport, as a new phenomenon that came into our lives with the advent of the Belarusian Sports Poker Federation, has entered a phase of systematic development. Federation itself going through the registration process with the NOC, negotiations are underway with the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the country on the possibility of official recognition of a new sport - sports poker.

According to the leadership of the BFSP, the necessary package of documents has been prepared, a constructive dialogue has been established, and all that remains is a tedious wait.

However, this expectation is brightened up by regular tournaments held within the framework of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in sports poker in the Minsk club "Times" (TC "Stolitsa", lower level).

During the fall, 8 such competitions have already been held, with plans for another 2 before the end of the season. Following the results of three months of the “dull time”, the autumn Main Event of the Cup will be held - the final event of one fourth of the sports season, in which the top 5 will get the right to participate for free Rating of the autumn months. It is worth noting that the places have not yet been “booked” and most of the top twenty have every chance of getting into the coveted five, having successfully performed in the remaining tournaments.

However, this does not seem to be all. Not so long ago, the BFSP announced changes in the system of holding tournaments, which will make them more attractive, more prestigious and more profitable. So far, no details have been disclosed, but so far the Federation has kept all its promises, and there is no reason to believe that it will not introduce a new system this year, organizing some very remarkable tournament closer to the New Year. However, let's wait and see.

So far, we can only hope for the best, including the improvement of the situation of sports poker, both in our country and abroad.

By the way, on November 7, the leadership of the Federation represented Belarus at the Conference dedicated to the creation in St. Petersburg of an organization to protect the rights and interests of poker fans.

The conference, designed to restore hope to the “army” of Russian fans of this game, brought together not only the most influential people in poker in Russia, scientists, artists, editors of political magazines, but also the most famous people in the world - vice-world champion Ivan Demidov, executive director of the International Federation poker - Oliver Chub, EPT Executive Producer - John Duffy. In addition to agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation with neighbors and international organizations, the leaders of the BFSP brought to Minsk plans to hold an RPT stage with us and hopes for the adoption of the EPT stage. And all this - already next year.

Well, it looks like the ice has broken. Perhaps in the new year 2010 we will become part of the big poker world.

Best regards, BFSP Executive Committee.

The Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker is a republican public association founded in April 2009 with the aim of developing sports poker in Belarus, holding tournaments and supporting amateur and professional players. Since August 2009 he has been a member of the International Poker Federation.

Organized by the Federation in 2009, the Open Sports Poker Championship of the Republic of Belarus became the first “live” poker tournament in the country. Since then, more than 500 competitions of various levels have been held. In November 2014, the Belarusian Sports Poker Federation organized the Belarus Poker Tour.

Below you can find the Sports Poker Rules approved by the Federation, according to which Belarus Poker Tour tournaments are held.

poker rules




2.1. Main judge

2.3. Secretary


3.1. American format

3.2. Olympic format

3.3. Levels



4.1. Definitions

4.2. Sports poker disciplines

4.3. Game equipment

4.4. Deck

4.5. Seniority of suits

4.6. Poker Hands

4.7. Limits (game formats)

4.8. Application types

4.9. Applications and their application

4.10. Application out of turn

4.11. Bet in parts (string bet)

4.12. Big chip bet

4.13. Underrate

4.14. Overrate


5.1. Equal starting opportunities

5.2. draw

5.3. Determining the position of the button

5.4. Starting rates

5.5. Card Dealing Procedure

5.6. How to play Texas Hold'em

5.7. How to play Omaha

5.8. How to play seven card stud poker

5.9. The procedure for determining the winner of the distribution

5.10. Determination of the winner of the competition


6.1. Defective card

6.2. Defective deck

6.3. Retake

6.4. General rules

6.5. Error Correction Rules for Seven Card Stud Poker

6.6. Error Correction Rules for Texas Hold'em and Omaha


7.1. Violations

7.2. Disciplinary sanctions

7.3. Protest

7.4. Decisions for Justice

7.5. Other conditions


These Rules are obligatory for all sports poker competitions held by the NGO "BFSP".

Section I



1.1. Sports poker competitions are held among persons aged 18 years and older.

1.2. The participant must know and comply with these Rules, the Regulations for a particular competition, discipline, the laws of fair wrestling, be correct in relation to opponents, spectators and officials.


In sports poker competitions, the officials are:

· main judge;

· secretary;

2.1. Main judge(Tournament Director)

2.1.1. The Chief Referee is responsible for officiating competitions in accordance with these Rules. It defines the functions of judges and dealers, organizes, ensures and controls their work.

2.1.2. The chief referee controls the condition of the competition venue, poker equipment and inventory.

2.1.3. The chief judge accepts protests and makes decisions on them.

2.1.4. The chief referee signs the final protocol of the competition.

2.1.5. The chief referee has the right to change the start time of the competition if the conditions do not meet the requirements of these Rules; announce a break and change the schedule of games; remove judges, dealers, participants from participation in competitions for unsportsmanlike behavior.

2.1.6. The chief referee makes the final decision in the event of any special situations that are not reflected in the text of these Rules.

2.2. Referee(Assistant Tournament Director)

2.2.1. Prior to the start of the competition, the judge must make sure that the poker equipment, equipment and chairs are ready for each participant in the competition and dealers.

2.2.2. In the process of judging, the judge must be attentive and objective. The place he occupies during the competition must provide full control over the game process.

2.2.3. The referee decides whether this or that game event has taken place. This decision may be the basis for a protest to the chief referee. The referee is obliged to interpret game events in full accordance with these Rules.

2.3. Secretary

2.3.1. The secretary is responsible for the accuracy of information materials and for the execution of all documentation at the competition.

2.3.2. The secretary, by decision of the chief judge, conducts the draw of participants in the competition, draws up and maintains the protocol of the competition.

2.3.3. The secretary draws up and signs the final protocol, organizes the issuance of documents to the participants of the competition based on the results of the competition.

2.4. Dealer

2.4.1. The dealer directly carries out the process of conducting the game between the participants of the competition in accordance with these Rules.


The format (system) of sports poker competitions can be as follows:

3.1. American format

Players start the game with the same number of chips set by the Regulations and the initial size of mandatory bets. An increase in the amount of mandatory rates is carried out after a certain time interval established by the Regulations. Athletes who lose all their chips are eliminated from the competition and lose the right to their further participation in it (if the Regulations do not provide for replays).

In order to maintain an equal number of players at each table, the Chief Referee of the competition or a person appointed by him for this purpose conducts appropriate control and redistribution of players at the tables. The redistribution occurs as follows: the player who should have been in the big blind position in the next hand is moved from the table with the largest number of participants to the table where the number of participants needs to be supplemented. The player is transferred to the nearest free position to the big blind or, if the free position in the next hand is the big blind, then the player is transferred to it.

At the beginning of any distribution of the competition, the number of players at the tables may differ by no more than one participant (in exceptional cases, by decision of the Chief Referee - no more than two). In the event that the number of players at one of the tables at any time in the tournament differs from the number of players at the most “complete” table by more than two people, and the player who, as a general rule, should be transplanted, continues to participate in the current distribution, the Chief Referee may decide to move the next non-participating player clockwise. In this case, the transfer must be carried out to a position no worse than the position occupied by the transplanted player on the table from which the transfer is made.

When the number of players becomes equal to the number of participants required to form the final table (determined by the Regulations), the game stops (the current hand is played out), the tables are disbanded and the final table is formed. A draw is held between all participants in the final table, with the help of which the player's place at the final table is determined. The winner of the competition is the participant who wins all the chips of the competition.

In 10-max tournaments, the pre-final and final tables are played in 9-max format.

3.2. Olympic format

Participants start the game with the same number of chips set by the Regulations and the initial size of mandatory bets. Athletes who lose all their chips are eliminated from the competition and lose the right to their further participation in it (if the Regulations do not provide for replays).

At each poker table, the game is played to one remaining winner who has won all the chips on this table. The following tables are formed from such winners, the participants start the game again with an equal number of chips for all, the game is also played until one remaining winner, etc. Depending on the number of participants, the stages of the competition are set: 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, semi-final and final game.

3.3. Levels

To regulate the duration of sports poker competitions, competitions are divided into time intervals - levels, in each subsequent of which the size of mandatory bets increases. The duration of the levels, as well as the amount of mandatory bets, are determined by the Regulations of a particular competition.

Section II


Sports poker is an intellectual card game in which players compete with each other, according to the rules approved in the established order, in the ability, skill to calculate various probabilities and chances of collecting a winning combination, evaluate the tactics and strategy of the opponent's game.

The goal of each player is to win the pot in the hand by collecting a combination that is higher than that of the partner (s), or to take the partner (s) out of the game by means of their own bet (series of bets).


4.1. Definitions

For the purposes of these Rules, the following definitions are used:

BUTte A mandatory bet that each player must make (place) before the deal.


The total number of chips placed by players.
Button A marker (usually a round disk) indicating the order of the first word in the trade. The first bid in each betting round is made by the player to the left of the button. After each hand, the button moves clockwise to the next player.
Bno The first bet in a betting round when neither player has bet yet.
Blind A mandatory bet in Texas Hold'em and Omaha made by the player in first and second positions before the hand begins. There are small and big blinds. The player in first position must post the small blind, the player in second position must post the big blind. Typically, the small blind is half the size of the big blind. The player who posted the big blind retains the last word in the first round of betting.
Bhorde Cards that are face up on the table. For example, a player's up cards in Seven Card Stud are called the player's board, while the community cards in Texas Hold'em and Omaha are also called the board. So, the flop is the first three cards of the board in Texas Hold'em and Omaha.

Bring In

The mandatory opening bet in Seven Card Stud poker, which is made by the player with the lowest upcard on the first round of betting.


The final stage of the distribution, when the remaining players in the game open their cards and compare their combinations.
Diler An official of the competition who directly conducts the game between the players: dealing cards, etc.
Card Value Each card has a suit and value (rank). For example, ª9 and ©9 are cards of the same rank. A pair is two cards of the same rank.
Wayavka A player's action in a bet, expressed as a bet, fold, or check.
call Equalizing rate.
Trading circle

Round of betting

The set of applications made by all players at a particular stage of the game. So, in Texas Hold'em, the first round of betting begins when the players are dealt cards. The second - when the flop opens, the third - when the fourth card of the board (turn) is opened. Fourth (final) - when the fifth (last) card of the board (river) is revealed. The round ends when everyone has called the highest bet made in this round.


The cards are dealt to the players, the first player puts 10 chips, the second puts 20 chips, the third puts 30 chips. The first player calls by betting 20 extra chips, the second calls by betting 10 extra chips. The circle is over.

Toep The last possible increase in a given betting round when playing limit poker.
Betting limit The maximum number of chips that a player can put into the pot in one round of betting. According to the maximum bet, there are:

no limit poker - no restrictions;

pot-limit poker - limit: the amount of chips in the bank;

limit poker - the limit is fixed.

Mast One of four groups of cards in a deck, containing 13 cards and denoted by a characteristic symbol: spades - ♠, hearts - , diamonds - ♦ and clubs - ♣.
Ollandn A bet at which a player puts all of their chips into the pot.
Oyou Cards discarded by players.
Pace A bid in the betting circle, indicating the refusal to fight for the bank. The player must discard his cards.
side bank

side pot

If one of the players put all-in, and there are bets in the game that exceed all-in, then the pot is divided into two parts: the main pot and the side pot. Bets that exceed the size of the all-in are added separately - in a side pot.


The first player bets 10 chips. The second player bets all-in - 20 chips - all that he has. The third player calls and raises to 50 chips. In this case, out of 50 chips placed by the third player, 20 go to the main pot, which is claimed by all players, including the second one, and 30 are placed separately - to the side pot, which is currently claimed only by the first and third players, because. the second has no chips to call this bet. If, in the course of further trading, one of the players also runs out of chips, a second side pot will be created, and so on.

Undercut card

cutting card

A colored card, exactly the size of the cards, used to cut the deck before the start of the deal. After the shuffling process is completed, the dealer must lay down the deck, cut the cards and place them on the undercut card, thus preventing the possibility of accidentally showing the bottom card to any of the players.


The player's place at the poker table during the game. The first position is the place following the button. Next - clockwise.
re-entry An additional fee to continue participating in the competition and receive additional chips. Possibilityre-entryestablished by the Regulations. Regulations may lay down special rules forhisre-entry(Add-on).
Rdistribution The segment of the game process from the beginning of the dealer's cards to the moment when the bank is given to the winner.
The sizereyza The difference between the previous bet (blind, bet, call, raise, reraise) and the raised bet.


Increasing the bet after the opponent raised.
river The fifth (last) card of the board in Texas Hold'em and Omaha.
Raz Increasing the bet after the previous player has bet or called.
FROMcountry house The process by which a dealer distributes cards to players.
Burn the map For security purposes, when dealing cards, the top card in the deck is “burned” before the start of each betting round. To do this, the dealer must hand over the top card from the deck, face down, under the chips in the bank. This procedure is called burning the card. The dealer must not burn the card only when he starts a new hand.

Burned cards are not mixed with the waste and lie separately until the end of the distribution.

Bid Chips placed by the player in the bank in one round of betting.

There are rates:








Stack The total number of player chips, his game asset.
turn The fourth card of the board in Texas Hold'em and Omaha (opened after the flop).
Ttrading The process by which players involved in a pot fight make bids.
Flop The first three cards of the board in Texas Hold'em and Omaha, revealed at the same timeimmediately after the first betting round.
Check An application in a trade that allows you to stay in the game without putting anything in the pot. Allowed if no one has yet bet in this round of betting.
Hun Token (chip) used for the game.
Chip-up Exchange of small chips for large ones without the final withdrawal of the first ones from the game.

Chip Raise

Exchange of small chips for large ones at a time when small chips are no longer needed in the game. It is determined by the chief referee of the competition.

4.2. Sports poker disciplines

Competitions are held in the following sports poker disciplines:

· Texas Hold'em

· Omaha

· Seven Card Stud

· Open Chinese Poker

4.3. Game equipment

When playing sports poker, you should use poker tables, chips, cards, etc.

4.4. Deck

To play sports poker, a standard full deck of 52 sheets of four suits (spades - ♠, hearts - , diamonds - ♦ and clubs - ♣) is used in denominations from deuce to ace. Card seniority: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack (J), Queen (Q), King (K), Ace (A). In the formation of some poker combinations, an ace can act as both the highest and the lowest card.

4.5. Seniority of suits

4.5.1. In sports poker, suits are not distinguished by seniority except in the following cases:

- determining the position of the button during the draw in Texas Hold'em and Omaha;

— determination of the player who makes the first bid in seven-card stud poker in the event of a tie on the board.

For these purposes, the seniority of suits is determined as follows:

spades - ♠, hearts - , diamonds - ♦ and clubs - ♣ (where spades are the highest suit).

4.5.2. Suits are not taken into account when determining the winner of the hand. In other words, a flush in one suit is not considered stronger than a flush in another suit (when comparing two flushes, only the seniority of the cards is taken into account; if the value of all five cards that make up the flush match, the pot is divided among the holders of equal flushes).

4.6. Poker Hands

4.6.1. A poker hand consists strictly of five cards.

The poker hands are listed below in descending order.

If two layouts belong to the same combination, then their seniority is determined depending on the seniority of the cards. There are no priorities between suits.


· A straight flush from a king is higher than a straight flush from a queen.

Four of a kind fives is older than a four of twos.

· Full house 33344 is older than full house 222AA - first of all, the value of three of a kind cards is compared.

A flush from an ace is higher than a flush from a jack.

· A straight from a king is older than a straight from a queen.

Three of eights is older than three of sixes. If two players have a "Three of a Kind" combination made up of cards of the same value, then the seniority of the fourth and fifth cards included in the combination is taken into account: 888KQ is higher than 888K10.

· Two pairs of AA223 are higher than two pairs of KKQQJ - first of all, the merits of the higher pairs in the combination are compared. If the values ​​of the cards of the highest pair are the same, the values ​​of the cards of the lowest pair are compared. 99882 is older than 9955A. If the value of the cards of both the highest and the lowest pair is the same, then the value of the fifth card (kicker) is taken into account: 9955A is higher than 9955K.

· A pair of kings is older than a pair of tens. If the value of the cards of the pairs is the same, then the value of the next card included in the combination is compared: a pair of kings with an ace is higher than a pair of kings with a queen. The KKAQ3 pair is older than the KKAQ2. Combinations 99752 and 99752 are equal.

· In empty combinations, card values ​​are compared, starting with the highest one: AJ432 is higher than A10987, regardless of the suits.

4.7. Limits (game formats)

4.7.1. Unlimited format (No Limit)- no limit on the size of the bet. Any player can go all-in at any point in the hand.

4.7.2. Pot-limit format (Pot Limit)- the maximum bet size is equal to the size of the pot at the moment.

Example : If there are 100 chips in the pot at the moment, then the maximum bet that player 1 can make is 100. If player 2 wants to raise, then the maximum bet that he can make is 400 chips - call 100 and “plus the pot” - 300.

4.7.3. Limited format (Limit)– the maximum bet size (upper and lower) is set in advance.

In Texas Hold'em and Omaha, the lower betting limit is set for the first and second betting rounds, and the upper limit for the third and fourth betting rounds.


Limit 10-20. On the first two rounds of betting (low betting limit) player 1 can only bet 10 (bet), and player 2, if he wants to raise, can bet strictly 20 chips. Player 3 can reraise to 30. The last legal reraise, called the cap, is 40 chips.


Limit 10-20. On the third and fourth betting rounds (upper betting limit), player 1 can only bet 20 (bet), and player 2, if he wants to raise, can bet strictly 40 chips. Player 3 can reraise to 60. The last legal reraise, called the cap, is 80 chips.

In 7 Card Stud, the lower betting limit is used on the first two betting rounds, and the upper betting limit is used on the next three betting rounds.

In the limit format, no more than three raises are allowed per betting round. If there are only two players in the game, then the number of raises is not limited. This applies whenever two players remain in the game, unless there were three or more players in the original betting round.

For all types of limits

The player has the right to raise the previous bet except in the following cases.

· The trading circle has been completed.

· The maximum number of raises allowed in this betting round has been made.

· This player has already bet in this round of betting, and the previous all-in bet, although more than a call, is not a sufficient raise.

4.8. Application types

4.8.1. A verbal statement defines the player's actions and is an obligation. If, in turn, the player verbally declares, fold, check, bet, call, raise, reraise or cap - he must take these actions.

4.8.2. All requests of players must be made only in turn.

4.8.3. Before the start of trading, there are the following types of orders:

Blind (big, small).

When trading, there are the following types of orders:

· Bring-in;

· Reraise;

4.9. Applications and their application

4.9.1. Pass

The player ceases to participate in the game if:

announces the intention to refuse by saying the word "pass";

cards are discarded by a player in the direction of the end, provided that one of the subsequent players managed to make a request;

Note: However, if the cards are clearly separable from the discard, they may be returned to the player at the discretion of the Chief Referee of the competition, but only if they were discarded as a result of incorrect information transmitted to the player.

· the player's cards touched the end;

· the cards of one player touched the cards of another player;

· the time for making an application is limited, and the time limit determined (by the regulations or the judge) has expired;

· the player is dealt the wrong number of cards, while one or more players have already made bets;

Note: A player who takes action without looking at his cards takes responsibility for the correct number of cards dealt to him.

4.9.2. Check

Request check- can be made by the player if in this round of betting no other orders were made before him, except for the orders of check or pass. In the first round of betting, a check request is possible for a player in the big blind position, provided that no one has made a raise (reraise) in front of him. The application for a check can be voiced orally or by a characteristic movement of the hand (knocking or hitting) on ​​the table.


Bid bet– may be made by a player, provided that no player has previously made any bids (other than a fold or check) in the current round of betting.

Minimum bet size:

· in a pot-limit format – the size of the big blind;

· in no-limit format - the size of the big blind.

Maximum bet size:

· in a limited format – the set rate for a given round of trading;

· in a pot-limit format – the size of the bank at the current moment;

4.9.4. call

Bid call- can be made by the player in response to bets, raises, reraises or caps, while there could be other players in front of the player who also made a call bet;

4.9.5. Raize

Bid raise- can be made by a player if any of the players in front of him made a bet, or a raise can be made against the blinds.

Minimum raise bet size:

· in a limited format: the set amount of each bet for a given round of betting.


Limit 10-20. The flop came up. The first player bet 10. The minimum (and maximum) raise is 20 (10+10). In the same game on the turn. The first player bets 20. The minimum (and maximum) raise is 40 (20+20).

· In pot-limit and no-limit formats: the minimum raise is doubling the previous bet or doubling the big blind.


There are 50 in the pot. The first player bet 50. The minimum raise is 100 (50+50).


The pot is 1200. The first player bet 900. The minimum raise is 1800 (900+900).

Maximum raise bet size:

· in a limited format – the set rate for a given round of trading;

· in pot-limit format – the size of the pot at the current moment.

· in unlimited format - limited by the number of player's chips.

Limits on the number of Raises:

· In the limited format, the number of raises is limited to three. Theoretically, only bets, raises, reraises, caps are possible;

· In pot-limit and no-limit formats, the number of raises is not limited.

4.9.6. Reraise

Bid reraise- can be made by a player if any of the players in front of him made a raise bet.

Minimum reraise bet size:

· in a limited format – the set amount of each bet for a given round of trading.


· In pot-limit and no-limit formats: the minimum reraise is the size of the raise bet.


Blinds 50-100, the player bets 300, for the next player the minimum raise is 500 (300+200)


There are 80 in the pot. The first player bet 50. The second player raises - 180 (50+130). Minimum reraise = 180+130=310.

Maximum reraise bet size:

· in a limited format – the set bet size for a given round of trading.


Limit 10-20. The flop came up. The first player bets 10. The second player raises 20 (10+10). The minimum (and maximum) reraise is 30 (20+10). In the same game on the turn. The first player bets 20. The second player raises 40 (20+20). The minimum (and maximum) reraise is 60 (40+20).

In a pot-limit format, the size of the pot at the current moment. The size of the pot is calculated taking into account the equalization of the previous bet.


There are 80 in the pot. The first player bet 50. The second player raises - 180 (50 called +130 raised). Max reraise = 670 .

In the no-limit format, it is limited by the number of player's chips.

4.9.7. Cap

Bid cap- the final (last) of the possible raises. A cap bet can be made by a player in response to a reraise request.

Bid cap exists only in a limit format, where there is a limit on the number of raises in one round of betting.

4.9.8. All-in

Bid all-in means that the player bets his entire stack (all game chips) into the pot.

If a player bets all-in, more than the previous bet, but less than the minimum raise, then the options for the next players depend on whether the all-in bet is considered a raise or a call.

In the limit format, an all-in is not considered a raise if the excess is less than 50% of the required size, and it is considered a raise if the excess is 50% or more.


Limit 10-20. The first player bets 10. The second player calls 10. The third player bets all-in 14. The bet does not count as a raise. The first and second players have only one opportunity - to call up to 14.


Limit 10-20. The first player bets 10. The second player plays all-in 14. The bet does not count as a raise. The third player has the opportunity to call 14 or deliver up to a minimum raise of 20. In the case of a raise, the fourth and subsequent players have all the possibilities provided by the game. In the case of a call (called 14), all the following players have raising opportunities, except for the first one. If no one raises, the first player has only one option - to call to 14 (or fold).


Limit 10-20. The first player bets 10. The second player plays all-in 15. The bet is considered a raise. The third and subsequent players have the option to call 15 or reraise 25 (15+10). In this round of betting, the cap will be 35.

In pot-limit and no-limit formats, an all-in is not considered a raise if the excess is less than 100% of the required amount, and is considered a raise if the excess is 100% or more.


Blinds 10-20. The first player bets 20. The second player raises 60 (20+40). And the third puts all-in 90 (60+30). The bet is not considered a raise. The first player has the option to raise. And if he calls all-in, the second player has no opportunity to raise.

If the player in the big blind moves all-in for less than the big blind, the next player must either post the full amount of the big blind or raise in order to continue playing. The minimum and maximum raises are calculated based on the size of the big blind, not the size of the all-in bet.

If a player's all-in bet is less than the allowed raise, then the size of the reraise for subsequent players is calculated as the size of that player's all-in plus the size of the big blind.

4.10. Application out of turn

Application out of turn is not allowed. A player who made a bid out of turn cannot withdraw the bid.

If the player (or players) in front of him made a bet, he can call, raise or fold, but the chips he put into the pot must remain in the pot.

A player who checks out of turn must check if all players in front of him have checked.

An exception is the case if an order out of turn is the result of a dealer's mistake (the dealer turned to the player with a request to make a request). In this case, the player may change his bid, but only if the next player has not yet made any bids.

4.11. Bet in parts (string bet)

Partial betting is not allowed. The player must bet chips into the pot in a single action or announce the size of the bet in advance.

If a player bets with two or more moves, only the chips placed with the first move are accepted.

4.12. Big chip bet

If a player puts one chip larger than the bet into the pot and does not announce an increase, it is considered that he called the previous bet.

In pot-limit and no-limit formats, if a player bets with a large denomination chip, then his bet is accepted at the maximum.


Player 1 bets 50, player 2 puts one 100 chip into the pot without any words or gestures. Player 2 should get back 50 from the pot and the dealer should call.

Example (unlimited format)

There are 150 in the pot. There were no bets yet. The player puts a 1000 chip into the pot. The dealer announces: the bet is 1000.

Example (pot-limit format)

There are 150 in the pot. The player puts a 1000 chip into the pot. The dealer announces: bet 150 and returns 850 change.

4.13. Underrate

A bet is considered insufficient if it is less than necessary (bet, call or raise). The general rule is that if a player has not put enough chips into the pot (for any bet), he must either complete the bet to the minimum, or fold, having lost the chips put into the pot.

Note . Chips can only be returned to the under-call player if there was a dealer error in suggesting the player to act early. An underbet or undercall cannot be raised to a raise.


Player 1 made a bet, player 2 raised, player 3 thought, and the dealer turned to player 4: "Your word." Player 4 calls while Player 3 reraises. In this case, player 4's decision can be changed: he can call the reraise or take the bet from the pot and fold.

4.14. Overrate

4.14.1. If more chips are in the pot than what is needed to call, this is not considered an automatic raise.

4.14.2. Overbet with one chip.

Player 1 bets 60, Player 2 raises and puts two 100 chips on the table, Player 3 says nothing and also puts two 100 chips into the pot. Both Player 2 and Player 3 must get 80 back from the pot. Player 3 didn't say anything or make any sign of a reraise when Player 3 put enough chips into the pot to reraise, so he is considered to have called the original bet and the subsequent raise.

Example 2 (pot-limit format)

There are 100 in the pot. Player 1 bets 100. Player 2 silently throws a chip worth 500. The dealer announces: call and gives 400 change.

Example 3 (unlimited format)

Player 1 bets 100. Player 2 throws a 500 chip and raises. The dealer accepts the maximum possible raise bet within the staked amount.

4.14.3. Overbet multiple chips. If a player bets more than what is needed to call, the size of a few chips, a raise is obvious

Example (pot-limit format)

The pot is 100. Player 1 bets 100. Player 2 silently throws 5 chips worth 100. The dealer announces a raise of 400 and returns 100.


5.1. Equal starting opportunities

Before the start of the competition, all participants receive the same number of chips, which is determined by the Regulations (regulations) of specific competitions.

5.2. draw

Before the start of the competition, a lottery is held between all participants, with the help of which the player’s place at the poker table is determined, as well as the number of the table itself.

The number of poker tables to be drawn depends on the number of players allowed to participate in the competition.

A person authorized by the chief referee of the competition mixes and lays out on the table face down special pairing cards, which indicate the number of the table and the position behind it. The player receives his card and takes his place. The card is chosen randomly. The Chief Referee or another official must check the correct seating of the players before the start of the competition. It is allowed to use special computer programs to ensure a uniform, secret and fair draw.

5.3. Determining the position of the button

5.3.1. In all tournaments held under the auspices of the BFSP, the button position is received by the player on the last box (in 10max tournaments - on the 10th, 9max - on the 9th, etc.)

5.3.2. In each subsequent hand, the button moves clockwise one position.

5.4. Starting rates

5.4.1. Blinds are the mandatory starting bets in Texas Hold'em and Omaha. Their sizes for each level of competitions are established by the Regulations of the competitions.

The player sitting after the button posts the small blind. The player sitting after the small blind posts the big blind.

Also, the Competition Rules may provide for the presence of both antes and blinds at the same time.

5.4.2. The mandatory starting bets in Seven Card Stud Poker are the Antes and the Bring-Ins.

Ante bets are placed by all participants in the game before the start of the distribution (procedurally, before cutting).

5.4.3. In Seven Card Stud, the lowest face-up card must start the first round of betting with the bring-in bet. The size of the bet is established by the Regulations of the competition.

5.5. Card Dealing Procedure

5.5.1. The delivery of cards at the competitions is carried out by the dealer, or by the dealer using special equipment for shuffling cards (shuffle machines). If special equipment for shuffling cards (shuffle machines) is used at a particular competition, then this equipment must be used at all poker tables of this competition.

5.5.2. Before the start of each deal, the dealer must shuffle (the cards are shuffled on the table with circular movements of the hands), then the deck is carefully shuffled and trimmed. All actions of the dealer must be clear and take place in front of the players.

5.5.3. The procedure for shuffling cards when using special equipment for shuffling cards (shuffle machine) is as follows: after the dealer removes the deck from special equipment for shuffling cards (shuffle machine), he must make a rifl shuffle (shuffling cards when the deck is divided in half, then the halves are mixed with each other (slid into each other).

5.5.4. After the shuffling process is completed, the dealer must lay down the deck, cut the cards with one hand (only once) and place them on the cut card.

5.5.5. Further actions of the dealer depend on the discipline of sports poker in which the competition is held.

5.5.6. The distribution begins with the first riffle or pressing a button on the shuffle machine.

5.6. How to play Texas Hold'em

5.6.1. After the mandatory bets are made, the dealer deals each player two cards face down, one card per round of dealing, starting with the player in the small blind position.

5.6.2. First round of trading. Betting starts with the next player clockwise after the big blind. He can make the following requests:

5.6.3. The next player in turn can take the same action plus reraise if there was a raise before him. The betting round ends when the highest bet at the table has been called by everyone who wants to stay in the game. After the first round of betting is completed, the dealer burns the top card of the deck and places the flop on the table. After that, the second round of trading takes place.

5.6.4. Second round of trading. Betting starts with the player behind the button. If he has already folded, then from the next one, and so on. The bids he can make are the same as on the first round of betting, plus the ability to make bids such as check and bet is added to them. All of these bids apply to all other betting rounds as well.

5.6.5. Third and fourth betting rounds. The dealer burns the card again and puts the fourth card (turn) on the table, after which the next, already the third, round of betting takes place. Further, burning the card, the last, fifth, card (river) is laid out on the table. Thus, as a result, the player has a total of seven cards (two of his own in his hand and five common to all players on the board), which make up the highest five-card poker hand for each player.

5.6.6. In Texas Hold'em, a player can make the best five-card hand from any seven cards available, i.e. if there is a Royal Flush on the table, then the participants remaining in the game will share the pot among themselves, since this combination will be the best for each of them.

5.6.7. After the river is dealt on the table (or there is one player left in the game), the dealer places the rest of the deck on the discarded cards, thus freeing both hands for the procedure of determining the highest combination and paying the pot to the winner (or winners).

5.7. How to play Omaha

The game process and trading rules in Omaha are no different from Texas Hold'em. The differences between these games are as follows:

5.7.1. In Omaha, each player is dealt four cards face down, also one card per round of dealing.

5.7.2. When determining the highest combination, strictly two cards out of four dealt to the player and three cards from the board are used.

5.8. How to play seven card stud poker

5.8.1. After the mandatory ante bets are made, the dealer collects the chips in the pot, cuts the deck and deals three cards to each player (one card per dealing round). The first two cards are dealt face down, and the third is revealed to each player.

5.8.2. First round of trading. Betting starts with the player who received the lowest upcard. This player must place a mandatory bring-in bet. If two players have the lowest card of the same value, then the card suit is compared (spades ♠, hearts, diamonds ♦, clubs ♣ - in descending order).

5.8.3. The next (clockwise) player can make one of the following calls:

call (to equalize the bring-in bet);

bet (complete - additions to the bring-in to the value of the bet in this round of trading).

5.8.4. The player following him in turn can take: call, raise, pass. The betting round ends after the highest bet at the table has been called by everyone who wants to stay in the game. After the first round of betting is completed, the dealer burns the top card of the deck and deals each player a second open card. The second round of trading begins.

5.8.5. Second round of trading. Betting starts with the player with the highest hand on two open cards. He can check or bet.

In the limit format, the presence of an open pair on the table gives players the opportunity to immediately move to a higher betting level.

Example 1 (limited format)

Game 10-20. On the first and second rounds of betting, the player who opens the bet can bet 10 (no more, no less). On the third, fourth and fifth rounds of betting, the initial bet is also determined - 20 (no more and no less). However, if on the second round of betting, the player has an open pair, he can open the trade with a bet of 10 or 20 - at his discretion, and also check.

Example 2 (limited format)

Game 10-20. The player with an open pair checked. The next player also has the option to bet 10 or 20. Moreover, if the owner of the pair bets 10, the next player has the choice of raising 20 (10+10) or 30 (10+20), moving to a higher betting level.

5.8.6. Third and fourth betting rounds. The dealer again burns the card and deals the players with the third open card, after which the next, already the third, round of betting takes place. Further, burning the card, he deals the fourth open card, and the fourth round of betting takes place. Trading on all betting rounds, except for the first one, is started by the player with the highest combination on open cards.

5.8.7. Fifth round of trading. The dealer burns the card and deals the players one hole card each, after which the last, fifth round of betting takes place. Thus, in total, each player has a total of seven cards (three down and four up).

5.9. The procedure for determining the winner of the distribution

5.9.1. Determination of the winner of the distribution. Each distribution of the competition is considered completed in two cases:

· There is only one player left in the trade (all the rest have passed). In this case, this player is considered the winner, and he takes the entire pot.

· At the end of the last betting round, there are two or more players left in the game. In this case, the remaining players, in order of priority, reveal their cards. The player with the best combination is declared the winner.

The right to contest a hand that has been played to the end ends at the start of a new hand. If the hand ends during the break, the right to contest the hand ends 1 minute after the winning pot is awarded.

5.9.2. The sequence of opening the cards is as follows

If on the last round of betting all the players made a check request, then the first player to open the cards is the player who made the last active action in any of the circles of betting and then all in turn clockwise. If the player who must reveal the cards first discards them, the second player may not show his cards.

If during the showdown only one player has cards left in his hands (all the rest have passed), the bank is given to him, while he has the right not to show his cards.

If one of the players revealed his cards, then the other (s) player (s) have the right to discard their cards without opening, thereby confirming their defeat. In this case, it is forbidden to reveal the cards of this player (s).

Exception. If any of the players and / or officials of the competition have reasonable suspicions of an agreement between the participants in the competition to commit joint actions in the game (group game) directed against other players, the main referee may decide to show the cards.In this case, only the chief judge and no one else looks at these cards and makes a decision. If the chief referee decides that a group game has taken place, he must justify this by showing the cards to all participants.

5.9.3. Bank division. If two or more players have the same seniority combination, they divide the pot among themselves in equal shares. If it is not possible to divide the bank exactly in half, the bank is divided up to the chip of the smallest denomination that is in the game at the moment. The odd chip is given to the player following the button.

5.10. Determination of the winner of the competition

5.10.1. The winner of the competition is the player who wins all the chips of all participants in these competitions.

5.10.2 The player is considered to have withdrawn from the tournament if he does not have any game chips left to continue the game, as well as in cases of his disqualification in accordance with these Rules.


6.1. Defective card

6.1.1. If during shuffling or dealing it was noticed that any card is marked, broken or bears other marks, the dealer is obliged to stop and draw the attention of the chief referee or the judge of the competition, then replace the deck and deal cards using a new deck .

6.1.2. If an open card turned out to be defective, the distribution must be brought to an end, and only after that the deck or card in it is replaced.

6.2. Defective deck

A deck is considered defective if it:

6.2.1. there are more or less cards than it should be;

6.2.2. there are two or more cards of the same suit and value, for example, two kings of spades. If this is discovered during the distribution, this distribution is declared invalid and all the chips of the players participating in it are returned to them;

6.2.3. there are cards with different "shirts";

6.2.4. there are defective cards.

A defective deck must be replaced immediately.

6.3. Retake

The retake is announced by the dealer, the chief judge of the competition, the judge of the competition, or a person authorized by the chief judge of the competition.

When a mulligan is called, the cards must be reshuffled and trimmed. A new hand starts with the same player as the previous erroneous one.

Transfer is declared if:

6.3.1. One or more cards have been exposed during the trimming process;

6.3.2. Prior to the start of the first round of betting, it was noticed that the cards were not shuffled and/or clipped prior to being dealt. If the betting circle still takes place, the distribution will be played to the end.

6.3.3. Prior to the start of the first round of betting, it was noticed that the dealer had dealt cards out of order and the error could not be corrected.

6.3.4. The dealer did not deal cards to the player or dealt cards to an empty place, which was noticed before the start of the first round of betting.

6.3.5. During the deal, the player received the wrong number of cards, and this was noticed before the start of the first round of betting.

6.3.6. During the deal, the dealer accidentally revealed more than one hole card, or the first card was exposed to the small or big blind.

Retake is not announced if:

6.3.7. The player who received the wrong number of cards made a claim before discovering the error. His cards are folded, all his bets are placed in the pot;

6.3.8. The player with the wrong number of cards did not make any bids, but other players had already made their decision in the betting round before the error was discovered. The player's cards are discarded, mandatory bets are not returned to the player, they are placed in the bank.

6.3.9. If only one player remains in the game, who at the time of the showdown has the wrong number of cards. This player loses the pot. The pot must be divided among the other players involved in the hand.

6.4. General rules

6.4.1. In the game, each player must constantly hold the cards in such a way that they are constantly in the field of view of the dealer and other players.

6.4.2. The player is at all times responsible for protecting his cards.

6.4.3. If a player is not at the table during the game, then the cards dealt to him are taken by the dealer in a pass, even if this player made a bet. The exception is if this bet is all-in. However, players must remain at the table until the showdown process is over (including all-in). Leaving the table is subject to a penalty kick.

6.4.4. If an absent player must post a blind, an ante or a bring-in, then this bet is made for him by the dealer from the stack of this absent player. The cards dealt to the absent player are folded by the dealer, and the blind, ante, bring-in remain in the pot. A player is considered absent in this situation if, at the time of the last hole card dealt to the player in the button position, he does not take his place at the table. Standing participation in the distribution is prohibited.

6.4.5. In all types of sports poker, a flipped card in the deck is considered a non-playing card and is thrown into the discard pile. The next card replaces it immediately.

6.4.6. If the dealer does not burn a card, or burns more than one card, and the betting round has not yet begun, the dealer must restore the cards, if possible, and burn the correct card. If it is not possible to recover the cards and the betting round has already begun, the distribution will continue. In this case, the hand will be played with the wrong number of burned cards.

6.4.7. If a player in any game accidentally drops and/or flips a card or cards, that card or cards remain in play.

6.4.8. Information about the player's stack size must be available. Chips of large denominations should be located in front of other chips so that they are clearly visible. Chips of different denominations should not be mixed with each other.

6.4.9. A deck change may be made during a dealer change, during a level change, or in accordance with the Competition Rules. Players cannot request a deck change unless they have noticed a defective card in that deck.

6.5. Error Correction Rules for Seven Card Stud Poker

6.5.1. If one of the player's first two cards is dealt face up, then the third card is dealt face down.

6.5.2. If during the deal the dealer dealt two cards face up to the player, the deal continues, then the second face up card is replaced by a burnt card.

6.5.3. If the dealer starts dealing cards before the final round of betting and sees that there are not enough cards to complete the deal, he must deal all remaining cards (except the last one, which should never be dealt). Then he must shuffle the burned cards and finish the deal. If there are not enough burnt cards, discarded cards are used.

6.5.4. The player who puts all-in is considered to continue the game and if any round of betting should begin with him, his application is always a check. If the player who put all-in should have made a bring-in bet, the betting continues after him clockwise, the next player can play a pass, bring-in or bet (complete - bring-in additions to the value of the bet in this round trade).

6.5.5. If the seventh card is dealt face-up or opened by the dealer in the process of dealing, then the player with the seventh card exposed must decide whether he will be considered the player who put all-in or not. If any bets have already been made in this betting round, then the player will be considered to be all-in until the end of the betting round. At the request of the player, he can continue the game according to the general rules.

6.6. Error Correction Rules for Texas Hold'em and Omaha

6.6.1. If the dealer revealed one of the hole cards during the deal, he continues the deal and then replaces the show card with the card that should have been the first card burned, and the show card becomes the first card burned.

6.6.2. If the dealer does not burn the card before the flop is dealt, and no bets follow after that, then the dealer takes the flop and shuffles it with the rest of the deck. The dealer then cuts the deck, burns the card, and deals the flop again.

6.6.3. If the flop consists of four cards instead of three, open or not, the dealer must shuffle those four cards face down; then one of the judges must come to choose one card at random, which will be the next burned card, and the remaining three will become the flop.

6.6.4. If more than four cards are dealt to the flop, the dealer takes it back along with the burned card and shuffles it with the remaining deck. The dealer then cuts the deck, burns the card, and deals the flop again.

6.6.5. If the flop is dealt before the betting round is completed, the dealer takes it back along with the burned card and shuffles it with the rest of the deck. The dealer then cuts the deck, burns the card, and deals the flop again.

6.6.6. If the turn is dealt before the betting round is complete, the dealer must remove that card from play and allow the players to complete the betting. The dealer must then burn the card, deal the next card face up, and allow the players to complete the betting. Then the prematurely dealt card is shuffled with the rest of the deck. The delivery of the river occurs according to the general rules, that is, with the burning of the card.

6.6.7. If the river is dealt before the betting round is completed, the dealer must remove that card and allow the players to complete the betting. The dealer must then take the prematurely dealt card, shuffle it with the rest of the deck, then burn the card and deal the next card face up.

6.6.8. If the dealer shows an extra card at the same time as the flop, turn or river, then the error correction procedure specified in paragraph 6.6.3 applies

6.6.9. If the dealer erroneously folds the cards of the player who announced all-in, then by decision of the Chief Referee, the cards can be returned to the game if it is possible to restore them exactly.


7.1. Violations

7.1.1. The Belarusian Federation of Sports Poker (hereinafter referred to as the BSFP) requires that all participants in sports poker competitions know and comply with these Rules, the Regulations for a particular competition, discipline, the laws of fair sports competition, and be correct in relation to opponents and officials.

The following actions are unacceptable and are the basis for applying appropriate disciplinary sanctions to violators.

7.1.2. Leaving cards by the player after the announcement of the pass is punishable by a warning. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender.

Note: A round is considered to be the number of hands equal to the number of players at the table at the time the penalty was imposed, including the penalized player.

7.1.3. An application deliberately made out of turn is punished with a warning. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender.

7.1.4. An agreement between the participants of the competition to perform joint actions in the game (group game) directed against other players is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping two rounds of distribution by the violators. The same violation committed by the players two or more times is punishable by disqualification in the current competition, or by disqualification in all official and rating competitions during the current sports season.

7.1.5. Showing your cards before the betting round has ended is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender. The player's cards are automatically folded. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping two rounds of distributions by the offender.

7.1.6 Correctly declaring the contents of one's own cards or an available combination using one's own cards is punishable by a penalty in the form of missing one round of distributions by the offender. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping two rounds of distributions by the offender.

Note 1: If a player unintentionally revealed his cards before the end of the betting round,he may continue to play with open cards until the end of the distribution, after which the penalty specified in paragraph 7.1.5 is applied to him.

7.1.7. An unreasonable delay in the game is punishable by a warning. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender.

Note : If a player is unable to make a decision within a reasonable amount of time, they are "called time" - 30 seconds to make a decision. If no decision has been made after 30 seconds, a 10-second countdown will begin. If a player has not made a decision before the end of the countdown, his cards are discarded.

7.1.8. A player's contact with cards that are on the loose, burned cards, cards of other players is punishable by a warning. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender. The same violation committed by a player intentionally in order to obtain information about the discard cards or discarded cards of opponents is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender or disqualification from the current tournament.

7.1.9. Discarding by a player of his cards into the cards of another player (players) is punishable by a warning. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender.

7.1.10. Setting your chips so that they interfere with the deal and (or) review of cards is punishable by a warning.

7.1.11. Insulting another player, an official - is punishable by a fine in the form of missing from one to four rounds of distribution by the offender, or disqualification in the current competition, or disqualification in all official and rating competitions during the current sports season.

7.1.12. Making an order out of turn, as well as leaving the table out of turn, is punishable by a warning. The same violation committed by the player two or more times is punishable by a fine in the form of missing one or two rounds of distribution by the offender.

7.1.13. Talking on the phone while at the poker table, whether participating in the hand or not, is punishable by a warning.

Note: To talk on the phone, the player must move away from the table.

7.1.14. Player's advice with someone or discussing the strategy of the game during the distribution - is punishable by a warning or a fine in the form of skipping one round of distributions by the offender.

7.1.15. Making a “check” or “call” application (with the exception of the “call” of an all-in application) by a player who is in position and has the maximum possible combination in this distribution is punished with a penalty in the form of missing one round of distributions by the violator.

7.1.16. The chief referee, the referee of the competition has the right to punish the participants of the competition for any other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior.

7.2. Disciplinary sanctions

7.2.1. The referee of the competition, after examining the circumstances of the violation, has the right to apply to the guilty player:

- warning;

- a fine in the form of skipping a certain number of rounds of hands by the violator.

7.2.2. The chief referee of the competition, after examining the circumstances of the violation, has the right to apply to the guilty player:

- disqualification in the current competition.

7.2.3. The decision to disqualify an athlete at all official and rating competitions during the current sports season is made by the BFSP on the basis of the competition protocol, in which this violation must be recorded by the chief referee.

7.3. Protest

7.3.1. In case of disagreement with the decision of the chief referee of the competition, the participant, in respect of which a disciplinary sanction was applied, has the right to submit a written statement (protest) to the BFSP through the Chief referee of the competition, indicating the reason for the appeal.

7.3.2. The protest must be filed before the end of the competition. Protests submitted after the specified deadline will not be accepted.

7.3.3. The Chief Referee of the competition must submit the received protest to the BFSP along with the protocol of the competition.

7.3.4. The BFSP, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the protest, considers it and makes a decision, of which it notifies the participant who filed the protest. The decisions of the BFSP are final.

7.4. Decisions for Justice

7.4.1. In competitions, abnormal situations may occur in which the Chief Referee may deviate from the established Rules, if this is dictated by the need for an honest attitude towards the players and the sporting spirit of the competition. It is the Chief Referee who has the duty to carefully monitor that the game is played fairly and fairly, and only on this basis to base his decisions.


The dealer dealt the river in Texas Hold'em, two players revealed their cards. The dealer mistakenly took the winning cards and discarded them. The first player insists that his hand was higher and he won, and the second player refers to the rule that the hand that came into contact with the discard cards is declared dead.

The chief judge is invited to the table. If he can restore the situation and make sure that the dealer's mistake has taken place, he is obliged to restore justice: hand the pot to the player who actually won the hand.

7.5. Other conditions

7.5.1. Any participant of the competitions held by the NGO "Belarusian Sports Poker Federation" or its subsidiaries according to these Rules, paying the entry fee for participation in them, gives his consent to the processing and use of his personal data within the framework of the activities of the NGO "BFSP", namely:

- the use of real personal data of the player in the documents regulating the holding of tournaments, as well as in publications on the official website of the NGO "BFSP" and other sources;

— provision of the player’s personal data at the request of state authorities and in the process of performing the functions of a tax agent for the withholding and payment of income tax on winners’ winnings by the NGO “BFSP”;

7.5.2 Payment of the entry fee for participation in the competitions specified in clause 7.5.1 also means consent to the creation and publication of photo and video materials with the participation of the player in the media and other sources, including as part of broadcasts of the game at the "video table" .

7.5.3. Smoking in the game room is strictly prohibited. Including smoking electronic cigarettes, vibes, etc.

7.5.4. Players participating in the game at the “video table” of the tournaments specified in clause 7.5.1. are prohibited from:

- use any electronic devices (phones, tablets, players, laptops, headphones, etc.) and keep them on the table;

- use profanity in conversation;

- eat at the table, put dishes on the table, bottles of water, etc.


Open Chinese Poker Pineapple (OFC) is a type of Chinese poker in which, on the second turn, players receive three hole cards, one of which they must discard.


The goal of the game is to make the strongest poker hand in order to beat your opponents and collect more points. The player with the most points at the end of the round wins.


Players of thirteen cards make up three boxes: two of five cards and one of three, trying with their poker hand to beat the hands in the corresponding boxes of opponents. The number of players in Chinese open poker is from 2 to 3. A standard deck of fifty-two cards is used to play.

The game uses the button to determine the position of each player, the button passes to the next player on a new round.

The player to the left of the button goes first after each deal during one hand. The rest of the players go clockwise, the last one is the player on the button.


At the beginning of the game, players are dealt five cards in turn, starting from the first position. After the first player has laid out his cards on the bottom, middle or top box, the second player lays out his five cards. This process is repeated until the last player has dealt their cards. The player can place the received cards on any of the three boxes.

Players then take turns receiving three hole cards. Then they must choose two cards they want to place on the top, middle, or bottom box and discard the remaining card. This is repeated until each player has 13 cards and a full hand in Chinese Poker. Standard Chinese poker rules apply, bottom box > middle box > top box, otherwise the hand is considered dead. Once a player has placed all his cards and ends his turn, he can no longer move cards between the bottom, middle and top boxes.


A player enters fantasy mode if he has made QQ or better on the top box and his hand is not dead. In this case, this participant enters the bonus round, in which his opponents play regular OFC, and he immediately receives fourteen cards in fantasy mode and can arrange them as normal hand in Chinese poker. The last, fourteenth card, must be discarded after the combinations on all rows have already been laid out.

Other players do not see the player's cards in fantasy mode until the end of the circle. In fantasy mode, all players collect regular OFC bonuses. In face-to-face Chinese poker, a player can repeat the fantasy if he hits three of a kind or "trips" on the top box or four of a kind on the bottom box.


Scoring system:

  • Round: +1 jackpot (or point)
  • Surrender or lease: +2 kush
  • Scoop: +6 jackpots

"Royalties" for the lower box:

  • Straight: +2 jackpots
  • Flush: +4 jackpots
  • Full house: +6 jackpots
  • Kare: +10 kush
  • Straight flush: +15 jackpots
  • Royal Flush: +25 jackpots

"Royalty" for the middle box (double "royalty" of the lower box):

  • Set: +2 jackpots
  • Street: +4 jackpots
  • Flush: +8 jackpots
  • Full house: +12 jackpots
  • Kare: +20 kush
  • Straight flush: +30 jackpots
  • Royal Flush: +50 jackpots

"Royalties" for the top box:

  • 66 +1 kush
  • 77 +2 kush
  • 88 +3 kush
  • 99 +4 kush
  • TT +5 jackpots
  • JJ +6 jackpots
  • QQ +7 jackpots
  • KK +8 kush
  • AA +9 kush
  • 222 +10 kush
  • 333 +11 kush
  • 444 +12 kush
  • 555 +13 kush
  • 666 +14 kush
  • 777 +15 kush
  • 888 +16 kush
  • 999 +17 kush
  • TTT +18 kush
  • JJJ +19 jackpots
  • QQQ +20 kush
  • KKK +21 kush
  • AAA +22 kush

General rules of the game

The calculation is made as follows - first 1-2, 1-3, then 2-3, where 1 is the player in the next position after the button and then around, where 3 is the player in the button position.

The transfer of the player is carried out from position 1.

The player(s) collects fantasy while at the table, after which the other players lay out the cards.

Declaring a fantasy repeat is optional.

If the number of cards distributed incorrectly, a re-distribution is announced on the fantasy

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